
A/D - D/A converters (DAW) 1201

AB/spaced (microphone) techniques 226, 2312

abbreviations, scribble strip and 2901

absorption 1756

absorptive materials 177

acoustics 1718; absorption 1756; diffusion 1745; reflections 1734; transmission 1712; variable 1768

ADAT Lightpipe 49

AES/EBU digital cables 49

aggressive behaviour of musicians 258

alto sax 147, 201

amplifier platforms 177

amplitude based effects 115

analogue alignment 181

analogue audio cables/connectors 405; assembling/wiring 468; runs 46; shielding 46

arrangement/instrumentation 13841

artificial double tracking (ADT) 283

artists see musicians

assistant engineers 16

audio file types 188

audio interface/soundcard 121

audio tool list 165

auto input mode 255

auto-backup (DAWs) 187

auto-panning 115

‘auto-wah’ effects 116

auxiliary busses feed to group busses (’EFX’) 912

auxiliary master section: mixing consoles 98

auxiliary sourcing, pre/post 91, 102

backup 296, 297; auto-backup (DAWs) 187

‘baffled’ near coincidence (microphone) techniques 231

balance vs. pan 956

balanced/unbalanced connections 46, 47, 48, 180

balancing: DI boxes 39

‘banana’ connectors 445

bandwidth: equalisers 61, 64, 65

bar charts 30910 appendix

baritone sax 148, 202

basic tracking 2523

bass drum: microphone choice and placement 213, 239; sub-bass oscillator 277; tuning/timbe 344 appendix; tunnels 178

bass guitar, 198, 323 appendix

bass stringed instruments 142, 195

bass traps 176

bassoon, 149, 203, 317 appendix

‘bell’ equalisers see peak equalisers; ‘sweep’ equalisers

BNC connectors 49, 50

bongos: microphone choice and placement 220

bouncing 256

boundary/pressure zone microphones 23, 28

brass instruments 1558; microphone choice and placement 20912

cabinet design and shape (loudspeakers) 1278

cables and connectors 501; digital audio 49; see also analogue audio cables/connectors

cello, 143, 196, 335 appendix

channel line alignment 182

chorus modulated delay times 111

clarinet, 150, 204, 318 appendix

click tracks 186

clip-on microphones 35

coil-based tecnology see moving coil-based dynamic loudspeaker drivers; moving coil-based dynamic microphones

comb-filtering 173, 2245

compositions 13641; arrangement/instrumentation 13841; forms 1368

compression: and EQ: processing order 280; parallel 2735; setting parameters 2702; vs. gain riding 2534

compressors/limiters 7381, 246, 26975

condenser microphones 223, 257; DC voltage (phantom power) 24; vs. moving coil-based dynamic microphones 36

confidence monitoring 25960

confidence of musicians 257

congas: microphone choice and placement 221

connectors see analogue audio cables/connectors; cables and connectors

constant and non-constant bandwidth equalisers 61, 64

‘contact’ microphones 29

control room: microphone set-up procedure 194; monitoring 98; overdubbing in 2556; set-up 2447; standing waves in 174; and live room communication 989, 2523, 254

control surfaces (DAW) 1223

crest factors and compression 270

cue mix: feed 91, 102; musicians 24951

cut-off frequency: filter 556, 260, 261, 262; loudspeakers 125

cymbals: hi-hat 215, 344 appendix; microphone choice and placement 21415

D-subminiature (D-sub) connectors 45

date planning/session schedule 1667

DAW see digital audio workstation

DC voltage (phantom power) 24

de-essing 77

deadlines, progression charts and 296

Decca Trees (microphone technique) 232

decibels 185

decoupling, isolation and 172

delay: based effects 10914, 2812; comb-filtering remedy 2245

‘demos’ 1356

destructive and non-destructive solos 93

DI (direct injection) boxes 3740

diffusers 175; portable 177

diffusion 1745

digital alignment 181

digital audio cables/connectors 49

digital audio workstation (DAW) 1203; backup and delivery 296; bouncing 256; comb-filtering remedy 225; ‘gated’ talkback 254; ‘hybrid’ alignment 1834; labelling folders and files 1878, 296; operators/editors 16; panning laws 266; parallel compression 2745; ‘punching in’ 256; session file preparation 1858

digital microphones 23

DIN connectors 50, 51

direct injection (DI) boxes 3740

direct outputs: mixing consoles 967

distortion effects 116

djembe 222

doumbek 222

‘drive’, lack of 258

driver types (loudspeakers) 1267

drums/drum kit: click track alternatives 186; creative ‘ducking’ 279; creative gating 277; mono overhead microphone 218; placement 18990; replacing heads and tuning 3434 appendix; sound-check 248; spot microphones 219; stereo microphone techniques 23740; see also specific types

duckers 84, 2789

dynamic range processors/processing 7385, 26980; compressors/limiters 7381, 246, 26975; expanders/gates 825, 27680; mixing consoles 923

EBU digital metering 247

echo see delay; reverberation

EDAC/ELCO connectors 45

effects processors/processing 10918, 2813; filter based 11516; other 11618; time-delayed 10914; waveform distortion 116

electonic signals 164

electonic sources and MIDI signals 165

electret condenser microphones 223

electric bass 323 appendix

electric guitar 324 appendix

electric instrument signals 164

electrostatic loudspeaker drivers 1267

end of recording 297

engineers 16

equal loudness contours 313 appendix

equalisers/equalisation 5572, 2679; compression and gating: processing order 280; EQ ‘boxes’ analogy 267, 268; EQ section: mixing consoles 92; examples 6972; filters 558; peak 615; ‘Q’ (quality) factor 66; semi- and fully-parametric 66, 678; shelving 5860; ‘sweep’ 65

equipment alignment 1815

equipment requirements 1646

expanders/gates 825, 27680

extra/standby microphones 224

fader riding: basic tracking 252; compressors and 745; gates and 823

fader section: mixing consoles 934

‘feeling’, lack of 2578

files and folders (DAWs) 1878, 296

filter based effects 11516

filter cut-off frequency 556, 260, 261, 262

filter slopes 55

filters/filtering 558, 2603; comb-filtering 173, 2245

flanger and chorus modulated delay times 111

flute, 151, 205, 319 appendix

french horn, 155, 209, 320 appendix

frequency see equalisers

fuzz effects 116

gain/gain structure 2457; compressors and 75; gates and 83; riding vs. compression 2534; and routing signals 33940 appendix

‘gated talkback› 254

gates/expanders 825, 27680

glockenspiel, 159, 321 appendix

Glynn Johns technique 239

grand piano 327 appendix; stereo microphone techniques 2412

graphic equalisers 65; paragraphic equalisers 66

‘ground lift’: DI boxes 3940

group busses; auxiliary busses feed to (‘EFX’) 912; cue mix creation 251

guitars 144, 197, 198, 322 appendix, 323 appendix, 324 appendix; Haas effect delay 282; and vocals: creative ‘ducking’ 279

Haas effect-based delays 2812

hand drums: microphone choice and placement 2202; see also tom-toms

hard drives 297

harmonic distortion 512

headphones 131; cue mix 24950, 251; isolating 192, 193; ‘leakage’ 251, 252

hi-hat: microphone choice and placement 215; timbre 344 appendix

home/project studios 1415

hybrid alignment 181, 1834

impedance: DI boxes 39

in-line console 86, 89

input monitoring mode 255

input/output modules/channel strips 906

input/output recall sheet 285

instrumentation/arrangement 13841

instruments 14162; placement 18990

isolation: and decoupling 172; tunnels 178

‘jack’/phone connectors 402

jitter 122

labelling folders and files (DAWs) 1878, 296

law of the first wavefront (Haas effect) 2812

‘leakage’; headphones 251, 252; microphones 276

level balancing 2635

limiters 76; see also compressors/limiters

line mixer consoles 86, 87

live performance venues 15

live room (studio): and control room communication 989, 2523, 254; resonances (standing waves) in 174; set-up 189243; see also recording studios

live sound technical riders vs. studio session plans 168

‘look ahead’ detection 76

loudspeakers 12430

low frequency oscillators (LFO) 11011, 11516

lyric sheets 138, 28991

MADI protocol 49

marimba 243

master section: mixing consoles 979

matrix consoles 86

metering/meters 2467; mixing consoles 98; multimeters 180

microphone techniques: compressors and 74; multiple 224, 249; stereo 22643

‘microphone-based’ sound evaluation 192, 193

microphones: construction (physical considerations) 356; diaphragm size (output sensitivity/fidelity) 30; directionality (separation) 305; ‘leakage’, gates to eliminate 276; placement 191225; preamplifiers 514, 91; selection criteria 1736; set-up procedure 194; shared 91; signals 164; sound evaluation 1913; transducer type (bias vs. fidelity) 1829

middle and sides (M&S) microphone technique 2289

MIDI cables 501

MIDI signals 165

mix depth, time-based effects and 281

mixing, arrangement and 141

mixing consoles 86102; functions and elements 86, 909; recall sheet 287; signal flow (block) diagrams 99102; types 869

modulated delay effects 11011

monitor pads 172

‘monitor’ vs. ’printed’ effects 117

monitoring management devices 132

monitoring mix 25983

monitoring modes: overdubbing 255

monitoring systems 12332

mono overhead microphone (drum kit) 218

moving coil-based dynamic loudspeaker drivers 126

moving coil-based dynamic microphones 18, 1920; vs. condenser microphones 36

multi-effects units 11718

multimeter, use of 180

multiple microphones 224, 249

multitrack assigning: mixing consoles 967, 100

multitrack recorders 119; bouncing 256; filtering 260; monitor or reference mix 259; monitoring modes 255

multitrack return 2656

musicians 15; comfort 190; cue mix 24951; recording team and 135; sound-check 248; studio psychology 2569

‘naked ear’ selection of stereo microphone techniques 2334

‘naked ear’ sound evaluation 1912, 193

‘Nashville Pair’ 240

natural echo/reverberation 111

near coincident (microphone) techniques 226, 22931

‘near-clipping’ checks 52

negative influence/comb filtering 173, 2245

noise floor testing: preamplifiers 52

objectivity, lack of 258

oboe, 152, 206, 325 appendix

orchestral recordings, stereo microphone techniques and 2345

‘overdrive’ effect 116

overdubbing 2546

pan pots 946

panning 2656; laws 266

paragraphic equalisers 66

parallel compression 2735

parallel outputs: DI boxes 37

parametric equalisers 66, 678

pass filters 558

passive vs. active loudspeakers 12830

patchbays/patchbay normalling 1038

peak equalisers 615

peak program meters (PPM) 247

peak/RMS detection 76

percussion instruments 15960; beaters 326 appendix; microphone choice and placement 21322; see also specific types

phantom power 24

phaser effect 11516

phone/‘jack’ connectors 402

piano see grand piano

‘pick-ups’ (acoustic) 29

Piezo loudspeaker drivers 126

Piezo microphones 29

planning: changes in recording parts 257; session 1668

plug-ins 117; reverb 114

polar patterns 315

polarity inversion: drum kit stereo microphone technique 238

polarity problems: sound-check 249

power amplifiers 1234

power supply and distribution 17980

pre/post auxiliary sourcing 91, 102

preamplifiers 514, 91

precedent (Haas) effect 2812

pressure zone/boundary microphones 23, 28

printed ribbon-based (regulated phase) microphones 19, 22

‘printed’ vs. ‘monitor’ effects 117

producers 16, 135

production/progress chart 2914; song-based 2947

programmers 16

project/home studios 1415

‘proximity effect’ 31, 35

‘punching in’ 256

‘Q’ (quality) factor: equalisers 66

RCA/‘phono’ connectors 43

reamping and sound-check 249

recall sheets 283, 285, 287

recording environments 1315; equipment requirements 1646; ‘recce’ 163; size 163

recording studios 1314; acoustics 1718; equipment alignment 1815; instrument placement 18990; power supply and distribution 17980; see also control room; digital audio workstation (DAW); live room (studio)

recording team 1517; and musicians 135

‘red light fever’ 257

reference mix 25983

referencing/reference tuning, 252, 305 appendix

reflections 1734

reflective surfaces 178

rental of equipment 166

‘residential’/temporary recording spaces 14

resonances (standing waves) in live room 174

reverberation 10910; delay and reverb units 112; mixing consoles 98; natural echo/reverberation 111; reverb plug-ins 114

ribbon-based dynamic loudspeaker drivers 126

ribbon-based dynamic microphones 18, 21

ring modulation 115

routing matrices: mixing consoles 947

routing signals, setting gain structure and 33940 appendix

‘rumble’: and mixing 263; pass filters and 58

runners/‘tea boys’ 16

S/PIF (Sony/Phillips digital interface) connectors 49

safety issues: phantom power 24; sound evaluation 192; voltage measurement 179

sample and tick-based time scales 1867

saxophones 328 appendix; alto 147, 201; baritone 148, 202; soprano 153, 207; tenor 154, 208

scribble strip and abbreviations 2901

session file templates 187

session information 28397

session notes 288; and track sheets 2848

session plan 1668

shared microphone/line input preamplifiers 91

shelving equalisers 5860

shielded cables 46

side-chain, compressor 767

signal expansion 84

signal path chart (sound-check) 1678

signal summing 2645

signal types 1645

singer cue mixes 250

slating the recorder (DAWs) 188

slew rate 1234

snare drums 329 appendix; gated reverb 277; microphone choice and placement 216, 239; tuning/timbe 344 appendix

software applications (DAW) 122

soldering skill 46

solo facilities: mixing consoles 934

soloing equalised elements 267, 269

song-based production/progress chart 2947

soprano sax 153, 207

sound-check 2489; levels and panning during 266; planning 1678

soundcard/audio interface 121

speaker decoupling 172

speakon connectors 44

specification (‘spec’) sheets 123, 1256

split console 86, 88

spot microphones (drum kit) 219

standard operating levels 185

standby/extra microphones 224

standing waves (resonances) in live room 1734

stereo microphone techniques 22643

stereophonic zoom 235

stringed instruments 1426; microphone choice and placement 195200

studio psychology 2569

surge-protection supply devices 179

‘sweep’ equalisers 65

symmetrical and non-symmetrical equalisers 61, 623

take information 284

‘talkback’: cue mix 250; ‘gated’ 254; section: mixing consoles 98; sound-check 248; tracking 252

tape operators 16

TDIF (Transcam digital interface) connectors 49

‘tea boys’/runners 16

temporary/‘residential’ recording spaces 14

tenor sax 154, 208

tick-based time scales, sample and 1867

time-based effects and mix depth 281

time-delayed based effects 10914

time-stretching 186

tom-toms 330 appendix; microphone choice and placement 217; tuning/timbre 344 appendix

tone generator: mixing consoles 98

TOSLINK connectors 49

total harmonic distortion (THD) 126

track sheets 286; and session notes 2848

tracking 2514; basic 2523; compression during 246

transducers see microphones

transmission (recording studios) 1712

tremolo units and parameters 115

trombone, 156, 210, 331 appendix

trumpet, 157, 211, 332 appendix

tuba, 158, 212, 333 appendix

tuning and overdubbing 255

two-track recorders/recording 11920; continuous 252; direct 253; routing

DAW return signal 101

‘upper headroom’ checks 52

valve/tube DI boxes 40

valve/tube microphones 23

variable acoustics 1768

variable impedance: preamplifiers 52

vibraphone, 160, 243, 334 appendix

viola, 145, 199, 335 appendix

violin, 146, 200, 335 appendix

visual aids see production/progress chart

vocoder effect 116

voice/vocals: artificial double tracking (ADT) 283; creative ‘ducking’ 279; female 161; male 162; microphone choice and placement 223; ‘thickening’ (Haas effect) 282

voltage measurement 179, 180

volume unit (VU) meters 247

wah-wah effect 116

waveform distortion effects 116

‘wet’ and ‘dry’ signals 109, 117, 248, 283

woodwind instruments 14754; microphone choice and placement 2018

Word clock 122; cables 50

XLR connectors/cables 434, 501

XY/coincidence (microphone) techniques 226, 2279

xylophone 243

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