Day 3: Writing Stories with Logic

Over the last two days, you’ve seen a lot of what core.logic has to offer. Now it’s time to put that knowledge to use in a larger and more practical example.

There are many problems that involve route planning. For example, how do you fly to a distant city? Sometimes there are direct flights, but sometimes the path involves multiple connections, different planes, and even several airlines. Alternatively, think of a truck making deliveries. After enumerating possible paths, you must then optimize for the shortest or the quickest.

If you think about it, generating a story is similar but more fun. Instead of connection cities, you have plot points. Routes through the plot make up the entire story, and as an author, you’ll want to optimize to achieve the desired effect. Should the story be short? Should everyone die at the end?

We’re going to build a story generator using the logic tools you’ve acquired so far. Although the end result may seem frivolous on the surface, the techniques we use are the same for the more mundane problems.

Before we get to the story generator, there’s one last feature of core.logic that merits attention: finite domains.

Programming with Finite Domains

Logic programming is implemented behind the scenes with directed search algorithms. You specify constraints and the language searches for solutions that satisfy the criteria.

So far, we’ve been working with elements, lists, and maps in our logic programs. These structures may be infinite in size, but they are composed of a finite set of concrete elements. To search for solutions to (membero q [1 2 3]), core.logic only needs to look through all the elements.

What happens when we want to work with numbers? Imagine searching for integer solutions to (<= q 1). There is an infinite number of answers. Even worse, there is an infinite number of possibilities to try, and depending on where you start and how you search, you may never find a solution.

The problem is tractable if we constrain q to the positive integers or any finite set of numbers. In core.logic we can make such constraints with finite domains. Finite domains add knowledge about the set of valid states in the search problem. Let’s use our example (<= q 1), but within a finite domain:

user=>​ (require '[clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd])
user=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (fd/in q (fd/interval 0 10))
#_=>​ (fd/<= q 1))
(0 1)

This constraint establishes that q is in a given interval of numbers.

The solution set is finite and found quickly because of the constrained domain.

Finite domains over numeric intervals also allow you to start doing mathematic operations on logic variables. We can ask core.logic to solve for every triple of distinct numbers whose sum is 100:

user=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (fresh [x y z a]
#_=>​ (== q [x y z])
#_=>​ (fd/in x y z a (fd/interval 1 100))
#_=>​ (fd/distinct [x y z])
#_=>​ (fd/< x y)
#_=>​ (fd/< y z)
#_=>​ (fd/+ x y a)
#_=>​ (fd/+ a z 100)))
([1 2 97] [2 3 95] [1 3 96] [1 4 95] [3 4 93] [2 4 94] ...)

x, y, and z are the three numbers we’re solving for. a is just a temporary helper.

All the logic variables are constrained to the finite range of 1 to 100.

fd/distinct sets the constraint that none of the variables can be equal to another. This prevents solutions such as [1 1 98].

We constrain x to be less than y, and y less than z. If we failed to order the variables, then we’d have duplicate solutions such as [6 28 66] and [66 28 6].

There are 784 solutions. My machine found the entire set of solutions in 5 milliseconds. Core.logic is no slouch.

The code as written works quite well, although having to do arithmetic operations two numbers at a time with a temporary logic variable feels rather clumsy. Fortunately, core.logic provides some macro sugar to sprinkle on its math. fd/eq allows us to write normal expressions for our equations and transforms those expressions into code that creates the appropriate temporary logic vars and calls the appropriate finite domain functions.

user=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (fresh [x y z]
#_=>​ (== q [x y z])
#_=>​ (fd/in x y z (fd/interval 1 100))
#_=>​ (fd/distinct [x y z])
#_=>​ (fd/< x y)
#_=>​ (fd/< y z)
#_=>​ (fd/eq
#_=>​ (= (+ x y z) 100))))
([1 2 97] [2 3 95] ...)

The last line is much simpler, and the resulting program is easier to read.

Take a minute to think about what’s going on here. Macros are turning logic into normal syntax, finite domains are constraining the search problem to a small space, and the program isn’t just finding a single solution but all possible solutions. Best of all, it’s declarative and reads like a problem statement instead of a solution method.

Magical Stories

So far, the examples have been tailored to help you understand individual concepts in core.logic, and now we’ll put what you’ve learned into practice with a more realistic and comprehensive example. In the end, even Harry Potter uses his spells for opening locks and other common tasks.

Our task will be one of path finding, subject to some constraints. Whether finding transit routes or scheduling deliveries, path planning problems abound, and logic programming excels at solving them.

Instead of finding a route for a delivery truck or solving for how to reach one city from another via available transit options, we’ll be generating stories. From a database of plot elements, we can search for a story that reaches a certain end state. Following the path through the plot elements becomes a little narrative, controlled by logic and the destination you provide.

Core.logic will generate many possible stories for us, but it is up to us to pick out the ones that might be interesting. We’ll use Clojure to postprocess possible stories to select ones that fit our criteria. For example, we may filter small stories out to get at more interesting, longer narratives.

Problem Details

Before we begin, we should define the problem a little better.

First, we need a collection of story elements and a method for moving from one element to another. We can easily store facts in a database about various plot points, but we’ll need to create them. I’ll let Hollywood do the hard work here and use the plot of the cult comedy movie Clue, a murder mystery loosely based on the board game where six guests, a butler, a maid, a cook, and the master of the house are in for a potentially deadly ride.

Here’s a snippet of the story from the movie:

(1) Wadsworth opens the door to find a stranded motorist whose car broke down nearby. The motorist asks to use the phone, and Wadsworth escorts him to the lounge. The group locks the motorist in the lounge while they search for the killer in the rest of the house. (2) After some time, a policeman notices the abandoned car and starts to investigate. (3) Meanwhile, someone kills the motorist with the wrench.

We can simulate and manage moving from one plot point, (1), to another, (2), by the use of linear logic. Linear logic is an extension of the logic you’re probably familiar with, which allows for the use and manipulation of resources. For example, a logical proposition may require and consume a particular resource. Instead of “A implies B,” we say that “A consumes Z and produces B,” where Z is some particular resource. In the previous snippet, (3) takes the motorist as input and produces a dead motorist. Similarly, (2) takes the motorist as input and produces a policeman.

We can craft a simple linear logic in core.logic. Each plot element will have some resource that it needs and some resource that it produces. We’ll represent this as a two-element vector of the needed and produced resource. For example, [:motorist :policeman] means that for this story element to happen, we must have a :motorist available and it will create a :policeman. In the movie, a stranded motorist rings the doorbell for help, and later a policeman who discovers his car comes looking for him. Without the motorist, the policeman will never show up.

We’ll have a starting state, which is a set of initial, available resources. A relation will govern selecting a legal story element given the state and moving to a new state. We’ll control where the story goes by putting requirements on the final state. For example, the story will finish when a particular character is caught or dies.

The final touch will be to print out the resulting stories in a readable form.

Story Elements

Our story elements need to contain the resource being consumed and the resource being produced. Additionally, we’ll put in a string describing the element in prose that we’ll make use of when printing out the narrative.

We’ll need a large list of elements to make interesting stories, but the plot of Clue gives us plenty to work with. You might notice that several people can be murdered in multiple ways; Clue had three different endings, which are all represented.

Here are the first few elements of story-elements in story.clj:

(​def​ story-elements
[[:maybe-telegram-girl :telegram-girl
"A singing telegram girl arrives."​]
[:maybe-motorist :motorist
"A stranded motorist comes asking for help."​]
[:motorist :policeman
"Investigating an abandoned car, a policeman appears."​]
[:motorist :dead-motorist
"The motorist is found dead in the lounge, killed by a wrench."​]
[:telegram-girl :dead-telegram-girl
"The telegram girl is murdered in the hall with a revolver."​]
[:policeman :dead-policeman
"The policeman is killed in the library with a lead pipe."​]
[:dead-motorist :guilty-mustard
"Colonel Mustard killed the motorist, his old driver during the war."​]
[:dead-motorist :guilty-scarlet
"Miss Scarlet killed the motorist to keep her secrets safe."​]
;; ...])

The structure is a vector of vectors. The inner vectors have three elements: the two resources and the string description. There are 27 elements in full story-elements, which is enough to get some interesting results.

We’ll need to postprocess this to turn it into our story database in core.logic.

Building the Database and Initial State

Our goal is to turn the story-elements vector into a database of facts that core.logic can use. We’ll use a simple relation, ploto, which will relate the input resource to the output. The end result we want would be equivalent to this:

(db-rel ploto a b)
(​def​ story-db
[ploto :maybe-telegram-girl :telegram-girl]
[ploto :wadsworth :dead-wadsworth]
;; ...))

We’ll use Clojure’s reduce function to effect the transformation:

(db-rel ploto a b)
(​def​ story-db
(​reduce​ (​fn​ [dbase elems]
(​apply​ db-fact dbase ploto (​take​ 2 elems)))

Reducing functions take two arguments. The first is the accumulator that holds the initial, intermediate, or final result of the reduction. The second is the current element to reduce. Here we extend the database passed as the first argument with a new fact using the ploto relation and the first two elements of the story element vector.

Our initial state is just a blank database.

Running the reduction over all the story elements will turn our vector of vectors into a core.logic database of facts.

Now that we have our story elements, we need an initial state. This contains all the people who may appear and all the people who are already in the house who might later be killed. Note that only resources that are used in the story elements need to be listed.

(​def​ start-state
[:maybe-telegram-girl :maybe-motorist
:wadsworth :mr-boddy :cook :yvette])

The story elements database and the initial state define all the data for our story. As you’ll see shortly, the data used is much larger than the code we need to generate stories.

Plotting Along

The next task is to create a transition relation to move the story from one state to the next by selecting an appropriate story element. This is the workhorse of our generator:

(​defn​ actiono [state new-state action]
(fresh [in out temp]
(membero in state)
(ploto in out)
(rembero in state temp)
(conso out temp new-state)
(​=​​=​ action [in out])))

The in resource must be something from the current state. We can’t use any of the story resources unless they are available.

Once we have an in resource, ploto picks a corresponding resource to create in out.

The resource is consumed as part of the story action, so we remove it from the state.

The newly created resource is added to the state to produce the new state.

We can load logical.story in a REPL and experiment with actiono:

user=>​ (require '[logical.story :as story])
user=>​ (with-db story/story-db
#_=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (fresh [action state]
#_=>​ (== q [action state])
#_=>​ (story/actiono [:motorist] state action))))
([[:motorist :policeman] (:policeman)]
[[:motorist :dead-motorist] (:dead-motorist)])

This query uses a starting state of [:motorist] and asks for all the actions and their corresponding new states that are possible. Either a policeman can come looking for the stranded motorist, or the motorist can be murdered.

For generating our stories, we want to run the transitions backward. Starting from some goal conditions—resources we want to exist in the final state—we want to find a sequence of actions that will achieve the goals from the starting state.

(​declare​ story*)
(​defn​ storyo [end-elems actions]
(storyo* (shuffle start-state) end-elems actions))
(​defn​ storyo* [start-state end-elems actions]
(fresh [action new-state new-actions]
(actiono start-state new-state action)
(conso action new-actions actions)
[(everyg #(membero % new-state) end-elems)
(​=​​=​ new-actions [])]
[(storyo* new-state end-elems new-actions)])))

storyo simply calls storyo* so that the user doesn’t have to pass in the initial state themselves. Shuffling the initial state will produce a randomized solution sequence.

We transition to a new state by taking some action.

We prepend the action we took onto the list of actions.

everyg succeeds if the goal function provided as the first argument succeeds for every element of the collection in the second argument. If all our goal resources in end-elems are in new-state, our story is done. We set new-actions to the empty vector at the end since there won’t be any more taken.

If not all our goals have succeeded, we recursively call storyo* to keep going.

Let’s play with storyo at the REPL to generate some simple stories:

user=>​ (with-db story/story-db
#_=>​ (run 5 [q]
#_=>​ (story/storyo [:dead-wadsworth] q)))
(([:wadsworth :dead-wadsworth])
([:maybe-motorist :motorist] [:wadsworth :dead-wadsworth])
([:maybe-telegram-girl :telegram-girl] [:wadsworth :dead-wadsworth])
([:maybe-motorist :motorist] [:motorist :policeman]
[:wadsworth :dead-wadsworth])
([:maybe-motorist :motorist] [:motorist :dead-motorist]
[:dead-motorist :guilty-mustard] [:wadsworth :dead-wadsworth]))

Core.logic has used our story database to generate five stories where Wadsworth ends up dead. Each solution is a list of actions, and if you squint at it and remember the story elements, you can figure out what is happening. For example, the last story in the list has a stranded motorist appearing, who is then murdered by Colonel Mustard, and then Wadsworth is killed in the hallway with the revolver.

We still have some work to do. The stories need to be human readable instead of the simple list of actions, and we’ll need to filter stories to get more interesting results.

Readable Stories

Creating more readable stories is just a matter of reusing our description strings from story-elements in the output. We’ll transform story-elements into a map from actions to the strings, and then generate a human-readable plot summary from the result.

(​def​ story-map
(​reduce​ (​fn​ [m elems]
(​assoc​ m (​vec​ (​take​ 2 elems)) (​nth​ elems 2)))
(​defn​ print-story [actions]
(​println​ ​"PLOT SUMMARY:"​)
(​doseq​ [a actions]
(​println​ (story-map a))))

For each element, our reduction associates a new key and value to the map. The key is a two-element vector of the input and output resources, which is the same format as our actions. The value is the last item in the story element, the description.

print-story just looks up the description in the map and prints the result for each action in the sequence.

Let’s test it out on a story:

user=>​ (def stories
#_=>​ (with-db story/story-db
#_=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (story/storyo [:guilty-scarlet] q))))
user=>​ (story/print-story (first (drop 10 stories)))
A stranded motorist comes asking for help.
The motorist is found dead in the lounge, killed by a wrench.
Colonel Mustard killed the motorist, his old driver during the war.
The cook is found stabbed in the kitchen.
Miss Scarlet killed the cook to silence her.

run* will produce a stream of all the solutions. This is lazily computed, so it will return immediately and then do the work to give us solutions when we ask for them. Lazy streams are one of the more powerful features of Clojure.

We can drop a few of the initial stories to get some more interesting and longer ones. Here we’ve dropped the first 10 and picked the first one in the remaining stream.

Now we’re getting somewhere. The stories are fun to read now, but a little too short. We can postprocess the story stream with Clojure’s powerful stream manipulation tools.

Mining Stories

Clojure has an enormous number of tools for dissecting, filtering, and manipulating data of all kinds. You saw in the previous example how core.logic solutions are a lazy stream and just how easy it is to pick that stream apart.

We can put these tools to work for us and try to find more interesting stories from the random story stream that run* and storyo generate. Using the goal states in combination with postprocessing, we direct the generation and select the most interesting results:

user=>​ (defn story-stream [& goals]
#_=>​ (with-db story/story-db
#_=>​ (run* [q]
#_=>​ (story/storyo (vec goals) q))))
user=>​ (story/print-story
#_=>​ (first
#_=>​ (filter #(> (count %) 10)
#_=>​ (story-stream :guilty-peacock :dead-yvette))))
A stranded motorist comes asking for help.
Investigating an abandoned car, a policeman appears.
The policeman is killed in the library with a lead pipe.
Mrs. Peacock killed the policeman.
Mr. Boddy's body is found in the hall beaten to death with a candlestick.
Wadsworth is found shot dead in the hall.
Mr. Green, an undercover FBI agent, shot Wadsworth.
A singing telegram girl arrives.
The telegram girl is murdered in the hall with a revolver.
Miss Scarlet killed the telegram girl so she wouldn't talk.
Yvette, the maid, is found strangled with the rope in the billiard room.

Asking for stories with more than 10 elements in which Yvette dies and Mrs. Peacock is a murderer produces something particularly grim.

Keep playing with it and see what interesting narratives you can create. You’ll be extending the system in today’s exercises.

What We Learned in Day 3

Today you saw a more practical view of core.logic. Logic programming isn’t just about puzzles. Many real-world problems benefit from a logical approach.

We started by looking at finite domains, which are extremely useful in constraint-solving problems. For example, Mac OS X’s layout engine is a constraint solver. Not only does core.logic make these types of problems easy to express, but the solutions are obtained extremely quickly.

We used logic to generate paths, but instead of finding routes connecting cities, we discovered narratives through various plot elements. Combining simple linear logic, recursive functions, and Clojure’s data manipulation tools, we were able to craft a story generator in just a few lines of code.

Your Turn

If you’ve yet to play with any code in this chapter, now is your chance to get your hands dirty with the new tools introduced today.


  • Examples of other people using core.logic’s finite domains.

  • Commercial products that are powered by logic engines. Hint: Include Prolog in your search.

Do (Easy):

  • Code some other mathematical equations and have core.logic fill in the answers.

  • Generate stories where the motorist never appears and there are at least two murderers.

Do (Medium):

  • It’s more suspenseful if we learn who the killers are at the end of the story. Use Clojure’s data manipulation tools to push those story events to the end.

  • If the policeman arrives, the motorist can no longer be killed. This is a limitation of our linear logic because inputs are always consumed. Extend the generator such that story elements can have multiple outputs and use this to enable stories where the policeman and the motorist are both murdered.

Do (Hard):

  • Try to write a Sudoku solver using finite domains. Hint: You’ll need to create unnamed logic variables with (lvar) at empty places in the grid. Build multiple views on the same grid by row, column, and square.

  • Create a new set of story elements and initial state using your own imagination or inspiration from a favorite book. Use the narrative generator to find the most interesting version.

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