Acceleration with Expression Templates

In this final chapter, we rewrite the AAD library of Chapter 10 in modern C++ with the expression template technology. The application of expression templates to AAD was initially introduced in [89] as a means to accelerate AAD and approach the speed of manual AD (see Chapter 8) with the convenience of an automatic differentiation library.

The result is an overall acceleration by a factor two to three in cases of practical relevance, as measured in the numerical results of Chapters 12, 13, and 14. The acceleration applies to both single-threaded and multi-threaded instrumented code. It is also worth noting that we implemented a selective instrumentation in our simulation code of Chapter 12. It obviously follows that only the instrumented part of the code is accelerated with expression templates. It also follows that the instrumented part is accelerated by a very substantial factor, resulting in an overall acceleration by a factor two to three.

The resulting sensitivities are identical in all cases. The exact same mathematical operations are conducted, and the complexity is the same as before. The difference is a more efficient memory access resulting from smaller tapes, and the delegation of some administrative (not mathematical) work to compile time. The benefits are computational, not mathematical or algorithmic. Like in the matrix product of Chapter 1, the acceleration is nonetheless substantial.

The new AAD library exposes the exact same interface as the library of Chapter 10. It follows that there is no modification whatsoever in the instrumented code. The AAD library consists of three files: AADNode.h, AADTape.h, and AADNumber.h. We only rewrite AADNumber.h, in a new file AADExpr.h. AADNode.h and AADTape.h are unchanged. We put a convenient pragma in AAD.h so we can switch between the traditional implementation of Chapter 10 and the implementation of this chapter by changing a single definition:


although this is only intended for testing and debugging. The expression template implementation is superior by all metrics, so we never revert to the traditional implementation in a production context.


At the core of AADET (AAD with Expression Templates) lies the notion that nodes no longer represent elementary mathematical operations like images, images, images or images, but entire expressions like our example of Chapter 9:


or, in (templated) code:


Recall that the DAG of this expression is:

Illustration of expression nodes consisting of 12 nodes on tape for the expression, 6 binaries, 2 unaries, and 4 leaves.

We had 12 nodes on tape for the expression, 6 binaries, 2 unaries, and 4 leaves (a binary that takes a constant on one side is a unary, and a constant does not produce a node, by virtue of an optimization we put in the code in Chapter 10).

The size of a Node in memory is given by images, which readers may verify easily, is 24 bytes in a 32-bit build. This is 288 bytes for the expression. Unary and binary nodes store additional data on tape: the local derivatives and child adjoint pointers, one double (8 bytes) and one pointer (4 bytes) for unaries (12 bytes), two of each (24 bytes) for binaries. For our expression, this is another 168 bytes of memory, for a total of 456 bytes.1 In addition, the data is scattered in memory across different nodes.

The techniques in this chapter permit to represent the whole expression in a single node. This node does not represent an elementary mathematical operation, but the entire expression, and it has 4 arguments: the 4 leaves images, images, images, and images. The size of the node is still 24 bytes. It stores on tape the four local derivatives to its arguments (32 bytes) and the four pointers to the arguments adjoints (16 bytes) for a total of 72 bytes. The memory footprint for the expression is six times smaller, resulting in shorter tapes that better fit in CPU caches, explaining part of the acceleration.

In addition, the data on the single expression node is coalescent in memory so propagation is faster. The entire expression propagates on a single node, saving the cost of traversing 12 nodes, and the cost of working with data scattered in memory.

Finally, we will see shortly that the local derivatives of the expression to its inputs are produced very efficiently with expression templates, with costly work performed at compile time without run-time overhead. Those three computational improvements combine to substantially accelerate AAD, although they change nothing to the number or the nature of the mathematical operations.

With the operation nodes of Chapter 10, a calculation is decomposed in a large sequence of elementary operations with one or two arguments, recorded on tape for the purpose of adjoint propagation. With expression nodes, the calculation is decomposed in a smaller sequence of larger expressions with an arbitrary number of arguments. Adjoint mathematics apply in the exact same manner. Our Node class from Chapter 10 is able to represent expressions with an arbitrary number of arguments, even though the traditional AAD code only built unary or binary operator nodes.

This is all very encouraging, but we must somehow build the expression nodes. We must figure out, from an expression written in C++, the number of its arguments, the location of the adjoints of these arguments, and the local derivatives of the expression to its arguments, so we can store all of these on the expression's node on tape. We know since Chapter 9 that this information is given by the expression's DAG, and we learned to apply operator overloading to build the DAG in memory.

However, the expression DAGs of Chapter 9 were built at run time, in dynamic memory and with dynamic polymorphism, at the cost of a substantial run-time overhead. To do it in the same way here would defeat the benefits of expression nodes and probably result in a slower differentiation overall. Expression templates allow to build the DAG of expressions at compile time, in static memory (the so-called stack memory, the application's working memory for the execution of its functions), so their run-time traversal to compute derivatives is extremely efficient.

The derivatives of an expression to its inputs generally depend on the value of the inputs, which is only known at run time. It follows that the derivatives cannot be computed at compile time. But the DAG only depends on the expression, and, to state the obvious, the expression, written in C++ code, is very much known at compile time. It follows that there must exist a way to build the DAG at compile time, saving the cost of DAG creation at run time, as long as the programming language provides the necessary constructs. It so happens that this can be achieved, very practically, with an application of the template meta-programming facilities of standard C++. The only work that remains at run time is to propagate adjoints to compute derivatives, in the reverse order, through the DAG, and this is very quick because compile-time DAGs are constructed on the stack memory, and the adjoint propagation sequence is generally inlined and further optimized by the compiler.

In our example, the value and the partial derivatives of images depend on the array images, which is unknown at compile time, and may depend on user input. The value and derivative of the expression may only be computed at run time. But we do have valuable information at compile time: we know the number of inputs (five, out of which one, images, is inactive) and we know the sequence of operations that produce images out of images, so we can produce its DAG, illustrated above, while the code is being compiled.

The technology that implements these notions is known as expression templates. This is a well-known idiom in advanced C++ that has been successfully applied to accelerate mathematical code in many contexts, like high-performance linear algebra libraries.

It follows that the differentials of the expressions that constitute a calculation are still recorded on tape, and propagated in reverse order, to accumulate the derivatives of the calculation to its inputs in constant time. But the tape doesn't record the individual operations that constitute the expressions; it records the expressions themselves, which results in a shorter tape storing a lower number of records. What is new is that the differentials of the expressions themselves, also computed automatically and in constant time with a reverse adjoint propagation over their constituent operations, are accumulated without a tape and without the related overhead, with the help of expression templates. The next section explains this technology and its application to a tape-less, constant time differentiation of the expressions.


Template meta-programming

C++ templates offer vastly more than their common use as a placeholder for types in generic classes and methods. C++ templates may be applied to meta-programming, that is, very literally, code that generates code. Templates are resolved into template-free code before compilation, when all templates are instantiated, so it is the instantiated code which is ultimately translated into machine language by the compiler. Because the translation from the templated code into the instantiated code occurs at compile time, that transformation is free from any run-time overhead. This application of C++ templates to write general code that is transformed, at instantiation time, into specific code to be compiled into machine code, is called template meta-programming. Well-designed meta-programming can produce elegant, readable code where the necessary boilerplate is generated on instantiation. It can also produce extremely efficient code, where part of the work is conducted on instantiation, hence, at compile time.

The classic example is the compile-time factorial:


The factorial is computed at compile time. The instantiated code that is compiled and executed is simply:


This traditional C++ code uses the fact that enums are resolved at compile time, like templates, sizeof(), and functions marked constexpr. We will use these to figure the number of the active arguments of an expression at compile time.

Template meta-programming is probably the most advanced form of C++ programming. It is a fascinating area, only available in C++. The most complete reference in this field is Vandevoorde et al.'s C++ Templates – The Complete Guide, recently updated in modern C++ in [76]. Motivated readers may find extensive information on template meta-programming, including expression templates, in this publication. Our introduction barely scratches the surface.

Static polymorphism and CRTP

Expression templates implement the CRTP (curiously recursive template pattern) idiom, so to understand expression templates, we must introduce CRTP first.

Classical object-oriented polymorphism offers a neat separation between interface and implementation, at the cost of run-time overhead, a textbook example being:


We applied this pattern to build DAGs with polymorphic nodes in Chapter 9. Edges were represented by base node pointers, and concrete nodes represented the operators that combine nodes to produce an expression: images, images, images, images, etc. Concrete nodes overrode methods to evaluate or differentiate operators, providing the means of recursively evaluating or differentiating the whole expression. To apply polymorphism to graphs in this manner is a well-known design pattern, applicable in many contexts and identified in GOF [25] as the composite pattern.

What is perhaps less well known is that polymorphism can be also be achieved at compile time, saving run-time allocation, creation, and resolution overhead, as long as the concrete type is known at compile time, as opposed to, say, dependent on user input:


We have the same results as before, without vtable pointers or allocations. Nothing is virtual in the code above; execution is conducted on the stack with resolution at compile time. The base class must know the derived class so it can downcast itself in the “virtual” function call on line 8 and call the correct function defined on the “concrete” class, not with run-time overriding, but with compile time overloading. It follows that the base class must be templated on the derived class, hence the curious syntax on line 15 where a class derives another class templated on itself. This syntax is what permits compile-time polymorphism, and it may appear awkward at first sight, hence the name “curiously recursive template pattern,” or CRTP.

Static polymorphism can achieve many behaviors of classical run-time polymorphism, without the associated overhead. Our animals bark and quack all the same, only faster: the identification of animals as ducks or dogs (resolution) occurs at compile time, and they live on the stack (static memory), not on the heap (dynamic memory), so they are typically accessed faster. A compiler will generally inline the call on lines 44 and 45, whereas it is rarely able to inline true virtual calls. This being said, static polymorphism cannot do everything dynamic polymorphism does. If it were the case, and since static polymorphism is always faster, language support for dynamic polymorphism would be unnecessary. In particular, resolution may only occur at compile time if the concrete type is known at compile time. Our simulation library of Chapter 6 implemented virtual polymorphism so users can mix and match models, products, and RNGs at run time. This cannot be achieved with CRTP. To apply compile time polymorphism, the concrete type of the objects must be static and cannot depend on user input.

As far as C++ expressions are concerned, concrete expression types are compile time constants. For example, in the expression code on page 504, the operation on line 5 is a images. The sequence of operations on line 4 is images, images, images. The concrete types of the operations is known at compile time, so we can construct the DAG with CRTP in place of virtual mechanisms. As a counterexample, in our publication [11], we build and evaluate DAGs that determine a product's cash-flows from a user-supplied script. In this case, the sequence of the concrete operations is not known at compile time, so CRTP cannot be applied.

Finally, CRTP is type safe, like run-time polymorphism, in the sense that images only accepts Animals as arguments. CRTP is different from simple templates, like:


This template function catches any argument and compiles as long as its type implements a method images. This may be convenient in specific cases, but this is not CRTP. This is actually not any kind of polymorphism. And this is not what we need for expression templates. In order to build a compile-time DAG, like the run-time DAGs of Chapter 9, we need operator overloads that catch all kinds of expressions, but only expressions and nothing else. This cannot be achieved with simple templates; it requires a proper type hierarchy, either virtual or CRTP.

Building expressions

Expression templates are a modern counterpart of the composite pattern. They represent expressions in a CRTP hierarchy, which, combined with operator overloading, turns expressions into DAGs at compile time.

An expression is an essentially recursive thing: by definition, an expression consists in one or multiple expressions combined with an operator. A number is an elementary expression. For example, in the last line of the code on page 504:


images, images, and images are (leaf) expressions, images is the expression that applies the operator images to the expressions images and images. The left-hand-side factor is the expression that applies the operator images to the sub-expressions images and images, and images is the expression that applies images to the sub-expressions images and images, the latter being an expression that applies images to the (leaf) expressions images and images.

We used this recursive definition in Chapter 9 to develop a classical object-oriented hierarchy of expressions (which we called nodes). We can do the same here with CRTP:


The base class is empty. We need it to build a CRTP hierarchy, so the overloaded operators catch all expressions and nothing else. The concrete images expression represents the multiplication of two expressions. It is constructed from two expressions, storing them in accordance with their concrete type after a static cast in the constructor. The overloaded operator images takes two expressions (all types of expressions but nothing other than expressions) and constructs the corresponding images expression.

We must code expression types and operator overloads for all standard mathematical functions. We will not do this in this section, where the code only demonstrates and explains the expression template technology. Our actual AADET code does implement all standard functions, including the Gaussian density and cumulative distribution, as discussed in Chapter 12. For now, we only consider multiplication and logarithm:


Finally, we have our custom number type, which is also an expression, although a special one because it is a leaf in the DAG:


We can test our toy code and implement a lazy evaluation:


We achieved the exact same result as in Chapter 9. The call to images did not calculate anything. It built the DAG for the calculation. The code in images, instantiated with the Number type, is:


which is nothing else than syntactic sugar for:


The reason is that images is a Number, hence an Expression. Therefore, the resolution of images is caught in the images overload for expressions, producing images, which is itself an Expression, as is images, so the multiplication is also caught in the overload for expressions, resulting in a type images, constructed with the left-hand-side images and the right-hand-side images.

Provided the compiler correctly inlines the calls to the overloaded operators,2 the code that is effectively compiled is:


where it is apparent that line 5, which originally said “e = calculate(x1, x2),” does not calculate anything, but builds an expression tree, which is another name for the expression's DAG. Furthermore, as evident in the instantiated code above, and provided that the compiler performs the correct inlining, this DAG is built at compile time and stored on the stack. Finally, the compiler always applies operators, overloaded or not, in the correct order, respecting conventional precedence, as well as parentheses, so the resulting DAG is automatically correct.

The (lazy) evaluation is conducted on line 11, from the DAG. The call to images on the top node evaluates the DAG in postorder, as in Chapter 9. This evaluation happens at run time, but over a DAG prebuilt at compile time, and stored on the stack. No time is wasted constructing the DAG at run time, and evaluation on the stack is typically faster than on the heap. In addition, the compiler should inline and optimize the nested sequence of calls to images over the expression tree, something the compiler could not do in Chapter 9, where the DAG was not available at compile time.

We applied expression templates to build an expression DAG, like in Chapter 9, but at compile time, on the stack, without allocation or resolution overhead. We effectively achieved the same result while cutting most of the overhead involved, hence the performance gain.

Traversing expressions

The DAG may have been built at compile time on the stack; it still does everything the run time DAG of Chapter 9 did. We already demonstrated lazy evaluation. We can also count the active numbers in an expression, at compile time, using enums and constexpr functions (functions evaluated at compile time):


The active Numbers are counted at compile time in the exact same way that we computed a compile-time factorial earlier. This information gives us, at compile time, the number of arguments we need for the expression's node on tape.

We can also reverse engineer the original program from the DAG, like we did in Chapter 9:


We get:

  • y0 = 2.000000
  • y1 = 3.000000
  • y2 = log(y1)
  • y3 = y0 * y2

Differentiating expressions in constant time

More importantly, we can apply adjoint propagation through the compile-time DAG to compute in constant time the derivatives of an expression to its active inputs. The mathematics are identical to classical adjoint propagation. Adjoints still accumulate in reverse order over the operations that constitute the expression. The difference is that this reverse adjoint propagation is conducted over the expression's DAG built at compile time, saving the cost of building and traversing a tape in dynamic memory. It is only the resulting expression derivatives that are stored on tape, so that the adjoints of the entire calculation, consisting of a sequence of expressions, may be accumulated over a shorter tape in reverse order at a later stage.

At this point, we must examine the expression's DAG in further detail. This DAG is actually different in nature to the DAGs of Chapter 9. Our DAG here is a tree, in the sense that every node has only one parent. When an expression uses the same number multiple times, as in:


each instance (in the sense that there are two instances of images in the expression above) is a different node in the expression tree, although both point to the same node on tape. When we compute the expression's derivatives, we produce separate derivatives for the two imagess. But on tape, the two child adjoint pointers refer to the same adjoint. Therefore, at propagation time, the two are summed up into the adjoint on images's node, so in the end the adjoint for images accumulates correctly.

The expression's DAG being a tree makes it easier to “push” adjoints top down, applying basic adjoint mathematics as in the previous chapters, from the top node, whose adjoint is one, to the leaves (Numbers), which store the adjoints propagated through the tree.


Note that images is overloaded for different expression types. Contrarily to virtual overriding, overloading is resolved at compile time, without run-time overhead. This function accepts the node's adjoint as argument, implements the adjoint equation to compute the adjoints of the child nodes, and recursively pushes them down the child expression sub-trees by calling images on the child expressions. The recursion starts on the top node of the expression tree, the result of the expression, with argument 1, and stops on Numbers, leaf nodes without children, which register their adjoint, given as argument, in their internal data member. The actual AADET code implements the same pattern, where Number leaves register adjoints on the expression's node on tape.

Flattening expressions

This tutorial demonstrated how expression templates work, how they are applied to produce compile-time expression trees, and how these trees are traversed at run time to compute the derivatives of an expression to its active numbers so we can construct the expression's node on tape.

We know how to efficiently compute the derivatives of an expression, but a calculation is a sequence of expressions. All expressions are still recorded on tape, and their adjoints are still back-propagated through the tape to compute the differentials of the whole calculation.

To work with expression trees is faster than working with the tape: DAGs are constructed at compile time, saving run-time overhead; computations are conducted in faster, static memory on the stack, and optimized by the compiler because they are known at compile time. In principle, it is best working as much as possible with expression trees and as little as possible with the tape. In practice, it is generally impossible to represent a whole calculation as a single expression. Variables of expression types cannot be overwritten, since different expressions are instances of different types. Expressions cannot grow through control flow like loops. In general, an expression is contained in one line of code. For instance, the example we used earlier (here instantiated with the Number type):


consists in three expressions. The three lines assign expressions of different types on the right-hand side, into Numbers on the left-hand side. From the moment an expression is assigned to a Number (which is itself a leaf expression), the expression is flattened into a single Number and no longer exists as a compound expression. This is when the expression and its derivatives are evaluated, and where the expression is recorded on tape, on a node that is assigned to the left-hand-side Number's images pointer. The flattening code will be discussed shortly, with the AADET library. It is implemented in the Number's assignment operator with an Expression argument:


AADET in general, and flattening in particular, are illustrated in the figure below:

Graphical representation clarifying how a traditional AAD and AADET works, where expressions adjoints are back-propagated over trees that live on the stack and are constructed at compile time, so only their results live on tape, a large point of which occurs of faster grounds.

This graphical representation should clarify how AADET works and why it produces such a considerable acceleration. Expressions adjoints are back-propagated over trees that live on the stack and are constructed at compile time, so only their results live on tape. A large part of the adjoint propagation occurs on faster grounds. We want as much propagation as possible to be performed over expression trees and as little as possible on tape.

Hence, we want expressions to grow. In order to keep the expression growing as much as possible, the instrumented code should use auto as the result type for expressions, so the resulting variable is of type Expression, not Number, no flattening occurs, and the expression keeps growing. It is only on assignment into a Number that the expression is flattened and a multinomial node is created on tape. The same code rewritten with auto:


creates only one node on tape (with four arguments) and therefore differentiates faster. Flattening occurs on return when the expression images is assigned into a temporary Number returned by images. Expression templates offer an additional optimization opportunity to instrumented code by systematically using auto as the type to hold expression results. Importantly, calls to functions with templated arguments and auto return type also result in expressions, so yet another version of images:


is even more efficient because images returns an expression that may further grow outside of images, in the caller code.

What we cannot do is traverse control flow without flattening expressions, because the overwritten variables would be of different expression types, as mentioned earlier. For instance, the following code would not compile:


We cannot overwrite variables of expression types with different expression types. Every auto variable must be a new variable. In particular, variables overwritten in a loop must be of Number type, which means we cannot grow expressions through loops:


The flattening code in images (which is not actually called that) is given, along with the rest of the AADET code, in the next section.


In this final section, we deliver and discuss the AADET code in AADExpr.h. It is hoped that the extended tutorial of the previous section helps readers read and understand this code. Template meta-programming in general, and expression templates in particular, are advanced C++ idioms, notoriously hard to understand or explain. It is our hope that we have given enough background to clarify what follows.

We start with a base expression class that implements CRTP for evaluation:


Next, we have a single CRTP expression class to handle all binary operations:


This single class handles all binary operations, and delegates the evaluation of the value and derivatives of specific binary operators to its template parameter OP. This is an example of the so-called policy design, promoted by Andrei Alexandrescu in [100]. This is a very neat idiom that allows to minimize code duplication and gather the common parts to all binary expressions in one place. It is a modern counterpart to GOF's template pattern in [25].

The CRTP design was discussed earlier. The implementation of images is more complicated than earlier, and deserves an explanation. It is templated on two numbers: images and images. images is the total count of active Numbers in the expression, and images is the count of these active Numbers processed so far. Hence, we start by pushing adjoints onto the left sub-tree with the same images, increase images by the number of active Numbers on the left, and process the right sub-tree.

The method takes as an input a reference to the current expression's node on the tape, where the resulting derivatives and pointers are stored when the traversal of the expression is complete. Concretely, the traversal stops on leaves, which are Numbers. The implementation of images on the Number class, which has nothing to “push,” having no children, stores the resulting derivatives on the expression's Node.

Next, we define the different OPs for different binary operations. Their only responsibility is to provide values and derivatives for specific binary operations:


Subtraction, division, power, maximum, and minimum are defined identically. Next, we have the binary operator overloads, which build the binary expressions and are no different from our toy code earlier in this chapter:


We also have images, images, images, images, and images.

Next, with the exact same design, we have the unary expressions:


We also implement the same optimization as in Chapter 10: we consider a binary expression with a constant (double) on one side as a unary expression: if images is a double (not a Number, so a “constant” as far as AAD is concerned), then images or images are not binary images but a unary images. Hence, the unary expression class stores that constant, and we have additional OPs and operator overloads for these expressions:


It may happen that we want to include another function or operator to be considered as an elementary building block. For instance, the Normal density and cumulative distribution functions from gaussians.h should be considered as elementary building blocks, even though they are not standard C++ mathematical functions, as discussed in Chapter 10. We pointed out that it is a fair optimization to overload all those frequently called, low-level functions, and consider them as elementary building blocks, rather than instrument them and record their expressions on tape. We saw that in the case of the cumulative normal distribution, in particular, the results are both faster and more accurate. This is how we proceed:

  1. Code the corresponding unary or binary operator, with the evaluation and differentiation methods. For the Gaussian functions, operators are unary:
  2. Code the overload for the function, which builds a unary or binary expression with the correct operator:

This is it. The two snippets of code above effectively made images and images AADET building blocks. There is no need to template the definitions of the original functions (no harm, either; the expression overloads have precedence, being the more specific).

Next, we have comparison operators for expressions:


and the unary +/- operators:


This completes all binary and unary operators. Finally, we have the leaf expression, the custom number type:


The private helper createMultiNode(), templated on the number of arguments to an expression, creates the expression's node on tape. Another private helper, fromExpr(), flattens an expression assigned into a Number, computing derivatives through its DAG and storing them on the expression's multinomial node:


We create the node on tape with a call to images, and populate it with a call to images on the top node of the expression's tree. Note the CRTP style call to images. It is given the template parameters images, the count of the active inputs to the expression, known at compile time as explained earlier, and also given as a template parameter to images, and the count 0 of inputs already processed. It is also given as arguments the address of the expression's node on tape, where derivatives are stored once computed, along with the address of the adjoints of the expression's arguments, and 1.0, the adjoint (in the expression tree, not on tape) of the top node of the expression. Finally, we register the node as this number's node on tape.

We have seen the implementation of images on the binary and unary expressions, but it is really on the leaves, that is, on the Number class, that images populates the multinomial tape node. The execution of images on the Number class occurs on the bottom of the expression tree. In particular, the argument images accumulated the differential of the expression to this images, so it may be stored on the expression's node:


Next, we have (thread local) static tape access and constructors similar to the code of Chapter 10:


The new thing is the construction or assignment from an expression, which calls images above to flatten the assigned expression and create and populate the multinomial node by traversal of the expression's tree, whenever an expression is assigned to a Number:


Next, we have the same explicit conversion operators, accessors, and propagators as in traditional AAD code:


and, finally, the unary on-class operators:


which completes the expression-templated AAD code.

As mentioned earlier, we get the exact same results as previously, two to three times faster. Since a small portion of the instrumented code is templated, we actually accelerated AAD by a substantial factor.

Finally, we reiterate that this AAD framework encourages further improvements, both in the AAD library and instrumented code, with potential further acceleration. A systematic application of the images type in the instrumented code delays the flattening of expressions, resulting in a smaller number of larger expressions on tape and a faster overall processing, expressions being processed faster than nodes on tape. It is also worth overloading more functions as expression building blocks, like we did for the Gaussian functions. The AADET framework is meant to evolve with client code and be extended to improve the speed of the entire application.


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