
The authors want to express their sincere appreciation to the large number of people who have been instrumental in bringing this text to fruition.

Hazel Asuncion was instrumental in the development of the various Lunar Lander examples, the domain model for the Lander, and was indefatigable as a reviewer. Girish Suryanarayana and Jie Ren were key contributors to the chapter on security and trust. Sam Malek and Marija Mikic-Rakic supplied several figures and a number of key insights in our discussions of deployment and mobility. Chris Mattmann provided the material for data-intensive connectors presented in Chapter 5. Joshua Garcia and Brian D'Souza contributed to the connector compatability matrix in the same chapter. George Edwards provided the example approach used in illustrating scenario-driven analysis in Chapter 8. John Georgas provided essential material for the discussion of robotics architectures in Chapter 11.

Kari Nies was an especially helpful and careful reviewer of the entire manuscript. The students of UC Irvine's Fall 2006 and Fall 2007 graduate classes in software engineering (Informatics 211) and USC's Spring 2007 and Spring 2008 graduate classes in software architectures (CSci 578) were early reviewers and commentators on key parts of the manuscript; their help is gratefully acknowledged. The undergraduates in UC Irvine's Spring 2008 class in Software Architectures, Distributed Systems, and Interoperability also were helpful. Similarly, the comments of Peyman Oriezy, Justin Erenkrantz, Roy Fielding, Scott Hendrickson, Michael Gorlick, David Woollard, Roshanak Roshandel, Daniel Popescu, George Edwards, and Chris Mattmann were very much appreciated.

Dan Sayre of John Wiley and Sons was instrumental in shepherding three first-time authors through the harrowing and often confusing process of developing and writing a textbook. Our interactions with him convinced us that Wiley was the right place for this book. Our subsequent interactions with the editorial and production staff confirmed this positive experience. Heather Johnson and the copy editor provided pleasant and extremely helpful service, Lee Goldstein's book design skills were much appreciated and she was a pleasure to work with. Special thanks to Lyrica Taylor for recommending the painting by Thomas Cole for the cover and writing the explanatory text.

External reviewers included Professors George Heineman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) and Anthony I. Wasserman (Carnegie-Mellon West), both of whom provided particularly helpful suggestions and recommendations. Professors André van der Hoek (UC Irvine), Jeff Kramer (Imperial College London), Hans van Vliet (Vrije Univer-siteit), Alexander Wolf (Imperial College London), LiGuo Huang (University of Kansas), Giuseppe Valetto (Drexel University), Tony Sullivan (University of Texas, Dallas), and John McGregor (Clemson University) also provided important guidance. Several anonymous reviewers also contributed key insights for the work, as did MIT Press's Robert Prior.

University College London deserves special thanks for hosting Taylor's sabbatical in 2005–2006, during which time the initial manuscript was substantially developed. A wonderful flat in Hampstead helped, too.

From the technical side, production of the book was dependent upon the services of Subversion for close to 1,000 commits of the manuscript. OmniGraffle was used for the majority of the diagrams; Skype kept us in touch while the authors were separated by thousands of miles.

The support of the National Science Foundation through grants CNS-0438996, CCF-0430066, CCF-0524033, CCR-9985441, ITR-0312780, and CSR-0509539, The Boeing Company, Bosch, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and IBM is gratefully acknowledged. Eric Dashofy would like to express his personal thanks to Dr. Michael and Julie Penley and the ARCS Foundation, Orange County Chapter, for their generous support.

—Richard N. Taylor, Nenad Medvidović, and Eric M. Dashofy

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