

+ (addition) operator, 105

/ (division) operator, 105

= (equals) operator, 105

> (greater than) operator, 105

< (less than) operator, 105

* (multiplication) operator, 105

“” (quotation marks), SQL operators, 106

– (subtraction) operator, 105

% (wildcard) operator, 105

3D effects (charts), 226



collections, 293

protected folders, 296

report items, 175-177

reports, 71-72

Access Required to ConfigMgr Collection field (report request form Security section), 152


AD security user, creating, 44

network service, configuring, 16

RP user, selecting, 46, 48

Windows user account credentials (RPs), 49


adding to charts, 233-236

appearance, 254, 256

chart values as parameters, passing, 239

hyperlinks, adding, 254

table cell values, adding, 245-246

AD (Active Directory), 319

security groups

adding permissions, 66-70

applying security roles, 62-65

deleting permissions, 70

Inventory Report Reader security role, applying, 76, 325-326

Report Reader security role, applying, 75-76, 323-324

Software Updates Report Reader security role, applying, 76, 324-325

viewing permissions, 65

security user accounts, creating, 44

addition (+) operator, 105

Add New Item dialog, 168

Add Reference dialog, 297

Add Site System Roles Wizard, 45-46

aggregate functions

AVG, 108

COUNT, 108

Adobe Reader XI installed, counting example, 128, 331-332

online content, 354

sample query, 331-332

date and time, 109

common, 110

complete listing of website, 109

date parts, 109

datetime format, 111

date values, storing, 110

demonstration example, 128-129, 332-333

format, 109

online content, 354

query example, 110

defined, 107

listing of, 107

MAX, 108

online content, 353, 354

query example, 107-108

SUM, 108

AI (Configuration Manager Asset Intelligence), 319


SQL queries

creating, 127, 330

online content, 354

SQL views, 104-105

alternating row colors, 183-185

Alternating Row Colors field (report request form Table Details section), 151

AND operator, 105

applications, 319

APP-V (Microsoft Application Virtualization), 319

arithmetic operators, listing of, 105

automatic logon (SSRS website), 288

Chrome, 311

Firefox, 311

Internet Explorer, 310

Opera, 312

Yandex, 311

Available Mock-up of the Report field (report request form Report Information section), 149

AVG function, 108


background color

rows (reports), 181-183

tables, 266-267

backing up custom reports, 160

bar charts, 220

BIDS (SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio), 319

BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service), 319

blank reports, troubleshooting, 313-315

building. See creating


CAS (central administration site), 319

Cascade Prompt field (report request form Parameters section), 149

cascade prompts, 210

CASE function, 111-112

displaying all computer names and system enclosure chassis types query demonstration, 129-130, 333-335

online content, 353, 354

resources, 112

sample query, 111-112

syntax, 111

CAST function, 112-113

all system names and last hardware scan date, converting last hardware scan date format, 130, 334-335

online content, 353

resources, 113

sample query, 113

syntax, 113

central administration site (CAS), 319

Chart Area Properties dialog, 226

Chart field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Chart Name field (report request form Charts section), 150

charts, 177, 220


adding, 233-236

chart values as parameters, passing, 239

adding to SSDT-BI reports, 221-226, 238, 341

charts, selecting, 222

data, adding, 224

dataset, customizing, 222-224

previewing report data, 226

RBA reports, 316

sizing, 225

bar, 220

column, 220

Computer Hardware Information report, adding, 239, 343

customizing, 225-233

3D effects, 226

color, 266

deleting titles, 226, 227

displaying labels outside charts, 229-231

labels, 228

legends, moving, 226, 228

previewing customizations, 229, 230

spacing between labels, 230, 232

doughnut, 221


customizing, 228

displaying outside charts, 229-231

spacing between, 230, 232

line, 220

online content, 356

Patch Compliance Progression report, adding, 238-239, 341

pie, 221

sizing, 225

Charts section (report request forms), 150

Chart Title field (report request form Charts section), 150

Chrome SSRS website automatic logon, 311

CI (configuration item), 319


collection. See collections

hardware inventory

current data views, 84, 289

cycles, changing, 85

hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle query, 85-86

history data views, 84, 290

online content, 352

overview, 84

software title query example, 85

SQL view name identifiers, 84

heartbeat discovery

cycles, changing, 83

query example, 83

software inventory

cycle, changing, 55

Internet Explorer versions query, 87

online content, 352

overview, 86

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 86

software metering

overview, 89

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

rules, creating, 90

SQL views, listing of, 89

start/stop times query, 89-90

software update

missing software updates query, 88-89

overview, 87

permissions, 57

point (SUP), 320

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 88

state messages

last enforcement message for software updates query, 91-92

online content, 352

overview, 91

topic types, listing of, website, 92

views, 91

status message

last site server backup query, 90-91

online content, 352

overview, 90

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

views, 90

CM (System Center Configuration Manager), 319

CM12 (System Center 2012 Configuration Manager), 319

CM12R (System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager), 319


accessing with RBA security role, 293

computer names within collection query, 93

online content, 352

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

RBA query performance

moving RBA into collection prompt, 308-309

non-RBA collection prompt, 308

RBA collection prompt, 308

views, 93


custom palettes based on values, 263-267, 284, 345-346

previewing, 266

table background color, 266-267

custom palettes cycling through color codes, 259-263, 284, 345-346

expression based on status values, 266

multiple same colored wedges, troubleshooting, 263

out-of-the-box palettes, 259-260

rows (reports)

alternating, 183-185

background, 181-183

Column Action field (report request forms Table Layout subsection), 151

column charts, 220

Column Data field (report request forms Table Layout subsection), 151

Column # field (report request forms Table Layout subsection), 151


average number, returning, 108

largest number, returning, 108

naming in query results, 106

ResourceID, 116

total number of items, 108

total value, 108

Column Title field (report request forms Table Layout subsection), 151

combining SQL views. See joins

Computer Hardware Information Chart report, 356

Computer Hardware Information Prompt report, 356

Computer Hardware Information report

3D exploded pie chart, adding, 239, 343

charts, adding, 316

creating, 196-197, 338-340

dataset, customizing, 238, 341-342

drillthrough series example, 283-284, 344-345

page sizes, customizing, 237, 341-342

ConfigMgr (System Center Configuration Manager), 319

accessing reports, 71-72

Asset Intelligence (AI), 319

Reporting Services Point. See RPs

security group permissions

adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

viewing, 65

security roles

applying to security groups, 62-65

deleting, 58-59

exporting, 58-61

importing, 60-62

Security Roles node, opening, 52-53

SQL schema websites, 82

ConfigMgr RBA SQL queries

converting SQL queries to, 289-291

creating, 289-291

collection data, 290

current hardware data, 289

discovery data views, 289

history hardware data, 290

software data, 290

status message data, 290

testing, 292-294

configuration item (CI), 319

Configure Subscription field (report request form Security section), 152


SSMS default database, 96


connection, testing, 16, 21

credentials, 22

database, 16, 19-20

email, 24-26

network service accounts, 16-24

report manager URL, 20-24

Report Server Status page, 16-17

web service URL, 17-18


database servers with SSMS

creating, 94

troubleshooting, 94-95

SSRS, testing, 16, 21

consistency (reports)

look and feel, 140-142

printed versus screen layout, 142-144

CONVERT function, 112-113

all system names and last hardware scan date, converting last hardware scan date format, 130, 334-335

online content, 353, 354

resources, 113

sample query, 113

syntax, 113


data types, 112-113

SQL queries to RBA queries, 289-291

Computer Hardware Information query, 316, 348-349

Patch Compliance Progression query, 315

SSDT-BI reports to RBA reports

adding SrsResources.dll file, 295-296

Patch Compliance Progression report, 315

referencing SrsResources.dll file, 296-298

copying existing security roles, 52-54

COUNT function, 108

Adobe Reader XI installed, counting example, 128, 331-332

online content, 354

sample query, 331-332


projects, 165-168, 195

RBA datasets, 298-300

RBA prompts, 302

RBA queries, 289-291

collection data, 290

converting SQL queries to, 289-291

current hardware data, 289

discovery data, 289

history hardware data, 290

software data, 290

status message data, 290

RBA templates, 303


adding tables, 177-179

Computer Hardware Information report, 196-197, 338-340

datasets, adding, 171-174

data sources, adding, 170-171

formatting tables, 178-180

Patch Compliance Progression report, 196, 338-339

previewing, 180-181

report items, 175-177

requirements, questioning, 156-157

sizes, 173-174

with SSDT-BI, 168-170, 355

SSDT-BI versus Report Builder, 163-164

from templates, 204-206

requested reports, 146-147

basic information, 147-149

charts information, 150

completed report based on request form example, 153-155

customizations information, 153

export information, 151-152

parameters information, 149

requirements, questioning, 156-157

security information, 152-153

table details information, 150-151

table layout information, 151

verification, 157-158

RPs, 45-50

completion, 49-50

prerequisites, 44

proxy settings, 46, 47

role, selecting, 46, 47

site server database/database name verification, 46, 48

site system roles, 45

user accounts, selecting, 46, 48

validating installation, 51

Windows user account credentials, 49

security roles, 52-56

existing roles, copying, 52-54

online content, 351-352

permissions, 52, 54-56

read-only auditor role, copying, 52

Security Roles node, opening, 52-53

software metering, rules, 90

SQL queries with aliases, 127, 330

subscriptions in SSRS, 277-278

templates, 200-204

body size width, 203

demonstration example, 236, 340-341

expanding width, monitoring, 202

headers/footers, 203

InteractiveSize property values, 201

margin sizes, 201, 202

report height size, 203

credentials (SSRS), configuring, 22

CSV (comma-separated values) file format, 145

current hardware inventory data views

RBA functions, 289

SQL views, listing of, 84

custom color palettes

based on values, 263-267, 284, 345-346

cycles through color codes, 259-263, 284, 345-346

Custom Fill Colors field (report request form Charts section), 150

Customization Required from the Default Template Report field (report request form Report Customizations section), 153


charts, 225-233

3D effects, 226

deleting titles, 226, 227

displaying labels outside charts, 229-231

labels, 228

legends, moving, 226, 228

previewing customizations, 229, 230

spacing between labels, 230, 232

color palette that cycles through provided colors, 259-263

hardware inventory cycles, 85

heartbeat discovery cycles, 83

logos, 72-75

default images, restoring, 75

hyperlinks for company website on, creating, 246-248

image size, 72-73

software inventory cycles, 55

SQL queries, 126, 329

custom reports

backing up, 160

process, handling, 146

request forms, 146-147

Charts section, 150

completed report based on request form example, 153-155

Export section, 151-152

Parameters section, 149

publishing, 155

Report Customizations section, 153

Report Information section, 147-149

requirements, questioning, 156-157

Security section, 152-153

Table Details section, 150-151

Table Layout subsection, 151

reviewing, 159

subscriptions, 158

verification, 157-158

cycles, customizing

hardware inventory, 85

heartbeat discovery, 83

software inventory, 55



adding to charts, 224

collections. See collections


discovery options, 82

heartbeat discovery, 83

online content, 352

SQL views with RBA functions, 289

views, 82

hardware inventory

current data views, 84, 289

cycles, changing, 85

hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle query, 85-86

history data views, 84, 290

online content, 352

overview, 84

software title query example, 85

SQL view name identifiers, 84

software inventory

cycle, changing, 55

Internet Explorer versions query, 87

online content, 352

overview, 86

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 86

software metering (SWM)

overview, 89

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

rules, creating, 90

SQL views, listing of, 89

start/stop times query, 89-90

software update

missing software updates query, 88-89

overview, 87

permissions, 57

point (SUP), 320

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 88

state messages

last enforcement message for software updates query, 91-92

online content, 352

overview, 91

topic types, listing of, website, 92

views, 91

status message

last site server backup query, 90-91

online content, 352

overview, 90

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

views, 90

stored in databases, 111

converting data types, 112-113

returned data NULL values, checking for, 114

translating data based on results, 111-112

data bars (reports), 177


server connections with SSMS, 94-95

SQL Server Management Studio default, configuring, 96

SSRS, configuring, 16, 19-20

stored data, transforming, 111

converting data types, 112-113

returned data NULL values, checking, 114

translating data based on results, 111-112

Dataset Properties dialog, 171, 298


RBA, creating, 298-300

reports, adding, 171-174

Data Source Properties dialog, 170

data sources

adding to reports, 170-171

uploaded reports on SSRS website, updating, 270-273

date and time functions, 109

common, 110

complete listing of website, 109

date parts, 109

datetime format, 111

date values, storing, 110

demonstration example, 128-129, 332-333

format, 109

online content, 354

query example, 110

DATEDIFF function, 110

DATEPART function, 110

datetime format, 111

day date part, 109

DCM (desired configuration management), 320

Default Value field (report request form Parameters section), 149


chart titles, 226, 227

permissions from security groups, 70

reports, 159

security roles, 58-59

Description field (report request form Report Information section), 148

designing reports, 140

consistent look and feel, 140-142

printed versus screen layout consistency, 142-144

templates, 142-143

body size width, 203

creating, 200-204, 236, 340-341

creating new reports from, 204-206

expanding width, monitoring, 202

headers/footers, 203

InteractiveSize property values, 201

margin sizes, 201-202

online content, 356

RBA, creating, 303

report height size, 203

desired configuration management (DCM), 320

Detail Each Customization Required field (report request form Report Customizations section), 153

Detailed Computer Information report, creating, 242-244

detailed PC reports, 139


Add New Item, 168

Add Reference, 297

Chart Area Properties, 226

Dataset Properties, 171, 298

Data Source Properties, 170

Expression, 234

Legend Properties, 226

Report Parameter Properties, 215

Report Properties, 296

Select Chart Type, 222

Series Properties, 234

Subreport Properties, 249

Text Box Properties, 184

discovery data

discovery options, 82

heartbeat discovery

cycles, changing, 83

query example, 83

online content, 352

SQL views with RBA functions, 289

views, 82

DISTINCT keyword, 103-104

division (/) operator, 105

doughnut charts, 221

downloading SSDT-BI, 38

DP (distribution point), 320

Drillthrough field (report request form Table Details section), 151

Drillthrough on Chart Items field (report request form Charts section), 150

drillthroughs, 242

actions on table cell values, adding, 245-246

Computer Hardware Information series example, 283-284, 344-345

Patch Compliance Progression series example, 282-283, 343-344

report for drilling through, creating, 242-244

subreports, adding, 257

dropdown prompts (reports), adding, 213-217


editing. See customizing

email subscriptions, configuring, 24-26, 279-281


3D effects (charts), 226

remote errors (SSRS), 26-29

SSDT-BI ruler, 174

Enhansoft Logo Changer. See Logo Changer utility

equals (=) operator, 105


invalid object name error message (SQL Server Management Studio), 96-97

Microsoft Update errors, 32

permission uploading reports to SSRS website, 268


SrsResources not declared, 312-313

System.Security.Permissions .SecurityPermission permission request, 312


complete listing example, 29

example, 27

remote errors, enabling, 26-29

subscriptions, 277


editing reports, 145

exporting reports to, 145

existing security roles, copying, 52-54

Exportable field (report request form Export section), 152


reports, 144

to CSV, 145

to Excel, 145

to MHTML, 145

to PDF, 144-145

request form information, 151-152

from SSDT-BI, 206-207

from SSRS, 271

to TIFF, 145

to Word, 146

to XML, 145

security roles, 58-61

Export section (report request forms), 151-152

Expression dialog, 234

expressions (color), 261-262


fallback status point (FSP), 320


label, 209

report request form sections

Charts, 150

Export, 151-152

Parameters, 149

Report Customizations, 153

Report Information, 147-149

Security section, 152-153

Table Details, 150-151

Table Layout, 151

value, 209

Firefox SSRS website automatic logon, 311


protected, accessing, 296

reports, 161

RPs, 51

uploading reports on SSRS website, 268-270

footers (reports)

adding, 191-193

templates, 203

formatting tables, 178-180

FQDN (fully qualified domain name), 320

FROM statements, 101-102

FSP (fallback status point), 320

FULL JOIN statement, 123-125

defined, 123

online content, 354


results, 124-125

sample, 123


aggregate. See aggregate functions

CASE, 111-112

displaying all computer names and system enclosure chassis types query demonstration, 129-130, 333-335

online content, 353, 354

resources, 112

sample query, 111-112

syntax, 111

CAST, 112-113

all system names and last hardware scan date, converting last hardware scan date format, 130, 334-335

online content, 353

resources, 113

sample query, 113

syntax, 113

CONVERT, 112-113

all system names and last hardware scan date, converting last hardware scan date format, 130, 334-335

online content, 353, 354

resources, 113

sample query, 113

syntax, 113


Adobe Reader XI installed, counting example, 128, 331-332

online content, 354

sample query, 331-332

date and time, 109

common, 110

complete listing of website, 109

date parts, 109

datetime format, 111

date values, storing, 110

demonstration example, 128-129, 332-333

format, 109

online content, 354

query example, 110

GetColor, 265


online content, 353, 355

replacing NULL values from v_R_System_Valid view, 130, 336

resources, 114

sample query, 114

syntax, 114

pageLoad, 313-314

SQL 2008, 314

SQL 2008 R2, 314

SQL 2012, 313-314


gauges (reports), 177

GetColor function, 265

GETDATE function, 110

GPO (Group Policy Object), 312, 320

greater than (>) operator, 105

GROUP BY operator, 104

groups (security)


adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

viewing, 65

security roles, applying, 62-65

Inventory Report Reader, 76, 325-326

Report Reader, 75-76, 323-324

Software Updates Report Reader, 76, 324-325


hard drive size changes hardware inventory query, 85-86

hardware inventory

current data views

RBA functions, 289

SQL views, 84

cycles, changing, 85

history data views

RBA functions, 290

SQL views, 84

online content, 352

overview, 84


hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle, 85-86

software titles, 85

SQL view name identifiers, 84

headers (reports)

page headers, adding, 188-191

table header rows, repeating, 187-189

templates, 203

heartbeat discovery data

cycles, changing, 83

query example, 83

history hardware data SQL views

listing of, 84

RBA functions, 290

horizontal lines separating subreports, creating, 252-253

hour date part, 109


adding, 246-248

subreports, 258

table cells, creating, 254, 255


images, 177

adding, 193-195

default, restoring, 75

horizontal lines separating subreports, creating, 252-253


customizing, 72-75

default images, restoring, 75

hyperlinks for company website on, creating, 246-248

image size, 72-73

Logo Changer utility details, 72

Images field (report request form Report Customizations section), 153

importing security roles, 53, 60-62

Include Labels field (report request form Charts section), 150

Include Legend field (report request form Charts section), 150

Include Subreports field (report request form Report Customizations section), 153

indicators (reports), 177

inefficient queries

executing, 131, 336-337

online content, 354

INNER JOIN statement, 119, 354

IN operator, 105


RPs, 45-50

completion, 49-50

prerequisites, 44

proxy settings, 46, 47

role, selecting, 46, 47

site server database/database name verification, 46, 48

site system roles, 45

user accounts, selecting, 46, 48

validating installation, 51

Windows user account credentials, 49

SQL client tools, 31-38

completing installation, 35-38

configuration rules, 35-37

global rules, 32

install rules, 35

licensing, 32, 33

management tools features, 35-36

SQL server features, 35-36

SSDT-BI, 38-40


default SQL instance on Windows server, 8

features, selecting, 12

location selection, 9-12

preparations, 8

results, 15

Intended Usage field (report request form Report Information section), 140

interactive sorting (reports), 184-187

Interactive Sorting field (report request form Table Details section), 151

Internet Explorer

SSRS website automatic logon, 310

versions software inventory query, 87



current data views, 84

cycles, changing, 85

hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle query, 85-86

history data views, 84

overview, 84

software title query example, 85

SQL view name identifiers, 84

online content, 352


cycle, changing, 55

Internet Explorer versions query, 87

online content, 352

overview, 86

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 86

software metering

overview, 89

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

rules, creating, 90

SQL views, listing of, 89

start/stop times query, 89-90

software update

missing software updates query, 88-89

overview, 87

permissions, 57

point (SUP), 320

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 88

Inventory Report Reader security role, applying, 76, 325-326

ISNULL function, 114

online content, 353, 355

replacing NULL values from v_R_System_Valid view, 130, 336

resources, 114

sample query, 114

syntax, 114



defined, 116

demonstrating, 130-131


defined, 123

online content, 354

query results, 124-125

query sample, 123

inner, 119, 354

left outer, 120-121, 354

online content, 353-354, 355

ResourceID column, 116

right outer, 121-123, 354

sample query, 117

user versus computer real world example, 117

v_R_System_Valid view, 117-118

Justification field (report request form Report Customizations section), 153


label fields (reports), 209

labels (charts)

customizing, 228

displaying outside charts, 229-231

spacing between, 230, 232

LAN (local area network), 320

layout consistency (reports), 142-144

LEFT OUTER JOIN statement, 120-121, 354

Legal Landscape template, 143

legal-size paper reports, 144

Legend Properties dialog, 226

legends (charts), moving, 226, 228

less than (<) operator, 105

Letter Landscape template, 143

letter paper sizes, 138

letter portrait (8.5x11in) report template, creating, 142, 200-204, 340-341

licensing (SQL client tools), 32, 33

LIKE operator, 105

line charts, 220

line items (reports), 176


aggregate functions sample query, creating, 331

alternating row colors, 183

CASE function

sample query, 111-112, 334

syntax, 111

CAST function sample query, 113, 335

CodeGroup entry for RSPreviewPolicy.Config file, 295-296

collection data computer names query, 93

color expression based on status values, 266

Computer Hardware Information report

RBA query, 349

WHERE statement, 283

CONVERT function, 113, 335

COUNT function sample query, 331-332

custom color codes

expression, 261-262

by value, 265

date and time functions sample query, 333

exploded pie charts, adding

original status column, identifying, 224

replacement status column, 224


dates, 192

page numbers, 193

hardware inventory queries

hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle, 85-86

software titles, 85

heartbeat discovery query example, 83

ISNULL function sample query, 114, 336


FULL JOIN, 123-125

INNER JOIN, 119, 338



sample query, 117

pageLoad function

SQL 2008, 314

SQL 2008 R2, 314

SQL 2012, 313-314

Patch Compliance Progression Details report, 248-250

Patch Compliance Progression report

multi-value parameters, adding, 217-218

original WHERE section, collection specification, 210

simple prompt, adding, 210

patch progression query, 172

patch report query example, 100-101


datasets, creating, 298

prompt for manufacturer, 349

RBA queries

converting SQL queries to, 291

mixed RBA functions and SQL views, 306-307

moving RBA into collection prompt, 308-309

non-RBA collection prompt, 309

RBA collection prompt, 308

software update sample, 293-294

remote errors

complete error listing, 29

error message example, 26-31


inventory queries, 87

metering start/stop times, 89-90

updates, 88-89

SQL queries

aggregate functions example, 107-108

aliases, 104, 330

column-naming, 106

date and time, 110

DISTINCT keyword, 103-104

editing, 329

GROUP BY operator, 104

inefficient query, 131

ORDER BY section, 103

FROM section, 101-102

SELECT section, 101

WHERE section, 102

without joins example, 115-116

state message software update query, 91-92

status message last site server backup query, 90-91

lists, 138, 177

example, 138

features, 138-139

local area network (LAN), 320

Location of Mock-up field (report request form Report Information section), 149

logging on SSRS website

automatic, 288

Chrome, 311

Firefox, 311

Internet Explorer, 310

Opera, 312

Yandex, 311

logical operators, listing of, 105

Logo Changer utility

default images, restoring, 75

logos, changing, 74-75

technical details, 72

logos, 72-75

customizing, 74-75

default images, restoring, 75

hyperlinks for company website on, creating, 246-248

image size, 72-73

Logo Changer utility

default images, restoring, 75

logos, changing, 74-75

technical details, 72

look and feel (reports), 140-142


maintenance (reports), 159-160

MAN (metropolitan area network), 320

management point (MP), 320

maps (reports), 177

margin sizes (report templates), 201

Match Chart Colors field (report request form Table Details section), 151

matrix (reports), 177

MAX function, 108


error. See errors


last enforcement for software updates query, 91-92

online content, 352

overview, 91

topic types, listing of, website, 92

views, 91


last site server backup query, 90-91

online content, 352

overview, 90

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

views, 90

metropolitan area network (MAN), 320

MHTML (web archive) file output, 145


Application Virtualization (APP-V), 319

Installer (MSI), 320


errors, troubleshooting, 32

SSRS updates, checking, 8

Visual Studio projects, creating, 165-168

MIN function, 107

minute date part, 109

month date part, 109

MP (management point), 320

MSI (Microsoft Installer), 320

multiplication (*) operator, 105

multi-value parameters, 210, 217-219


Name field (report request form Parameters section), 149

navigating reports

drillthroughs, 242

actions on table cell values, adding, 245-246

Computer Hardware Information series example, 283-284, 344-345

Patch Compliance Progression series example, 282-283, 343-344

report for drilling through, creating, 242-244

subreports, adding, 257


adding, 246-248

subreports, 258

table cells, creating, 254, 255

subreports, adding, 247-258

adding, 247-258

drillthroughs, 257

horizontal line separating, creating, 252-253

hyperlinks, adding, 254, 255

Knowledge Base hyperlinks, 258

list of missing patches for specific computer report, creating, 248-250

missing patches table, 257-258

parameters, 252-253

sizing, 249-251

tables, adding, 253-254

network service accounts, 16

NOT operator, 105

NULL values

checking for, 114

replacing from v_R_System_Valid view, 130, 336

Number of Columns field (report request form Table Details section), 151


Object Explorer window, 95-97

online content

charts, adding, 356

Computer Hardware Information Prompt report, 356

inventory data, 352

Patch Compliance Progression report, 356

RBA, 358-359

report templates, 356

security roles, 351-352

SQL queries, 353-355

SSDT-BI reports, creating, 355

SSRS reports, 357-358

System Center Configuration Manager Reporting Unleashed website, 351

Opera SSRS website automatic logon, 312

Operations Manager SSRS security permissions, 44

operators (SQL), 105-106

listing of, 105

online content, 354

quotation marks, 106

website, 105

Optional Prompt field (report request form Parameters section), 149

ORDER BY statements, 102-103

organizing reports, 160

OR operator, 105

OU (organizational unit), 320


packages, 320

pageLoad function, 313-314

SQL 2008, 314

SQL 2008 R2, 314

SQL 2012, 313-314

Page Orientation field (report request form Report Information section), 148

page sizes (reports), customizing, 207, 237, 340-342

Paper Size field (report request form Report Information section), 148

paper sizes, 138

parameters, 209

cascade prompts, 210

default values, 209

demonstrating, 237

label fields, 209

multi-value, 210, 217-219

subreports, 252-253

value fields, 209

Parameters section (report request forms), 149

Patch Compliance Progression Chart report, 356

Patch Compliance Progression Details report, creating, 248-250

Patch Compliance Progression report

action on PC Name column cells, adding, 245-246

chart, adding, 238-239, 341

creating, 196, 338-339

drillthrough series example, 282-283, 343-344

multi-value parameters, adding, 217-218

online content, 356

original WHERE section, collection specification, 210

page sizes, customizing, 237, 340-342

prompts, adding, 237-238

simple prompt, adding, 210

patch report query example, 100-101

PDF file format, 144-145

performance (RBA queries), 305

execution times, 306

mixed RBA functions and SQL views, 306-307

moving RBA into collection prompt, 308-309

non-RBA collection prompt, 308

RBA collection prompt, 308


Inventory Report Reader security role, 76

Operations Manager with SSRS, 44

security groups

adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

viewing, 65

security roles, 52, 54-56

software updates, 57

System.Security.Permissions .SecurityPermission error request, 312

uploading reports to SSRS website, 268

pie charts, 221

pointers (reports), 176


charts, 229, 230

color, 266

RBA reports in SSDT-BI, 303

reports, 180-181

Primary Data Exists Within ConfigMgr Console field (report request form Report Information section), 148-149

printing reports

layout, 142-144

from SSRS, 271


creating, 195

creating in Microsoft Visual Studio, 165-168

publishing to SSRS website, 276


cascade, 210


moving RBA into collection prompt, 308-309

non-RBA, 308

RBA collection prompt, 308

dropdown, adding, 213-217

Patch Compliance Progression report, adding, 237-238


creating, 302

manufacturer, 349

updating, 300-303

simple, adding, 210-213

Prompts field (report request form Report Information section), 140

Prompt Text field (report request form Parameters section), 149

Prompt Type field (report request form Parameters section), 149

Properties window (SSDT-BI), 175

protected folders, accessing, 296

proxy settings (RPs), creating, 46, 47


projects to SSRS website, 276


request forms, 155

from SSDT-BI to SSRS website, 273-275

SSRS website, 285, 347



collection data computer names, 93

creating with aliases, 354

executing, 95-96, 98, 326

hardware inventory

hard drive size changes from previous inventory cycle, 85-86

software titles, 85

inefficient, 336

missing software updates, 88-89


collection data, 290

converting Computer Hardware Information query to, 316, 348-349

converting Patch Compliance Progression query to, 315

converting SQL queries to RBA queries, 289-291

creating, 289-291

current hardware data, 289

discovery data, 289

history hardware data, 290

performance. See RBA, query performance

software data views, 290

status message data views, 290

testing, 292-294


inventory, 87

metering start/stop times, 89-90

SQL. See SQL queries

state message software updates, 91-92

status message last site server backup, 90-91

quotation marks (“”) (SQL operators), 106


RB (Report Builder), 320

RBA (role-based administration), 320

converting SQL queries to

Computer Hardware Information query, 316, 348-349

Patch Compliance Progression query, 315

datasets, creating, 298-300

defined, 287


SrsResources not declared, 312-313

System.Security.Permissions .SecurityPermission permission request, 312


creating, 302

manufacturer, 349

updating, 300-303


collection data, 290

converting SQL queries to RBA queries, 289-291

creating, 289-291

current hardware data, 289

discovery data, 289

history hardware data, 290

software data, 290

status message data, 290

testing, 292-294

query performance, 305

execution times, 306

mixed RBA functions and SQL views, 306-307

moving RBA into collection prompt, 308-309

non-RBA collection prompt, 308

RBA collection prompt, 308


charts, adding, 316

online content, 358-359

previewing in SSDT-BI, 303

security roles. See security roles

SSDT-BI report conversions

adding SrsResources.dll file, 295-296

Patch Compliance Progression report, 315

referencing SrsResources.dll file, 296-298

SSRS reporting, working together, 288

templates, creating, 303

RBAC (role-based access control), 320

RDL (Report Definition Language), 164, 320

read-only auditor security role, copying, 52

rectangles (reports), 177

remote errors, enabling, 26-29

repeating table header rows, 187-189

Replacing a Report field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Report Builder (RB), 320

Report Builder versus SSDT-BI, 163-164

Report Customizations section (report request forms), 153

Report Definition Language (RDL), 164, 320

Report Information section (report request forms), 147-149

reporting services points. See RPs

report items

accessing, 175

listing of, 176-177

report manager URL, 20-24

Report Parameter Properties dialog, 215

Report Properties dialog, 296

Report Reader security role, applying, 75-76, 323-324


accessing, 71-72

access restrictions, 57

backing up, 160


multiple same colored wedges, troubleshooting, 263

out-of-the-box palettes, 259-260

Computer Hardware Information

3D exploded pie chart, adding, 239, 343

charts, adding, 316

creating, 196-197, 338-340

dataset, customizing, 238, 341-342

drillthrough series example, 283-284, 344-345

page sizes, customizing, 237, 341-342

Computer Hardware Information Prompt report, 356


adding tables, 177-179

Computer Hardware Information report, 196-197, 338-340

datasets, adding, 171-174

data sources, adding, 170-171

formatting tables, 178-180

Patch Compliance Progression report, 196, 338-339

previewing, 180-181

report items, 175-177

requirements, questioning, 156-157

sizes, 173-174

with SSDT-BI, 168-170, 355

SSDT-BI versus Report Builder, 163-164

from templates, 204-206

custom color palettes, 259-263

based on values, 263-266

cycling through color codes, 284, 345-346

data bars, 177

deleting, 159

designing, 140

consistent look and feel, 140-142

printed versus screen layout consistency, 142-144

templates. See templates

Detailed Computer Information, creating, 242-244

detailed PC, 139

editing in Excel, 145

exporting, 144

to CSV, 145

to Excel, 145

to MHTML, 145

to PDF, 144-145

request form information, 151-152

from SSDT-BI, 206-207

from SSRS, 271

to TIFF, 145

to Word, 146

to XML, 145

folders, 161


adding, 191-193

templates, 203

gauges, 177


page headers, adding, 188-191

table header rows, repeating, 187-189

templates, 203

indicators, 177

interactive sorting, 184-187

legal-size paper, 144

line items, 176

maintenance, 159-160

maps, 177

matrix, 177

organizing, 160

paper sizes, 138

parameters, 209

cascade prompts, 210

default values, 209

demonstrating, 237

label fields, 209

multi-value, 210, 217-219

value fields, 209

Patch Compliance Progression

action on PC Name column cells, adding, 245-246

chart, adding, 238-239, 341

creating, 196, 338-339

drillthrough series example, 282-283, 343-344

multi-value parameters, adding, 217-218

online content, 356

original WHERE section, collection specification, 210

page sizes, customizing, 237, 340-342

prompts, adding, 237-238

simple prompt, adding, 210

Patch Compliance Progression Chart, 356

Patch Compliance Progression Details, creating, 248-250

previewing, 180-181

printing from SSRS, 271

purpose, 136


charts, adding, 316

online content, 358-359

previewing in SSDT-BI, 303

report items

accessing, 175

listing of, 176-177

requests, 146-147

basic information, 147-149

chart details information, 150

completed report based on request form example, 153-155

customizations information, 153

export information, 151-152

parameters information, 149

publishing, 155

request process, handling, 146

requirements, questioning, 156-157

reviewing, 159

security information, 152-153

subscriptions, 158

table details information, 150-151

table layout information, 151

verification, 157-158

row colors

alternating, 183-185

background, 181-183

series samples, 136


pages, customizing, 207, 237, 340-342

setting, 173-174

troubleshooting, 209

Software Update Compliance, 263-267


adding tables, 177-179

alternating row colors, 183-185

Computer Hardware Information report, 196-197, 338-340

converting to RBA, 315

creating, 168-170, 355

datasets, adding, 171-174

data sources, adding, 170-171

dropdown prompts, adding, 213-217

exporting, 206-207

footers, 191-193

formatting tables, 178-180

headers, 188-191

images, adding, 193-195

interactive sorting, 184-187

multi-value parameters, adding, 210, 217-219

page sizes, customizing, 237, 340-342

patch compliance progression report, 196, 338-339

previewing, 180-181

publishing to SSRS website, 273-275, 285, 347

report items, 175-177

row background color, 181-183

simple prompts, adding, 210-213

sizes, 173-174

table header rows, repeating, 187-189

templates, creating, 236, 340-341

subscriptions, 146, 158

summarized data

example, 137

features, 136-137

templates, 142-143

body size width, 203

creating, 200-204, 236, 340-341

creating new reports from, 204-206

expanding width, monitoring, 202

headers/footers, 203

InteractiveSize property values, 201

margin sizes, 201-202

online content, 356

RBA, creating, 303

report height size, 203

uploading to SSRS website, 268-274

data source, updating, 270-273

demonstration, 285, 345-347

new folders, creating, 268, 269-270

permissions, 268

testing/running, 271-274

Report Title field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Requestor field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Requestor’s Email Address field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Requestor’s Telephone Number field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Required Role-Based Administration (RBA) field (report request form Security section), 152

ResourceID column, 116


date parts, 109


CASE, 112

CAST, 113



online content

charts, adding, 356

Computer Hardware Information Prompt report, 356

inventory data, 352

Patch Compliance Progression report, 356

RBA, 358-359

report templates, 356

security roles, 351-352

SQL queries, 353-355

SSDT-BI reports, creating, 355

SSRS reports, 357-358

System Center Configuration Manager Reporting Unleashed website, 351

SQL views, 82

state message topic types, 92

restoring default images, 75

Restrict Access to an AD Group field (report request form Security section), 152

restricting report access, 57

results (queries), column-naming, 106

reviewing custom reports, 159

RIGHT OUTER JOIN statement, 121-123, 354

role-based access control (RBAC), 320

role-based administration. See RBA

roles (security), 52

See also RBA

applying to security groups, 62-65

creating, 52-56

deleting, 58-59

existing roles, copying, 52-54

exporting, 58-61

importing, 53, 60-62

Inventory Report Reader, 76, 325-326

online content, 351-352

permissions, 52, 54-56

read-only auditor role, copying, 52

report access restrictions with, 57

Report Reader, 75-76, 323-324

security group permissions

adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

Security Roles node, opening, 52-53

Software Updates Report Reader, 76, 324-325

viewing, 52

rows (reports)

alternating colors, 183-185

background color, 181-183

table header, repeating, 187-189

RPs (Configuration Manager Reporting Services Point), 44, 320

creating, 45-50

completing, 49-50

proxy settings, 46, 47

role, selecting, 46, 47

site server database/database name verification, 46, 48

site system roles, 45

user accounts, selecting, 46, 48

Windows user account credentials, 49

folders, 51

health, checking, 51

prerequisites, 44

purposes, 44

validating, 51

ruler (SSDT-BI), 174

rules (software metering), 90

running SQL queries from SQL Server Management Studio, 125-126


SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager). See ConfigMgr

SCEP (System Center Endpoint Protection), 320

secondary sections (SQL queries), 103

aliases, 104-105

DISTINCT keyword, 103-104

GROUP BY operator, 104

operators, 105-106

second date part, 109

sections (SQL queries)

FROM, 101-102

ORDER BY, 102-103

secondary, 103

aliases, 104-105

DISTINCT keyword, 103-104


operators, 105-106


WHERE, 102


AD user accounts, creating, 44

credentials (SSRS), 22


Inventory Report Reader security role, 76

Operations Manager with SSRS, 44

security groups. See security groups, permissions

security roles, 52, 54-56

software update reports, 57

System.Security.Permissions .SecurityPermission error request, 312

uploading reports to SSRS website, 268

report requests, 152-153

security groups


adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

viewing, 65

security roles, applying, 62-65

Inventory Report Reader security role, 76, 325-326

Report Reader security role, 75-76, 323-324

security roles, adding, 63, 64

Software Updates Report Reader security role, 76, 324-325

users/groups, selecting, 62, 63

security identifier (SID), 320

security roles, 52

See also RBA

applying to security groups, 62-65

security roles, adding, 63, 64

users/groups, selecting, 62, 63

creating, 52-56

permissions, 52, 54-56

read-only auditor role, copying, 52

Security Roles node, opening, 52-53

deleting, 58-59

existing, copying, 52-54

exporting, 58-61

importing, 53, 60-62

Inventory Report Reader, 76, 325-326

online content, 351-352

RBA, accessing collections, 293

report access restrictions with, 57

Report Reader, 75-76, 323-324

security group permissions

adding, 66-70

deleting, 70

viewing, 65

Software Updates Report Reader, 76, 324-325

viewing, 52

Security Roles node, opening, 52-53

Security section (report request forms), 152-153

Select Chart Type dialog, 222

Select Export Formats field (report request form Export section), 152

SELECT statements, 101

Series Properties dialog, 234

servers, connecting with, 94-95

SID (security identifier), 320

simple prompts (reports), adding, 210-213


charts, 225

logo images, 72-73

paper, 138


configuring, 173-174

existing page size, customizing, 207

height, 203

margins, 201

page sizes, customizing, 237, 340-342

troubleshooting, 209

subreports, 249-251

SMS (Systems Management Server), 320



cycle, changing, 55

Internet Explorer version queries, 87

online content, 352

overview, 86

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 86

metering (SWM), 320

overview, 89

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

rules, creating, 90

SQL views, listing of, 89

start/stop times query, 89-90

title hardware inventory query, 85


missing software updates query, 88-89

overview, 87

permissions, 57

point (SUP), 320

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 88

Software Update Compliance report, 263-267

Software Updates Report Reader security role, applying, 76, 324-325

sparklines (reports), 177

SQL (Structured Query Language), 320

client tools, installing, 31-38

completing installation, 35-38

configuration rules, 35-37

global rules, 32

install rules, 35

licensing, 32-33

management tools features, 35-36

SQL server features, 35-36


listing of, 105

online content, 354

quotation marks, 106

website, 105

queries. See SQL queries

schema websites, 82

views. See SQL views

SQL queries

aggregate functions. See aggregate functions

converting to RBA, 289-291

Computer Hardware Information query, 316, 348-349

Patch Compliance Progression query, 315

creating with aliases, 127, 330

data transform demonstrations

all system names and last hardware scan date, converting last hardware scan date format, 130, 334-335

displaying all computer names and system enclosure chassis types query, 129-130, 333-335

replacing NULL values from v_R_System_Valid view, 130, 336

date and time functions, 109

common, 110

complete listing of, website, 109

date parts, 109

datetime format, 111

date values, storing, 110

format, 109

online content, 354

query example, 110

sample query, 332-333

editing, 126, 329

inefficient queries, 131, 336-337


defined, 116

demonstrating, 131, 338

FULL JOIN, 123-125



ResourceID column, 116

RGB color wheel example, 118


sample query, 117

user versus computer real world example, 117

v_R_System_Valid view, 117-118

online content, 353-355

patch report example, 100-101

results column names, 106

return data

data types, converting, 112-114

NULL values, checking for, 114

translating based on results, 111-112

running from SQL Server Management Studio, 125-126

secondary sections, 103

aliases, 104-105

DISTINCT keyword, 103-104

GROUP BY operator, 104

operators, 105-106

sections, 100

FROM, 101-102

ORDER BY, 102-103


WHERE, 102

without joins, 115-116

SQL Server 2014 Management Studio with administrative rights, 27

SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), 319

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), 320

SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence. See SSDT-BI

SQL Server Management Studio. See SSMS

SQL Server Reporting Services. See SSRS

SQL views

aliases, 104-105

benefits, 81-82

collection data classes, 93

combining together. See joins

hardware inventory, 84

hardware inventory class name identifiers, 84

RBA functions

collection data, 290

current hardware, 289

current software, 290

discovery, 289

history hardware, 290

software metering, 290

software update, 290

status messages, 290

resources, 82


inventory, 86

metering, 89

updates, 88

state messages, 91

status messages, 90

v_R_System_Valid, 117-118

SrsResources.dll file

adding to SSDT-BI, 295-296

referencing, 296-298

SrsResources not declared error, 312-313

SSDT (SQL Server Data Tools), 320

SSDT-BI (SQL Server Data Tools Business Intelligence), 320


actions, adding, 233-236

adding to reports, 221-226, 238, 341

bar, 220

column, 220

customizing, 225-233

doughnut, 221

line, 220

pie, 221

color options, 182

converting reports to RBA

adding SrsResources.dll file, 295-296

Patch Compliance Progression report, 315

referencing SrsResources.dll file, 296-298

downloading, 38

installing, 38-40

projects, creating, 195, 338-339

Properties window, 175

publishing projects to SSRS website, 276

RBA reports, previewing, 303

Report Builder, compared, 163-164


adding tables, 177-179

alternating row colors, 183-185

Computer Hardware Information report, 196-197, 338-340

converting to RBA, 315

creating, 168-170, 355

datasets, adding, 171-174

data sources, adding, 170-171

dropdown prompts, adding, 213-217

exporting, 206-207

footers, 191-193

formatting tables, 178-180

headers, 188-191

images, adding, 193-195

interactive sorting, 184-187

multi-value parameters, adding, 217-219

page sizes, customizing, 237, 340-342

patch compliance progression report, 196, 338-339

previewing, 180-181

publishing to SSRS website, 273-275, 285, 347

report items, 175-177

row background color, 181-183

simple prompts, adding, 210-213

sizes, 173-174

table header rows, repeating, 187-189

templates, creating, 236, 340-341

ruler, enabling, 174

versions, 165

SQL Server Management Studio, 320

database server connections

creating, 94

troubleshooting, 94-95

default database, configuring, 96

invalid object name error message, 96-97

Object Explorer window, 95-97

overview, 94

queries, executing, 95-96, 98, 326

SQL queries, running, 125-126

views, 98, 327-328

SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services), 320


Chrome, 311

connection, testing, 16, 21

credentials, 22

database, 16, 19-20

email, 24-26

Firefox, 311

Internet Explorer, 310

Opera, 312

network service accounts, 16

report manager URL, 20-24

Report Server Status page, 16-17

web service URL, 17-18

Yandex, 311

defined, 7


complete listing example, 29

example, 27

remote errors, enabling, 26-29

installing, 8

default SQL instance on Windows server, 8

features, selecting, 12

location selection, 9-12

preparations, 8

results, 15

Operations Manager security permissions, 44

reports. See SSRS reports

SQL client tools, installing, 31-38

completing installation, 35-38

configuration rules, 35-37

global rules, 32

install rules, 35

licensing, 32-33

management tools features, 35-36

SQL server features, 35-36

SSDT-BI, installing, 38-40

updates, checking, 8

US project, creating, 165-168

website. See SSRS website

SSRS reports

blank, troubleshooting, 313-315


multiple same colored wedges, troubleshooting, 263

out-of-the-box palettes, 259-260

table background color, 266-267

custom color palettes, 259-263

based on values, 263-267, 284, 345-346

cycling through color codes, 284, 345-346

drillthroughs, 242

actions on table cell values, adding, 245-246

Computer Hardware Information series example, 283-284, 344-345

Patch Compliance Progression series example, 282-283, 343-344

report for drilling through, creating, 242-244

subreports, adding, 257

exporting, 271


adding, 246-248

Knowledge Base, 258

online content, 357-358

printing, 271

subreports, adding, 247-258

drillthroughs, 257

horizontal line separating, creating, 252-253

hyperlinks, adding, 254, 255

list of missing patches for specific computer report, creating, 248-250

missing patches table, 257-258

parameters, 252-253

sizing, 249-251

tables, adding, 253-254


creating, 277-278, 286, 348

email, 279-281

error, 277

Windows File Share, 277-278

SSRS website

automatic logon, 288

Chrome, 311

Firefox, 311

Group Policy Object (GPO) setting, 312

Internet Explorer, 310

Opera, 312

Yandex, 311

blank reports, troubleshooting, 313-315

online content, 357-358

publishing projects to, 276

publishing SSDT-BI reports to, 273-275, 285, 347

RBA, working together, 288

reports, uploading to, 268-274

data source, updating, 270-273

demonstration, 285, 345-347

new folders, creating, 268, 269-270

permissions, 268

testing/running, 271-274


creating, 277-278, 286, 348

email, 279-281

error, 277

Windows FileShare, 277-278

username and password prompts, 309


demonstrating, 131

FROM, 101-102


defined, 123

online content, 354

query results, 124-125

query sample, 123


JOIN, 353


ORDER BY, 102-103



WHERE, 102

state messages

last enforcement for software updates query, 91-92

online content, 352

overview, 91

topic types, listing of, website, 92

views, 91

status messages

last site server backup query, 90-91

online content, 352

overview, 90

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

views, 90

storing date values, 110

Structured Query Language. See SQL

Subreport Properties dialog, 249

subreports, 177

adding, 247-258

drillthroughs, 257

horizontal line separating, creating, 252-253

hyperlinks, adding, 254, 255

Knowledge Base hyperlinks, 258

list of missing patches for specific computer report, creating, 248-250

missing patches table, 257-258

parameters, 252-253

sizing, 249-251

tables, adding, 253-254

Subscribers/Location field (report request form Security section), 152-153

Subscription Run Schedule field (report request form Security section), 152

subscriptions, 146

requested reports, 158

SSRS website reports

creating, 277-278, 286, 348

email, 279-281

error, 277

Windows File Share subscriptions, 277-278

Subscription Type field (report request form Security section), 152

Subtitle with Prompt Details field (report request form Parameters section), 149

subtraction (–) operator, 105

SUM function, 108

summarized data reports

example, 137

features, 136-137

SUP (software update point), 320

SWM (software metering), 320

overview, 89

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

rules, creating, 90

SQL views, listing of, 89

start/stop times query, 89-90

syntax of functions

CASE, 111

CAST, 113



System Center 2012 Configuration Manager (CM12), 319

System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager (CM12R), 319

System Center Configuration Manager. See ConfigMgr

System Center Configuration Manager Reporting Unleashed online content website, 351

System Center Endpoint Protection (SCEP), 320

System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission error request, 312

Systems Management Server (SMS), 320


Table Details section (report request forms), 150-151

Table field (report request form Report Information section), 148

Table Layout subsection (report request forms), 151

Table Name field (report request form Table Details section), 150


actions on cell values, adding, 245-246


reports, 177-179

subreports, 253-254

background color, 266-267

cell hyperlinks, adding, 254, 255

formatting, 178-180

header rows, repeating, 187-189

Table Title field (report request form Table Details section), 151

Table Will Provide More Details of Chart field (report request form Charts section), 150

templates, 142-143

body size width, 203

creating, 200-204, 236, 340-341

creating new reports from, 204-206

expanding width, monitoring, 202

headers/footers, 203

InteractiveSize property values, 201

margin sizes, 201, 202

online content, 356

RBA, creating, 303

report height size, 203


RBA queries, 292-294

SSRS connections, 16, 21

uploaded reports on SSRS website, 271-274

textboxes (reports), 176

Text Box Properties dialog, 184

Ticket Number field (report request form Report Information section), 147

TIFF file format, 145

time. See date and time functions

tools. See utilities

Transact-SQL. See SQL

transforming stored database data, 111

converting data types, 112-113

returned data NULL values, checking, 114

translating data based on results, 111-112


blank reports, 313-315

database server connections, 94-95

errors. See errors

multiple same colored wedges, 263


SrsResources not declared, 312-313

System.Security.Permissions .SecurityPermission permission request, 312

report sizes, 209

SSRS subscriptions, 277


Type of Chart field (report request form Charts section), 150

types (data), converting, 112-113


Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), 110


data sources, 270-273

Microsoft Update errors, troubleshooting, 32

RBA prompts, 300-303


missing software updates query, 88-89

overview, 87

permissions, 57

point (SUP), 320

RBA functions with SQL views, 290

SQL views, listing of, 88

SSRS, checking for, 8

uploading reports to SSRS website, 268-274

data source, updating, 270-273

demonstration, 285, 345-347

new folders, creating, 268-270

permissions, 268

testing/running, 271-274

UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), 110


Logo Changer

default images, restoring, 75

logos, changing, 74-75

technical details, 72

SQL Server Management Studio

database server connections, 94-95

default database, configuring, 96

invalid object name error message, 96-97

Object Explorer window, 95-97

overview, 94

queries, executing, 95-96, 98, 326

SQL queries, running, 125-126

views, 98, 327-328


value fields (reports), 209


chart values as parameters, passing, 239


checking for, 114

replacing from v_R_System_Valid view, 130, 336

report parameters

default, 209

multi-value, 210


requested reports, 157-158

RP installation, 51

versions (SSDT-BI), 165


collections, 93

discovery data, 82

hardware inventory

current, 84

history, 84


group permissions, 65

roles, 52


inventory, 86

metering, 89

updates, 88

SQL. See SQL views

SQL Server Management Studio, 98, 327-328

state messages, 91

status message data, 90

v_R_System_Valid view, 117-118


Wake on LAN (WOL), 321

WAN (wide area network), 320

web archive (MHTML) file output, 145

web service URL, configuring, 17-18


CASE function resources, 112

CAST function resources, 113

ConfigMgr SQL schema, 82

CONVERT function resources, 113

date and time functions, listing of, 109

date parts, complete listing, 109

default SQL Server Management Studio database, 96

ISNULL function resources, 114

paper size comparisons, 138

SQL operators, listing of, 105


automatic logon, 288

blank reports, troubleshooting, 313-315

Chrome automatic logon, 311

email subscriptions, 279-281

Firefox automatic logon, 311

Group Policy Object (GPO) automatic logon setting, 312

Internet Explorer automatic logon, 310

online content, 357-358

Opera automatic logon, 312

publishing projects to, 276

publishing SSDT-BI reports to, 273-275, 285, 347

reports, uploading, 268-274

subscription error, 277

subscriptions, creating, 277-278, 286, 348

uploading reports to, 285, 345-347

username and password prompts, 309

Windows FileShare subscriptions, 277-278

working with RBA, 288

Yandex automatic logon, 311

state message topic types, 92

System Center Configuration Manager Reporting Unleashed online content, 351

Wiki Glossary of Technology Acronyms website, 321

Word, exporting to, 146

WHERE statements, 102

wide area network (WAN), 320

width (reports), 202

Wiki Glossary of Technology Acronyms website, 321

wildcard (%) operator, 105


File Share subscriptions, creating, 277-278

Management Instrumentation (WMI), 320

Server Update Services (WSUS), 321

user account credentials (RPs), 49

WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), 320

WOL (Wake on LAN), 321

Word, exporting reports to, 146

WQL (WMI Query Language), 321

writing reports. See creating, reports

WSUS (Windows Server Update Services), 321


XML file output, 145

Yandex SSRS website automatic logon, 311

year date part, 109

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