8.4. Finding URLs with Parentheses in Full Text


You want to find URLs in a larger body of text. URLs may or may not be enclosed in punctuation that is part of the larger body of text rather than part of the URL. You want to correctly match URLs that include pairs of parentheses as part of the URL, without matching parentheses placed around the entire URL.


Regex options: Free-spacing, case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby
Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby


Pretty much any character is valid in URLs, including parentheses. Parentheses are very rare in URLs, however, and that’s why we don’t include them in any of the regular expressions in the previous recipes. But certain important websites have started using them:


One solution is to require your users to quote such URLs. The other is to enhance your regex to accept such URLs. The hard part is how to determine whether a closing parenthesis is part of the URL or is used as punctuation around the URL, as in this example:

RegexBuddy's website (at http://www.regexbuddy.com) is really cool.

Since it’s possible for one of the parentheses to be adjacent to the URL while the other one isn’t, we can’t use the technique for quoting regexes from the previous recipe. The most straightforward solution is to allow parentheses in URLs only when they occur in unnested pairs of opening and closing parentheses. The Wikipedia and Microsoft URLs meet that requirement.

The two regular expressions in the solution are the same. The first uses free-spacing mode to make it a bit more readable.

These regular expressions are essentially the same as the last regex in the solution to Recipe 8.2. There are three parts to all these regexes: the list of schemes, followed by the body of the URL that uses the asterisk quantifier to allow URLs of any length, and the end of the URL, which has no quantifier (i.e., it must occur once). In the original regex in Recipe 8.2, both the body of the URL and the end of the URL consisted of just one character class.

The solutions to this recipe replace the two character classes with more elaborate things. The middle character class:


has become:


The final character class:


has become:


Both character classes were replaced with something involving alternation (Recipe 2.8). Because alternation has the lowest precedence of all regex operators, we use noncapturing groups (Recipe 2.9) to keep the two alternatives together.

For both character classes, we’ve added the alternative ([-A-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|$?!:,.]*) while leaving the original character class as the other alternative. The new alternative matches a pair of parentheses, with any number of any of the characters we allow in the URL in between.

The final character class was given the same alternative, allowing the URL to end with text between parentheses or with a single character that is not likely to be English-language punctuation.

Combined, this results in a regex that matches URLs with any number of parentheses, including URLs without parentheses and even URLs that consist of nothing but parentheses, and as long as those parentheses occur in pairs.

For the body of the URL, we put the asterisk quantifier around the whole noncapturing group. This allows any number of pairs of parentheses to occur in the URL. Because we have the asterisk around the noncapturing group, we no longer need an asterisk directly on the original character class. In fact, we must make sure not to include the asterisk.

The regex in the solution has the form (ab*c|d)* in the middle, where a and c are the literal parentheses, and b and d are character classes. Writing this as (ab*c|d*)* would be a mistake. It might seem logical at first, because we allow any number of the characters from d, but the outer * already repeats d just fine. If we add an inner asterisk directly on d, the complexity of the regular expression becomes exponential. (d*)* can match dddd in many ways. For example, the outer asterisk could repeat four times, repeating the inner asterisk once each time. The outer asterisk could repeat three times, with the inner asterisk doing 2-1-1, 1-2-1, or 1-1-2. The outer asterisk could repeat twice, with the inner asterisk doing 2-2, 1-3, or 3-1. You can imagine that as the length of the string grows, the number of combinations quickly explodes. We call this catastrophic backtracking, a term introduced in Recipe 2.15. This problem will arise when the regular expression cannot find a valid match (e.g., because you’ve appended something to the regex to find URLs that end with or contain something specific to your requirements).

See Also

Techniques used in the regular expressions in this recipe are discussed in Chapter 2. Recipe 2.1 explains which special characters need to be escaped. Recipe 2.3 explains character classes. Recipe 2.6 explains word boundaries. Recipe 2.8 explains alternation. Recipe 2.9 explains grouping. Recipe 2.12 explains repetition.

Recipe 8.5 gives a replacement text that you can use in combination with this regular expression to create a search-and-replace that converts URLs into HTML anchors.

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