Chapter 16 Upstream Issues

16.1 Introduction

This chapter covers a number of topics of interest to those using return plant or needing to understand the issues involved in the operation of return plant. You may wish to review Chapters 10 through 13, which cover relevant topics in distribution systems. This chapter builds on the material in those chapters.

Return, or upstream, signal levels must be managed differently from downstream signal levels, and this topic is covered in some depth. Return laser characteristics are covered, along with methods being used to determine the proper level at which to operate return lasers. Finally, noise on the return path is dealt with. Several methods of analyzing the problem are presented, as are several alternative countermeasures.

Limited two-way cable plant has been built since the mid- to late 1970s. As early as 1972, the FCC required that plant be built to be “two-way ready.” It was not until the mid-1990s, however, that the technology began to enjoy adequate applications to justify widespread deployment. Previously, the only applications were provision of a return path for impulse-pay-per-view (IPPV) set-top terminals, some of which used an RF return path, and a few status-monitoring applications. Return analog video was and is practiced, but most links involve trunk runs only and are limited to local backhaul applications. Beginning in the mid-1990s, these applications were joined by HFC-based high-speed data transmission and telephony. More sophisticated status monitoring was deployed in the plant though its required data rates remain modest. Interactive video continues to be a possible future application, though as of this writing, it has not enjoyed widespread acceptance.

The enabling technology that made the widespread use of the return path possible was the introduction of smaller nodal architecture in place of the older tree-and-branch architecture. This made feasible the control of noise buildup and also made it possible to realize adequate bandwidth to support marketable services. Thus, by the mid-1990s, the technology and applications had both arrived to make return plant practical and economically justifiable.

16.2 The Two-Way Node

In early fiber-optic deployments, the device that received optical signals from the headend and converted them to electrical form was called a receiver. As two-way services developed, a return optical transmitter was added to the optical receiver. Use of the term receiver to describe the device became confusing, so the device came to be known as a node. Nodes may be mounted on strand or in a pedestal.

Figure 16.1 illustrates an optical node. It consists of a forward (downstream) optical receiver, one or more reverse (upstream) transmitter(s), and diplex filters to separate signals moving in the two directions on the coaxial cable. The diplex filter, or diplexer, is a matched set of low-pass and high-pass filters, which separate signals by direction (due to their difference in frequency). Diplex filters are described in Chapter 10. Also shown is an optional postdiplexer input, which may be used when a block converter translates multiple input paths to different frequencies. This technique is discussed later.


Figure 16.1 Optical node with optional return split.

Nodes typically have one downstream path, which is split internally to several output paths, each serving a portion of the total subscribers served from the node. The upstream paths from all subscribers may be combined to send all upstream signals through the same path. Alternatively, multiple return paths may serve the same downstream path, as shown in the figure. Two node outputs are shown, both served by the same downstream optical receiver but by separate upstream optical transmitters. Splitting the upstream path is one technique used to improve the effective upstream bandwidth of, for example, DOCSIS modems. Since the upstream band is so much narrower than the downstream path, much less upstream capability is provided as compared with the downstream capability.

If more upstream bandwidth is needed, the upstream direction may be split as shown, using two or more upstream optical transmitters. Each transmitter may transmit on a separate fiber strand as shown, or coarse wave division multiplexing (CWDM) may be used to place all upstream paths on the same fiber strand. Normally, CWDM will be much more expensive than using separate fibers. The exception would be if new cable must be installed. That can be more expensive than using CWDM. Other alternatives for improving upstream bandwidth are covered later in this chapter; they include block conversion and digitization of the upstream signals.

High-end nodes, often called scalable nodes, not only allow the upstream to be split, but also allow multiple downstream paths to be added if the demand for them develops. This might be needed if a serving area develops a big appetite for pay-per-view (PPV) programming, which requires individual downstream bandwidth.

16.3 Downstream and Upstream Frequency Partitioning

A number of different plans are used in assigning downstream and upstream frequencies. In North America, the downstream band usually begins at 54 MHz, the low end of channel 2 (see Chapter 9). However, some operators prefer to use the frequency band from 50, or 52, to 54 MHz for narrowband services, and so use diplex filters that cut off below 50 MHz. The maximum downstream frequency is usually between 450 and 870 MHz, depending on when the system was built and the economic viability of various bandwidths in a particular system.

The traditional upstream band was 5 to 30 MHz, but recently, the maximum frequency of the upstream band has been increased to either 40, 41, or 42 MHz in order to allow more usable return bandwidth. Caution is advised when using frequencies above 40 MHz, and especially when using frequencies above 41 MHz. The common IF band used by North American television receivers is 41–47 MHz. Not all television sets exhibit good IF rejection to signals entering the antenna terminals because this has not been a requirement. Since return signals cannot be completely isolated from television receivers, the possibility for interference is significant. Issues relating to subscriber susceptibility are covered in Chapter 23.

A common practice is to specify two numbers to indicate the high end of the upstream band and the low end of the downstream band. A partitioning having a maximum upstream frequency of 40 MHz and a minimum downstream frequency of 54 MHz would be called a 40/54 split. Other splits in common use include 55/70 (Japan) and 65/82 (Australia, New Zealand). Various European systems have used 26/45, 33/50, 42/54, 50/70, and 65/85. Splits tend to be somewhat customized. In certain applications, the split tends to yield more symmetrical spectrum, with larger upstream bands. These are not popular for residential service due to the need to place TV signals beginning at channel 2.

Useful upstream bandwidth may be somewhat less than the entire return bandwidth. On the low end, ingress often is the limiting factor below 15 or 20 MHz. The subject is covered in more detail later. As you approach the upper end of the return band, group delay increases owing to the characteristics of the diplex filters. Whether the group delay is a problem or not depends on the number of diplex filters in cascade, the rate of cutoff of the diplex filter, and the type of modulation used. Thus, the usable bandwidth of the return plant may be lower than the reverse passband.

16.4 Group Delay of Diplex Filters

Of concern with two-way plant is the group delay of the diplex filters used to separate the upstream and downstream frequency bands. The narrower the crossover region, the worse the problem becomes. In the upstream direction, the effect is to introduce group delay to the data signals that are typically carried in that direction. Group delay can produce intersymbol interference, the error in a signaling symbol produced by adjacent data symbols. If bad enough, the bit error rate of the signal is adversely affected. In the upstream direction, it is generally not feasible to equalize for group delay, as is done when necessary in the downstream direction, because the equalization would have to be different for each of several transmitters that may be using the same upstream bandwidth. Group delay is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.

16.4.1 Upstream Group Delay

Figure 16.2 illustrates the upstream group delay of an amplifier having a 42/52 split.1 The left vertical scale shows the absolute group delay (defined in Equation (10.35)), and the right scale is the differential group delay in a 1-MHz frequency span. (If we were concerned about carrying NTSC video, we would measure the differential group delay over a frequency span of 3.58 MHz, and we would call it chroma/luma delay.) Notice that at the high end of the return path, the differential group delay increases significantly, as the frequency is approaching the low-pass cutoff of the diplexer. If the differential group delay is too great, then some spectrum at the high end of the band may not be usable. “Too much” group delay is a function of the modulation type and the particular system being used. Higher-density modulation systems (that is, those having a higher bandwidth efficiency) are more susceptible to group delay and other impairments than are lower-density modulation systems.


Figure 16.2 Upstream group delay due to diplex filter.

The group delay increase at the low end of the band is a result of a high-pass filter included in the amplifier measured. The high-pass filter is advantageous in that noise below the 5-MHz low cutoff is not as much of a factor in loading the return system.

Notice that the chart in Figure 16.2 reflects the group delay per amplifier. Multiply the group delay shown by the number of amplifiers in cascade. Optical nodes will exhibit somewhat less group delay because they have only one diplex filter (see Figure 16.1). Figures 10.15 through 10.17 show that two diplex filters are cascaded in an amplifier. Furthermore, amplifiers need more crossover attenuation than do nodes to avoid the stability issue described in Chapter 10.

16.5 Block Conversion

It is sometimes desirable to increase the return capacity of a node. The limited return bandwidth that can practically be used limits the number of services that can be accommodated in the reverse direction. Also, noise buildup may limit the performance of the upstream bandwidth. Capacity may be increased, and noise buildup reduced, by splitting the return into several sectors (frequently based on multiple cables branching from the node) and using a separate return transmitter for each. Rather than using multiple return transmitters, block conversion has been used as an alternative. A block conversion system takes several return paths and converts all except one to a unique block of frequencies. The blocks are combined and transmitted to the headend using one return optical transmitter.

Figure 16.3 illustrates block conversion in a common configuration that uses a 200-MHz return optical transmitter. Typically, this circuitry would be housed in a node though it might be housed in an ancillary housing. Up to four return paths may be accommodated. The first is coupled directly to the optical trans-mitter. The other three are up-converted to other frequencies up to about 200 MHz and combined with the unconverted spectrum to supply signals to a return transmitter. At the headend, the process is reversed, developing four individual 5- to 40-MHz spectra to be supplied individually to receivers. Alter-natively, it is possible to build return receivers that tune to 200 MHz, eliminating the need for downconversion in the headend.


Figure 16.3 Block conversion at a node.

Single conversion is used for economy. For other applications, double conversion might be used if it is necessary to put many blocks close together, but the cost can be higher. The single conversion results in inversion of the spectra of the three converted bands so that what was the low end of the band becomes the high end of the converted band. The conversion back in the headend will reinvert the spectrum. Inversion is brought about by the practical need to use high-side local oscillators.

In some cases, it is necessary to provide very accurate frequency conversion in the node and headend, such that the frequency to which a signal is restored in the headend is very close to the frequency at which it existed before conversion at the node. If this is required, then most commonly, the oscillators in the node will be phase locked to those in the headend, or vice versa. A pilot tone is transmitted between the node and headend to allow phase locking.

Block conversion increases the bandwidth available per customer and reduces noise funneling without requiring more optical transmitters and receivers. However, since the one optical transmitter is loaded with more signals, the performance of that transmitter must increase, or the OMI must be reduced. This reduces the carrier-to-noise ratio available in the optical portion of the return path. The use of block conversion may force an operator to use a DFB return laser rather than a lower-cost F-P laser.

16.6 Return Signal Level Issues

Of paramount importance to the operation of the return path is the proper handling of signal levels. The issue is far more complex in the upstream direction than it is in the downstream direction. In the upstream direction, you deal with many transmitters located on or in subscribers’ homes, with each signal path having a different gain between the home and the headend. Several conditions must be addressed in setting the level of the transmitters. It is as important to design and balance the reverse path as it is the forward. If you balance the forward plant and let the reverse fall where it may, reliable return performance will not be obtained.

16.6.1 Measurement of Return Signal Levels

In Chapter 4, the definition of “signal level” of a digital signal was presented as the level, expressed in dBmV, at which a sine wave would produce the same heating in a resistor as does the signal being measured. That is, the level of a digital signal is taken to be the average power. Most digital signals have the characteristic that the amplitude of the signal changes for different transmitted states, so the peak level is greater than this average. The peak-to-average ratio is small with QPSK, and indeed, would be zero were it not for transmitter filtering. Higher-order modulation exhibits a greater peak-to-average ratio, as shown in Chapter 4. Peak-to-average ratio is rather difficult to measure, so the NCTA Recommended Practices for Measurements on Cable Television Systems, “Upstream Transport Issues” section, recommends that each manufacturer state the peak-to-average ratio of his or her modulation.2

Many signals in the upstream direction employ time division multiple access (TDMA), a technique in which many transmitters transmit on the same frequency at different times. An explanation is presented in Chapter 4. Measurement of individual elements can be accomplished by triggering the measuring instrument (usually a spectrum analyzer) on some reference time, allowing one of the signals in the return “parade” to be identified. This triggering signal would normally be supplied by the system being analyzed. First-generation equipment does not necessarily have the capability to provide such a trigger, however.

If you set a spectrum analyzer to the zero span mode, it can be used to measure the signal level on only one frequency, with the bandwidth of the analyzer determining the bandwidth of the measurement. You may be restricted as to the measurement bandwidth due to adjacent carriers, and this will vastly complicate the measurement.

Figure 16.4 illustrates the measurement issues for a TDMA signal in the return path. Figure 16.4(a) shows the preferred test configuration: received signals are supplied to the using system and also to a spectrum analyzer used to measure signal level. Ideally, the using system would supply a triggering signal to the spectrum analyzer, which would allow identification of the return signal to be observed. Again ideally, the spectrum analyzer would have a trigger input and would have a time base setting that allows separation of the return signals into the individual elements. These ideal situations do not exist with all firstgeneration hardware, but it is hoped that future systems will allow for this type of observation.


Figure 16.4 Measurement of TDMA return signals. (a) Instrumentation to observe return levels. (b) Wideband measurement of amplitude. (c) Measurement with restricted bandwidth. (d) Measurement with severely restricted bandwidth.

The spectrum analyzer is set to the zero span mode, in which it operates as a fixed tuned receiver, plotting amplitude versus time of the signal, as shown in Figure 16.4(b), (c), and (d) for three different resolution bandwidths of the analyzer. If the resolution (IF) bandwidth of the analyzer is wider than the occupied bandwidth of the signal being measured, as shown at the left of Figure 16.4(b), the waveform might look as illustrated in (b). The TDMA parade consists of a number of responses from different transmitters, each being received at a slightly different level at the headend. Ideally, the long loop automatic level control (ALC) would bring all elements to the same level. However, there will be differences due to the limited resolution with which the transmitters can adjust level.

Issues Regarding Making Accurate Measurements of TDMA Signals

Particularly with higher-density modulation formats (bandwidth efficiency of greater than two bits per hertz), the amplitude will change within one time slot since a number of bits are transmitted in each time slot, and different bit combinations correspond to differing amplitudes. This is illustrated to the extreme right of Figure 16.4(b) and further complicates the job of accurately measuring signal level.

Yet another difficulty is that, if the spectrum analyzer resolution can be set wider than the occupied bandwidth, it will tend to track envelope peaks, measuring the peak, and not the average, signal level. This will necessitate adding another correction term.

Figure 16.4(c) illustrates a situation in which the spectrum analyzer bandwidth is slightly narrower than the occupied bandwidth of the signal. Analogous to measurement of the amplitude of an analog television signal, if the bandwidth is too narrow, the individual packets will not be present long enough to allow the analyzer output to stabilize at the correct level for each packet. Figure 16.4(d) illustrates a further reduction in bandwidth of the analyzer, showing even more difficulty in accurately reading the bandwidth of any element.

One reason that the spectrum analyzer bandwidth may be too narrow for the signal being measured is that the signal may be wider than the widest bandwidth of the analyzer. It is not uncommon to deal with return signals having a 2-MHz occupied bandwidth, and some analyzers are not equipped with IF filters wider than 1 MHz. Also, if adjacent channels are occupied, it may be necessary to reduce the bandwidth of the analyzer in order to avoid interference from those adjacent signal(s).

Some spectrum analyzers use IF filters with relatively high shape factors (the ratio of bandwidth at high attenuation to bandwidth at lower attenuation). Such filters tend to ring less and can allow accurate measurements to be made faster. However, it does mean that the resolution bandwidth may need to be less than the occupied bandwidth in order to reject adjacent channel power. Other analyzers use filter shapes that are more squared (somewhat as illustrated in Figure 16.4). These filters, if available in the correct bandwidth, do a better job of rejecting adjacent channel signals, but they tend to ring more, introducing yet another source of error.

Making the measurement with a significantly narrower spectrum analyzer bandwidth can yield a fairly accurate average channel power measurement if return signals are present substantially all the time. This can be useful in checking that a long loop ALC system is set up to operate at the desired point. It cannot tell anything much about the amplitude of a specific element in the return signal. If there are gaps in the received signal, the results can be quite misleading. Consider a telephony system that multiplexes 24 telephone lines into a single TDMA stream. If the node has fewer than 24 lines, there will be some gaps in the received signal. These gaps can provide misleading results when you attempt to measure the signal level of the stream by looking at average power.

In summary, it is difficult to make accurate measurements of the amplitude of TDMA signals in a real network. Gross errors can often be spotted fairly easily, but very accurate measurements are hard to make. The NCTA Recommended Practices document, referenced earlier, defines the “level” as being that which would be measured if the signal was on continuously. It further requires the manufacturer of a signal-measuring device to publish a valid procedure to allow a user to translate the level indicated to the defined level. However, this is not always easy to do.

Measurement of the level of return signals using more advanced techniques, such as code division multiplexing and multiple carriers, is not covered here. The vendor of such systems should provide guidance for making the required measurements.

16.6.2 Long Loop Automatic Level Control

Figure 16.5 illustrates the critical points in the return signal level control issue. It is similar to Figure 9.8, which addresses the same issue from the headend. As described in Chapter 9, the return service includes a long loop automatic level control (ALC), wherein the signal level is measured in the headend (Lvl 1 in Figure 16.5), and a signal is sent to the home transmitter, TX4, to adjust its output such that the correct level is received at the headend. This corresponds to some level at the tap, Lvl 5, and to other levels at each RF amplifier (Lvl 4) and at the node, Lvl 3. The point is that, once the system controls the signal level at Lvl 1, all the other signal levels are set according to the design of the system.


Figure 16.5 Pertinent points in return signal level control.

An ALC loop is set up between the headend and each home system individually. The headend senses level of the return signal and adjusts the upstream transmitter such that the correct level is received at the headend receiver. The most critical level is that at the reverse optical transmitter, Lvl 3.

The most critical level is that at the return optical transmitter, Lvl 3. The dynamic range (from maximum signal level down to noise level) tends to be relatively low for return path optical transmitters, both due to technology and cost. Dynamic range is explored in more detail later. See Chapter 12 for a detailed discussion of optical technology.

The system must be set up to optimize the level at Lvl 3. However, Lvl 3 cannot be directly observed by the adjusting system. Instead, the gain between the point marked Lvl 3 and that marked Lvl 1, where the level observation is made, must be known and must be stable. The target value of Lvl 1, to which the system is adjusted, is set based on the desired value of Lvl 3. At the same time, it is necessary to set the gain in the system such that the input and output signal levels at all amplifiers, represented by Lvl 4, are correct. Attenuators and equalizers are often provided in the return amplifiers for this purpose and must be properly selected during system alignment. “Correct” is based on the manufacturer’s specified operating levels for the conditions under which the amplifier is being used. When these levels are set (by design and alignment of the system), then the level at the tap, Lvl 5, will be set by the tap value and the gain from there to the node.

A few systems have attempted to use automatic gain control (AGC) in the return path. This is not recommended for a number of reasons. First, it fights the setting of levels as described earlier. Second, at times it may be normal for the number of carriers in the reverse direction to change. For example, some services employing time division multiple access (TDMA) may permit signal dropout as a normal condition at times. Further, as return services are added and deleted, it is not desirable that gain in the return path change. Next, real return paths often branch and have a different number of amplifiers in each branch. AGC can significantly complicate operation of such systems.

In some cases where reverse AGC has been employed, it has been done with a pilot tone generated somewhere near the end of the system and detected by all amplifiers and the node. This may work, but raises many questions when downstream signals branch after leaving the node. With branches having a different number of amplifiers in cascade, where do you put the pilot tone generator? You would logically place it at the end of one of the branches, but that leaves the other branches with no coverage.

16.6.3 Thermal Gain Control

It is often desirable to provide thermal control of return path equipment. Even at return frequencies, cable exhibits some variation in loss with temperature, and it may be desirable to also compensate for variations in the operating point of lasers. This is often done by using thermistors (temperature-sensitive resistors) to sense temperature level inside the return optical transmitter and adjust gain based on temperature variation. It is also practiced at times to cool the laser, as mentioned in Section 16.7.

16.6.4 Return Signal Levels at the Tap

Of interest to those designing or using systems needing the services of the return path is the issue of the signal level at the tap, Lvl 5, needed in order to produce the desired level at Lvl 3. Intuitively, we might assume that the difference between the lowest and highest levels would be about the same as the difference between the lowest and highest tap value in the system. Tap values are chosen such that the downstream level at the tap is more or less constant, fixed by system design. This calculation is done at the highest frequency of interest, where cable loss is maximum. At the return band, cable loss is much lower, so the level required at the tap, Lvl 5, would be lower at lower tap values. Generally, those lower value taps are located farther from an amplifier (in the downstream direction).

Analysis of the return gain characteristics of real nodes, however, shows that this line of reasoning is oversimplified. Sometimes low-value taps are located at the end of a long cable run, so there is little upstream loss at the low frequencies composing the return band. Other times, though, low-value taps are located after a directional coupler and near an amplifier. At those locations, the loss is primarily flat loss (not a function of frequency), and the required output at Lvl 5 will be higher.

Figure 16.6, from the analysis of one real node, shows the levels found to be required at the tap (Lvl 5 of Figure 16.5) in order to produce a level of 0 dBmV back at the node (Lvl 3). Each dot represents a tap of the value shown on the x axis, which requires the y-axis level at any tap port. Notice that low tap values exhibit a wide variation in level required, with the level range tending to compress slightly as you move to higher tap values. This slight compression is a result of having few places to use high-value taps, other than shortly after an amplifier. This data is from one node, but examination of other nodes owned by the same and other cable operators shows the same tendency.


Figure 16.6 Required signal level as a function of tap value.

It is not necessarily desirable to have a node that requires low signal levels at the return input. It is desirable to require the highest level that can be supported by the reverse amplifiers that supply signals to the node. This will help minimize the effect of noise entering the plant (primarily from homes). Of course, you must ensure that the requisite signal levels are available at the home transmitter. The use of 0 dBmV as the input to the node is not intended to be a real case but to provide a convenient normalized reference point.

Figure 16.7 illustrates the signal level issue another way. The population of taps having certain level requirements is plotted for the node of Figure 16.6. The distribution of levels appears to be a very crude approximation to a normal distribution. It illustrates that, though there is a clumping of levels, a significant number of taps will require a higher or lower level. The product designer must plan for the required level range, also allowing for variations from system to system, errors, and variations with temperature. Note that the level of the signals at the home will vary because of temperature-dependent changes in gain in the system.


Figure 16.7 Distribution of tap signal levels.

When the signal level received at the headend changes, this will cause the signal level commanded from the home to change, due to operation of the long loop ALC.

Reducing the required tap return level range would be desirable, in that a reduced level range specification would provide some reduction in cost and would enhance performance in at least some cases. Homes with the lowest signal level requirement are also the homes that have the greatest potential to introduce noise into the return path. A wide level range implies high output level capability from the device, which implies possible high noise emission when the level is set low. It also implies rather larger current drain since the output amplifier must have the capability to handle large signals with minimum distortion.

16.7 Optional Ways to Specify Return Lasers

At least four types of return transmitters are in common use at this time: digital, cooled distributed feedback (DFB) lasers, uncooled DFB lasers, and Fabry-Perot (F-P) lasers. The list is in the order of decreasing performance (and decreasing cost). It is required to select the correct laser for each application, bearing in mind the eventual loading, not just the initial loading. Refer also to Chapter 12, which discusses laser technology.

16.7.1 Data- or Video-Grade Classification

An early method of classifying return transmitters (and receivers) is to classify them as to data grade or video grade, with the implication that video-grade lasers are better. This method has proved unsatisfactory because it doesn’t take into account the real requirements placed on the system. A return path with many data signals requires at least as good a laser as does a return path with one analog video signal. Further, there is no standard criteria for classifying lasers: in at least one case, a manufacturer interpreted “data grade” to mean capable of handling one FSK return signal only. When it was used with multiple QPSK return signals, it was incapable of handling the job.

16.7.2 Discrete Carrier Testing and Classification

An older method of measuring the performance of return components is taken directly from downstream measuring practice. Either two or four CW carriers are used to excite the laser, and the results are measured on a spectrum analyzer. The second- and third-order beat products are recorded.

Figure 16.8 illustrates the method. Either two or four oscillators are combined, with identical output levels, to produce a spectrum, usually on the highest T-channel carrier frequencies used by the system. The performance of the system is reported as the composite second- (CSO) and third- (CTB) order beats and the cross modulation, as if this were a miniature downstream system. Typically, lasers tend to be more second-order than third-order limited, so CSO becomes the dominant specification.


Figure 16.8 Four-tone measurement of a return optical system.

The attenuators and bandpass filter are shown for practical reasons. The attenuators help isolate the signal sources so that you don’t suffer intermodulation distortion in the output circuits of the generators. The bandpass filter (BPF) tuned to the frequency of measurement prevents overload of the spectrum analyzer.

In evaluating the performance of the system for carrying a limited number of signals, some practitioners have tried to predict the frequencies at which the maximum distortion is present. These frequencies are then avoided in order to maximize the performance of the link. The cost of doing this is that many potentially useful frequencies are excluded. You are left with lower capacity and less ability to move carriers to avoid noise. Another problem with this approach is that, as we will show, when the laser goes into clipping, the normal model used for predicting the frequencies of distortion components is invalid. Also, this technique fails to stress the laser the same as it would be stressed with a number of real digital signals. Again, this is explained later.

Yet another problem encountered in comparing specifications between manufacturers by using discrete test tones is that some manufacturers, following downstream practice, quote specifications with equal level carriers. Others assume that some number of the carriers represent analog signals, and others represent digital signals that are carried at a lower level. They reduce the level of some of the signals when making measurements.

Still another problem in comparing specifications is that manufacturers may choose different channels on which to place the carriers. Depending on the placement, differing numbers of composite beat products will exist on the measurement frequencies. Only the most careful reading of the data sheet can reveal the exact conditions under which the measurements were made.

16.7.3 Noise Power Ratio Testing and Classification

A newer method of characterizing systems has become common practice. It comes much closer to testing the laser as it will be operated in service. The technique is not really new: it has been used in the telephone industry for years to characterize linear systems, such as FDM (frequency division multiplex) coax and radio systems. HFC systems are FDM systems because they employ multiple frequencies to carry different information.

Figure 16.9 illustrates the so-called noise power ratio (NPR) testing technique. A broadband white noise generator is used to simulate a spectrum filled with data signals. Data signals generally have a flat spectrum over the occupied bandwidth of the signal (see Chapter 4), so simulating them with a white noise signal is reasonable. (“White noise” simply means that the spectrum is flat over the frequency range of interest.) A bandpass filter limits the spectrum to that for which the system under test is rated.


Figure 16.9 Noise power ratio testing of a return path.

An attenuator is used to isolate the bandpass filter from a notch filter that follows. The notch filter removes the white noise in some measurement bandwidth. The total power in the signal is important, and would be measured using, ideally, a thermocouple type power meter. The variable attenuator is used to adjust the signal level supplied to the system under test.

A spectrum analyzer, protected if necessary by a bandpass filter tuned to the notch frequency, is used to observe the output. The notched frequency will be somewhat filled in by the system under test. At low signal levels, the filled in noise is due to noise introduced by the system under test. At higher signal levels, it is filled in by distortion introduced by the system under test. It is not possible to look at the filled in level and tell whether the fill is due to noise or distortion or both. The ratio of noise on the flat portion of the spectrum, and that in the notch, is called the noise power ratio (NPR). Some practitioners have called it carrier to noise plus intermodulation noise, or C/(N + IMD).

Use of NPR to Set Operating Level

If we were to plot the NPR against the power supplied to the laser, we would obtain a plot similar to that of Figure 16.10. The total power supplied to the laser is plotted on the x axis. Often the quantity plotted will be the power spectral density, which is the total power divided by the bandwidth over which the power exists.


Figure 16.10 NPR as a function of the total power into the laser.

At low signal levels, the NPR is noise limited. One would expect the NPR to increase 1 dB for every decibel increase in total power into the laser. In practice, there will often be a region on the left of the diagram in which the NPR increases faster than decibel for decibel.3 This is especially true for unisolated distributed feedback (DFB) lasers feeding long fiber-optic cables. The reason is that at low signal levels, lasers are susceptible to reflections from the optical cable, due to Rayleigh backscatter. The reflected light “pulls” the laser wavelength, creating noise. As the drive to the laser increases, the laser tends to “chirp” (change wavelength with instantaneous drive) more, reducing the pulling by reflected light. The reflected light is a function of the length of optical cable used: the longer the cable, the more reflection. DFB lasers tend to be more susceptible than are F-P lasers because their wavelength is chirped less by modulation, making them more susceptible to wavelength pulling by reflected light. Many modern lasers are isolated and tend to change NPR at about a 1:1 rate with signal level.

Wavelength pulling by reflected light is a phenomenon similar to the tendency of an oscillator to oscillate off of its normal frequency if a signal at a close frequency is supplied to the circuit. The more the separation between the two frequencies, the less the tendency to pull. Chirp refers to the changing of frequency (wavelength) of an oscillator (or light source) with applied modulation.

At some drive level, the NPR is maximized. Above this level, the NPR drops quickly. The initial drop may be due to distortion, primarily second order, but you quickly enter a region in which the primary effect is from laser clipping. Clipping noise tends to be the dominant mechanism by which the NPR is reduced on the right side of the graph, and is covered in greater detail later in this chapter.

NPR should not be confused with carrier-to-noise ratio, C/N. C/N represents the ratio of a signal to the noise lying under that signal. It is a function of signal level and the total noise provided from thermal sources plus the excess noise generated in real electronics. On the other hand, the noise in the notch of an NPR measurement either is a function of the thermal and excess noise or, at higher levels, is caused by distortion, which transfers noise from other frequencies into the notch. The mechanism may be the familiar second- and third-order distortion, or much of the noise filled in the notch may be clipping noise from the laser (or electronic amplifiers). Do not look for a simple and universal relationship between NPR and C/N. Later in this chapter, we show how to compute C/N from NPR.

One convenient way to establish the level at which to operate the laser is to determine the range of input signal levels across which some specified minimum NPR is obtained, as indicated in Figure 16.10. The laser should be operated with total power within this “dynamic range.” The engineer might be tempted to operate the laser at the total power that represents the highest NPR. This will work, but because the dropoff in performance is so steep on the right side, he or she may want to operate with slightly less power (to the left of the maximum NPR). (In some lasers, the slope on the right side has a region of gentler slope, where it is limited by second-order distortion. In other lasers, the slope tends to be quite steep just to the right of the peak. This indicates that the laser performance is limited more by clipping than by second-order distortion.)

A noise power ratio test has several advantages over a four-tone test. Noise has an amplitude probability distribution that is different from that of four carriers, but is similar to that of a number of digital carriers added together. The central limit theorem from statistics states that, when a number of independent variables having any arbitrary distribution are added together, the resultant distribution is normal. A normal distribution also describes the amplitude distribution of noise.

Further, the measurement is independent of the bandwidth of measurement, so long as the bandwidth is significantly less than the notch width. It is also independent of the characteristics of the spectrum analyzer detector, so repeatability is good. The only other instrument (besides a spectrum analyzer) needed is a thermocouple power meter, which is low in cost and very accurate.

Use of BER to Set Operating Level

An alternative way to look at the optimum laser operating point recognizes that the vast majority of signals likely to be carried in the reverse direction use low-density digital modulation. The return spectrum is loaded much as shown in Figure 16.9, except that a modulated (usually QPSK) signal is added into the notched frequency band. The bit error rate is plotted against the signal level.4

Figure 16.11 illustrates the principle. At low signal levels, the bit error rate (BER) is poor owing to noise corruption. As the signal level increases, the BER gets better (lower on the y axis is better BER). In the central part of the diagram, the BER is so good it is below the chart. Toward the right side of the graph, the BER again begins to deteriorate, due to clipping. The operating total signal level into the laser is set to be somewhere in the middle of the range where the BER is extremely good.


Figure 16.11 BER versus signal level.

16.8 Characteristics of Return Lasers

Two basic types of laser diodes are used in return path service today: Fabry-Perot (F-P), and distributed feedback (DFB) lasers. Chapter 12 provides additional information on lasers used in cable TV work. DFB lasers may be either cooled, with an integral thermoelectric cooler, or uncooled. F-P lasers tend to have lower performance but are lower in cost. Since lasers perform somewhat more poorly at high temperatures, a cooled laser can offer better performance at higher optical output levels. The cooler can also reduce the shift in transfer function of the laser with temperature. However, the cooler increases power consumption and usually increases cost. Electronic circuits have also been developed that compensate for the changes in laser characteristics with temperature. Besides use of analog returns and block conversion, digital return systems have been developed whereby the entire return path is digitized and returned to the headend. At the headend, the signal is turned back into RF form so that signals may be supplied to legacy systems.

16.8.1 Fabry-Perot Lasers

Fabry-Perot lasers have their frequency controlled by the spacing of mirrors at each end of the laser. The frequency control mechanism is such that the laser can oscillate simultaneously, or jump in rapid succession, to several wavelengths that are close to each other. Each wavelength propagates through the fiber at slightly different velocity due to chromatic dispersion in the fiber.5 As shown in Chapter 12, this results in restricted performance in terms of carrier-to-noise ratio or NPR on the low side.

Figure 16.12 illustrates the NPR performance of a real F-P laser diode using the NPR test described earlier. On the left side of the graph, the performance is limited by inherent noise in the device. It increases almost precisely 1 dB for every decibel increase in signal level. Above the level of peak NPR performance, the drop in performance is precipitous as the laser rapidly enters the region in which the signal is clipped.


Figure 16.12 NPR performance of an F-P return laser diode.

Note that Figure 16.12 is the same plot as Figure 16.10, except that Figure 16.12 is for a real laser. A strategy for setting the level into the laser is to operate near or just to the left of the point of greatest NPR. You would apportion the total power desired, perhaps +15 dBmV for the transmitter shown, over the actual occupied bandwidth of all signals. This subject is covered more fully later in the chapter.

16.8.2 Distributed Feedback Lasers

DFB lasers operate in a similar manner to F-P lasers, except that a diffraction grating restricts the operating wavelength of the laser primarily to a single mode (wavelength) of oscillation. This means that, relative to an F-P laser, the DFB laser exhibits a lot less noise and distortion as a result of multiple propagation speeds in the fiber.

Figure 16.13 illustrates the NPR of an uncooled DFB return laser diode on the same NPR scale as the F-P laser of Figure 16.12. (The absolute values on the x axis are irrelevant and may vary from one transmitter to another.) Both diodes (Figures 16.12 and 16.13) were measured using the same 9-dB path loss. The increase in NPR with increasing signal level on the left side is only slightly greater than decibel for decibel, because the laser is isolated. That is, optical power reflected to the optical transmitter due to Rayleigh backscatter is diverted in an isolator and not allowed to enter the laser. Chapter 12 explains Rayleigh backscatter and the deleterious effect it can have on transmitter operation.


Figure 16.13 NPR performance of a DFB return laser diode.

As shown in Figure 16.13, the NPR performance of the laser is somewhat better in terms of carrier-to-noise ratio and dynamic range at room temperature and below than it is at high temperature. For this reason, cooled DFB lasers are sometimes used in return path operation, and they may be necessary where high power levels are required. However, the added cost and power drain (which adds heat to the node) often argue against adding a cooler. The performance of uncooled DFB lasers is considered adequate for many purposes, though long, heavily loaded paths may benefit from a cooled laser. The laser of Figure 16.13 was embedded in a temperature-compensated transmitter module. Had it not been, the performance range with temperature would have been worse.

Effect of Distance on DFB Link Performance

Figure 16.14 compares the NPR curves for one isolated DFB transmitter with different lengths of fiber, expressed as the loss of the fiber and connectors. Shown are 3-dB through 15-dB links. As expected, with longer fiber lengths the peak NPR curve drops, as a result of lower received signal level. Had the test been done with nonisolated lasers, the performance on the left would have dropped off much faster, as a result of Rayleigh backscatter noise reflecting into the laser.6


Figure 16.14 NPR Performance of a DFB laser for different return path lengths.

Digital Return

Yet a third technology for returning signals is available. This is to digitize the return band at the node and to transport the digitized signals to the headend. At the headend, the digitized signals are converted again to RF in order to allow interface with legacy headend systems.

Figure 16.15 illustrates a digital return system. Compare it with Figure 16.1, which shows the same node with RF return. In the digital return system, the outputs of the two-diplexer low-pass sections are individually digitized in the two analog-to-digital (A/D) converters, and then applied to a multiplexer (mux), which alternately passes data from one A/D converter and then from the other. The data is serialized and supplied to a digital transmitter for transport to the headend. At the headend, the data is demultiplexed into two signal streams, which are converted to RF in digital-to-analog (D/A) converters. The RF signals can then be supplied to the normal headend upstream receiving equipment, such as DOCSIS CMTSs for data.


Figure 16.15 Digital return system.

As explained in Chapter 6, in order to avoid sampling artifacts, it is necessary to sample data at more than twice the highest frequency to be sampled. If the high end of the return band is 42 MHz, then the sampling rate must be above 84 MHz. A convenient sampling frequency is 100 megasamples per second (Ms/s). Commonly, a 10-bit digital system is used. This means that the data rate from each of the two A/D converters is 1 Gb/s (100 million samples each second, times 10 bits per sample) before any control overhead is added. Two A/D converters multiplexed together yield a need for a data rate of 2 Gb/s before adding overhead. This fits nicely into an OC-48 transmitter, which runs at a wire rate (the actual data rate) of 2.488 Gb/s. Transmitters and receivers for this data rate are commonly available.

There are several advantages to using digital return transmission. The first is cost. A digital transmitter is lower in cost than is an analog transmitter, because power levels can generally be somewhat lower and because the specifications on a digital transmitter are much looser. Furthermore, by comparing Figures 16.1 and 16.15, you see that only one return transmitter is required, rather than two. Of course, somewhat offsetting the cost reductions is the need for two high-speed A/D converters and the other digital processing circuitry. But you do realize net savings in many cases, at least where you need more than one return path.

Digital returns can be particularly advantageous in longer-distance paths, because the NPR curve does not degrade with distance, at least not until you hit the well-known wall, beyond which digital signals just don’t work at all. Yet another advantage is gain stability, since the signal received at the headend is not dependent on the optical signal level received. However, there is inevitable delay in the process of packetizing the signal for transmission, and this delay must be controlled to prevent trouble with some return systems, such as that used in DOCSIS.

Figure 16.16 shows the NPR curve for a 10-bit digital return system on the same scale as is used for the analog return systems shown earlier. The temperature variation is a reflection of the inevitable shift in operating point of the A/D converter and perhaps a function of RF components preceding the A/D converter. It is not a function of shifts in the laser operating point, as is the case in analog transmission. The familiar precipitous drop on the right side is due to saturation of the A/D converter rather than to clipping in the laser.


Figure 16.16 NPR curve for a 10-bit digital return path.

16.8.3 Return Path Combining at the Headend

In order to save the cost of multiple RF receivers in the headend, it is a frequent practice to combine several reverse path signals into one. This can work if adequate total data capacity (called “bandwidth” by data communications engineers) is available to service multiple nodes as one. This combining is usually done electrically so that there is one optical receiver for each node. RF combining (in the headend, after the optical receiver) can be done satisfactorily as long as adequate carrier-to-noise ratio is maintained, considering both thermal noise and ingress. The transfer gain from the electrical reverse input to the node, to the point of combining in the headend, must be the same for all return paths that are combined. Otherwise, the return operating level of at least one of the nodes will be incorrect.

However, some operators like to do optical combining to further save the cost of optical receivers. Optical combining must be done carefully, if at all, because if the lasers operate at close to the same wavelength then interference (beats) between the lasers will develop in the receiver. These can increase the noise level much more than would be expected from the addition of incoming noise from each transmitter. Also, the received power from each return laser must be the same. Optical combining is not a recommended practice.

Since DFB lasers have relatively narrow ranges of operational wavelengths, it may be possible to combine them. You must ensure that the wavelengths will stay sufficiently separate over life, temperature, and modulation. Because F-P lasers have a less well-defined wavelength operating range, optical combining when F-P lasers are being used is particularly dangerous. Optical combining may work when it is first implemented, but if at a later date the two lasers drift to the same wavelength, the link could fail.

16.9 Spurious Signals in the Return Path

Of paramount concern to operators of two-way plant is noise induced into the return path. Anecdotal and numerical evidence point to the house as being the prime contributor of noise, with the drop contributing the next largest amount.

Most practitioners contend that the hard-line plant is not responsible for many noise problems, with the exception of common path distortion. A few practitioners have reported noise problems in the hard-line plant, however.

Considerable investigation has gone into this problem of noise on the return plant. Figure 16.177 illustrates a fairly typical result. This is a three-dimensional plot of the frequency and time of interference in the return band. Frequency is plotted along the bottom of the chart, progressing from right to left. Along the left edge is plotted time, over a period of about nine hours. The vertical axis represents the relative level of signal observed. This data was taken with a special-purpose receiver, which can sample signals sequentially at a number of frequencies. The data is stored on a computer for later analysis. Other investigators have used a spectrum analyzer interfaced to a computer. A third method for obtaining the data is to capture the return spectrum on a high-speed digital oscilloscope and do a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the resultant waveform. (An FFT is a mathematical way of computing the frequency spectrum of a complex waveform.)


Figure 16.17 Interference versus frequency and time.

The figure shows considerable interference at lower frequencies. The frequency spectrum below about 7 MHz is relatively invisible in the upper right-hand corner of the box, but shows less occupancy (by interfering signals) in the morning than in the afternoon. This is consistent with typical off-air usage patterns on these frequencies, which exhibit better propagation characteristics during the later parts of the day and at night. The large energy content between about 22 and 30 MHz is an intentional return signal. The other energy content represents ingress. Above about 15 MHz, this node was essentially ingress free. Below this frequency, interference was substantial and had the distinct probability to cause serious interference with communications.

That the spectrum below about 15 or 20 MHz is relatively “dirty” and the higher spectrum tends to be much cleaner is a fairly typical result. Traditional services, such as status monitoring and return signals from set top terminals using so-called RF-IPPV technology, use very slow and robust signaling methods, such as FSK and QPSK, at low data rates. These are transmitted in this lower portion of the band, where interference is worse. However, the nature of the transmissions is that if one transmission doesn’t get through, the system will try again and nothing is lost. (RF-IPPV is the industry acronym for impulse-pay-per-view, IPPV, services that use an RF return channel as opposed to a telephone channel.)

16.9.1 Plant Unavailability Analysis Based on Undesired Signals

Measurement of the quality of the upstream signal path is complicated by the absence of a spectrum of steady-state known signals and by the varying nature and presence of the undesired signals.

Generally, the dominant interfering signals are common path distortion (CPD), discrete ingress signals, and electrical transients. The first two result in signals that may be present for relatively long periods, but occupy narrow frequency bands, whereas transients are present for a very short duty cycle, but may have broad spectral content.

It is important to be able to measure these two classes of signals separately since their effects and the required countermeasures are different:

Because discrete signal interference varies with time and frequency, the most effective countermeasure is often the ability of a service to shift the upstream frequencies of field transmitters as required to avoid these signals. In order to do that, the headend equipment must continually monitor the spectrum from each node and keep a list of available frequency bands.

Because electrical transients are typically very brief in duration, the most effective countermeasure is often some combination of interleaving (to prevent one transient burst from affecting more bits than can be corrected by the error-correction capability of the FEC), combined with adequate FEC techniques to correct isolated errors.

The following two measurement techniques are offered as examples of emerging industry practice in this area. The first measures the entire spectrum and range of possible operating levels, but includes only discrete signals, whereas the second measures multiple types of interference, but on only a single channel at a single defined operating level.

16.9.2 Discrete Interfering Signal Probability (DISP)

An NCTA recommended practice for quantification of discrete interfering signals is discrete interfering signal probability (DISP).8 This procedure was developed by Large and Bullinger as a result of extensive field testing.9

Continuous spectrum analyzer measurements are taken over the entire upstream spectrum. The operating parameters are set up to reject transients so that the measurements reflect only discrete signals. The level reading at each frequency on each sweep is downloaded to an attached computer for analysis. Each reading is compared with several predefined thresholds to create a three-dimensional matrix whose axes are frequency, time, and level, and whose values are the probability that a signal is present at a given frequency and time whose amplitude exceeds a given threshold.

From this matrix, postprocessing is used to derive overall discrete signal/CPD performance of the system as a function of threshold, system availability as a function of frequency and operating level, channel availability as a function of time and operating level, and other data as required.

16.9.3 Plant Unavailability Analysis Based on Threshold Boundaries

Studies have been made of the availability of return plant using a CW tester developed at Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs).10 The technique uses a CW carrier in the return band and analyzes the characteristics of the signal received at the headend to predict the error rate of a signal at that frequency and with that bandwidth. From that data, we can predict the percent availability of a channel. Whereas the DISP measurement was based on interference amplitude measurement, the CableLabs technique analyzes the errors in location of a point in the data constellation (see Chapter 4 for an explanation of the data constellation).

Figure 16.18 illustrates the CW tester block diagram and the resulting con-stellation. A CW carrier is added somewhere in the node to be studied. At the headend, the carrier is up-converted to the normal TV IF of 44 MHz and passed through a SAW filter. After AGC (not shown), the signal is supplied to a phase locked loop, which generates quadrature demodulating carriers (see Chapter 4).


Figure 16.18 CW tester block diagram and constellation.

The outputs of the demodulator are supplied to a digital-sampling oscilloscope and to a window comparator that determines when the signal is outside the accurate decoding window. The accurate decoding window is shown in the figure; as shown, it is the decoding window for 16-QAM. While the constellation point is in the window, the correct state is decoded. While it is outside the window, a totalizing counter counts pulses from an 11-MHz clock. The output of the totalizing counter is accumulated by a computer, along with output data from the oscilloscope.

The constellation diagram at the bottom of the figure illustrates the data point crossing the threshold to the region occupied by another state. Assume for a moment that the study concerns use of 16-QAM modulation on the return carrier. The box defining the threshold region, in which the signal will be correctly demodulated, is shown. If a disturbance of any kind causes the carrier to go outside the box, then the totalizing counter is started, and it measures the total time the signal is out of the box. From this information, we obtain the symbol error rate (SER) equal to the proportion of time out of the accurate decoding region. If we assume that the channel is available when the SER is below some level (10−5 in the example shown), then we can chart the percent of unavailability of the channel.

Notice that the parameter measured is called the symbol error rate rather than the bit error rate. This is because it is the symbol that is subject to error, and typically each symbol comprises two or more bits. Chapter 4 explains the differences between bits and symbols in the context of data transmission.

Figure 16.19 illustrates the symbol error rate and consequent percentage of unavailability of nodes in several cable systems based on one set of tests. Each was observed for about one week. To the left is a logarithmic scale showing the symbol error rate, and to the right is a scale showing the percent of unavailability. Note node A2, which was a new node with no subscribers. Its good performance is evidence of the observation made by others — that drops and house wiring tend to be responsible for many return path problems.


Figure 16.19 SER and percent unavailability of selected nodes.

Nodes C1 and C2 were studied with and without noise-blocking filters. Noise-blocking filters are high-pass filters placed on taps to preclude in-home-generated noise from reaching the return path. In node C2, interference developed from an amateur radio operator during the testing; nonetheless, the percent of unavailability dropped significantly when the filters were added. The symbol error rate and unavailability improved dramatically in node C1 when the filters were added. This observation again lends credence to the hypothesis that the home is responsible for most of the problems in return path operation. It also attests to the efficacy of noise-blocking filters (covered in more detail later in the chapter).

16.10 Characteristics of the Composite Reverse Signal11

A sinusoid (CW signal) has a well-known peak-to-average ratio given by image. A composite signal composed of n carriers of equal level and randomly phased, has a total average power n times the power of one carrier, or 10 log n dB greater than one carrier. The peaks add on a voltage basis (because at some time they will all add in phase), so the peak power is 10 log (2n2) dB greater than the average power of a single carrier. As more carriers are added, the peak power compared with the RMS power increases though the peak is reached for progressively shorter times.

This peak-to-average ratio argues again for the characterization of return lasers using NPR techniques rather than discrete carriers. When a number of carriers are combined, as for transmission on a return optical transmitter, the composite signal is noiselike in its amplitude and frequency characteristics. A noiselike signal has a well-defined and measurable RMS power, but it doesn’t have a distinct peak value. Very occasionally, a high peak comes along, which will cause the laser (and electronic amplifiers) to clip.

As we add more carriers to the signals applied to a laser, the more noiselike the signal becomes in terms of peak-to-average ratio. Figure 16.20 illustrates the addition of carriers. Plotted on the x axis is the probability (percentage of time) that the waveform will exceed the RMS value by the number of decibels shown on the y axis. For example, look at the x-axis value of 10%. Following it up to the 3-carrier line shows that a signal consisting of three (sinusoidal) carriers exceeds its RMS value by just over 4 dB for 10% of the time. If the total signal comprises more than three signals, it will exceed its RMS value by at least 4.5 dB for 10% of the time.


Figure 16.20 Peak-to-average ratio of multiple CW carriers.

As the graphs level off (toward the left side of the figure), it is proper to speak of the y axis as representing the peak-to-average ratio. For three carriers, the peak-to-average ratio is about 8 dB, and for five carriers, it is about 10 dB. We cannot see the peak-to-average ratio for a larger number of carriers because it occurs for a smaller fraction of the time than 0.001%, the leftmost value on the graph.

As the number of carriers is increased, the curve approaches that of random noise, which has a distribution equal to the infinite curve. This is a confirmation of the central limit theorem from statistics. Stated in engineering terms, the central limit theorem may be expressed as follows:

The sum of independent variables Xj will be normal for image, even if the Xj each have a different distribution, provided that … the variance of any one term is negligible compared to the variance of the sum. If this is not so, the term whose variance is not negligible will predominate in the sum and its distribution will still be apparent in that of the sum.12

This demonstrates one of the shortcomings of evaluating the return laser with four CW carriers, as described earlier. The peak-to-average ratio of four carriers is around 9 dB, much less than the peak-to-average ratio of random noise or, equivalently, a large number of independent signals sharing the return spectrum. A composite signal consisting of 10 carriers will have a peak-to-average ratio of about 13 dB, within 2 dB of the peak- (probability 10−8) to-average ratio of random noise, so this signal may be acceptable for testing purposes.13 However, in terms of peak-to-average ratio, random noise remains the most appropriate test signal.

16.11 The Reaction of Active Components to Signal Characteristics

The “peaky” nature of the signals has caused a great deal of concern within the engineering community regarding the reaction of laser transmitters to the peaks in the signal. At least two differing ways to analyze the problem have been used. These are summarized here.

16.11.1 Effect of Laser Clipping – Frequency Domain View

One can analyze the effect of laser clipping in the frequency domain, as done by West.14 Figure 16.21(a) illustrates no laser clipping. The laser transfer characteristic curve shows that, with laser bias current (the x axis), there is no light output until a threshold current is reached, above which the light output power is proportional to the current through the laser. The input signal is shown below the transfer curve, and the output is shown to the right. So long as the input signal remains such that the light output never drops to zero, changes in the output light are proportional to changes in the input current.


Figure 16.21 Laser in linear region and in mild clipping. (a) No clipping. (b) Clipping. (c) Quasi impulse of clipping signal.

As shown in Figure 16.21(b), if the input signal current is such that the light output ceases for a portion of the input signal, then the light output “clips” the signal. The portion of the signal represented by the dotted line is not really transmitted, so the signal is distorted. One way to model this is to assume that the signal was converted to light with no clipping, but then a signal was added, exactly equal in amplitude and opposite in phase, to the portion of the signal clipped. This added signal is shown in Figure 16.21(c). It represents a series of near impulses, which have a frequency spectrum that extends from some very low frequency equal to the lowest beat note between any elements of the input signal to very high frequencies. Thus, the spectrum of the clipping energy extends from very low frequencies to frequencies generally exceeding the bandwidth of the return path. The result is noise degradation, as represented by the degradation in NPR on the right side of Figure 16.16 and earlier figures.

16.11.2 Effect of Laser Clipping-Time Domain View

Kenny15 has demonstrated the effect of clipping on a single data signal being carried in the reverse path. The effect is extended to more than one carrier by the central limit theorem. He found that, with a variety of lasers, the effect of clipping is to compress the signals, which compromises bit error rate, as shown by West.

As shown in Figure 16.22, the test setup is similar to that for the NPR test of Figure 16.9. A signal from CW generator G2 is placed in the noise notch, and in one test the noise source, G1, is replaced by a second signal generator. The observation of test results follows a technique developed by Cable Television Laboratories, which is described in Section 16.9.3. A CW carrier may be thought of as “1-QAM” modulation: a single state in a constellation diagram. This is not useful for communicating information, but much can be learned about the communications channel with this test. (For a discussion of levels of QAM modulation, see Chapter 4.)


Figure 16.22 Time domain analysis technique. (a) Test configuration. (b) Constellation with noise causing clipping. (c) Constellation with CW signal causing clipping.

Generator G1 is adjusted to sufficient amplitude to cause the laser to clip. The “signal” is demodulated by quadrature detectors, which produce in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components. (Chapter 4 describes the resultant constellation display in detail.) The phase of the two channels is adjusted to place the recovered “information” in the first quadrant, as shown on the oscilloscope screen. As expected, the spot that should represent the state of the modulation is smeared owing to the noise that fills in the notch, as shown in the description of NPR testing. The smear is circular, indicating phase effects as well as amplitude effects, due to clipping noise falling on the frequency of the test carrier. The location of the smear is toward the origin, indicating a reduction of signal level as expected.

In a second test, the noise source was replaced with a CW generator, whose frequency was chosen such that distortion products did not fall within the passband of the receive filter (the frequency of the test carrier). The laser was forced into clipping by increasing the amplitude of the CW generator that replaced the noise generator, and the resultant constellation spread is as illustrated in Figure 16.22(c). The spot turned into a line along the radial from the origin, again indicating that the laser was clipping the desired signal, but showing the lack of intermodulation products at the test frequency.

When a laser is in clipping, its light is cut off for some short time. During this time, all signals being transmitted by the laser are cut off, not just that largest signal. Since the signal is cut off for some time, typically for a fraction of a cycle, the amplitude of that signal will be reduced. In the display of Figure 14.22, reduction in amplitude results in the spot on the oscilloscope moving toward the center of the screen, as shown in (c).

16.11.3 Amplifier Characteristics

RF amplifiers tend to react similarly to the peaky nature of the return signals. Typically, the dynamic range in which satisfactory performance is achieved is somewhat better than with return lasers, but many of the same concerns apply. Currently, there is considerable investigation into the ideal characteristics of return amplifiers.

16.12 Common Path Distortion

Common path distortion (CPD) has gotten a lot of attention recently. It manifests itself as a series of beats in the return spectrum, located at multiples of 6 MHz (for North American systems using 6-MHz channel spacing). The distortion is a result of intermodulation of the downstream signals. The cause has usually been found to be mechanical connections at passive components in the common path of the upstream and downstream signals. Examples of such points are connectors, taps, drops, and terminators. These components handle the combined upstream and downstream signals, as opposed to amplifiers and nodes, which separate signals bound in the two directions.

Any mechanical junction is potentially a source of CPD if it handles signals in both directions. If the junction exhibits any nonlinearity, then intermodulation develops. Corrosion on the mating surfaces will typically create such a nonlinearity. Mitigation consists of careful selection of materials on mating surfaces to minimize corrosion and to ensure that the connections are airtight, meaning that they are held in place with so much force that there is a region that is always not in contact with air so that corrosion cannot take place.

This latter criterion is not easy to achieve. Often, because of temperature fluctuations or mechanical vibrations, a point on a contact that is airtight at one time will at another time be exposed to air. Corrosion can develop whenever water (in the air) is present. This mechanism has been called fretting corrosion.

There have been reports of components that were assembled with small contacts between, for example, ground and active components. Small contacts with relatively little force holding them together are particularly susceptible to fretting corrosion, especially if inappropriate materials are used. However, the majority of devices using mechanical connections work quite well today: manufacturers have had extensive experience with the problem and are able to control it well.

16.13 Return Path Interference Mitigation Techniques

A number of proposals have been made for noise mitigation on the return path. Some operators who have reasonably new and properly installed plant feel that noise mitigation of any sort is unnecessary. However, it is not possible for the cable operator to maintain control over in-house wiring over time since the subscriber has the legal right to provide his or her own wiring. Traditionally, the availability of poor-quality coaxial cable and connectors in the consumer market, coupled with lack of proper training and installation tools, has resulted in degradation of in-home wiring over time. Some success has been achieved by operators who make available installation kits having high-quality components and, perhaps, instructions for proper installation. Some operators have also worked with local retail establishments to ensure that they carry quality components.

Figure 16.23 summarizes a number of proposed mitigation techniques, all of which are now being considered. They involve putting something in the hard line between amplifiers or at the drop (or in some cases, at a splitter in the house). Several approaches have been proposed, and they are summarized here.


Figure 16.23 Options for interference mitigation.

16.13.1 Option 1: Drop Filters

Drop filters can be used to remove return band energy that might be coming out of the house. Two alternatives, la and lb, are shown in Figure 16.23. Option la is a high-pass filter that cuts off below about 54 MHz, the low end of the forward band. It is intended for use at homes not taking any services requiring two-way facilities. With typically 25 to 40 dB of attenuation in the return band, it does not allow return band signal power in the home to reach the hard-line plant.

Filter option lb is similar to la except that a bypass is added to allow signals in a narrow band, often between 10 and 15 MHz, to pass. These are used when the home has an RF-IPPV converter, which must communicate back to the headend on these frequencies. Interference from the home that occurs in the passband obviously appears in the hard-line plant, but interference coming out of the house at other frequencies is blocked.

Filters are usually placed at the tap though they may be placed at the side of the home in some cases. They are sometimes seen as a stopgap measure because they don’t remove the root cause of the problem, and they interfere with provision of modern two-way services in the home. When it becomes the practice to allow the customer to purchase two-way hardware at retail and install it himself or herself (a desirable way to sell data services), the filter can cause particular difficulties. Also, the filter is seen by some as an undesirable expenditure at homes not paying for enhanced two-way services. Countering this last argument is the thought that use of the filters postpones the day that homes not taking two-way services will have to have their internal distribution wiring improved.

Even when two-way services are added to the home, it may be possible to split signals at some point, with a new cable supplying only the device requiring return facilities. The filter can then be placed in the path to all services not requiring two-way facilities.

16.13.2 Option 2: Return Attenuation

A second interference mitigation option is to provide, in the tap or externally, two diplex filters, which separate the upstream frequency band (5–40 MHz) from the downstream band (54 + MHz). An attenuator is inserted into the low side of the diplex filter chain so that the loss is increased in the return direction while not changing the loss in the forward direction. The rationale is that tap values are selected to yield the correct signal level at the highest downstream frequency. Since cable loss is roughly proportional to the square root of the frequency, the loss in the upstream direction is considerably lower than in the downstream direction. Thus, whereas the downstream received level is the same at all houses (within a certain range), the upstream transmit level is significantly different between homes.

Figures 16.6 and 16.7 illustrate the range of levels that could be expected in a particular node that was analyzed for return level. Generally, as you move downstream from an amplifier, the tap value is reduced to compensate for signal loss at the high end of the downstream band. Since return signals suffer much less loss, the required upstream transmit level is reduced as you move downstream from an amplifier. Since the taps farther from an amplifier require lower transmit level, they also admit more potential interference from the house.

The thought behind adding the attenuator in the return direction is that this will bring taps requiring a low signal level up to requiring a higher signal level. In the process, it will attenuate interference coming out of those homes. It would not deter return services from being installed, as might filters. However, the diplexers will add some group delay.

Option 2a: Factory Selection of Attenuation Based on Tap Value

Within the spectrum of options for the return band attenuators is the possibility that the value of return attenuation is selected at the factory, based on the tap value. This would not place additional burden on field installation personnel, who treat the tap as they would any other tap. The problem with this approach, however, is that the range of transmit levels required at any particular value tap (Figure 16.6) is so great that factory selection of an attenuator value would be very difficult.

Figure 16.24 illustrates an attempt in one real node to add reverse attenuation. In this example, all tap values 23 dB and below had reverse attenuation added such that the total attenuation in the reverse spectrum equaled 23 dB. Dots show the required levels before addition of the reverse attenuation, and + marks show the required levels after. Notice that after adding attenuation, some of the low-value taps now require the highest return levels. The reason is that some low-value taps are placed after a lot of cable attenuation, so they benefit from a lot of added attenuation. Other low-value taps follow a directional coupler so that the loss is primarily flat (frequency insensitive) loss, and the return signal level required after addition of the attenuation is high. This is not a good condition since it could require excessive output level from a transmitter.


Figure 16.24 Required tap level with and without reverse attenuation.

Preliminary analysis has raised questions about the efficacy of factory selection of attenuator values. If the amount of attenuation added is low enough to prevent possible excessive level requirement, the benefit derived is minimal.

Option 2b: Field Selection of Attenuation Based on Design Maps

The other option for attenuators in taps is to provide a plug-in attenuator that is selected in the field, based on computed gain back to the previous amplifier. This technique shows considerable promise to improve the ingress problem while permitting return transmitters to be designed with a very narrow return signal range. The problem is that additional burden is placed on field installation personnel, who first have to select the tap based on system design and then have to select the correct attenuator value to plug in. After the tap is installed, it is not possible to inspect the attenuator for the correct value. If the tap value is changed later, the new tap may not be equipped with the optimum attenuator value.

16.13.3 Option 3: Move Diplexers and Attenuator to Midspan

Others have suggested that the diplexer be moved from the tap to approximately midspan between amplifiers, and the attenuation used be selected to make the transmit levels required downstream of the diplexer to be roughly equal to those before the diplexer. This would reduce the number of diplexers required by somewhere around a factor of three or four, compared with putting them in taps. It does necessitate inserting another device into the hard-line cable. Co-locating the diplexers with an equalizer has been suggested, but this does not seem to be optimum.

Preliminary analysis indicates that such placement, combined with optimum attenuation selection in the field, would significantly reduce the signal level range required of transmitters. However, the estimated improvement in ingress is not particularly good, raising questions about the efficacy of the technique.

Notice that the industry has not firmed up its philosophy for applying these ingress countermeasures. Future work may reveal advantages that are not obvious at this time and may result in newer techniques that yield more benefit. Also, it is possible that the industry will learn how to improve performance of problem homes without having to use any of the techniques shown in this section.

16.13.4 Option 4: Frequency Hopping

Many services that use return plant service have provisions for frequency hopping. They can move from one frequency to another if their original frequency develops interference problems that make communications unreliable. This subject is covered in some detail in Chapter 6.

16.13.5 Option 5: Error Correction

Error correction is often added to digital datastreams to allow correction of any bits that are corrupted in transmission. The effect is to sharpen the curve of error rate versus carrier-to-noise (or interference) ratio. As noise increases, the recovered signal retains its quality longer, but at some point, the quality will collapse rapidly with worsening carrier-to-noise ratio. Chapter 3 describes error correction as it is being applied in the cable industry.

16.14 Examples of Signal Apportionment

We showed earlier that an optimum operating level for a return path laser exists. It is desirable to set the actual operating level as close to this as possible without going over the limit where clipping gets to be a significant issue. The operator must take into account temperature effects, errors in level setting, and laser loading due to ingress. He or she must also account for future services that may be added; it is not good to go back and readjust operating levels to accommodate a new service. After the operating point has been determined by selecting an appropriate operating point on the NPR curve, it remains to apportion power among multiple services intelligently. This section gives two examples of how an optical transmitter could be operated under different conditions.

16.14.1 Few Return Services, F-P Laser

The first example illustrates the apportionment of signal power for a fairly simple node having only a few return path services and using a Fabry-Perot (F-P) laser. The laser is the one illustrated in figure 16.12. The chosen operating point is a total signal power into the transmitter of +15 dBmV, where the laser exhibits about a 42-dB NPR at room temperature. In practice, you may want to operate slightly lower on the curve to allow more room for error, but we take this point for illustration.

The services assumed include the following:

1. A status-monitoring carrier using FSK (or it could be BPSK) modulation at a center frequency of 7 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 300 kHz (total, not plus and minus)

2. An STT return carrier according to SCTE 55-1 at 13 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 192 kHz, QPSK modulation

3. A DOCSIS 1.1 RF return using 16-QAM, centered at 21 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 800 kHz

A significant omission from this list, done to keep the example simple, is an allocation for future expansion. It is essential that all future services be allocated the amount of power they will need when added. Failure to do so can result in extreme laser clipping later, and possibly a situation where a node that previously worked no longer does. Also, we have not allowed for ingress. It is advisable to allow some power for ingress.

One technique used to allocate signal level is the so-called constant power density method. In this method, each signal is set at the same amplitude per unit of occupied bandwidth. That is, if one signal is twice as wide as another, it will be set at twice the amplitude of the narrower signal.

The signal levels are set such that the total signal power is equal to the total at the operating point of the NPR curve, for example, +15 dBmV in Figure 16.12. The signals must be added on a power basis. If the levels of the three signals are L1, L2, and L3, in dBmV, then the power must add to the target power, in this case +15 dBmV:


Note that, though signal level is expressed in dBmV, as is customary in the cable television industry, we are actually manipulating signal power, expressed in dBmV in a 75-ohm system. For computation, we must express this level in terms of power, because it is necessary to add the drive power contributed by several signals. One cannot add power when that power is expressed in decibels. In the inner expressions — taking the power level, dividing by 10, and raising 10 to the power of the result — we are taking the antilog of the level expressed in dBmV. Thus, we have legitimate power units, though they are not commonly used units such as milliwatts.

In the apportionment philosophy shown here, the constant power density method is modified to give more power to services requiring a higher carrier-to-noise ratio. See Chapter 4 for a discussion of the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) required to meet a certain bit error rate (BER). The power ratios for different modulation formats are based on the distances between state boundaries in the constellation diagrams, with the average level of the signals held constant. In order to exhibit the same BER, a QPSK signal must have a 3-dB-higher C/N than that needed by a BPSK signal. Thus, in the example, the QPSK signal is allowed 3-dB (times 2) more level per hertz than is the BPSK signal. Similarly, the 16-QAM signal needs approximately 7.1-dB (times 5.13) better C/N than does a BPSK signal to yield the same BER. (10 log (5.13) = 7.1 dB.) Thus, we shall allocate twice the power density to a QPSK signal than we allocate to a BPSK (or FM, since we are treating the two the same, for better or for worse). We shall allocate 5.13 times the power density to a 16-QAM signal as to a BPSK signal.

It is possible to construct a table that will allow assignment of levels to each of the signals. We can express the power of each signal as follows. Let p represent the power per hertz in the BPSK signal. Table 16.1 illustrates how power is added. We multiply the power per hertz, p, by the occupied bandwidth of the service. The QPSK STT return is assigned twice the power because it is twice (10 log 2 = 3 dB) as sensitive to noise as are the signals of the BPSK services, and so on. With this weighting factor, the total power, shown at the bottom of the chart, is 4,788p. Equating this to the total power to be distributed among the services, +15 dBmV, we obtain

Table 16.1 Power Assigned to Each Service, Node with F–P Laser

Service BW (kHz) Total Power
Status Mon. 300 300p
STT return 192 2 × 192p
DOCSIS 1.1 800 5.13 × 800p
Total power   4788p

image (16.1)

We are working legitimately in power, but the units are not common units, so we just call them power units. Since we will convert back to dBmV consistently, we can get away with any arbitrary power units. We simply convert to power in order to add several signals. This may be converted back to dBmV:

image (16.2)

We can then determine the total power of each BPSK signal by adding 10 log(bandwidth) to the signal level in dBmV. For the status-monitoring signal (300 kHz wide), this gives a total power of


(Note that we took bandwidth in kilohertz, to be consistent.)

We can estimate C/N as follows. From Figure 16.12, the NPR at the selected operating point is 42 dB. This means that the noise per hertz is 42 dB below the signal level per hertz (this is the definition of NPR). The total signal power at the selected operating point is +15 dBmV, and this signal was assumed to be spread over 35 MHz (5–40 MHz). Thus, the signal power per hertz is


Since the noise level is 42 dB lower yet, it is −102.44 dBmV/Hz.

The status-monitoring signal is assumed to be 300 kHz wide, so the noise level is 10 log (300,000) = 54.77 dB higher than −102.44 dBmV/Hz; that is, the noise level in the passband of the status-monitoring signal is −102.44 + 54.77 =-47.67 dBmV. This compares with the previously computed signal level of 2.97 dBmV, so

image (16.3)

This is a bit optimistic, because we assumed that the receive filter for the statusmonitoring system has zero excess bandwidth. This is not realistic, so we will lose some C/N because the filter is wide enough to admit somewhat more noise than we assumed. In this case, the C/N is so far above what we need that we have nothing to worry about. A more precise computation would have to take this excess bandwidth into account, though.

Thus, we have so far established that the total amplitude (when the entire signal is measured) of the status-monitoring signal is +2.97 dBmV at the input to the return transmitter and that the carrier-to-noise ratio is 50.6 dB. It remains to determine what we would see on a spectrum analyzer if we looked at this signal. In order to determine this, we must make some assumptions concerning the way the analyzer works and how it is set. For the purpose of illustration, we assume that the analyzer is set to a resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz, narrower than any of the real signals being observed. We further assume that the noise bandwidth of the analyzer is 1.2 times the resolution bandwidth, or 120 kHz. The ratio of resolution bandwidth to noise bandwidth depends on the types of filters used in the spectrum analyzer. We will not use a detector correction factor, though the analyzer manufacturer may have one that should be taken into account; each analyzer model can be different in this respect. From the foregoing, we have the level of the status-monitoring signals as 2.97 dBmV measured in a bandwidth of 300 kHz, so if it is observed in a bandwidth of 120 kHz, the level we should see is given by

image (16.4)

In a similar manner, we can determine the operating point of the STT return QPSK and the DOCSIS 16-QAM signals. When we compute the amplitude of the STT return signal, we must recall that it is twice what we compute for the BPSK signals, as a result of adding 3 dB (that is, multiplying by 2) to the level of the BPSK signals. The amplitude of the 16-QAM signal is multiplied by 5.13 to account for its greater susceptibility to noise. The results are shown in Figure 16.25. For each of the three signals, the higher, thicker line indicates the true amplitude of the signal when measured over at least its occupied bandwidth. The width of the line indicates the occupied bandwidth. Beneath each signal is a thinner line that represents what a spectrum analyzer with the specified characteristics would read. In order to correct the analyzer reading for the actual signal level, we would have to add to the reading 10 log (ratio of occupied bandwidth to measuring bandwidth).


Figure 16.25 Signal level apportionment, F-P laser, limited services.

Further, note that the analyzer reading for the 16-QAM signal is substantially below the actual signal level, because the 16-QAM signal is so much wider than the analyzer’s measurement bandwidth. The difference is less dramatic for the QPSK signal, because it is not as wide as is the 16-QAM signal. Also, note that the difference between the analyzer readings for the QPSK and BPSK signals is 3 dB, the level by which they differ on a per-hertz basis.

Figure 16.25 is not to be taken as a spectrum analyzer display: The lines with the labels next to them show the frequency and total amplitude of the signal. The lines below show what a spectrum analyzer would display under one set of conditions. Under other conditions, the spectrum analyzer will display a different level.

Also note that the example did not include an allowance for ingress, nor did it include an allowance for errors in level of the various return signals. As shown in Section 16.6.2, the signal levels at the return laser transmitter are controlled from the headend. Inevitably there will be some error in the control of the levels. Finally, allowance was not made for future services; you would be wise to allow for such future expansion of offerings.

16.14.2 Many Return Services, DFB Laser

The next example involves a DFB return laser carrying a greater number of signals. Power is apportioned first to the analog signal, giving it the level required to allow it to operate at the desired C/N. Next, the remaining signal capability of the laser is apportioned to the digital signals using a philosophy of constant power per hertz within a type of modulation. As in the first example, the power per hertz allocated to a signal is offset based on the modulation type, with denser modulation formats receiving a proportionately larger share of the power per hertz, to allow for their greater sensitivity to noise.

For the DFB transmitter, we’ll select an input level of 18 dBmV and a corresponding NPR of 47 dB as our operating point.

The following signals were included in this example:

1. A status-monitoring carrier using FSK (or it could be BPSK) modulation at a center frequency of 7 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 300 kHz (total, not plus and minus)

2. An STT return carrier according to SCTE 55-1 at 13 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 192 kHz, QPSK modulation

3. A DOCSIS 1.1 RF return using 16-QAM, centered at 21 MHz, with an occupied bandwidth of 800 kHz

These first three signals are identical to those illustrated in the previous example, Figure 16.25. Several additional signals were added:

4. An analog video return signal from the local high school, with picture carrier at 31 MHz. Its amplitude is set to yield a 50-dB carrier-to-noise ratio from the laser path (noise in other portions of the path will reduce the C/N). Remember that if you are going to handle an analog return signal, the transmitter must be specified to have adequate linearity to keep distortion products out of the analog signal.

5. A QPSK switched circuit telephony signal with an occupied bandwidth of 1.8 MHz.

The digital signals “get” their allocation of power from the power left after the analog signal receives enough power allocation to yield the desired carrier-to-noise ratio.

Figure 16.26 summarizes the level of all signals, using the procedure already outlined. The telephony QPSK signal is the widest of the digital signals, so the difference between its actual level and the level indicated on the spectrum analyzer is the largest difference. The two QPSK signals have the same power density, which is proportional to what is read on the spectrum analyzer as long as its noise bandwidth is less than the occupied bandwidth of the signal.


Figure 16.26 Signal apportionment, DFB Laser, many services.

In this case, the actual level of some of the digital signals is higher than the level of the analog signal. This is simply a result of the way we allocated power for the analog signal. We set its level to yield a C/N of 50 dB and then subtracted that level from the total +18-dBmV signal level. The remaining signal level happened to be enough that we could allocate more to the digital signals needing the most. Of course, you could say that this link is overdesigned, since the C/N provided is much higher than needed.

16.15 Summary

The chapter has dealt with a number of items of interest in the operation of return HFC plant. It began with a description of the components unique to a two-way plant. We showed key characteristics of those components. Level setting in the return plant received a lot of attention because it is crucial to operation of reliable return plant, just as it is to proper operation of downstream plant. We examined lasers used for return services and gave practical methods of evaluating the lasers. We discussed important characteristics of return signals and their interaction with the laser transmitters.

Noise in the return plant is important and received considerable attention, along with proposed mitigation methods. Finally, we gave examples of ways to set up the levels of various return services and showed how to estimate key performance parameters.

The next chapter deals with system architecture. Methods of plant design are described that optimize performance using the principles shown in this chapter.


1. Data courtesy of H. Carnes, R. Oberloh, and team. Antec, Norcross, GA.

2. National Cable Television Association, Upstream Transport Issues, NCTA Recommended Practices for Measurements on Cable Television Systems. The “Upstream” portion was added to the Recommended Practices in late 1997. The document is available from the NCTA, Washington, DC.

3. John Kenny, Characterization of Return Path Optical Transmitters for Enhanced Digitally Modulated Carrier Transmission Performance, Technical Papers of the NCTA Annual Convention, NCTA, Washington, DC, 1997.

4. Lamar West, Analysis of Reverse Path Laser Loading in HFC Networks. HFC‘97 Conference, Phoenix, AZ, September 1997. SCTE, Exton, PA.

5. H. Blauvelt et al., Return Path Lasers for High Capacity Hybrid Fiber Coax Networks, 1995 NCTA Technical Papers. NCTA, Washington, D. C.

6. Donald Raskin and Dean Stoneback, Broadband Return Systems for Hybrid Fiber/Coax Cable TV Networks. Upper Saddle River, N. J., Prentice-Hall, 1998. See especially Chapter 9.

7. Data courtesy of D. Junghans, of Arris Interactive, and T. Mitchell, formerly of Arris Interactive. Private communication.

8. Supplement on Upstream Transport Issues, NCTA Recommended Practices for Measurements on Cable Television Systems, 2nd ed. NCTA, Washington, DC, October 1997, pp. 57–63.

9. D. Large and R. Bullinger, A Proposed Method for Quantifying Upstream Ingressing Carriers, 1997 NCTA Technical Papers. NCTA, Washington, DC.

10. Richard S. Prodan et al., Results of Return Plant Testing, 1997 NCTA Technical Papers. NCTA, Washington, DC.

11. This section is adapted from the NCTA Recommended Practices for Measurements on Cable Television Systems.

12. Petr Beckmann, Probability in Communication Engineering. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967, p. 107.

13. National Cable Television Association, op. cit.

14. Lamar West, op. cit.

15. John Kenny, Characterizing Return Path Transmitters. CED, May 1997, p. 26ff.

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