Chapter Five

Pollution Mechanism of Contaminated Construction and Demolition Waste


Absorption of single pollutants on the contaminated construction and demolition waste fits the first-order kinetics model whereas that of mixed metals fits the pseudo–second-order kinetic model, with adsorption and reaction rate of Pb and Cr are the highest. Heavy metal is gathered and fixed within 0–1 cm under the surface of waste by hydroxide precipitation, adsorption, and isomorphous replacement. Under multiple contamination, the heavy metals will penetrate much deeper while Cr can be detected around 3–4 cm under the surface, and Cd has the lowest migration capacity on the surface. The porosity of different construction materials can be ordered as brick > gravel > foam concrete > aggregate > cement brick, which is nearly the same as the capacity of mercury absorption. For concrete block, the pollution mainly concentrates at 0–1.5 cm of the surface. Large damage in the morphology is found in heavy metal contaminated waste as many loose pores exist on its surface and the waste particles are wrapped by crystal substances, which may be the hydroxides and oxides of metals. The organic pollutant contaminated waste is not significantly eroded. FT-IR spectrum indicates that new chemical bonds may be created.


Absorption; Corrosion depth; Heavy metals; Mutual interaction; Pollution mechanism

5.1. Static Contamination Process of Heavy Metals

Construction and demolition (C&D) waste with particle size of 30 mm was put in 1000 mL PE sealed bottle and soaked in different solutions consisted of 50 g/50 mL Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr and solid to liquid ratio of 1:10, respectively, as is listed in Table 5.1. After soaking for 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 17, and 27 days, supernatant was sampled. pH and heavy metals were measured. Sample was digested and tested by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Heavy metal absorptive capacity was evaluated by difference.

Table 5.1

Initial Soaking Concentrations

NoType of SolutionHeavy Metal Concentration (mg/L)
6Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb mixed solution100


5.1.1. pH Variation During Static Contamination Process

pH variation of single heavy metal with time is shown in Fig. 5.1A–E. pH variation of mixed heavy metals with time is shown in Fig. 5.1F. As shown in the figure, pH had kept rising in different heavy metal solution. pH of control group using distilled water as soaking solution rising from 8.56 to 10.00 at the first 2 days, then keeping rising to 10.85 at 27th day. Different heavy metal solution turned from acidity to alkalinity due to the dissolution of alkaline matter such as calcium carbonate, silicate etc. Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr nitric solution had neutralization effect on C&D waste exhibiting in control experiment. The higher concentration of heavy metal, the higher neutralization capacity obtained. pH variation of Pb solution had the same pattern with the control. pH of mixed heavy metal solution rose slowly and stayed acid throughout the period up to 27th day.

5.1.2. Absorptive Capacity Variation of Single Heavy Metal Solution

Figs. 5.25.6 (A) shows absorptive capacity variation of single heavy metal solution with time. Figs. 5.25.6 (B) shows variation of concentration and removal rate of single heavy metal solution with time. Single heavy metal concentration descended gradually. Absorptive capacity and removal rate kept rising. Variation of absorptive capacity was in consistent with removal rate.
Heavy metal in three different concentrations of soaking solutions descended gradually with removal rate and absorptive capacity rising. After 7 days, 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L Zn solution reached approximately 0 mg/L with removal rate of 95%, whereas 300 mg/L took 17 days for reaching 0 mg/L. After 17 days, the concentration of Cu in the former 100 mg/L, 150 mg/L, and 300 mg/L solution reached approximately zero with a removal rate of 95%. After reaching adsorption equilibrium, heavy metal concentration started to rise at 27th day. Concentration variation of three different Pb solutions was consistent and reached 0 mg/L and a removal rate of 95%. After 17 days, 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L Cd solution reached approximately 0 mg/L with removal rate of 95%, whereas 300 mg/L took 27 days for reaching 0 mg/L. Variation of Cr showed a similar pattern with Zn. After 7 days, 100 mg/L and 150 mg/L Cr solution reached approximately 0 mg/L with a removal rate of 95%, whereas 300 mg/L took 17 days for reaching 0 mg/L.
Figure 5.1 pH variation of heavy metal soaking solution for C&D waste. (A) pH variation of Zn soaking solution, (B) pH variation of Cu soaking solution, (C) pH variation of Pb soaking solution, (D) pH variation of Cd soaking solution, (E) pH variation of Cr soaking solution, and (F) pH variation of mixed heavy metal soaking solution.
Figure 5.2 Zn variation of single heavy metal solution during soaking for construction and demolition (C&D) waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Zn and (B) removal rate and concentration of Zn.
Figure 5.3 Cu variation of single heavy metal solution during soaking for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cu and (B) removal rate and concentration of Cu.
Figure 5.4 Pb variation of single heavy metal solution during soaking for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Pb and (B) removal rate and concentration of Pb.
Figure 5.5 Cd variation of single heavy metal solution during soaking for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cd and (B) removal rate and concentration of Cd.
Figure 5.6 Cu variation of single heavy metal solution during soaking for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cr and (B) removal rate and concentration of Cr.

5.1.3. Absorptive Capacity Variation of Mixed Heavy Metal Solution

Figs. 5.75.11 (A) show the absorptive capacity variation of mixed heavy metal with time, whereas Figs. 5.75.11 (B) show the concentration variation and the removal rate of Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, and Cu with time. As shown in these figures, the absorption of most heavy metals reached its maximum ratio (Pb, Cr, and Cd), but the subsequent absorption patterns differed. The absorption of Pb, Cr, and Cd after 2 days gradually decreased, remained fluctuated and gradually increased, respectively. The absorption of Zn reached its equilibrium at day 2. Variation of 100, 150, and 300 mg/L of Pb in mixed heavy metal solution had a similar pattern in these four heavy metal absorption systems. At 27th day, 300 mg/L Zn and Cd solution obtained the maximum adsorptive capacity and removal rate, whereas 100 mg/L solution obtained the minimum adsorptive capacity and removal rate. Contrary results were gained in Pb and Cr solution where 100 mg/L obtained the maximum adsorptive capacity and removal rate.
Figure 5.7 Variation of Zn in mixed heavy metal solution for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Zn in mixed heavy metal solution and (B) concentration variation and removal rate of Zn in mixed heavy metal solution.
Figure 5.8 Variation of Pb in mixed heavy metal solution for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Pb in mixed heavy metal solution and (B) concentration variation and removal rate of Pb in mixed heavy metal solution.
Figure 5.9 Variation of Cd in mixed heavy metal solution for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cd in mixed heavy metal solution and (B) concentration variation and removal rate of Cd in mixed heavy metal solution.
Figure 5.10 Variation of Cr in mixed heavy metal solution for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cr in mixed heavy metal solution and (B) concentration variation and removal rate of Cr in mixed heavy metal solution.
Figure 5.11 Variation of Cu in mixed heavy metal solution for C&D waste. (A) Absorptive capacity variation of Cu in mixed heavy metal solution and (B) concentration variation and removal rate of Cu in mixed heavy metal solution.
Absorption pattern of Cu solution on C&D waste was different from the other two metals. Variation trends of 100 and 150 mg/L of Cu in mixed heavy metal solution had a similar pattern. Adsorption rate was fast on the first day and then slowed down. Removal rate of 150 mg/L reached the maximum value on the seventh day. The 150 mg/L Cu solution reached adsorption equilibrium on the 17th day. The 300 mg/L Cu mixed solution obtained the maximum adsorption capacity after 2 days and started descended on the fifth day then reached equilibrium. When the absorption process came to the end, the 300 mg/L solution obtained maximum adsorptive capacity of Cu, whereas the 150 mg/L solution obtained the minimum value. The 100 mg/L solution reached the maximum removal rate of Cu, whereas the 300 mg/L reached the minimum value.

5.2. Depth of Contamination Through Surface Contact

Commercial C20 concrete was used for research in this chapter. The external dimension of the test block was 200 × 200 × 150 mm, and thickness of the bottom and side was 50 mm, with 100 × 100 × 100 mm recess space set in the middle for storage of heavy metal solution.
Different heavy metal solutions including zinc, copper, lead, cadmium, chromium solutions, and a mixed solution of concentration of each heavy metals was 100 mg/L. Sampling was carried out in day 1, 2, 5, and 10, respectively, using a pipette to collect the supernatant in different locations of the concrete. pH and heavy metals were determined, and the heavy metal adsorption amount was calculated using the differential method.
Solid concrete samples were collected at different depths in the concrete after the solution was totally evaporated and stabled for 3 months. The sampling depth was 0–0.5 cm, 0.5–1.0 cm, 1.0–1.5 cm, 1.0–2.0 cm, 2.0–2.5 cm, 2.5–3.0 cm, 3.0–4.0 cm, and 4.0–5.0 cm, respectively.

5.2.1. pH Variation During Surface Contact

Hydration substances of cement products such as silicates, aluminates, and calcium hydroxide released during the soaking in solution and would cause a rise of pH. Results showed that pH of the single Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr solution was rose up to more than 9 after 1 day and eventually stabilized at 10 to 11. However, pH of the mixture of heavy metal solution remained below 7 even 1 day later and ceased to rise rapidly at pH 10.95, as the amount of heavy metal ions in the mixed solution was five times higher than that in the single metal solutions.

5.2.2. Variation of Heavy Metals Concentrations in Solution

Concentration of heavy metals in concrete was decreasing, which was different from the pH value, as shown in Fig. 5.12. Concentrations of heavy metals in single solution rapidly reduced from 100 to 2–5 mg/L in the first day and then further down to 0.792, 0.385, 0.261, 0.001, and 0.038 mg/L for Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr, respectively.
Figure 5.12 Variation of the concentration of heavy metals in the solution for C&D waste. (A) Solution with single heavy metal and (B) mixed solution.
Concentration of heavy metals in mixed solution in the first day varied in a similar way as pH which was due to the relatively higher acid in the solution and hydroxide precipitate could not be formed immediately. The concentration of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr concentration at day 10 were 0.047, 0.159, 0.315, <0.002 (less than detection limit), and 0.0519 mg/L, respectively.

5.2.3. Distribution of Heavy Metals in Concrete

Concentration of heavy metals in different depths without contamination was set as the background value that is listed in Table 5.2.
Concentration of heavy metals in concrete is demonstrated in Fig. 5.13, where (A)–(E) are distribution of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr under single contamination and (F) is distribution of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr under multiple contamination. Results showed that Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cr existed in different depths under both single and multiple contaminations, whereas Cd could not be detected below 1 cm.
It was indicated in (A)–(E) from Fig. 5.13 that heavy metals were mainly concentrated within 1 cm below the surface. Alkaline substances might be released that resulted in the concentration and fixation of heavy metals on the surface. The concentration of Cu in the depth of 2.0–2.5 cm was higher than the background value. It was proved that Cu had a higher tendency of migration in the concrete than other heavy metals. Cd had the lowest migration capacity as it was found only in the depth of 0.5–1.0 cm.
Distribution of Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd, and Cr in the depth of 0–0.5 cm under multiple contaminations was similar in pattern, and the concentration was 1057, 1220.5, 1154, 1296.6, and 1220.4 mg/kg, respectively, all of which were lower than those under single contamination. However, in the depth of 0.5–1.0 cm, the concentration of heavy metals under multiple contamination were higher than those under single contamination, which might be due to the increase of penetration capacity of heavy metals resulted from the higher amount of ions. Little heavy metals existed below 1 cm except Cr, the concentration of which was higher than the background value in the depth of 1.5–2.0 cm, 2.0–2.5 cm, and 3.0–4.0 cm and was also higher than that under single contamination. Therefore the penetration capacity of Cr increased under multiple contaminations.

Table 5.2

Concentration of Heavy Metals in Different Depths Without Contamination for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste



–, undetected.

5.3. Simulation of Gaseous Mercury Adsorption of Different Building Materials

Five different commercial building materials tested were cement block, foam concrete, red brick, regeneration sandstone from Pudong, and recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, respectively, with three different particle sizes (defined as α: 10–100 mesh, β: 100–200 mesh, γ: >200 mesh). They were exposed to gaseous mercury (the average level of 200 ng m3) in constant temperature, so as to test mercury content in 5, 10, 20, and 150 days. The mercury penetration tube was used as a gaseous mercury source, and it kept stable concentration of gaseous mercury under the condition of room temperature (25°C) and the constant flow of carrier gas (pure N2), monitored by RA-915М portable gas mercury analyzer. Cement brick was mainly made up of stone powder 60%, fine stone 3%, cement 8–10%, lime 3%, and ash powder 0.2%; foam concrete mainly made up of cement 55–65%, coal ash 34–45%, foaming agent 0.2–0.6%, and additives 0.2–0.5%; red brick mainly made up of clay 80%, coal gangue 6–12%, and fly ash 8–14%; regeneration sandstone made of loose mixture of sand and gravel; and recycled aggregate included gravel, sand, slag etc.
Figure 5.13 Distribution of heavy metals in different depth of concrete (∗: undetected) for C&D waste (A) Zn, (B) Cu, (C) Pb, (D) Cd, (E) Cr, and (F) heavy metals.

5.3.1. Characterization of Building Materials X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Building Materials

XRF data analysis of cement block, foam concrete, red brick, regeneration sandstone from Pudong, and recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, respectively, are shown in Table 5.3. Cement block was mainly made up of SiO2 (34.869%) and CaO (26.247%). Foam concrete was mainly made up of SiO2 (66.919%) and Al2O3 (14.263%). Regeneration sandstone from Pudong and recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan are mainly made up of SiO2 and CaO. It is visible that SiO2 is the main ingredient of five building materials. SEM Analysis of Building Materials

SEM graph of cement block, foam concrete, red brick, regeneration sandstone from Pudong, and recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, respectively, are shown in Fig. 5.14. The cement block had the minimum pores on the surface, regeneration sandstone came second, and foam concrete, red brick, and recycled aggregates had more pores among the five building materials.
The five building materials in the figure below were cement block, foam concrete, red brick, regeneration sandstone from Pudong, and recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, respectively. Analysis of Particle Sizes

Particle size distribution of five building materials were expressed as Dv10, Dv50, and Dv90, which is shown in average particle size of five building materials (μm) (Table 5.4). The results of average particle size distribution were as follows: (1) 90% of the particle size between 100 and 10 mesh were under 1117.4 μm, 50% of which were under 476 μm, (2) 90% of the particle size between 100 and 200 mesh were under 194.4 μm, 50% of which were under 89.76 μm, and (3) 90% of the particle size less than 200 mesh were under 68.54 μm, 50% of which were under 31.76 μm. Due to the relative standard deviation below 10%, three were distributed evenly among five materials. Hence, red bricks were chosen as the representative materials for particle size grading.

Table 5.3

Main Mineral Composition of Building Materials, Expressed as a Percentage (%) of Mineral Oxides

Cement block34.8697.2222.9821.98926.2471.4710.761
Foam concrete37.36315.5654.0030.99620.0331.2690.441
Red brick66.91914.2635.8421.1151.8841.9091.385
Recycled aggregates (Dujiangyan)48.45211.7075.4921.92112.4952.0910.865
Regeneration sandstone (Pudong)50.12110.3484.3381.3315.5532.0091.204


Figure 5.14 SEM graph of five building materials.

5.3.2. Gaseous Mercury Adsorption Analysis of Different Building Materials

Background mercury content of five building materials values were cement block (10 μg/kg), foam concrete (80 μg/kg), red brick (12 μg/kg), recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan (15 μg/kg), and regeneration sandstone from Pudong (20 μg/kg) (Fig. 5.15A). Mercury concentration at a constant room temperature in which the samples were exposed remained about 200 ng/m3 (regularly monitored by RA-915М portable gas mercury analyzer) and detected the mercury content of samples after 5, 10, and 20 days respectively. Three kinds of particle size α 10–100 mesh, β 100–200 mesh, and γ < 200 mesh were called α, β, and γ for short in the following.

Table 5.4

Average Particle Size of Five Building Materials

Particle Size (mesh)Dv10Dv50Dv90
100-10211 ± 12.06476 ± 26.661117.4 ± 96.54
200-10023.64 ± 2.6989.76 ± 4.3194.4 ± 11.36
<2008.24 ± 0.9931.76 ± 3.9168.54 ± 4.76


Mercury contents of three kinds of particle size (α, β, and γ) of the cement block, foam concrete, red brick, recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, and regeneration sandstone from Pudong were measured after 5 days' mercury adsorption, indicating that the smaller the particle size was, the bigger adsorption capacity would be obtained. Mercury contents of the foam concrete α, β, and γ were measured as 83.66, 102.57, and 102.60 μg/kg, respectively, after 5 days' mercury adsorption, and the difference between the adsorption quantity of β and γ was very small; mercury content of the red brick α, β, and γ were measured as 15.41, 33.81, and 497.22 μg/kg, respectively, after 5 days' mercury adsorption, and adsorption capacity of γ was much higher than β and α. Mercury levels increased after 10 and 20 days' adsorption, but rate of increase was very small. The mercury levels of red brick β and α were still very low after 10 and 20 days' adsorption.
Mercury contents of the cement block α, β, and γ were measured as 50.04, 173.77, and 168.14 μg/kg after 150 days respectively. Adsorption capacity of the three was 40, 160, and 158 μg/kg respectively compared with background mercury content (10 μg/kg). The reason why adsorption quantity of β was only slightly larger than γ might be that the adsorption quantity of the two had reached a saturation level. It could be inferred that cement brick powder below 100 mesh would be contaminated after 150 days; mercury contents of three particle size of foam concrete samples were measured, and adsorption capacity of the particle size (α, β, and γ) were 172, 194, and 240 μg/kg, respectively, compared with background mercury content (80 μg/kg). Difference among adsorption quantity of the three was very small, and overall the smaller the particle size was, the bigger adsorption capacity would be obtained; mercury levels of red brick α, β, and γ was were measured and adsorption capacity of β or α was still much lower than γ. Adsorption capacity of the three were 83, 128, and 1112 μg/kg, respectively, compared with background mercury content (12 μg/kg). It can be inferred that red brick powder below 200 mesh were vulnerable to be contaminated; mercury content of three particle size of recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan were measured after 150 days, and adsorption capacity of the three were 172, 194, and 240 μg/kg, respectively, compared with background mercury content (15 μg/kg). Difference among adsorption quantity of the three was very small, indicating that different particle sizes had little effect on mercury adsorption for recycled aggregates; mercury contents of regeneration sandstone (α, β, and γ) from Pudong was measured as 88.13, 318.75, and 629.12 μg/kg, respectively, after 150 days. Adsorption capacity of the three were 68, 299, and 609 μg/kg, respectively, compared with background mercury content (20 μg/kg), indicating that the smaller the particle size was, the bigger adsorption capacity was, and mercury content of γ was nearly 2 times β and 10 times α.
Figure 5.15 Gaseous mercury adsorption simulations of different building materials: (A) background values and 5–150 days' absorption amount and (B) 150 days' absorption amount.
Mercury content of five kinds of building materials were compared after 150 days' mercury adsorption as given in Fig. 5.15B, indicating that small particle contributed to a large mercury adsorption, however, different performance was found among various materials. The largest mercury content of α was the foam concrete content, the largest mercury content of β was the regeneration sandstone from Pudong, and the largest mercury content of γ was red brick. Compared with several other materials of γ, mercury content of red brick was 6.7 times that of the cement block, 3.5 times that of the foam concrete, 5.7 times that of the recycled aggregates from Dujiangyan, and 1.8 times that of the regeneration sandstone from Pudong, indicating that red brick was the most vulnerable building material to mercury contamination. Compared with secondary standard threshold of GB15168-1995 (300 μg/kg), the regeneration sandstone from Pudong of β went over the threshold, as well as the foam concrete, red brick, and regeneration sandstone from Pudong of γ after 150 days' mercury adsorption. Buildings will produce C&D waste powder in the process of demolition and reconstruction, of which foam concrete, red brick, and sand may be polluted by mercury.

5.3.3. Gaseous Mercury Adsorption Simulation of Standard Concrete Block

Standard concrete block, of which the strength was C15, was made into 15-centimeter–side length tubes, exposed to mercury concentration of 200 ng/m3 and constant room temperature for 1.5 years. Its invasion depth profile of mercury is shown in Fig. 5.16. The reason why initial mercury content for concrete block was 39 ± 12 μg/kg was that uneven mercury distribution of raw materials in the process of mixing made some fluctuations. It could be seen from figure that mercury adsorption quantity of standard concrete block was up to 1020.21 μg/kg within the limits of 0–0.5 cm and decreased sharply to 377.40 μg/kg within the limits of 0.5–1.0 cm, indicating that mercury pollution mainly focused on the limits of 0–0.5 cm.
Figure 5.16 Mercury profile distribution of standard concrete block.
Furthermore, mercury adsorption quantity of standard concrete block was up to 174.79 μg/kg within the limits of 1.0–1.5 cm and to 55.02 μg/kg within the limits of 1.5–2.0 cm, indicating that mercury pollution mainly focused on the limits of 1.0–1.5 cm, which was much higher than the initial content (39 ± 12 μg/kg). As a result, for some seriously mercury polluted factories and workshops, mercury pollution could be removed by peeling the skin of the concrete blocks before demolition and renovation process after full utilization.
XRD and XRF analysis of cement block, foam concrete, red brick, regeneration sandstone, and recycled aggregates, respectively, showed that five kinds of building materials were given priority to silicon dioxide, followed by calcium carbonate. SEM microscopic analysis on surfaces of five kinds of building material showed that the porosity of cement block and recycled aggregates was greater than that of the red brick, recycled sand, and foam concrete. Results showed that small particle contributed to large mercury adsorption, however, different performance was found among various materials.

5.4. Interaction of Exogenous Organic Pollutants and Construction Waste

5.4.1. SEM Analysis of Contaminated Waste

In addition to thermal effects, many substances also changed in quality in the heating or cooling process. The chemical composition and structure of the target substances are closely related to changes in the size and quality when the temperature varies. The test sample was heated from room temperature to 800°C while the heating rate was 15°C/min. Because of the differences in boiling point of different organic pollutants, as well as the combination of pollutants and C&D waste, the temperature at which C&D waste began to lose weight fluctuated. The weight loss at the temperature of around 200°C was the volatilization and degradation of organic pollutants. The cement hydration product CH started to decompose at 700°C in wall and ground waste (made of concrete, cement), which had resulted in a large weight loss. However, there was no weight loss around this temperature in the brick waste, probably due to its large difference in composition with concrete and cement. When the temperature reached 800°C, 75% of the initial weight remained as ash content in C&D waste that was not able to be degraded.
Fig. 5.17 is the SEM photos of heavy metals/organic pollutants contaminated C&D waste. Among which (A) and (A) were 5000x and 20,000x photos of heavy metal contaminated C&D waste whereas (B) and (D) were 5000x and 20,000x photos of organic pollutants contaminated C&D waste. According to the photos, large damage in the morphology was found in heavy metal contaminated C&D waste. There were many loose pores on the surface of C&D waste and the waste particles were wrapped by crystal substances, which might be the hydroxides and oxides of heavy metals. The damage in morphology was not so evident in organic pollutant contaminated C&D waste. The waste was not significantly eroded and was wrapped in a layer of cotton-like substances.

5.4.2. Analysis of Pollutants and Industrial C&D Waste Combination Using FT-IR

The FTIR spectra of different industrial C&D waste along with clean C&D waste are given in Fig. 5.18. It was concluded that peaks around 2974 and 2875 cm1 was due to the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of C–H. The peak at 1457 cm1 corresponded to the deformation vibration of C-H, confirming the presence of -CH3 and -CH2. Compared to clean and slightly contaminated industrial C&D waste (BK-5, not given, sample collected in an organophosphorus pesticide plant, which can be consulted to chapter 4.4.3), several peaks (950 and 820 cm1) were found in other spectra, which might indicate the symmetric stretching vibration of P-O-C and C-O-S. A strong peak around 1393 cm1 existed in contaminated industrial C&D waste and standard OPPs spectra (not given), which was due to the asymmetric stretching vibration of R1O-SO2-OR2 in OPPs. A peak in contaminated industrial C&D waste at 870–872 cm1 could represent their possible combination of Si-O-CH. Basic framework of industrial C&D waste was not changed as demonstrated from the spectrum, showing that SiO2 component was dominating. However, the zoomed spectra showed that some peaks strongly shifted (1007 to 980 cm1) while some disappeared and some appeared. Besides, complete different peaks were found between 704 and 660 cm1, corresponding to the complex combination of PS or C-S with industrial C&D waste. These changes suggested that new chemical bonds were created. However, physical absorption ought to be the main combination due to the large quality of OPPs transferred into water while immersed.
Figure 5.17 SEM photos of heavy metals– and organic pollutants–contaminated C&D waste. (A) 5000x photos of heavy metal contaminated C&D waste, (B) 5000x photos of organic pollutants contaminated C&D waste, (C) 20,000x photos of heavy metal contaminated C&D waste, and (D) 20,000x photos of organic pollutants contaminated C&D waste.
Figure 5.18 FT-IR spectrogram of organic pollutants contaminated C&D waste.

5.4.3. Absorption of Heavy Metals and Organic Matters on C&D Waste

Adsorption of heavy metal pollutants (Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Cd) and organic pesticide (dichlorvos, phorate, dithiophosphate diethyl, triethyl phosphorothioate) on the surface of C&D waste was introduced, including (1) equilibrium adsorption amount of heavy metal on C&D waste at different times, with different amount and types of C&D waste and (2) equilibrium adsorption amount of organic pesticide on C&D waste at different times, with different amount and types of C&D waste.
Samples were crushed into particulates and powders from clean C&D waste was dried at 105°C for 12 h before use. The heavy metal contaminated C&D waste was simulated by soaking in metal solution of a certain concentration for 2 days and was dried at 80°C for 12 h before use.
Granular or powder samples (5 g) were weighed and placed in a batch of 100 mL brown bottles. A solution of 25 mL deionized water, 5 mL phorate, or 5 mL diethyl dithiophosphate was added into the bottle and sealed. Bottles were placed in a shaker and shaked at 25 ± 2°C for several hours with the rotation speed of 150 rpm. The supernatant was centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 1 min and extracted three times using hexane (5, 3, 2 mL) after being filtered through the PTFE membrane. Reconduct the steps above twice using and blank as a reference. The equation of equilibrium adsorption of organic pollutants on C&D waste was qe = (C0Ce)V/W.
It was found that the pH value of solution with gypsum and brick powder was weak acid in which pH adjustment was not necessary. The other C&D waste would make the pH into strong alkaline in solution. Large interference would be caused in absorption experiments as metals would become hydroxide precipitate in this environment, while the too much acid for pH adjustment would make it hard to determine the volume. Therefore brick powder was used as the research subject as it was more common in industrial C&D waste.
Effects of the amount of C&D waste on adsorption of Pb (II), Zn (II), Cu (II), Cd (II), and Cr (III) is also introduced in this section. When the amount of C&D waste increased, the total heavy metal adsorption would no doubt. With the amount increased from 0.5 to 3.5 g, the absorption capacity of all heavy metals per gram decreased except Cr (III), in which the absorption capacity of Pb decreased most (from 2.4 to 0.7 mg/g). It was possibly due to the strength of the mutual reaction among C&D waste powder or particles with the increase of the amount of waste. The contact time and area between the waste and heavy metals would be reduced, which ultimately resulted in the decrease of absorption capacity.
Effects of the contact time on adsorption of Pb (II), Zn (II), Cu (II), Cd (II), and Cr (III) is reflected in this section. It was found that the absorption of five heavy metals was fast as the maximum absorption capacity was obtained 20 min later while the adsorption equilibrium was reached at around 30 min.
Adsorption of organic pollutants was investigated, the same adsorption capacity was also calculated using subtraction. As can be seen from the figure, the adsorption equilibration of diethyl dithiophosphate was obtained at about 120 min, while the highest adsorption capacity was 251 μg/g. The adsorption of triethyl phosphorothioate was largely influenced by the particle sizes, and the adsorption equilibration was also obtained at about 120 min. The absorption capacity of phorate was 90 μg/g, smaller than the other two organic pollutants, and no significant relationship with time was found. The absorption capacity of particulate C&D waste was larger than waste in powder, which was different with most absorbates.
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