Basic types in Flow

The possible data types definitions can be found at—we won't copy them all here, but rather show you the main ones through a few examples. Please look at the full documentation because there's a great variety of possibilities that you should be aware of:


Boolean values.


Numeric values.




Null values. You wouldn't just be declaring that a certain variable should always be null; rather,

you'll be using these with advanced types such as unions, which we'll get to see in the next section.

Void (undefined) value.

Any type, but will still get checked for consistency. For instance, if at one point Flow knows that the variable is a Boolean, then using it as a string would be flagged as wrong.


Any type, and Flow won't do any checks for it.

This amounts to disabling type checks on

whatever is of any type.

function foo(x: ?boolean)

A function with an optional boolean parameter. This is the same as declaring that the argument

can either be a boolean, null, or also undefined.

function bar() :string
A function that returns a string result.
{ property ?: number }

An optional object property; if present, it could be numeric or undefined, but not null.

: Array<number>

: number[]

An array of numbers, in two different styles. If you want to deal with fixed length arrays, tuples may apply; go to to find out more.

We will find out how to assign or define types for these definitions in the Defining types for arrow functions recipe, later in this chapter.

We can see some examples of the definitions in the following code. I disabled ESLint's rule about unused variables to avoid obvious problems:

// Source file: src/types_basic.js

/* @flow */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */

let someFlag: boolean;
let greatTotal: number;
let firstName: string;

function toString(x: number): string {
return String(x);

function addTwo(x: number | string, y: number | string) {
return x + y;

function showValue(z: mixed): void {
// not returning anything
console.log("Showing... ", z);

let numbersList: Array<number>;
numbersList = [22, 9, 60]; // OK
numbersList[1] = "SEP"; // error; cannot assign a string to a number

let anotherList: number[] = [12, 4, 56];

// continues...
The addTwo() definition has a hidden problem: are you sure that x and y will always be of the same type? Actually, x could be a number and y could be a string, and Flow wouldn't complain. We have no easy way of testing this, and a runtime check for typeof x === typeof y would be needed.

When you define an object, you should provide data types for all of its properties and methods. Object definitions are considered to be sealed, meaning that you cannot change the object types. If you cannot or won't do this, start with an empty object, and then Flow will let you add properties at will:

// ...continued

let sealedObject: { name: string, age?: number } = { name: "" }; = "Ivan Horvat"; // OK = 229; // error: key isn't defined in the data type

sealedObject = { age: 57 }; // error: mandatory "name" field is missing

let unsealedObject = {}; = 229; // OK
If a function expects an object with some properties, and it receives an object with those properties plus some extra ones, Flow won't complain. If you don't want this, use exact objects; see However, this also causes problems, such as disabling the spread operator; see for a (two year long!) discussion.

Now, let's turn to more complex definitions, which you will probably end up using, since they better match usual business requirements and program specifications.

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