Construct a Parser


You have an application that stores certain data in a table. Your task is to add a new feature to this application to import that data from a file format that your application does not yet support. There are no off-the-shelf parsers available for this file format. You will have to roll your own.

The rules of the file format you need to parse are as follows:

  1. The keyword table begins a new table. A file can have an unlimited number of tables, and must have at least one.

  2. Any strings that follow the table keyword form the table’s caption. A table does not need to have a caption.

  3. The keyword row begins a new row. A row cannot exist outside of a table. A table can have an unlimited number of rows, and must have at least one.

  4. The row keyword cannot be followed by a string.

  5. The keyword cell begins a new cell. A cell cannot exist outside of a row. A row can have an unlimited number of cells, but does not need any. Different rows in the same table can have different numbers of cells.

  6. Any strings that follow the cell keyword form the content of the cell. A cell does not need to have any content.

  7. A string is a sequence of zero or more characters enclosed by percentage signs. A string with nothing between the percentage signs is an empty string. Two sequential percentage signs in a character string denote a single character, a percentage sign. No characters other than the percentage sign have a special meaning in strings. Line breaks and other control characters that appear between the percentage signs are all part of the string.

  8. If two or more strings follow the same table or cell keyword, those strings form separate lines in the table’s caption or the cell’s content, regardless of whether there is a line break between the strings in the file.

  9. Keywords are case insensitive. Cell, cell, CELL, and CeLl are all the same.

  10. Any whitespace between keywords and/or strings must be ignored. Whitespace is required to delimit adjacent keywords. Whitespace is also required to delimit adjacent strings. Whitespace is not required to delimit keywords from strings.

  11. Any characters in the file that do not form a keyword or string are an error.

This sample file illustrates the rules:

table %First table%
  row cell %A1% cell %B1% cell%C1%cell%D1%
  ROW row CELL %The previous row was blank%
  cell %B3%
    cell %A4% %second line%
    cEll %B4%
         %second line%
    cell %C4
second line%
  row cell %%%string%%%
    cell %%
    cell %%%%
    cell %%%%%%

Formatted as a table, it would look like Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Table to be parsed from the sample file









The previous row was blank




second line

second line

second line






Your solution should define a function that parses a string containing the entire contents of the file that needs to be imported. You should use the application’s existing data structures RECTable, RECRow, and RECCell to store the tables imported from the file.



static RECTable ImportTable(string fileContents) {
  RECTable table = null;
  RECRow row = null;
  RECCell cell = null;
  Regex regexObj = new Regex(
      @"  (?<keyword>table|row|cell)
      | %(?<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
      | (?<error>S+)",
    RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);
  Match match = regexObj.Match(fileContents);
  while (match.Success) {
    if (match.Groups["keyword"].Success) {
      string keyword = match.Groups["keyword"].Value.ToLower();
      if (keyword == "table") {
        table = new RECTable();
        row = null;
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "row") {
        if (table == null)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: row without table");
        row = table.addRow();
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "cell") {
        if (row == null)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: cell without row");
        cell = row.addCell();
      } else {
        throw new Exception("Parser bug: unknown keyword");
    } else if (match.Groups["string"].Success) {
      string content = match.Groups["string"].Value.Replace("%%", "%");
      if (cell != null)
      else if (row != null)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: string after row keyword");
      else if (table != null)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: string before table keyword");
    } else if (match.Groups["error"].Success) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid data: " + match.Groups["error"].Value);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Parser bug: no capturing group matched");
    match = match.NextMatch();
  if (table == null)
    throw new Exception("Invalid data: table keyword missing");
  return table;


Function ImportTable(ByVal FileContents As String)
  Dim Table As RECTable = Nothing
  Dim Row As RECRow = Nothing
  Dim Cell As RECCell = Nothing
  Dim RegexObj As New Regex(
      "  (?<keyword>table|row|cell)" & _
      "| %(?<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%" & _
      "| (?<error>S+)",
      RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Or RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)
  Dim MatchResults As Match = RegexObj.Match(FileContents)
  While MatchResults.Success
    If MatchResults.Groups("keyword").Success Then
      Dim Keyword As String = MatchResults.Groups("keyword").Value
      Keyword = Keyword.ToLower()
      If Keyword = "table" Then
        Table = New RECTable
        Row = Nothing
        Cell = Nothing
      ElseIf Keyword = "row" Then
        If Table Is Nothing Then
          Throw New Exception("Invalid data: row without table")
        End If
        Row = Table.addRow
        Cell = Nothing
      ElseIf Keyword = "cell" Then
        If Row Is Nothing Then
          Throw New Exception("Invalid data: cell without row")
        End If
        Cell = Row.addCell
        Throw New Exception("Parser bug: unknown keyword")
      End If
    ElseIf MatchResults.Groups("string").Success Then
      Dim Content As String = MatchResults.Groups("string").Value
      Content = Content.Replace("%%", "%")
      If Cell IsNot Nothing Then
      ElseIf Row IsNot Nothing Then
        Throw New Exception("Invalid data: string after row keyword")
      ElseIf Table IsNot Nothing Then
        Throw New Exception("Invalid data: string before table keyword")
      End If
    ElseIf MatchResults.Groups("error").Success Then
      Throw New Exception("Invalid data")
      Throw New Exception("Parser bug: no capturing group matched")
    End If
    MatchResults = MatchResults.NextMatch()
  End While
  If Table Is Nothing Then
    Throw New Exception("Invalid data: table keyword missing")
  End If
  Return Table
End Function


RECTable ImportTable(String fileContents) throws Exception {
  RECTable table = null;
  RECRow row = null;
  RECCell cell = null;
  final int groupkeyword = 1;
  final int groupstring = 2;
  final int grouperror = 3;
  Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(
      "  \b(table|row|cell)\b
" +
      "| %([^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
" +
      "| (\S+)",
      Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.COMMENTS);
  Matcher regexMatcher = regex.matcher(fileContents);
  while (regexMatcher.find()) {
    if (regexMatcher.start(groupkeyword) >= 0) {
      String keyword =;
      if (keyword.equals("table")) {
        table = new RECTable();
        row = null;
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword.equals("row")) {
        if (table == null)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: row without table");
        row = table.addRow();
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword.equals("cell")) {
        if (row == null)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: cell without row");
        cell = row.addCell();
      } else {
        throw new Exception("Parser bug: unknown keyword");
    } else if (regexMatcher.start(groupstring) >= 0) {
      String content =;
      content = content.replaceAll("%%", "%");
      if (cell != null)
      else if (row != null)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: String after row keyword");
      else if (table != null)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: String before table keyword");
    } else if (regexMatcher.start(grouperror) >= 0) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid data: " + 
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Parser bug: no capturing group matched");
  if (table == null)
    throw new Exception("Invalid data: table keyword missing");
  return table;


function importTable(fileContents) {
  var table = null;
  var row = null;
  var cell = null;
  var groupkeyword = 1;
  var groupstring = 2;
  var grouperror = 3;
  var myregexp = /(table|row|cell)|%([^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%|(S+)/ig;
  var match;
  var keyword;
  var content;
  while (match = myregexp.exec(fileContents)) {
    if (match[groupkeyword] !== undefined) {
      keyword = match[groupkeyword].toLowerCase();
      if (keyword == "table") {
        table = new RECTable();
        row = null;
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "row") {
        if (!table)
          throw new Error("Invalid data: row without table");
        row = table.addRow();
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "cell") {
        if (!row)
          throw new Error("Invalid data: cell without row");
        cell = row.addCell();
      } else {
        throw new Error("Parser bug: unknown keyword");
    } else if (match[groupstring] !== undefined) {
      content = match[groupstring].replace(/%%/g, "%");
      if (cell)
      else if (row)
        throw new Error("Invalid data: string after row keyword");
      else if (table)
        throw new Error("Invalid data: string before table keyword");
    } else if (match[grouperror] !== undefined) {
      throw new Error("Invalid data: " + match[grouperror]);
    } else {
      throw new Error("Parser bug: no capturing group matched");
  if (!table)
    throw new Error("Invalid data: table keyword missing");
  return table;


function importTable(fileContents) {
  var table = null;
  var row = null;
  var cell = null;
  var myregexp = XRegExp("(?ix)\b(?<keyword>table|row|cell)\b" +
                         "   | %(?<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%" +
                         "   | (?<error>\S+)");
  XRegExp.forEach(fileContents, myregexp, function(match) {
    var keyword;
    var content;
    if (match.keyword !== undefined) {
      keyword = match.keyword.toLowerCase();
      if (keyword == "table") {
        table = new RECTable();
        row = null;
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "row") {
        if (!table)
          throw new Error("Invalid data: row without table");
        row = table.addRow();
        cell = null;
      } else if (keyword == "cell") {
        if (!row)
          throw new Error("Invalid data: cell without row");
        cell = row.addCell();
      } else {
        throw new Error("Parser bug: unknown keyword");
    } else if (match.string !== undefined) {
      content = match.string.replace(/%%/g, "%");
      if (cell)
      else if (row)
        throw new Error("Invalid data: string after row keyword");
      else if (table)
        throw new Error("Invalid data: string before table keyword");
    } else if (match.error !== undefined) {
      throw new Error("Invalid data: " + match.error);
    } else {
      throw new Error("Parser bug: no capturing group matched");
  if (!table)
    throw new Error("Invalid data: table keyword missing");
  return table;


sub importtable {
  my $filecontents = shift;
  my $table;
  my $row;
  my $cell;
  while ($filecontents =~ 
          m/  (table|row|cell)
          | %([^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
          | (S+)/ixg) {
    if (defined($1)) { # Keyword
      my $keyword = lc($1);
      if ($keyword eq "table") {
        $table = new RECTable();
        undef $row;
        undef $cell;
      } elsif ($keyword eq "row") {
        if (!defined($table)) {
          die "Invalid data: row without table";
        $row = $table->addRow();
        undef $cell;
      } elsif ($keyword eq "cell") {
        if (!defined($row)) {
          die "Invalid data: cell without row";
        $cell = $row->addCell();
      } else {
        die "Parser bug: unknown keyword";
    } elsif (defined($2)) { # String
      my $content = $2;
      $content =~ s/%%/%/g;
      if (defined($cell)) {
      } elsif (defined($row)) {
        die "Invalid data: string after row keyword";
      } elsif (defined($table)) {
      } else {
        die "Invalid data: string before table keyword";
    } elsif (defined($3)) { # Error
      die "Invalid data: $3";
    } else {
      die "Parser bug: no capturing group matched";
  if (!defined(table)) {
    die "Invalid data: table keyword missing";
  return table;


def importtable(filecontents):
  table = None
  row = None
  cell = None
  for match in re.finditer(
             | %(?P<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
             | (?P<error>S+)""", filecontents):
    if"keyword") != None:
      keyword ="keyword").lower()
      if keyword == "table":
        table = RECTable()
        row = None
        cell = None
      elif keyword == "row":
        if table == None:
          raise Exception("Invalid data: row without table")
        row = table.addRow()
        cell = None
      elif keyword == "cell":
        if row == None:
          raise Exception("Invalid data: cell without row")
        cell = row.addCell()
        raise Exception("Parser bug: unknown keyword")
    elif"string") != None:
      content ="string").replace("%%", "%")
      if cell != None:
      elif row != None:
        raise Exception("Invalid data: string after row keyword")
      elif table != None:
        raise Exception("Invalid data: string before table keyword")
    elif"error") != None:
      raise Exception("Invalid data: " +"error"))
      raise Exception("Parser bug: no capturing group matched")
  if table == None:
    raise Exception("Invalid data: table keyword missing")
  return table


function importTable($fileContents) {
    '/  (?P<keyword>table|row|cell)
      | (?P<string>%[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*%)
      | (?P<error>S+)/ix',
    $fileContents, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
  $table = NULL;
  $row = NULL;
  $cell = NULL;
  for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches[0]); $i++) {
    if ($matches['keyword'][$i] != NULL) {
      $keyword = strtolower($matches['keyword'][$i]);
      if ($keyword == "table") {
        $table = new RECTable();
        $row = NULL;
        $cell = NULL;
      } elseif ($keyword == "row") {
        if ($table == NULL)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: row without table");
        $row = $table->addRow();
        $cell = NULL;
      } elseif ($keyword == "cell") {
        if ($row == NULL)
          throw new Exception("Invalid data: cell without row");
        $cell = $row->addCell();
      } else {
        throw new Exception("Parser bug: unknown keyword");
    } elseif ($matches['string'][$i] != NULL) {
      $content = $matches['string'][$i];
      $content = substr($content, 1, strlen($content)-2);
      $content = str_replace('%%', '%', $content);
      if ($cell != NULL)
      elseif ($row != NULL)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: string after row keyword");
      elseif ($table != NULL)
        throw new Exception("Invalid data: string before table keyword");
    } elseif ($matches['error'][$i] != NULL) {
      throw new Exception("Invalid data: " + $matches['error'][$i]);
    } else {
      throw new Exception("Parser bug: no capturing group matched");
  if ($table == NULL)
    throw new Exception("Invalid data: table keyword missing");
  return $table;


def importtable(filecontents)
  table = nil
  row = nil
  cell = nil
  groupkeyword = 0;
  groupstring = 1;
  grouperror = 2;
  regexp = /  (table|row|cell)
            | %([^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
            | (S+)/ix
  filecontents.scan(regexp) do |match|
    if match[groupkeyword]
      keyword = match[groupkeyword].downcase
      if keyword == "table"
        table =
        row = nil
        cell = nil
      elsif keyword == "row"
        if table.nil?
          raise "Invalid data: row without table"
        row = table.addRow()
        cell = nil
      elsif keyword == "cell"
        if row.nil?
          raise "Invalid data: cell without row"
        cell = row.addCell()
        raise "Parser bug: unknown keyword"
    elsif not match[groupstring].nil?
      content = match[groupstring].gsub("%%", "%")
      if not cell.nil?
      elsif not row.nil?
        raise "Invalid data: string after row keyword"
      elsif not table.nil?
        raise "Invalid data: string before table keyword"
    elsif not match[grouperror].nil?
      raise "Invalid data: " +"error")
      raise "Parser bug: no capturing group matched"
  if table.nil?
    raise "Invalid data: table keyword missing"
  return table


A straightforward way to create a parser is to use a regular expression to tokenize the input and to use procedural code to parse those tokens.

To tokenize means to scan the file for tokens, which are the smallest elements that the syntax allows. In the file format we’re working with, those tokens are the three keywords, strings enclosed by percentage signs, whitespace between keywords and strings, and nonwhitespace other than keywords and strings. We can easily create a regular expression that matches each of these tokens.

| %(?<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
| (?<error>S+)
Regex options: Free-spacing, case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java 7, XRegExp, PCRE 7, Perl 5.10, Ruby 1.9
| %(?P<string>[^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
| (?P<error>S+)
Regex options: Free-spacing, case insensitive
Regex flavors: PCRE 4 and later, Perl 5.10, Python
| %([^%]*(?:%%[^%]*)*)%
| (S+)
Regex options: Free-spacing, case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, XRegExp, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby
Regex options: Case insensitive
Regex flavors: .NET, Java, JavaScript, PCRE, Perl, Python, Ruby

If you iterate over all the matches of this regular expression in the sample file, it will match each keyword and string separately. On another file with invalid characters, each sequence of invalid characters would also be matched separately. The regular expression does not match the whitespace between keywords and strings because the parser does not need to process it. The word boundaries around the list of keywords are all that is needed to make sure that keywords are delimited with whitespace. We use a separate capturing group for each kind of token. That makes it much easier to identify the token that was matched in the procedural part of our solution.

We use free-spacing and named capture to make our regular expression and our code more readable in the programming languages that have regex flavors that support free-spacing and named capture. There is no functional difference between these four regular expressions.

The capturing group for the strings does not include the percentage signs that enclose the strings. The benefit is that the procedural code won’t have to remove those percentage signs to get the content of the string that was matched. The drawback is that when the regex matches an empty string (two percentage signs with nothing in between), the capturing group for the string will find a zero-length match. When we test which capturing group found the match, we have to make sure that we accept a zero-length match as a valid match. In the JavaScript solution, for example, we use if (match[groupstring] !== undefined), which evaluates to true if the group participated in the match attempt, even when the match is empty. We cannot use if (match[groupstring]) because that evaluates to false when the group finds a zero-length match.


Internet Explorer 8 and prior do not follow the JavaScript standard that requires nonparticipating groups to be undefined in the match object. IE8 stores empty strings for nonparticipating groups, making it impossible to distinguish between a group that did not participate, and one that participated and captured a zero-length string. This means the JavaScript solution will not work with IE8 and prior. This bug was fixed in Internet Explorer 9.

The XRegExp.exec() method does return a match object that leaves nonparticipating groups undefined, regardless of the browser running the code. So does XRegExp.forEach() as it relies on XRegExp.exec(). If you need a solution for browsers such as IE8 that aren’t standards-compliant in this area, you should use the solution based on XRegExp.

In PHP, the preg_match_all() function stores NULL in the array for capturing groups that found a zero-length match as well as for capturing groups that did not participate in the match. Thus the PHP solution includes the enclosing percentage signs in the string group. An extra line of PHP code calls substr to remove them.

The procedural code implements our parser. This parser has four different states. It keeps track of the state it is in by checking which of the variables table, row, and cell are assigned.

  1. Nothing: nothing has been read yet. The variables table, row, and cell are all unassigned.

  2. Inside table: a table keyword has been parsed. The variable table is assigned, while row and cell are unassigned. Since a table can have any number of caption strings, including none, the parser does not need a separate state to track whether a string was parsed after the table keyword.

  3. Inside row: a row keyword has been parsed. The variables table and row have been assigned, while cell is unassigned.

  4. Inside cell: a cell keyword has been parsed. The variables table, row, and cell have all been assigned. Since a cell can have any number of caption strings, including none, the parser does not need a separate state to track whether a string was parsed after the cell keyword.

When the parser runs, it iterates over all matches in the regular expression. It checks what kind of token was matched by the regular expression (a keyword, a string, or invalid text) and then processes that token depending on the state the parser is in, as shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Regex matches are handled depending on the state of the parser





Inside table

Inside row

Inside cell

keyword table

Create new table and change state to “inside table”

Create new table and change state to “inside table”

Create new table and change state to “inside table”

Create new table and change state to “inside table”

keyword row

Fail: data is invalid

Add row to table and change state to “inside row”

Add row to table

Add row to table and change state to “inside row”

keyword cell

Fail: data is invalid

Fail: data is invalid

Add cell to row and change state to “inside cell”

Add cell to row


Fail: data is invalid

Add caption to table

Fail: data is invalid

Add content to cell

invalid text

Fail: data is invalid

Fail: data is invalid

Fail: data is invalid

Fail: data is invalid

See Also

Techniques used in the regular expression in this recipe are discussed in Chapter 2. Recipe 2.6 explains word boundaries and Recipe 2.8 explains alternation, which we used to match the keywords. Recipe 2.11 explains named capturing groups. Naming the groups in your regex makes the regex easier to read and maintain.

To match the strings enclosed in percentage signs, we used the same technique explained in Strings for matching quoted strings in source code. The only difference is that here the strings are enclosed with percentage signs rather than quotes.

The parser iterates over all the matches found by the regular expression. Recipe 3.11 explains how that works.

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