Chapter 3 Digitally Compressed Television

3.1 Introduction

This chapter introduces digital compression, transport, and transmission for television signals, particularly as they relate to cable systems. However, it is worth taking a moment to consider why the cable industry has transformed itself to embrace digital technology. After all, in the mid-1990s the cable industry was starting a hybrid fiber-coax (HFC) upgrade program to expand channel capacity to greater than 100 analog channels. Why then was digital technology adopted so rapidly in the late 1990s after many HFC upgrades had already been completed?

Digital compression was first applied to moving images in video conferencing applications.1 From there, interest in its application to television signals started with early satellite systems (such as SkyPix and PrimeStar). However, the essential push may have been provided by high-definition television (HDTV).2 An HDTV signal contains about six times as much information as a standard-definition television (SDTV) signal and consumes at least 12 MHz of spectrum in analog format. This fact makes digital compression a necessity for HDTV. Once the investment had been made to digitally compress an HDTV signal, the same technology was naturally applied to SDTV. The first application was in direct broadcast satellite (DBS) systems — digital compression was a perfect fit for a new system that was constrained by expensive, and limited, satellite transponder capacity. Digital transmission also reduced the required signal-to-noise ratio, allowing for a smaller satellite dish (on the side of the home).

With digital compression, DBS systems could offer enough channels to pose a competitive threat to cable systems, especially those that had not done an HFC upgrade. The range of programming continued to expand, and suddenly even 100 analog channels wasn’t enough to carry them all. Moreover, the DBS industry began to actively market its “digital picture and sound quality.” As a result, the cable industry turned its attention to digital. The new digital tier allowed cable to lift its per-subscriber revenue by adding new premium subscription content, and the pay-multiplex was created by HBO. In addition, digital pay-per-view greatly expanded choice for the customer. Finally, digital compression allowed an upgraded system to offer video-on-demand, something DBS could not offer.

Traps and analog scrambling are relatively easy to circumvent, and signal theft has become a significant issue in analog systems. Digital technology enables a more secure conditional access mechanism based on cryptography (see Chapter 21).

This chapter will focus on the methods employed by the satellite, cable, and broadcast systems, all of which use MPEG-2 video compression. In addition, they are all based on a one-way, time division multiplexed approach known as MPEG-2 transport, although there is growing interest in alternative methods that are more suitable to Internet Protocol (IP) networks under the umbrella term streaming media.

We will consider video compression and then audio compression before delving into multiplexing and data transport of compressed digital content over existing satellite, cable, and broadcast systems. First, what is the history of broadcast digital television?

3.2 Broadcast Digital Television

The NTSC television system was created at a time when electronics were expensive and signal processing difficult and limited. The programs were few, and they were relatively expensive to produce. An audience was lacking. A great many compromises were made to allow cost-effective receivers. Without affordable receivers, there would be no point in having efficient use of the spectrum. The priority was rapid penetration of the marketplace and the generation of demand for programming and receivers.

The situation is now quite the opposite. The scarce resource is spectrum. Electronics and electronic processing are affordable and on a predictable path of further cost reduction (according to Moore’s law; see Section 3.2.2). The goal now is to create systems that efficiently utilize the spectrum and that will last for several decades without becoming painfully obsolete. The first step is to study the redundancies in television images that can be eliminated to lighten the spectrum burden.

Interest in digital television goes back several decades. Long before digital television was practical for consumer use, it held interest for military and professional applications. Digital signals have some important advantages:

The ability to transmit signals over arbitrarily long distances (using repeaters if necessary; see section 3.2.2)

The ability to store the signals without degradation

The ability to process signals for security and other purposes

The ability to remove unnecessary redundancy to increase transmission and storage efficiency

The ability to add appropriate coding and redundancy so that signals can survive harsh transmission environments

3.2.1 High-Definition Television (HDTV)

The big push for consumer digital television came as a consequence of the search for a practical high-definition television (HDTV) system. HDTV was defined as having twice the horizontal resolution, twice the vertical resolution, a wide picture with a ratio of 16 units of width for every 9 units of height, no visible artifacts at reasonable viewing distances, and compact disc-quality sound. Before any processing, the analog signal coming from an HDTV camera could consist of 30 MHz of red information, 30 MHz of green information, and 30 MHz of blue information. Almost 100 MHz of analog information is involved. To convert it to digital form, it is first sampled at twice the highest frequency (according to the Nyquist theorem; see Section 3.3.2). Then each sample is represented by a byte of data. More than a gigabit per second of data transmission is required. It can be appreciated why all the early HDTV proposals were analog! Methods of reducing this bandwidth appetite had to be found. The work on HDTV began in Japan in 1970 using analog transmission technology coupled with significant digital processing at both the point of origination and the receiver. The Japanese proposal was called multiple sub-Nyquist sampling encoding (MUSE). It applied many of the techniques used to minimize NTSC bandwidth. The goal was to match the HDTV system to the human visual response, since there is no need to transmit what the eye does not see.

When the FCC decided to pursue HDTV in the United States, it laid down a number of challenges.3 The first challenge was for a “compatible” HDTV system that would not make current NTSC receivers obsolete. The second major challenge was to limit the original NTSC and the new HDTV signals to no more than two 6-MHz slots in the television spectrum. A further restriction required the new signals to avoid undue harm to existing NTSC transmissions. After an extended search for a compatible method of creating HDTV, it became clear that all methods proposed used the original NTSC signal plus in-band and out-of-band “helper signals.” All these resources were required to create the compatible signal, and two 6-MHz bands were consumed for each HDTV signal. This approach meant that NTSC would always have to be supported. It also meant that 12 MHz was committed for each HDTV signal. If there were ever to be a transition away from broadcast NTSC, this approach would have to be abandoned.

Zenith Electronics Corporation first broke ranks with the analog proponents by proposing a hybrid system that continued the transmission of the high frequencies of the image in analog form but converted the lower frequencies to a digitized form. This hybrid approach seemed to use the best of both worlds. It recognized that most of the energy in an NTSC signal is in its low frequencies, which include the synchronization pulses. In NTSC, the sync pulses have the highest energy because they are separated from the video signal by amplitude discrimination. By digitizing the low frequencies, the majority of their power consumption was eliminated, yet the burden on the digital circuits was relaxed because only relatively low frequencies were processed. The high frequencies remained analog and contributed little to the power requirements. The lower-data-rate digital signals would also be less susceptible to multipath transmission effects. The remaining problem was that this approach was no longer compatible with existing NTSC receivers. This problem was solved by allowing compatibility to include simulcasting. That is, both the hybrid signal and the NTSC signal would carry the same programming, but at two different resolutions and at two different frequencies. This would preserve the utility of older receivers. More-over, since no successful system that put both NTSC and HDTV into the same 6 MHz had been proposed, two 6-MHz channels would still be required, as in all the other proposed systems.

This approach had a number of major advantages. The low-power HDTV signal was tailored to cause minimum co-channel interference in adjacent locations using the same frequencies. Also, since the NTSC signal was not needed as a component of the HDTV signal, it could eventually be abandoned. The NTSC channel could then be reallocated to other purposes. Even before that happened, the requirement for simulcasting could be relaxed based on policy rather than technological constraints. Via this step-by-step process, compatibility was abandoned for the first time in broadcast television.(The noncompatible CBS color system, though temporarily the official system, did not achieve commercial success before it was replaced with the RCA/NTSC compatible color system.)

However, cable and satellite didn’t have the same requirement for terrestrial compatibility. In fact, the lack of any viable analog HDTV solution for satellite led General Instrument’s DigiCipher division to develop their purely digital approach.(At the same time the “clean sheet of paper” approach was also being advocated in some cable circles.) Shortly thereafter, General Instrument proposed an all-digital solution for terrestrial HDTV broadcast. Quickly, all serious proponents, with the exception of the Japanese MUSE system, converted to all digital designs. The committee, charged with selecting a winner, found that it could not come to a conclusion. The technical issues were too complex, and the political issues were overwhelming. At the time a decision was to be made, all the proposed systems made unacceptable pictures. The result was an elaborate ruse to score all the systems as acceptable under the condition that a “grand alliance” be formed that allowed the proponents themselves to hammer out a single system. This allowed the political battles to go on behind closed doors under the guise of selecting the “best of the best” for a single proposal to the FCC.

Since that time, the television and computer industries have jointly created standardized toolkits for audio and video compression. The MPEG-2 video compression standard4 provides a “toolbox” of techniques that can be selected according to the nature of an application. The MPEG-2 systems standard defines how multiple audio and video channels can be multiplexed together into a single digital bitstream. Finally, the broadcast and cable industries have developed modulation and transmission standards to reliably deliver the digital bitstream over an analog channel.

Using these standards, a single HDTV program can now be transmitted within the analog broadcast TV channel assignment of 6 MHz rather than the tens of megahertz once thought necessary. In the case of cable’s well-behaved spectrum, double the data transmission rate is possible; two to three HDTV signals can be carried in 6 MHz.

The same technology that makes HDTV possible in 12–18 Mbps also enables very efficient compression of standard-definition television. Excellent results are now being obtained at data rates of 2–3 Mb/s using MPEG-2 video compression. Since the cable transmission rate is approximately 38 Mb/s (in 6 MHz), 12–18 programs can be carried in the same spectrum that previously carried one.

It is expected that the transmission of standard analog NTSC will occur for many years before a transition to digital television is completed. The British experience with vertically polarized, 405-line monochrome television is instructive. It took some 50 years to abandon that system, even with a very small number of receivers. A minority of opinion holds that the U.S. transition may never be completed because of the vast installed base of analog receivers (currently more than 250 million color receivers and more than 150 million VCRs) and the political problems associated with making consumers’ “investment” in products obsolete. Low-income viewers and the economically challenged would be especially hard hit. It is difficult simultaneously to be a supporter of “free television” and to require the poor to purchase new, expensive television sets (not to mention that advertiser-supported television requires a large number of subscribers to sustain itself). Of course, the new digital receivers will rapidly come down in price, but the analog receivers will also continue to decline in price. The shutdown of analog television will not be easy.

3.2.2 Digital Signal Processing

The human sensory systems for images and sounds are analog. Images and sounds start as analog phenomena. To be enjoyed by humans, the phenomena must be converted to signals, and the signals must eventually be displayed as analog stimuli for eyes and ears to enjoy. Unfortunately, as analog signals are transmitted over long distances, they encounter noise, distortion, and interfering signals that degrade the quality of the images and sounds, so they become unpleasant and, eventually, unusable. If the analog signals are converted to digital signals, an arbitrarily small degree of noise is introduced in the conversion process, but all subsequent degradation of the signal can be avoided using practical and well-understood techniques.

The advantages of baseband (unmodulated) digital signals include the ability to completely regenerate the signal, thereby preventing the accumulation of noise and distortion, and the ability to apply computational techniques for the purposes of error detection and correction and redundancy reduction. Redundancy reduction is important because it saves data storage space and transmission time and bandwidth.

Advantages of binary numbers include that they have two states, which can be represented by simple and inexpensive circuits, and that the impact of electrical noise and distortion can be minimized or even eliminated by proper design. A circuit element, such as a transistor, that processes an analog signal must faithfully reproduce all values of the signal while adding a minimum of distortion and noise. If many such circuit elements process an analog signal, their individual contributions of noise and distortion accumulate, causing substantial signal degradation. On the other hand, a binary circuit can have two well-defined states, on and off, which are easily distinguishable. The on state may represent the binary number 1, whereas the off state can represent the binary number 0. (The opposite choice is equally valid.) The important point is that if the circuit element is mostly off but not completely off, it will not be confused with the on state. Similarly, if the circuit element is mostly on but not completely on, it will not be confused with the off state. Thus imperfect performance of the circuit can still faithfully represent the binary values. Only when the on state approaches half of the assigned value or when the off state is almost halfway to the on condition can confusion result. If this degree of deficient performance is avoided, the two states can be discriminated and the signal perfectly resolved (see Figure 3.1). If, as the signal is transmitted, it suffers some noise and distortion degradation, it can still be perfectly recovered as long as the two states — the on state representing a binary 1 and the off state representing a binary 0 — can be reliably discriminated. Eventually, sufficient noise and distortion will accumulate so that the two states become confused. If the system is designed so that the signal is regenerated (and any errors are corrected) prior to this destructive level of degradation, a fresh binary signal can be substituted for the degraded signal, and all the damage caused by noise and distortion can be completely undone. Repeaters can perform this operation an arbitrary number of times, allowing error-free communications over arbitrarily long distances. This is something that cannot be accomplished with analog signals.


Figure 3.1 Impact of excessive noise.

A further advantage of digital signals is that the art of circuit design has progressed to where the transistors that process digital signals are very small and very inexpensive. Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel Corporation, observed that approximately every 12–18 months, the number of digital transistors that can be afforded for a given price doubles. Alternatively, the cost of a given number of digital transistors approximately halves in that period. This process has been continuing for decades and appears likely to continue for some time to come. As an example of this phenomenon, the first personal computers introduced in the early 1980s used an Intel-brand integrated circuit (IC) that had 30,000 digital transistors. The Pentium computer ICs of the mid-1990s have more than 5 million digital transistors. Tens of millions of digital transistors are now being placed in consumer products at affordable prices. The same experience has not been enjoyed by analog circuits, because they must faithfully process the infinite range of values of analog signals. That severe constraint has prevented analog circuits from progressing as fast or as far in complexity and cost reduction.

An additional advantage of digital signals is that they can be mathematically manipulated in very complex ways that lead to methods of determining whether transmission errors have occurred and even of correcting some of those errors. Note that there are only two possible types of errors: a binary 1 symbol may be damaged and converted into a binary 0 symbol, and a binary 0 symbol may be damaged and converted into a binary 1 symbol. There are no other alternatives in a binary system. As an example, one common method of identifying an error condition is called parity detection. Binary symbols are grouped into clusters of seven, and an eighth symbol is appended depending on whether the previous seven have an even or an odd number of 1 symbols. If the appended symbol is such that an even number of 1 symbols is always present in each valid group of eight symbols, the method is called even parity. A single transmission error will convert a 1 to a 0 or a 0 to a 1, and the result will be an odd number of 1 symbols. The system can detect this error. If two errors occur, a much less probable event, the system will be fooled and think that no error has occurred, because there will still be an even number of 1s. However, if three errors occur, the damage will again be detected. The ability to detect certain error conditions has come at the price of an appended symbol that takes up transmission time and that requires additional circuits to process the signal at both the transmission and receiving ends. Forward error correction (FEC) algorithms can detect multiple errors and even compute the original correct signal. These more complex methods increase the amount of additional, nondata symbols and are said to have increased overhead. In addition, additional processing complexity is required at both the sending and receiving ends of the transmission path.

3.3 Digital Video Compression

As we have seen in Section 3.2, uncompressed digital video requires a very high data rate; in fact, these rates are so high that it would be uneconomical to transmit or store uncompressed digital video. Therefore data compression is required so that the video is still of acceptable quality while being described by many fewer bits. This type of compression is known as lossy compression, because some information is discarded during the encoding process. “Acceptable quality” is defined by customer expectations and business conditions and is, by nature, always something of a compromise. For both operators and programmers, more is better; the more aggressive the compression, the more channels for a given bandwidth. Many television viewers seem to be very forgiving of a softer picture (that is, a loss of resolution) as long as the picture remains noise free. Nevertheless, more sophisticated viewers have certainly shown their preference for better resolution, as is demonstrated by the phenomenal success of DVD. This trend may continue as large-screen, high-resolution displays become more affordable, and it bodes well for HDTV adoption.

The first large-scale application of digital video compression was, and still is, broadcast television services (in the order of satellite, cable, and terrestrial broadcast). These applications all require a standard coding mechanism that is understood by all decoders in the marketplace. The familiar MPEG standard is the best example of this. It also allowed for volume production of MPEG-2 decoder chips so that they became inexpensive enough to put in the set-top terminal (STT) and, eventually, the television set.

A second application is the digital versatile (originally video) disk (DVD). Just as in broadcast television services, the decoder in every DVD player had to perform identically; once again, the MPEG-2 video format was adopted.

Finally, video on demand (VOD), which is now being aggressively deployed by many cable operators, also uses MPEG-2 standards. In this case, MPEG-2 is a natural choice, because VOD leverages the existing investment in the STT.

A very different application, called streaming media, has emerged with the Internet. In streaming media, the transfer of video is typically a 1-to-1 transaction, making it analogous to VOD. However, the Internet environment allows the coding format to be specified for each transaction, even allowing a software decoder to be downloaded just before it is needed. Moreover, the ubiquitous personal computer now provides enough raw central processing unit (CPU) performance and memory to allow the decoding to be done without special-purpose silicon. These properties make the Internet a perfect incubator for new compression algorithms.

3.3.1 Principles of Video Compression

There are many excellent texts that describe the principles of digital video compression.5-7 The reader is referred to these for a more detailed treatment.

Digital video compression can achieve a dramatic reduction in bit rate; a factor of 50:1 is quite achievable for entertainment-quality video. There are two main reasons for this.

1. A typical video stream contains a tremendous amount of spatial and temporal redundancy.

2. The human eye-brain system is relatively insensitive to certain impairments in the displayed result.

In the first case, recall that NTSC video is refreshed 60 times per second (and PAL video 50 times per second) to avoid the perception of flicker. There are many segments when very little motion has to be conveyed, and one field is much like the one before it (temporal redundancy). Fundamentally, if the changes could be sent, rather than completely refreshing the field, then a lot of data transmission could be saved.

Second, the human eye-brain system is quite forgiving when it comes to the fidelity of video rendition. For example, the eye’s rod cells are very sensitive to the total intensity of light (luminance), whereas the eye’s cone cells are less sensitive to color differences, particularly for certain shades. The eye is also less sensitive to color (or chrominance) detail. NTSC takes advantage of this to dramatically limit the bandwidth of the chrominance (I and Q) signals, as explained in Chapter 2. Finally, the eye-brain system is even less sensitive to detail if there is significant motion in that part of the scene.

These discoveries about the human eye-brain system have been researched thoroughly and codified into a perceptual model that can be used to reduce fidelity in those areas where it is least noticeable while maintaining fidelity where the eye is most discriminating. Nevertheless, much advanced compression work transcends perceptual modeling, becoming quite empirical. This explains the lack of good, objective video-quality measurement techniques based on perceptual modeling.

3.3.2 Coding of Still Images

We will start by discussing the compression of a still image and then extend the model to deal with moving images. Video can be represented as a series of still images. In fact, we must periodically code an entire frame as a still image (an intracoded frame, or I frame) because this provides the property of random access. An I frame contains all of the information needed to decode the frame within the frame itself; it is not dependent on adjacent frames, and it serves as a reference for these other frame types. Random access is very important for broadcast applications; when the viewer is switching from one channel to the next, it must be possible to reinitialize the decoding process within a short period of time (less than a second).

In both still- and moving-image compression, a number of key steps are commonly applied:

1. Sampling and preprocessing

2. Block formation

3. Transform coding

4. Quantization

5. Run-length encoding

6. Entropy coding

(This section describes how the fundamental principles of compression are implemented by MPEG-2 video compression of a standard-definition TV picture, because it is so widely used. Subsequent sections will expand the scope to include discussion of HDTV, MPEG-4 video, and alternative approaches to video encoding.)

Sampling and Preprocessing

To convert an analog signal to a digital signal, it is first sampled in time. This can be accomplished by multiplying the analog waveform by a train of evenly spaced narrow pulses that alternate between zero volts and a constant, convenient voltage (for example, 1 volt) (see Figure 3.2). The information science theorist Harry Nyquist of Bell Telephone Laboratories proved that if a signal is sampled at least twice as frequently as the maximum signal frequency it contains, it can be perfectly recovered with no loss of information.8,9 This principle is called the Nyquist theorem. Sampled signals are still analog signals, because they can take on any value; they are just time quantized.


Figure 3.2 Time sampling an analog waveform.

Nyquist proved that if the sampled signal is low-pass filtered, the original signal is recovered, with just a delay caused by the propagation time through the circuits (see Figure 3.3). If each time sample’s strength is then measured (for example, with a digital voltmeter) and the resulting measurement represented by a number of limited precision, the sampled analog signal will be converted into a sequence of data (see Figure 3.4). Limited-precision numbers have a fixed number of decimal places. The uncertainty in precision of the number is determined by the value of its last decimal place. The information to be transmitted is no longer the original analog signal or its time-sampled version (which can take on any value), but rather another signal that conveys the limited-precision numbers describing the strength of the original signal samples. The representation of the signal by a limited-precision number introduces an error that can be considered as a type of noise called quantization noise. The amount of quantization noise can be made arbitrarily small by using arbitrarily higher-precision numbers, but it can never be reduced to zero.


Figure 3.3 Recovery of a time-sampled waveform.


Figure 3.4 Quantization of a time-sampled waveform.

Video can be sampled in many different ways — ironically, sampling to achieve studio-quality transfers also tends to generate the highest data rate and is therefore not the best approach for low-bit-rate encoding. However, the “cleaner” the video, the better, because any noise in the original signal is random, additional information that is not easy to compress. For this reason, it is common practice to low-pass filter the video signals before sampling, in an attempt to reduce any high-frequency noise components. Achieving good noise reduction without unduly reducing resolution has been a subject of considerable research and development among encoder manufacturers.

As described in the previous chapter, color television is based on the discovery that the human eye responds to three colors and mixes them to produce essentially all other colors. Color television requires three signals. The three signals start at the camera and end at the picture tube as red, green, and blue. In between, they can be transformed into other formats that are more convenient for processing. In digital television, the color information is sent as two color difference signals, or components. The first component, Cb, is the difference between the luminance value and blue in that part of the picture. The second component, Cr, is the difference between the luminance value and red in that part of the picture. Since the human eye is less sensitive to detail in color information than in luminance (brightness), the color information can be sent with less detail.

As mentioned already, to be properly reproduced, an analog signal must be sampled at a rate at least twice that of its highest frequency. That theoretically minimum rate requires perfect (nonrealizable) filters at the receiving end. To use practical filters, an even higher sampling rate is required. The most common sampling rates chosen for use in digital television with resolution comparable to NTSC are 13.5 MHz for the luminance signal and half that rate (6.75 MHz) for each of the two components, for a total of 27 megasamples per second.

Interestingly, the use of compression allows the program bandwidth and the transmitted bandwidth to be very different. A modern television camera for NTSC actually produces video frequencies beyond what can be transmitted in the 6-MHz broadcast channel. Those frequencies are just thrown away in analog practice. In compressed television, some of them may be used. The 13.5-MHz sampling rate supports a luminance bandwidth of 5.75 MHz and supports 2.75 MHz in each of the color difference channels. The NTSC technique of choosing color axes that favor the human visual system and limiting one to 0.5 MHz while allowing the other to go to 1.5 MHz is not necessary. Compression allows both color difference signals to have the same 2.75-MHz bandwidth.

It was determined by experiment that a minimum of eight bits per sample are required to minimize visible artifacts due to the quantization of the data. In some applications, 10 bits per sample are used. In digital television systems using 27 megasamples per second and eight bits per sample, uncompressed transmission requires 215 Mb/s for the video data. Of course, audio must be digitized as well. Using our bandwidth rule of thumb, something over 100 MHz of bandwidth would be required. This is not a problem internal to systems that process a single channel or for transmission of a few channels over fiber-optic links. However, this kind of bandwidth consumption is not feasible for broadcast or for multichannel environments, where the number of channels is important to subscriber appeal. There is a clear need for methods of reducing the bit rate to acceptable levels.

Because NTSC has fewer lines (525) and a higher frame rate (29.97), while PAL has more lines (625) and a lower frame rate (25), both forms of analog video can be conveniently sampled at the same rate to create the basis for a worldwide digital video rate hierarchy.10 Sampling of an analog video source according to ITU-T Recommendation BT.601-511 reduces the chrominance data rate by sampling at 4:2:2.* The meaning of these numbers is:

4. The luminance component (Y) is sampled at 13.5 MHz.

2. The first chrominance component (Cr) is sampled at 6.75 MHz.

2. The second chrominance component (Cb) is sampled at 6.75 MHz.

Here, Y, Cb, Cr are the digital equivalents of the luminance, I, and Q components of an analog picture. Just as in the analog case, the color difference signals are manipulated to provide the best fidelity where it is most critical for the human eye.

In both NTSC and PAL, the active picture region is 720 pixels wide, but the first eight and the last eight are usually ignored, so only the middle 704 pixels are encoded. In the vertical direction, after VBI lines are discarded, there are 483 active lines in an NTSC picture, though only 480 lines are encoded. For PAL, depending on the version, there are between 575 and 587 active lines; only 576 are encoded.

Block Formation

The next step in the process is to represent the video as a two-dimensional array of pixels so that it can be processed in the spatial domain. To do this, the digital video stream is deinterlaced and clocked into a frame buffer.(For images with high-motion content, this can cause a double image because there is movement between the two frames. We’ll discuss ways to deal with this problem later; see Section 3.3.3, Coding of Moving Images.)

The frame buffer is divided into blocks typically 8 × 8 pixels because this is a convenient size for transform coding (see next subsection). Before this is done, however, the chrominance component is subsampled again, this time in the vertical direction, by averaging the samples on adjacent rows in the frame buffer. Sampling at 6.75 MHz and then averaging between rows reduces the chrominance resolution by a factor of 4 (compared to luminance). This resolution is termed 4:2:0. Therefore, for every four Y (luminance) blocks, there is one Cb block and one Cr block, as shown in Figure 3.5. (This grouping of blocks is called a macroblock in MPEG parlance.)


Figure 3.5 Order of transmission. (a) Luminance blocks. (b) Color difference blocks.

The vital statistics for standard-definition digital video are summarized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 Vital Statistics for Standard-Definition Digital Video

ITU-T BT.601-5/MPEG-2 main level NTSC PAL
Frame rate 29.97 Hz 25 Hz
Sampling rate:    
Luminance 13.5 MHz 13.5 MHz
Chrominance 6.75 MHz 6.75 MHz
Samples per line 858 864
Active picture samples 720 720
Encoded pixels per line 704 720
Vertical lines 525 625
Active lines 483 575–587
Encoded lines 480 576
Frame resolution (pixels) 704 × 480 704 × 576
Total macroblocks per frame 1,320 1,584
Total blocks per frame 7,920 9,504

Transform Coding

As discussed in the previous chapter, waveforms that are cyclically repetitive can be decomposed into a series of sine and cosine waves of varying amplitudes. Equations (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3) display the familiar Fourier series equations discussed in the last chapter.12

image (3.1)

Equation (3.1) is the trigonometric Fourier series representation of time waveform f(t) over time interval (t0, t0 + T). The various constants an and bn are given by

image (3.2)


image (3.3)

If a waveform is not periodic, such as shown in Figure 3.6(a), it is possible to define a periodic version, as shown in Figure 3.6(b).


Figure 3.6 Periodic construction. (a) Nonperiodic waveform. (b) Periodic extension. (c) Symmetric periodic extension.

The Fourier series in Equations (3.1), (3.2), and (3.3) will be valid over the interval from time t0 to time t0 + T but incorrect elsewhere. This is not a problem if we simply reapply the technique of forming periodic extensions for each piece of the waveform. We can then process the signal one piece at a time and load the results in memory.

If a waveform has symmetry about the zero time point, then only cosines are needed to represent it, and all the bn terms become zero. These cosines occur at multiples — or harmonics — of the fundamental repeat frequency of the waveform.

Figure 3.6(c) shows that the periodic extension technique can be applied in a manner that makes the signal symmetric so that its bn terms will become zero. Again, the Fourier series is valid over only the interval from time t0 to time t0 + T but incorrect elsewhere.

The amplitude values of these cosine waves constitute the cosine Fourier series representation of the waveform. The Fourier representation simplifies to just Equations (3.4) and (3.5).

image (3.4)

image (3.5)

We are going to sample the video waveform according to the Nyquist theorem (as discussed in Section 3.3.2). Samples will be taken at more than twice the video waveform’s highest frequency. Consequently, the video waveform will no longer be continuous. It will exist only at a finite number of discrete points in time. Therefore the integrals of Equation (3.5) become simple summations because there is only a finite number of sample points to add up rather than a continuous set of values to integrate. Since we are dealing with a bandwidth-limited signal, the summation of Equation (3.4) does not go to infinity, just to the highest frequency in the band-limited signal. In this way, the cosine Fourier series becomes a discrete cosine transform (DCT).

A picture is a two-dimensional object. The same principles that applied in the horizontal direction of the graph of Figure 3.6(a) can be applied in the vertical direction of a picture as well. Instead of the time variable in Figure 3.6, a distance variable is used. This is equally valid. (Of course, distance along a raster-scanned image has a relationship to time!) These principles also apply to both directions simultaneously. To apply the DCT, we need a periodic extension of the image. This is best done by breaking the image up into smaller blocks. The size of block chosen in most digital television applications is 8 picture elements (pixels) wide and 8 pixels high. This block can be imagined to repeat in a checkerboard pattern so that it is a symmetrical replication from checkerboard square to checkerboard square. This allows us to utilize only cosines and avoid the sines entirely. However, just as with the time waveform, this DCT will be valid only within the chosen block. Each block of the image will have to be handled separately. Again, bandwidth limiting of the video means that the image details are limited in the number of variations they can make within the block. This means that the DCT summations have a fixed maximum number and don’t have to go to infinity.

The video samples in two directions are transformed into a form of spectrum by the two-dimensional DCT of Equations (3.6), (3.7), and (3.8)13:

image (3.6)


x and y = pixel indices within an 8-by-8 video block

That is, x and y are the row and column numbers of the block that contains the measurements of the picture’s brightness at each location in the block. Similarly, u and v are DCT coefficient indices within an 8-by-8 spectrum block. That is, u and v are the row and column numbers of the block that contains the measurements of the picture’s spectrum at each location in the block. Here,

image (3.7)

image (3.8)

To summarize, when we take a block 8 pixels wide and 8 pixels high from a bandwidth-limited video signal, there are 64 pixels. Each pixel is sampled in time. Its amplitude is measured, and the measurement is rounded to the nearest quantizing level. This quantizes the amplitude to a resolution of 8 bits (256 levels). We then have an array of 64 numbers in an 8-by-8 square (see Figure 3.7(a)).


Figure 3.7 DCT 8-by-8 blocks. (a) Luminance values. (b) Frequency coefficients after DCT. (c) DCT and IDCT transformations.

If we apply Equations (3.6), (3.7), and (3.8) to this array, we will get another array of 64 numbers in 8 rows and 8 columns (see Figure 3.7(b)). This array represents the frequency components of the original amplitude array. The cells in this array contain numbers called the frequency coefficients. The number in the upper left-hand corner is related to the direct current (dc) component, that is, the average amplitude across the video square. The cells across the top row are the values of the horizontal frequencies in the block. The cells down the left side of the block are the vertical frequencies in the block. The other blocks represent frequencies in other directions (see Figure 3.7(c)).

The Fourier series works in both directions. If we have an amplitude waveform, we can convert it into a frequency series. If we have a frequency series, we can convert it back to the waveform. Similarly, there is an inverse discrete cosine transform (IDCT), which will convert the frequency coefficients array back into the amplitude array. Here are the equations for the IDCT14:

image (3.9)

image (3.10)

image (3.11)

Applying these equations to the array of Figure 3.7(b) yields the array of Figure 3.8, which is recognized as the original amplitude array. This is a lossless conversion (to the limits of computational accuracy).


Figure 3.8 Luminance values after IDCT.

The order of transmission of this information is shown in Figure 3.5. First, four blocks of luminance information are sent. Then one block of each of the two color difference signals is sent. The color difference signals come from sampling every other location in the luminance array of four blocks. All six of these blocks are separately converted by the DCT circuits and separately transmitted to the receiver.


Let’s review what has been accomplished so far: The video signal has been time sampled and quantized in a manner that gives the values of the luminance and color difference components at specific points in the picture. Those luminance points have been organized into blocks 8 pixels wide by 8 pixels high. The same has been done for the color difference signals, except every other pixel has been skipped to form macroblocks that span 16-by-16 luminance pixels. Then the values of these pixels have been converted to frequency values using the DCT in a manner that allows the original values to be computed again using the IDCT. This digitization and conversion by the DCT has not, by itself, done anything to reduce the redundancy of the image. More processing is needed to eliminate redundancy.15

The first step in the process is to note that there is a much wider range of values in the frequency domain cells than in the original video domain cells. Many of the frequency numbers are very small. In order to efficiently transmit the information in the frequency cells, we must reduce the amount of information necessary to convey it. It is already sampled and digitized, so the next step is to quantize the values in the frequency cells.

The transform coefficients represent different frequencies in brightness and color. Studies have shown that the human visual system has differing sensitivities to this information, depending on the amount of motion, the amount of detail, and the color of the image. There is a lot more information in this data than the human visual system requires for a satisfactory viewing experience. Consequently, the values in the cells can be approximated by a smaller set of values. The actual cell value is compared with the smaller set, and the nearest set value is chosen to represent the actual value. This process is another quantization mechanism. The cells are quantized differently according to the results of the research on human perception. A quantizer matrix is assigned to the transform coefficient matrix that prescribes the coarseness of quantization for each cell. Predetermined quantizer matrices are built into the system. Additionally, specific quantizer matrices can be downloaded as part of the signal for special cases.

Coarser quantization requires fewer bits, and the video matrix consisting of 64 cells with 8 bits in each row is transformed into 64 cells with fewer total bits. A most important result is that many of the high-frequency blocks contain coefficients that are so small that they become zero when quantized to a coarse scale. Thus the coefficient matrix is loaded with zeros. In addition, a quantizer coefficient is applied to the entire quantizer matrix to adjust its coarseness relative to other blocks in the picture. In this way, some areas of the picture are assigned more bits than other areas in relation to their importance to the image.

Some of the image’s blocks will have little detail and many zeros in their coefficient matrices and thus will use few bits. Other blocks will have a great deal of detail and relatively few zeros in their coefficient matrices and will require many more bits. In this manner, bits are allocated to the parts of the picture that need them.

Run Length Encoding

The order of transmission of the values in the coefficient matrix is very important. A process called zigzag scanning is employed. Figure 3.9(a) illustrates this. In Figure 3.9(b), the frequency coefficients from Figure 3.7(b) are plotted as a graph in the order scanned in Figure 3.9(a). (In Figure 3.9(c), the large direct current (dc) term is not plotted so that the relative sizes of the remaining terms can be better seen.) The frequency coefficients quickly become small in value as the scanning progresses through the block. Most can be rounded to zeros, yielding a “run of zeros.” Rather than transmit all the zeros, a pair of numbers is transmitted. The first number of the pair tells the number of zeros. The second number tells the value of the cell that terminates the run of zeros.16 When a condition is reached where all the remaining cells have zeros, an end-of-block code is sent. Already, the number of bits to be transmitted has been significantly reduced.


Figure 3.9 DCT spectral block transmission order. (a) Zigzag scanning of the amplitude blocks. (b) Frequency coefficients scanned in zigzag order including dc component. (c) Frequency coefficients scanned in zigzag order without dc component.

Entropy Coding

The run length information occurs at a predetermined set of probabilities. Because of this, it is possible to employ entropy coding. As in Morse code, the most frequently occurring patterns are represented with the shortest codes, and the less frequently occurring patterns are assigned longer codes. This further reduces the number of bits needed to transmit the information. Huffman developed a method of creating such compression codes, called Huffman codes, when the probability of the message symbols is known. If another language is to be transmitted, another symbol table is used. If digitized video is to be transmitted, still another symbol table is applied.17

3.3.3 Coding of Moving Images

Now that we have completed the discussion of the compression of a still image (intraframe coding), we can extend the model to deal with moving images (interframe coding). Still-image compression ratios of 8:1 can typically be achieved with these techniques, but we still have a long way to go to reach a 50:1 ratio. Fortunately, all of the same principles we applied to a still image (transform coding, quantization, run length encoding, Huffman coding) can also be applied to the differences between one frame and the next. Two techniques are often used in conjunction in intraframe coding:

1. Calculate the difference between a macroblock in one frame and another (picture differencing).

2. Attempt to find the best match between a macroblock in one frame and that macroblock in another frame and transmit the motion vector (motion compensation).

Picture differencing breaks down if there is significant motion in the image. If you imagine a typical scene where the camera is panned across a scene, there are unlikely to be many similarities between a macroblock in one frame and that macroblock in the subsequent frame. The same is true for moving objects within the scene.

Motion compensation attempts to find where each macroblock has “moved” between frames, but it is unlikely that an exact match will be found, due to distortion caused by perspective and lighting changes. So when the best match is found, picture differencing is used to send the changes in the macroblock along with its new position.

Both of these techniques are used in conjunction in efficient video compression algorithms (such as MPEG).

Picture Differencing

In successive frames of video, each frame is typically very similar to the previous frame. If we take the limiting case of video of a still image, say, a landscape with no activity, there are no differences between frames. Sending one frame tells all. Succeeding frames simply can be repeated from the receiver’s memory.

Figure 3.10 shows how the encoder can avoid sending the same frame repeatedly. When the equipment is turned on, all picture memories are empty. The first frame is sampled, and the DCT processor creates the frequency coefficient matrices for the luminance and color blocks of the picture and sends them to the IDCT decoder at the receiver site and to a local IDCT decoder. The local decoder produces the same image that will exist at the receiver. This image is then compared to the contents of the previous picture memory. Since there was no previous picture, the previous picture memory is empty, and there is nothing to add or subtract. The entire decoded picture is loaded into the picture memory. When the second frame is sampled, the previous picture is subtracted from it. Since they are identical, the subtractor produces zero values, the resulting coefficient matrix is all zeros, and the previous picture is unchanged. The process repeats itself, with no differences being transmitted to the receiver.


Figure 3.10 Interframe encoder.

Figure 3.11 displays the decoder. Initially, its picture memories are empty. When the first frame’s coefficient matrix arrives, it is decoded in the IDCT unit.


Figure 3.11 Interframe decoder.

This is presented for display and for storage in the picture memory. At the time of the next frame, a zero coefficient matrix arrives. Nothing is added to the previous picture memory, and its contents are presented for display and are reloaded into the picture memory.

Watching a still picture on television, for example, the landscape image, shown in Figure 3.12(a), is not very interesting. Now let’s assume that the picture changes because an airplane enters the picture (see Figure 3.12(b)). After the encoder subtracts the previous picture from the new picture, only macro-blocks containing the image of the airplane have changed (see Figure 3.12(c)). These macroblocks may be encoded as differences from the previous picture, and a new coefficient matrix is transmitted to the receive site and the local decoder.(Note that the encoder may choose to intracode the macroblocks.) At the decoder, the coefficient matrix of the airplane is received and added to the previous landscape stored in the previous picture memory. It is presented for display and stored in the picture memory.


Figure 3.12 Differential transmission. (a) Original image. (b) Modified image. (c) Difference.

Two kinds of coefficient matrices have been transmitted in our example. The first coefficient matrix was a complete picture, called an intraframe (I frame), and all macroblocks are intracoded, or nonpredicted. The next frame contained information used to predict the contents of the picture memory for display; it is called a P frame. (Note that a P frame actually contains a mix of predicted macroblocks and nonpredicted macroblocks.)

In a perfect world, we’d need just one I frame and all the rest could be P frames. There are a couple of reasons why this is insufficient. First, if the viewer missed the I frame while “surfing” channels, he or she would not get a correct image. In our example, the viewer might get just the airplane and not the landscape! A second problem is that there are imperfections and distortions that accumulate. It is important to reset the process every so often to limit the propagation of errors. So I frames are sent several times a second to allow channel surfers to have a starting point and to limit the propagation of errors.

Motion Compensation

Motion compensation can be employed to significantly reduce the redundancy even further. For example, in Figure 3.13(a) and (b), we note that the image of the airplane is the same in all appearances. It is redundant to have to retransmit the airplane; once should be sufficient! It should be adequate to simply convey an instruction to move the airplane to the new position. Of course, it is not that simple.


Figure 3.13 More complex motion. (a) Further modified image. (b) Differences.

Motion compensation is based on the observation that much of the motion in images consists of a displacement of an element of the image. Motion compensation takes each macroblock and compares it with all possible macroblocks formed by making horizontal and/or vertical displacements in small increments (typically half-pixel). When the best fit is found, instructions are conveyed to the receiver to work with the contents of the macroblock and, when done, to relocate them to their new position with a motion vector. In our example, the encoder motion compensation would determine that the airplane has simply been moved horizontally. Instructions to the receiver would tell it to take the contents of a number of blocks in memory and move them to other locations that are some number of pixels displaced horizontally and vertically.

The motion compensation algorithm will usually find that the macroblock match is not perfect, and so it encodes any changes and transmits them with the motion vector. In our example, if the airplane made a slight rotation, simply moving it horizontally and vertically would not be enough. The difference between its previous pixels and its new pixels would be encoded. In most cases, this would be just a small fraction of the total pixels. Most would be unchanged. The resulting instructions to the receiver include taking blocks from memory, modifying them slightly, and then relocating them. When they are relocated, parts will overlay other blocks, and parts will be covered by other blocks. That information must be conveyed as well. Holes in the image will be created. They must be filled. The various parts of the image may move in different directions by different amounts. The motion compensation process can be very sophisticated to aggressively reduce the amount of information that needs to be transmitted (see Figure 3.14). Areas in the preceding frame of Figure 3.14 are found that best match the areas in the current frame. These are transmitted along with instructions for their new position and the differences needed to update them. This minimizes the amount of information that must be conveyed to the receiver.


Figure 3.14 Motion compensation.

Motion compensation makes the encoder much more complex than the decoder, which is acceptable because there are many more decoding sites than encoding sites. Since motion compensation is done at the encoder, viewers will enjoy improved results with their existing decoders as encoder motion compensation technology advances. The goal is to make receivers inexpensive.

B Frames and Groups of Pictures

Consider the airplane and landscape example shown in Figure 3.15. Five locations of the airplane occur. When the airplane moves from one position to another, it uncovers a piece of sky, which is present in subsequent images. If we had one of the subsequent images already in memory, for example, Figure 3.15(c), we could take the piece of sky needed from a “future” image. We could “predict backward” in time. The ability to predict both forward and backward in time is possible if we introduce a slight delay in the transmission and add memory to the receiver for more than one frame of video. The frames that allow bidirectional prediction are called B frames. Although they add cost to the decoder, they increase transmission efficiency. The trade-off in cost and complexity is governed by the cost of the memory. The cost of memory has come down substantially, so B frames are a worthwhile investment because bandwidth is the ultimate scarce resource.


Figure 3.15 Motion compensation example.

We have defined three kinds of pictures: I frames, P frames (or predicted frames), and B frames (or bidirectionally predicted frames)*. They are clustered into a group of pictures (GOP) (see Figure 3.16). In Figure 3.16(a), the frames are presented in the order in which they are displayed. In order to minimize receiver complexity, they need to be transmitted in the order shown in Figure 3.16(b). In a sophisticated encoder, the GOP flow is interrupted at a scene change, and an I frame is transmitted (recall that an I frame contains all of the information needed to decode the frame within the frame itself and thus is not dependent on adjacent frames). However, I frames require much more data than other frames (a ratio of 5:3:1 for I:P:B frame size is typical). There-fore, the flow of data is very uneven, and the decoder must have a buffer of sufficient size to even out the flow.


3.16 Order of transmission and display of I, P, and B frames. (a) Frame type and display order. (b) Frame type and transmission order.

Field-Based Prediction

All of the discussion so far has dealt with video as a sequence of frames. If the source material is generated by interlace scanning (as is the case with most video material), each frame is actually composed of two fields separated in time by the field period. For scenes with relatively little motion, the “double image” is not a problem and pure frame-based encoding may produce acceptable results. However, when there is rapid motion, the motion compensation algorithm needs to adaptively move into its field-based mode. The decision to code the field or the frame can be made at the macroblock level.

If the field is coded, the values for the block are taken from alternate lines in the frame buffer — essentially reconstructing the field. After DCT, the coefficients for field 1 are sent, followed by those for field 2 for that macroblock. Picture differences and motion compensation for the block can reference either of the two fields in the preceding or succeeding frames.

Obviously, adaptive field/frame-based coding represents a considerable increase in complexity at the encoder and decoder, but it is essential to provide good results for interlaced material at moderate bit rates.

3.3.4 Digital Artifacts

Since each block of the image is treated separately, it is easy to appreciate that there may be differences in decoded video at the boundaries of the blocks. Techniques exist for smoothing over these boundaries. A digitally compressed image with inadequate data will occasionally display the boundaries of the blocks. This is called blocking noise.18

Recall that the 8-by-8 DCT and IDCT perform lossless conversion between the video and frequency space representations to the limits of computational precision. However, once the coefficients are quantized, the lossless nature of the computations is abandoned. Some distortion is introduced. If the distortion is minor, it might not be noticeable. But even if it is noticeable, it might not be objectionable; it may just blend in and get lost. However, under some circumstances, sharp edges will yield attenuated ripples. This is called the Gibbs phenomenon, after the mathematician who studied it.

If a sharp point exists in the image, the Gibbs phenomenon will exist in two dimensions. The resulting image distortion has been called mosquito noise or the attack of the killer bees. This artifact appears as a cluster of mosquitoes or killer bees surrounding the sharp point in the image. If a sharp edge exists in the image, ripples may precede and follow it.

3.3.5 Information Carried in the Vertical Blanking Interval

The astute reader will have noticed that only the active video lines in the NTSC signal are encoded. Clearly, there are several information fields normally carried in the vertical blanking interval (VBI), which would not make it to the television receiver:

1. Closed captioning, carried in line 21, field 119

2. Nielsen source identification (SID) automated measurement of lineups (AMOL)

3. Teletext

4. VBI time code (VITC)

5. Vertical interval test signals (VITS)

Two SCTE standards20,21 have been developed to encode these lines and insert them into the digital bitstream for carriage to the STT. Since the VBI information is considered inseparable from the video itself, it is carried in the video elementary stream by the picture user data field specifically designated for this purpose (see MPEG-2 Transport discussion later). After the video is decoded, the picture user data is used to reconstruct the VBI data, and it is inserted into the NTSC output signal by the NTSC encoder. In this way, backward compatibility is maintained with the installed base of analog televisions, which expect to see closed caption information in the VBI of the baseband analog signal.

Digital television has its own standard for closed captioning, specified by EIA-708,22 which includes additional features above and beyond EIA-608, such as popup windows, extended characters sets, and the like. The FCC imposed a deadline of July 2002 to include EIA-708-compliant closed captions in digital television transmissions.

3.3.6 High-Definition Television

The discussion of digital video compression so far has focused on standard definition television signals. The principles apply equally well to high-definition television, except that picture resolution and bit rates are increased considerably.


HDTV has two main variants — a 720-line progressively scanned system (720p) and a 1080-line interlace scanned system (1080i). The latter is based on the SMPTE 240M standard for 1125/60-line HDTV production systems.23 Sampling parameters for the two systems is shown in Table 3.2 (standard-definition television is included for comparison).

Table 3.2 Standardized Video Input Formats

Video standard Active lines Active samples/line
ITU-R BT.601-5 483 720
SMPTE 296M24 720 1,280
SMPTE 274M25 1,080 1,920

(from [26], used with permission)

A 1080i picture has six times as many active pixels as a standard-definition picture, and hence the raw information rate is increased by a factor of 6. The development of high-definition encoders has provided a significant challenge to chip manufacturers, a challenge that has been met by a combination of parallel processing and higher clock rates, made possible by the reduction in integrated circuit line widths.

Block formation

Although the picture resolution is higher, the block size remains the same; there are just more blocks per picture. In addition, macroblocks are formed in the same way. Standard-definition television uses the MPEG-2 main profile at main level (MP@ML), while high-definition television uses the MPEG-2 main profile at high level (MP@HL), (see Section 3.3.7). The SCTE has defined the allowed set of resolutions and frame rates that are supported by cable systems as shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Compression Format Constraints for Digital Video


3.3.7 MPEG Standards

The Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG) of the Geneva-based International Standards Organization (ISO) has been active in video compression standards since the early 1990s. All MPEG standards are based on a set of principles that have allowed tremendous innovation while maintaining an interoperable standard.

MPEG standards do not specify the operation of the encoder, only that of a reference decoder and the syntax of the bitstream that it expects. This allows encoder implementations to improve over time, for example, as better motion compensation search algorithms are developed.

MPEG standards are a toolbox approach — various features are added from one “profile” to another, each higher profile adding complexity and efficiency.


MPEG-1,27 which was standardized in November 1992, introduced efficient coding for frame-based (progressively scanned) material based on DCT coding of 8 by 8 blocks. MPEG-1 is based on the intraframe coding principles from JPEG, but it adds interframe coding techniques, including motion compensation and the associated difference pictures, the so-called P and B frames. MPEG-1 supports only low resolutions (352 × 240), which is insufficient for entertainment-quality video.(However, it was quickly extended to higher resolutions, for example, the Full Service Network28 used so-called “MPEG-1.5” at a resolution of 352 × 480. DirecTV also launched with MPEG-1 at higher resolution, subsequently migrating to MPEG-2 before the transport packet structure was finalized.) Although MPEG-1 works well for progressively scanned material (for example, film), it requires high bit rates (6 Mbps or greater) to compress NTSC video. This is primarily because MPEG-1 does not support field-based coding.


MPEG-2 was standardized in November 1994. MPEG-2 adds support for adaptive field/frame coding, which is particularly for encoding interlaced material with high motion content (for example, sports).(MPEG-3 was originally targeted at HDTV, but it was abandoned when it became apparent that MPEG-2 was easily extendable to support HDTV.)

MPEG-2 has been a tremendously successful standard. It has been adopted by the television and cable industries worldwide and also by DVD. MPEG-2 provides a toolbox comprising a collection of image-processing components; a specific application uses appropriate portions of the standard. Table 3.4 summarizes the profiles and levels defined by the MPEG-2 standard (some levels and profiles have been omitted for clarity). The “level” describes the amount of video resolution. The “profile” describes the principal features of that collection of components. The general-purpose profile is called the main profile. The simple profile drops the B frames and simplifies the decoder by reducing the memory and processing required. The trade-off is that the bit rate generally goes up. Standard-definition television uses the main profile at main level (MP@ML), while HDTV uses the main profile at high level (MP@HL), although there is a separate high profile designed with HDTV in mind. In addition, a 4:2:2 profile is defined for studio use.

Table 3.4 MPEG-2 Levels and Profiles (Subset)



MPEG-4 was originally focused on “very-low-bit-rate coding” (as described in the 1993 RFI), but was changed the following year to “coding of audiovisual objects.” MPEG-4 is very different in focus from previous MPEG standards, in that it focuses on multimedia and interactivity. Visual scenes are broken down into objects and sent as separate layers, which are composed at the decoder.

MPEG-4 also introduces some innovative techniques for very-low-bit-rate coding. These include mapping of images onto a computer-generated mesh — it is possible to map facial expressions and send them independently from a person’s image and then reconstruct the animated face at the receiver.

Most of MPEG-4 is not intended for entertainment-quality video and is not very relevant to the cable industry. However, MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding, is a new standard for entertainment-quality video that offers significantly lower bit rates than MPEG-2.

MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding (AVC)

MPEG-4 Part 10 was completed in March 2003. It was developed by the Joint Video Team (JVT), a joint effort of the ITU-T Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) and MPEG. It is also known as H.26L.

MPEG-4 AVC adds improvements to DC and AC prediction, sprite coding, error resiliency coding, nonlinear dc quantization, and has more accurate motion compensation (quarter-pel over MPEG-2’s half-pel). MPEG-4 AVC also uses spatial prediction for intraframe coding to reduce the size of I frames. The basic spatial transform is an integer transform (an approximation of the DCT) that operates on a smaller, 4 × 4 pixel block. To improve motion compensation efficiency, MPEG-4 AVC adaptively uses different block sizes (4 × 4, 8 × 4, 4 × 8, 8 × 8, 16 × 8, 8 × 16, or 16 × 16) and multiple reference frames. Finally, postfiltering of the image is much more sophisticated, to help reduce blocking artifacts, and includes a deblocking filter in the prediction loop.

Just how much better is MPEG-4 AVC than MPEG-2? It is still too early to say at the time of this writing, but substantial improvements in coding efficiency are already being demonstrated by MPEG-4 AVC implementations. As with MPEG-2, we expect to see an improvement in coding efficiency over time. For example, from the MPEG-2 curve shown in Figure 3.17, it is apparent that MPEG-2 has almost reached the limitations of the fundamental principles upon which it is based. Bit rates much below 2 Mbps for entertainment-quality video do not seem likely. In contrast, MPEG-4 AVC shows the potential to be at least twice as efficient as MPEG-2 for the same perceptual quality.


Figure 3.17 MPEG-4 AVC versus MPEG-2 bit-rate.

(Courtesy of Harmonic Inc.)

However, there are significant issues of backward compatibility that prevent cable operators from adopting of MPEG-4 AVC, attractive as it may be from the point of view of bandwidth efficiency. SCTE digital television standards are based on MPEG-2 video compression. Moreover, a migration to MPEG-4 AVC would necessitate the wholesale replacement of tens of millions of decoders. Since video on demand is not currently subject to SCTE standards, it could employ MPEG-4 AVC to achieve more VOD streams per QAM channel, but at the cost of a new STT per VOD household.

MPEG-4 AVC is being seriously considered for high-definition DVD9 by the DVD forum. DVD9 is a single-sided, dual-layer DVD format with a total capacity of 8.5 GB. Toshiba demonstrated storage of approximately 135 minutes of high-definition video using MPEG-4 AVC encoding at 7 Mbps at the 2003 Consumer Electronics Show.

The issues of backward compatibility do not affect MPEG-4 AVC adoption in the Internet environment. Several software decoders were already available at the time of writing, and Apple has adopted MPEG-4 AVC as the core for Quick-Time. Internet streaming media will probably enjoy a considerable advantage in coding efficiency over broadcast television services (cable, satellite, and terrestrial broadcast).

3.3.8 Other Approaches to Video Compression

A variety of other approaches to compression exist besides the discrete cosine transform. The DCT has enjoyed the most attention because it is based on the Fourier transform, which has been studied more than any other transform. The Fourier transform has other broad applicability to the study of spectra and signal analysis. It has received extensive funding in research on radar, sonar, and deep-space signal analysis. Efficient computational methods have been developed to apply it. Custom-designed integrated circuits have been constructed to implement very fast conversion of waveforms to spectra, and vice versa. The DCT is a natural starting point for video compression.

Other approaches will continue to be studied and may at some point close the gap that currently exists between DCT-based and other compression techniques. Efficient software and hardware may develop for these other approaches, and eventually the DCT may be displaced. We will summarize three alternatives — wavelets, fractals, and vector quantization — that have all been around for a considerable time but have not seriously challenged DCT-based approaches.

There will continue to be further advances in video compression (like MPEG-4 AVC). It is therefore important to avoid building regulatory or other mechanisms that will stand in the way of implementing advancing technology. The recent history of the personal computer industry has shown that the marketplace will tolerate some degree of difficulty with interoperability and compatibility if the technical advances are substantial. This comes at a heavy toll in consumer frustration and sometimes anger. However, the old model of rigid compatibility may fall to the rapid advance of technology. In the end, the marketplace decides.


Wavelet transforms appear to be more “scalable” than other techniques. That is, they have the ability to serve a low-resolution display and then, with little waste of what has been transmitted, add more and more detail. A low-resolution display is able to use simpler circuits to extract what is needed, whereas a higher-resolution display can support the cost of more complex circuits and extract more information from the signal. A special class of filters is used to implement wavelets. As more research is done, more cost-effective implementations will become available.


Briefly, fractals are equations that describe images. They may be the most efficient compression method, representing the most complex images with the least data. The challenge with fractals has been in finding the equations.

Vector Quantization

Vector quantization involves approximating the image out of a prestored table of image elements (sometimes called stamps). This “library” is used to build up the image. Choosing the elements to place in the library is critical to the success of vector quantization. Simpler images place lower demands on the library; images that are more complex are more challenging.

3.4 Digital Audio Compression

The human auditory system is considerably less tolerant of imperfections than the human visual system. Compression of quality audio is much more difficult than the compression of video. Compression ratios of only 4:1 or 8:1 are achieved in audio, whereas video enjoys compression ratios of 30:1 or 50:1. Fortunately, the audio bandwidths are small, and the resulting data rates are not too burdensome.29

Two major competitive methods of audio compression are in widespread use in digital television systems: MPEG-1 Layer 2 and Dolby AC-3. Much of Europe and the U.S. DSS satellite system have chosen MPEG-1 Layer 2, whereas the U.S. cable industry and the U.S. broadcast standards use AC-3. DVD uses Dolby AC-3 for 60-Hz systems (mostly U.S. and Japanese). Some DVDs (digital video discs) use MPEG-2 audio, but only the backward-compatible mode to MPEG-1 Layer 2, for 50-Hz scanning systems (mostly European).

A third method, MPEG-1 Layer 3, has become extremely popular for audio-only applications, and is generally known by its Windows file-extension name, “MP3.”

3.4.1 Principles of Audio Compression

As with video, compression is achieved by the quantization of the frequency components of the signal.

The ear is extraordinarily sensitive to certain impairments in the audio signal, and spectral flatness is very important. Nevertheless, the ear is most sensitive to frequencies between 2 kHz and 5 kHz, and sensitivity drops quite rapidly above and below these frequencies. In fact, at 50 Hz and 17 kHz the sensitivity of the ear is about 50 dB lower than at 3 kHz.

Another effect of the psychoacoustic system is audio masking. A louder sound will mask a quieter one, especially if they are close in frequency.(This effect causes the white noise of the air conditioning fan in a hotel room to mask sounds from outside the room as long as they are not too loud.) The phenomenon is quite complex and very nonlinear. It is more effective when the quieter sound to be suppressed is higher in frequency than the louder sound. The extent to which a louder sound masks a quieter sound is called the psychoacoustic masking threshold. Perceptual coding takes advantage of this masking effect.

Figure 3.1830 shows a high-level block diagram of an audio encoder-decoder pair. In the encoder, an analysis filter bank divides the input signal into narrow frequency bands, each of which may then be quantized and coded independently. The perceptual model adjusts the quantization level of each band such that quantization noise is ideally just below the masking threshold. The resultant bitstream is encoded and transmitted over a data link to the decoder. At the decoder, the inverse functions are applied to reconstruct the audio signal for playback to the listener.


Figure 3.18 Audio Encoding and Decoding.

Here are the main steps in the audio compression process.

1. Sampling and preprocessing

2. Sub-band coding

3. Transform coding (optional)

4. Quantization according to psychoacoustic masking threshold

5. Multichannel bit allocation (optional)

6. Huffman coding

Entertainment-quality audio is generally sampled at 48 kHz, with quantization to 16, 18, 20, or 24 bits per sample.(Compact discs are the exception, with 44.1 kHz-sampling at 16-bit quantization.)

Sub-band coding divides the audio spectrum into narrow frequency bands and codes each sub-band separately. The advantage of this approach is the quantization of each sub-band can be set independently according to (a) the sensitivity of the ear at that frequency and (b) the masking effect of signals in adjacent sub-bands. More advanced audio coding systems may use transform coding in conjunction with sub-band coding or to completely replace sub-band coding.

As each channel is coded, bits are dynamically allocated between sub-bands to achieve the best fidelity for a given bit rate. Huffman coding is used to code frequently quantized values in the same way as for DCT coefficients in video coding.

For multichannel audio, there is often redundancy between channels that can be exploited by multichannel bit allocation schemes. In particular, the ear locates sound sources better at some frequencies; outside of these frequency ranges two channels can be “bridged” together.

There are many excellent texts that discuss audio compression in more detail.31,32

3.4.2 AC-3 (Dolby Digital)

The AC-3 system has 5.1 channels of audio: front left, front right, center, surround left, surround right, and low-frequency enhancement (LFE). The bandwidth of the channels is around 20 kHz, with the exception of the LFE channel, which is limited to 120 Hz. This gives rise to the “.1” of the 5.1 channels. Since low-frequency sounds are not localized, only one speaker is needed for the low frequencies, and it can carry the low frequencies of all the channels. Additionally, the LFE speaker (popularly known as a “subwoofer”) can be placed almost anywhere in the room.

Audio is compressed by first converting it to digital form with a sampling rate of 48 kHz. The audio is then segmented into frames of samples 1,536 samples long. The analog audio is quantized to at least 16-bit resolution. The frame is divided into six 512-sample blocks. Since the human auditory system is so sensitive to imperfections, half of the samples in each block overlap half of the samples from the adjacent blocks. That is, there is a 25% overlap with the preceding block and a 25% overlap with the following block. The sensitivity of the human auditory system to discontinuities requires doubling the number of transmitted samples! The samples are windowed; that is, the set of samples is multiplied by a weighting function that tapers the amplitude of the samples at the beginning and at the end of the sample set. The receiver blends the ending tail from one set with the beginning tail from the next set to avoid sudden changes or clicks or pops.

The audio samples are transformed into the frequency domain as a set of spectral data points using a modified version of the discrete cosine transform called the time division aliasing cancellation (TDAC) transform. Its special properties allow recovery from the need to have block overlap that would otherwise generate twice as many frequency coefficients. The result is that the 512 samples of an audio block yield only half as many, 256, frequency coefficients. These frequency coefficients divide the audio spectrum into 256 sub bands of less than 100 Hz each. Up to this point, the processing of the digital samples is fully reversible, and only digitization has been accomplished. Compression has not yet been achieved.

Data compression is achieved by quantization and entropy coding. The psychoacoustic model dictates the degree of coarseness that can be accepted in the quantization of the audio spectrum data. The frequency coefficients are transmitted in the mathematical format known as scientific notation. A basic number is multiplied by an exponent. The basic number is called the mantissa. The same exponent generally applies to several adjacent blocks of samples, and data transmission can be reduced by taking advantage of this. Only changes are conveyed. Extensive techniques exist for reducing the amount of data that must be transmitted. The optimum bit rate for 5.1-channel Dolby AC-3 is 384 kb/s, although other rates are possible, yielding varying qualities of the resulting decoded audio signals.

AC-3 provides two important features to manage audio level and dynamic range at playback.

Dialog normalization: A subjective loudness of the dialog is explicitly coded in the AC-3 bitstream to allow balance to be achieved from one program segment to another. This is necessary because the level of the dialog may vary greatly between, for example, a movie and a commercial.

Dynamic range description: The dynamic range of the playback may also be adjusted at playback. This allows a listener with a home theater to enjoy the full dynamic range of a movie while also allowing the same movie to be enjoyed on a television with a small speaker.

Finally, AC-3 also defines an audio frame structure, which includes a method for synchronization and CRC-16 error detection codes. If an error is detected in the bitstream, the decoder will mute the audio and attempt to resynchronize. AC-3 was selected as the audio standard by the Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) Digital Television Standard.33 It is also specified by the standards for digital cable systems of the Society of Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE).

3.4.3 MPEG Audio

MPEG-1 Audio

MPEG-1 audio34 coding defines three layers, which are the audio equivalent of video profiles. Each layer adds complexity but reduces bit rate. MPEG-1 audio was originally based on principles from the MUSICAM (masking-pattern adapted universal sub-band integrated coding and multiplexing) system.

MPEG-1 layer 2 is commonly used in satellite applications and in European broadcast applications. It uses 32 sub-bands (using quadrature mirror filtering) and codes entertainment-quality music at 128 Kbps per channel.

MPEG-1 layer 3 further subdivides the 32 sub-bands of layer 2 into 576 sub-bands by using a frequency transform (modified discrete cosine transform). It can provide about the same quality as MPEG-1 layer 2 using only 64 Kbps per channel. MPEG-1 layer 3 is better known as “MP3” (from the file extension.mp3) and has become the de facto audio encoding algorithm used for “ripping” CDs and sharing them on the Internet. MP3 is also widely used in portable music players.

MPEG-2 Audio

MPEG-2 audio has two main variants: backward-compatible audio35 and advanced audio coding (AAC).36 Backward-compatible audio adds support for 5.1 multichannel audio while maintaining bitstream compatibility with MPEG-1. AAC is a second-generation algorithm that provides a considerable increase in coding efficiency over MPEG-1 audio. Good results are obtained at 64 Kbps per channel. AAC is also very flexible, providing up to 48 channels of audio, 16 low-frequency effects channels, 16 overdub/multilingual channels, and 16 data streams.

3.5 Digital Audio-Video Transport

So far, the discussion has covered how we take individual video feeds and audio feeds and convert them into “elementary streams,” which are their compressed digital bitstream equivalents. The next step is to combine these elementary streams into a transport stream with some kind of structure so that an STT can select and decode the digital bitstreams according to our familiar program paradigm for broadcast television.

Time division multiplexing (TDM) allows multiple lower-rate bitstreams to be combined to form a single higher-rate bitstream. However, familiar TDM methods used for telephony (for example, SONET) are designed to carry many channels that are all exactly the same rate. These would not be suitable for video and audio elementary streams with arbitrary, and possibly variable, transmission rates.

An approach more like asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is required to allow each elementary stream to be transmitted at the precise rate it requires. ATM approaches divide the bitstream into fixed-length packets (also known as cells) and allocate packets between channels based on their required bit rate. A wider channel is created by allocating more packets per second than a narrower channel.

The MPEG-2 Systems Standard37 defines an ATM-like method to transport digital video, audio, and auxiliary data in a multiple program transport stream (MPTS). It is the basis for the ATSC Digital Television Standard and is specified by the SCTE Standards for Digital Television.

3.5.1 MPEG-2 Systems Layer

The MPEG-2 systems layer defines the two different ways to multiplex elementary streams from audio and video encoders, as illustrated in Figure 3.19:

Program stream — designed for storage-based applications, for example DVD.38 The program stream format is not generally used in cable television and will not be discussed further.

Transport stream — designed for transmission over a constant-delay network, for example, terrestrial broadcast and cable systems. The remainder of this discussion will focus on the transport stream.


Figure 3.19 Coding, packetization, and multiplexing.

Before the individual video or audio elementary bitstreams are combined to form a transport stream, they must have timing information inserted to describe the rate at which they should be displayed at the decoder, and they must be packetized so that they can be recovered at the receiver.

Figure 3.20 shows the structure of the packetized elementary stream (PES) packet. The start code prefix identifies the start of the packet. The stream ID identifies the type of stream (16 for video, 32 for audio). The packet is of variable length, as described by the PES packet length. A great deal of information is provided in the PES header (signaled by PES header flags), most importantly the presentation time stamp (PTS) and decode time stamp (DTS), which are used by the receiver to synchronize the playout of audio and video. Since the PES packet is intended for error-free environments, there are no fields for error detection or protection.


Figure 3.20 Packetized Elementary Stream (PES) structure.

The MPEG-2 systems transport stream supports an important set of features for broadcast digital television systems:

1. Multiplexing

2. Navigation

3. Timing distribution

4. Conditional access

5. Splicing


Multiplexing allows many packetized elementary streams to be combined into a multiple-program transport stream (MPTS). This has numerous advantages for the operator. It allows the digital channel to be packed with multiple programs (analogous to television channels) so that the capacity of the channel is used efficiently. Additional auxiliary data can also be combined into the multiplex to carry program guide information, conditional access control messages (see Chapter 21), emergency alert information, and so on.

Figure 3.21 displays how packetized elementary streams are time division multiplexed to form a transport stream. Transport streams are identified by a unique packet identifier (PID) so that they can easily be filtered and routed to the different circuits and subsystems in the receiver that process and decode those data streams into the output signals that drive the presentation devices. Video and audio data must be intermixed in a manner that ensures that sufficient audio and video data arrive for their respective processors so that the sound and picture can be reproduced in synchronism. This figure is generic, and the concept applies to all transmission paths. The transport stream can be a combination of a variety of packetized elementary streams. For example, the same video PES can be associated with several audio PESs in multiple languages. Likewise, the same audio PES can be associated with several video PESs, providing multiple views of the same athletic event. This packetization is necessary if there is to be local insertion of programming and commercials. This, of course, is a part of the current business structure in analog systems and is a critical part of the economics of the business.


Figure 3.21 Transport packetization and multiplexing.

Figure 3.22 shows the MPEG-2 transport packet format. Packets are fixed-length (188 bytes) with a fixed-length header (4 bytes). A sync byte having a fixed value of 0×47 identifies the start of the packet. The header contains packet identification, scrambling, and control information. A continuity counter increments for each packet and allows a missing or out-of-sequence packet to be detected.


Figure 3.22 MPEG-2 Transport Packet Format.

(From [39] used with permission)

The header is followed by 184 bytes of MPEG-2 or auxiliary data. Optionally, adaptation headers may be inserted to carry specific information that is not required in every MPEG-2 packet, for example, the program clock reference (see upcoming subsection on Timing Distribution). The Packet Identifier (PID) has local significance within the system multiplex: It makes it possible to demultiplex the transport stream at the receiver and to select the program of interest. Alternatively, one program can be processed for display while another one is recorded for later use. The programs recorded do not need to be further processed. That can take place at playback.

The system multiplex can be extremely complex. Individual packetized elementary streams can be multiplexed together to form a program that includes multiple audio streams, multiple video streams, and ancillary signals such as conditional access control messages. This is called a single-program transport stream (SPTS). If the data capacity of the channel is sufficient to carry more than one SPTS, they can be multiplexed into a multiple-program transport stream (MPTS). In this way, many programs can be time division multiplexed into a transport stream of an arbitrary bit rate. The entire transport stream is then modulated onto a carrier signal to form a “digital” channel. Many channels can be combined to form a frequency division multiplex of several hundred megahertz.

Figure 3.23 shows an alternative view of a system multiplex. The bottom layer is the forward application transport (FAT) channel, which contains the MPTS. It is divided into PES packets, carrying compressed audio and video bitstreams, and program-specific information (PSI), carrying tables that describe the system multiplex. The next subsection, on Navigation, will describe how these are used by the receiver to find and select the desired program.


Figure 3.23 FAT Channel Transport Layer Protocol.

(From SCTE 40 2001)


Although the MPEG-2 transport stream syntax includes some basic structures to enable the receiver to select one out of many programs included in an MPTS, these structures are not sufficient to support the navigation features demanded by a sophisticated receiver. Moreover, they do not provide information to support an electronic program guide (EPG). We will describe the structures defined by the MPEG systems layer before moving on to necessary extensions introduced by the SCTE and the ATSC.

The MPEG-2 system multiplex always includes a program association table (PAT), which is transmitted continuously on PID value 0. The PAT contains an entry for each program within the multiplex and information identifying the PID of the program map table (PMT) for it. In turn, the PMT contains the video PID(s), audio PID(s), and associated data PID(s) for the program.

Figure 3.24 illustrates how a receiver “navigates” the PAT and PMT to discover the video and audio PESs that make up the program. However, this is a very basic form of navigation; there is no description of the program name (for example, “PBS”) or the program description (for example, “World News Hour”).


Figure 3.24 Program Association and Program Map Tables.

(From [40] used with permission)

In cable systems, information about the frequency and description of each channel is typically sent in a separate out-of-band data channel. This information is called the channel map. When digital transmission was introduced, it was a simple extension to add information to describe the new digital channels, such as specifying the program number as well as channel frequency. In addition, as electronic program guides were developed, additional information was sent to the STT to carry guide data. The format of the descriptions is unique to each vendor.

When terrestrial digital broadcast was introduced, the ATSC had to standardize a single descriptive format and include it in each system multiplex, because there is no equivalent of an out-of-band data channel for terrestrial broadcast. ATSC standard A/65 is called Program and System Information Protocol (PSIP).41 The following tables are included in PSIP and shown in Figure 3.25.


Figure 3.25 Protocol Stack for In-Band System Information.

(From SCTE 40 2001, used with permission)

System time table (STT) — provides the system time of day.

Master guide table (MGT) — defines other, optional tables, for example the EIT and ETT tables.

Virtual channel table (VCT) — provides information about the virtual channels (programs) contained in the system multiplex.

Rating Region Table (RRT) — provides a definition of the content advisory ratings for the system multiplex.*

All of these tables are transmitted on a well-known PID known as the base PID, which is defined as 0×1FFB for PSIP. Additional tables can be defined on separate PIDs, the event information table and extended text table are used to transmit further information about the programs in the system multiplex:

Event information table (EIT) — lists upcoming events that will be broadcast for each virtual channel (program) for the next 3 hours. Up to 128 EITs can be sent, each on its own PID, providing upcoming information for up to 16 days. The first four EITs are mandatory.

Extended text table (ETT) — lists descriptive information about each virtual channel (program). Just like the EITs, they have a 3-hour window, and up to 128 ETTs may be sent. However, they are optional.

Now that we have described the system information for broadcast, we can discuss the methods for cable systems. The ATSC assumed that cable systems, as rebroadcasters of off-air content, would naturally follow the A/65 standard. However, much of the programming on cable is no longer rebroadcast, and cable had already developed proprietary mechanisms for the carrying and coding of navigation information. Nevertheless, a compromise had to be worked out if it was ever going to be possible for a manufacturer to build a cable-ready digital television (CR-DTV). (See Section 3.7.4)

The approach was to take out-of-band information and make it available to the digital TV via the POD–host interface (see Chapter 21). The format is very similar to the A/65 standard and allows an operational migration path to full A/65 compliance over time.(See ANSI/SCTE 65 Annex C for more details.)

Timing Distribution

The MPEG-2 transport stream carries timing information by means of a time stamp called the program clock reference (PCR). A PCR is placed in the adaptation header frequently enough (typically 10 times/second) to allow a phase-locked loop to recover the system time base at the receiver.

Video and audio PESs contain their own timing information, in this case presentation and decode time stamps. These are used by the decoder to synchronize the audio to the video.

Conditional Access

Although the MPEG-2 systems layer does not specify any conditional access (CA) mechanism, it does provide “hooks” for including conditional access control information in the system multiplex. Conditional access is not required and may be omitted if the multiplex is to be sent in the clear.

If the MPEG-2 system multiplex includes a conditional access table (CAT), it is transmitted continuously on PID value 1. The CAT contains an entry for each program within the multiplex, and the PID of the entitlement management message (EMM) stream for the CA system.(In cable systems, EMMs are typically sent out of band, and so this PID is usually null.)

In addition, the PMT may contain the PID for an entitlement control message (ECM) stream for the program. ECMs contain encrypted control words for the decryption circuitry (see Chapter 21).

Figure 3.26 illustrates how a receiver uses the CAT and PMT to obtain the information it needs to descramble the program.


Figure 3.26 Conditional Access Table.

(From [42] used with permission)


In a compressed video, bitstream cutting, or splicing, from one feed to another is not trivial. There are two main reasons for this.

1. The group of pictures (GOP) structure (see Figure 3.16) defines the frame order for a particular compressed bitstream. It defines which frames (or pictures) form a reference for predicted frames. If the bitstream is changed at an arbitrary point, these references will no longer make sense.

2. The encoder maintains a model of the decoder buffer fullness and codes each frame within a bit limit to ensure that the decoder buffer stays within prescribed bounds. If the bitstream is changed, the buffer will likely overflow or underflow.

The Society of Motion Picture Experts (SMPTE) have defined mechanisms to establish a splice point in an MPEG-2 transport stream such that a seamless splice can occur.43 At a splice point, the first frame of the new feed will be an I frame, and the GOP structure will specify that the predicted frames of the old feed should not use it as a reference frame. In addition, the buffer fullness is defined at the splice point so that the new feed can be encoded to fit within those constraints. For a predetermined splice, a fade to black at the splice point makes the transition much easier because there is no information to encode; still, it is possible to do a seamless splice of full-motion video.(However, note that this is not the method adopted by cable for digital program insertion — see Section 3.5.4).

Similar mechanisms exist for audio bitstreams, but splicing is much less complicated and audio muting is usually employed to cover any hiccups due to the transition.

3.5.2 Statistical Multiplexing

The goal of digital video compression is to reduce wasteful redundancy in the programming signal. Since programs have different amounts of redundancy at any given time and since the amount of redundancy varies over time in a given program, the compressed bitstream will have an instantaneously variable bit rate. To accommodate this, the receiver needs to have sufficient buffer memory to smooth the flow of data to the decoders. This introduces a latency to accommodate buffer filling and emptying, and it requires standardization on the minimum buffer size. Although the buffer memory allows some flexibility, the problem of managing the flow of data is not completely eliminated. To ensure that the receiver buffer never underflows or overflows, the encoder maintains a model of the receiver buffer fullness and regulates the encoding rate so that the receiver buffer fullness always remains within design limits.

When the capacity of the channel compared with the average data rate of the programming allows multiple programs to be carried, an opportunity results. When there are multiple programs, the likelihood is that there will be a distribution of complexities among the channels that is amenable to statistical analysis. This is a reapplication of a phenomenon applied by long-distance phone companies decades ago. It was determined that much of conversation involves pauses when nothing is being said. If a large number of conversations are combined, the dead time of one conversation could be used to carry other conversations. If half a dozen conversations are combined, there is sufficient statistical dead time for the addition of one or two more conversations. Efficiency is dramatically increased. The scarce resource of transmission capacity is better utilized. The larger the number of combined conversations, the better the statistics and the better the results. This process is called statistical multiplexing. It applies equally well to video signals that have varying amounts of relatively dead time. The dead time in video is the time when little changes from frame to frame and the need for transmission capacity is minimal.

In practice, excellent results can be obtained with statistical multiplexing of video if there is a reasonably large number of channels within the system multiplex. For example, 10 constant-bit-rate 3.5-Mbps video bitstreams may be replaced by 14 video bitstreams with the same total instantaneous bit rate of 35 Mbps, producing a statistical gain of 40% with no perceived reduction in quality. However, it is important that the video bitstreams be uncorrelated; that is, they cannot all switch to challenging sports material at the same time.

Buffer memories for each of the multiplexed bitstreams facilitate the process of statistical multiplexing but require sophisticated algorithms to manage their utilization. As a buffer memory reaches its capacity, provisions must be made for it to be relieved. The better the algorithm, the more effective the result. The management of the buffer memories can be done at the origination point. As better algorithms become available, better results can be obtained using the existing receiving hardware.

Statistical multiplexing efficiency can be optimized if a bank of real-time video encoders is combined with a statistical multiplexer. In this arrangement, each encoder dynamically requests a bit rate according to the complexity of material at that point and a specified quality level (as set by an operator). The statistical multiplexer will dynamically assign a target bit rate to each encoder, depending on (a) the bit rate requested by it and (b) the sum of the bit rates requested by all encoders. In this way, each video encoder will achieve the best quality it can, given the constraints established by the multiplexer. In addition, statistical multiplexing systems may incorporate “look-ahead” preprocessing to anticipate bit needs before they happen. Using these techniques, the multiplexer is able to use the entire capacity of the channel with no possibility of overflow.

3.5.3 Reencoding and Transcoding

Reencoding provides a way to dynamically change the encoding parameters of a video stream after it has been encoded. Various techniques have been developed, but fundamentally they all work by requantizing the DCT coefficients. In some cases a significant reduction in bit rate can be achieved with little or no loss of quality.

Transcoding can be used to convert a bitstream encoded in one format to another. This can be done by decoding to baseband video and then encoding according to the new format; however, this is expensive and causes delay. Worse still, the second encoder may struggle to encode artifacts created by the first because they contain significant random information (for example, blocking or mosquito noise). A well-designed transcoder can minimize these effects, and reduce delay, by recoding the bitstream without the need to decode all the way back to a baseband signal. Better results are possible because it knows about the source and destination formats. Transcoders are able to change resolution and even render a graphical overlay on the video.

Clearly, reencoding or transcoding is an important tool at any point in which compressed bitstreams are combined to create a system multiplex. Statistical multiplexing can be much more efficient because peaks that occur simultaneously across all bitstreams can be smoothed by judicious buffer management, requantization, or even transcoding. In addition, reencoders and transcoders maintain a model of the decoder buffer fullness and work within its constraints so that the receiver buffer will not underflow or overflow.

3.5.4 Digital Program Insertion

Local commercial insertion is an important source of revenue for the cable operator. It is simple to cut from one audio/video feed to another, and the practice of local ad insertion has been commonplace for many years, originally using videotape machines to play the local commercials and more recently using digital ad insertion servers. The time periods allotted for the insertion of commercials, known as avails, are signaled by cue tones, which are sent about 5–8 seconds before the commercial is to be inserted (allowing for preroll of the tape machine or server).(See also Section 8.9)

In a digital headend, equivalent functionality must be preserved; that is, it must be possible to insert a digitally compressed commercial into a MPEG-2 transport stream. It is theoretically possible to decode all the programs in an MPTS to baseband video and audio, insert the commercial using traditional techniques, and then reencode and reassemble the MPTS. However, this approach is not recommended because it would be extremely expensive and cause a significant time delay and, very likely, a loss of quality. Therefore, an SCTE Digital Video Standards subcommittee has worked very hard for a number of years to develop standards for digital program insertion (DPI) based on splicing of compressed digital content44,45.

The DPI standards do not specify exactly how the splicing of the compressed bitstream should be achieved (see Section 3.5.1), because there are a number of acceptable techniques, and the intention is to allow innovation on the part of the vendors. Encoding and/or transcoding methods are extremely useful to allow a smooth transition between one bitstream and another; in practice, many DPI splicers use these techniques to allow near-seamless splicing at an arbitrary point in the bitstream. Instead of specifying the splicer implementation, the DPI standards specify a standard applications programming interface (API) between the network and the DPI system. The reference model for DPI is shown in Figure 3.27.


Figure 3.27 DPI Headend System Overview.

(From [46] figure 1, page 5, used with permission)

The input to the DPI system, called the network stream, is an MPEG-2-compliant transport stream. Any programs that are to be spliced will include a registration descriptor in their PMT. In addition, a separate PID stream carries a splice information table, which contains the splice commands and the presentation time of the splice points for that program.

The splice subsystem intercepts and, if necessary, decrypts the splice commands before passing them to the local ad server. At an avail, the ad server plays out the MPEG-2 audio/video elementary streams and the splicer inserts them into the network stream from the specified splice in-point until the specified splice out-point. An NCTA conference paper provides a good background on some of the implementation details of DPI for further reading.47

3.5.5 Emergency Alert System

Local emergency alerts are currently provided by a crawling text overlay along the bottom of the screen. Sometimes they are accompanied by audio tones. In other applications, text and graphics are overlaid on the video. During a national alert or certain significant local/regional events, a video and audio override of every channel is required. The common analog practice of source switching is relatively simple to implement, but it is much more expensive and complicated to do this with a digital multiplex.

The SCTE have defined an emergency alert message for cable to allow the alert event to be signaled to the receiver.48 All digital receivers have the capability to render text messages over the video and to generate audio tones. In the unlikely event of a national emergency, the receiver can be instructed to force-tune to a channel for the duration of the alert. The emergency alert message is formatted as an MPEG-2 table that contains the following fields:

Start time and expected duration of the emergency alert

Text message description of the alert

Availability and location of a details channel

Force-tune flag

A pointer to an audio channel to replace the audio for the duration of the emergency

The emergency alert message may be sent in-band within the system multiplex for in the clear channels, allowing it to be inserted by a terrestrial digital broadcaster for retransmission over a cable system. Alternatively, for scrambled channels, the emergency alert message can be transmitted in the out-of-band channel. In this case, it is received by the point of deployment (POD) module and relayed to the host as an MPEG-2 table (using the same mechanism previously described for navigation messages).

3.6 Digital Transmission

Now that we have described how an MPEG-2 system multiplex is created, we need to explore how it is delivered over an analog cable system. Moreover, the MPEG-2 transport stream assumes an error-free transmission path, and so forward error correction information must be added to the multiplex before it is modulated onto a carrier signal.

3.6.1 Modulation

Modulation serves the same purpose for digital signals as it does for analog signals. Although digital signals can conveniently utilize time division multiplexing, frequency division multiplexing (FDM) remains an important part of the plan. There are several reasons for this. Practically, digital circuits are limited in their speed. They cannot support a TDM structure for the entire gigahertz spectrum of cable. Breaking the spectrum into 6-MHz pieces relaxes the speed requirement on the digital circuits. TDM can then be utilized within each of the 6-MHz channels.

Additionally, FDM facilitates the transition from analog television to digital television. Cable systems have added digital for those customers who want more programming choices. They have added digital to the current collection of analog channels. In some cases, the analog scrambling is left in place, but it is also common to simulcast premium channels in the digital tier to avoid the cost of incorporating analog descrambling circuitry into the digital STT. By separating the spectrum into two areas, one for analog channels and one for digital channels (including TDM), a rational transition to digital technology has been accomplished.

As the cost of a digital STT continues to fall, it is becoming feasible to use digital compression as an alternative to a plant upgrade. For example, in a 450-MHz system, only must-carry channels are sent in analog format (maybe channels 2–40), and all other programming is sent in digitally compressed format. Each subscriber would need a digital STT, but the cost may be less than that for upgrading the system to 750 MHz.

3.6.2 Forward Error Correction (FEC)

One of the most important features of digital signals is the ability to judiciously add redundancies that allow error detection and correction. The understanding of error detection and correction begins with the realization that an error is the conversion of a 1 to a 0 or the conversion of a 0 to a 1. The fact that the error is limited to just those two cases is very powerful. Earlier in this chapter, we discussed the simplest of error-detection schemes, parity checking. If parity is taken into two dimensions, substantially more powerful results can be obtained.

Figure 3.28(a) shows seven binary words of seven bits each. In Figure 3.28(b), spaces are introduced to help identify the clusters of seven bits. In Figure 3.28(c), the seven binary words of seven bits each are arranged in a two-dimensional array. An even parity bit is attached to each row. Recall that even parity means that the appended bit will be a 1 if an odd number of 1s appear in the word and a 0 if an even number of 1s appear. Parity allows us to determine if an odd number of errors has occurred in any of the words, but it does not allow us to determine where the error occurred.


Figure 3.28 Block code example.

Now let us form parity bits in the vertical direction as well. This will give us an eight-bit byte at the bottom of the array. We now have 8 columns and 8 rows, for 64 bits. This array can be strung out into a serial stream, as shown in Figure 3.28(e).

If an error occurs, such as shown in Figure 3.28(f), it will convert a 0 to a 1 or it will convert a 1 to a O. In this example, a 0 has been converted into a 1. If at the receive site, we rearrange the received bits into a block as shown in Figure 3.28(d) and apply the parity-checking principle to the rows and columns, we will find a violation in row 4 and column 4. This tells us we have an error and it also tells us where! Since an error can only be an inversion of the logic, we can correct the error perfectly. A little experimentation with this example will reveal that if we have two or more errors that do not occupy the same row or column, we can locate them and correct them. This would work for up to seven errors as long as they were not in the same row or column. If, however, two errors occurred in the same row (or the same column), we could determine that we have two errors, but we could not locate the row (column) in which they occurred. Knowing that two errors exist is valuable information.

In this example, a penalty is paid in complexity. Thirty percent more information is sent. In addition, the hardware at the sending and receiving end is more complex. This example is termed a block code, since the data is partitioned into blocks for processing. More complex codes exist that are beyond the scope of this text to explain. They involve advanced mathematical concepts and are very effective.

Several error-combating strategies are often combined in digital transmission systems. A most important error-combating strategy is called interleaving. Figure 3.29 shows how this works. The goal is to take adjacent bits and spread them out in time so that a noise burst does not destroy adjacent bits. When the interleaving is undone in the receiver, the group of destroyed bits is distributed over a length of time, so damaged bits are not adjacent. Then techniques such as the block code example can detect and correct the errors. Interleaving converts bursty noise into something more like random noise.


Figure 3.29 Interleaving to protect against burst errors. (a) Order of interleaving. (b) Interleaved messages suffering a burst of noise. (c) De-interleaved messages suffering nonadjacent losses.

3.6.3 Required Signal Quality

Digital systems have a “cliff effect” that allows them to have perfect or near-perfect pictures as the received signal weakens, until a point is reached where the picture fails altogether. It happens very abruptly. All viewers have essentially the same quality picture and sound, no matter where they are in the service area. When the signal strength falls below a threshold, the picture essentially disappears.

Noise in an analog picture appears as snow and begins to mask the image and get in the way of the enjoyment of the picture. If the programming is compelling, viewers will put up with this and continue watching even very poor pictures. If the programming is marginal, viewers will switch to something else. Viewers of digital images won’t get the chance to make that decision. The picture will be just as noise free at the home as in the studio. When the noise becomes excessive, the picture will be useless. It will fall off the cliff.

Multipath distortions (ghosts) that degrade an analog picture either destroy the digital picture by pushing it over the threshold or have no impact at all. The digital broadcast system’s built-in multipath canceller system brings reception to areas not previously served.

Field tests in North Carolina have indicated that the broadcast digital system is so robust that anywhere an analog picture was even marginally acceptable, the digital picture was perfect. In many cases where the analog picture was unwatchable, the digital picture came in just fine.

Cable spectrum is much better behaved than the over-the-air broadcast media. Either the ghost canceller is not needed or its design parameters are much more relaxed as compared with the broadcast case. If the analog signal is minimally acceptable, the digital signal will provide essentially perfect pictures (to the extent that the compression quality is acceptable).

3.6.4 Picture Quality

Picture quality is a function of the residual digital artifacts. These are determined primarily by the aggressiveness of the compression, the detail and motion in the picture, and the quality of the encoder.

Although expert viewers can easily spot digital artifacts in currently available digital video, there is little to no complaint from consumers. Standard-definition movies encoded at 3 Mbps using MPEG-2 MP@ML provide excellent results (by comparison, the average bit rate of a DVD is 4 Mbps). Movies can be encoded in high definition at 12 Mbps at MPEG-2 MP@HL with almost no loss of quality.

Video can be more challenging, especially high-motion material such as sports events. Variable-bit-rate compression combined with statistical multiplexing is commonly used to keep up with rapid motion while maintaining an efficient multiplex. To compress difficult sports material up to 6 Mbps may be required during peaks, even with a good MPEG-2 encoder. However, an average rate of 3 Mbps will probably suffice for a system multiplex containing a range of video material (sports, news, current affairs, and so on).

3.7 Digital Television Standards

Standards are of vital importance to the deployment of digital television. A digital STT is extremely complex and can be manufactured cost-effectively only in very high volumes. Moreover, standards support the development of highvolume chipsets that can be sold to a worldwide marketplace.

In a terrestrial broadcast environment, a standard format for digital television is required that is understood by all receivers that can receive the signal. Hence, the ATSC standard had to be developed in advance of deployment. In cable (and satellite) environments, proprietary systems were developed initially, but even in this case common standards (MPEG-2 video compression and transport) have been used to build cost-effective systems.

3.7.1 ATSC

The Advanced Television Systems Committee (ATSC) has developed a Digital Television Standard49 that is a complete system for terrestrial broadcast of high-quality video, audio, and ancillary data. It defines the following.

1. Source coding and compression: MPEG-2 video compression (standard and high definition) and AC-3 audio compression (A/52).

2. Service multiplex and transport: The MPEG-2 systems layer is used for multiplexing and transport.

3. RF/transmission is 8-VSB (terrestrial mode) or 16-VSB (high-data-rate mode).

4. Navigation of program content within the service multiplex is defined by the Program and System Information Protocol (A/65).

For further information, the reader is referred to the Guide to the Use of the Digital Television Standard.50

3.7.2 SCTE

The Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) is an accredited American National Standards Institute (ANSI) organization that utilizes the due process methods required by ANSI to set standards for the cable industry. This is the mechanism by which digital video for use on cable is standardized. These SCTE standards are an integral part of OpenCable.

The Digital Video Systems Characteristics Standard covers the subset of MPEG-2 video compression adopted by cable.51 The Digital Video Transmission Standard for cable television describes the framing structure, channel coding, and channel modulation for a cable television realization of a digital multiservice distribution system.52 The standard applies to signals that can be distributed via satellite directly to a cable system, as is the usual cable practice. The specification covers both 64-QAM and 256-QAM.

The modulation, interleaving, and coding are tailored to the characteristics of cable system practice in North America. The modulation is selected by the cable system to be either 64-QAM or 256-QAM. The forward error-correction approach utilizes a concatenated coding approach that produces low error rates at moderate complexity and overhead. The system goal is one error event per 15 minutes. The input data format is MPEG-2 transport packets, which are transmitted serially with the MSB first.

Two modes are supported: Mode 1 for use with 64-QAM with a symbol rate of 5.057 Msps, and Mode 2 for use with 256-QAM with a symbol rate of 5.361 Msps.

The cable channel, including optical fiber, is a bandwidth-limited linear channel, with a balanced combination of white noise, interference, and multi-path distortion. The QAM technique used, together with adaptive equalization and concatenated coding, is well suited to this application and channel.

3.7.3 OpenCable

CableLabs, the cable industry’s research and development consortium, has created a number of purchasing specifications on behalf of the industry. These are not standards, since CableLabs is not an accredited standards-setting organization. Rather, these specifications define the functionality and external parameters of products used in cable but leave the internal details to the manufacturers. For example, CableLabs will not specify a single microprocessor or operating system for these applications. Nevertheless, to ensure interoperability, CableLabs establishes a certification program to verify that the products comply with the specification and will perform satisfactorily.

CableLabs announced a “Harmony Agreement” for digital standards in October 1997. Five open-layer standards are included in the agreement: MPEG-2 video compression, Dolby Digital (AC-3) audio system, MPEG-2 transport, ATSC system information, and the International Telecommunications Union ITU-J.83 Annex B modulation system. The modulation system calls for 64-QAM carrying 27 Mb/s and 256-QAM carrying 38.8 Mb/s with concatenated Trellis code plus enhancements such as variable interleaving depth for low latency in delay-sensitive applications. All these agreements have been endorsed by CableLabs and have since been adopted as digital standards by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers.

The goal for OpenCable is to create a multivendor interoperable environment of digital set-top terminals. An important objective is the competitive supply of all the elements of the system, including the advanced set-top terminal, its operating system, core applications and plug-ins, conditional access system, platform management system, and billing, provisioning, and subscriber management systems.

The procedure began with a request for information (RFI) sent to leading computer and consumer electronics companies. Twenty-three companies responded. From these submissions, CableLabs solicited vendors to author specific elements of the suite of specifications. An intellectual property (IP) pool was created with cross-licensing of all IP required for the specification. Implementation IP not inherently required by the specification was left to vendors to license in their normal fashion.

Key OpenCable interfaces include the formats for digital cable television, consumer privacy systems, copyright protection system, interfaces for highspeed connection to the Internet, and interfaces required to author interactive applications. The last of these is the OpenCable Applications Platform (OCAP), which is designed to allow the cable operator to download applications to retail STTs in order to provide a seamless environment for the cable subscriber. OCAP is a middleware specification that enables application portability across a wide range of home devices and cable networks. OCAP 1.0 defines a Java-based execution engine (EE), and OCAP 2.0 extends that platform with the addition of Web-based technologies such as XHTML, XML, and ECMAScript.

CableLabs will implement a vendor’s certification process, whereby specific products can be tested for compliance with the OpenCable specifications. The certification process will allow these devices to be made available to consumers through retail outlets. CableLabs recommends that its members utilize the specifications for their procurements. However, members will make their own procurement decisions. This is not a joint purchasing agreement. The OpenCable specifications are available through the OpenCable Web site (

3.7.4 Digital Cable Compatibility

There has been a lot of interest in making “digital cable-compatible” devices available at retail. Cable operators and consumer electronics manufacturers both stand to gain, and the FCC believes that competition among manufacturers will provide more and better choices to the consumer.

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between eight larger MSOs and 14 consumer electronics manufacturers was sent to the FCC in a letter to the chairman on Dec. 19, 2002. Although the memorandum covers only “unidirectional digital cable products,” compliance with a significant number of standards is required to successfully tune, demodulate, descramble, decode, and display a digital program. As already discussed, digital services tend to be “all or nothing”; that is, they work perfectly or not at all!

Although the MOU is just a first step toward cable-ready digital televisions, it is worth summarizing the list of SCTE standards that are required to support plug-and-play compatibility.

The Cable Network Interface specification53 establishes the interface between the cable plant and the cable-compatible receiver. Building on the Harmony Agreement, it includes RF transmission, modulation, video and audio compression, navigation, conditional access, Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages, and the carrying of closed captioning. Many of these specifications have already been discussed in this chapter and will be examined further in Chapter 21.

The Digital Video Service Multiplex and Transport System for Digital Cable specification54 defines all of the various operating parameters related to the MPEG-2 transport stream, including various constraints designed to ensure interoperability.

The Service Information Delivered Out-of-Band for Digital Cable Television specification55 describes how navigation information is sent over the cable system so that a receiver can display a list of available programs to the user and allow program selection.

The Host-POD Interface specification56 defines a standard interface between the cable-compatible receiver and a replaceable conditional access module (called a point-of-deployment, or POD, module). The cable operator will supply POD modules to subscribers to allow them to view premium digital channels.(See Chapter 22 for more details.)

The POD Copy Protection System specification57 defines a method of copy protection so that premium digital content passed across the POD–Host interface is protected from piracy.(See Chapter 22 for more details.)

The principle behind certification of cable-ready devices is primarily that they should do no harm to the network. A prototype receiver will be examined by CableLabs, but thereafter the consumer electronics manufacturers will self-certify their products. The provisions of the MOU are scheduled to take effect in 2004 for 750-MHz (or greater) cable systems, and further work is still required to enable advanced services such as enhanced program guides, video on demand, and interactive television applications.

3.8 Summary

We have discussed the fundamentals of digital compression technology for video and audio as they apply to cable television. We presented the discrete cosine transform and its inverse transform. The DCT is applied to still images, and differential techniques are utilized to reduce redundancy between frames. For audio signals, sub-band and/or frequency transform coding may be used, combined with psychoacoustic masking, to substantially reduce bit rate while maintaining good perceptual quality.

Audio and video bitstreams are multiplexed into a single transport stream for distribution over the cable system. The transport stream includes information that describes the system multiplex, allowing the receiver to select and decode a single program. Error-detection and -correction techniques are used to maintain the integrity of the transport stream in the presence of a noisy transmission environment.

The application of digital techniques to cable dramatically increases the number of programs and the quality of the delivered signals while facilitating new services.


* Originally the number 4 originated as being 4 times the color subcarrier frequency — for NTSC this is 4 × 3.58 MHz (or 14.3 MHz); however, a slightly lower rate of 13.5 MHz was chosen by ITU-R BT.601-5 for compatibility with PAL.

* More correctly, but less commonly, these are known as I pictures, P pictures, and B pictures. The frame terminology probably got started because MPEG was originally designed to code purely frame-based material and seems to have stuck.

* The RRT for the United States is “hardwired” for two reasons: (1) It doesn’t follow the linear “scale” of the original design and thus is a special case, and (2) since it is hardwired, the actual transmission of the RRT is not needed unless changed. Other regions can have downloaded RRTs and dynamic content advisory descriptors to match.

1. Chen and Pratt, Scene Adaptive Coder, IEEE Transactions on Communications, March 1984.

2. Joel Brinkley, Defining Vision: The Battle for the Future of Television. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1997, pp. 122–128.

3. Ibid., p. 116.

4. MPEG, Information Technology — Generic Audio Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio, Part 2: Video. International Standard IS 13818-2, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1994.

5. Jerry D. Gibson et al., Digital Compression for Multimedia—Principle and Standards. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.

6. Justin Junkus, DigiPoints, Vol. 2.: Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers, 2000, Chap. 8.

7. Jerry Whitaker, DTV: The Revolution in Electronic Imaging. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, Chap. 5.

8. H. Nyquist, Certain Factors Affecting Telegraph Speed. Bell System Technical Journal, 3(1924):324–346.

9. H. Nyquist, Certain Topics in Telegraph Transmission. AIEE Transactions, 47(1928):617–644.

10. Jerry Whitaker, DTV: The Revolution in Electronic Imaging. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, p. 123, 189.

11. ITU-R BT.601–5, Encoding parameters of digital television for studios.

12. Mischa Schwartz, Information Transmission, Modulation, and Noise, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1970.

13. S. Merrill Weiss, Issues in Advanced Television Technology. Boston: Focal Press, 1996.

14. IEEE, Standard Specification for the Implementation of 8 × 8 Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform, std. 1180–1990, Dec. 6, 1990.

15. Charles Poynton, A Technical Introduction to Digital Video. New York: Wiley, 1996.

16. K. Sayood, Introduction to Data Compression. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1996.

17. D. A. Huffman, A Method for the Construction of Minimum Redundancy Codes, Proceedings of the IRE, Vol. 40, Sept. 1952, pp. 1098–1101. Institute of Radio Engineers, New York.

18. A. N. Netravali and B. G. Haskell, Digital Pictures, Representation and Compression. New York: Plenum, 1988.

19. EIA-608-B (2000), Line 21 Data Services.

20. ANSI/SCTE 21 2001 (formerly DVS 053), Standard for Carriage of NTSC VBI Data in Cable Digital Transport Streams, available at

21. ANSI/SCTE 20 2001 (formerly DVS 157), Standard Methods for Carriage of Closed Captions and Non-Real-Time Sampled Video, available at

22. EIA-708-B (1999), Digital Television (DTV) Closed Captioning.

23. SMPTE 240M (1995), Standard for Television — Signal Parameters — 1125-Line High-Definition Production Systems.

24. SMPTE 296M (1997), Standard for Television, 1280 × 720 Scanning, Analog and Digital Representation, and Analog Interface.

25. SMPTE 274M (1995), Standard for Television, 1920 × 1080 Scanning and Analog and Parallel Digital Interfaces for Multiple-Picture Rates.

26. ANSI/SCTE 43 2001 (formerly DVS 258), Digital Video Systems Characteristics Standard for Cable Television, available at

27. MPEG, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to 1.5 Mbit/s, part 2: Video. International Standard IS 11172-2, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1992.

28. Michael Adams, OpenCable Architecture. Indianapolis, IN: Cisco Press, 2000, Chap. 9.

29. J. Watkinson, Compression in Video & Audio. Boston: Focal Press, 1995.

30. K. Brandenburg and M. Bosi, Overview of MPEG-Audio: Current and Future Standards for Low-Bit-Rate Audio Coding.99th Audio Engineering Society Convention, New York, Preprint 4130, 1996.

31. Jerry D. Gibson et al., op. cit., Chapter 8.

32. Jerry Whitaker, op. cit.

33. ATSC, Digital Audio Compression Standard (AC3). Advanced Television Systems Committee, Washington, DC, Doc. A/52, Dec. 20, 1995.

34. MPEG, Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio for Digital Storage Media at up to 1.5 Mbit/s, Part 3: Audio. International Standard IS 11172-3, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1992.

35. MPEG, Information Technology — Generic Audio Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio, Part 3: Audio. International Standard IS 13818-3, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1994.

36. MPEG, MPEG-2 Advanced Audio Coding, AAC. International Standard IS 13818-7, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1997.

37. MPEG, Information Technology — Generic Audio Coding of Moving Pictures and Associated Audio, Part 1: Systems. International Standard IS 13818-1, ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29 WG11, 1994.

38. Jim Taylor, DVD Demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998, p. 135.

39. Michael Adams, OpenCable Architecture. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, 2000, p. 64.

40. Michael Adams, OpenCable Architecture. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, 2000, p. 65.

41. ATSC, Program and System Information Protocol for Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable. Advanced Television Systems Committee, Washington, DC, Doc. A/65, Dec. 23, 1997.

42. Michael Adams, OpenCable Architecture. Indianapolis: Cisco Press, 2000, p. 66.

43. SMPTE 312M (1999), Standard for Television, Splice Points for MPEG-2 Transport Streams.

44. ANSI/SCTE 30 2001 (formerly DVS 380), Digital Program Insertion Splicing API, available at

45. ANSI/SCTE 35 2001 (formerly DVS 253), Digital Program Insertion Cueing Message for Cable, available at

46. ANSI/SCTE 67 2002 (formerly DVS 379), Applications Guidelines for SCTE 35 2001, available at

47. M. Kar, S. Narasimhan, and R. Prodan, Local Commercial Insertion in the Digital Headend, Proceedings of NCTA 2000 Conference, New Orleans.

48. SCTE 18 2002 (formerly DVS 208), Emergency Alert Message for Cable, approved as a joint standard with CEA as ANSI-J-STD-042-2002, available at

49. ATSC, Digital Television Standard, Advanced Television Systems Committee, Washington, DC, Doc. A/53, Sept.16, 1995.

50. ATSC, Guide to the Use of the Digital Television Standard, Advanced Television Systems Committee, Washington, DC, Doc. A/54, Oct. 4, 1995.

51. ANSI/SCTE 43 2001 (formerly DVS 258), Digital Video Systems Characteristics Standard for Cable Television, available at

52. ANSI/SCTE 07 2000 (formerly DVS 031), Digital Video Transmission Standard for Television, available at

53. SCTE 40 2001 (formerly DVS 313), Cable Network Interface Specification, available at

54. ANSI/SCTE 54 2002 (formerly DVS 241), Digital Video Service Multiplex and Transport System for Cable Television, available at

55. ANSI/SCTE 65 2002 (formerly DVS 234), Service Information Delivered Out-of-Band for Digital Cable Television, available at

56. ANSI/SCTE 28 2001 (formerly DVS 295), Host-POD Interface, available at

57. ANSI/SCTE 41 2001 (formerly DVS 301), POD Copy Protection System, available at

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