
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


!~ operator, Perl
# character, Free-spacing mode, Variations, Discussion
escaping, Discussion
for comments, Free-spacing mode, Variations
$ token, Anchors and linesVariations, End of a line, End of a line, Variations, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
as anchor, Anchors and linesVariations, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
for multiple lines, End of a line, Discussion
in JavaScript, Discussion
in Perl, Discussion
in Ruby, End of a line, Variations, Discussion
vs.  token, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
$& variable, Discussion, Ruby, Perl, Perl, Discussion
$' token, Discussion, Discussion, Perl and Ruby
$10 and higher groups, $10 and higher$10 and higher
$_ token, Discussion, Perl, Perl, Perl, Perl, PHP, Perl
$` (dollar backtick) token, Discussion, Discussion, Perl and Ruby, Perl and Ruby
$~ variable, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
%+ hash (Perl), Perl, Perl
%r prefix (Ruby), Ruby
(?!) for empty negative lookahead, Discussion, The ugly solution
(?!...) for negative lookahead, Introduction to Regular Expressions (see lookaheads)
(?#...), Variations, Variations
(?&name) for subroutines, Using a conditional
(?(if)then|else) for conditionals, Introduction to Regular Expressions (see conditionals)
(?-flags) for mode modifier, Case-insensitive matching, Variations, Group with mode modifiers, Group with mode modifiers
(?:...) for noncapturing groups, Noncapturing groups (see noncapturing groups)
(?<!...) for negative lookbehind, Introduction to Regular Expressions (see lookbehinds)
(?<=...) for positive lookbehind, Lookaround (see lookbehinds)
(?<name>...) for named capture, Introduction to Regular Expressions (see named capturing groups)
(?=...) for positive lookahead, Solution, Lookaround (see lookaheads)
(?>...) for atomic groups, Discussion (see atomic groups)
(?i) mode modifier, Case-insensitive matching, Case-insensitive matching, Case insensitivity, Group with mode modifiers, Java
(?m) mode modifier, Regex Flavors Covered by This Book, Variations, Variations, Variations, Variations, Variations, Variations, Word boundaries
(?n) mode modifier, .NET
(?P=name) for named backreferences, Named backreferences, Named backreferences
(?s) mode modifier, Regex Flavors Covered by This Book, Variations
(?x) mode modifier, Variations, Variations
* quantifier, Discussion, Regular expression syntax, Words ending with “phobia”, Problem, Discussion, Allow > in attribute values, Discussion
*+ quantifier, Discussion
*? quantifier, Discussion, Variations, How it works, Two-step approachSingle-step approach
+ quantifier, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Option 1: Sort lines and remove adjacent duplicates, Clean any whitespace characters, Use infinite lookbehind, Discussion, (X)HTML tags (strict), Discussion
and backtracking, Discussion
greedy vs. lazy use, Discussion
in lookbehind, Use infinite lookbehind
making possessive, (X)HTML tags (strict)
++ quantifier, Discussion
+? quantifier, Discussion
- character, Discussion, Discussion
. (dot) metacharacter, Match Any CharacterSee Also, Match Any CharacterSee Also, ProblemAny character except line breaks, ProblemAny character including line breaks, Dot abuseDot abuse, Discussion, Discussion
abuse of, Dot abuseDot abuse
matching any character with, Match Any CharacterSee Also, ProblemAny character except line breaks, ProblemAny character including line breaks
except line breaks, ProblemAny character except line breaks
including line breaks, ProblemAny character including line breaks
/a flag, Shorthands, Word Characters, Perl
/d flag, Shorthands, Word Characters, Perl
/e flag, Ruby, Perl, Perl
/g flag, RegexRenamer, JavaScript, JavaScript, Perl, Example JavaScript solution, Example JavaScript solution
/i flag, RegexRenamer, Case insensitivity, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
/l flag, Shorthands, Word Characters, Perl
/m flag, JavaScript, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, JavaScript, JavaScript, JavaScript, Discussion, Discussion
/n flag, Ruby
/o flag, Perl
/r flag, Ruby
/s flag, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby
/u flag, Shorthands, Word Characters, PHP, Limit input to alphanumeric characters in any language, XML 1.0 names (approximate)
/U flag, PHP, PHP, PHP, PHP
/x flag, RegexRenamer, Free-spacing mode, PHP, Perl, Ruby
7-bit character set, The 7-bit character setThe 7-bit character set
<< operator, Discussion
<b>, replacing with <strong>, ProblemSee Also
<strong>, replacing <b> with, ProblemSee Also
=~ operator, More Programming Languages, Ruby, Ruby, Perl
? quantifier, Discussion, Color or colour, Problem, Variations, (X)HTML tags (strict)
?+ quantifier, Discussion
@ character, Perl, Simple, Simple, with restrictions on characters
[ character, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Solution, Discussion
[sS], Length between 8 and 32 characters, Discussion, Variations, Discussion, Outer regex for (X)HTML, How it works
[] token for empty character class, Discussion
(escape character), Problem, Discussion
for escape sequences, Discussion
& token, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
' token, Discussion
a token, Discussion
A token, Anchors and lines, Start of the subject, Zero-length matches, Ruby, C# and VB.NET, .NET, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
zero-length matches, .NET
 token, Shorthands, Word boundaries, Nonboundaries, Nonboundaries, Word Characters, Discussion, .NET, Find phone numbers in documents, Limit the number of words, Validate the number, Discussion, Fixed, finite, and infinite length lookbehind, Variations, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Single-step approach
and special characters, Variations
and U flag, Discussion
in Java, Limit the number of words
in lookbehind, Fixed, finite, and infinite length lookbehind
vs. B token, Nonboundaries, Nonboundaries
B token, Nonboundaries, Nonboundaries, Word Characters, Word Characters
cH token, The 26 control characters
d token, Shorthands, Discussion, Python, Discussion, Numbers
D token, Shorthands, Shorthands, Strip spaces and hyphens
E token, Block escape, Block escape, Block escape, Variations
e token, Discussion
f token, Discussion, Working with esoteric line separators
h token, Discussion, Clean horizontal whitespace characters
K token, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Alternative to Lookbehind, Variations, Variations, Variations, See Also, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, See Also
token, Conventions Used in This Book, Discussion, Free-spacing mode, C#, C#, C#, C#, Java, Java, Python, Python, Python, Python, Java, Discussion, Limit input to ASCII noncontrol characters and line breaks, Drive letter paths, Example JavaScript solution
in C#, C#, C#, C#, C#
in Java, Java, Java
in Python, Python, Python, Python, Python
p token, Java character class union, intersection, and subtraction, Unicode category, Unicode category, Negated variant, Negated variant, Character classes
P token, Unicode category, Negated variant, Negated variant, Character classes
p{Ll} token, Unicode category, Unicode category, Unicode category
P{Lu} token, Unicode category
p{L} token, Shorthands, Unicode category, One or more uppercase letters, Discussion, Variations, Variations, XML 1.0 names
P{L} token, Unicode category
P{N} token, .NET character class subtraction
p{N} token, Java character class union, intersection, and subtraction, Matching the same text twice, Matching the same text twice, Matching the same text twice, Matching the same text twice
p{Z} token, Limit the number of nonwhitespace characters, Limit the number of nonwhitespace characters, Limit the number of nonwhitespace characters
Q token, Block escape, Block escape, Block escape
token, Conventions Used in This Book, Discussion, Limit input to ASCII noncontrol characters and line breaks, Discussion, Working with esoteric line separators, Drive letter paths
R token, Step 2: Replace all line breaks with <br>, See Also, See Also
? , Discussion, Variations
, Conventions Used in This Book, Free-spacing mode, Discussion, Discussion, Working with esoteric line separators
s token, Shorthands, Shorthands, Any character including line breaks, Any character including line breaks, Python, Limit the number of nonwhitespace characters, Discussion, Clean any whitespace characters, How it works
in Python, Python
regex flavor differences, Limit the number of nonwhitespace characters, Discussion
using with S token, How it works
vs. S token, Any character including line breaks, Any character including line breaks
S token, Shorthands, Any character including line breaks, Any character including line breaks, Regular expression syntax, Variations, Discussion, How it works
using with s token, How it works
vs. s token, Any character including line breaks, Any character including line breaks
token, Discussion, Free-spacing mode
u token, Unicode code point, Character classes
U token, Unicode code point, XML 1.1 names (exact)
v token, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Working with esoteric line separators
w token, Shorthands, Shorthands, Word Characters, .NET, Python, Discussion, Discussion, Variations, Discussion
and U flag, Discussion
in .NET, .NET
in Python, Python
W token, Shorthands, Word boundaries, Limit input to alphanumeric characters in any language, Discussion, Discussion
x token, The 7-bit character set, Character classes
X token, See Also, Unicode grapheme, Unicode grapheme, Unicode grapheme, Unicode grapheme
z token, Anchors and lines, End of the subject, End of the subject, End of the subject, End of the subject, End of the subject, End of the subject, Solution Without Lookbehind, Regular expressionDiscussion
 token, End of the subject, Zero-length matches, Ruby, Discussion, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
in JavaScript, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion
in Ruby, Ruby, Discussion, Discussion
vs. $ token, Discussion, Discussion
` token, Discussion
^ token, Anchors and lines, Start of the subjectVariations, Regular expression syntax, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Limit the length of an arbitrary pattern, Discussion, Option 1: Sort lines and remove adjacent duplicates, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion, Discussion
and lookahead, Limit the length of an arbitrary pattern
in Ruby, Start of the subjectVariations, Regular expression syntax, Discussion, Discussion
multiple uses of, Discussion
regex flavor differences, Discussion
regex options for, Option 1: Sort lines and remove adjacent duplicates, Discussion
{ character, Discussion, Discussion
| token, ProblemSee Also, Discussion, Using alternation, (X)HTML tags (loose), Replace a list of tags, Discussion
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