2.2 Principles of Local Behavior of GOR

2.2.1 EPA Strictly Increasing Property

Intuitively, increasing the number of forwarding candidates would result in a larger EPA. We present Lemma 2.1 to confirm this intuition.


Definition 2.1 Define EM(images/c02_I0032.gif) be the maximum EPA (defined in Equation (2.1)) achieved by selecting r forwarding candidates from images/c02_I0033.gif.


Lemma 2.1 (Strictly increasing property) EMimages/c02_I0034.gif is a strictly increasing function of r.


Proof. Assume 1 ≤ m < nM, and without loss of generality, let images/c02_I0035.gif be the ordered node set achieving EMimages/c02_I0036.gif with forwarding priority i1 >…> im. We then select a subset with nm nodes from the remaining node set {im+1, im+2, …, iM}, say images/c02_I0037.gif. Assume we retain the relay priority of the m nodes in images/c02_I0038.gif unchanged and give the nodes in images/c02_I0039.gif lower priorities than those in images/c02_I0040.gif. Then in images/c02_I0041.gif, we give the nodes with smaller subscripts higher relay priorities. So we have



Lemma 2.1 basically indicates that the more nodes get involved in GOR, the larger the EPA can be. The maximum EPA can be obtained by involving all the nodes in images/c02_I0043.gif. Then, how can the candidates be prioritized to maximize the EPA? We answer this question in the following section.

2.2.2 Relay Priority Rule

Theorem 2.1 identifies the upper bound of EPA and the corresponding relay priority rule.


Theorem 2.1 (Relay priority rule) EMimages/c02_I0044.gif can only be obtained by giving the node closer to the destination higher relay priority. That is

2.2 2.2

where poverline0 := 1.


Proof. We prove Theorem 2.1 by induction on r, the size of images/c02_I0046.gif.

First, when r = 1, obviously Equation (2.2) holds.

Next, we assume Equation (2.2) holds for r = N (N ≥ 1). When images/c02_I0047.gif, images/c02_I0048.gif can be divided into images/c02_I0049.gif with N nodes and images/c02_I0050.gif with 1 node. Then


Thus we only need to prove for any integer m (1 ≤ mN),


Subtracting A from B, we have


Then Equation (2.2) holds for r = N + 1. So it holds for any r (r ≥ 1).


Theorem 2.1 indicates that when a forwarding candidate set is chosen, the maximum EPA can only be achieved by assigning the relay priority to each node based on its distance from the destination. That is, the furthest node should try to forward the packet first; if it fails (i.e., does not receive the packet correctly), the second furthest node should try next, and so on. The analysis result is the upper bound of the EPA that any GOR can achieve.

Based on the relay priority rule, we will next identify and prove two important principles about the maximum EPA. First, we look at the characteristics of the forwarding candidates that are selected to achieve EMimages/c02_I0054.gif with various sizes r. We prove the containing property for those node sets. Following that, the concavity of the function EMimages/c02_I0055.gif is proved.

2.2.3 Containing Property of Feasible Candidate Set

Let images/c02_I0056.gif be a feasible ordered node set that achieves the EMimages/c02_I0057.gif. We have the following containing property of images/c02_I0058.gif's.


Lemma 2.2 (Containing property) Given the available next-hop node set images/c02_I0059.gif with M nodes, images/c02_I0060.gif images/c02_I0061.gif, images/c02_I0062.gif images/c02_I0063.gif, s.t.

2.3 2.3


Proof. Let images/c02_I0065.gif1 be an ordered node set with M nodes, and images/c02_I0066.gif with N nodes. images/c02_I0067.gif and bN = aM. For any node images/c02_I0068.gif with images/c02_I0069.gif, we have

2.4 2.4

We then prove Lemma 2.2 by induction on r.

First, for an arbitrary N, when r = 1, as images/c02_I0071.gif, and images/c02_I0072.gif, it is obvious that the containing property holds.

Then, we assume images/c02_I0073.gif, images/c02_I0074.gif an images/c02_I0075.gif, s.t. images/c02_I0076.gif, when r = m (m ≥ 1). We first prove for any feasible images/c02_I0077.gif and images/c02_I0078.gif, the first node in images/c02_I0079.gif cannot be the nodes from the second place to the last place in images/c02_I0080.gif, that is (m + 1)1mi, images/c02_I0081.gif.

We prove this by contradiction. Assume (m + 1)1 = mi. Let node (m + 1)j be the first node in images/c02_I0082.gif but not in images/c02_I0083.gif. We have

2.5 2.5


2.6 2.6

Assume (m + 1)j−1 = ml, and according to inequality (2.4), we have

2.7 2.7


2.8 2.8

2.9 2.9

Then combining this with inequality (2.6), we get

2.10 2.10

The inequality (2.10) contradicts the fact that images/c02_I0090.gif is the largest EPA achieved by selecting m + 1 nodes. So the assumption (m + 1)1 = mi is wrong. Therefore (m + 1)1 cannot be mi, images/c02_I0091.gif 2 ≤ im. So there are two cases for (m + 1)1:

1. (m + 1)1m1. Then images/c02_I0092.gif should be one images/c02_I0093.gif.

2. (m + 1)1 = m1. By the inductive hypothesis, we have images/c02_I0094.gif, then images/c02_I0095.gif.

From the induction above, we know that for an arbitrary N, we have images/c02_I0096.gif images/c02_I0097.gif, images/c02_I0098.gif images/c02_I0099.gif s.t. images/c02_I0100.gif, images/c02_I0101.gif 1 ≤ rM.


Lemma 2.2 indicates that an r − 1-node set that achieves EMimages/c02_I0102.gif is a subset of at least one of the feasible r-node sets that achieve EMimages/c02_I0103.gif. It also implies that when more forwarding candidates are selected to increase the maximum EPA, the transmission reliability also increases.

2.2.4 Concavity of Maximum EPA

Following Lemma 2.2, we have the concave property of EMimages/c02_I0104.gif as in Theorem 2.2.


Theorem 2.2 (Concavity of maximum EPA) EMimages/c02_I0105.gif, images/c02_I0106.gif r, s.t. 1 ≤ r < N.


Proof. According to Lemma 2.2, assume images/c02_I0107.gif, and images/c02_I0108.gif. There are two cases for dk and dj.

1. dk > dj. Then images/c02_I0109.gif, images/c02_I0110.gif and images/c02_I0111.gif can be represented as


where images/c02_I0113.gif (1 ≤ i ≤ 3) is ordered node set and can be ∅.

We have

2.11 2.11



where images/c02_I0116.gif is the probability of none of nodes in images/c02_I0117.gif receiving the packet correctly.

2. dk < dj. Similarly, with

2.12 2.12

we can derive


From the analysis above, we know EMimages/c02_I0120.gif is a concave function of r.


Combining Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 2.2, we know that giving an available next-hop node set images/c02_I0121.gif with N nodes, the maximum EPA of selecting r (1 ≤ rN) nodes is a strictly increasing and concave function of r. This means that although the maximum EPA keeps increasing when more nodes get involved, the speed of the increase slows down. When many nodes are involved, the extra EPA gained becomes marginal.

2.2.5 Reliability Increasing Property

Following the containing property in Lemma 2.2, we have the reliability increasing property in Corollary 2.1.

Denote images/c02_I0122.gif. Define the one-hop reliability images/c02_I0123.gif in Equation (2.13) which is the probability of at least one node in images/c02_I0124.gif correctly receiving the packet sent by node i for one transmission.

2.13 2.13

where images/c02_I0126.gif.

P*(r) is defined in Equation (2.14). This is the maximum one-hop reliability achieved by one of the feasible images/c02_I0127.gif's.

2.14 2.14


Corollary 2.1 P*(r) defined in Equation (2.14) is an increasing function of r.


Proof. The proof is straightforward following Lemma 2.2. Assume one images/c02_I0129.gif achieves P*(r), then images/c02_I0130.gif images/c02_I0131.gif s.t. images/c02_I0132.gif. According to the definitions of P*(r) in Equation (2.14) and the one-hop reliability in Equation (2.13), we have


So P*(r) is an increasing function of r.


Corollary 2.1 indicates that the maximum one-hop reliability corresponding to the forwarding candidate set that maximizes the EPA also increases when more forwarding candidates are involved. The increasing of the maximum EPA implies increasing the reliability. Therefore, the EPA is a good metric for balancing the packet advancement and reliability.

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