2.16. Test for a Match Without Adding It to the Overall Match


Find any word that occurs between a pair of HTML bold tags, without including the tags in the regex match. For instance, if the subject is My <b>cat</b> is furry, the only valid match should be cat.


Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby 1.9

JavaScript and Ruby 1.8 support the lookahead (?=</b>), but not the lookbehind (?<=<b>).



The four kinds of lookaround groups supported by modern regex flavors have the special property of giving up the text matched by the part of the regex inside the lookaround. Essentially, lookaround checks whether certain text can be matched without actually matching it.

Lookaround that looks backward is called lookbehind. This is the only regular expression construct that will traverse the text from right to left instead of from left to right. The syntax for positive lookbehind is (?<=). The four characters (?<= form the opening bracket. What you can put inside the lookbehind, here represented by , varies among regular expression flavors. But simple literal text, such as (?<=<b>), always works.

Lookbehind checks to see whether the text inside the lookbehind occurs immediately to the left of the position that the regular expression engine has reached. If you match (?<=<b>) against My <b>cat</b> is furry, the lookbehind will fail to match until the regular expression starts the match attempt at the letter c in the subject. The regex engine then enters the lookbehind group, telling it to look to the left. <b> matches to the left of c. The engine exits the lookbehind at this point, and discards any text matched by the lookbehind from the match attempt. In other words, the match-in-progress is back at where it was when the engine entered the lookbehind. In this case, the match-in-progress is the zero-length match before the c in the subject string. The lookbehind only tests or asserts that <b> can be matched; it does not actually match it. Lookaround constructs are therefore called zero-length assertions.

After the lookbehind has matched, the shorthand character class w+ attempts to match one or more word characters. It matches cat. The w+ is not inside any kind of lookaround or group, and so it matches the text cat normally. We say that w+ matches and consumes cat, whereas lookaround can match something but can never consume anything.

Lookaround that looks forward, in the same direction that the regular expression normally traverses the text, is called lookahead. Lookahead is equally supported by all regex flavors in this book. The syntax for positive lookahead is (?=). The three characters (?= form the opening bracket of the group. Everything you can use in a regular expression can be used inside lookahead, here represented by .

When the w+ in (?<=<b>)w+(?=</b>) has matched cat in My <b>cat</b> is furry, the regex engine enters the lookahead. The only special behavior for the lookahead at this point is that the regex engine remembers which part of the text it has matched so far, associating it with the lookahead. </b> is then matched normally. Now the regex engine exits the lookahead. The regex inside the lookahead matches, so the lookahead itself matches. The regex engine discards the text matched by the lookahead, by restoring the match-in-progress it remembered when entering the lookahead. Our overall match-in-progress is back at cat. Since this is also the end of our regular expression, cat becomes the final match result.

Negative lookaround

(?!), with an exclamation point instead of an equals sign, is negative lookahead. Negative lookahead works just like positive lookahead, except that whereas positive lookahead matches when the regex inside the lookahead matches, negative lookahead matches when the regex inside the lookahead fails to match.

The matching process is exactly the same. The engine saves the match-in-progress when entering the negative lookahead, and attempts to match the regex inside the lookahead normally. If the sub-regex matches, the lookahead fails, and the regex engine backtracks. If the sub-regex fails to match, the engine restores the match-in-process and proceeds with the remainder of the regex.

Similarly, (?<!) is negative lookbehind. Negative lookbehind matches when none of the alternatives inside the lookbehind can be found looking backward from the position the regex has reached in the subject text.

Different levels of lookbehind

Lookahead is easy. All regex flavors discussed in this book allow you to put a complete regular expression inside the lookahead. Everything you can use in a regular expression can be used inside lookahead. You can even nest other lookahead and lookbehind groups inside lookahead. Your brain might get into a twist, but the regex engine will handle everything nicely.

Lookbehind is a different story. Regular expression software has always been designed to search the text from left to right only. Searching backward is often implemented as a bit of a hack: the regex engine determines how many characters you put inside the lookbehind, jumps back that many characters, and then compares the text in the lookbehind with the text in the subject from left to right.

For this reason, the earliest implementations allowed only fixed-length literal text inside lookbehind. Perl and Python still require lookbehind to have a fixed length, but they do allow fixed-length regex tokens such as character classes, and allow alternation as long as all alternatives match the same number of characters.

PCRE and Ruby 1.9 take this one step further. They allow alternatives of different lengths inside lookbehind, as long as the length of each alternative is constant. They can handle something like (?<=one|two|three|forty-two|gr[ae]y), but nothing more complex than that.

Internally, PCRE and Ruby 1.9 expand this into six lookbehind tests. First, they jump back three characters to test one|two, then four characters to test gray|grey, then five to test three, and finally nine to test forty-two.

Java takes lookbehind one step further. Java allows any finite-length regular expression inside lookbehind. This means you can use anything except the infinite quantifiers *, +, and {42,} inside lookbehind. Internally, Java’s regex engine calculates the minimum and maximum length of the text that could possibly be matched by the part of the regex in the lookbehind. It then jumps back the minimum number of characters, and applies the regex in the lookbehind from left to right. If this fails, the engine jumps back one more character and tries again, until either the lookbehind matches or the maximum number of characters has been tried.

If all this sounds rather inefficient, it is. Lookbehind is very convenient, but it won’t break any speed records. Later, we present a solution for JavaScript and Ruby 1.8, which don’t support lookbehind at all. This solution is actually far more efficient than using lookbehind.

The regular expression engine in the .NET Framework is the only one in the world[5] that can actually apply a full regular expression from right to left. .NET allows you to use anything inside lookbehind, and it will actually apply the regular expression from right to left. Both the regular expression inside the lookbehind and the subject text are scanned from right to left.

Matching the same text twice

If you use lookbehind at the start of the regex or lookahead at the end of the regex, the net effect is that you’re requiring something to appear before or after the regex match, without including it in the match. If you use lookaround in the middle of your regular expression, you can apply multiple tests to the same text.

In Flavor-Specific Features (a subsection of Recipe 2.3), we showed how to use character class subtraction to match a Thai digit. Only .NET and Java support character class subtraction.

A character is a Thai digit if it is both a Thai character (any sort) and a digit (any script). With lookahead, you can test both requirements on the same character:

Regex options: None
Regex flavors: PCRE, Perl, Ruby 1.9

This regex works only with the three flavors that support Unicode scripts, as we explain in Recipe 2.7. But the principle of using lookahead to match the same character more than once works with all flavors discussed in this book.

When the regular expression engine searches for (?=p{Thai})p{N}, it starts by entering the lookahead at each position in the string where it begins a match attempt. If the character at that position is not in the Thai script (i.e., p{Thai} fails to match), the lookahead fails. This causes the whole match attempt to fail, forcing the regex engine to start over at the next character.

When the regex reaches a Thai character, p{Thai} matches. Thus, the (?=p{Thai}) lookaround matches, too. As the engine exits the lookaround, it restores the match-in-progress. In this case, that’s the zero-length match before the character just found to be Thai. Next up is p{N}. Because the lookahead discarded its match, p{N} is compared with the same character that p{Thai} already matched. If this character has the Unicode property Number, p{N} matches. Since p{N} is not inside a lookaround, it consumes the character, and we have found our Thai digit.

Lookaround is atomic

When the regular expression engine exits a lookaround group, it discards the text matched by the lookaround. Because the text is discarded, any backtracking positions remembered by alternation or quantifiers inside the lookaround are also discarded. This effectively makes lookahead and lookbehind atomic. Recipe 2.14 explains atomic groups in detail.

In most situations, the atomic nature of lookaround is irrelevant. A lookaround is merely an assertion to check whether the regex inside the lookaround matches or fails. How many different ways it can match is irrelevant, as it does not consume any part of the subject text.

The atomic nature comes into play only when you use capturing groups inside lookahead (and lookbehind, if your regex flavor allows you to). While the lookahead does not consume any text, the regex engine will remember which part of the text was matched by any capturing groups inside the lookahead. If the lookahead is at the end of the regex, you will indeed end up with capturing groups that match text not matched by the regular expression itself. If the lookahead is in the middle of the regex, you can end up with capturing groups that match overlapping parts of the subject text.

The only situation in which the atomic nature of lookaround can alter the overall regex match is when you use a backreference outside the lookaround to a capturing group created inside the lookaround. Consider this regular expression:

Regex options: None
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

At first glance, you may think that this regex would match 123x12. d+ would capture 12 into the first capturing group, then w+ would match 3x, and finally 1 would match 12 again.

But that never happens. The regular expression enters the lookaround and the capturing group. The greedy d+ matches 123. This match is stored into the first capturing group. The engine then exits the lookahead, resetting the match-in-progress to the start of the string, discarding the backtracking positions remembered by the greedy plus but keeping the 123 stored in the first capturing group.

Now, the greedy w+ is attempted at the start of the string. It eats up 123x12. 1, which references 123, fails at the end of the string. w+ backtracks one character. 1 fails again. w+ keeps backtracking until it has given up everything except the first 1 in the subject. 1 also fails to match after the first 1.

The final 12 would match 1 if the regex engine could return to the lookahead and give up 123 in favor of 12, but the regex engine doesn’t do that.

The regex engine has no further backtracking positions to go to. w+ backtracked all the way, and the lookaround forced d+ to give up its backtracking positions. The match attempt fails.

Alternative to Lookbehind

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: PCRE 7.2, Perl 5.10

Perl 5.10, PCRE 7.2, and later versions, provide an alternative mechanism to lookbehind using K. When the regex engine encounters K in the regular expression, it will keep the text it has matched so far. The match attempt will continue as it would if the regex did not include the K. But the text matched prior to the K will not be included in the overall match result. Text matched by capturing groups before the K will still be available to backreferences after the K. Only the overall match result is affected by K.

The result is that K can be used instead of positive lookbehind in many situations. beforeKtext will match text but only when immediately preceded by before, just as (?<=before)text does. The benefit of K over positive lookbehind in Perl and PCRE is that you can use the full regular expression syntax with K, while lookbehind has various restrictions, such as not allowing quantifiers.

The major difference between K and lookbehind is that when you use K, the regex is matched strictly from left to right. It does not look backwards in any way. Lookbehind does look backward. This difference comes into play when the part of the regex after the K or after the lookbehind can match the same text as the part of the regex before the K or inside the lookbehind.

The regex (?<=a)a finds two matches in the string aaa. The first match attempt at the start of the string fails, because the regex engine cannot find an a while looking back. The match attempt starting between the first and second a is successful. Looking back the regex engine sees the first a in the string, which satisfies the lookbehind. The second a in the regex then matches the second a in the string. The third match attempt starting between the second and third a is also successful. Looking back the second a in the string satisfies the lookbehind. The regex then matches the third a. The final match attempt at the end of the string also fails. Looking back the third a in the string does satisfy the lookbehind. But there are no characters left in the string for the second a in the regex to match.

The regex aKa finds only one match in the string. The first match attempt at the start of the string succeeds. The first a in the regex matches the first a in the string. K excludes this part of the match from the result that will be returned, but does not change the matching process. The second a in the regex then matches the second a in the string, which is returned as the overall match. The second match attempt begins between the second and third a in the string. The first a in the regex matches the third a in the string. K excludes it from the overall result, but the regex engine continues normally. But there are no characters left in the string for the second a in the regex to match, so the match attempt fails.

As you can see, when using K, the regex matching process works normally. The regex aKa will find the exact same matches as the capturing group in the regex a(a). You cannot use K to match the same part of the string more than once. With lookbehind, you can. You can use (?<=p{Thai})(?<=p{Nd})a to match an a that is preceded by a single character that is both in the Thai script and is a digit. If you tried p{Thai}Kp{Nd}Ka you’d be matching a Thai character followed by a digit followed by an a, but returning only the a as the match. Again, this is no different from matching all three characters with p{Thai}p{Nd}(a) and using only the part matched by the capturing group.

Solution Without Lookbehind

All the preceding arcane explanations are of no use if you’re using Ruby 1.8 or JavaScript, because you cannot use lookbehind at all. There’s no way to solve the problem as stated with these regex flavors, but you can work around the need for lookbehind by using capturing groups. This alternative solution also works with all the other regex flavors:

Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

Instead of using lookbehind, we used a capturing group for the opening tag <b>. We also placed the part of the match we’re interested in, the w+, into a capturing group.

When you apply this regular expression to My <b>cat</b> is furry, the overall regex match will be <b>cat. The first capturing group will hold <b>, and the second, cat.

If the requirement is to match only cat (the word between the <b> tags) because you want to extract only that from the text, you can reach that goal by simply storing the text matched by the second capturing group instead of the overall regex.

If the requirement is that you want to do a search-and-replace, replacing only the word between the tags, simply use a backreference to the first capturing group to reinsert the opening tag into the replacement text. In this case, you don’t really need the capturing group, as the opening tag is always the same. But when it’s variable, the capturing group reinserts exactly what was matched. Recipe 2.21 explains this in detail.

Finally, if you really want to simulate lookbehind, you can do so with two regular expressions. First, search for your regex without the lookbehind. When it matches, copy the part of the subject text before the match into a new string variable. Do the test you did inside the lookbehind with a second regex, appending an end-of-string anchor (z or $). The anchor makes sure the match of the second regex ends at the end of the string. Since you cut the string at the point where the first regex matched, that effectively puts the second match immediately to the left of the first match.

In JavaScript, you could code this along these lines:

var mainregexp = /w+(?=</b>)/;
var lookbehind = /<b>$/;
if (match = mainregexp.exec("My <b>cat</b> is furry")) {
    // Found a word before a closing tag </b>
    var potentialmatch = match[0];
    var leftContext = match.input.substring(0, match.index);
    if (lookbehind.exec(leftContext)) {
        // Lookbehind matched:
        // potentialmatch occurs between a pair of <b> tags
    } else {
        // Lookbehind failed: potentialmatch is no good
} else {
    // Unable to find a word before a closing tag </b>

See Also

Recipes 5.5, 5.6, and solve some real-world problems using lookaround.

[5] RegexBuddy’s regex engine also allows a full regex inside lookbehind, but does not (yet) have a feature similar to .NET’s RegexOptions.RightToLeft to reverse the whole regular expression.

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