Chapter 3. Running Applications and Creating Documents

Mac OS X includes many applications, such as the TextEdit word processor, the Preview viewer for PDF files and images, and the iTunes player for music and videos. You can use these applications to create and open documents, but you will very likely need to install other applications as well.

Running Applications and Creating Documents

Open and Close an Application 50

Install an Application 52

Switch Quickly to Other Applications 54

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac 56

Create and Save a Document 58

Close and Open a Document 60

Edit a Document 62

Use Mac OS X's Help System 64

Open and Close an Application

To use an application, you must first open it. You can open an application from the Dock if the application's icon appears there or from the Applications folder if it does not. When you have finished using an application, you close it by giving a Quit command.

Open and Close an Application

Open and Close an Application

Open an Application from the Dock

  • Open and Close an Application


    If you do not recognize an application's icon, position the mouse pointer over it to display the application's name.

  • The application opens.

Open and Close an Application

Open an Application from the Applications Folder

  • Open and Close an Application

    A Finder window opens.

  • Open and Close an Application

    An icon appears for each application.

  • Open and Close an Application

    The application opens.

Close an Application

  • Open and Close an Application

    The menu appears.

  • Open and Close an Application


    If any document that you have opened in the application contains unsaved changes, the application prompts you to save them. Normally you should click Save, but you can click Do Not Save if you want to discard the changes since you last saved.

Open and Close an Application


Can I add an application to the Dock so that I do not need to open the Applications folder?

You can click an application in the Applications folder and drag it to the Dock. Drop the application to the left of the divider line between applications and files. Alternatively, open the application,

Open and Close an Application
Open and Close an Application

Can I close an application by closing its window?

Most Mac OS X applications enable you to open multiple windows, and even when you close the last window, the application remains open. But some applications quit automatically when you close the last window or the only window that the application lets you use. After closing a window, see if the application's menu bar is still active. If so, quit the application.

Install an Application

To get your work or play done, you will most likely need to install applications on your iMac. You can install an application or a suite of related applications either from a CD or DVD or from a file that you have downloaded from the Internet.

Install an Application

Install an Application

  • Install an Application

    If the application is on a CD or DVD, insert the disc in your iMac's optical drive.

    If the application is in a file you have downloaded, double-click the file.

    A Finder window opens showing the contents of the disc or file.

  • Install an Application

    A dialog opens prompting you to type your password.


    To install most applications, you must have an Administrator account or provide an Administrator's password.

  • Install an Application
  • Install an Application
    Install an Application

    The installation continues. When it is complete, Installer displays a screen telling you that the install succeeded.

  • Install an Application

    Installer closes.

  • Install an Application

    A Finder window opens.

  • Install an Application

    The list of applications appears.

  • Install an Application


    Some application suites place a folder in the Applications folder. Click this folder in Column view, or double-click it in any other view, to see the applications.

    The application opens.


    Installer places icons for some applications on the Dock. You can click the application's icon to open the application.

Install an Application


How do I install an application that has no installer or installation instructions?

If the application does not have an installer or specific installation instructions, use the standard method of installing an application on Mac OS X. Click the icon in the Finder window for the application's disc or file, and then drag the application's icon to the Applications folder in the sidebar. If the sidebar does not appear, click the rounded button at the right end of the window's title bar.

Install an Application

Switch Quickly to Other Applications

When you work with several applications at the same time, it is often useful to switch quickly from one application to another. In Mac OS X, you can switch quickly by using either the mouse or the keyboard.

Switch Quickly to Other Applications

Switch Quickly to Other Applications

Switch Applications Using the Mouse

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications
  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications

    All the windows for that application appear in front of the other applications' windows.

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications

    The Window menu opens.

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications
Switch Quickly to Other Applications

Switch among Applications Using the Keyboard

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications

    Application Switcher opens, showing an icon for each open application.

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications


    Press and hold

    Switch Quickly to Other Applications
  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications


    To return to the application that was active before you opened Application Switcher, press

    Switch Quickly to Other Applications

    Application Switcher closes, and the selected application comes to the front.

  • Switch Quickly to Other Applications
Switch Quickly to Other Applications


Are there other ways of switching among applications?

You can switch among applications by using the keyboard and the mouse together. Press and hold

Switch Quickly to Other Applications
Switch Quickly to Other Applications

Can I do anything else with Application Switcher apart from switch to an application?

You can also hide an application or quit an application from Application Switcher. Press and hold

Switch Quickly to Other Applications
Switch Quickly to Other Applications

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

Another way of switching among windows is by using the Exposé feature, which shrinks down open windows so that you can see all those you need. You can display all open windows in all applications or just the windows in a particular application.

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

See All the Windows Open in All Applications

  • See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

    Mac OS X shrinks and repositions each window so that you can see all windows. The desktop background darkens to make the windows more visible.

  • See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

    Mac OS X restores the windows to normal size and displays the window you clicked at the front.

    You can now work with the window you clicked.

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

See All the Windows in the Active Application

  • See All the Windows Open on Your iMac
  • See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

    Mac OS X tiles the windows of the application you chose so that you can see them all, and hides all other applications' windows.

  • See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

    Mac OS X restores all the windows from all the applications, placing the window you clicked at the front.

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac


Does Exposé have any other tricks I should know about?

After pressing

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac
See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

Can I trigger Exposé with the mouse instead of the keyboard?

Yes, you can run Exposé with the mouse. What you need to do is set up a hot corner on the screen for Exposé. You then move the mouse pointer to that corner to trigger Exposé. See Chapter 12 for instructions.

See All the Windows Open on Your iMac

Create and Save a Document

After opening an application, you can create a document and work with it. Mac OS X stores the document temporarily in your iMac's memory as you work. To keep the document permanently, you save the document to your iMac's hard disk.

Create and Save a Document

Create a Document

Create a Document

  • Create and Save a Document

    The File menu opens.

  • Create and Save a Document


    Some applications display a New dialog to let you choose among different types of documents. Click the type you want, and then click OK.

    A new document opens.

  • Create and Save a Document
Create and Save a Document

Save a Document

  • Create and Save a Document

    The File menu opens.


    You can also save a document by pressing

    Create and Save a Document
  • Create and Save a Document

    The Save As dialog appears.

  • Create and Save a Document
  • Create and Save a Document
  • Create and Save a Document

    The application saves the document.

Create and Save a Document


When and how often should I save a document?

To avoid losing data, save each document as soon as you create it. After you have chosen the document's folder and given it a name, you can save it in moments by pressing

Create and Save a Document
Create and Save a Document

How do I save a document under another name?

After you give a document a name, the application keeps saving changes to it under that name. To save the latest version of the document with a different name, click File and then click Save As (

Create and Save a Document
Create and Save a Document

Close and Open a Document

After creating and saving a document, close it when you have finished working with it. You can then reopen the document whenever you need to work with it.

Close and Open a Document

Close and Open a Document

Close a Document

  • Close and Open a Document

    The File menu opens.

  • Close and Open a Document


    You can also press

    Close and Open a Document

    If the document contains unsaved changes, a dialog opens asking if you want to save changes.

  • Close and Open a Document

    The document closes.


When you tell an application to quit, the application automatically closes each open document. If any document contains unsaved changes, the application displays a dialog asking if you want to save the changes. The application does not quit until you dismiss the dialog.

Close and Open a Document

Open a Document

  • Close and Open a Document

    The File menu opens.


    You can also press

    Close and Open a Document
  • Close and Open a Document

    The Open dialog appears.

  • Close and Open a Document
  • Close and Open a Document
  • Close and Open a Document

    A window opens showing the document.

Close and Open a Document


Are there other ways of opening documents?

If you have opened the document recently, choose File and then Recent Files, and then click the document. In a Finder window, double-click the document, or select it and press

Close and Open a Document
Close and Open a Document

Edit a Document

Many types of documents are based on text — for example, word processing documents, text files, and e-mails. To edit such documents, you can use standard techniques of selecting, copying, moving, and deleting text.

Edit a Document

Edit a Document

Select Text

  • Edit a Document


    You can also select by clicking at the end of the text and dragging to the beginning. Sometimes this is easier.

  • Edit a Document

    The application highlights the selected text, and you can then work with it.

Delete a Selection

  • Edit a Document
  • Edit a Document

    The text disappears.


    To delete text without selecting it first, click after the last character of the text, and then press

    Edit a Document
Edit a Document

Copy or Move Text

  • Edit a Document


    You can also press

    Edit a Document
  • Edit a Document
  • Edit a Document


    The Cut and Copy commands both place the text on the Mac OS X Clipboard, an area of memory that can hold one item at a time. Cut also removes the text from the document.

  • Edit a Document


    You can also click to place the insertion point where you want it and press

    Edit a Document

    The shortcut menu opens.

  • Edit a Document

    The application inserts the text where you clicked.

Edit a Document


Is there a way to control scrolling when I click and drag to select text that continues off the screen?

When you need to select past the end of the text on the screen, it is usually easier to use a different method than clicking and dragging. Click to place the insertion point where you want to begin selecting. Scroll until you can see the end of the text you want to select. Press and hold

Edit a Document
Edit a Document

Use Mac OS X's Help System

Mac OS X includes a built-in help system that you can use to solve problems that this book does not cover. You can launch the help system from the Finder toolbar or by clicking a Help button in a dialog. You can then either browse or search to find the information you need.

Use Mac OS X's Help System

Use Mac OS X's Help System

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System

    The Finder becomes active.

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System

    The Help menu opens.

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System

    The Mac Help window opens and displays the Mac Help screen.

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
    Use Mac OS X's Help System

    The Mac Help window shows a list of topics related to what you searched for.

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System

    Mac Help displays the detailed help for the topic.

  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
  • Use Mac OS X's Help System
  • Use Mac OS X's Help System

    The Mac Help window closes.

Use Mac OS X's Help System


Can I print out a Help topic for reference?

To print the current topic, click Action (

Use Mac OS X's Help System
Use Mac OS X's Help System

How do I get help for other applications?

Each application has its own Help menu. Activate the application, click Help to open the Help menu, and then click the Help topic for the application or type your search terms and press

Use Mac OS X's Help System
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