Getting ready

We want to use the standalone tool; let's see how to set it up. To start with, obviously, we need to install the package. You can do it globally, but I prefer working locally within the project itself:

npm install react-devtools --save-dev

In order to be able to run the new command, you could use npx (as we saw a couple of times in the book), but it's easier to just define a new script in package.json. Add something like the following to it, and you'll be able to open the standalone app with npm run devtools:

"scripts": {
"devtools": "react-devtools"

Now you are set up; let's see how to use the tool.

In case you are curious, this standalone application is itself written in JS and converted to a desktop application with Electron, as we'll be seeing later in the book in Chapter 13, Creating a Desktop Application with Electron.
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