


Adaptive challenges, of strategic advocacy


Amin, K.

Analogies, mapping

Answerthink Corporation

Applegate, L. M.


business process integration (BPI)
equipment and infrastructure
new innovations
sales and marketing
shared services
strategic information
strategy implementation
talent management services
virtual offices and communications


Balanced Scorecard

Batten, Joe D.


Best practices

CEO and
chief IT executive role and
Executive Master of Science in Technology Management (Columbia University) on
middle managers and
organizational dynamism

Big Data

Bourgeois, L. J.

BP (case study)

Business knowledge

importance of
personal development and testing organizational acumen
situational analysis and synthesis of organization's position

Business process integration (BPI)

Business process reengineering (BPR)


Carr, Nicholas

Case studies

BP (Deasy)
Covance (Repko)
Cushman & Wakefield (CFO, senior VP of human resources)
Cushman & Wakefield (Cuyar)
interview protocol for
Merck & Co. (Scalet)
Procter & Gamble (Passerini)
Prudential (Koster)
transformation of CIO role and

Change management, need for

Charan, Ram

Chesbrough, Henry

Chief executive officers (CEOs)

best practices and
CEO Best Practices Technology Arc
developmental dimensions of maturing
perspective of, and chief information CIOs
strategic advocacy issues and
See also case studies

Chief information officers (CIO)

best practices and chief IT executive role
business integration of IT resources by
chief executive officers' perspective and
as chief IT executive
consumerization of technology and
cost containment and
data analytics and
future roles of (See automation)
implications for personal development (See personal development)
IT drivers and supporters
IT evolution and
IT future and
legal exposure and
long-term planning by
organizational context and
organization philosophy and
personal attributes of
role of
security and
See also case studies

Chief IT executive

chief IT executive best practices arc
influence of
responsive organizational dynamism (ROD) and

Chief knowledge officers (CKO)

Chief technology officers (CTO)

Cloud computing

Columbia University

Comfort zone, of CIOs


communication skills of CIOs
virtual offices and

Compliance, future needs for

Conger, J.

Consequential interoperability

Cost containment

Covance (case study)

Credibility path

Currencies, utilizing

Cushman & Wakefield (case study)

Cuyar, Craig


Data analytics

Big Data
CIOs and
strategic information

Deasy, Dana

Decision-making, by CIOs

DeLuca, Joel

Developmental action inquiry (DAI) process

Dialogic processes

Driver functions, defined


Earl, M. J.

Eisenhardt, K. M.

Empowerment, of workforce

Ethics, effectiveness of CIOs and

Evaluation methods, for IT

Executive Master of Science in Technology Management program (Columbia University)


Factors of multiplicity

Fahey, L.

Ferrell, O. C.

Five Pillars of Benefits Realization

Flowing dependencies


“Garbage Can” model

Gardiner, Gareth

Gartner Group

Gavitte, G.

Generative challenges, of strategic advocacy

Grey Healthcare Group


Hackett Benchworking

Harvard Business Review

“High-velocity environments,”

“How Strategists Really Think” (Gavitte, Rivkin)

Human resources

Cushman & Wakefield case study
IT issues of
shared services and
talent management services


Ilbury, Chantell

Information technology (IT)

evaluation methods for
evolution of
integration of, and organization philosophy
IT future trends
reporting structure and
technical skills in
See also chief information officers (CIO)

Information Technology (Lucas)

Infrastructure management (IM)

Institute for High Performance, Accenture


IT business integration matrix

“IT Doesn't Matter” (Carr)

IT drivers and supporters

CIOs and
communication between IT and “others,”
cultural assimilation and
driver functions, defined
driver to supporter life cycle
IT as driver and supporter
IT roles and responsibilities
responsive organizational dynamism
strategic advocacy and
supporter functions, defined
supporter functions as efficient
technological dynamism
technology business cycle and


Kegan, R.

Knowledge management

Koster, Barbara

Krishnan, M. S.

Kudman, Warren


Langer, A. M.

CEO best practices technology arc
chief IT executive best practices arc
middle-management best practices technology arc
modified Balanced Scorecard of
organized reflection model
responsive organizational dynamism (ROD)
technology dynamism

“Language of technology,”

Leadership, without authority

Learning Window

Life cycle concept

Line managers, IT business integration and

Listening, importance of

Lucas, H. C.


“Management and Information Technology” (Schein)

Marchand, D. A.

Market, dynamics of

Marketing, future needs for

McFarlan, F. W.

Mediocrity, rejecting

Merck & Co. (case study)

Mezirow, J.

Middle managers

best practices and
executive-based middle manager best practices
middle-management best practices technology arc

“Mindful use of speech,”


Murphy, T.



network management and infrastructure management

New Age of Innovation, The (Prahalad, Krishnan)

“New House of Innovation” model

“New meaning perspectives,”

Nicolaides, A.

Nolan, R. L.

Nonaka, I.


O'Connor-Vos, Lynn

Open innovation

Organizational acumen

Organizational culture

cultural assimilation and
organizational mapping grid
organization philosophy and CIOs
technology dynamism and

Organizational structure. See political issues

Organized reflection model

Over Our Heads (Kegan)

Ownership, pride of


Passerini, Filippo

Personal development

Balanced Scorecard and
developmental action inquiry (DAI) process of
personal attributes of effective CIOs
self-directed learning process of
situational analysis and synthesis of organization's position
as strategic advocacy
strategic mindsets within technology function
strategy map for
testing “business” acumen and

PEST (Political factors, Economic factors, Social factors, Technological factors) Analysis

Pietersen, Willie

Pillar of Direct Return

Political issues

CIO and organizational structure
IT placement in organizational structure
organization politics map
personal attributes of CIOs and
PEST (Political factors, Economic factors, Social factors, Technological factors) Analysis
political economy framework for strategic advocacy
political mapping goals
strategic advocacy and
trust/agreement matrix

Prahalad, C. K.

Procter & Gamble (case study)

Profitability, driving

Prudential (case study)


Randall, R. M.

Ravell (case study)

“Reimagining Enterprise IT for an Uncertain Future” (Institute for High Performance, Accenture)

Relationship building

Repko, John

Responsive organizational dynamism (ROD)

best practices and chief IT executive role
future directions and
organizational dynamism, best practices and maturity
personal attributes of CIOs and
reflective practices for
road map for
self-generating organizations and

Restructuring, of work process


Risk pillar

Risk taking, by CIOs

Rivkin, J. W.


Sales, future needs for

Sampler, J. L.

Santander v. Citibank

Scalet, Chris

on cost containment
Merck & Co. case study
on strategic advocacy issues

Scenario learning

Schein, E. H.

Schrage, Michael



Self-generating organizations, responsive organizational dynamism (ROD) and

“Sense and respond” behaviors

Shared services

“Should CIOs Be Compliance Cops?” (Schrage)


Situational analysis, of organization's position

Social capital networks, cultivating

Social media

SRI Consulting Business Technology

Storage management


Strategic advocacy

CIO success and
framework for strategic learning
learning window
as mindset
personal development as
political economy framework for
political savvy for effectiveness of

Strategic Information Alignment (SIA) framework

Strategic integration

Sunter, Clem

Supporter functions, defined

SWOT (Organizations' Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis

Systems management

Szulanski, G.


Talent management automation

Technological dynamism

dynamism, defined
empowerment of workforce and
new innovations
responsive organizational dynamism (ROD) and

Technology business cycle

Torbert, Bill

“Tough-minded” management

Toys ’R Us

Trust/agreement matrix


“Users,” of technology


Vince, R.

Virtual offices


Watson Wyatt

Wideman, R. Max


Yorks, Lyle

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