Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform for nondestructive evaluation and imaging applications

Jafar Saniie1, Erdal Oruklu1, Spenser Gilliland1, and Semih Aslan2     1Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United States     2Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States


This chapter presents a reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform (RUSSP) for real-time signal analysis and image processing. The RUSSP is designed to facilitate the development and implementation of ultrasonic signal processing algorithms with embedded software and reconfigurable hardware. It provides the opportunity to explore the full design space including software only, hardware only, and hardware/software codesign architectures. Multiple case studies are investigated including real-time ultrasonic flaw detection, signal decomposition, and parameter estimation on the RUSSP, which hosts a Linux operating system and reconfigurable fabric.


Field-programmable gate arrays; Flaw detection; Nondestructive testing; Reconfigurable computing; System-on-chip; Ultrasonic signal processing

9.1. Introduction

In recent years, high-speed signal analysis has been used to modernize methods of ultrasonic measurement, imaging, and testing (Lu et al., 2006; Goldsmith et al., 2008; Kunita et al., 2008; Oruklu and Saniie, 2009; Weber et al., 2011; Yi et al., 2013; Govindan and Saniie, 2015; Govindan et al., 2015a, 2015b; Wang et al., 2016). Ultrasonic technologies have continued to gain in popularity because of their high precision, low cost, and shrinking footprint of the sensors. It is now possible to measure object properties and produce high-resolution images and videos that provide a complete three-dimensional view of the internal physical geometrical characteristics within an object. These capabilities have given new insight into fields such as structural health monitoring, material science, and medical imaging.
This chapter presents the design and application of a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform (RUSSP). The proposed system provides real-time signal processing for nondestructive evaluation (NDE) and imaging applications using ultrasonic sensors ranging from 20 KHz to 20 MHz operational frequencies. Specifically, hardware implementations suitable for portable systems with networking capability are discussed. In practice, NDE of materials requires the design of sensor array to be tightly coupled to data collection at high sampling rates and real-time computation. For high-resolution imaging, ultrasonic measurements involve sensors operating in MHz frequency range. This results in a significant computational load for embedded systems. To address these challenges, we present an exploration of architectural variations and realizations that are designed to efficiently achieve the real-time performance goals and constraints. A smart sensor system is presented for ultrasonic pulse-echo measurements targeting flaw detection and parametric echo classification applications. For real-time implementation, an FPGA-based system is developed on Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA platform. To achieve high throughput and robust performance, several design methodologies are investigated, including the execution of the flaw detection and echo classification algorithms on an embedded microprocessor configured within the FPGA running a Linux operating system, the creation of a dedicated hardware solution, use of hardware/software (HW/SW) codesign methods, and network-enabled operations.
Advances in digital signal processing (DSP) hardware facilitate the development of low cost and portable ultrasound sensor devices. Instead of requiring multiple discrete components, an ultrasound measurement system can now be built using just DSP hardware and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The processing requirements for ultrasonic DSP hardware have traditionally been met using application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs), which provide very high performance but have substantial costs and cannot be reconfigured for different applications, thereby limiting their availability to low-volume applications and research. Today, many ultrasonic applications are now able to fit within the capabilities of reconfigurable logic such as FPGAs (Rodriguez-Andina et al., 2007). An FPGA provides all the parallelism capabilities of an ASIC while allowing the device to be reprogrammed for a given application. This allows a single FPGA to be used in testing multiple algorithms that would traditionally require multiple manufacturing runs (or additional die area) to implement in an ASIC. DSP and FPGAs have opened additional avenues for ultrasound signal analysis techniques in both industry and academia. FPGAs satisfy the demands of researchers due to their relatively low cost, reconfigurability, and ASIC-like parallelism and performance capabilities. Within the industry, time to market and budget limitations have forced even shorter development periods. FPGA-based systems are well suited for smart sensor ultrasonic imaging applications because of having a much shorter development time and lower costs than that of an ASIC.
The proposed RUSSP provides real-time signal analysis and image processing for a full range of ultrasonic testing and imaging applications. The project aims to streamline the development and implementation of signal processing algorithms in embedded software and reconfigurable hardware. This provides the user with an opportunity to explore the full design space including software only, hardware only, and HW/SW codesign. Specifically, the RUSSP provides high-speed access to a 12-bit 250 MSPS Maxim MAX1215N ADC (Maxim1215N, 2012) controlled by a Xilinx XC5VLX110T FPGA (Xilinx, 2010). Access to the ultrasound data and custom IP cores is available through a gigabit Ethernet connection managed by an embedded Linux-based operating system running on a Microblaze processor instantiated in the FPGA fabric. The major feature of this system-on-chip (SoC) is the integration of a processor, which is capable of executing platform-independent C code. The ability to execute C code allows the reuse of a substantial portion of available software, thus reducing design and development time. This system also promotes additional reuse at the hardware level as IP cores are able to easily integrate with the processor. Furthermore, the bus architecture has been integrated into an off-the-shelf operating system so that device drivers can be easily reused.

9.2. Fundamentals of ultrasonic sensing and pulse-echo measurements

When an ultrasonic wavelet passes through materials, it loses energy and its sound pressure decreases. This loss results from two causes, scattering and absorption, both of which can be combined in the concept of attenuation. Scattering results when the material is not strictly homogeneous and contains boundaries at which the acoustic impedance changes abruptly due to the difference in density and/or sound velocity at the interfaces. There are also materials, which are inhomogeneous by their nature. Typically the degree of inhomogeneity can be estimated in two separate modes of signal analysis. A practical method is by an estimation of the attenuation coefficient. The other widely used method is by inspection of the backscattered echoes. One of the most popular ultrasonic imaging techniques involve transmitting extremely short burst of sound energy into the sample and monitoring the return echo. This method is referred to as the ultrasonic pulse-echo technique for NDE and imaging applications. Depending on the experimental setup and the type of signal processing, one may use these received signals to represent the data in one, two, or three dimensions.
In ultrasonic pulse-echo scanning, the received signal contains the reflected echo from physical and geometrical variation and discontinuity within the sample under testing. The time of flight of these echoes provides information, which pertains to the depth of the reflector and the intensity yields information about the gradient of the impedance and the size of the reflector. In practice, identification of the reflecting surfaces becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible, due to the existence of multiple reflections. The setup for ultrasonic pulse-echo measurement using the proposed RUSSP is shown in Figs. 9.1 and 9.2.
Figure 9.1 Typical ultrasound experimental setup for testing cracks within a steel block. Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform (RUSSP) handles all the sensor operations and real-time signal processing. TCP/IP, transmission control protocol/Internet protocol.
Figure 9.2 Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform system including Virtex-5 FPGA, ADC, DAC, pulser/receiver, and ultrasonic transducers. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; DAC, digital-to-analog converter; FPGA, field-programmable gate array.
The RUSSP is designed to be an easy-to-use platform for developing high-throughput, real-time signal processing algorithms. The primary requirement is the use of an ultrasonic pulser to excite the transmitting transducer. This transducer converts the electrical signal to an acoustical radiation field. The generated ultrasonic wave both propagates and reflects echoes corresponding to the characteristic of the propagation path in the sample under test. For example, in NDE of materials, there may be cracks or cavities created by stress during use, impurities during manufacturing, etc. Because such cracks and cavities introduce a discontinuity within materials, they can be observed using ultrasonic pulse-echo measurement techniques. The reflected ultrasonic wave excites the receiving transducer, which converts the transient vibration energy into an electrical signal. In RUSSP, the backscattered and reflected echoes can be sampled with a precision of 12 bits and up to 250 MSPS. Through experimentation, it was determined that the pulsar/receiver can operate at a maximum trigger rate of 10 KHz.

9.3. Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform design

This section describes main system components of RUSSP, including the FPGA development platform and embedded Microblaze processor.

9.3.1. System features and user interface

It is important to build a system that is convenient for both hardware and software developers by meeting the interface requirements. The data acquisition system needs to be integrated with the Matlab® programming environment because of common use of the Matlab® tool among algorithm developers. Furthermore, Matlab® can be used in the validation of the systems hardware and software components. The application programming interface (API) to communicate with the system is based on Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) using the UNIX socket API. The UNIX socket API is a commonly used and well-understood methodology for transmitting and receiving data across the Internet. The Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software (Xilinx, 2012) is used in developing RUSSP hardware. This allows the use of self-contained pcores for hardware components of the system and Xilinx Board Definition files to designate the SoC design, off-chip connections, and constraints. The self-contained nature of these methods allows reuse across different implementations of the RUSSP. Finally, the RUSSP uses a Linux-based operating system, which is accessible over Secure Shell and serial port (Corbet, 2005; POSIX, 2008). This provides a common UNIX shell interface to the developer for system exploration and debugging.

9.3.2. System response and real-time operational requirements

Real-time processing in the DSP context is considered as a system, which is capable of processing the incoming signal before the next signal arrives. However, in relation to software and hardware, real-time constraints are determinism, jitter, and delay. Determinism is the requirement of a system to finish processing a required task within a finite time frame. Jitter is the difference between the minimum and maximum response time to an external event. Delay is the maximum time between an external event occurring and a process executing. Both DSP and software/hardware real-time constraints are applicable to the RUSSP system.
The system must provide an interface, which offers less than 5 ns jitter for use in coherent averaging because the maximum sampling rate is 200 MSPS. This interface should provide access to the incoming sample, a high-speed memory interface, and the time in samples because the pulse was triggered. As the bulk of the system is implemented in FPGA logic, the system is able to guarantee strict hard real-time demands in hardware; however, software interrupt and scheduling latencies should be contained to avoid buffer overruns when copying data from the ADC to the memory or network. The maximum delay for a software application running on the RUSSP is 100 μs or 10 KHz. This ensures that the software is able to process a response before the next response is acquired.

9.3.3. Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform architecture

The RUSSP was built using several components including a Xilinx XUPV5 FPGA development platform (Xilinx, 2010), a Maxim MAX1215N ADC Evaluation Kit (Maxim1215N, 2012), a Maxim MAX5874 DAC Evaluation Kit (Maxim5874, 2012), and two Maxim MAX1536 Power Supply Evaluation Kits (Maxim1536, 2012). By integrating these components the RUSSP system is created. The system can be miniaturized by creating a custom printed circuit board, which includes chips from each of the components above. The interconnections of these components are presented in Fig. 9.3, and the throughput of the various interfaces is presented in Fig. 9.4.
In the RUSSP design, the XUPV5's XC5VLX110T FPGA is used for signal processing. The double data rate 2 (DDR2) memory controller is used for volatile data storage during processing. The compact flash is used for nonvolatile storage of the FPGA and software configuration. The serial port is used for debugging and configuration. The gigabit Ethernet controller provides remote data and control communication. The benefit of using a Virtex-5 FPGA such as the XC5VLX110T over other FPGAs is the inclusion of DSP48 blocks. DSP48 blocks provide constant multiply and accumulate (MAC), two operand multiply, and division capabilities. The ability to execute MAC operations greatly increases the maximum operating frequency of digital filter implementations. The system is capable of storing up to 256 MB of data in the DDR2 memory for future analysis. The DDR2-400 used in RUSSP has a maximum theoretical bandwidth of 3200 MB/s and interfaces to the RUSSP though the MPMC (multiport memory controller) provided by Xilinx (2011). The gigabit Ethernet controller is connected to the processor using the PLB (processor local) bus interface and an SDMA (soft direct memory access) PIM (personality interface modules) of the MPMC. The SDMA PIM provides high-speed scatter–gather DMA (direct memory access) transfers to the Ethernet MAC so that the processor is free to process even when data are being copied into or out of main memory. The gigabit Ethernet is connected to the local network and provides ample bandwidth for simultaneous command/control and data capture. The main bottleneck in RUSSP is the throughput of the PLB bus inside the FPGA SoC. Therefore in future iterations of this design, integration of DMA peripherals will be used to reduce data transfers across the PLB bus.
Figure 9.3 Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform block diagram showing hardware components and interconnections. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; DAC, digital-to-analog converter; DDR2, double data rate 2; FPGA, field-programmable gate array.
Figure 9.4 Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform (RUSSP) embedded system and bus interfaces showing the maximum bandwidth information: 10 MB/s between CPU and FPGA fabric; 1 GB/s for DDR2 accesses, 350 MB/s for DAC, 375 MB/s for ADC, and 125 MB/s for gigabit Ethernet. ACE, Advanced Configuration Environment; ADC, analog-to-digital converter; DAC, digital-to-analog converter; DDR2, double data rate 2; DMA, direct memory access; FPGA, field-programmable gate array; MAC, multiply and accumulate; MPMC, multiport memory controller; UART, universal asynchronous receiver transmitter.
The RUSSP system communicates with the user using TCP/IP on top of gigabit Ethernet. The RUSSP system is theoretically capable of providing wired gigabit Ethernet communication at 125 MB/s. Given a packet of 1500 bytes, the total overhead for IP and Ethernet is ∼4%. Given another 1% of overhead for TCP, leaves a total of 118.75 MB/s for data transmission.
A block diagram of the FPGA embedded system is shown in Fig. 9.4. The FPGA SoC is based around the PLB. PLB is a standard from IBM, which defines how components interconnect with one another in a standard bus topology. The SoC includes the following cores from Xilinx: A MPMC, universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART), gigabit Ethernet, System Advanced Configuration Environment compact flash controller, timer, clock generators, and a Microblaze processor.
The MPMC provides high-speed memory access to the system. It provides this through PIM. PIMs allow the memory to transfer data using some common patterns. There are PIM modules for PLB, Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture, DMA, Frame Buffer, Cachelink, Locallink, and a raw native interface. Three PIMs are used in our design. A Cachelink PIM is used to interface the MPMC with the processor caches. A PLB PIM is used to provide access to memory for the PLB bus peripherals. A DMA PIM is connected to the gigabit Ethernet MAC to provide high-speed data transfers.
The software runs on a Xilinx Microblaze processor. The Microblaze processor is a 32 bit reduced instruction set CPU, which is unique because it allows the engineer to make modifications to its functionality during synthesis. Notably, the processor can be configured to include a memory management unit, which is a requirement of the Linux kernel. The Microblaze core can be customized to include a floating-point unit and streaming interface to either fast simplex link or Advanced eXtensible Interface stream interfaces. This allows the core to have additional pseudo instructions added to the instruction set. 12 KB data and 4 KB instruction caches were chosen to strike a balance between resource usage and performance. The cache is backed by the MPMC, which interfaces to the DDR2 memory.
A timer/counter, interrupt controller, and UART are present in the base system to accommodate the requirements of Linux. The timer counter provides timer interrupts to the software system, the interrupt controller allows multiple interrupts to be received and decoded by the software system, and the UART provides a basic interface to the system for debugging.

9.3.4. Analog-to-digital converter to field-programmable gate array interface

In choosing an ADC, the main goal was to design for a broad frequency spectrum of ultrasound from 20 KHz to 20 MHz. The MAX1215N is capable of supporting up to 250 MSPS, which is above the minimum required sampling rate. This allows enough bandwidth to capture all the received ultrasonic echoes. Assuming a 250 MHz clock, the total throughput of the ADC is 375 MB/s.
The ADC uses LVDS (low-voltage differential signaling) when interfacing to the FPGA. LVDS is a differential signaling methodology, which uses a small current to generate a voltage at the receiver. The LVDS generates a 3.5 mA current on either the negative or positive net depending on the polarity of the signal. This is then transformed into a voltage using a terminating resistor. The key to making a reliable and high-speed connection between the FPGA and the ADC is to use the DIFF_TERM attribute of the FPGAs input/output block for each LVDS pair in the constraints file. This attribute turns the built-in, 100 Ω, differential termination resistor on Xilinx (2010).
Figure 9.5 ADC to FPGA interconnection without recovered clock. This setup can achieve a maximum sampling rate of 160.50 MHz. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; FPGA, field-programmable gate array.
Initially, the connections between the ADC and the FPGA can be represented by Fig. 9.5. The maximum operating frequency is governed by the delay, which depends on the length of wire and delay of the ADC. Because the edge rate of the ADC is significant with respect to the length of wire, the line must be treated as a transmission line. The transmission line has a delay of 170 ps/inch according to the measurement obtained in this study, which compares an 18 versus 12 inch coaxial wire. For this arrangement, the total skew is ∼6.23 ns and limits the connection to a maximum sampling rate of 160.50 MHz.
To meet the 200 MHz requirement of RUSSP system, the recovered clock feature of the ADC was implemented as shown in Fig. 9.6. The recovered clock is aligned with the data, which ensures that minimal clock skew is present (assuming equal length data/clock traces). This allows the ADC to operate at its maximum operational frequency.
Figure 9.6 ADC to FPGA interconnection with recovered clock which achieves minimal clock skew. Sampling rate greater than 200 MHz is possible with this setup. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; FPGA, field-programmable gate array.

9.4. Algorithms used in evaluation of reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform

Throughout this study, several algorithms and techniques have been implemented in the RUSSP. Coherent averaging is used as a method for reducing electrical noise. Split-spectrum processing (SSP) (Bilgutay et al., 1979; Newhouse et al., 1982; Saniie et al., 1988) is used as a method for reducing Rayleigh scattering noise. Chirplet signal decomposition (Lu et al., 2006) is used as a method for classifying and compressing ultrasound data. Combining these methods creates an effective ultrasound signal classification and detection system.

9.4.1. Coherent averaging

Coherent averaging is a method for reducing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of a pulsed signal. It is based on acquiring multiple responses and averaging them together based on their time difference from the start of the pulse. Given an ideal signal, s(t), corrupt by the additive noise, v(t), the received signal r(t) can be represented as
image (9.1)
The signal is assumed to be deterministic and the same for multiple measurements. The additive noise is a random process with zero mean and noise embedded within multiple measurements are assumed to be independent and identically distributed. Then, the SNR of the received signal is defined as
image (9.2)
where E[v2(t)] indicates the expected noise power (i.e., noise variance), and s2(t)image represents the signal power. Because the target is stationary and the excitation pulse is constantly repeated, the coherent average of multiple responses can be used. Therefore, the SNR of a coherently averaged signal can be expressed by
image (9.3)
Inspection of SNRAVG reveals that a 1/Nimage reduction in noise amplitude is provided by coherent averaging.

9.4.2. Split-spectrum processing

SSP is an algorithm used for discerning frequency-diverse echoes. The algorithm splits a broadband signals into multiple narrowband signals (Bilgutay et al., 1979; Newhouse et al., 1982; Saniie et al., 2012; Yi et al., 2013). These signals are then postprocessed using algorithms such as absolute minimization, median filtering, or more complex algorithms based on fuzzy set logic, ordered statistics, and neural networks. The general goal is to remove the Rayleigh scattering in a system thereby increasing the target to clutter ratio. In a given signal, there are three types of scattering: (1) Rayleigh scattering, (2) stochastic scattering, and (3) geometric scattering. The relationship between the size of the discontinuity and the wavelength of the pulse determines the type of scattering created. Rayleigh scattering occurs when the object causing the scattering is small compared to the wavelength of the ultrasound pulse. Stochastic scattering occurs when the wavelength of the ultrasound pulse is similar in size to the measured object. Diffusion (geometric) scattering occurs when the wavelength of the ultrasound pulse is much smaller than the size of the object. Of the three types of scattering, Rayleigh scattering and stochastic scattering can be considered noise for an ultrasonic flaw detection system.
The combined effects of Rayleigh scattering and stochastic scattering are known as clutter. Clutter is a combination of the many echoes that are produced in the microstructures of a material (i.e., grains). When an ultrasound wave scatters from grains, it produces a stationary scatter, which represents these grain scatterers. When the aggregate of all of the scatterer echoes are combined, they produce a static noise that hides the target echo. Therefore, these scatterings must be filtered from the signal to increase the SNR for the classification or detection system and enable accurate detection of the target. When a measurement is taken using a number of different narrowband pulses with different frequencies, the clutter echoes become randomly distributed across the pulse frequencies and can be filtered using statistical processing. For the performance evaluation of RUSSP, there is an emphasis on a postprocessing methodology called pass-through absolute minimization. Pass-through absolute minimization takes advantage of the special properties of absolute minimization (Newhouse et al., 1982) in improving the SNR but maintains the sign of the original signal such that the response can be classified by other signal processing method such as chirplet signal decomposition (CSD).
The SSP procedure has five steps as shown in Fig. 9.7. The first part is data acquisition. The second step, fast Fourier transform (FFT) gives the frequency spectrum of the received echo signal. Third step, several filters split the spectrum into different frequency bands. Next step, inverse FFT (iFFT) gives the time domain signal of each individual frequency band. The signals from each individual frequency band are first normalized and then passed into a postprocessing block for detection. This detection processor can employ different techniques such as averaging, minimization, order-statistic filters (e.g., minimization), or Bayesian classifiers (Saniie et al., 1988, 1991; Saniie and Nagle, 1992; Saniie, 1992). SSP has been successfully applied to ultrasonic flaw/target detection applications because of its robust performance.

9.4.3. Chirplet signal decomposition

Ultrasonic signals are often composed of many interfering echoes. Each echo is similar to a chirplet, and chirplets can be described with six parameters using CSD (Lu et al., 2006, 2008). Therefore, CSD representation results in a major data reduction (compression) when compared with the raw ADC data and it can be used for data storage and assessment. Furthermore, the estimated chirplets can be used for material characterization and system identification.
Figure 9.7 Ultrasonic split-spectrum processing algorithm: Step 1 is ultrasonic data acquisition, Step 2 is Fourier transform; Step 3 is subband decomposition; Step 4 is inverse Fourier transform; Step 5 is postprocessing operation such as minimization.
The chirplet signal can be defined as
image (9.4)
This equation has six parameters Θ = [τ, fc, β, α2, ϕ, α1] where term τ is the time-of-arrival, fc is the center frequency, β is the amplitude, α2 is the chirp rate, ϕ is the phase, and α1 is the bandwidth factor of the echo. This model accurately models the echoes from ultrasound experiments. The algorithm for CSD is as follows (Lu et al., 2008; Lu and Saniie 2015):
  • 1. Find the maximum location of s(t) in the time domain and use it as the initial guess of time-of-arrival and the starting point of iteration.
  • 2. Estimate the center frequency, which maximizes the chirplet transform, given initial guess of time-of-arrival.
  • 3. Estimate the time-of-arrival, which maximizes the chirplet transform, given the estimated center frequency from the previous step.
  • 4. Estimate the center frequency, which maximizes the chirplet transform, given the new estimated time-of-arrival from step 3.
  • 5. Check convergence: If δτ < τlim and δf < flim where τlim and flim are predefined convergence conditions, then go to the next step otherwise, go back to step 3.
  • 6. Estimate the amplitude β and the remaining parameters α2, φ, and α1 successively.
  • 7. Obtain the residual signal by subtracting the estimated echo from the signal.
  • 8. Calculate energy of the residual signal (Er) and check convergence (Em is predefined convergence condition): If Er < Emin, STOP; otherwise go to step 1.
The method for extracting chirplet parameters utilizes the chirplet transform
image (9.5)
where ΨΘ(t)image is chirplet kernel and can be represented as
image (9.6)
Θˆ=[b,ωc2πa,η,γ2,θ,γ1]image denotes the parameter vector of the chirplet used for transformation.
The first step of this method is to extract an estimated b based on the maximum value in the time domain. Then, the parameter a, which has the highest correlation at t = b, can be used as an initial estimate. From these two values, the γ2 parameter can be estimated, followed by γ1, θ, and finally β. This equation for the estimation algorithm is summarized below:
image (9.7)
image (9.8)
image (9.9)
image (9.10)
CSD block diagram for estimation of chirplet parameters is shown in Fig. 9.8.
Figure 9.8 Chirplet signal decomposition flowchart for estimation of ultrasonic echoes based on chirplet model parameters; time-of-arrival τ, center frequency fc, amplitude β, chirp rate α2, phase ϕ, and bandwidth factor of the echo α1.

9.5. Hardware realization of ultrasonic imaging algorithms using reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform

RUSSP is a flexible system designed to host real-time ultrasonic signal processing algorithms. Because of the reconfigurable logic, an embedded CPU and the Linux OS, RUSSP facilitates multiple implementation schemes such as HW/SW codesign for fast design time and rapid prototyping. This section presents implementation details for four case studies including the algorithms discussed in Section 9.4.

9.5.1. Averaging implementation

Coherent averaging heavily relies on precise synchronization between the pulse and capture logic to provide accurate results. Thus, this implementation takes advantage of the preprocessing block in the ADC as shown in Fig. 9.9 to create a highly accurate synchronization between the data acquisition capture clock and the excitation trigger pulse applied to the ultrasonic transducer. Because the preprocessing block is clocked by the dclk of the ADC, the timing is guaranteed to be accurate to within the frequency of the clock used to drive the ADC.
Initially, a basic averaging implementation was developed. However, it was not possible to meet timing with this original design. To explore the design space for timing closure, the original implementation was extended to support parallel operations. In the current configuration, the coherent averaging block is parallelized by a factor of four and can be represented by Fig. 9.10. Because of the concurrent nature of this design, the implementation is able to reliably meet timing requirement in this system.
Figure 9.9 ADC system implementation. ADC, analog-to-digital converter; BRAM, block RAM; PLB, processor local bus.
Figure 9.10 Analog-to-digital converter coherent averaging block. DFF is a D flip-flop and BRAM is the block RAM available in Xilinx FPGAs. FPGA, field-programmable gate array.
Coherent since the slower distributed RAM was unable to meet the 200 MHz timing requirement, the coherent averaging block implements its memory using block RAMs (BRAMs). In Xilinx FPGAs, BRAMs are faster but have a one-cycle delay for access. Therefore, it takes two clock cycles for an accumulation to occur. The first cycle is a read cycle, and the second is a write cycle. During the read cycle, the BRAM exports the value to a register. During the write cycle, the incoming data are added to the value in the register and stored back in the BRAM.

9.5.2. Split-spectrum processing implementation

The goal of SSP is to reduce interference resulting from scatterers. An implementation of the SSP algorithm has been instantiated inside the FPGA fabric. The SSP hardware uses FFT followed by a basic one-zero windowing algorithm to split spectrum, iFFT to obtain frequency-diverse signals, and pass-through absolute minimum processing to improve the visibility of target echo in presence of clutter.
As the SSP algorithm uses a significant number of FFTs, it is important that the FFT implementation must be highly area-efficient. The most efficient IP core available for implementing an FFT/iFFT is the Xilinx Radix 2-Lite FFT IP core (FFT, 2012). At a transform size of 4096 points, this IP core has a latency of 57,539 cycles; however, it uses only two DSP48 components, 7 BRAMs, and ∼250 slices. This low resource usage allows up to 13 FFTs to be implemented in tandem with the other components of the RUSSP.
The SSP implementation has synthesis parameters, which can be altered in EDK for changing the number of channels and the maximum number of samples. In the current configuration, the SSP algorithm uses 12 channels and 4096 samples, which is the maximum number possible given the DSP48 resources available on the FPGA. For the SSP processing, the number of FFTs required is equal to the number of channels plus one. In the current configuration, the implementation has 13 FFTs instantiated in the FPGA.
Figure 9.11 Block diagram of the SSP implementation. FFT, fast Fourier transform; IFFT, inverse fast Fourier transform; SSP, split-spectrum processing.
Control registers specify the number of samples to use, the start, width and offset of the SSP algorithm. The implementation makes use of a memory, which is used to load the samples into the SSP algorithm and store them after processing. The memory has two ports; one is connected to the SSP algorithm block as shown in Fig. 9.11; the other is connected to the PLB bus and is addressable by the processor.
In Fig. 9.12, the results from a four-channel instantiation of the SSP algorithm are shown. The flaw echo, located at around sample number 1750, is present in each of the channels and has unchanged amplitude. This is because the flaw echo is not a composite signal in contrast to the clutter signal, which is highly dependent on the frequency span of narrow bands. By using a pass-through absolute minimization processing block, the flaw signal maintains many of its original properties, but the frequency dependent scattering signal is substantially reduced.

9.5.3. Chirplet signal decomposition implementation

An implementation of the CSD algorithm was created in the C programming language. The algorithm was implemented in software because of the high complexity. The basis for the implementation is the algorithm discussed in Section 9.4.3; however, the algorithm has been optimized by using precomputation and estimation methods. Additionally, the algorithm has been altered to provide deterministic behavior.
Figure 9.12 Split-spectrum processing subbands and results—Channel 1 covers the frequency bands 0–4 MHz, Channel 2 covers the frequency band 0.5–5.9 MHz, Channel 3 covers the frequency bands 1–5.8 MHz, and Channel 4 covers the frequency bands 1.5–5.9 MHz.
The primary goal of the current implementation of the CSD algorithm is to reduce the execution time as much as possible while maintaining an adequate SNR for echo estimation. The main performance impediment for CSD is the correlation operations, which require regenerating a chirplet with different parameters thousands of times during each parameter estimation step in the algorithm. By precomputing a table of these values and manipulating this table to perform the operation, the computation time was drastically reduced. This was accomplished by finding expressions, which could have shared parts and extracting them from the inner loops. Furthermore, this CSD implementation takes advantage of estimation techniques to reduce the overall computation time. By using lookup tables for cosine, sine, and tangent, the total execution time was substantially reduced with only a slight reduction in accuracy.
The CSD algorithm is enhanced by altering the nondeterministic operations such as step 5 and step 8 from the listing in Section 9.4.3. In step 5 and step 8, the reiteration of the algorithm if the error condition is not met makes it impossible to reliably determine the total execution time. To gain determinism, the reiteration condition is changed such that a finite number of iterations are performed. In our case, the number of time-of-arrival and frequency reestimates (step 5) is two and a total of 15 echoes are extracted (step 8). These parameters ensure a total SNR of the regenerated signal equal to ∼10 dB. In Fig. 9.13, the echoes from the CSD algorithm are regenerated and compared with the echoes in the original signal.

9.5.4. Resource usage and timing constraints

The RUSSP implementation uses a significant portion of the FPGA resources when the SSP algorithm is included. The total resource usage of the RUSSP with a 4, 8, and 12 channel SSP implementation is shown in Table 9.1. In the case of a 12-channel SSP implementation, a total of 13 hardware FFTs are implemented in the FPGA fabric and a total of 59 DSP48s are in use. The total number of channels for the SSP implementation is limited by the total number of DSP48s available in the system. Removal of the SSP component cuts the resource usage in half.
The RUSSP meets timing for all critical nets in the system. The system has a total of three main clock domains: the processor clock, the ADC clock, and the SSP clock. The processor clock meets timing at 100 MHz, the ADC clock meets timing at 200 MHz, and the SSP clock meets timing at 100 MHz. The total execution time of the SSP implementation with a total of 2048 samples as measured from the processor is 16 ms. The testing methodology for the SSP execution times is based on the clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) function. This function returns wall clock time in a monotonic fashion such that alterations due to network time protocol or other clock tuning would have no effect on the results.
Execution times for the CSD algorithm are listed in Table 9.2. These results show a nearly linear increase in execution time with respect to number of echoes.
Figure 9.13 Chirplet signal decomposition (CSD) echo extraction and parameter estimation—showing reconstructed signal using 15 CSD echoes.

Table 9.1

Reconfigurable ultrasonic smart sensor platform resource usage with split-spectrum processing hardware
ResourceAvailableBase4 Ch8 Ch12 Ch


Table 9.2

Chirplet signal decomposition execution times and signal-to-noise ratio for a dataset of 512 samples
EchoesExecution time (ms)Signal-to-noise (dB)

9.6. Future trends

For embedded ultrasonic signal processing systems, new reconfigurable hardware platforms (Gilliland et al., 2016; Govindan et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2016) such as Xilinx Zynq-7000 Extensible Processing Platform (Zynq-7000 2012) present an important evolutionary step. Zynq combines an industry-standard ARM dual-core Cortex-A9 MPCore processing system with Xilinx 28 nm programmable logic. This platform would be ideal for RUSSP applications because the embedded ARM processor provides a significant boost to the software execution capabilities. Additionally because of the penetration of embedded ARM devices, it is more convenient to acquire code development tools, technical support, and market acceptance.
Dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) also provides an interesting approach to developing applications for the RUSSP. DPR allows users to download hardware accelerators into the system during runtime (Rossi et al., 2009, 2010; Sudarsanam et al., 2010; Ahmed et al., 2011; Desmouliers et al., 2011). This allows applications to swap in and out their accelerators as FPGA resources and requirements allow. In a sense, DPR achieves time multiplexing of the available reconfigurable fabric for multitasking operations. Several ultrasonic platforms already support DPR (Yoon et al., 2006; Desmouliers et al., 2008; Oruklu et al., 2008; Oruklu and Saniie, 2009; Weber et al., 2011), and it is expected to gain wider adoption in the near future with more mature tools and support from FPGA vendors.

9.7. Conclusion

The RUSSP is an adaptable FPGA-based platform for implementing real-time ultrasonic signal processing applications. The architecture of the RUSSP makes it adaptable to effectively implement new algorithms, analyze old algorithms, and optimize a system for embedded system usage. By providing the ability to implement algorithms using hardware, software, or codesign approaches, end users are given a large design space to find the optimal implementation of a given algorithm with respect to processing speed, logic area usage, and power efficiency. Future iterations of the RUSSP will pave the way for more advanced algorithms and additional avenues for design space exploration of ultrasonic smart sensors.

9.8. Sources of further information and advice

More information about ultrasonic imaging systems can be found in the journal publications; IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Ultrasonics (Elsevier) and in the proceedings of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, International Congress on Ultrasonics, and Acoustical Society of America meetings.


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