
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables.’
Absorption of heavy metals and organic matters, 122–123
Absorptive capacity variation
of mixed heavy metal solution, 107–110
Cd variation, 108f
Cr variation, 109f
Cu variation, 109f
Pb variation, 108f
Zn variation, 108f
of single heavy metal solution, 104
Cd variation, 107f
Cu variation, 106f
Cu variation, 107f
Pb variation, 106f
Zn variation, 106f
Acid extractable fraction, 36–37
Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), 125
Acid rain
heavy metals under, 126–139, 130t
EC in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
landfill lysimeter setup, 129f
leachate amount generating in landfilling, 130, 130f
migration of heavy metal and calcium, 133–139, 141t–142t
TDS in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
variation of pH during landfill process, 131, 131f
intensity criteria, 129t
Alkaline hydrometallurgical route, 242–243
p-Aminoazobenzene, 177
Ammonium persulfate, 177
Averaging time (AT), 90–93
BCR morphological analysis of C&D waste, 36–38
acid extractable fraction, 36–37
oxidisable fraction, 37
reducible fraction, 37
residual fraction, 38
Belt conveyor, 209
Block processing line, 320
Brick and concrete C&D waste recycling process, 218–219
Building garbage recycling equipment, 211
Building materials life cycle, 333
Cadmium chloride hydrate (CdCl(H2O)4), 156
Cadmium iron phosphorus sulfide (CdFeP2S6), 156
Cadmium sulfate hydrate ((CdSO4)3(H2O)8), 156
Calcium migration, 133–139
Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), 19
Cement admixture, 326
Centralized disposal of C&D waste in Nantong City, 258–292
Chemical equilibrium computer program (MINEQL+), 244f
Chemical industry (CI), 51–52
Chemical speciation in C&D waste, 61–64, 63f, 65t–66t
Citric acid (CA), 148
conditions and pH of elution, 148t
elution of heavy metals, 149f
elution process, 148–150
elution–washing–stabilization process, 160–162
Clay content, 229
Coarse aggregate, 219–220
Coarse composite crushing, 216
Composite insulation block, 236–237
Concrete C&D waste recycling process, 218
Concrete structure surface protection, 337
mortar, 317
waste, 119–123
Construction and demolition waste (C&D waste), 1, 15–17, 35, 51, 103–104, 125, 146f, 147, 333
absorption of heavy metals and organic matters, 122–123
analysis of pollutants and industrial C&D waste combination, 120–122, 122f
chemical speciation in, 61–64, 63f, 65t–66t
components and characteristics of hazardous industrial, 2
development of C&D waste worldwide, 6–11
European Union, 9–10
Japan, 10–11
United States, 8–9
disposal and recycling process for, 11–14
estimation, 3–4
generation in earthquakes, 27–28, 28t
management situation in China and developing countries, 4–6
pilot scale winnowing device, 239f
size distribution, 239f
supervision and management of industrial
industrial waste generating in fire and explosion accidents, 338–340
pollution prevention and management, 338, 339f
zinc and lead-enriched, 251–252
Contaminated construction and demolition waste (Contaminated C&D waste), 195–196
Cr-contaminated C&D waste, 198
crushing and grinding technologies, 215–219
crushing equipment and technologies, 203–207
leaching amounts of heavy metals, 197t
maximum content of heavy metals, 196t
recycling ways, 202t
wheeled mobile crushing station, 211f
Contaminated recycled gravel (CRG), 148, 150
eluting efficiencies for mobilization test, 150f
immobilization heavy metals, 151
washing test, 150–151
Contamination process of C&D waste, 98–99
Conventional heating treatment
using electric oven, 173–174
and microwave treatment comparison, 174–175
grades of liquid solution, 334t
grades of solid agent to building materials, 335t
Crawler-type rigid hull structure, 211
Crushed waste, 252
effect of process conditions, 208t
selection, 222t
Crushing, 35, 254
equipment and technologies, 203–207
section of C&D waste, 254
Crushing and grinding technologies, 215–219
cut roll crusher
coarse composite crushing in, 216
intermediate selective crushing in, 216
fine crushing in cut roll crusher and recycled sand production, 216
hoop-roller grinding and ultrafine powder material production, 216–217
lightweight substance separation, 217
CU/ZN/PB/CR/CD/NI characterization in industrial C&D waste, 54–69
chemical speciation of heavy metals in C&D waste, 61–64, 63f, 65t–66t
RAC of heavy metals in polluted waste, 64–69, 67f
total concentrations of heavy metals in C&D waste, 54–58, 55t
X-ray diffraction analysis of heavy metals in C&D waste, 59–61, 60f
XRF analysis of heavy metals in C&D waste, 58–59, 59t
Cut roll crusher
coarse composite crushing in, 216
intermediate selective crushing in, 216
Cyanide-contaminated C&D waste generation, 97–101, 98f–99f, 100t
cleanup methods, 42
comparison of organic pollutants leaching systems, 43–50
leaching of organic pollutants, 49f
effects of pollutants, procedures, and waste types on recovery rate, 43
extraction procedures, 41–42
pretreatment of organic matters in C&D waste, 41f
qualitative and quantitative analysis using GC–MS, 42
sample preparation and storage, 40
Decay rate, 143–144
Decay time of volatile pesticides, 144
Dichlorvos, 150
Diffusion process of C&D waste, 98–99
Disposal process for C&D waste, 11–14
classified storage process, 13f
crushing and sorting process, 13f
deep processing, 14f
pretreat process for disposal of, 12f
treatment and disposal routes of, 12f
DMA-80 Mercury analyzer, 36
Double factor variance analysis, 160
stabilization effect, 162t
DPF specific crusher for C&D waste, 203–206, 205f–206f
drive system, 207f
Drainage engineering, 289
production line, 230–231
sand, 287
catcher, 210
controlling system, 299
prevention and removal, 290–292
EANEN7371 leaching tests, 152
Earthquakes, C&D waste generation in, 27–28, 28t
EF ecological wall board, 233–236
modular assembly construction, 236
structure–function integration, 235–236
technical route, 234–235
Electric oven, conventional heating treatment using, 173–174
Electrical conductivity (EC), 129
in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
Electronic control system, 282f, 283–287
Electroplating factory, 52
Elovich equation, 137–138
Eluted C&D waste, 255
Elution process
elution–washing–stabilization process, 160–162
using glyphosate, 162–166
heavy metals in C&D waste, 164t
removal ratios of heavy metals, 165t
and solid–liquid separation, 255
treatment of C&D waste, 164–165
treatment of industrial contaminated gravels, 165
Engineering project, 271
Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water, 131
Environmental Risk Assessment, 87–89
European Union, C&D development, 9–10
Exogenous organic pollutants
absorption of heavy metals and organic matters, 122–123
analysis of pollutants and industrial C&D waste combination, 120–122, 122f
SEM analysis of contaminated waste, 119–120, 121f
assessment, 89–90
pathways analysis, 90, 92t
quantification, 90–93, 94t
Extraction procedures of organic pollutants
Soxhlet extraction, 41
ultrasonic extraction, 41–42
Fenvalerate, 150
Fine crushing in cut roll crusher and recycled sand production, 216
Fire/explosion accident, cyanide-contaminated C&D waste generation in, 97–101, 99f, 100t
Flue dusts, 241–252
mineralogical phases, 243f
from secondary copper smelting workshop, 242f
FT-IR, analysis of pollutants and industrial C&D waste combination, 120–122, 122f
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), 100
qualitative and quantitative analysis using, 42
Gas flow, 173
Gaseous mercury adsorption
analysis of building materials, 115–118
characterization of building materials
analysis of particle sizes, 114, 116t
SEM analysis, 114, 115f
x-ray fluorescence analysis, 113–114
simulation of building material, 112–119, 117f
gaseous mercury adsorption analysis, 115–118
of standard concrete block, 118–119
Glyphosate, 148, 150–151
elution, 162–166, 255
heavy metal–contaminated C&D waste, 163f
isopropylamine, 162–166
mobilization method, 160
Gravel, 219
Green building materials (GB materials), 236–237
composite insulation block, 236–237
lightweight sand aerated concrete block, 237
performance index of composite insulation blocks, 238t
Hard raw materials processing project, 226–229, 228f
Hazardous C&D waste reuse risk
direct reuse of recycled aggregate, 328–330
recycled aggregate production using, 326
recycled building materials
hazardous substances in, 329t
production using recycled aggregate, 330
risk index in utilization, 330t
utilization of, 330
results of risk assessment, 330–331
Hazardous substances, 339
Hazardous waste, 340
Heavy metal(s), 338–339
absorption on C&D waste, 122–123
under acid rain, 126–139, 130t
EC in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
landfill lysimeter setup, 129f
leachate amount generating in landfilling, 130, 130f
migration of heavy metal and calcium, 133–139, 141t–142t
TDS in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
variation of pH during landfill process, 131, 131f
analysis, 36
of heavy metals leaching toxicity in waste, 38–39
BCR morphological analysis of C&D waste, 36–38
characterization of CU/ZN/PB/CR/CD/NI IN industrial C&D waste, 54–69, 57f, 71f
chemical speciation in C&D waste, 61–64, 63f, 65t–66t
concentrations in solution, 110–111, 111f
dissolution ability, 126, 127f–128f
distribution of heavy metals in concrete, 111–112, 112t, 113f
mercury analysis, 36
migration, 133–139
in contaminated C&D waste, 128
pretreatment procedures and equipment, 35–36
crushing, 35
digestion and analysis of heavy metals, 35–36
RAC in polluted waste, 64–69, 67f
static contamination process, 103–110
total concentrations in C&D waste, 54–58, 55t
XRF analysis in C&D waste, 58–61, 59t, 60f
XRD and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, 39–40
Heavy metal–contaminated waste, 195–201
C&D waste, 254–255
construction and demolition waste stabilization, 161t
economic performance of treatment for, 194
pollution control, 147–166
citric acid elution process, 148–150
citric acid elution–washing–stabilization process, 160–162
elution process using glyphosate, 162–166
immobilization heavy metals, 151
mobilization and immobilization treatment effect comparison, 152–160
washing test of contaminated recycled gravel, 150–151
Hierarchical cluster analysis, 86–87
High pressure formation, 175–177
High-efficiency self-insulation wall material, See Green building materials (GB materials)
High-intensity magnetic belt, 212–213
High-strength steel wire, 212–213
HJ/T299–2007 method, 195
Hoop-roller grinding and ultrafine powder material production, 216–217
Hot water, 289
Humic acids (HAs), 147–148, 150
Hydraulic system, 206
Hydrometallurgical process, 337
Hydrostatic transmission drive system, 214–215
Immobilization, 152–160
heavy metals, 151
treatment effect comparison with mobilization, 152–160
Impact crusher, 207, 214f
In situ standardized disposal of C&D waste, 340
Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), 36, 103–104
Industrial C&D waste (ICDW), 45
identification for heavy metal contamination, 15–17
classification of C&D waste contamination, 17t
concentrations of heavy metals, 17t
environmental quality standards for soil, 17t
heavy metals contents in cement, 16t
standard values for leaching toxicity identification, 18t
identification with organic contaminants, 18–19
classification of C&D waste contamination, 25t
limited values for organic pollutants, 15–19
standard limits for soil environmental quality, 23t–24t
values for environmental quality risk assessment, 20t–22t
pollution characteristics
CU/ZN/PB/CR/CD/NI characterization, 54–69
cyanide-contaminated C&D waste generated in fire/explosion accident, 97–101
environmental risk in organophosphorus pesticide manufacturing plant, 87–97
leaching toxicity of C&D waste from different sources, 69, 70t
mercury and distribution in C&D wastes, 51–54
organic pollutants in multicontaminated industrial C&D waste, 69–87
Industrial Construction Anticorrosion Design, 333
Industrial construction waste powder
sequential stepwise recovery, 241–252
winnowing enrichment of zinc and lead, 239–241
Industrial contaminated gravels treatment, 165
Industrial waste, pollution prevention of, 338–340
Industrial workshop structure, pollution prevention methods in, 333–338
Initial recycled gravel (IRG), 152–153
XRD analysis, 154f–155f
Intermediate selective crushing, 216
Iron phosphate hydroxide (Fe4(PO4)3(OH)3) ), 156
Japan, C&D development, 10–11
Jaw crusher, 206, 214f
Jaw crushing, 215
Jaw squeezing, 215
leachate amount generating in, 130, 130f
pH variation during Landfill process, 131, 131f
Large crusher, 203
Leachate amount generating in landfilling, 130, 130f
characteristics of recycled concrete, 195–201
heavy metals leaching toxicity analysis, 38–39
Lead (Pb)
contaminated C&D waste by, 196
electrowinning conditions for recovery, 245t
SEM with EDS, 246f
winnowing enrichment, 239–241
Light industry (LI), 52–53
Lightweight sand aerated concrete block, 237
Lightweight substances, 217
separation, 217
one-stage composite impact crushing pretreatment process, 217–218
roll crushing + roll grinding combined recycling process, 218
rolling + rolling combined with extrusion treatment process, 218–219
Limestone processing line flow sheet, 224–226, 225f
Magnesium chromium oxide (MgCrO4), 156
Manufactured sand, 229
Masonry structure surface protection, 337
Mercury, 51–54, 52t, 116–118
analysis, 36
distribution characteristics, 51–53
mercury-containing raw materials, 52
penetration tube, 112–113
pollution single factor evaluation, 53–54, 54t
Mesh blinding, 217
Metal recovery, 242–243
Metal-contaminated construction material preparation, 198
background content of heavy metals, 199t
Metallurgical industry (MI), 51–52
Microwave treatment process
concentration effect of pollutants, 166
gas flow effect, 173
pollutants effect, 170–171
power effect of microwave, 171
reaction time effect, 172–173
size effect of C&D waste and stack height, 167–170
Middle crusher, 203
of calcium, 133–139
of heavy metal, 133–139
patterns of pollutants in C&D waste
dissolution ability of heavy metals, 126, 127f–128f
heavy metals under acid rain, 126–139, 129f, 130t
Milling–oxidation technique
for degrading organic contaminants, 177–194
arrangement of oxidants, 178t
effectiveness of oxidants, 177
milling speed, 181–182
milling time, 177–181
moisture content, 182–184
oxidant amount, 184
modeling treatment
removal efficiency and milling speed relationship, 191–194
removal efficiency and milling time relationship, 188–189
removal efficiency and surface area relationship, 184–187
Mixed heavy metal solution, absorptive capacity variation of, 107–110
Mobile crushing and regeneration device, 211–215
hydrostatic transmission drive system, 214–215
mobile screen station for C&D waste, 212f
Rockster Mobile Crushing Station, 213–215, 213f
wheeled mobile crushing station for C&D waste, 211f
Mobilization, treatment effect comparison with immobilization, 152–160
Modular assembly construction, 236
Monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), 147, 151
Multistage extraction procedure (MEP), 43–46
Mutual reaction, 123
Nano-iron, 147–148, 152
immobilization method, 160
powder, 160
Nantong City, centralized disposal and recycling project of C&D waste in, 258–292, 282f
amount of water in, 288t
buildings and construction structure, 277–281, 278t–280t
comparison of process and recycled products in, 268t–269t
components of projects and functions, 270t
construction materials and structures, 274–275
design of electronic control system, 283–287
drainage engineering, 289
dust controlling devices, 291t
dust prevention and removal, 290–292
engineering project, 271
facilities in, 272t–273t
of construction buildings, 275
and index of recycled building materials, 286t
general layout, 274, 277t
labor force in, 293t
labor organization, 292
material balance of annual production, 271t
materials and facilities in water engineering, 289–290
production process of premixed mortar, 282f
products, 287
manufacturing, 285t
of recycled aggregate, 281f
structure, 276–277
water supply engineering, 287–290
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), 4
Natural aggregate, 195
Natural sand, 229
Negative exponential decay equation, 137–138
Noncarcinogenic value, 95
and carcinogenic values, 97t
of dermal ingested pollutants, 96t
of ingested pollutants, 97
of inhaled pollutants indoor, 96t
of inhaled pollutants outdoor, 96t
of oral ingested pollutants, 96t
One-stage composite impact crushing pretreatment process, 217–218
Ordinary waste, 340
Organic acids, 148
Organic contaminants, industrial C&D waste identification with, 18–19
Organic matters absorption on C&D waste, 122–123
Organic pollutants, 338–339
See also Migration
analysis, 40–50
cleanup methods, 42
comparison of organic pollutants leaching systems, 43–50
leaching of organic pollutants, 49f
conventional heat treatment and microwave treatment comparison, 174–175
effects of pollutants, procedures, and waste types on recovery rate, 43
extraction procedures of, 41–42
migration and transfer patterns
migration of pesticides in simulated washing procedure, 144–146
effect of sunlight, ventilation, temperature, and moisture, 139–144, 143t
in multicontaminated industrial C&D waste, 69–87
characterization of organophosphorus pesticides-contaminated waste, 74–78
distribution and possible sources of organic pollutants, 80–85, 82f
existence of organophosphorus pesticides, 78, 80f
existence of VOCs, 74, 75t
factors affecting concentration of pollutants, 85, 86f
hierarchical cluster analysis, 86–87
PAH existence and its distribution, 73–74
PCA, 87, 88t, 89f
pretreatment of organic matters in C&D waste, 41f
qualitative and quantitative analysis using GC–MS, 42
removal efficiency, 180f
sample preparation and storage, 40
thermal treatment in C&D waste, 166–175, 166f
conventional heating treatment using electric oven, 173–174
influencing factors in microwave treatment process, 166–173
Organophosphorus pesticides
existence in C&D waste from exterior plant, 78, 80f, 81t
manufacturing plant, 87–97
analysis of contaminated industrial C&D waste and evaluation, 90, 91t
exposure pathways analysis, 90, 92t
exposure quantification, 90–93, 94t
risk evaluation in pesticide manufacturing plant, 93–97, 97t
toxicity values of existing pollutants, 93, 95t
organophosphorus pesticides-contaminated waste characterization, 74–78
Oxidisable fraction, 37
Particle size
analysis, 114, 116t
distribution, 178–181
PC1375 type I crusher, 212–213
manufacturing plants, 74
migration in simulated washing procedure, 144–146
of heavy metal, 125–126
of rainfall, 127
during landfill process, 131, 131f
during static contamination process, 104, 105f
during surface contact, 110
Phenanthrene, 166, 177
removal efficiency of, 171f
PLC network operating system, 283–284
Policy and management
pollution prevention methods, 333–338
supervision and management of industrial C&D waste, 338–340
Pollutants, 170–171
heavy metal contamination industrial C&D waste identification, 15–17
classification of C&D waste contamination, 17t
concentrations of heavy metals, 17t
environmental quality standards for soil, 17t
heavy metals contents in cement, 16t
standard values for leaching toxicity identification, 18t
industrial C&D waste identification, 18–19
classification of C&D waste contamination, 25t
limited values for organic pollutants, 15–19
standard limits for soil environmental quality, 23t–24t
values for environmental quality risk assessment, 20t–22t
in situ identification and lab analysis, 15–19
stabilization, 175–177
characteristics of industrial C&D waste
CU/ZN/PB/CR/CD/NI characterization in industrial C&D waste, 54–69
cyanide-contaminated C&D waste generated in fire/explosion accident, 97–101
environmental risk in organophosphorus pesticide manufacturing plant, 87–97
leaching toxicity of C&D waste from different sources, 69, 70t
mercury and distribution in C&D wastes, 51–54
organic pollutants in multicontaminated industrial C&D waste, 69–87
control, 337–338
for heavy metal–contaminated waste, 147–166
milling–oxidation technique for degrading organic contaminants, 177–194
stabilization of pollutants, 175–177
thermal treatment of organic pollutants, 166–175
identification, 89–90
mechanism of C&D waste
depth of contamination through surface contact, 110–112
interaction of exogenous organic pollutants and construction waste, 119–123
simulation of gaseous mercury adsorption, 112–119
static contamination process of heavy metals, 103–110
Pollution prevention
of industrial waste generating in fire and explosion accidents, 338–340
and management, 338, 339f
methods in industrial workshop structures
operation and maintenance of pollution prevention, 337–338
pollution protection design and construction, 333–337
Pollution protection design and construction, 333–337
grade of protection, 333–334
selection of materials, 334–337, 336t
surface protection coating, 337
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 69–73
existence and its distribution, 73–74, 74t
Potassium permanganate, 177
Powder content, 229
Premixed mortar, 317–320
Pretreatment, 252–254
procedures and equipment, 35–36
crushing, 35
digestion and analysis of heavy metals, 35–36
section control system, 283f
Principal component analysis (PCA), 87, 88t, 89f
elution pattern, 145f
pesticide types, 144–145
Pyrethroid pesticides (PPs), 85
QUINCY screw air compressor (QGF30), 239
Reaction time, 172–173
Recovery rate
comparison of effects on, 48t
effects of pollutants, procedures, and waste types on, 43
ion chromatogram, 43f–44f
linear equations
of organochlorine, 46t
of PAHs, 45t
of organophosphorus pesticides, 47t–48t
of PAHs, 47t
Recycled aggregates (RC), 53–54, 287, 308–310, 316–317, 316t
direct reuse of, 328–330
exposure amount in reuse, 327t
hazardous substances in atmosphere, 325t
production using hazardous C&D waste, 326
recycled building materials production using, 330
risk index in direct reuse of, 328t
Recycled cement mortar, 303t
Recycled concrete
leaching characteristics, 195–201
metal-contaminated construction material preparation, 198
preparation, 199–201
leaching toxicity of recycled concrete, 201–237
preparation and leaching toxicity, 199–201
product, 320–326
Recycling equipment and technologies
C&D waste
crushing and grinding technologies, 215–219
crushing equipment and technologies, 203–207
recycling ways, 202t
integration technology of renewable wall materials, 233–237
manufacturing system of sand and gravel aggregate, 219–229
mobile crushing and regeneration device, 211–215
sand processing line system, 229–233
screening and auxiliary equipment, 209–210
utilization of recycled materials, 201–203, 202t–204t
Recycling process for C&D waste, 11–14
classified storage process, 13f
crushing and sorting process, 13f
deep processing, 14f
pretreat process for disposal, 12f
treatment and disposal routes, 12f
Recycling technologies and processes
center of recycled resources produced by C&D waste in Suzhou City, 292–306
centralized disposal and recycling project of C&D waste in Nantong City, 258–292
demonstration project of C&D waste resource reuse in Xi’an City, 306–326
recycling project of C&D waste in Shangrao City, 252–258
Reducible fraction, 37
Reference dose (RfD), 89–90
Remote sampling devices for granular waste, 29–31
enlarged solid–liquid separation device, 30f
Venturi tube sampling device, 30f–31f
Renewable wall materials, integration technology, 233–237
EF ecological wall board, 233–236
GB materials, 236–237
Renovation C&D waste recycling process, 219
Residential aggregates (RS), 56
Residual fraction, 38
Risk assessment, 89–90
hazardous C&D waste, 330–331
Risk assessment code (RAC), 64–67
Risk evaluation in pesticide manufacturing plant, 93–97, 97t
Rockster mobile crushing station, 213–215, 213f
accessories, 215
Roll crushing + roll grinding combined recycling process, 218
Rolling + rolling combined with extrusion treatment process, 218–219
techniques for C&D waste, 15–28
C&D waste generation in earthquakes, 27–28
for industrial construction waste before demolition, 25–26
sampling of industrial demolition waste, 26–27
in situ identification and lab analysis of pollutants, 15–19
tools and equipment, 29t
remote sampling devices for granular waste, 29–31
stripping and classification machine for C&D waste, 31–33, 32f, 32t
tools in waste sampling in workshop, 28
Sand, 219
aggregate, 220
category, 229
manufactured, 229
natural, 229
processing line system, 229–233, 232f
distribution control system, 233f
specification of, 230
Sand and gravel aggregate, 219–221
processing line flow sheet, 221, 223f
production process, 221–229
quality requirement regulation for fine aggregate, 220t
selection of crushers, 222t
type selection of common facilities, 221t
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), 157, 158f
analysis of building materials, 114, 115f
analysis of contaminated waste, 119–120, 121f
Screening and auxiliary equipment
belt conveyor, 209
dust catcher, 210
spiral sand washing machine, 210
vibrating screen feeder, 209
XS sand washing machine, 210
YKF circular vibrating screen, 209–210
Secondary copper smelting manufacturing workshop, 241–252
Sequential stepwise recovery, 241–252
cell voltages alkaline zinc electrowinning, 247f
chemical analysis of elements, 242t
cyclic voltammograms of lead and zinc electrowinning, 246f
electrowinning conditions for lead and zinc recovery, 245t
experimental runs and response analysis, 245t
results of cementation experiments, 247t
Shangrao City, recycling project of C&D waste in, 252–258, 253f
classified storage section, 256
crushing and sorting section of C&D waste, 254, 260t
deep processing and combined grinding section, 255f, 256, 261t
general layout and land coverage, 258t
heavy metal–contaminated C&D waste, 254–255
labor force, 267t
manufacturing section of products, 256–258, 257f, 262t–266t
pretreatment, 252–254, 259t
stacking, 252–254
Silo structures, 312–316
Single factor evaluation of mercury pollution, 53–54, 54t
Single heavy metal solution, absorptive capacity variation, 104
Slope factor (SF), 89–90
SLQM96–10B bag filter, 231
Small crusher, 203
Soil system, 89–90
Solid–liquid separation, 255
elution with, 255
Sorting section of C&D waste, 254
Soxhlet extraction, 41
Spatial distribution of typical organic pollutants, 82f
Spiral sand washing machine, 210
Stabilization of pollutants using high pressure formation, 175–177
Stacking, 252–254
Static contamination process of heavy metals, 103–110
absorptive capacity variation
of mixed heavy metal solution, 107–110
of single heavy metal solution, 104
initial soaking concentrations, 103t
pH variation during static contamination process, 104, 105f
Stone processing line flow sheet, 226, 227f
Structure–function integration, 235–236
Surface contact, depth of contamination through, 110–112
distribution of heavy metals in concrete, 111–112, 112t, 113f
heavy metals concentrations in solution, 110–111, 111f
pH variation, 110
Surface protection coating, 337
Surface stripping, 254
Suzhou City, recycled resources produced by C&D waste in, 292–306
comparison of dust removal methods, 298t
dust removal facilities, 299t
facilities in, 300t–302t
office buildings and manufacturing workshops, 294t
process, 295f
of manufacturing of recycled blocks and bricks in, 296f
recycled cement mortar, 303t
recycled wall blocks, 306t
water-permeable road brick, 305t
Synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP), 38
Thermal treatment of organic pollutants
in C&D waste, 166–175, 166f
conventional heating treatment using electric oven, 173–174
influencing factors in microwave treatment process, 166–173
Threshold values of heavy metals (TVHMs), 54
Total dissolved solid (TDS), 129
in leachate, 131–133, 132f, 133t
assessment, 89–90
values of existing pollutants, 93, 95t
Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), 38
Ultrasonic extraction, 41–42
United States, C&D development, 8–9
US Environmental Protection Agency, 328–330
Venturi tube sampling device, 29, 30f
Vibrating screen feeder, 209
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 74, 75t
Wall board processing line, 320–326
Washing, 255
test of contaminated recycled gravel, 150–151
Water engineering, materials and facilities in, 289–290
Water supply, 287–289
engineering, 287–290
Wet production line, 231–233
wet sand processing line, 234f
Winnowing enrichment of zinc and lead, 239–241
components of waste powder in sampling spots, 240t
impurity content of waste samples, 241t
pilot scale winnowing device, 239f
zinc recovery rate of waste, 240f
X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD analysis), 152–153, 243
in C&D waste, 59–61, 60f
of IRG, 154f
spectroscopy analysis, 39–40
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF analysis), 58–59
analyzer, 15
of building materials, 113–114
mineral composition, 114t
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, 39–40
Xi′an City, demonstration project of C&D waste resource reuse in, 306–326
economic performance of C&D waste resource, 316
engineering technical process, 308–316
facilities in, 313t–315t, 316
materials consuming in, 307t
mix proportion and intensity
of masonry mortar, 318t
of plastering mortar, 319t
mix proportion of wallboard materials, 322t
personnel allocation, 323t–324t, 326
premixed mortar production, 310f
process, 308f
of aggregate production in, 309f
of concrete product manufacturing in, 311f
of wallboard production in, 312f
XS sand washing machine with wheel type, 210
YKF circular vibrating screen, 209–210
Zero headspace extractors (ZHE), 45
Zinc (Zn)
contaminated C&D waste by, 195–196
electrowinning conditions for recovery, 245t
powder, 248–250
CE and PC, 248t
production, 247–248
SEM images, 249f
surface morphology, 249f, 250
recovery rate of waste, 240f
smelting factory, 52, 53f
winnowing enrichment, 239–241
zinc smelting plant, C&D waste treatment in, 164–165
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