The Book

All of the books in this series require a little more commitment than your typical technical book. Those who write the books are learning many new concepts just one step ahead of our readers. We also need excellent support, often from reviewers who get nothing more than thanks here. Often, reading our early prose must seem like a stroll through Zombieland, and several reviewers went above and beyond by reading a chapter or two twice or more. Our thanks go out to John Benediktsson, Jeff Bezanson, Edwin Brady, Erin Chapman, Evan Czaplicki, Alan Edelman, John Heintz, Daniel Hinojosa, Carsten Jørgensen, Stefan Karpinski, Eric Meadows-Jönsson, Ted Neward, David Nolen, Viral Shah, Brian Sletten, José Valim, Matthew Wild, and Simon Wood. We literally could not have written this book without you.

We know we’re going to miss someone, so if your name is not where it should be, please accept our sincerest apology. We appreciate your effort.

Beta readers, you had this story when it was a tiny glowing ember, and nursed it to a raging fire. We depend on you and your comments and enthusiasm more than you can know.

We’d also like to thank the production team. We know you’re all mentioned on the copyright page but we would like to mention you here as well: Jackie Carter, the editor; Liz Welch, the copy editor; Seth Maislin, the indexer; and Janet Furlow, the production manager. The whole industry knows that Prag books are special, and you’re the team that helps us maintain such high-quality standards over time. Thanks once again.

Finally, we’d like to thank Dave and Andy for believing in this concept, not once but twice. You’ve built a special place to work and a great place for authors to feel respected and appreciated. We write because we love it, and we love it because you make this a special place to be.

To all of you, we send our love and respect.

Thank you.

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