1.2. The Evolution of the Web

When Tim Berners-Lee crafted the first proposal for the World Wide Web in 1990, the idea was fairly simple: to create a "web" of interconnected information using hypertext and Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). The ability to link disparate documents from all around the world held huge potential for scholarly endeavors, where people would be able to access referenced material almost instantly. Indeed, the first version of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) featured little more than formatting and linking commands, a platform not for building rich interactive software but rather for sharing the kinds of textual and illustrative information that dominated the late age of print. It was from these static web pages that the Web grew.

As the Web evolved, businesses saw potential in the ability to distribute information about products and services to the masses. The next generation of the Web saw an increased ability to format and display information as HTML also evolved to meet the needs and match the expectations of these new media-savvy users. But a small company called Netscape would soon be ready to push the evolution of the Web forward at a much faster pace.

1.2.1. JavaScript

Netscape Navigator was the first successful mainstream web browser, and as such, moved web technologies along quickly. However, Netscape often was ridiculed by standards organizations for implementing new technologies and extensions to existing technologies before the standards were in place (much as Microsoft is being chastised today for ignoring existing standards in its development of Internet Explorer). One such technology was JavaScript.

Originally named LiveScript, JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich of Netscape and included in version 2.0 of the browser (released in 1995). For the first time, developers were able to affect how a web page could interact with the user. Instead of making constant trips to the server and back for simple tasks such as data validation, it became possible to transfer this small bit of processing to the browser. This ability was very important at a time when most Internet users were connected through a 28.8 Kbps modem, turning every request to the server into a waiting game. Minimizing the number of times that the user had to wait for a response was the first major step toward the Ajax approach.

1.2.2. Frames

The original version of HTML intended for every document to be standalone, and it wasn't until HTML 4.0 that frames were officially introduced. The idea that the display of a web page could be split up into several documents was a radical one, and controversy brewed as Netscape chose to implement the feature before the HTML 4.0 standard was completed. Netscape Navigator 2.0 was the first browser to support frames and JavaScript together. This turned out to be a major step in the evolution of Ajax.

When the browser wars of the late 1990s began between Microsoft and Netscape, both JavaScript and frames became formalized. As more features were added to both technologies, creative developers began experimenting using the two together. Because a frame represented a completely separate request to the server, the ability to control a frame and its contents with JavaScript opened the door to some exciting possibilities.

1.2.3. The Hidden Frame Technique

As developers began to understand how to manipulate frames, a new technique emerged to facilitate client-server communication. The hidden frame technique involved setting up a frameset where one frame was set to a width or height of 0 pixels, its sole purpose being to initiate communication with the server. The hidden frame would contain an HTML form with specific form fields that could be dynamically filled out by JavaScript and submitted back to the server. When the frame returned, it would call another JavaScript function to notify the calling page that data had been returned. The hidden frame technique represented the first asynchronous request/response model for web applications.

While this was the first Ajax communication model, another technological advance was just around the corner.

1.2.4. Dynamic HTML and the DOM

In 1996, the Web was still mainly a static world. Although JavaScript and the hidden frame technique livened up the user interaction, there was still no way to change the display of a page without reloading it, aside from changing the values contained within form fields. Then came Internet Explorer 4.0.

At this point, Internet Explorer had caught up with the technology of market leader Netscape Navigator and even one-upped it in one important respect through the introduction of Dynamic HTML (DHTML). Although still in the development phase, DHTML represented a significant step forward from the days of static web pages, enabling developers to alter any part of a loaded page by using JavaScript. Along with the emergence of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), DHTML reinvigorated web development, despite deep disparities between the paths Microsoft and Netscape followed during the early years of each discipline. Excitement in the developer community was justified, however, because combining DHTML with the hidden frame technique meant that any part of a page could be refreshed with server information at any time. This was a genuine paradigm shift for the Web.

DHTML never made it to a standards body, although Microsoft's influence would be felt strongly with the introduction of the Document Object Model (DOM) as the centerpiece of the standards effort. Unlike DHTML, which sought only to modify sections of a web page, the DOM had a more ambitious purpose: to provide a structure for an entire web page. The manipulation of that structure would then allow DHTML-like modifications to the page. This was the next step towards Ajax.

1.2.5. Iframes

Although the hidden frame technique became incredibly popular, it had a downside—one had to plan ahead of time and write a frameset anticipating the usage of hidden frames. When the <iframe/> element was introduced as an official part HTML 4.0 in 1997, it represented another significant step in the evolution of the Web.

Instead of defining framesets, developers could place iframes anywhere on a page. This enabled developers to forego framesets altogether and simply place invisible iframes (through the use of CSS) on a page to enable client-server communication. And when the DOM was finally implemented in Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape 6, it introduced the ability to dynamically create iframes on the fly, meaning that a JavaScript function could be used to create an iframe, make a request, and get the response—all without including any additional HTML in a page. This led to the next generation of the hidden frame technique: the hidden iframe technique.

1.2.6. XMLHttp

The browser developers at Microsoft must have realized the popularity of the hidden frame technique and the newer hidden iframe technique, because they decided to provide developers with a better tool for client-server interaction. That tool came in the form of an ActiveX object called XMLHttp, introduced in 2001.

One of the Microsoft extensions to JavaScript allowed the creation of ActiveX controls, Microsoft's proprietary programming objects. When Microsoft began supporting XML through a library called MSXML, the XMLHttp object was included. Although it carried the XML name, this object was more than just another way of manipulating XML data. Indeed, it was more like an ad hoc HTTP request that could be controlled from JavaScript. Developers had access to HTTP status codes and headers, as well as any data returned from the server. That data might be structured XML, pre-formatted swaths of HTML, serialized JavaScript objects, or data in any other format desired by the developer. Instead of using hidden frames or iframes, it was now possible to access the server programmatically using pure JavaScript, independent of the page load/reload cycle. The XMLHttp object became a tremendous hit for Internet Explorer developers.

With popularity mounting, developers at the open source Mozilla project began their own port of XMLHttp. Instead of allowing access to ActiveX, the Mozilla developers replicated the object's principal methods and properties in a native browser object, XMLHttpRequest. With both of the major browsers supporting some form of XMLHttp, the development of Ajax-type interfaces really took off and forced the fringe browsers, Opera and Safari, to support some form of XMLHttp as well (both chose to do so natively with an XMLHttpRequest object, mimicking Mozilla). Ironically enough, the popularity of this XMLHttp clone reached back to Microsoft, which introduced the native XMLHttpRequest object in Internet Explorer 7.

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