Getting ready

How to install curl will depend on your operating system, but it's available for practically every platform you are likely to work with; just check out all the downloads at The command has dozens of possible options, but for our intents, we will be looking at the following table. Note that most options have two versions: a short, single character one, and a longer one, intended to be clearer for understanding:

-K filename
--config filename

Lets you specify the name of a file that has options in it so that your command is shorter. In the given file, each option will be in a different line.

-d key=value
--data key=value

Allows you to send data in the body of the request. If you use this option several times, curl will use & as a separator, as standard.

--data-binary someData

Similar to --data, but used to send binary data. Most frequently it is followed by @filename, meaning that the contents of the named file will be sent.

-D filename
--dump-header filename

Dumps the headers of the received data into a file.

-H "header:value"
--header "header:value"

Allows you to set and send some header with a request. You can use this option several times to set many headers.


Includes headers of the received data in the output.

-o filename
--output filename

Stores the received data in the given file.


Minimizes output to the console.


Maximizes output to the console.

-X method
--request method

Specifies which HTTP method will be used, such as GET, POST, PUT, and so on.


Finally, if you need help, use curl --help or curl --manual, and you'll get a full description of the utility and its options. Now let's look at how we can use curl to test our services.

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