

Accent button, 32, 44-45

accessibility view, 161

accounts, creating, 9-11

for, 166

Add Content pane, 24, 107-110


from Bing, 119-120

from Facebook, 114-116

from Flickr, 116-118

from OneDrive, 124-125

from OneNote, 113-114

from PicHit, 121-122

from suggested sources, 111-112

from Twitter, 123-124

from YouTube, 122-123

sources for, 108


Automatic Cards, 54-55


column charts, 95-98

pie charts, 99-101

Comparison Cards, 58-60


from Bing, 119-120

with cards, 30-31

from Facebook, 114-116

from Flickr, 116-118

from OneDrive, 124-125

from OneNote, 113-114

from PicHit, 121-122

from suggested sources, 111-112

from Twitter, 123-124

from YouTube, 122-123

Excel workbooks from OneDrive, 131-133

Grid Cards, 63-64

Heading Cards, 33

links, 47

PDFs from OneDrive, 133-135

Picture Cards, 37-39

PowerPoint presentations from OneDrive, 128-131

Slideshow Cards, 60-62

Stack Cards, 56-58

Text Cards, 35-36

Tweet Cards, 42-43

Video Cards, 40-41

Word documents from OneDrive, 126-128

All Cards pane, adding content, 31

All Sways page, 178, 183

animation emphasis, design sets, 151


Sway for iPhone and iPad, 200-202

installing, 205-207

navigating, 202

Sway for Windows 10, 190-191

installing, 192-194

area charts, 92

aspect ratio, 197

audio clips, embedding from SoundCloud, 82-84

Automatic Card, 54

adding, 54-55

axis, 93



Heading Cards, 34-35

Title Cards, 34-35

backing up Sways, 50

bar charts, 90

basic chart elements, modifying, 102


adding content from, 119-120

Creative Commons license, 109-110

blogs, embedding Sways on, 183-185

bulleted lists

creating, 45

removing, 46


camera tool, 191, 201

cards, 23, 30

adding content

All Cards pane, 31

Insert Content icon, 30

content options, 25-27

deleting, 148

Embed Cards, embedding, 72, 122

audio clips from SoundCloud, 82-84

infographics from, 78-80

maps from Google Maps, 75-77

mixes from Office Mix, 84-85

video from Vimeo, 80-82

group cards, 53-54

Automatic Cards, 54-55

changing group type, 65-66

collapsing, 65

Comparison Cards, 58-60

deleting groups, 69

Grid Cards, 63-64

modifying content, 66-68

Slideshow Cards, 60-62

Stack Cards, 56-58

ungrouping, 68-69

Heading Cards, 24, 31

adding, 33

backgrounds, 34-35

deleting, 34

moving on storylines, 147

Picture Cards, adding, 37-39

Text Cards, adding, 35-36

Title Cards, 26, 31

backgrounds, 34-35

modifying, 32

Tweet Cards, adding, 42-43

Video Cards, adding, 40-41

changing group types, group cards, 65-66

charts, 88

area charts, 92

bar charts, 90

choosing types, 93

column charts, 88

adding, 95-98

donut charts, 100

line charts, 91

modifying, 102

showcase options, 104

worksheets, 103

pie charts, 91

adding, 99-101

previewing, 104-105

regular charts, 88

creating, 96

stacked charts, 88

switching, 102

terminology for, 93

Close Storyline button, 35

cloud content, offline Sway, 191

collapsing group cards, 65

color inspiration, design sets, 151

color palettes, design sets, 151

column charts, 88

adding, 95-98

column headers, hiding, 97

Comparison Cards, adding, 58-60



from Bing, 119-120

with cards, 30-31

from Facebook, 114-116

from Flickr, 116-118

from OneDrive, 124-125

from OneNote, 113-114

from PicHit, 121-122

from suggested sources, 111-112

from Twitter, 123-124

from YouTube, 122-123

embedding, 74

embed codes, 73-74

Sway supported sites, 72

three-step process, 72

importing to create Sways, 18-19

modifying, 147

deleting cards or sections, 148

in groups, 66-68

moving cards on storyline, 147

suggesting new sources, 138

uploading from your computer, 136-137

content options, cards, 25-27

copyright, 109

Creative Commons licenses, 109-110, 118

cropping pictures, 48

customizing design sets, 153-154


Delete button, 146

Delete icon, 148


backgrounds, 34

cards, 148

groups, 69

Heading Cards, 34

sections, 148

Sways, 146-147


modifying, 148-150

applying new design sets, 152

customizing design sets, 153-154

Remix!, 155

switching to another layout, 156

design sets, 148-151

applying new, 152

customizing, 153-154

creating accounts for, 166

managing Sways, 168-169

sharing Sways, 165-167

unpublishing Sways, 170

donut charts, 100

dragging, 31

Duplicate This Sway dialog box, 145

duplicating Sways, 144-145


edit links, sharing, 177-178

editing Sways that were shared with you, 179-180

effects, removing, 45

email, sharing Sways, 174-176

Embed Cards, embedding, 72, 122

audio clips from SoundCloud, 82-84

infographics from, 78-80

maps from Google Maps, 75-77

mixes from Office Mix, 84-85

video from Vimeo, 80-82

embed codes, 73-74

embedding, 125

audio clips from SoundCloud, 82-84

content, 74

embed codes, 73-74

Sway supported sites, 72

three-step process, 72

infographics from, 78-80

maps from Google Maps, 75-77

mixes from Office Mix, 84-85

Sways, 183

in other Sways, 186-187

on websites/blogs, 183-185

versus importing, 125

video from Vimeo, 80-82

Emphasize button, 32, 44-45

examples of Sways, 12

Excel workbooks, adding from OneDrive, 131-133



adding content from, 114-116

sharing Sways, 171

feedback, 16

choosing not to submit, 138

files, uploading from your computer, 136-137

Flickr, adding content from, 116-118

focus points, specifying, 48-49

font choices, design sets, 151


group types, limitations of, 67

pictures, 44-45

specifying focus points, 48-49

specifying show case options, 49

text, 44-45

bulleted lists, 45

links, 47

numbered lists, 46


Google Maps, embedding maps, 75-77

Grid Cards, adding, 63-64

grids, 94

group cards, 53-54

Automatic Cards, 54-55

changing group type, 65-66

collapsing, 65

Comparison Cards, 58-60

deleting groups, 69

Grid Cards, 63-64

modifying content, 66-68

Slideshow Cards, 60-62

Stack Cards, 56-58

ungrouping, 68-69

Group Type button, 66

group types, formatting (limitations of), 67


Heading Cards, 24, 31

adding, 33

backgrounds, 34-35

deleting, 34

help, 15

hiding headers, 97

horizontal layout, 13

horizontal scrolling layout, 27


icons, Insert Content icon, 30

importing, 125

content to create Sways, 18-19

versus embedding, 125

limitations of, 126, embedding infographics, 78-80

Infographics, embedding from, 78-80

Insert Content icon, 30

inserting pictures, 195-197


Sway for iPhone and iPad, 205-207

Sway for Windows 10, 192-194

iPads, Sway for, 200-202

iPhones, Sway for, 200-202


Just Me, 164-165



navigational layouts, 28

applying, 29

switching, 156


of chart switching, 102

of importing, 126

line charts, 91

links, 176

adding, 47

edit links, sharing, 177-178

removing, 47

troubleshooting, 180

view links, sharing, 176-177


bulleted lists, creating, 45

numbered lists, 46


managing Sways on, 168-169

maps, embedding from Google Maps, 75-77

mixes, embedding from Office Mix, 84-85


charts, 102

showcase options, 104

worksheets, 103

content, 147

deleting cards or sections, 148

group cards, 66-68

moving cards on storyline, 147

design, 148-150

applying new design sets, 152

customizing design sets, 153-154

Remix!, 155

switching to another layout, 156

Title Cards, 32

moving cards on storylines, 147

My Sways page, 183

sharing, 178-179



Sway, 13-14

Sway for iPhone and iPad, 202

navigation structures, 24

navigational layouts, 27-29

numbered lists, creating, 46


Office App Switcher, 14

Office Lens, 113

Office Mix, embedding mixes, 84-85

offline access, 191

offline Sway, cloud content, 191

OneDrive, adding

content from, 124-125

Excel workbooks, 131-133

PDFs, 133-135

PowerPoint presentations, 128-131

Word documents, 126-128

OneNote, adding content from, 113-114

online help, 15

Open Storyline button, 35

opening Sways, 142-143

Optimized for Presentation, 28

Options button, 57

options for sharing, 164-165

options for social sharing, 185


PDFs, adding from OneDrive, 133-135

PicHit, adding content from, 121-122

PicHit.Me, 5

Picture Cards, adding, 37-39


cropping, 48

formatting, 44-45

specifying focus points, 48-49

specifying show case options, 49

Smart Cropping algorithm, 48

taking and inserting, 195-197

pie charts, 91

adding, 99-101

planning storylines, 24

playing Sways, 160

PowerPoint presentations, adding from OneDrive, 128-131


charts, 104-105

imported Sways, 18

Sways, 24, 159


regular charts, 88

creating, 96

Remix!, 14

modifying design automatically, 155


bulleted lists, 46

effects, 45

links, 47

numbered lists, 46

Sways from, 170

yourself from shared Sways, 182-183

renaming Sways, 143-144

returning to storylines, 35

row headers, hiding, 97


sample Sways, 12

as templates, 13

Save button, 18

saving, 18, 32

scheduling tweets, 172

searching for tweets by username, 124

sections, 24

deleting, 148

Share, 164

shared Sways

editing a Sway someone shared with you, 179-180

removing yourself from, 182-183

stopping sharing, 181-182

viewing, 180-181

ShareThis, 170-174


specifying who can see your Sway, 164-165


on, 165-167

edit links, 177-178

via email, 174-176

on Facebook, 171

from My Sways page, 178-179

on social media, 173-174

on Twitter, 172

view links, 176-177

sharing options, 164-165

showcase options

charts, 104

specifying, 49

showing values, 98

signing in to Sway, 19-20

signing out of Sway, 21

Slideshow Cards, adding, 60-62

Smart Cropping algorithm, 48

social media, sharing sways, 173-174

Facebook, 171

Twitter, 172

social sharing options, 185

SoundCloud, embedding audio clips, 82-84


adding content from, 111-112

for Add Content pane, 108

suggesting new content sources, 138

Stack Cards, adding, 56-58

stacked charts, 88

Stop Sharing button, 182

stopping sharing of Sways, 181-182


moving cards on, 147

planning, 24

returning to, 35

suggesting new content sources, 138

Sway, overview, 3-4

Sway accounts, creating, 10-11

Sway community forum, 15

Sway for iPhone and iPad, 200-202

installing, 205-207

navigating, 202

Sway for Windows 10 app, 190-191

installing, 192-194

Sway home page, 10

Sway menu, navigating, 13-14


backing up, 50

creating by importing content, 18-19

creating new, 17

deleting, 146-147

duplicating, 144-145

embedding, 183

on websites/blogs, 183-185

managing on, 168-169

opening, 142-143

playing, 160

previewing, 18, 159

renaming, 143-144


via email, 174-176

on Facebook, 171

on social media, 173-174

on Twitter, 172

unpublishing on, 170


charts, 102

layouts, 156


taking pictures, 195-197

templates, sample Sways as, 13

terminology for charts, 93

testing Sways, 25

text, formatting, 44-45

bulleted lists, 45

links, 47

numbered lists, 46

Text Cards, adding, 35-36

three-step process for embedding content, 72

Title Cards, 26, 31

backgrounds, 34-35

modifying, 32

titles, 17

troubleshooting broken links, 180

Tweet Cards, adding, 42-43


scheduling, 172

searching for by user name, 124


adding content from, 123-124

sharing Sways, 172


Undo button, 148

Ungroup button, 68

ungrouping groups, 68-69

unpublishing Sways on, 170

uploading files from your computer, 136-137

usernames, searching tweets by, 124


values, 94

showing, 98

vertical layout, 13

vertical scrolling layout, 27

video, embedding from Vimeo, 80-82

Video Cards, adding, 40-41

view links, sharing, 176-177


shared Sways, 180-181

Sways on web, 185

views, accessibility view, 161

Vimeo, embedding video, 80-82



embedding Sways on, 183-185

that support Sways, 72

viewing Sways, 185

Windows 10, Sway for Windows 10 app, 190-191

Word Documents, adding from OneDrive, 126-128

workbooks (Excel), adding from OneDrive, 131-133

worksheets, 93

modifying, 103


YouTube, adding content from, 122-123

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