Attention Mechanism for CNN and Visual Models

Not everything in an image or text—or in general, any data—is equally relevant from the perspective of insights that we need to draw from it. For example, consider a task where we are trying to predict the next word in a sequence of a verbose statement like Alice and Alya are friends. Alice lives in France and works in Paris. Alya is British and works in London. Alice prefers to buy books written in French, whereas Alya prefers books in _____.

When this example is given to a human, even a child with decent language proficiency can very well predict the next word will most probably be English. Mathematically, and in the context of deep learning, this can similarly be ascertained by creating a vector embedding of these words and then computing the results using vector mathematics, as follows:

Here, V(Word) is the vector embedding for the required word; similarly, V(French), V(Paris), and V(London) are the required vector embeddings for the words French, Paris, and London, respectively.

Embeddings are (often) lower dimensional and dense (numerical) vector representations of inputs or indexes of inputs (for non-numerical data); in this case, text.
Algorithms such as Word2Vec and glove can be used to get word embeddings. Pretrained variants of these models for general texts are available in popular Python-based NLP libraries, such as SpaCy, Gensim and others can also be trained using most deep learning libraries, such as Keras, TensorFlow, and so on.
The concept of embeddings is as much relevant to vision and images as it is to text.

There may not be an existing vector exactly matching the vector we obtained just now in the form of ; but if we try to find the one closest to the so obtained  that exists and find the representative word using reverse indexing, that word would most likely be the same as what we as humans thought of earlier, that is, English.

Algorithms such as cosine similarity can be used to get the vector closest to the computed one.
For implementation, a computationally more efficient way of finding the closest vector would be approximate nearest neighbor (ANN), as available in Python's annoy library.

Though we have helped get the same results, both cognitively and through deep learning approaches, the input in both the cases was not the same. To humans, we had given the exact sentence as to the computer, but for deep learning applications, we had carefully picked the correct words (French, Paris, and London) and their right position in the equation to get the results. Imagine how we can very easily realize the right words to pay attention to in order to understand the correct context, and hence we have the results; but in the current form, it was not possible for our deep learning approach to do the same.

Now there are quite sophisticated algorithms in language modeling using different variants and architectures of RNN, such as LSTM and Seq2Seq, respectively. These could have solved this problem and got the right solution, but they are most effective in shorter and more direct sentences, such as Paris is to French what London is to _____. In order to correctly understand a long sentence and generate the correct result, it is important to have a mechanism to teach the architecture whereby specific words need to be paid more attention to in a long sequence of words. This is called the attention mechanism in deep learning, and it is applicable to many types of deep learning applications but in slightly different ways.

RNN stands for recurrent neural networks and is used to depict a temporal sequence of data in deep learning. Due to the vanishing gradient problem, RNN is seldom used directly; instead, its variants, such as LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) are more popular in actual implementations.
Seq2Seq stands for Sequence-to-Sequence models and comprises two RNN (or variant) networks (hence it is called Seq2Seq, where each RNN network represents a sequence); one acts as an encoder and the other as a decoder. The two RNN networks can be multi-layer or stacked RNN networks, and they are connected via a thought or context vector. Additionally, Seq2Seq models may use the attention mechanism to improve performance, especially for longer sequences. 

In fact, to be more precise, even we had to process the preceding information in layers, first understanding that the last sentence is about Alya. Then we can identify and extract Alya's city, then that for Alice, and so on. Such a layered way of human thinking is analogous to stacking in deep learning, and hence in similar applications, stacked architectures are quite common.

To know more about how stacking works in deep learning, especially with sequence-based architectures, explore topics such as stacked RNN and stacked attention networks.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Attention mechanism for image captioning
  • Types of attention (Hard, and Soft Attentions)
  • Using attention to improve visual models
    • Recurrent models of visual attention
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