

#DIV/0! error, troubleshooting, 119-120

#### error, troubleshooting, 59

#NAME? error, troubleshooting, 120-122

#REF! error, troubleshooting, 124-126

#VALUE! error, troubleshooting, 122-123


Accounting format, 62

activating Fields pane (pivot tables), 199

active chart element, displaying, 144


cell comments, 50-51

commands to Quick Access Toolbar, 10-12

data to charts, 149-150

footers, 190-191

groups to Quick Access Toolbar, 12

headers, 190-191

hidden commands to Quick Access Toolbar, 13

legends to charts, 150

pivot table data, 204-205

Quick Print command to Quick Access toolbar, 192

report filter to pivot tables, 201-203

WordArt, 160

adjusting page margins, 177-178

Align Left command, 68


changing, 70

of chart axes, changing, 147

of wrapped text, 72

Alt+Tab toggle, switching between open workbooks, 19

angle of cell orientation, changing, 71


bold formatting, 65-66

cell references from other worksheets, 101-104

conditional formatting, 85

custom formatting styles, 84-85

data filters, 48

italic formatting, 65-68

styles to shapes, 154


entering for functions, 107

Type argument, 110

Arrange All command, 20

arranging workbooks, 20-22

assigning names to ranges, 99

Auto-Calculate feature, 104-105

AutoShapes, 154, 158-159

formatting, 159

moving, 159

resizing, 159

AutoSum calculations, 89-94

resultant cells, 90

shortcut key, 90-131

AVERAGE function, 91

axes (charts)

alignment, changing, 147

gridlines, formatting, 146-147

scale, formatting, 146-147


background color

of cells, changing, 57

of chart area, changing, 145

of charts, changing, 138

of plot area, changing, 143

Backstage view, 6, 15

printing options, 173

workbooks, closing, 17

bold formatting, applying, 65-66


changing, 72-73

removing, 73


Chart Elements, 138

Close, 17

Online Pictures, 156-171

Page Break Preview, 174

Picture, 157-171



cell average with AVERAGE function, 91

future value of investments with FV function, 115-117

largest cell amount with MAX function, 92

loan payments with PMT function, 107-110

smallest cell amount with MIN function, 93

cell references, applying from other worksheets, 101-104

cells, 7, 9

background color, changing, 57


changing, 74-75

removing, 75

column width, changing, 55-56


adding, 48-51

displaying, 51

editing, 51

printing, 188

counting, 94

dependents, 130-131

entries, indenting, 73-74

error indicators, printing, 188

formatting, 55, 81-82

formulas, entering, 95-96

orientation, changing, 71

overwriting, 123

precedents, 128-131


conditional sums, 113-115

names, assigning, 99

names, deleting, 101

resultant cells, 90

row height, changing, 69

selecting for calculation, 91

text color, changing, 57

unmerging, 67

wrapping data in, 72

centering worksheets on a page, 185



background color, 57

borders, 72-73

text color, 57

charts, background color, 138

column width, 55-56

size of fonts, 54-55

source data range of charts, 137

chart area

background color, changing, 145

formatting, 144-146

Chart Elements button, 138

charts. See also pivot tables

active chart element, displaying, 144


alignment, changing, 147

number formatting, customizing, 139

scale, formatting, 146-147

background color, changing, 138

chart area

background color, changing, 145

formatting, 144-146

creating, 134-136

customizing, 142-151


adding, 149-150

excluding, 150

data labels, 140-152

data table, customizing, 141-151

formatting with Home tab commands, 146

incorrect source data, locating, 137


adding, 150

formatting, 151

moving, 136

plot area

background color, changing, 144

formatting, 142-144

printing, 142-151

source data

range of, changing, 137

updating, 147-149

type of, changing, 136

Chart Tools contextual tab, 133

circular references, troubleshooting, 126-127

Clear Contents command, 78


formatting, 74-76

pivot tables filter, 211

print area, 176-192

clip art, inserting, 156-157

clip art. See also graphics, 157

Close button, 17

closing workbooks, 17

color, applying

to shapes, 154

to cell background, 57

to cell text, 57

to worksheet tabs, 23

columns, 8

deleting, 43-44

freezing, 38


adding, 190-191

editing, 191-192

printing, 186

repeating, 189

hiding/unhiding, 44, 78-80

inserting, 43-44

references, 7-8

repeating titles, printing, 189

width of

changing, 55-56

fitting to content, 56

Columns area (pivot tables), 195


adding to Quick Access Toolbar, 10-13

Align Left, 68

Arrange All, 20

Clear Contents, 76

Comma Style, 58

Increase Decimal, 58

Insert Function, 105-117

Merge and Center, 66-67

Percent Style, 59

Print Area, 176-192

Quick Print command, adding to Quick Access toolbar, 192

removing from Quick Access Toolbar, 13

commas, adding to numeric data, 58-87

Comma Style command, 58


adding to cells, 50-51

editing, 51

Compact form layout (pivot tables), 205

conditional formatting, applying, 85

contextual tabs, 9, 10

Chart tools, 133

Format, 10

PivotTable Tools, 204

controlling visibility of workbook objects with SkyDrive, 221

converting numeric data

to text, 64

to percentages, 59


data, 36-37

formatting, 82-83

formulas, 97-98

objects, 169

versus moving, 26

worksheets between workbooks, 25-26

correcting typing mistakes, 32-33

COUNTA function, 94

COUNT function, 94

COUNTIF function, 115

counting number of cells, 94


charts, 134-136

custom formatting styles, 84-85

new folders in SkyDrive, 219

pivot tables, 196-199

workbooks, 16

Currency format, 62


charts, 142-151

data table, 141-151

number formatting, 139

pivot tables, field names, 206-207

styles, 84-85

cutting and pasting data, 37

cycling through Print Preview pages, 174


dashes, print area, 176-192


#### error, troubleshooting, 59

adding to charts, 149-150

adding to pivot tables, 204-205

cell comments, printing, 187

copying and pasting, 36-37

editing, 33

entering, 32

excluding from charts, 150

finding, 46

formatting, clearing, 74-76

grouping with Merge and Center command, 66-87

horizontal alignment, changing, 68-69

moving, 44-45

numeric data

Accounting format, 62

commas, adding, 58

converting to percentages, 59

Currency format, 62

Date format, 63

formatting, 58-64

General format, 60

Number format, 61

Time format, 64

pivot tables

hiding, 210-211

sorting, 211-213

replacing, 47

sorting, 49-50

vertical alignment, changing, 70

wrapping in a cell, 72

data filters, applying, 48

data labels, charts, 140-151

data table (charts), customizing, 141-151

Data tab (Ribbon), 5

Date format, 63

decimal places, increasing/decreasing in numeric data, 61

decreasing decimal places in numeric data, 61

default location for pivot tables, 197

deleted files, recovering in SkyDrive, 225


columns, 43-44

drawing objects, 155

objects, 171

range names, 101

rows, 42-43

worksheets from workbooks, 22

deletions, undoing, 171

dependents, 130-131


formatting with Layouts gallery, 164

inserting, 163-164

dialog boxes

Find and Replace, 47

Open, 16

dialog launchers, 4

disabling Auto-Calculate feature, 105


active chart element, 144

cell comments, 51, 187

cell error indicators, 188

print area with Page Break Preview view, 181-182

Print Preview, 174

downloading workbooks from SkyDrive, 222

dragging pivot table fields to other areas, 201

drawing objects

deleting, 155

modifying, 155

drawing tools, 153-155



comments, 51

data, 33

footers, 191-192

formulas, 96-97

functions, 96-97

headers, 191-192


Hotmail, signing into SkyDrive, 216

multiple recipients, sending to, 223

workbooks, sharing, 223

embedded IF statements, 111


data, 32

formulas, 95-96

function arguments, 107

error indicators (cells), printing, 188


#### error, troubleshooting, 59

#DIV/0! error, troubleshooting, 119-120

#NAME? error, troubleshooting, 122-123

#REF! error, troubleshooting, 124-126

#VALUE! error, troubleshooting, 122-123

troubleshooting, 118

Excel Web App, limitations of, 221

excluding, data from charts, 150


Fields pane (pivot tables), activating, 199

fields (pivot tables)

dragging to other areas, 201

names, customizing, 206-207

files, recovering from SkyDrive, 225

File tab (Ribbon), 6

filters, applying, 48

Filters area (pivot tables), 195

Find and Replace dialog box, 47


data, 46

name of fonts, 54


columns to content, 56

rows to content, 69

folders, creating in SkyDrive, 219


changing, 54-55

names of, finding, 54-87

size of, changing, 54-55


adding, 190-191

editing, 191-192

Format as Table feature, 81-82

Format contextual tabs, 10

Format dialog box, opening, 168-171

Format Painter

copying formatting, 82-83

persistent mode, enabling, 83


AutoShapes, 159

axes, gridlines, 139

cells, 55

chart area, 144-146


axis scale, 146-147

legends, 151

plot area, 142-144

with Home tab commands, 146

clearing, 74-76

copying, 82-83

custom styles, applying, 84-85

diagrams with Layouts gallery, 164

Format as Table feature, 81-82

horizontal alignment, changing, 68-69

numeric data

Date format, 63

General format, 62

Number format, 61

Text format, 64

Time format, 64

objects, 167-168

pivot tables, applying numeric format, 207-208

text with WordArt, 160

underlining, 65-87

formulas, 89

AutoSum calculations, 89-94

copying, 97-98

dependents, 130-131

editing, 96-97

entering, 95-96

order of operation, 96

precedents, 128-131

references, checking for, 128-131

resultant cells, 90

Formulas tab, 5

freezing columns/rows, 38

functions, 89

applying cell references from other worksheets, 101-104


entering, 107

Type argument, 110

Auto-Calculate feature, 104-105



COUNT function, 94

COUNTIF function, 115

editing, 96-97

FV, 115-117

IF, 110-112

Insert Function command, 105-117

MAX, 92

MIN, 93

names, referencing, 100-101

PMT, 107-110


future value of investments, calculating with FV function, 115-117

FV function, 115-117


General format (numeric data), 60


AutoShapes, 154, 158-159

clip art, inserting, 156-157

diagrams, inserting, 163-164

drawing objects, modifying, 155

drawing tools, 153-155


copying, 169

deleting, 171

formatting, 167-168

moving, 168-169

resizing, 170

pictures, layering, 158

shapes, 154

Smart Art, 161-162

text boxes, 155

WordArt, inserting, 160


charts, formatting, 139

printing, 186

grouping data with Merge and Center command, 66-87

groups, 3, 12



editing, 191-192

adding, 190-191

height of inserted objects, resizing, 170

height of rows, changing, 69

hidden commands, adding to Quick Access Toolbar, 13

hidden elements, printing, 77


columns, 44, 78-80

pivot table data, 210-211

rows, 43, 76-78

worksheets, 80-81

Home tab, formatting charts, 146

horizontal alignment, changing, 68-69

horizontally arranging workbooks, 22

horizontally centering worksheets on a page, 185

Hotmail, signing into SkyDrive, 216



circular references, 126-127

errors, 118

IF function, 110-112

incorrect source data in charts, locating, 137

Increase Decimal command, 58


column width, 74

decimal places in numeric data, 61

indenting cell entries, 73-74

inserted page breaks, 182

Insert Function command, 105-117


AutoShapes, 158-159

clip art, 156-157

columns, 43-44

diagrams, 163-164

objects in worksheets, 164-165

organization charts, 162-171

page breaks, 178-180

pictures from file, 157-158

rows, 42-43

Smart Art, 161-162

WordArt, 160

worksheets in workbooks, 22

Insert Pictures task pane, 156-171

Insert tab (Ribbon), 4

italic formatting, applying, 65-66

Items in the Workbook option (SkyDrive), 219


keyboard shortcuts, 19, 227-230


landscape orientation, 184-185

largest cell amount, calculating, 92

layering pictures, 158

layout of pivot tables, changing, 205

Layouts gallery, 164

legal size paper, changing to letter size, 183


adding to charts, 150

formatting, 151

letter size paper, changing to legal size, 183

limitations of Excel Web App, 221

loan payments, calculating with PMT function, 107-110


data, 46

incorrect source data in charts, 137

logical test functions, performing with IF function, 110-112

lost passwords, recovering, 27



cell comments, 50-51

overlapping pictures, 158


with Backstage view, 15

from SkyDrive, 224

margins, adjusting, 177-178

MAX function, 92

Merge and Center command, 66-67

MIN function, 93

minimizing the Ribbon, 7


drawing objects, 155

object properties, 165

mouse wheel, zooming in with, 34


AutoShapes, 159

charts, 136

data, 44-45

inserted objects, 166

objects, 168-169

objects to another worksheet, 169

Quick Access Toolbar, 11

versus copying, 26

versus cutting and pasting, 45

worksheets within workbooks, 24

multiple email recipients, sending to, 223

multiple objects, selecting, 166

multiple workbooks, viewing onscreen, 20


name of fonts, finding, 54

names (functions)

assigning to ranges, 99

referencing, 100-101

natural versus inserted page breaks, 182

new workbooks, creating, 16

Number format, 61

number of cells, counting, 94

numeric data

Accounting format, 62

clearing formatting, 74-76

commas, adding, 58

converting to percentages, 59

Currency format, 62

Date format, 63

formatting, 58-64

Number format, 61

Text format, 64

Time format, 64

General format, 60

moving, 44-45

replacing, 47

sorting, 49-50

numeric format, applying

to charts, 139

to pivot tables, 207-208



copying, 169

deleting, 171

formatting, 167-168

inserting in worksheets, 164-165

moving, 166-169

properties, modifying, 165

resizing, 170

Online Pictures button, 156-171

Open dialog box, 16


Format dialog box, 168-171

workbooks, 16

workbooks from SkyDrive, 220

order of operation, 96

organization charts, inserting, 162-171


of cells, changing, 71

of paper, selecting, 184-185

Outline form layout (pivot tables), 205

overlapping pictures, arranging, 158

overwriting, cells, 123


Page Break Preview button, 176

Page Break Preview view, 183-184

page breaks

adding rows as, 180

inserting, 178-180

natural versus inserted page breaks, 182

removing, 182, 184

Page Layout tab (Ribbon), 5

page margins, adjusting, 177-178

Page Setup dialog box, entering specific margins, 178-192

paging through Print Preview, 174

paper size, changing, 183

password protecting workbooks, 26-27


recovering, 27

worksheets, unprotecting, 29

pasting data, 36-37

percentages, converting numeric data to, 59

Percent Style command, 59

persistent Format Painter mode, enabling, 83

Picture button, 157

pictures, inserting from file, 157-158

Picture Tools Format tab, 157-171

pivot tables

areas of, 195

creating, 196-199


adding, 204-205

hiding, 210-211

refreshing, 203-204

default location for, 197

dragging fields to other areas, 201

field names, customizing, 206-207

filters, clearing, 211

layout, changing, 205

numeric format, applying, 207-208

rearranging, 199-201

report filter, adding, 201-203

sorting, 211-213

summary calculations, changing, 209-210

PivotTable Tools contextual tab, 204

plot area (charts)

background color, changing, 143

formatting, 142-144

PMT function, 107-110

portrait orientation, 184-185

precedents, 128-131

print area

clearing, 176-192

displaying with Page Break Preview view, 181-182

Print Area command, 176-192

print area, setting, 175-176


cell comments, 187

cell error indicators, 188

centering worksheets on a page, 185

charts, 142-151

column headers, 186

footers, adding, 190-191

gridlines, 186

headers, adding, 190-191

hidden elements, 77

landscape orientation, 184-185

margins, adjusting, 177-178

Page Break Preview view, 181-182

page breaks

inserting, 178-180

natural versus inserted page breaks, 182

removing, 180-182

portrait orientation, 184-185

print area

clearing, 176-192

displaying with Page Break Preview view, 181-182

print area, setting, 175-176

Quick Print command, adding to Quick Access toolbar, 192

repeating titles, 186, 189

returning worksheets to default scale, 183

row headers, 186

rows, adding as page breaks, 180

scale of worksheets, changing, 182-192

worksheets, 191

printing options, Backstage view, 173

Print Preview, 174

displaying, 174

page margins, adjusting, 177-178

zooming in worksheets, 175

properties of objects, modifying, 165

proportionally resizing objects, 170

protecting worksheets, 28

publishing workbooks to the web, 218-219


Quick Access Toolbar, 3, 10


adding, 11-12

removing, 13

groups, adding, 12

hidden commands, adding, 13

moving, 11

Quick Print command, adding, 192

Quick Print command, adding to Quick Access toolbar, 192



conditional sums, 113-115

names, deleting, 101

names, assigning, 99

rearranging pivot tables, 199-201

recognizing circular references, 126-127


deleted files from SkyDrive, 225

lost passwords, 27

references, checking for, 128-131

referencing names in a function, 100-101

refreshing pivot table data, 203-204


borders, 73

commands from Quick Access Toolbar, 13

data filter drop-downs, 48

page breaks, 180-182

split bars, 39

renaming worksheets, 23

repeating columns headings, 189

repeating titles, printing, 186, 189

replacing data, 47

report filter, adding to pivot tables, 201-203


charts, 136

objects, 166, 168-169


AutoShapes, 159

objects, 170

resultant cells, 90

Review tab (Ribbon), 6

Ribbon, 3

dialog launchers, 4

groups, 3

minimizing, 7

Orientation command, 185

Quick Access toolbar, 3

tabs, 3

Data tab, 5

Formulas tab, 5

Home tab, 4

Insert tab, 4

Page Layout tab, 5

Review tab, 6

View tab, 6

rotating cells, 71


adding as page breaks, 180

deleting, 42-43

fitting content of, 69

freezing, 38

headers, printing, 186

height of, changing, 69

hiding/unhiding, 43, 76-78

inserting, 42-43

references, 7-9

repeating titles, printing, 189

Rows area (pivot tables), 195


saving workbooks, 17, 218-219

scale of worksheets, changing, 182-183


password protecting workbooks, 26-27

worksheets, unprotecting, 29


multiple objects, 166

orientation of paper, 184-185

specific cells for calculation, 91

setting the print area, 175-176


AutoShapes, 154, 158-159

color, applying, 154

styles, applying, 154

sharing workbooks with SkyDrive, 223

shortcut keys, 227-230

Alt+Tab toggle, switching between open workbooks, 19

AutoSum calculation, 90-131

signing into SkyDrive, 217-218

signing up for SkyDrive, 215

size of fonts, changing, 54-55


deleted files, recovering, 225

Excel Web App, limitations of, 221

Items in the Workbook option, 219

new folders, creating, 219

registering for, 215

signing into, 217-218

visibility of workbook objects, controlling, 219


downloading, 222

managing, 224

opening, 220

saving, 218-219

sharing, 223

smallest cell amount, calculating with MIN function, 93

Smart Art, 161-162

SmartArt Tools Format tab, 162


data, 49-50

pivot tables, 211-213

source data, updating charts, 147-149

source data range (charts), changing, 137

specific margins, entering (Page Setup dialog box), 178-192

splitting worksheets, 39


applying to shapes, 154

customizing, 84-85

SUMIF function, 113-115

summary calculations, changing in pivot tables, 209-210

switching between open workbooks, 18-19

switching between open worksheets, 20



data filters, applying, 48

Format as Table feature, 81-82

tabs, 3

coloring, 23

Contextual tabs, 9-10

Data tab, 5

File tab, 6

Formulas tab, 5

Home tab, 4

Insert tab, 4

Page Layout tab, 5

Picture Tools Format tab, 157-171

Review tab, 6

SmartArt Tools Format tab, 133, 162

View tab, 6, 181-182

Tabular form layout (pivot tables), 205


converting numeric data to, 64

copying, 36-37

editing, 33

formatting, clearing, 74-76

horizontal alignment, changing, 68-69

indenting, 73-74

pasting, 36-37

replacing, 47

WordArt, inserting, 160

wrapped text, aligning, 72

text boxes, 155

Text format, 64

Time format, 64

titles, printing, 189


circular references, 126-127

#DIV/0! error, 119-120

#### error, 59

#NAME? error, 122-123

#REF! error, 124-126

#VALUE! error, 122-124

turning off Auto-Calculate feature, 105

Type argument, 110

typing mistakes, correcting, 32, 35


underline formatting, 65-87

undoing deletions, 171

Undo/Redo Stack, 35-51


columns, 78-80

rows, 76-78

worksheets, 80-81

unmerging cells, 67

unprotecting worksheets, 29

updating chart source data, 147-149

user interface, 3


Values area (pivot tables), 195

vertical alignment, changing, 70

vertically arranging workbooks, 22

vertically centering worksheets on a page, 185


multiple workbooks onscreen, 20

print area with Page Break Preview view, 181-182

View tab (Ribbon), 6, 181-182

visibility of workbook objects, controlling with SkyDrive, 219



of columns, fitting to content, 56

of inserted objects, resizing, 170

Windows Taskbar, switching between open workbooks, 18-19

WordArt, inserting, 160

workbooks, 7-8, 15

arranging, 20-22

closing, 17

creating, 16

downloading from SkyDrive, 222


with Backstage view, 15

from SkyDrive, 224

opening, 16, 220

password protecting, 26-27

saving, 17

sharing with SkyDrive, 223

switching between, 18-19


adding, 8

copying, 25-26

deleting, 22

inserting, 22

moving, 24

worksheets, 7, 15

cell comments, printing, 187

cell error indicators, printing, 188

centering on a page, 185

charts, moving, 136

column references, 8


freezing, 38

headers, adding, 190-191

hiding/unhiding, 78-80

copying between workbooks, 25-26

deleting from workbooks, 22

diagrams, inserting, 163-164


adding, 190-191

editing, 191-192

Format as Table feature, 81-82

headers, editing, 191-192

hidden elements, printing, 77

hiding/unhiding, 80-81

inserting in workbooks, 22

landscape orientation, 184-185

moving within workbooks, 24

name references, 103

objects, moving to another worksheet, 169

objects, inserting, 164-165

page breaks

inserting, 178-180

removing, 180-182

portrait orientation, 184-185

print area, setting, 175-176

printing, 182-183, 191

protecting, 28

renaming, 23

returning to default scale, 183

row references, 9


adding as page breaks, 180

freezing, 38

scale of, changing, 182-183

SmartArt, inserting, 161-162

splitting, 39

switching between, 20

tabs, coloring, 23

unprotecting, 29

zooming in, 34

wrapping data in a cell, 72


zooming in worsheets, 34, 174-175

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