Mask R-CNN – Instance segmentation with CNN

Faster R-CNN is state-of-the-art stuff in object detection today. But there are problems overlapping the area of object detection that Faster R-CNN cannot solve effectively, which is where Mask R-CNN, an evolution of Faster R-CNN can help.

This section introduces the concept of instance segmentation, which is a combination of the standard object detection problem as described in this chapter, and the challenge of semantic segmentation.

In semantic segmentation, as applied to images, the goal is to classify each pixel into a fixed set of categories without differentiating object instances.

Remember our example of counting the number of dogs in the image in the intuition section? We were able to count the number of dogs easily, because they were very much apart, with no overlap, so essentially just counting the number of objects did the job. Now, take the following image, for instance, and count the number of tomatoes using object detection. It will be a daunting task because the Bounding Boxes will have so much of an overlap that it will be difficult to distinguish the Instances of tomatoes from the boxes.

So, essentially, we need to go further, beyond bounding boxes and into pixels to get that level separation and identification. Like we use to classify bounding boxes with object names in object detection, in Instance Segment, we segment/ classify, each pixel with not only the specific object name but also the object-instance.

The object detection and Instance Segmentation could be treated as two different tasks, one logically leading to another, much like we discovered the tasks of finding Region Proposals and Classification in the case of object detection. But as in the case of object detection, and especially with techniques like Fast/Faster R-CNN, we discovered that it would be much effective if we have a mechanism to do them simultaneously, while also utilizing much of the computation and network to do so, to make the tasks seamless. 

Instance Segmentation – Intuition

Mask R-CNN is an extension of Faster R-CNN covered in the earlier network, and uses all the techniques used in Faster R-CNN, with one addition—an additional path in the network to generate a Segmentation Mask (or Object Mask) for each detected Object Instance in parallel. Also, because of this approach of using most of the existing network, it adds only a minimal overhead to the entire processing and has a scoring (test) time almost equivalent to that of Faster R-CNN. It has one of the best accuracies across all single-model solutions as applied to the COCO2016 challenge (using the COCO2015 dataset).

Like, PASCAL VOC, COCO is another large-scale standard (series of) dataset (from Microsoft). Besides object detection, COCO is also used for segmentation and captioning. COCO is more extensive than many other datasets and much of the recent comparison on object detection is done on this for comparison purposes. The COCO dataset comes in three variants, namely COCO 2014, COCO 2015, and COCO 2017.

In Mask R-CNN, besides having the two branches that generate the objectness and localization for each anchor box or RoI, there also exists a third FCN that takes in the RoI and predicts a segmentation mask in a pixel-to-pixel manner for the given anchor box.

But there still remain some challenges. Though Faster R-CNN does demonstrate transformational invariance (that is, we could trace from the convolutional map of the RPN to the pixel map of the actual image), the convolutional map has a different structure from that of the actual image pixels. So, there is no pixel-to-pixel alignment between network inputs and outputs, which is important for our purpose of providing pixel-to-pixel masking using this network. To solve this challenge, Mask R-CNN uses a quantization-free layer (named RoIAlign in the original paper) that helps align the exact spatial locations. This layer not only provides exact alignment but also helps in improving the accuracy to a great extent, because of which Mask R-CNN is able to outperform many other networks:

Mask R-CNN – Instance Segmentation Mask (illustrative output)

The concept of instance segmentation is very powerful and can lead to realizing a lot of very impactful use cases that were not possible with object detection alone.

We can even use instance segmentation to estimate human poses in the same framework and eliminate them.
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