Installing Python dependencies (Python2 environment)

We can install the Python dependencies as shown in the following code block:

Python 2X and Python 3X are two different flavors of Python (or more precisely CPython), and not a conventional upgrade of version, therefore the libraries for one variant might not be compatible with another. Use Python 2X for this section.
When we refer to the (interpreted) programming language Python, we need to refer to it with the specific interpreter (since it is an interpreted language as opposed to a compiled one like Java). The interpreter that we implicitly refer to as the Python interpreter (like the one you download from or the one that comes bundled with Anaconda) is technically called CPython, on which is the default byte-code interpreter of Python, which is written in C. But there are other Python interpreters also like Jython (build on Java), PyPy (written in Python itself - not so intuitive, right?), IronPython (.NET implementation of Python). 
pip install numpy>=1.13 pyyaml>=3.12 matplotlib opencv-python>=3.2 setuptools Cython mock scipy
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