Implementing a microservice-based architecture

Now that you're able to develop a server by following the structure in this chapter, working in an SOA might evolve into a microservices organization, in which the server, instead of being a monolithic piece of code that can provide multiple services, is organized as a set of distinct mini-servers, loosely coupled, connected by a lightweight protocol, and each having a single responsibility. Services may be created by different groups, even using different languages or libraries, that are only dependent on following a given interface so that other services may freely interact with them as needed.

This structure, based on independent smaller pieces, greatly helps with scalability, modularity, and even development and testing. If changes are needed, their impact will be smaller, and strategies such as continuous delivery and deployment become feasible. Developing the microservices themselves is readily done, and the necessary techniques for doing this are mainly the ones that we saw in this chapter. Only adding the requests from one microserver to another to gather all of the required information is necessary.

A couple of good starting points on the benefits of a microservice-based architecture are the articles by Martin Fowler at and by Chris Richardson at
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