Appendix D. Defect Inspection System

Implementation Resources

The computer configuration for the Defect Inspection System has a minicomputer to manage the interactions between the supervisor and the inspection surfaces and two microcomputers each managing two surfaces each. The supervisor will be provided with a single graphics terminal which is driven from the Product Management Minicomputer. This terminal will be used to change sheet sizes, the configuration, and the product standards for each surface. The computer is equipped with a hard disk and has two links to the microcomputers. A microcomputer controls the inspection surfaces monitored by a single operator. The start and stop buttons for each surface are a part of the control panel for each micro, but the signals are wired directly into the Product Management Computer. A link to the Product Management minicomputer is also provided. Figure D-BKG shows the overall configuration.

Overall hardware configuration.

Figure D.BKG. Overall hardware configuration.

The software environment for the micro allows up to four tasks, none of which may be bigger than 32 Kb. A shared global memory area is available to all tasks. Tasks may wait on interrupts after activation, and may use an operating system service “Activate Task” to initiate other tasks in the system. The total memory for the micro is 128 Kb including the operating system, shared global memory area, and all tasks.

The minicomputer is capable of running any number of tasks, though only four may be resident in memory at any one time. Tasks may be swapped out of memory when not in use.


Schematic Diagrams

Illustrations:defect inspection system processorsSchematic diagramsDefect inspection system processors.

Figure D.0. Defect inspection system processors.

Illustrations:entity-relationship diagram for inspection surface microIllustrations:inspection surface microInspection surface micro.

Figure D.1. Inspection surface micro.

Entity-relationship diagram for inspection surface micro.

Figure D.1.ER. Entity-relationship diagram for inspection surface micro.

Illustrations:control sheet on inspection surfaceIllustrations:product management computerControl sheet on inspection surface.

Figure D.1.1. Control sheet on inspection surface.

Product management computer.

Figure D.2. Product management computer.

Illustrations:entity-relationship diagram for product management computerIllustrations:monitor inspection surfaceEntity-relationship diagram for product management computer.

Figure D.2.ER. Entity-relationship diagram for product management computer.

Monitor inspection surface.

Figure D.2.1. Monitor inspection surface.


Illustrations:control supervision menuIllustrations:manage product management dialogueManage product management dialogue.

Figure D.2.2. Manage product management dialogue.

Control supervision menu.

Figure D.2.2.1. Control supervision menu.

Data Dictionary

configuration change



configuration change complete



configuration data entry messages


enter good airjet location message + enter bad airjet location message + enter scanner location message + enter inspection surface number message

configuration dialogue


configuration change + equipment configuration: current equipment configuration + unable to change configuration message + configuration data entry messages

current product standard


product standard

current product standard


product standard

enter bad airjet location message



enter good airjet location message



enter good airjet location message



enter inspection surface number message



enter product change messsage



enter scanner location message



enter sheet size message



inspection surface number



product change complete



product change dialogue


product standard change + product change enter product change message + unable to change product message

product management dialogue


sheet size dialogue + configuration dialogue + product change dialogue

sheet size change



sheet size change complete



sheet size dialogue


sheet size change + sheet size data: enter sheet size message + unable to change sheet size message

unable to change sheet size message



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