Chapter 5. Surfing the Web with Safari

Surfing the Web with Safari

If your iMac is connected to the Internet, you can browse or surf the sites on the World Wide Web. For surfing, Mac OS X provides the Safari browser, which enables you to quickly move from one Web page to another, search for interesting sites, and download files to your iMac.

Open and Close Safari 98

Open a Web Page 100

Follow a Link to a Web Page 101

Open Several Web Pages at Once 102

Find Your Way from One Page to Another 104

Return to a Recently Visited Page 106

Change the Page Safari Opens at First 108

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like 110

Find Interesting Web Sites 112

Download a File from the Internet 114

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds 116

Choose Essential Security Settings 118

Open and Close Safari

To start surfing the Web, you open the Safari browser.

Open and Close Safari

Open and Close Safari

Open Safari

  • Open and Close Safari


    If the Safari icon does not appear on the Dock, click the desktop. Choose Go and Applications, and then double-click the Safari icon in the Applications folder.

    The Safari window opens and shows your default page.


    The default page may be the Top Sites page, which shows the pages you have visited most recently, your home page, or another page.

    You can then browse to another page as explained later in this chapter.

Open and Close Safari

Close Safari

  • Open and Close Safari

    The Safari menu opens.

  • Open and Close Safari

    The Safari window closes.

Open and Close Safari


Are there quicker ways of opening and closing Safari?

The quickest way to launch Safari is to have your iMac launch it when you log in.

Open and Close Safari
Open and Close Safari

Can I use other another Web browser instead of Safari?

Safari is a fast and responsive browser, but you can use another Web browser instead if you prefer. The next most popular browser for Macs is Firefox, which you can download for free from Camino, free from, is another fast and easy-to-use browser for Macs.

Open and Close Safari

Open a Web Page

Each Web page has a unique address called a uniform resource locator or URL. The most straightforward way to go to a particular Web page is by typing its URL into the address box in Safari.

This technique works well for short addresses but is slow and awkward for complex addresses.

Open a Web Page

Open a Web Page

  • Open a Web Page

    Safari selects all of the current address.


    If you find triple-clicking difficult, press

    Open a Web Page
  • Open a Web Page


    You do not need to type in the http:// part of the address. Safari adds this automatically for you when you press

    Open a Web Page
  • Open a Web Page

    Safari opens the Web page and displays its contents.

Open a Web Page

Follow a Link to a Web Page

Once you have opened a page in Safari, you can use the easier way of navigating to a Web page: Clicking a link on a page to go to another page.

Most Web pages contain links to other pages. Some links are underlined, whereas others are attached to graphics or to different-colored text. When you position the mouse pointer over a link, it changes from

Follow a Link to a Web Page
Follow a Link to a Web Page

Follow a Link to a Web Page

  • Follow a Link to a Web Page
  • Follow a Link to a Web Page


    If the Safari window is not showing the status bar, choose View and Show Status Bar to display it.

  • Follow a Link to a Web Page

    Safari shows the linked Web page.

  • Follow a Link to a Web Page
Follow a Link to a Web Page

Open Several Web Pages at Once

To browse quickly and easily, you can open multiple Web pages at the same time. In Safari, you can open multiple pages on separate tabs in the same window or in separate windows.

Use separate tabs when you need to see only one of the pages at a time. Use separate windows when you need to compare two pages side by side.

Open Several Web Pages at Once

Open Several Web Pages at Once

Open Several Pages on Tabs in the Same Safari Window

  • Open Several Web Pages at Once


    You can also click Add (

    Open Several Web Pages at Once
  • Open Several Web Pages at Once

    The shortcut menu opens.

  • Open Several Web Pages at Once
  • Open Several Web Pages at Once


    You can now repeat steps 2 and 3 to open further pages on separate tabs.

  • Open Several Web Pages at Once
Open Several Web Pages at Once

Open Several Pages in Separate Safari Windows

  • Open Several Web Pages at Once
  • Open Several Web Pages at Once

    The shortcut menu opens.

  • Open Several Web Pages at Once


    You can also open a new window by pressing

    Open Several Web Pages at Once
  • Open Several Web Pages at Once
  • Open Several Web Pages at Once


You can also move back to the previous window by closing the new window you just opened.

Open Several Web Pages at Once


Can I change the way that Safari tabs and windows behave?

Choose Safari and Preferences to open the Preferences window, and then click Tabs (

Open Several Web Pages at Once
Open Several Web Pages at Once

Find Your Way from One Page to Another

As you browse, Safari tracks the pages that you visit, so that the pages form a path. You can go back along this path to return to a page you viewed earlier; after going back, you can go forward again as needed.

Safari keeps a separate path of pages in each open tab or window, so you can move separately in each.

Find Your Way from One Page to Another

Find Your Way from One Page to Another

Go Back One Page

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another

    Safari displays the previous page you visited in the current tab or window.

Go Forward One Page

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another


    The Next Page button is available only when you have gone back. Until then, there is no page for you to go forward to.

    Safari displays the next page for the current tab or window.

Find Your Way from One Page to Another

Go Back Multiple Pages

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another

    A pop-up menu opens showing the pages you have visited in the current tab or window.

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another

    Safari displays the page.

Go Forward Multiple Pages

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another

    A pop-up menu opens showing the pages further along the path for the current tab or window.

  • Find Your Way from One Page to Another

    Safari displays the page.

Find Your Way from One Page to Another


Can I navigate from page to page, or tab to tab, by using the keyboard?

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to move quickly from page to page and from tab to tab in Safari:

  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another
  • Press

    Find Your Way from One Page to Another

Return to a Recently Visited Page

To help you return to Web pages you have visited before, Safari keeps a History list of all the pages you have visited recently.

If you share a user account with other people, you can clear the History list to prevent them from seeing what Web pages you have visited. You can also shorten the length of time for which History tracks your visits.

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Return to a Page on the History List

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page

    The History menu opens.

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page


    If the item for the Web page you want appears on the top section of the History menu, before the day submenus, simply click the item.

    The submenu opens, showing the sites you visited on that day.

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page

    Safari displays the Web page.

Return to a Recently Visited Page

Clear Your Browsing History

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page

    The History menu opens.

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page

    The Are You Sure You Want to Clear History? dialog opens.

  • Return to a Recently Visited Page
  • Return to a Recently Visited Page

    Safari clears the History list.

Return to a Recently Visited Page


What does the Show All History command do?

Choose History and Show All History to open a History window for browsing and searching the sites you have visited. Type a term in the search box (

Return to a Recently Visited Page
Return to a Recently Visited Page

Change the Page Safari Opens at First

When you launch Safari, it automatically opens a page called your home page, the page from which it is set to start. Safari also opens your home page each time you open a new window.

You can set your home page to any Web page you want by using the technique explained here.

Change the Page Safari Opens at First

Change the Page Safari Opens at First

  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First
  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First

    The Safari menu opens.

  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First
    Change the Page Safari Opens at First

    The Preferences window opens.

  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First

    The General pane opens.

  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First

    Safari changes the Home Page text field to show the page you chose.

  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First
  • Change the Page Safari Opens at First

    The Preferences window closes.

Change the Page Safari Opens at First


Are there other General preferences I can benefit from changing?

In the New Windows Open With pop-up menu (

Change the Page Safari Opens at First
Change the Page Safari Opens at First

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

History is handy for revisiting Web pages, but you can also create markers called bookmarks for sites you want to revisit. The advantage of bookmarks over History is that you can organize your bookmarks and put the ones you use most frequently on the Bookmarks bar so that you can access them with a single click.

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

Create a New Bookmark

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    The Bookmarks menu opens.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    The Add Bookmark dialog opens, with the Web page's title added to the upper box.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    The pop-up menu opens.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    Safari closes the Add Bookmark dialog and adds the bookmark to the location or folder you chose.

Organize Your Bookmarks

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
    Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    Safari opens a list of all your bookmarks.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like


    The Bookmarks bar collection contains the bookmarks that appear on the Bookmarks bar below the address bar.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

    Safari adds a new bookmarks folder to the list.

  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
  • Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like


You can click and drag the bookmarks folders into a different order. You can also place one folder inside another folder.

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like


How do I go to a bookmark I have created?

If you placed the bookmark on the Bookmarks bar, click the bookmark. If you put the bookmark on the Bookmarks menu, click Bookmarks, and then click the bookmark on the Bookmarks menu or one of its submenus (

Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like
Keep Bookmarks for Web Pages You Like

Find Interesting Web Sites

Perhaps the best aspect of the Web is that you can search it for exactly the information you need.

Safari has a built-in search capability for searching with Google, the Internet's biggest search engine. You can also open a different search engine and search from it.

Find Interesting Web Sites

Find Interesting Web Sites

Search with the Built-in Google Search Feature

  • Find Interesting Web Sites
  • Find Interesting Web Sites
  • Find Interesting Web Sites

    Safari displays a page of search results from the Google search engine.

  • Find Interesting Web Sites

    The Web page opens.


When examining search results, it is often useful to

Find Interesting Web Sites
Find Interesting Web Sites

Search with a Search Engine other than Google

  • Find Interesting Web Sites
  • Find Interesting Web Sites


    Other search engines include Microsoft's Bing (, Yahoo! (, and Cuil (

  • Find Interesting Web Sites

    Safari displays the search engine you chose.

  • Find Interesting Web Sites
  • Find Interesting Web Sites
  • Find Interesting Web Sites

    The site displays a page of search results.

  • Find Interesting Web Sites

    Safari opens the linked Web page.

Find Interesting Web Sites


How can I get more useful search results?

Here are three ways to make your search results more accurate and helpful:

  • To keep two words together as a phrase instead of searching for them separately, put them in double quotes. For example, use "add memory" to search for that phrase rather than for add and for memory separately.

  • To exclude a word from a search, put a – sign before it. For example, –g5 tells Google not to return search results that include the term "G5."

  • To make sure each search result includes a particular term, put a + sign before it. For example, +upgrade tells Google to return only search results that include the term "upgrade."

Find Interesting Web Sites

Download a File from the Internet

Many Web sites contain files that you can download and use on your iMac. For example, you can download applications to install on your iMac, pictures to view on it, or songs to play.

Mac OS X includes applications that can open many file types, including music, graphic, movie, document, and PDF files. To open other file types, you may need to install extra applications.

Download a File from the Internet

Download a File from the Internet

  • Download a File from the Internet
  • Download a File from the Internet
  • Download a File from the Internet
  • Download a File from the Internet

    The shortcut menu opens.

  • Download a File from the Internet


    Depending on the file type and the preferences you have set, Safari may open the file automatically for you.

    Download a File from the Internet

    The file opens.

    Depending on the file type, you can then work with the file, enjoy its contents, or install it.


    If the file is an application, you can install it as discussed in Chapter 3. If the file is a data file, such as a document or a picture, Mac OS X opens the file in the application for that file type.

  • Download a File from the Internet

    The Downloads stack opens.

  • Download a File from the Internet

    The file opens.

Download a File from the Internet


Can downloading files from the Internet be dangerous to my iMac?

Files available on the Internet for download can contain software that attempts to attack your iMac or compromise your privacy. For safety, download files only from Web sites that you trust, and use antivirus software as discussed in Chapter 14.

What should I do when clicking a download link opens the file instead of downloading it?

Download a File from the Internet
Download a File from the Internet

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

If you like to keep up to the minute with what is happening, use Safari's news feeds to bring you the latest news. The news feeds use a technology called Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, to enable you to subscribe to Web sites and to receive the latest information when it becomes available.

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

Open a News Feed from Safari

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

    The News pop-up menu opens.

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

    Safari displays a page showing the headlines of the available articles.

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds
  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

    Safari opens the article.


To find articles on a particular topic, click in the Search Articles box and type one or more keywords.

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

Open a News Feed from a Web Site

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

    If multiple news feeds are available, a menu opens.

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

    Safari opens the news feed.

  • Keep Up to Date with News Feeds


    You can bookmark a news feed by choosing Bookmarks and Add Bookmark.

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds


How can I get the latest news feeds in Safari?

Choose Safari and Preferences. The Preferences window opens. Click RSS (

Keep Up to Date with News Feeds
Keep Up to Date with News Feeds

Choose Essential Security Settings

The Web is packed with fascinating sites and useful information, but it is also full of criminals who want to attack your iMac and steal your valuable data.

Safari comes with several important security settings. It is a good idea to make sure all the protective settings you need are turned on.

Choose Essential Security Settings

Choose Essential Security Setting

  • Choose Essential Security Settings

    The Safari menu opens.

  • Choose Essential Security Settings

    The Preferences window opens.

  • Choose Essential Security Settings

    The Security pane opens.

  • Choose Essential Security Settings
  • Choose Essential Security Settings
    Choose Essential Security Settings
  • Choose Essential Security Settings
  • Choose Essential Security Settings
  • Choose Essential Security Settings

    The AutoFill pane opens.

  • Choose Essential Security Settings
  • Choose Essential Security Settings

    The Preferences window closes.

Choose Essential Security Settings


Should I allow pop-up windows for certain Web sites?

Pop-up windows can be dangerous. Some shopping sites need pop-up windows to function properly, but many malicious Web sites use pop-up windows to distribute malevolent software. For safety, keep pop-up windows blocked until you know a particular site requires them. Then choose Safari and Block Pop-up Windows to temporarily allow pop-ups, removing the check mark from the command. When you have finished, click the command again to restore the blocking.

Choose Essential Security Settings

What are cookies, and should I accept them?

A cookie is a small text file that a Web site uses to store information about what you do on the site – for example, what products you have browsed or added to your shopping cart. Cookies from sites you visit are usually helpful to you. Cookies from third-party sites, such as those that advertise on sites you visit, may threaten your privacy. For this reason, choose Only from sites I visit rather than Always in the Accept Cookies area.

Choose Essential Security Settings
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