GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES is an optional vertex data format supported by OpenGL ES 2.0. The extension string that implements this vertex data format is named GL_OES_vertex_half_float. To determine whether this feature is supported by an OpenGL ES 2.0 implementation, look for the string name GL_OES_vertex_half_float in the list of extensions returned by glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS).

The GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES vertex data type is used to specify 16-bit floating-point vertex data attributes. This can be very useful in specifying vertex attributes such as texture coordinates, normal, binormal, and tangent vectors. Using GL_HALF_FLOAT_OES over GL_FLOAT provides a two times reduction in memory footprint. In addition, memory bandwidth required to read vertex attributes by the GPU is also reduced by approximately two times.

One can argue that we can use GL_SHORT or GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT instead of a 16-bit floating-point data type and get the same memory footprint and bandwidth savings. However you will now need to scale the data or matrices appropriately and apply a transform in the vertex shader. For example, consider the case where a texture pattern is to be repeated four times horizontally and vertically over a quad. GL_SHORT can be used to store the texture coordinates. The texture coordinates could be stored as a 4.12 or 8.8 value. The texture coordinate values stored as GL_SHORT are scaled by (1 << 12) or (1 << 8) to give us a fixed-point representation that uses 4 bits or 8 bits of integer and 12 bits or 8 bits of fraction. Because OpenGL ES does not understand such a format, the vertex shader will then need to apply a matrix to unscale these values, which impacts the vertex shading performance. These additional transforms are not required if a 16-bit floating-point format is used.


Note that if GL_SHORT is used to describe the texture coordinates, the texture coordinates will probably be generated using fixed-point. This implies a different error metric as the absolute error in a floating-point number is proportional to the magnitude of the value, whereas absolute error in a fixed-point format is constant. Developers need to be aware of these precision issues when choosing which data type to use when generating coordinates for a particular format.

16-Bit Floating-Point Number

Figure A-1 describes the representation of a half-float number. A half-float is a 16-bit floating-point number with 10 bits of mantissa m, 5 bits of exponent e, and a sign bit s.

16-Bit Floating-Point Number

Figure A-1. 16-Bit Floating-Point Number

The following rules should be used when interpreting a 16-bit floating-point number:

  • If exponent e is between 1 and 30, the half-float value is computed as (–1)s * 2e-15 * (1 + m/1,024).

  • If exponent e and mantissa m are both 0, the half-float value is 0.0. The sign bit is used to represent a -ve 0.0 or a +ve 0.0.

  • If exponent e is 0 and mantissa m is not 0, the half-float value is a denormalized number.

  • If exponent e is 31, the half-float value is either infinity (+ve or -ve) or a NaN depending on whether the mantissa m is zero or not.

A few examples follow.

   0  00000  0000000000   = 0.0
   0  00000  0000001111   = a denorm value
   0  11111  0000000000   = positive infinity
   1  11111  0000000000   = negative infinity
   0  11111  0000011000   = NaN
   1  11111  1111111111   = NaN
   0  01111  0000000000   = 1.0
   1  01110  0000000000   = -0.5
   0  10100  1010101010   = 54.375

OpenGL ES 2.0 implementations must be able to accept input half-float data values that are infinity, NaN or denormalized numbers. They do not have to support 16-bit floating-point arithmetic operations with these values. Typically most implementations will convert denorms and NaN values to zero.

Converting Float to Half-Float

The following routines describe how to convert a single precision floating-point number to a half-float value and vice versa. The conversion routines are useful when vertex attributes are generated using single precision floating-point calculations but then get converted to half-floats before they are used as vertex attributes.

// -15 stored using a single precision bias of 127
const unsigned int  HALF_FLOAT_MIN_BIASED_EXP_AS_SINGLE_FP_EXP = 0x38000000;
// max exponent value in single precision that will be converted
// to Inf or Nan when stored as a half-float
const unsigned int  HALF_FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP_AS_SINGLE_FP_EXP = 0x47800000;

// 255 is the max exponent biased value
const unsigned int  FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP = (0xFF << 23);

const unsigned int  HALF_FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP = (0x1F << 10);

typedef unsigned short    hfloat;

convertFloatToHFloat(float *f)
    unsigned int    x = *(unsigned int *)f;
    unsigned int    sign = (unsigned short)(x >> 31);
    unsigned int    mantissa;
    unsigned int    exp;
    hfloat          hf;

    // get mantissa
    mantissa = x & ((1 << 23) - 1);
    // get exponent bits
    exp = x & FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP;
        // check if the original single precision float number is a NaN
        if (mantissa && (exp == FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP))
            // we have a single precision NaN
            mantissa = (1 << 23) - 1;
            // 16-bit half-float representation stores number as Inf
            mantissa = 0;
        hf = (((hfloat)sign) << 15) | (hfloat)(HALF_FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP) |
              (hfloat)(mantissa >> 13);
    // check if exponent is <= -15

        // store a denorm half-float value or zero
        exp = (HALF_FLOAT_MIN_BIASED_EXP_AS_SINGLE_FP_EXP - exp) >> 23;
        mantissa >>= (14 + exp);

        hf = (((hfloat)sign) << 15) | (hfloat)(mantissa);
        hf = (((hfloat)sign) << 15) |
              (hfloat)((exp - HALF_FLOAT_MIN_BIASED_EXP_AS_SINGLE_FP_EXP) >> 13) |
              (hfloat)(mantissa >> 13);

    return hf;

convertHFloatToFloat(hfloat hf)
    unsigned int    sign = (unsigned int)(hf >> 15);
    unsigned int    mantissa = (unsigned int)(hf & ((1 << 10) - 1));
    unsigned int    exp = (unsigned int)(hf & HALF_FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP);
    unsigned int    f;

        // we have a half-float NaN or Inf
        // half-float NaNs will be converted to a single precision NaN
        // half-float Infs will be converted to a single precision Inf
        exp = FLOAT_MAX_BIASED_EXP;
        if (mantissa)
            mantissa = (1 << 23) - 1;    // set all bits to indicate a NaN
    else if (exp == 0x0)
        // convert half-float zero/denorm to single precision value
        if (mantissa)
           mantissa <<= 1;
           // check for leading 1 in denorm mantissa
           while ((mantissa & (1 << 10)) == 0)
               // for every leading 0, decrement single precision exponent by 1
               // and shift half-float mantissa value to the left
               mantissa <<= 1;
               exp -= (1 << 23);
            // clamp the mantissa to 10-bits
            mantissa &= ((1 << 10) - 1);
            // shift left to generate single-precision mantissa of 23-bits
            mantissa <<= 13;
        // shift left to generate single-precision mantissa of 23-bits
        mantissa <<= 13;
        // generate single precision biased exponent value
        exp = (exp << 13) + HALF_FLOAT_MIN_BIASED_EXP_AS_SINGLE_FP_EXP;

    f = (sign << 31) | exp | mantissa;
    return *((float *)&f);
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