Hour 4. Adding CSS/CSS3 Styles to Allow Dynamic Design and Layout

What You’ll Learn in This Hour:

Image Adding CSS to HTML documents

Image How to use CSS selectors to apply styles to specific HTML elements

Image How to apply color, images, and backgrounds to HTML elements

Image Creating cool borders around HTML elements

Image Using CSS to define the look and layout of web pages

Image Designing CSS to be used by your jQuery and JavaScript code

One of the most important aspects of dynamic web pages is their capability to dynamically adjust the design and layout of elements as users interact with the page. This hour focuses on adding CSS styles to your HTML documents. CSS provides a way to very easily apply style changes to HTML elements on the web page.

It is important to add an initially good design that can be easily altered in your jQuery and JavaScript code. With a good design, simple style changes through jQuery and JavaScript can dramatically alter the appearance and behavior of the HTML components, providing a rich user experience.

The following sections cover CSS syntax and using CSS to modify the look of HTML elements and the layout of the web page.

Adding CSS Styles to the Web Page

You can add CSS styles to web pages in a number of ways. You can add them as a separate file, in the HTML <head> element, in the HTML <body> element, inline inside of a specific HTML element, or even dynamically from jQuery and JavaScript.

You can apply as many styles in as many different ways as you would like. However, you need to keep in mind that the styles are applied in order, with the latest style overriding the values of previous styles. Styles are loaded in the following order:

1. <link> or <style> elements from the header. The lower elements override the ones above them.

2. <style> elements in the web page body. The lower elements override the ones above them.


If you define different CSS definitions for the same element(s) in two different CSS files or <style> sections, the ones that are loaded last will overwrite the previous ones. This is very useful; however, it can be a pain if it is not intended. For example, if you have a selector that changes several properties for <p> elements and then a subsequent selector that directly references the ID of a specific <p> element, you would likely want to place the general definition before the specific so that you retain the specific property values.

3. Styles applied to HTML elements directly via the style attribute of the element.

4. Styles applied dynamically via jQuery or JavaScript. These are dynamically applied when the JavaScript is executed.

The following sections discuss how to add styles using each of the different options and when to use them.

Loading CSS Styles from a File

Typically, the best method of loading CSS styles is from a separate file, which means you create a file with a .css extension and then add it to your website. This provides several advantages:

Image You can link several HTML documents to the same CSS file.

Image Your HTML files remain much cleaner because there is not a lot of extra CSS code encumbering them.

Image It is easy to re-skin your website by changing out the CSS file for another.

To load CSS styles from a separate file, you need to add the .css file to your website and then add a <link> element to the HTML <head> element. When the web page is loaded, the browser parses the <link> element, requests the .css file from the web server, and applies the styles when rendering the HTML elements.

The following is an example of the syntax used in the <link> element. Notice that the rel attribute is set to stylesheet, the type to text/css, and the href points to the location of the .css file on the web server.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/test.css">

Adding CSS Styles to the Header

You can also add CSS styles directly to a web page in the <head> element using the <style> tag. All the text inside the <style> tab will be treated as CSS, read into the browser, and applied to the elements as they are rendered.

Applying CSS styles in the header does have some advantages, including the following:

Image It is easy to apply them to the header to test out the web page without needing to manage an additional .css file.

Image You can override global styles loaded from a .css file with some that apply specifically to that page.

The following is an example of a <head> element that includes a <style> element with CSS. Notice that the type attribute is set to text/css; this is not required, but it is good practice for a time when other style types are supported by browsers.

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <style type="text/css">
        padding: 3px;

Using CSS Styles in the HTML Body

You can also use the <script> tag to add CSS style settings directly inside the HTML <body> element. This is not a good practice, because it can make the web page styles very difficult to change and fix. You should limit your use of this method to times when you want to quickly add a style for testing purposes. After testing, you should always move them to the <head> or a separate file.

Defining CSS Styles in HTML Elements

HTML elements provide a style attribute that allows you to directly set the CSS style inside the HTML statement. This provides advantages, but one huge disadvantage.

The advantage is that you can override the CSS styles that are applied globally to the website or web page. This makes it possible to customize the look and feel of a specific element without the need to include a special rule in another location.

The disadvantage is that if you do this very much, it makes it really difficult to update the style of your website when you decide on a different web design or branding.

The following line of code shows an example of adding a CSS style directly inside of a <span> element:

<span style="background-color:blue; color:white font-weight:bold">Styled Text </span>

Adding CSS Styles to HTML Elements

You have already seen some brief examples of CSS being applied in previous examples in this book. Now it is time to introduce you to the syntax and properties that you can apply to HTML elements via CSS. This section is by no means comprehensive; however, it will give you an understanding of what can be done to HTML elements via CSS.

As you read through and try out the examples, keep in mind that you will have access to the CSS properties via jQuery and JavaScript and can therefore set them dynamically as the user interacts with the web page.

Understanding the Basic CSS Syntax

CSS is composed of a set of one or more rules that define values of properties that the web browser uses when rendering the HTML element. Each rule is started by a selector that defines which HTML element(s) to apply the style change to. Then inside the {} brackets are specific property settings. The property values are set using the property:value syntax. Each property setting is separated by a semicolon.

The following listing shows an example of a simple CSS rule that sets the font style, background color, and width of a <p> element:

p {

You should use a separate line for each of the elements to make the file more readable and clean. You can combine multiple elements on the same line as long as they are enclosed in the {} brackets. For example:

p { font-style:italic; background-color:#DDDDDD; width:250px; }


Several of the CSS properties support multiple settings for a single property. This helps keep your CSS files a bit more concise and yet maintains the readability. For example, the following single CSS property setting sets the font to bold, italic, 12 pixels, and Times New Roman. The multiple settings are separated by spaces. There are two typefaces specified, Times New Roman and serif, so if the browser can’t find the first, it will use the second. Notice that because Times New Roman includes spaces, it must be encapsulated in double or single quotes. Also notice that the two typefaces are separated by a comma indicating they are still part of the same setting value.

font:italic bold 12px "Times New Roman",serif;

Figure 4.1 shows the basic CSS to apply background and color changes to a <p> element and a <span> element. Notice that there are two rules—one for each element type. The property values listed in each rule are applied only to the element specified by the selector.


FIGURE 4.1 CSS rules are composed of a selector, followed by a list of property values to be applied to HTML elements.


Some of the CSS properties are supported only in specific types of browsers. CSS has a naming convention that allows for the browser engine to be prepended onto the property name to identify the browser that the property setting is intended for. This provides a couple of benefits: one is that you can specify different CSS property values for different browsers; the second is that it allows you to set the CSS property only for browsers that support the functionality. The prefixes are -ms- for Internet Explorer, -moz- for Firefox, -webkit- for Safari and Chrome, and o- for Opera. The following shows an example of using the prefixes to set the rotate property value:

-ms-transform:rotate(5deg);         /* IE 9 */
-moz-transform:rotate(5deg);        /* Firefox */
-webkit-transform:rotate(5deg);     /* Safari and Chrome */
-o-transform:rotate(5deg);          /* Opera */

Using CSS Selectors to Style HTML Elements

One of the most important pieces of styling HTML elements is the CSS selector. The CSS selector is used to define which HTML elements the CSS rule applies to. CSS selectors can seem a bit daunting at first; however, when you understand the basic concepts in some examples, the syntax falls into place.

The following series of examples will help you understand selectors:

To apply a CSS rule to all <div> elements, use the following (HTML elements are referred to by tag name):

div {...

To apply a CSS rule to a specific HTML element with the id attribute equal to myDiv, use the following (in CSS, the id attribute is designated using #):

#myDiv {...

To apply a CSS rule to a group of HTML elements all with the class attribute equal to container, use the following (in CSS, the id attribute is designated using .):

.container {...

To apply a CSS rule to <span> elements when the mouse is hovering over them, use the following (in CSS, states are designated by :state):

span:hover {...

To apply a CSS rule to <a> elements that have the target attribute set to _blank, use the following (in CSS, attributes are designated by [] brackets):


You can also chain multiple selectors together using commas. For example, to apply a CSS rule to all <div>, <span>, <p>, and elements with class="menu", you could use the following:

div, span, p, .menu {...

Also keep in mind that CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. You may have different selectors that apply to several groups of objects that overlap. For example, consider the following selectors. The first applies to all <div> elements, the second applies only to “menu” class elements—some of which are <div> elements—and the final applies only to “menu” class elements that are currently under the mouse cursor. Property settings in the .menu and .menu:hover rules will override settings made in the div rule:

div {...
.menu {...

Table 4.1 provides a list of several types of selectors; it shows an example and describes how the selector works. You can do much more with selectors than what is shown in the preceding examples and in Table 4.1, but these should give you an idea of how we are using selectors in the rest of the exercises in this book.


TABLE 4.1 List of Some of the More Commonly Used CSS Selectors

Using CSS Design Properties

Most of the CSS properties are aimed at altering the appearance of the HTML items. Unfortunately, the out-of-the-box HTML elements look pretty bland. However, by adding color, borders, backgrounds, images, and other design properties, you can dramatically change the appearance of your HTML elements with only a little bit of CSS code.

The following sections cover the CSS properties that alter the look of HTML components.

CSS Colors

One of the most frequently used settings applied via CSS is the color property. Most elements have a color property that defines the color the browser uses to render them—for example, a table border, a list bullet, or text characters in a paragraph.

You can use several methods for setting the exact color to support the different backgrounds and situations of people who are defining the color. The color value can be specified via one of the following methods:

Image Name—The CSS color name, such a red, blue, green, or yellow. There are 147 predefined color names, such as aqua, crimson, silver. You can find a list of color names at www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color.

Image Hex—You can specify a hex number that represents the amount of red, green, and blue to include in the color. The syntax is #RRGGBB. A value of 00 represents none of that color, and a value of FF represents all of that color. For example, red is #FF0000, green is #00FF00, and blue-green is #00FFFF.

Image RGB—Similar to Hex, except that you can specify values between 0 and 255. For example, blue-green is rgb(0, 255, 255).

Image RGBA—Same as RGB; however, you can also specify an alpha parameter that controls the opaqueness, with 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 being opaque. For example: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0.5) is blue-green that is 50% opaque.

Image HSL—Enables you to specify the color based on the Hue/Saturation/Lightness color scheme. For example, a color with a hue of 100, saturation of 45%, and a lightness of 75% would be hsl(100, 45%, 75%).

Image HSLA—Same as HSL, except you can also specify an alpha parameter that controls the opaqueness, with 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 being opaque. For example, an 80% transparent color would be hsla(100, 45%, 75%, .20).

For example, the following CSS rules all define the text color of a <p> element as blue and are completely interchangeable:

p {color:blue;}
p {color:#0000FF;}
p {color:rgb(0,0,255);}
p {color:rgba(0,0,255,1.0);}
p {color:hsl(240,100%,50%);}
p {color:hsl(240,100%,50%,1.0);}

Use the following steps to create an HTML document and add CSS styles to text elements. These are the basics with a few <div> and <span> elements. The full versions of the files you will be creating are in Listing 4.2:

1. Create a new HTML document named hour0402.html in the hour04 folder in Aptana.

2. Add the following basic HTML elements:

01 <!DOCTYPE html>
02 <html>
03   <head>
04     <title>Hour 4 - Example 1</title>
05     <meta charset="UTF-8">
06     <style>
30     </style>
31   </head>
32   <body>
33     <div id="heading">jQuery Rocks</div>
34     <div id="content">
35       <div id="menu">
36         <span>Home</span>
37         <span>Info</span>
38         <span>Examples</span>
39       </div>
40       <p>Page Content</p>
41     </div>
42   </body>
43 </html>

3. Save the file and open it in your browser using the localhost address. Notice that the text is very plain. All that is about to change with just a little bit of CSS.

4. Create a folder under the hour04 folder called images.

5. Copy a 200-pixel wide image file into that folder. You can use the file /code/hour04/images/rocks.png from the website if you like.

6. Add the following CSS rule to the <style> element in the header of the HTML file. This adds the image you just copied into the images folder to the web page. It repeats the image vertically.

07       body {
08         margin:0px;
09         background-image:url("images/rocks.png");
10         background-repeat:repeat-y;
11       }

7. Then add the following rule to style the text for the heading element and add a horizontal linear gradient as the background:

12       #heading {
13         background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #0055ff 0%, #AACCFF 100%);
14         height:200px;
15         font:150px bold;
16         text-align: center;
17         color:rgba(255,255,255,.4);
18       }

8. The vertical repeating image we added to the body is 200 pixels wide, so change the left margin for the content container to 200px using the following rule so that the content will be to the right of the image:

19       #content {
20         margin-left:200px;
21       }

9. Style the menu by changing the background color to #555555 and adding a vertically linear gradient to the <span> elements that make up the options.

22       #menu{
23         padding:3px;
24         background-color:#555555;
25       }
26       span {
27         padding:3px;
28         background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0022ff 0%, #AACCFF 85%, #0022ff 100%);
29         font:20px bold;
30         color:white;
31       }

10. Save the file and refresh the web page in your browser, as shown in Figure 4.11. Notice the difference that adding some background elements can have to some otherwise very plain HTML.


FIGURE 4.11 Adding CSS background styles greatly improves the appearance of elements.

LISTING 4.2 HTML and CSS Code That Add Different Types of Background Styles to Elements

01 <!DOCTYPE html>
02 <html>
03   <head>
04     <title>Hour 4 - Example 1</title>
05     <meta charset="UTF-8">
06     <style>
07       body {
08         margin:0px;
09         background-image:url("images/rocks.png");
10         background-repeat:repeat-y;
11       }
12       #heading {
13         background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #0055ff 0%, #AACCFF 100%);
14         height:200px;
15         font:150px bold;
16         text-align:center;
17         color:rgba(255,255,255,.4);
18       }
19       #content {
20         margin-left:200px;
21       }
22       #menu{
23         padding:3px;
24         background-color:#555555;
25       }
26       span {
27         padding:3px;
28         background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #0022ff 0%, #AACCFF 85%, #0022ff 100%);
29         font:20px bold;
30         color:white;
31       }
32     </style>
33   </head>
34   <body>
35     <div id="heading">jQuery Rocks</div>
36     <div id="content">
37       <div id="menu">
38         <span>Home</span>
39         <span>Info</span>
40         <span>Examples</span>
41       </div>
42       <p>Page Content</p>
43     </div>
44   </body>
45 </html>


An important part of browser interaction with users is the mouse cursor. You can let the user know the purpose or behavior of an HTML element just by changing the way the cursor looks when the mouse is over it.

The cursor CSS property enables you to define what cursor should be used when the mouse is over a specific element. The following shows an example of setting the cursor to a pointer:

div { cursor:pointer; }

You can choose from several cursor values. Figure 4.13 shows an example of some of the cursor values that are available via the cursor CSS property.


FIGURE 4.13 Examples of some of the cursor types available via the cursor CSS property.


The opacity CSS property enables you to set the transparency of an HTML element as well as all elements contained within. The opacity is specified as a decimal value between 0 and 1, where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque.

Changing the opacity is a great way to let users know that an HTML element is inactive. For example, the following CSS and HTML define two button definitions. The definition for button2 includes an opacity of .4 to make it partially transparent. The results are shown in Figure 4.14.


FIGURE 4.14 Two <span> elements styled as buttons, with one having an opacity set to .4.

CSS rules:

#button, #button2 {
  margin: 5px; padding:3px;
  text-align: center;
  background-color: #2233FF;
  color: white;
  border:5px outset blue;
#button2 { opacity:.4; }

HTML elements:

<span id="button">Active</span>
<span id="button2">Inactive</span>


Another useful CSS property is visibility. You can set visibility to hidden, and the HTML element and all elements contained will not be rendered to the browser. Then setting it to visible again will display it in the browser window. This capability is very useful in jQuery and JavaScript to enable you to show and hide page elements dynamically.

Applying CSS Layout Properties

One of the biggest challenges with creating HTML web pages is that HTML does not lend itself to creating attractive-looking layouts very easily. That is why many of the CSS properties are aimed at altering the size, position, and relation to other HTML elements.

Using the CSS Layout properties, you will be able to position items correctly on your web page, and with JavaScript and jQuery you can alter those positions efficiently to provide more of an application experience for your users, rather than a simple point-and-click web page. The following sections cover the CSS properties that alter the layout of HTML components.

Understanding the Box Model

HTML elements are rendered to the browser window using the box model. In the box model, the content of the HTML element is made up of the following four parts shown in Figure 14.15:

Image Content—The HTML component content itself

Image Padding—Space between the component and the border

Image Border—Border surrounding the HTML element

Image Margin—Space between the HTML element and other elements around it


FIGURE 4.15 CSS Box Model includes four parts: content, padding, border, and margin.

The amount of space that each of these takes in the web browser can be set using CSS.

Setting the Content Size

The content is set by specifying a size value of the height and width CSS properties. The size value can be specified as px, cm, auto, %, and so on. You can also specify a maximum and minimum height and width using max-height, max-width, min-height, and min-width properties.

The following shows an example of setting the height and width properties of <p> element:

p {height:100px; width: 50px;}

Adding Padding Around HTML Content

Padding is an important part of element layout, especially if you are using borders. Padding keeps the content inside the HTML element from touching the border.

Padding can be added to all sides of the HTML element by specifying a padding value, such as


You can also specify the padding for each side of the element, for example:

padding:1px 2px 1px 2px;

Adding Margins Around HTML Elements

Margins work similar to padding, except they are outside the border of the element and keep other HTML elements from touching the border. A margin can be added to all sides of the HTML element by specifying a margin value, such as


You can also specify the margin for each side of the element, for example:

margin:1px 2px 1px 2px;

The margin property also supports the value of auto. Using auto splits the margin values equally, based on the size constraints that are placed in the HTML element.

Modifying HTML Element Flow

Unless you specify otherwise, HTML elements flow to the top-left corner of the browser window.

As you learned in the previous hour, some HTML elements are block elements and some are inline elements. The block elements take up the full width, and so items after them flow down to the next line. Inline elements take up only the amount necessary for the content.

Using the display CSS property, you can set elements to be block or inline. Another value of the display attribute worthy of mention is inline-block. inline-block allows the element to be displayed inline; however, unlike inline elements, you can still set the block properties, such as height and width as well as margin. For example:

span {
  height: 200px; width:200px;

Another way to modify the HTML element flow is to use the float property. The float property allows an element to float either to the left or right of the containing element. Other elements that are not floating will be displayed next to the floating element on the side away from the edge of the containing element.

When using the float attribute, you need to use the clear property to define which sides of the floating element other elements are not allowed to flow around. To illustrate this, consider the following CSS and HTML code. Notice that in Figure 4.16, the paragraph element that does not include the clear:both attribute is rendered next to the image that is floating to the left.

CSS rules:

#image1 {float:left;}
#image2 {float:right;}
#cleared {clear:both;}


FIGURE 4.16 Floating an element to the left or right modifies the flow. However, you need to clear property that you do not want to flow next to them.

HTML elements:

<img id="image1" src="images/hour0302.jpg" width="100" />
<img id="image2" src="images/hour0303.jpg" width="100" />
<p id="uncleared">Uncleared Line of Text</p>
<p id="cleared">Cleared Line of Text</p>

Positioning HTML Elements from CSS

The position property enables you to define how an element is positioned by the browser. By default, elements are static and simply flow with the other elements in the document. However, by changing the value of the position property, you can change that behavior.

The following list describes each of the different nonstatic position values:

Image fixed—Positions the element relative to the browser window.

Image absolute—Positions the element relative to the first nonstatic container element. At least one of the element’s containers must already be defined in a nonstatic position.

Image relative—Positions the element relative to the normal position it would have been in.

After you change the position property to a nonstatic value, you can use the top, left, bottom, and right properties to set the positioning. For example, to set the top-left corner of an element to 50 pixels from the top and 100 pixels from the top-left edge of the browser window, you would use the following CSS code:



When you begin positioning HTML elements using nonstatic positioning, you may find a situation where one element overlaps another. The z-index property allows you to specify which element should be in front. Elements with a higher z-index number are in front of elements with lower z-index values. The following CSS <div> elements would be in front of <p> paragraph elements.

div { z-index:2; }
p { z-index:1; }


The overflow CSS property is provided to solve the problem of trying to display an item that is too large for the area in the web page you have designed. The overflow property can be set to the following:

Image visible—Default behavior.

Image hidden—Will hide the element if the content is too big.

Image scroll—Adds scrollbars on the bottom and right. If the content exceeds the size constraint, the scrollbars become active so you can view the full contents of the container without affecting the flow of the rest of the page.

Image auto—Will add the scrollbars, if necessary, to keep the element to the size constraints you place on it.

Figure 4.17 shows an example of a list that gets constrained inside of a <ul> element that has the following CSS rule with the overflow property:

  border:1px solid;
  height:150px; width:300px;
li{ width:800px; }


FIGURE 4.17 Adding the overflow property to a <ul> element results in the list being constrained within scrollbars.

Preparing CSS Styles for Dynamic Design

One of the coolest features of jQuery and JavaScript is the capability to adjust CSS styles dynamically. A little bit later in the book you learn how to do just that to create some cool effects. In this section, you are introduced to the concept of preparing for dynamic styles while CSS is still fresh in your mind.

As you define your CSS styling rules, keep in mind that there are a few methods to applying styles dynamically. That way you can design the CSS in such a way that the dynamic code will be much simpler to implement. The following sections describe some of the methods that you will learn later.

Preparing to Add Classes to HTML Elements Dynamically

The simplest way to dynamically adjust the style of an HTML element is to change which CSS rules are associated with the element. The easiest way to change CSS rules is to use class selectors for the different rules that you want to use. That way, from jQuery and JavaScript, you can add a class to apply a style or remove a class to remove the style.

This provides two main advantages. First, dynamic code is much simpler because it is easy to add and remove classes. The second is that it is easy to make adjustments to the CSS styles that will be applied, because they will be done inside a .css file or a <style> tag.

Using dynamic class rules requires that the rules for the class selectors be completely defined somewhere in the CSS code loaded with the web page. It also requires some thinking about how to implement each CSS rule.

For example, think about adding dynamic interaction with a <span> element that is styled to be used as a button. You want the button to be able to have four different states of up, down, inactive, and state changing. You can create a different CSS rule with a selector for the class of those button states. When the button is up, the class attribute assigned to the <span> would be up; when the user clicks the button, you could change the class to state changing, and then when the mouse is released, change the class to down.

Preparing to Directly Adjust CSS Properties

You can also directly access and modify specific CSS properties of an element or a set of elements via jQuery and JavaScript. This provides the advantage of being able to create static CSS definitions in .css files or <style> tags and then dynamically change a subset of the property values.

A great example of using JavaScript with CSS property values is moving items around the web page. For instance, suppose you were to define an HTML image element for a scrolling banner that was supposed to scroll horizontally across the screen. You would define the static CSS style that styles the banner as a fixed position in the browser window. Then, because the CSS already defines all the necessary properties to render the banner fixed, all you need to do from jQuery and JavaScript is to adjust the CSS position properties to scroll the banner.


This hour discussed using CSS to quickly and easily alter the look and feel of your web pages. Understanding these concepts is critical to implementing JavaScript and jQuery to create dynamic web pages and rich Internet applications.

You learned how the CSS rules are structured and how to define selectors that will apply a CSS rule to a specific set of HTML elements. You were introduced to some of the common design and layout styles of CSS.

You learned how to style text, apply color and background images, and create cool borders around HTML elements. You also learned how to understand and control the flow of the HTML elements on the page as well as applying fixed positioning.


Q. Is it better to use a fixed size and position for HTML elements, or should I try to use more of the HTML flow based on the content size?

A. That is a tough question. For most web pages, consider using more of a flow with relative positioning within elements as much as possible. The reason for that is because of the wide range of displays that may be looking at the web pages. If you need to support mobile displays up to 36-inch monitors, the flow allows for the content to more easily match the browser size. However, if you are designing a dynamic web page as more of a web application, use more fixed sizes that support an average size monitor and then implement a mobile version using the jQuery Mobile techniques you learn later in this book.

Q. Why bother with CSS—can’t I just apply the CSS styles directly from jQuery and JavaScript?

A. Sure, everything that you can do with CSS can be applied from JavaScript. However, it is more difficult to maintain the changes, especially when more than one person is involved in the design. Often, some of the best web page designers won’t know any jQuery or JavaScript. Also, think about how easy it is to keep multiple versions of a CSS file and tweak them to apply different skins to the web page.


The workshop consists of a set of questions and answers designed to solidify your understanding of the material covered in this hour. Try to answer the questions before looking at the answers.


1. What selector would you use to apply a CSS rule to all <div> elements?

2. What CSS property allows an element to float past other elements either to the right or to the left?

3. How would you apply a border with rounded corners around a <div> element?

4. True or False: You cannot specify exact coordinates in the browser to position an HTML element.

5. What selector would you use to apply a CSS rule only to an HTML element with the class attribute set to “myClass” and the id set to “mainContainer"?

Quiz Answers

1. div {...

2. float:right or float:left

3. border:1px solid;border-radius:5px;

4. False. You can set the display:fixed property and then set the top, left, bottom, or right pixel offset to place the HTML element, regardless of where other elements are on the page.

5. #mainContainer {...


1. Modify the code that you applied in Listing 4.2 to include the following CSS rule that will apply to the span you defined as buttons. The rule should change the style of the HTML element and consequently the look of the menu item when the mouse hovers over it:

span:hover {
  background-color: #2233FF;
  color: white;
  border:5px outset blue;

2. Modify the code in Listing 4.4-html and Listing 4.4-css to wrap the heading in its own border and position it above the other <div> elements. You will need to change the position of the existing <div> elements to do so.

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