
Symbols and Numerics

$PRP syntax, 485

$PRPSHEET syntax, 485

$PRPSHEET: “material” syntax, 544

2D Command Line Emulator, 6364

2D sketches, 21, 22, 446

3 Point Arc option, PropertyManager interface, 93

3D, Instant

creating extrudes with, 237239

editing geometry with, 239240

overview, 237240

purpose and capabilities of, 143144

3D Drawing View, 169, 522

3D planes PropertyManager, 218

3D sketches

3D Sketch button, Sketch toolbar, 87

3D Sketch Plane option, Sketch Fillet tool, 96

defining dimensions, 218

exploring sketch relations in, 216217

making extrusions from, 235237

navigating in space, 215216

overview, 2122, 214215

placement sketches, 446449

using mirroring in, 319

using planar path segments, 218

using planes in space, 217218

3D Solids, mirroring, 333336

bodies, 333334

entire parts, 334336

features, 334

3Dcontrol menu entry, 45

*.3ds file format, 740


absorbed sketches, 400

activating configurations, 365366

Add a fixture link, Task Pane, 421

Add Comment option, Comment flyout, 226

Add Curves button, 751

Add dimensions option, Offset Entities interface, 97

Add Equation dialog box, 347

Add equation or link value option, Smart Dimension, 87

Add Jog Point command, 541

Add or Update Favorites button, Hole Wizard Favorite panel, 450

Add or Update Styles button, Style panel, 543

Add Points button, 751

Add Relation option, Sketch Fillet tool, 96

Add Relation toolbar button, 318

Add Relations panel, 547

Add Rows and Columns dialog box, 390, 391

Add to Library PropertyManager, 465, 470

Add To Ordinate option, RMB menu, 563

Add/Remove Entities option, 548

Add/Remove tool, 114

administration guide, 791

Advanced button, PropertyManager, 177

Advanced interface, New SolidWorks Document dialog box, 13

advanced options, 368

Align to Seed option, 326

Align toolbar, 572

Aligned Section View, 512513


annotations, 571573

dimensions, 571574

pattern instances, 387

Pre-defined Views in templates, 495496

Alignment tab, 387

All in this sketch category, 200

Allow model edits option, 390

Allow Reduced Angle option, 768, 770

Along Curve Distance option, 119

Alternate Position View, 520521, 533

Alt-Keys, File menu, 69

Ambient Occlusion scene, 184

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 8

Angle panel, PropertyManager, 677


dimensions of, 90

locking, 547

reduced, allowing, 768, 770

annotations. See also notes

aligning, 571573

blocks, 545548

center marks and centerlines, 550551

displaying, 347

storing, 457

tutorial, 551553

views of, 174, 562

Annotations folder, 388, 457, 562

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 8

Appearance button, Heads-up View toolbar, 177, 192


differentiating from materials, 176177

overrides, 178179

overview, 175, 177178

removing, 180181

using with Display States, 179180

ways to apply, 175176

Appearances, Scenes, and Decals panel, Task pane, 60

Appearances heading, 340

Appearances PropertyManager, 178, 192, 340, 341

Appearances tab, Task Pane, 340

Appearances toolbar button, 653

Apple hardware, SolidWorks on, 34

Application Window controls, 38

Apply Defaults/No Favorites button, Hole Wizard Favorite panel, 450

Apply Defaults/No Styles button, Style panel, 543

Arc Length dimension, Dimension Properties interface, 90

Arrange Icons option, Window menu, 73

arrow keys, manipulating view using, 164

“as cast” state, 28

“as machined” state, 28

*.asmdot (assembly template) file, 10, 477

*.asmprp file, 10

assemblies, 458459

colors of, on drawings, 582

modeling, comparing with multi-body modeling, 594595

parts of, on layers, 582583

assembly template (*.asmdot) file, 10, 477

Assigned Center of Gravity X, Y, Z Coordinates item, 384

Assigned Mass item, 384

associativity, 2728

Attempt to Heal All option, 732, 733

Auto Balloon, 574

Auto Collapse option, CommandManager, 4041

Auto OK Selections option, SelectionManager, 249

Auto Relief, 672

Auto Trace, 209

Auto-create Design Table method, 384

Auto-Create option, 390

Autodimension PropertyManager, 563

Autodimension tab, PropertyManager, 563

autodimensioning, 563564

Automatic Relations option, Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 111

Automatic Solve Sketch setting, 113

automating drawings

blocks, 499500

custom drafting standards, creating, 479


creating, overview, 479493

creating from blank screen, 488489

creating from imported DWG/DXF file, 489491

custom properties, 483487

customizing, 480483

maintaining different formats, 478479

saving, 491492

second sheet formats, 492493

Title Block function, 487488

overview, 477


changing, 478

custom properties in, 498

maintaining different templates, 478479

overview, 493

Pre-defined Views in, 493496

saving, 499

styles and blocks in, 497498

Auto-select option, 611

Auxiliary View, 519520, 531

axes, 117

Axis toolbar button, Reference Geometry flyout menu, 125


Background Appearance setting, 185

bad face 2.prt.29 file, 733

bad face.x_t file, 731

base construction, 97, 151

Base feature, 232

Base Flange method

Auto Relief, 672

Base Flange/Tab feature, 664665

Closed Corner feature, 683686

Edge Flange feature, 675679

Flat Pattern feature, 672675

forming tools, 688692

Hem feature, 680681

Jog feature, 681683

Lofted Bends feature, 692694

mirroring sheet metal features, 687

Miter Flange feature, 679680

overview, 663664

patterning sheet metal features, 687688

Sheet Metal feature

Bend Allowance, 668672

bend radius, 667

Gauge Table, 666667

overview, 665

thickness, 667668

Sketched Bend feature, 683

Unfold and Fold features, 694695

Base Flange/Tab feature, 664665

base parts. See inserted parts

BaseBend features, 665

baseline dimensions, 109, 563

Baseline Dimensions option, Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109

Basic draft analysis, 777778

Basic scenes, 185

belt thickness, 124

Belt/Chain tool, 115, 124

belts, tutorial about, 122125

Bend Allowance

Bend Allowance and Bend Deduction option, 669670

Bend Calculation Tables, 670672

Bend Table option, 668

K-Factor option, 669

overview, 668

bend areas on part, showing, 721

Bend Calculation Tables, 666, 670672

bend lines and bend notes, showing, 718720

bend radius, 667

Bend reliefs, 672

Bend Table option, Bend Allowance, 668

Bending, flex states, 302

Bending option, Flex PropertyManager interface, 301

BibleColors.slddclr file, 193

Bi-directional setting, 97, 151

Bill of Materials (BOM) option, 368

blank design table, inserting, 384

Blank option, 390

blank screen, creating custom formats from, 488489

blending, 650, 656659

Blind description, 139

Block model, 390

Block PropertyManager, 546

Block tool, Blocks toolbar, 124


creating, 547548

editing, 114, 548

inserting, 114, 545547, 553

removing sketch entities from, 115

saving, 115

tutorial, 122125

using in templates, 497498

Blocks and Belts Tutorial.sldprt template, 124

Blocks toolbar, 123

blogs, 791792


deleting, 625

mirroring, 333334

moving, 601602, 608, 616, 636

patterning, 320321

Bodies to Keep dialog box, 612

body folders, 616619

BodyChamfer feature, 390

BOM (Bill of Materials) option, 368

BOM Part No. item, 383

Boolean operations

Combine feature, 601602

Indent feature, 599601

Move/Copy Bodies feature, 601602

overview, 599

Border panel, 157

Boss panel, Mounting Boss PropertyManager, 756


differences from lofts, 243244

need for surfaces, 245246

Boundary Surface, 633635, 657

bounding box, showing, 720

bracket casting, 281286

branches, inserting, 542

Break Alignment option, 523

Break Corner Options panel, 686

Break Corner tool, 685

break lines, 568

Break toolbar button, Drawings toolbar, 518

Break View, 517519

bridging, between solids, 608

Broken (Locked) category, 201

Broken View PropertyManager, 518

Broken-out Section View

drawing closed loop, 515516

editing view, 517

overview, 514515

selecting depth, 516517

Broken-out Section View tool, Drawings toolbar, 531

*.btl file, 11

buttons, flyout, on toolbars, 4546


calculator, sketching, 227230

calloutformat.txt file, 11

Camera PropertyManager, 187

Camera View, 188

cameras, 186189

Cameras DisplayManager, 186

Cap Ends option, 97, 142, 151

CapRad dimension, Revolve feature, 359

Cascade option, Window menu, 73

Cavity feature, 296

Center Creation option, Circle PropertyManager, 92

center marks, 550551

centerline lofts, 249

centerlines, 95, 439, 550551

Centerpoint Arc option, PropertyManager interface, 93

Centerpoint Straight Slot option, 152

Centroid option, Reference Point section, 330

*.cgr data, 739


dimensions of, 110

edges of, 155

in extruded feature, 153155

general discussion, 280281

Change dimension direction option, Smart Dimension, 87

Change Sense button, Modify box, 88

Check Entity dialog box, 413

Check tool, 412413, 427, 635

Check utility option, 770

Choose Option dialog box, 625

Circle option, 92

Circle PropertyManager, 92

circles, detail

drawing in-line, 509

pre-drawing, 508509

Circular Pattern PropertyManager, 316

circular patterns

creating, tutorial, 336337

overview, 325326

Circular Sketch Pattern, 105, 315316

Clear All option, SelectionManager, 249

Close loft option, SelectionManager, 250

Closed Corner feature

Coplanar faces, 685686

Faces to Extend selection box, 684

Faces to Match selection box, 684

Gap setting, 684

Open bend region option, 685

Overlap/Underlap ratio setting, 684

overview, 683684

Closed loop cam profile sketch, 300

CNC (Computer Numerical Control), 620, 673

coincident sketch relations, 22

collapse tab, FeatureManager, 56

collapsing, automatically, 4041


applying automatically to features, 190

assembly colors, using on drawings, 582

changing, 81

controlling, 223226

customizing, 6466

editing, 211

of lines, 211, 225

using with sketches, 211

Color button, Advanced Options panel, 394

Color Display Mode, 211, 212, 225, 491, 586

Colors dialog box, 81

Column PropertyManager, 725

columns, adding, 390, 391

Combine feature, 601602, 626, 704

Combine PropertyManager, 601

Combine tool, 623, 771

combining macros with hotkeys, 8283


Auto Collapse option, 4041

basing tabs on document types, 41

buttons of, 42

changing appearance of, 4143

customizing, 40

docking, 40

limitations of, 43

mixing with toolbars, 41

overview, 3940

shown on interface screenshot, 38

tabs, 38, 50, 572

Commands dialog box, 377

Commands tab, Customize dialog box, 50, 78

Comment Column item, 383


adding, 226

using, 348

Comments folder, FeatureManager, 226

Component Line Font dialog box, 582, 583, 587, 588

composite curve, putting together, 293294

Computer Numerical Control (CNC), 620, 673

Config Names, 386

Config Specific Custom Property item, 383

Configuration Description item, 383

Configuration Properties dialog box, 368

Configuration Publisher, 391393

Configuration Specific tab, 395

ConfigurationManager, 38, 362, 364, 376


activating, 365366

Configuration Publisher, 391393

creating, 367370

custom properties, controlling, 378379

custom property managers, 372374

deleting, 363364

derived, 374375

design tables

editing, 391

editing settings, 389391

overview, 382

tutorial, 393398

what can be driven by, 393394

dimensions, controlling, 375376

file size, effect on speed, 375

finding, 362363

of inserted parts, controlling, 380381

library features, 381382

Modify Configurations dialog box, 370372

naming, 364365

overview, 361

sketch planes, controlling, 379380

sketch relations, controlling, 379

sorting, 364365

suppression, controlling, 376378

tutorial, 393398

unconfigurable items, 382

conical parts, rolled, 702

connectors, showing, 439

constant radius fillet

dealing with large number of fillets, 260262

Keep edge/Keep surface toggle, 263264

Keep Feature option, 264265

multiple fillet sizes, making, 262263

rounding corners, 263

selecting entities to fillet, 257259

tangent propagation, 259260

constant width fillet, 276

Constrained option, 437

construction geometry, creating, 214

Construction Geometry option,, 101

Consume cut bodies option, 613

consumed features

overview, 400

viewing in original order, 403404

Consumer product design option, 52

Contact surfaces, 171

context toolbars, 4647

continuous curvature face fillets, 270271

continuous domes, 297, 298

contours, 235, 241

Convert Entities option, Sketch Fillet tool, 96

Convert Entities option, Sketch toolbar, 307

Convert Entities toolbar button, 748

Convert to Sheet Metal feature, 700701

Converter dialog box, 736

converters, direct, 735736

converting point cloud data, 740

Coordinate Systems, 118119, 330

Coordinate triad, 38

Coplanar faces, Closed Corner feature, 685686

Copy check box, Mirror Entities PropertyManager, 317

Copy entities tool, 204

Copy Settings Wizard, 72

Copy tool, 102


settings, 72, 76

sketch entities, 204, 205

sketches, tutorial, 219223

Corner option, Trim interface, 99

Corner Rectangle option, 91

Corner tab, FilletXpert, 261

Corner Treatment setting, 673, 674

Corner Trim feature, 685

Corner Trim PropertyManager, 685, 686

Corner Trim Relief options, 686


Closed Corner feature, 683686

rounding, 263

zero thickness, 782

cosmetic patterns

applying, 339341

general discussion, 332333

cosmetic thread display, 504, 506, 527

counterbored hole, 150, 152

countersunk hole, 152

cover.igs file, 748

Create Drawing From Part command, 716

Crop View, 513

Cross Break, 690, 691

crosshatching, 515


changing, 55

Dimension cursor, 224

Rollback cursor, 219

Sketch cursor, 38

curvature comb, 271, 418419, 438

Curvature continuity surfaces, 171

Curvature display, 415

Curvature geometrical analysis tool, 189

Curvature to Face end constraint, 246

Curve Driven Pattern, 329330

Curve File dialog box, 293

Curve to curve deform, 305, 306

Curve to curve type, Deform feature, 304

curved edges, Edge Flange feature, 678679


adding, 751

composite curve, putting together, 293294

Curve Through Reference Points feature, 293

Curve Through XYZ Points feature, 292293

equation driven curve, 107, 108, 294

Gaussian curvature, 631

guide curves, sweep with, 252

Helix curve features, 288290

intersection, 104, 764

offset of, 146

overview, 287288

projected, 290292, 307

split lines, 294

Curves toolbar, 288

Curves window, 224

Custom Configuration, 456

custom drafting standards, creating, 479

custom interface settings, saving, 72

custom properties

controlling, 378379

creating linked properties, 486487

data entry, 723

displaying errors and link variables, 486

displaying property links, 485

entering data, 483485

overview, 483

setting up, 29

in templates, 498

Custom Properties panel, Task pane, 60

Custom Properties tab, 373, 374, 484485

Custom Sizing panel, 445

custom symbols, 549

Custom tab, Summary Information dialog box, 378

Custom View, 521

Customer Portal

FLEXlm End Users Guide, 791

installation and administration guides, 791

Knowledge Base, 790

overview, 789

PDMWorks Workgroup Vault Debug Guide, 791

Release Notes, 790

software downloads, 790

SolidWorks Forums, 789790

What's New, 791


adding hotkeys, 8182

colors, 6466, 81

CommandManager, 40, 7780

device approaches, 70

formats, 480483

hotkey approaches, 67, 8283

icons, minimizing, 70

keyboard, 6970

macros, 7172, 8283

menus, 8081

mouse gestures, 6869

organizing hotkeys, 6768

overview, 6667

touch and multi-touch support, 7071

workflow, 5152

Customize dialog box, 78, 165

Customize Menu option, 54

Customize option, 48

Cut feature, 405, 612613

cut list

managing properties of, 723724

placing on drawing, 724725

saving template, 726

using in sheet metal part, 723

Cut Part button, 613

cut sweep, 254255

Cut-Extrude feature, 146


making with surfaces, 648649, 652653

Normal cut feature, 696697, 707


Dangling category, 200

dangling errors, 222

dangling relation, 220

Dangling sketch state, 24

Data directory, 450

Data Migration tab, CommandManager, 729

Deboss option, Wrap feature, 300301

decals, 181182

Decals PropertyManager, 181, 182

Default end constraint, 246

default radius, Edge Flange feature, 676

Default Section View, 510511

default settings, applying to interface items, 7677

default templates, 1516, 730

Default.mdb database, 449

Defined in Context category, 201

Deform feature

Curve to curve deform, 305

overview, 303304

Point deform, 304305

Surface push deform, 305

Deform Point PropertyManager, 305

degenerate geometry, 630

Delete Body option, RMB menu, 625

Delete Face feature, 749, 775

Delete Face PropertyManager, 624

Delete Favorite button, Hole Wizard Favorite panel, 450

Delete Hole option, 625

Delete Solid/Surface feature, 612

Delete Style button, Style panel, 543


bodies, 621, 625

configurations, 363364

faces, 624, 749, 775

favorites, Hole Wizard, 450

holes, 625

relations, sketch, 2627, 96, 147, 148, 200201, 379

styles, 543

derived parts. See inserted parts

derived sketches, creating, 206

design documents, 10

design intent

editing, 2627

manufacturing method, determining, 132133

multiple versions, creating, 133

overview, 25, 131132

predicting change, 132

primary or functional features, determining, 132

secondary operations, identifying, 133

symmetry, 132

Design Library

assemblies, 458459

folder for, 457458, 462

library features

adding folders to library, 466

applying interface, 452456

changing display of thumbnail, 463464

creating, 459460, 464465

and library limitations, 460

Locating and Internal Dimensions, 466

overview, 451452

saving, 462

other functions, 456459

routing, 459

sheet metal forming tools, 458

Smart Components, 459

storing annotations, 457

storing library parts, 458

Design Library panel, Task pane, 59

design tables

editing settings, 389391

overview, 382

what can be driven by, 393394

design trees, FeatureManager, 20

desktop shortcuts, 54

Detach Segment on Drag Sketch Setting, 113

Detail View

drawing detail circle in-line, 509

editing, 509510

overview, 507

pre-drawing detail circle, 508509

Detail View button, Drawings toolbar, 530

developable surfaces, 631

Deviation Analysis tool, 415416, 435, 438

devices, and customization, 70

Diagnostics tab, SolidWorks RX, 429430

diameter dimension, Dimension Properties interface, 89

DIM field, 566

Dimension cursor, 224

Dimension Palette, 568569, 577

Dimension PropertyManager

break lines, 568

Dimension Palette, 568569

Dimension Text panel, 566

Display Options, 566567

overview, 565

Primary Value Override panel, 566

Witness/Leader Display panel, 568

Dimension Text panel, Dimension PropertyManager, 549, 566

Dimension Tolerance item, 384

Dimension tool, 559

dimension type, Model Views, 506

Dimension Value item, 383


adding, 97

adding to layers, 581

aligning, 571574

of angles, 90

baseline, 109, 563

changing direction of, 87

controlling, 375376

defining, in 3D sketches, 218


overview, 555

setting color for, 562563

using, 349351

horizontal, 109, 110

Insert Model Items, 555557

naming, 345346

negative, 369370

overview, 555

reference dimensions

annotation views, 562

autodimensioning, 563564

DimXpert tool, 559562

on drawing, 560

driven dimension color, 562563

ordinate and baseline dimensions, 563

overview, 557558

Rapid Dimension, 558559

reference sketches, 564565

on solid model, 560

showing, 347, 388

showing names of, 347

styles, 571

tutorial, 575578

using symbols in, 549

Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109111

DimXpert tool, 559562

DimXpertManager, 38, 57

direct converters, 735736

direct dimensions, controlling in extruded feature, 146

direct editing

combining with history, 743746

combining with imported geometry, 746747

handling imported data with FeatureWorks add-in, 747748

strengths and limitations of, 742743

traditional role of, 740743

Direct Editing tab, CommandManager, 728

Direction 2 option, Linear Pattern feature, 323

Direction Vector end constraint, 246247

Direction Vector setting, 652

disjoint sketches, 610

Display Annotations option, 347

display options

Dimension PropertyManager, 566567

in drawing views, 523527

Display Pane, 190

Display States, 179180, 505, 524

Display Styles

layers, 525

overview, 505

selecting Component Line Font, 525

using, 524525

Display/Delete Relations, 2627, 200201

Display/Delete Relations button, Sketch toolbar, 147

Display/Delete Relations dialog box, 148

Display/Delete Relations option, Sketch Fillet tool, 96

Display/Delete Relations PropertyManager, 200, 220, 379

Display/Delete Relations tool, 26

Display/Delete Relations, toolbar, 219



differentiating from materials, 176177

overrides overview, 178179

overview, 175, 177178

removing, 180181

using with Display States, 179180

cameras, 186189

decals, 181182

lights, turning on, 185186

overview, 58, 174175

RealView, 189190

scenes, controlling, 183185

Dissection, 467

Dissolve Library Feature, 473

docking CommandManager, 40

Document Gap option, Break Lines panel, Leaders tab, 577

Document Properties dialog box, 14, 582

document scenes, templates and, 13

Document Settings screen, 490, 491

Document Window controls, 38

document types. See individual document types


hardcopy vs. electronic, 10

Help, 910

Moving from 2D to 3D section, in Help documentation, 9

overview, 89

Tip of Day, 10

tutorials, 9

What's New document, 9


creating, 78

properties of, 14, 582

settings of, 490, 491

types of, 1011


continuous, 297, 298

elliptical, 297, 298

non-continuous, 298

non-elliptical, 298

overview, 296

double hold line fillet, 274275

downloads, 790

Draft Analysis tool

Basic draft analysis, 777778

Face Classification draft analysis, 779780

Gradual Transition draft analysis, 778779

overview, 777

steep faces, 780

workflow, 780781

Draft feature

draft limitations, 769

DraftXpert tool, 770

Neutral Plane draft, 767768

overview, 767

Parting Line draft, 768

Step draft, 768769

when draft fails, 769770

Draft Quality HLR/HLV, 189

Draft quality views, 527

DraftXpert tool, 767, 770

dragging sketch entities, 206

Drawing Layer Mapping screen, 490

drawing template (*.drwdot) file, 10, 477

Drawing View Properties dialog box, 524, 534

Drawing View PropertyManager, 494, 495, 716

drawing views. See views

drawings. See automating drawings; sheet metal drawings

Drawings toolbar, 158, 494, 507

driven dimensions

overview, 555

setting color for, 562563

using, 349351

driving dimensions, 555

*.drwdot (drawing template) file, 10, 477

DVD (accompanying this book)

overview, 795

system requirements for using, 795797

troubleshooting, 797

*.dwg format files, 489

DWG/DXF file, creating custom formats from, 489491

Dynamic Mirror, 104, 318


Ear feature, 462

EarSketch, 462

Edge Flange feature

Angle panel, 677

curved edges, 678679

default radius, 676

Edit Flange Profile button, 676

Flange Length, 677

Flange Position, 677

gap distance, 676

overview, 675

Trim side bends option, 677678


display options for, 191, 526

hiding and showing, 526, 586, 589

settings for, 658

sharp, estimating, 208

tangent, 191, 195, 416418, 526

Edit Appearance view tool, 171

Edit button, Block PropertyManager, 548

Edit Definition option, FeatureManager design tree, 427

Edit drop-down menu, 378

Edit Equation dialog box, 348

Edit Feature icon, 282

Edit Flange Profile button, 676, 709

Edit Sheet Format option, 586

Edit Sketch option, 509, 513, 519

Edit Sketch Or Curve Color tool, 211

Edit Sketch Plane option, 438

editing. See also rolling back

blocks, 114, 548

color, 211

Design Intent, 2627

design table settings, 389391

design tables, 391

Detail View, 509510


combining with history, 743746

combining with imported geometry, 746747

handling imported data with FeatureWorks add-in, 747748

strengths and limitations of, 742743

traditional role of, 740743

formats, 481482

geometry with Instant 3D, 239240

Section Views, 513

sketch relations, 199202

sketches, tutorial, 219223

tables, 385

tutorial about, 435442

Editing Drawing View, 508

ellipses, 103, 282

ellipse.x_t file, 750

elliptical domes, 297, 298

Emboss option, 285, 299300

Embossed barrel cam, 300

Empty View, 521

Enable Snapping Sketch Setting, 113

End Cap Style, 584585

end conditions, 240241, 656

end constraints, lofts

Curvature to Face, 246

Default, 246

Direction Vector, 246247

None, 246

overview, 246

Tangent to Face, 246

End Tangent Length option, 656

Engage Belt option, 124

entities, sketch. See sketch entities

Entities box, 148

Entities panel, PropertyManager, 221

Environment Rotation slider, Advanced tab, 185

Equal Radius relation, 219, 220

Equal relations, 557

Equal Spacing option, 336

Equation button, Tools toolbar, 347

equation driven curve, 107, 108, 294

Equation interface, 348

Equation State item, 383


adding, 87, 347

controlling suppression states of features, 356357

creating, 344348

driven dimensions, 349351

exporting, 357

expressions, 356

external, linking to, 357358

global variables, 354356

IIF function, 351352

link values, 352354

overview, 343

SWITCH function, 352

tutorial, 358359

Equations dialog box, 347, 358, 359

Equations folder, FeatureManager, 350, 353, 355

Equations interface, 344, 354

equations.txt file, 358

*.err file, 730


with geometry imports, 737739

troubleshooting, 429435

estimating sharp edges, 208

Evaluate tab, CommandManager, 417, 418, 780, 783, 784

evaluation techniques

Check tool, 412413

evaluating geometry with reflective techniques

Curvature Comb, 418419

Curvature display, 415

Deviation Analysis, 415416

Feature Statistics, 418

overview, 413

RealView, 415

Tangent Edges as Phantom setting, 416418

Zebra Stripes, 413415

overview, 411


applying fixtures, 421422

applying loads, 422

optimizing design, 425426

overview, 420421

running analysis, 423

selecting material, 423

visualizing results, 423425

tutorial about, 435442

using DFMXpress to catch manufacturability problems, 419420

verification on rebuild, 412

Excel table, 670

Existing Relations panel, 547

expanding Extrude feature, 146

Explode Block tool, 115

Explode option, 548


equations, 357

options for, 118

expressions, 356


faces, 684

sketch entities, 104

surfaces, 639640

Extension Type panel, 639

External category, 201

external equations, linking to, 357358

external references, listing, 381

Extrude feature

expanding, 146

overview, 232

sketch types

3D sketch, 235237

overview, 233

sketch contours, 235

solid feature, 232

thin feature, 232233

workflow, 237

Extrude From option, 608

Extrude tool, Features toolbar, 137, 149

Extruded Boss/Base option, Features toolbar., 654

Extruded Cut option, Feature toolbar, 146

extruded feature

creating, 144155

creating with Instant 3D, 237239

fillets and chamfers, 153155

Hole Wizard, 149151

offset, 146147

relative size or direct dimensions, controlling, 146

sketch techniques, 147149

slot, cutting, 151153

Extruded Surface feature, 631633

Extruded Surface PropertyManager, 632


Face Classification draft analysis, 779780

Face Curves option, 104

Face Curves sketch tool, 630

face fillets

constant width fillet, 276

continuous curvature face fillets, 270271

double hold line fillet, 274275

single hold line fillet, applying, 273274

using, 268270

using with Help Point, 271272

face static – gas, 453


deleting, 624, 749, 775

extending, 684

matching, 684

merging, 674, 698

patterning, 321322

replacing, 643644, 649

straddle, 779

favorites, Hole Wizard

adding/updating, 450

administering, 450

creating, 450

deleting, 450

overview, 449

quirks with, 450451

saving, 450

storing custom holes, 450

FEA (Finite Element Analysis), 262, 408

Feature or Property Syntax from Table, 386

Feature Scope, applying to bodies

Delete Solid/Surface feature, 612

overview, 610

Rib feature, 611

Feature Statistics tool, 313, 418

Feature Suppression State item, 383

feature-based modeling, overview, 1618


design trees in, 20

dragging items in, 21

shown on interface screenshot, 38

working with models in

Display pane, 56

FeatureManager filter, 57

overview, 55

Rollback bar, 56

features. See primary features; secondary features

Features button, 733

Features toolbar, 49, 446, 613

FeatureWorks add-in, 747748

Field of View panel, PropertyManager, 187

File Explorer panel, Task pane, 59

File Properties button, Link to Property dialog box, 487


associated, 28

copies of, 12

locations of, 14, 15, 364

names of, 28

searching for, 62

size of, effect on speed, 375

Files & Logs tab, SolidWorks RX, 432

Fill Pattern, 331332

Fill PropertyManager, 651

Fill Surface feature

blending with, 650, 656659

and Knit Surfaces, 637

using, 641642, 649651

Fillet PropertyManager, 257

Fillet Xpert, 155


constant radius fillet

dealing with large number of fillets, 260263

Keep edge/Keep surface toggle, 263264

Keep Feature option, 264265

multiple fillet sizes, making, 262263

overview, 257

rounding corners, 263

selecting entities to fillet, 257259

tangent propagation, 259260

in extruded feature, 153155

face fillets

constant width fillet, 276

continuous curvature face fillets, 270271

double hold line fillet, 274275

overview, 268

single hold line fillet, applying, 273274

using with Help Point, 271272

fillet features, 9597

full round fillets, 276277

options for, 154, 273

overview, 9495

patterning, 323

setback fillets, 277280

and splines, 95

variable radius fillets

other uses for, 268

overview, 265

straight versus smooth transitions, 267268

values, 265267

FilletXpert, 261

Fill-in Boundary, 775

filter, FeatureManager, 38, 56, 125, 227, 345, 346, 367

Finite Element Analysis (FEA), 262, 408

Fins panel, Mounting Boss PropertyManager, 756

First Angle Projection, 8

first time, Welcome to SolidWorks screen, 56

Fit Spline, 436, 439

Fit Text option, 537538

Fix projected length setting, Jog feature, 682

Fixed constraint, 408

Fixed Entity box, 700

Fixed Face selection box, Jog feature, 681682

Fixture PropertyManager, 421


angle of, 677

curved edges, 678679

default radius, 676

Edge Flange feature, 675679

gap distance, 676

length of, 677

position of, 677

profile, editing, 676

trimming, 677678

Flat Pattern feature, 672675, 699700

flat patterns

and configurations, 717718

overview, 716

showing bend areas on part, 721

showing bend lines and bend notes, 718720

showing bounding box for, 720

Flat-Pattern PropertyManager, 721

Flatten Bends feature, 698699

Flatten button, Sheet Metal toolbar, 707

Flatten toolbar button, 672

Flex feature

advanced techniques, 603

general discussion, 301303

imported and editing geometry using, 750753

FLEXlm End Users Guide, 791

Flip Direction option, 281

Flip Material Side toggle, 762

Flow Area panel, 776

flyout buttons, 4546

Flyout FeatureManager, 406408, 438

flyout toolbars, 50, 78

focus on drawing views, locking, 508

Fold feature, 694695


adding to library, 466

dealing with large number of fillets using, 262

reordering, 406


Component Line Font dialog box, 587, 588

in notes, 536

TrueType, 210, 536

Use Document Font option, 225, 285

Form Tool PropertyManager, 688

Format PropertyManager, 157


creating from blank screen, 488489

creating from imported DWG/DXF file, 489491

custom properties

creating linked properties, 486487

displaying errors and link variables, 486

displaying property links, 485

entering data, 483485

overview, 483


editing format, 481482

managing text, 482483

overview, 480

using sample formats, 480

overview, 479

saving, 491492

second sheet formats

adding new sheets, 492

overview, 492

reloading formats, 493

Title Block function, 487488

Formatting toolbar, 486, 536

Forming Tool button, Sheet Metal toolbar, 688

Forming Tool folder, 458, 689

Forming Tool Library, 689

forming tools

creating, 688689

Forming Tool Library, 689

overview, 688

placing, 689690

special techniques with, 690692

Forming Tools Folder, 712

Four Viewport view, 215, 216

Freeform feature, 750753

From file method, 384

From settings option, PropertyManager window, 655

full round fillets, 276277

Full Screen mode, 51

Fully Define Sketch interface, 113

fully defined state, 2425

functional features, determining, 132


GaBi folder, 5


in closed corners, 684

distance of, 676

knitting surfaces with, 638

Gauge Table, 666667

Gaussian curvature, 631

Genealogical family tree, 401

generic models, making sheet metal parts from

Convert to Sheet Metal feature, 700701

Flat Pattern feature, 699700

Flatten Bends feature, 698699

No Bends feature, 699

Normal cut feature, 696697

overview, 695

Process Bends feature, 699

Rip feature, 697698

Sheet Metal feature, 698

geometry. See also imported geometry

changing, 26

construction geometry, creating, 214

degenerate, 630

editing with Instant 3D, 239240

evaluating with reflective techniques

Curvature Comb, 418419

Curvature display, 415

Deviation Analysis, 415416

Feature Statistics, 418

overview, 413

RealView, 415

Tangent Edges as Phantom setting, 416418

Zebra Stripes, 413415


combining direct editing with, 746747

direct converters, 735736

IFC file format, 740

imported and editing using Flex and Freeform, 750753

imports, 730735

overview, 728

point cloud data, converting, 740

and sheet metal tools, 701702

tutorial, 748753

importing, 733

Reference Geometry

axes, 117

Coordinate Systems, 118119

overview, 115

planes, 116117

points as, 119

tutorial, 125129

tolerance, 571, 577, 578

ghosted images, 22

global shape modeling technique, 303

global variables, 354356

Gradual Transition draft analysis, 778779

graphics cards, 789

graphics window, 239

grid snapping, 102, 572573

gtol.sym file, 11, 549

guide curves, 247248, 252


hardcopy documentation, 10

Heads-up View toolbar, 38, 44, 163, 164, 166, 190

Helix curve features

overview, 288

Tapered Helix panel, 288289

using spiral, 290

Variable Pitch helix, 289290

workflow, 290


blogs, 791792

Customer Portal

FLEXlm End Users Guide, 791

installation and administration guides, 791

Knowledge Base, 790

overview, 789

PDMWorks Workgroup Vault Debug Guide, 791

Release Notes, 790

software downloads, 790

SolidWorks Forums, 789790

What's New, 791

documentation, 910

non-commercial web sites, 793

online forums, 791792

overview, 787

searching for, 63

SolidWorks Help file

Help Contents list, 788

Index removed, 788

overview, 787

Search function, 788789

SolidWorks Web Help, 788

SolidWorks Web site, 789

user groups, 791

Help Point option, using face fillets with, 271272

Hem feature, 680681, 710

HexDrive feature, 388

hidden lines, 169

Hidden Lines Removed (HLR) view tool, 169

Hidden Lines Visible (HLV) view tool, 169


bodies, 619620

edges, 526, 586, 589


combining direct edit with, 743746

modeling based on, 1821

showing, 618

HLR (Hidden Lines Removed) view tool, 169

HLV (Hidden Lines Visible) view tool, 169

Hole Wizard

2D placement sketches, 446

3D placement sketches, 446449

defining anatomy of Hole Wizard holes

hole sketch, 445

overview, 444

placement sketch, 445

in extruded feature, 149151


administering, 450

creating, 450

overview, 449

quirks with, 450451

storing custom holes, 450

Hole Series, 451

overview, 443

horizontal dimensions, 109, 110

horizontal lines, 90

horizontal relations, 23

hotkeys, 54, 55, 6768, 8182

Hybrid modeling, 629630



adding to flyout toolbar, 50

large, setting, 43

minimizing, 70

IFC file format, 740

IGES files, 730, 734

IIF function, 351352

Import Diagnostics, 731, 733, 737, 748

imported geometry

combining direct editing with, 746747

direct converters, 735736

IFC file format, 740

imported and editing using Flex and Freeform, 750753


demonstrating data import, 731735

errors with, 736739

overview, 730

results of, 730731

overview, 728

point cloud data, converting, 740

tutorial, 748753

Imported Geometry feature, 728, 729

importing, options for, 505506

Inch B Bible Template.drwdot drawing template, 528

Increment Value icon, Modify box, 88


general discussion, 305307

using with multi-bodies, 599601

workflow for, 770771

inferencing, 111112

Infinite length line option, PropertyManager interface, 90

Inner/Outer faces, 768

Insert Bend, 696, 698, 699, 702, 706, 733

Insert Line PropertyManager interface, 91

Insert menu

customizing, 80

primary uses of, 54

screenshot of, 53

Insert Part feature

overview, 615616

PropertyManager for, 335

starting point, 616

using with sheet metal drawings, 704

working with secondary operations, 616

Insert Part PropertyManager, 615

Insert Part technique, 133

inserted parts

configurations of, 383

controlling, 380381

overview, 28


blank design table, 384

blocks, 114, 545547, 553

model items, 555557

models, 496

new branches, 542

Insertion Point panel, 123, 553

installing SolidWorks

for first time, 35

guide for, 791

Instances to Skip option, Linear Pattern feature, 324

Instant 3D

creating extrudes with, 237239

editing geometry with, 239240

overview, 237240

purpose and capabilities of, 143144

interface. See also customization

2D Command Line Emulator, 6364

adding hotkeys, 8182

applying default settings to interface items, 7677

associativity, 2728

changing colors of, 81

changing cursors, 55

combining macros with hotkeys, 8283

CommandManager, 3943

Auto Collapse option, 4041

basing tabs on document types, 41

changing appearance of, 4143

customizing, 40

docking, 40

limitations of, 43

mixing with toolbars, 41

controlling menus, 5355

copying existing settings, 76

creating part templates, tutorial, 2830

customizing workflow, 5152

Design Intent

editing, 2627

overview, 25

history-based modeling, 1821

models, 5558

DisplayManager, overview of, 58

working with in FeatureManager window, 5557

working with in PropertyManager window, 5758

multiple document windows, 7375

changing windows, 7475

managing windows, 7374

overview, 3738

Search feature

overview, 61

searching for files, 62

searching for help, 63

sketching with parametrics

general discussion, 2125

tutorial, 3035

Status bar, 6061

Task pane, 5960

tool tips, 48


context toolbars, 4647

flyout buttons on, 4546

flyout toolbars, 50

and Full Screen mode, 51

Heads-up View toolbar, 44

Menu Bar toolbar and menu, 4445

moving, 49

overview, 43

Shortcut (S) toolbar, 4748

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 8

interpolated features, 241

intersection curves, 104, 764

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 8

isoparameter U-V lines, displaying, 247


Jog feature

Fix projected length setting, 682

Fixed Face selection box, 681682

Jog Angle selection box, 683

Jog Offset, 682

Jog Position selection box, 682

overview, 681683

jog points, adding, 541

journal.doc file, 10


Keep edge option, 264

Keep edge/Keep surface toggle, 263264

Keep Feature option, 264265

Keep Relations option, 203

Keep surface option, 264

keyboard, customizing, 6970

Keyboard dialog box, 67, 68


Alt-Keys, File menu, 69

arrow keys, manipulating view using, 164

hotkeys, 54, 55, 6768, 8183

K-Factor option, Bend Allowance, 669

Knit function, 628

knitting surfaces, 637638

Knowledge Base, 790


langenglish subfolder, 450, 549

langenglishSheetmetal Bend Tables subdirectory, 668

Launch move dialog option, 616

Layer toolbar, 580, 581, 587


adding dimensions and notes to, 581

in imported 2D data, 579581

overview, 525

properties of, 587

on sheet format, 581

using assembly colors on drawings, 582

using assembly parts on, 582583

Layers dialog box, 525, 580, 587

layout sketch technique, 132

leaders, in notes

adding to note, 540

jogged leaders, 541542

multiple leaders, 540541

library features. See also Design Library

adding folders to library, 466

applying interface

Design Library, 453456

overview, 452

Task Pane, 452

changing display of thumbnail, 463464

creating, 464465

Locating and Internal Dimensions, 466

overview, 381382, 451452

saving, 462

tutorial, 467473

license agreement, 5

light bulb icons, 779

Light Suppression State item, 383

lights, turning on, 185186

Line tool, 151, 448, 708

Linear Note Pattern PropertyManager, 538

Linear Pattern, 105, 323325

Linear Sketch Pattern, 315

line-on-line geometry, 428


centerline lofts, 249

centerlines, 95, 439, 550551

color of, 211, 225, 586

format of

Color Display mode, 586

End Cap Style, 584585

hiding and showing edges, 586

line style, 586

line thickness, 585

overview, 583

settings, 584

thickness, 212, 588

hidden, 169

horizontal, 90

split, 294, 421, 656, 751

using with sketches

assigning line color, 211

assigning line thickness and line style, 212

Edit Sketch Or Curve Color tool, 211

overview, 211

vertical, 90

Link to library part option, 464

link values, 352354


to external equations, 357358

to properties, 157, 224, 486, 487

Lip/Groove feature, 760762

listing external references, 381

Load Favorite button, Hole Wizard Favorite panel, 450

Load Style button, Style panel, 543

local operations

Flex feature, 603

overview, 603

Shell feature, 603604

Locating Dimensions, 466

Locked (Broken) category, 201


angles, 547

focus on drawing views, 508

Loft PropertyManager interface, 243

Lofted Bends, 692694

Lofted Surfaces, 633, 656, 657


centerline lofts, 249

choosing options for, 250251

comparing with splines, 244245

differences from boundary, 243244

end constraints

Curvature to Face, 246

Default, 246

Direction Vector, 246247

None, 246

overview, 246

Tangent to Face, 246

guide curves, 247248

isoparameter U-V lines, displaying, 247

need for surfaces, 245246

SelectionManager, 249

using entities in, 244

workflow, 251


Machine design option, 52


accessing, 7172

combining with hotkeys, 8283

overview, 71

Magnifying Glass, 167

Make Base Construction setting, 97, 151

Make Block dialog box, 123

Make Block tool, 114

Make Drawing From Part tool, 502

Make Drawing from Part/Assembly method, 496

Make Path option, 106

manufacturing method, determining, 132133

Mapping tab, Appearances PropertyManager, 340

Mark for import to drawing option, Smart Dimension, 87

Master Model, 597, 598

matching faces, 684

Matching Tolerance slider, 207

Material Crosshatch option, 515

materials, differentiating appearances from, 176177

memory surfaces, 651652

Menu Bar menu, 4445

Menu Bar toolbar, 4445, 78


controlling, 5355

customizing, 54, 55

Edit drop-down menu, 378

Insert menu

customizing, 80

primary uses of, 54

screenshot of, 53

popular, screenshot of, 53

pull-down, accessing, 39

Right Mouse Button (RMB) menu, 38, 352, 464

Tools menu

customizing, 53

primary uses of, 54

screenshot of, 53

View menu, 53, 54, 284

Merge option, 608

Merge Result option, 283, 610, 650, 651

Merge tangent faces option, SelectionManager, 250

merging faces, 320, 674, 698

metadata, 214, 226227

Metal heading, 340

Mid Plane, 139, 144

MidSurface feature, 643

minimizing icons, 70

Mirror Part command, 334, 335

Mirror PropertyManager, 285


3D Solids

mirroring bodies, 333334

mirroring entire parts, 334336

mirroring features, 334

overview, 333

Dynamic Mirror, 318

features, 337339

Mirror Entities, 316318

overview, 316

sheet metal features, 687

Symmetry sketch relation, 318319

tutorial, 337339

using in 3D sketches, 319

Miscellaneous listing, 340

Miter Flange feature, 673, 679680, 683, 709

mixing methods, 702703

Model Completely option, 733

Model in View Specified option, Sheet Properties, 157

Model Items PropertyManager interface, 556

Model Views

cosmetic thread display, 504, 506

dimension type, 506

Display State, 505

Display Style panel, 505

Import Options, 505506

number of views and orientation, 504

open documents, 503504

overview, 503

Reference Configuration list, 504

Select Bodies button, 504

sheet scale, 505506

Start Command When Creating New Drawing option, 504

Thumbnail Preview option, 504


DisplayManager, overview of, 58

history-based modeling, 1821

inserting, 496

overview, 55

working with in FeatureManager window, 5557

Display pane, 56

FeatureManager filter, 57

Rollback bar, 56

working with in PropertyManager window, 5758

Modify Configurations dialog box

adding custom properties with, 372

overview, 370

Table Views, 371372

Modify dialog box, 369

Modify Sketch tool, 204, 205, 206, 488, 689

Modifying Symbols library, 551

molds, multi-body functionality in, 622

MotionManager, 38

Mounting Boss feature, 756758

Mounting Hole/Pin panel, 756

MountRad dimension, 469



customizing, 6869

manipulating view using, 165

shown on interface screenshot, 38

middle button, 164165

Move/ Copy Body feature, 335

Move Drawing dialog box, 489

Move Entities interface, 102

Move Face feature, 655, 744, 745, 749, 750

Move tool, 102, 202, 203

Move/Copy Bodies feature, 601602, 608, 616, 636


bodies, 601602, 608, 616, 636

sketch entities, 202203

toolbars, 49

Moving from 2D to 3D section, in Help documentation, 9

multi-bodies, 593626

adding, 615616

comparing with assembly modeling, 594595


applying Feature Scope to bodies, 610612

with Cut feature, 612613

disjoint sketches, 610

overview, 610

turning off Merge Result option, 610

functionality in molds, 622

functionality in sheet metal, 621622

functionality in weldments, 621


body folders, 616619

deleting bodies, 621

hiding or showing bodies, 619620

overview, 616

renaming bodies, 621

with Split feature, 613615

merging and local operations, 622623

patterning, 624626

sheet metal drawings of

displaying bodies on sheet metal drawing, 722723

managing cut list properties, 723724

overview, 721

placing cut list on drawing, 724725

saving cut list template, 726

using cut list in sheet metal part, 723

splitting, 624626


appropriately, 595596

bridging between solids, 608

creating complex shapes across bodies, 597599

local operations, 603605

modeling for undetermined manufacturing methods, 608609

overview, 595

patterning, 604605

simplifying complex parts, 606607

tool bodies and Boolean operations, 599602

tutorials, 622626

multiple Base Flanges, 704705

multiple document windows

changing windows, 7475

managing windows, 7374

overview, 73

multiple parents, rolling back feature with, 402403

multiple versions, creating, 133

multithickness shell, 603, 772

multi-touch support, 7071

Mutual Trim option, 640



configurations, 364365

dimensions, 345346

Natural position, flex states, 302

navigating in space, 215216

negative dimensions, 369370

Neutral Plane draft, 767768, 770

New method technique, 317

New SolidWorks Document dialog box, 13, 15

No Bends feature, 699

No Solve Move option, 106

Non Uniform Rational B Spline, 630631

non-commercial web sites, 793

non-continuous domes, 298

None end constraint, 246

non-elliptical domes, 298

Normal cut feature, 696697, 707

Normal to Curve option, 309

Normal To Sketch option, 762

Note PropertyManager, 537


adding symbols to, 545

adding to layers, 581

fonts in, 536

hyperlinking text, 544545


adding to note, 540

jogged leaders, 541542

multiple leaders, 540541

linking to custom properties, 544

overview, 535

placing, 535536, 539542

styles, 542543

text boxes and wrapping

Fit Text option., 537538

overview, 536

patterning notes, 538539

using symbols in, 549

Novice interface, New SolidWorks Document dialog box, 12, 13

Number of Instances option, Linear Pattern feature, 323

NURBS surfaces, 630


*.obj file format, 740

offset, in extruded feature, 146147

Offset Curve option, 326

Offset Entities option, 97

Offset option, 138, 750

Offset Surface feature, 635636, 653655

online forums, 791792

Online User's Guide. See Help

Open bend region option, Closed Corner feature, 685

Open dialog box, 366, 498, 728, 748

Open Documents dialog box, 75

open documents, Model Views, 503504

OpenGL shading, 779

operating systems, 3

operations, order of, 2021

options, configuration, 367368

Options dialog box, 55

Options panel, 445

Options tab, Customize dialog box, 52

order of operations, 2021

ordinate dimensions, 109, 563


Broken-out Section View, 523

Model Views, 504

Other Face option, 768

Overall Drafting Standard, 479

OverallLength dimension, 389

Overdefined sketch state, 23

Overdefining/Not Solved category, 200

Overlap/Underlap ratio setting, Closed Corner feature, 684

Override Dims on Drag option, 114, 239


dimensions, 456, 566

overview, 178179


Page Properties, 562

Page Setup dialog box, 563

Pan View tool, 169

Parabola option, 103

parallel relations, 22, 23

Parallel To Sketch option, 762

Parallelogram option, 102

parameters, 547


general discussion, 2125

tutorial, 3035

Parasolid, 731, 739

Parent Config (creates a derived config) item, 383

parent-child relationship, 20, 401402, 405

Part or Feature Color item, 384

Partial Ellipse option, 103

Partial Preview, 261

Partial Section View, 512

Parting Line draft, 767, 768, 769

Parting Surface feature, 645

parts. See also configurations

entire, mirroring, 334336

origin of, 38, 137

simple parts

building in symmetry, 136137

deciding where to start, 134136

extruded feature, 144155

making solid, 137

overview, 133

tutorial, 156161

using Instant 3D, 143144

path segments, planar, 218

Pattern Faces option, 322


bodies, 320321, 604605

circular pattern, creating, 336337

Circular Sketch Pattern, 315316

Cosmetic Patterns, 332333, 339341

faces, 321322

fillets, 323

Geometry Pattern option, 319320

Linear Sketch Pattern, 315

notes, 538539

overview, 31

sheet metal features, 687688

splitting and, 624626

types of

Circular Pattern, 325326

Curve Driven Pattern, 326329

Fill Pattern, 331332

Linear Pattern, 323325

overview, 323

Table Driven Pattern, 330331

PDM (Product Data Management) applications, 214

PDMWorks Workgroup Vault Debug Guide, 791

Performance Benchmark, 432435

Perimeter Creation option, Circle PropertyManager, 92

perspective, compensating for, 208

pictures, sketch

compensating for perspective, 208

estimating sharp edges, 208

overview, 206

using Auto Trace, 209

using three views, 207208

Pierce constraint, 438

Pierce sketch relation, 252254

Pipe tap hole, 152

pitch term, 288

placement sketches

2D, 446

3D, 446449

overview, 445

plan view orientation, 762

planar path segments, in 3D sketches, 218

Planar Surface feature, 428, 639, 649, 657

Plane toolbar button, Features tab, CommandManager, 126


creating, 116117

using in space, in 3D sketches, 217218

plastic evaluation tools

Draft Analysis tool

Basic draft analysis, 777778

Face Classification draft analysis, 779780

Gradual Transition draft analysis, 778779

overview, 777

steep faces, 780

workflow, 780781

overview, 776

Thickness Analysis tool

overview, 781

Show Thick Regions option, 782

Show Thin Regions option, 781782

workflow, 783

Undercut Detection tool, 783784

plastic features

Draft feature

draft limitations, 769

DraftXpert tool, 770

Neutral Plane draft, 767768

overview, 767768

Parting Line draft, 768

Step draft, 768769

when draft fails, 769770

Indent feature, 770771

Lip/Groove feature, 760762

Mounting Boss feature, 756758

overview, 755756

Rib feature

Intersection Curves as reference, 764

overview, 762

ribs and multi-bodies, 764

terminating ribs, 765766

thin features, 766

using draft in, 762763

Shell feature

multithickness shell, 772

overview, 771

Shell Outward option, 772773

Shell workflow, 773774

Snap Hook feature, 758760

Snap Hook Groove feature, 758760

Vent feature, 774776

point cloud data, converting, 740

Point deform, 304305


adding, 751

creating, 96, 446

deforming models with, 304

as Reference Geometry, 119

Polygon option, 102

Positions tab, PropertyManager, 150, 446

Power trim option, Trim interface, 99

Pre-defined Views, in templates

aligning, 495496

limitations of, 496

overview, 493

populating drawing with, 496

scaling, 496

predicting change, 132

Presentation scenes, 185


dealing with large number of fillets using, 261262

showing, 250, 365, 439, 773

Previous View control, View Orientation dialog box, 172

primary features. See also fillets


differences from lofts, 243244

understanding need for surfaces, 245246

chamfers, 280281

determining, 132

Extrude feature

overview, 232

sketch types, 233237

solid feature, 232

thin feature, 232233

workflow, 237

Instant 3D

creating extrudes with, 237239

editing geometry with, 239240

overview, 237


centerline lofts, 249

choosing options for, 250251

comparing with splines, 244245

differences from boundary, 243244

end constraints, 246247

guide curves, 247248

isoparameter U-V lines, displaying, 247

need for surfaces, 245246

SelectionManager, 249

using entities in, 244

workflow, 251

overview, 231

Revolve feature

contour selection, 241

end conditions, 240241

overview, 240

workflow, 241

sweep features

cut sweep with solid profile, 254255

overview, 251

Pierce relation, 252254

simple sweep, 251

sweep with guide curves, 252

workflow, 255256

tutorial, 281286

Primary Value Override, 566

Primary Value panel, 345

Problem Capture tab, SolidWorks RX, 430431

Process Bends feature, 698, 699, 700

Product Data Management (PDM) applications, 214

Pro/ENGINEER files, 735

Program Files folder, 4

projected curves

creating, 307

overview, 290

Sketch On Faces, 290291

Sketch Onto Sketch

intersecting surfaces visualization method, 291292

picturing reverse 2D drawing visualization method, 291

Projected View, 494, 507, 531

Prompt to Close Sketch, 149

Prompt user to select document template option, 16

Propagate visual properties option, Linear Pattern feature, 324


configuration, 367368


controlling, 378379

creating linked properties, 486487

displaying errors and link variables, 486

displaying property links, 485

entering data, 483485

overview, 483

of documents, 14, 582

linking to, 157, 224, 486, 487

showing, 355

Properties dialog box, 158, 367

Property Tab Builder interface, 372, 373


3D planes, 218

Add to Library, 465, 470

Appearances, 178, 192, 340, 341

Autodimension, 563

Block, 546

Boundary Surface, 635

Broken View, 518

Camera, 187

Circle, 92

Circular Pattern, 316, 336

Column, 725

Combine, 601

Corner Trim, 685, 686

Cross Break, 691

Decals, 181, 182

Deform Point, 305

Delete Face, 624


break lines, 568

Dimension Palette, 568569

Dimension Text panel, 566

Display Options, 566567

overview, 565

Primary Value Override panel, 566

Witness/Leader Display panel, 568

Display/Delete Relations, 200, 220, 379

Drawing View, 494, 495, 716

Extruded Surface, 632

Fill, 651

Fillet, 257

Fixture, 421

Flat-Pattern, 721

Form Tool, 688

Format, 157

Insert Line interface, 91

Insert Part, 615

Insert Part feature, 335

Linear Note Pattern, 538

Loft interface, 243

Mirror, 285

Model Items interface, 556

Note, 537

Rip, 697

Scene, 184, 185

Sensor, 213

Sheet Metal, 667

shown on interface screenshot, 38

Sketch, 318

Sketch Picture, 207, 209

Slot, 152

Smart Dimension, 560

Snap Groove interface, 759

View, 524

working with models in, 5758

*.prtdot (part template) file, 10, 477

*.prtprp file, 10

pull-down menus, 39

Push Pin control, 172, 249


Quick Snaps option, Sketch Fillet tool, 96

Quick Tips, 67, 6061


radial dimension, 89

Radiate Surface feature, 636637


equal, 219, 220


other uses for, 268

overview, 265

straight versus smooth transitions, 267268

values, 265267

Rapid Dimension, 558559

RapidSketch, 212213

RealView, 171, 189190, 332, 413, 415

rebuild, verification on, 412

Rebuild Block tool, 114, 548

Recent Documents dialog box, 75

Recovered Documents panel, Task pane, 60

Rectangle flyout, 91

reduced angles, allowing, 768, 770

Reference 3d Curve Driven. sldprt file, 327

Reference Configuration list, Model Views, 504

Reference Configuration panel, Drawing View, 718

Reference Dimension scheme, 609

reference dimensions

annotation views, 562

autodimensioning, 563564

DimXpert tool, 559562

on drawing, 560

driven dimension color, 562563

ordinate and baseline dimensions, 563

overview, 557

Rapid Dimension, 558559

reference sketches, 564565

on solid model, 560

Reference Geometry

axes, 117

Coordinate Systems, 118119

overview, 115

planes, 116117

points as, 119

tutorial, 125129

reference sketches, 564565

references, external, listing, 381

References panel, 454

reflective techniques

Curvature Comb tool, 418419

Curvature display, 415

Deviation Analysis tool, 415416

Feature Statistics tool, 418

overview, 413

RealView tool, 415

Tangent Edges as Phantom setting, 416418

Zebra Stripes tool, 413415

relations, sketch, 22

in 3D sketches, 216217

adding, 96, 318, 547

controlling, 379

displaying/deleting, 2627, 96, 148, 200201, 220, 379


or repairing, 25

overview, 199

using Display/Delete Relations, 200201

using SketchXpert, 202

horizontal, 23

icons, 26, 221

tutorial, 120122

Relations panel, Display/Delete Relations PropertyManager, 221

relative size, controlling, in extruded feature, 146

Relative View, 521522

Release Notes, 790

reloading formats, 493


appearances, 180181

entities, 548

sketch entities from blocks, 115

renaming bodies, 621

Reorder Bends dialog box, 665


features, 404406

folders, 406

replacing faces, 643644, 649

Reset Standard Views control, View Orientation dialog box, 172

Results panel, SketchXpert dialog box, 202

reverse 2D drawing visualization method, picturing, 291

Reverse Offset option, 140

Reverse option, Offset Entities interface, 97

Revolve end conditions, 240

Revolve feature, 240241

Revolved Surface feature, 633

Rib feature

Intersection Curves as reference, 764

overview, 762

ribs and multi-bodies, 764

terminating ribs, 765766

thin features, 766

using draft in, 762763

using with multi-bodies, 611

Rib tool, Features toolbar, 338

Right Mouse Button (RMB) menu, 38, 352, 464

Rip feature, 696, 697698, 705

Rip PropertyManager, 697

RMB (Right Mouse Button) menu, 38, 352, 464

Roll View tool, 169

Rollback bar, 38, 56, 219, 438, 439

Rollback cursor, 219

rolled conical parts, 702

rolling back

consumed features

overview, 400

viewing in original order, 403404

of features with multiple parents, 402403

image of model in rolled back state, 219

overview, 399

parent-child relationship, 401402


with mouse, 163, 169

overview, 102

sketch entities, 203

text, in tables, 387

using Rotate function, Modify Sketch dialog box, 205

rounding corners, 263

routing, 459

rows, adding, 390, 391

*.rpt file, 730

ruled surfaces, 631, 645646


S (Shortcut) toolbar, 38, 4748

Sandblasted Steel icon, lower panel, 340

*.sat files, 739

Save All Bodies button, 613


blocks, 115

favorites, Hole Wizard Favorite, 450

formats, 491492

library features, 462

sketches as blocks, 543

styles, 543

templates, 499


about part Origin or Moveable Origin, 205

general discussion, 295296

sketch entities, 204

Scene, Lights, and Cameras DisplayManager, 183

Scene PropertyManager, 184, 185

scenes, controlling, 183185

screen, blank, creating custom formats from, 488489

Scribe option, Wrap feature, 298299

Scribed edge, 300

scrollbars, adding, 166

Search tab, Task pane, 62


for files, 62

for help, 63

overview, 61

second sheet formats

adding new sheets, 492

reloading formats, 493

secondary features

curve features

composite curve, putting together, 293294

Curve Through Reference Points feature, 293

Curve Through XYZ Points feature, 292293

equation driven curve, 294

Helix curve features, 288290

overview, 287

projected curves, creating, 290292

split lines, 294

overview, 287

specialty features

Deform feature, 303305

Dome feature, 296298

Flex feature, 301303

Indent feature, 305307

overview, 295

Scale feature, 295296

Wrap feature, 298301

tutorial, 307310

secondary operations, identifying, 133

Section Depth panel, 511

Section Scope, 515

Section Views

Aligned Section View, 512513

Default Section View, 510511

editing, 513

overview, 510

Partial Section View, 512

seed face, defined, 637

Select Bodies button, 504, 722

Select Chain option, 97, 146

Select Closed Loop option, SelectionManager, 249

Select Groupfunction option, SelectionManager, 249

Select Open Loop option, SelectionManager, 249

Select Region option, SelectionManager, 249

Select Through Faces option, Fillet Options panel, 257

Select to chamfer, 155

Selected bodies option, 611

Selected Entities category, 201

Selected Point option, 330

selecting, automatically, 611

Selection Filter, 257

SelectionManager, 249

Sensor PropertyManager, 213

sensors, 213214

setback fillets, 277280


of design tables, editing

Edit Control panel, 390

linked design table, 390

Options settings, 390391

overview, 389

of documents, 490, 491

saving to file, 72

for sketches, 113114

setup, saving, 11

Shaded mode, 731

Shaded view tool, 169

Shaded with Edges view tool, 169

Shadows in Shaded Mode view tool, 169

Shared Toolbox installations, 449

Shared Values dialog box, 354, 355

sharing templates, 16

Sharp Bend features, 698

sharp edges, estimating, 208

Sheet Format/Size dialog box, 156

Sheet Metal CommandManager tab, 733

sheet metal drawings

flat patterns

and configurations, 717718

overview, 716

showing bend areas on part, 721

showing bend lines and bend notes, 718720

showing bounding box for, 720

of multi-body sheet metal parts

displaying bodies on sheet metal drawing, 722723

managing cut list properties, 723724

overview, 721

placing cut list on drawing, 724725

saving cut list template, 726

using cut list in sheet metal part, 723

overview, 715, 716

Sheet Metal feature

Bend Allowance

Bend Allowance and Bend Deduction option, 669670

Bend Calculation Tables, 670672

Bend Table option, 668

K-Factor option, 669

overview, 665, 668672

bend radius, 667

Gauge Table, 666667

overview, 665, 698

thickness, 667668

Sheet Metal PropertyManager, 667

Sheet Metal toolbar, 699

sheet metal tools

Base Flange method

Auto Relief, 672

Base Flange/Tab feature, 664665

Closed Corner feature, 683686

Edge Flange feature, 675679

Flat Pattern feature, 672675

forming tools, 688692

Hem feature, 680681

Jog feature, 681683

Lofted Bends feature, 692694

mirroring sheet metal features, 687

Miter Flange feature, 679680

overview, 663

patterning sheet metal features, 687688

Sheet Metal feature, 665672

Sketched Bend feature, 683

Unfold and Fold features, 694695

forming tools, 458

making rolled conical parts, 702

making sheet metal parts from generic models

Convert to Sheet Metal feature, 700701

Flat Pattern feature, 699700

Flatten Bends feature, 698699

No Bends feature, 699

Normal cut feature, 696697

overview, 695

Process Bends feature, 699

Rip feature, 697698

Sheet Metal feature, 698

mixing methods, 702703

multi-body techniques

Insert Part feature, 704

multiple Base Flanges, 704705

overview, 703

overview, 663


Base Flange sheet metal method, 708713

Insert Bends method, 705708

working with imported geometry, 701702

sheet metal.x_t file, 733

Sheet Properties dialog box, 157

sheet scale, Model Views, 505506

sheets, distinguishing drawing views from, 528

Shell command, 773

Shell feature

multithickness shell, 772

overview, 603604

Shell Outward option, 772773

Shell workflow, 773774

Shell Outward option, 772773

Ship in a Bottle.sldprt model, 352

Shortcut (S) toolbar, 38, 4748

shortcuts, 54

Show All Connectors option, graphics window, 439

Show Dimension Names option, 347

Show Feature Dimensions option, 347, 388

Show Feature History option, 618

Show Preview option, 250, 365, 439, 773

Show Properties option, 355

Show Thick Regions option, Thickness Analysis tool, 782

Show Thin Regions option, Thickness Analysis tool, 781782

simple parts

building in symmetry, 136137

deciding where to start, 134136

extruded feature, 144155

fillets and chamfers, 153155

Hole Wizard, 149151

offset, 146147

relative size or direct dimensions, controlling, 146

sketch techniques, 147149

slot, cutting, 151153

making solid, 137

overview, 133

tutorial, 156161

using Instant 3D, 143144

simple sweep, 251

Simplify Bends option, 673

simplifying complex parts, 606607

SimulationXpress, 423, 425

Single direction or two directions option, Linear Pattern feature, 323

single hold line fillet, applying, 273274

Skeleton term, 410

sketch blocks

general discussion, 114115

tutorial, 122125

Sketch button, Sketch toolbar, 87

Sketch Chamfer tool, 94

Sketch cursor, 38

Sketch Driven Pattern, 400

sketch entities

adding/removing, 548

copying, 204, 205

creating derived sketch, 206

dragging, 206

extending, 104

modifying, 204205

moving, 202203

offset, 97

overview, 202

removing from blocks, 115

rotating, 203

scaling, 204

splitting, 104, 656

using in lofts, 244

Sketch Fillet option, PropertyManager interface, 94

Sketch Fillet tool, 121

Sketch Offset function, 636

Sketch On Faces projected curve, 290291

Sketch On Sketch option, 307

Sketch Onto Sketch projected curve

intersecting surfaces visualization method, 291292

overview, 291

picturing reverse 2D drawing visualization method, 291

Sketch Pattern tool, 314

Sketch Picture 1.tif part name, 223

Sketch Picture 2.tif part name, 223

Sketch Picture PropertyManager, 207, 209

sketch planes, controlling, 379380

Sketch PropertyManager, 318

Sketch Relation Suppression item, 383

sketch relations. See relations, sketch

sketch text, 103, 104, 210

Sketch toolbar, 49, 8794, 120, 764

Sketch Tools panel, Loft PropertyManager, 244

Sketched Bend feature, 683


2D, 21, 22, 446


defining dimensions, 218

exploring sketch relations in, 216217

making extrusions from, 235237

navigating in space, 215216

overview, 2122, 214215

using planar path segments, 218

using planes in space, 217218

absorbed, 400

adding Sensors, 213214

creating construction geometry, 214

derived, creating, 206

disjoint, 610

entities of accessing via Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109111

accessing via Sketch toolbar, 8794

overview, 86

sketch fillets, 94108

inferencing, 111112

opening, 86

overview, 8586

placement sketches

2D, 446

3D, 446449

overview, 445

RapidSketch, 212213

Reference Geometry

axes, 117

Coordinate Systems, 118119

overview, 115

planes, 116117

points as, 119

tutorial, 125129

reference sketches, 564565

saving as blocks, 543

settings for, 113114

sketch blocks

general discussion, 114115

tutorial, 122125

sketch contours, 235

sketch entities

copying, 204, 205

creating derived sketch, 206

dragging, 206

modifying sketch, 204205

moving, 202203

overview, 202

rotating, 203

scaling, 204

sketch pictures

compensating for perspective, 208

estimating sharp edges, 208

overview, 206

using Auto Trace, 209

using three views, 207208

sketch relations

editing, 199202

tutorial, 120122

sketch text, 210211

tutorial controlling pictures, text, colors, and styles, 223226

editing and copying, 219223

sketching calculator, 227230

using metadata, 226227

using colors and line styles with, 211212

assigning line color, 211

assigning line thickness and line style, 212

using Edit Sketch Or Curve Color tool, 211

working in Color Display mode, 211

using metadata for, 214

SketchXpert, 202, 220

skyline orientation, 762

*.sldasm file, 10

*.sldblk file, 11, 545

*.sldbombt file, 11

*.sldclr file, 11

*.sldcrv file, 293

*.slddrt file, 11

*.slddrw file, 10

*.sldgtolfvt file, 11

*.sldholtbt file, 11

*.sldhwfvt file, 449, 450

*.sldlfp file, 11, 459, 462, 464, 465

*.sldlin file, 586

*.sldmat file, 11

*.sldprt file, 10

*.sldreg file, 11

*.sldrevtbt file, 11

*.sldsffvt file, 11

*.sldstd file, 11

*.sldtbt file, 11

*.sldweldfvt file, 11

*.sldwldtbt file, 11

Slot PropertyManager, 152

Slot sketch entities, 151


cutting in extruded feature, 151153

sketch tools for, 151

straight and curved, 108

Smart Components, 459

Smart Dimension button, Sketch toolbar, 87

Smart Dimension option, Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109

Smart Dimension PropertyManager, 560

Smart Dimension tool, 24, 120, 121, 123, 127, 137, 447, 560

SM-FLAT-PATTERN configuration, 717

Smooth transition, 268

Snap Groove PropertyManager interface, 759

Snap Hook feature, 758760

Snap Hook Groove feature, 758760

Socket Head Cap Screw type, 150

software downloads, 790

Solid Bodies folder, 623

Solid Edge ST3 implementation, 744

solid features, vs. thin features, 232

solid model, reference dimensions on, 560


3D Solids, mirroring

bodies, 333334

entire parts, 334336

features, 334

overview, 333

bridging between, 608

SolidWorks. See also interface

document types, 1011

installing for first time, 35

setup, saving, 11

Standard package, 183

starting for first time

creating new document, 78

documentation, 810

license agreement, 5

overview, 5

using Quick Tips, 67

Welcome to SolidWorks screen, 56

Web site of, 3

SolidWorks Downloads folder, 5

SolidWorks Help file. See also help

Help Contents list, 788

Index removed, 788

overview, 787

Search function, 788789

SolidWorks Web Help, 788

<SolidWorks installation directory>langenglish folder, 193

SolidWorks Installation Manager (SWIM), 790

SolidWorks Resources panel, Task pane, 59

SolidWorks RX

Diagnostics tab, 429430

Files & Logs tab, 432

overview, 429

Problem Capture tab, 430431

System Maintenance tab, 430

Troubleshoot tab, 430

SolidWorks Search panel, Task pane, 59

SolidWorks Visual Studio Tools for Applications folder, 5

SolidWorks Web site, 789

sorting configurations, 364365


navigating in, 215216

using planes in, 217218

space handle, defined, 215

spacing, equal, 336

Spacing option, Linear Pattern feature, 323

SpecialHole feature, 470, 472, 473

SpecialHole library, 471

specialty features

Deform feature

Curve to curve deform, 305

overview, 303

Point deform, 304305

Surface push deform, 305

types, 304

Dome feature, 296298

Flex feature, 301303

Indent feature, 305307

overview, 295

Scale feature, 295296

Wrap feature

Deboss option, 300301

Emboss option, 299300

overview, 298

Scribe option, 298299

Specify Configurations dialog box, 369

Specify Configurations options, 377

speed, effect of file size on, 375

Spin arrows option, Smart Dimension, 87

Spin increment option, Smart Dimension, 87

Spin wheel option, Smart Dimension, 87

spirals, 290


comparing lofts with, 244245

define, 244

drawing, 95

drawing on 3D surface, 103

Split feature

overview, 613615

splitting with a plane, 614

splitting with a sketch, 613614

splitting with a surface body, 614

split lines, 294, 421, 656, 751

split parts, configs of, 383

splitter bars, 56, 166

splitters, adding, 166

splitting, 104, 624626, 656

Standard 3 View, 157, 507

Standard Selection option, SelectionManager, 249

Standard Views toolbar, 78, 166, 169, 173174, 215

standards, custom drafting, 479

Start Command When Creating New Drawing option, Model Views, 504

Start/End Constraints panel, 652

Start/End Offset pane, 680

starting SolidWorks, for first time

creating new document, 78

documentation, 810

license agreement, 5

overview, 5

using Quick Tips, 67

Welcome to SolidWorks screen, 56

statistics of features, 313, 418

Status bar

assigning tags, 60

overview, 60

Quick Tips, 6061

steep faces, 780

Step draft, 768769

*.stl data, 739


annotations, 457

library parts, 458

straddle faces, 779

Straight Slot and Curved Slot option, 108

straight transitions, 268

stretching, 101, 302

Studio scenes, 185

Style panel, Note PropertyManager interface, 543


adding/updating, 543

controlling, 223226

deleting, 543

Display Styles

layers, 525

overview, 505

selecting Component Line Font, 525

using, 524525

file extensions for, 11

saving, 543

in templates, 497498

Styles panel, Note PropertyManager, 497

subfolders, 14, 15

Summary Information dialog box, 483484

Summary install page, changing installation settings on, 4

suppression, 27, 356357, 376378

Surface Bodies folder, 625, 653, 658

Surface Offset feature, 636

Surface push deform, 305

Surface push type, Deform feature, 304

Surface/Face/Plane option, 138


Boundary Surface, 633635, 657

extending, 639640

knitting, 637638

making cuts with, 648649, 652653

need for, 245246

offset, 635636, 653655

overview, 627628

ruled, 631, 645646

surfacing techniques

Cut With Surface feature, 648649, 652653

Fill Surface feature, 649651, 656659

memory surfaces, 651652

overview, 646

Replace Face feature, 649

Up to Surface/Up To Body feature, 646648

surfacing tools

Boundary Surface feature, 633635

Extend Surface feature, 639640

Extruded Surface feature, 631633

Fill Surface feature, 641642

Knit Surface feature, 637638

Lofted Surface feature, 633

MidSurface feature, 643

Offset Surface feature, 635636, 653655

overview, 631

Parting Surface feature, 645

Planar Surface feature, 639

Radiate Surface feature, 636637

Replace Face feature, 643644

Revolved Surface feature, 633

Ruled Surface feature, 645646

Swept Surface feature, 633

Thicken Surface feature, 638639

Trim Surface feature, 640

Untrim Surface feature, 645


developable surfaces, 631

Gaussian curvature, 631

Hybrid modeling, 629630

Knit function, 628

Non Uniform Rational B Spline, 630631

overview, 628

ruled surfaces, 631

Trim function, 628

Untrim function, 629

trimming, 640

tutorial, 652659

untrimming, 629, 645

surfaces visualization method, intersecting, 291292

surfacing word, 628

swb, swp file, 11

sweep features

cut sweep with solid profile, 254255

overview, 251

Pierce relation, 252254

simple sweep, 251

sweep with guide curves, 252

workflow, 255256

sweep path, 251

Swept Surface feature, 633

SWIM (SolidWorks Installation Manager), 790

SWITCH function, 352

swlines.lin file, 11

symbol files, 11


custom, creating, 549

overview, 548

table of, 112

using in notes and dimensions, 549

symmetry, 132, 136137, 318319

System Maintenance tab, SolidWorks RX, 430, 431

System Options setting, Colors page, 524

system requirements, for using DVD accompanying this book

SolidWorks versions, 797

Windows versions, 796

Systems Options Colors dialog box, 65


Table Driven Pattern, 330331

Table Views, 371372


Auto-create Design Table method, 384

design tables

editing settings, 389391

overview, 382

tutorial, 393398

what can be driven by, 393394

editing, 385

Excel table, 670

Gauge Table, 666667

text in, rotating, 387

Tangency surfaces, 171

Tangent Arc option, PropertyManager interface, 93

Tangent Arc tool, 151

tangent edges

display options, 195, 526

as Phantom setting, 191, 416418

tangent propagation, 259260

Tangent to Face end constraint, 246

Tangent to Three Entities option, Circle PropertyManager, 93

Tangent to Two Entities option, Circle PropertyManager, 92

Tapered Helix panel, 288289

Tapering option, Flex PropertyManager interface, 302

Tapped hole, 152

Task Bar, 38

Task Pane, 38, 5960, 373, 419, 452, 453


blocks in, 497498

changing, 478

custom properties in, 498

default, 1516, 730

file extensions for, 1011

general discussion, 1216

locating, 1415

maintaining different templates, 478479

overview, 493

part templates, creating, 2830

Pre-defined Views in, 493496

saving, 499

sharing, 16

styles in, 497498

Temporary Axes, 127, 448


change in among versions, 9

developable surfaces, 631

Gaussian curvature, 631

Hybrid modeling, 629630

Knit function, 628

Non Uniform Rational B Spline, 630631

ruled surfaces, 631

Trim function, 628

Untrim function, 629


controlling, 223226

fitting, 682

sketch text, 103, 104, 210211

in tables, rotating, 387

text boxes

changing size of, 482483

Fit Text option., 537538

overview, 536

patterning notes, 538539

Text Format panel, Note PropertyManager, 537, 544, 549

Text/Dimension Display option, 547

thick regions, showing, 782

Thicken Surface feature, 638639


line, 585

of parts, 667668

Thickness Analysis tool

overview, 781

Show Thick Regions option, 782

Show Thin Regions option, 781782

workflow, 783

thin features, 146, 151, 232233

thin regions, showing, 781782

Thinness Analysis, 781

Third Angle Projection, 8, 495

three views, sketch pictures using, 207208

Through All cut, 139

Through All end condition, 706

thumbnails, 463464, 504

Tile Horizontally option, Window menu, 73

Tile Vertically option, Window menu, 73


back to next entity, 100, 121

existing flange, 677678

general discussion, 628

inside selected boundary, 100

overview, 98

surfaces, 640

Tip of Day, 10

Title Bar

advantages of, 44

shown on interface screenshot, 38

Title Block function, 487488, 495

title block.drwdot file, 488


adding, 569571

tutorial, 575578

Tool body region selection box, 600

tool tips, 48, 426


Align toolbar, 572

Blocks toolbar, 123

context toolbars, 4647

Curves toolbar, 288

Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109111

Drawings toolbar, 158, 494, 507

Features toolbar, 49, 446, 613

flyout, 50, 78

flyout buttons on, 4546

Formatting toolbar, 486, 536

and Full Screen mode, 51

Heads-up View toolbar, 38, 44, 163, 164, 166, 190

Layer toolbar, 580, 581, 587

Menu Bar toolbar, 4445, 78

Menu Bar toolbar and menu, 4445

mixing CommandManager with, 41

moving, 49

overview, 43

Sheet Metal toolbar, 699

Shortcut (S) toolbar, 38, 4748

Sketch toolbar, 49, 8794, 120, 764

Standard Views toolbar, 78, 166, 169, 173174, 215

truncated, 49

View toolbar, 165166

Toolbars tab, Customize dialog box, 79

Toolbox, 458

Toolbox Data folder, 4

Tools menu

customizing, 53

primary uses of, 54

screenshot of, 53

Top Boss Plane, 283

Top View command, 165

touch support, 7071

tracing, 209

Traditional method, Mirror Entities tool, 317

training classes, 5

transitions, straight, 268

Translate function, Modify Sketch tool, 205

Translate Surface option, 140

Transparency value slider, 207

Treat Corners As Zero Thickness option, 782

Triad axes, clicking, 167168

Troubleshoot tab, SolidWorks RX, 430

troubleshooting errors

DVD accompanying this book, 797

interpreting rebuild errors, 426429

overview, 426

using Performance Benchmark, 432435

using SolidWorks RX, 429432

TrueType fonts, 210, 536

truncated toolbars, 49

Turn Camera tool, 188

Tutorial1finished.sldprt part, 749


annotations, 551553

belts, 122125

blocks, sketch, 122125

bracket casting, 281286

circular pattern, creating, 336337

configurations, 393398

cosmetic pattern, applying, 339341

design tables, 393398

dimensions, 575578

documentation, 9

drawing views, 528534

editing, 435442

equations, 358359

evaluation techniques, 435442

imported geometry, 748753


creating part templates, 2830

sketching with parametrics, 3035

library features, 467473

metadata, 226227

mirroring, 337339

multi-bodies, 622626

parametrics, 3035

part templates, creating, 2830


circular pattern, creating, 336337

cosmetic pattern, applying, 339341

Reference Geometry, 125129

relations, sketch, 120122

sheet metal tools

Base Flange sheet metal method, 708713

Insert Bends method, 705708

simple parts, 156161

sketch blocks, 122125


controlling pictures, text, colors, and styles, 223226

copying, 219223

editing, 219223

Reference Geometry, 125129

sketch blocks, 122125

sketch relations, 120122

sketching calculator, 227230

using metadata, 226227

surfaces, 652659

templates, 2830

tolerances, 575578

visualization techniques, 191196

twisting, 301, 302

Two Planes option, 336

*.txt file, 11, 293


unconfigurable items, 382

Undercut Detection tool, 783784

Underdefined sketch state, 23

Underive command, 223

undetermined manufacturing methods, modeling for, 608609

Unfold Fold feature, 694695

units, 8

Unlink option, RMB menu, 353

Unsuppress With Dependents option, 377


general discussion, 629

surfaces, 629, 645

Up To Body setting, 647, 654

Up to Next description, 141

Up to Surface description, 139

Up to Surface/Up To Body feature, 646648

Up to Vertex description, 139

Update Standard Views control, View Orientation dialog box, 172

Use Belt Thickness option, 124

Use Configuration Specific Color option, 368, 394

Use Document Defaults option, 587

Use Document Font option, 225, 285

Use Transparent Flyout FeatureManager option, Parts/Assemblies, 407

user groups, 791

User Notes (same as comment) item, 384


valve body.igs file, 733

Variable Pitch helix, 289290

variable radius fillets

other uses for, 268

overview, 265

straight versus smooth transitions, 267268

values, 265267

Vary Sketch option, Linear Pattern feature, 324, 326

Vent feature, 774776

verification, on rebuild, 412

Vertex option, 138

Vertical Dimension option, Dimensions/Relations toolbar, 109

vertical lines, 90

vertical relations, 23

video card requirements, 3

View indicator, 38

View menu, 53, 54, 284

View Orientation, 166, 172, 188, 189

View palette, 502

View PropertyManager, 524

View Settings icon, Heads Up View toolbar, 183

View Sketch Relations option, 26

View toolbar, 165166

View tools

annotation views, 174

overview, 168

Standard Views toolbar, 173174

View Orientation, 172

Zebra Stripes, 171172


3D Drawing View, 169, 522

Aligned Section View, 512513

Alternate Position View, 520521, 533

of annotations, 174, 562

Auxiliary View, 519520

Break View, 517519

Broken-out Section View, 514517

Camera View, 188

Crop View, 513

Custom View, 521

Default Section View, 510511

Detail View

drawing detail circle in-line, 509

editing, 509510

overview, 507

pre-drawing detail circle, 508509

display options in, 523527

distinguishing from sheets, 528

Draft quality views, 527

Editing Drawing View, 508

Empty View, 521

Four Viewport view, 215, 216


adding scrollbars and splitters, 166

clicking Triad axes, 167168

overview, 163

using arrow keys, 164

using Magnifying Glass, 167

using middle mouse button, 164165

using mouse gestures, 165

using View toolbar, 165166

Model Views

cosmetic thread display, 504, 506

dimension type, 506

Display State, 505

Display Style panel, 505

Import Options, 505506

number of views and orientation, 504

open documents, 503504

overview, 503

Reference Configuration list, 504

Select Bodies button, 504

sheet scale, 505506

Start Command When Creating New Drawing option, 504

Thumbnail Preview option, 504

orientation and alignment, 523

overview, 501

Partial Section View, 512

Pre-defined View

aligning, 495496

limitations of, 496

overview, 493

populating drawing with, 496

scaling, 496

Projected View, 494, 507, 531

RealView, 171, 189190, 332, 413, 415

Relative View, 521522

Roll View tool, 169

Section Views

Aligned Section View, 512513

Default Section View, 510511

editing, 513

overview, 510

Partial Section View, 512

Standard 3 View, 157, 507

Standard Views toolbar, 78, 166, 169, 173174, 215

Table Views, 371372

tutorial, 528534

View palette, 502

visualization techniques

color, applying automatically to features, 190

Display Pane, 190

DisplayManager. See also appearances

controlling scenes, 183185

decals, 181182

overview, 174

turning on lights, 185186

using RealView, 189190

working with cameras, 186189

Edge display settings, 191

manipulating view

adding scrollbars and splitters, 166

clicking Triad axes, 167168

overview, 163

using arrow keys, 164

using Magnifying Glass, 167

using middle mouse button, 164165

using mouse gestures, 165

using View toolbar, 165166

overview, 163

tutorial, 191196

View tools

annotation views, 174

overview, 168

Standard Views toolbar, 173174

View Orientation, 172

Zebra Stripes, 171172

*.vrml data, 739


Waffle Pattern, 340

web sites, non-commercial, 793

Welcome to SolidWorks screen, 56, 52


configuring cut list for, 724

multi-body functionality in, 621

What's New document, 9, 791

wire-formed part, creating, 307310

Wireframe view tool, 169

Witness/Leader Display panel, Dimension PropertyManager, 568


sketches around cylindrical and conical faces, 298301

text in notes, 537539


*.$xls file, 11

*.$xmttxt file, 739


Zebra Stripes, 171172, 189, 413415, 416

Zero thickness errors, 428

zooming, 168, 169, 227

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