Number of hidden layers

For many problems, you can just begin with a single hidden layer and you will get reasonable results. It has actually been shown that an MLP with just one hidden layer can model even the most complex functions provided it has enough neurons. For a long time, these facts convinced researchers that there was no need to investigate any deeper neural networks. However, they overlooked the fact that deep networks have a much higher parameter efficiency than shallow ones; they can model complex functions using exponentially fewer neurons than shallow nets, making them much faster to train.

It is to be noted that this might not be always the case. However, in summary, for many problems, you can start with just one or two hidden layers. It will work just fine using two hidden layers with the same total amount of neurons, in roughly the same amount of training time. For a more complex problem, you can gradually ramp up the number of hidden layers, until you start overfitting the training set. Very complex tasks, such as large image classification or speech recognition, typically require networks with dozens of layers and a huge amount of training data.

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