Chapter 5 Cable Networking Protocols

5.1 Introduction to Protocols

This chapter introduces you to the concept of data protocols, with an emphasis on those used in DOCSIS modems. A number of other protocols are covered because they find frequent use in cable TV work, but they were not developed specifically for that. You will not become a protocol expert by reading this chapter, but you should be able to understand the basic concepts.

The word protocol is generally not used in analog communications, but it could be applied. When two pieces of equipment communicate with each other, there must be an established set of rules for that communication. In digital communications, the set of rules is called a protocol. For example, if we were to apply the word to the analog world, we might say that the protocol for FM radio broadcasting in monaural would be as follows:

Deviation: 75 kHz peak

Preemphasis: 75 μs

Frequency: channels spaced 200 kHz apart, beginning at 88.1 MHz, through 107.9 MHz (North America)

This would define reasonably well a protocol to which monaural FM receivers could be designed, with assurance that a receiver built by one company would be compatible with a transmitter built by someone else. Data communications protocols are more complex but are intended for the same purpose: to make sure that a talker will be understood by the listener.

5.1.1 The Concept of Protocols

Data protocols can be introduced using the analogy of a letter. A letter is written by one person and intended to be read by another. In the process of sending the letter from the writer to the reader, it is handled by a number of different people and packaged in different ways with other letters. Those carrying the letter have no interest in, and no need to know, the content of the letter, which is “hidden” in an envelope. Similarly, a digital message from one entity to another is “packaged” with other messages and transported by a transport system that has no knowledge of the contents of the message.

As shown in Figure 5.1, the sender of a letter addresses it to the intended recipient. The letter is placed in a bag with other letters for transport to a sorting center and then rebagged with other letters going to the same general destination. The bag is placed on a conveyance (truck, train, or airplane), which carries it close to its destination, where the process is reversed, before the letter is ultimately delivered to the intended recipient, who removes it from the envelope and reads it. In data transmission, the “envelope” is replaced, typically, with a header and sometimes a postheader. Subsequent handling steps pay no attention to what is enclosed, nor would they know what to do with the contents if they did look.


Figure 5.1 Concept of a data protocol.

Just as a letter can be placed in an envelope, the envelope placed in a bag, and the bag placed in a train, different layers of the protocol may place their own header and postheader on the message. Those headers are interpreted by the corresponding process at the receiving point and discarded. The message is then passed to the next process.

A communications protocol defines the set of steps a message takes from the sender to the receiver. Analogous to the letter concept of Figure 5.1, the protocol defines how a data signal is handled at each stage of transmission. One layer knows nothing about how the message is transmitted at a different layer. Just as a letter-sorting process has no interest in whether the letter is to be transported by airplane or truck, one layer of a protocol has no interest in how the message is to be handled at another level.

One advantage of using the layering concept is that large portions of the system can be designed such that data can be carried on a number of different media. For instance, a data message can be constructed the same whether it is to be sent over a short point-to-point wired link or over a satellite link shared with a lot of other users. This enables efficiencies in writing software and constructing hardware.

5.1.2 The OSI Seven-Layer Reference Model

A common way to explain the role of different protocol levels is the so-called seven layer model promulgated by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). The model is known as the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model.1-3 ‘ISO’ is sometimes used, for the International Standards Organization. Not all modern protocols fit neatly into the seven layers. Nonetheless, the model provides a useful frame of reference for understanding protocols.

Figure 5.2 illustrates the OSI seven-layer model and includes examples of common protocols and approximately where they would fit into the model. The model involves transmitting information from, for example, the left column (sender) to the right column (recipient). At the top of each column (“stack”) is the application, such as a Web browser or an email system. The bottom three or four layers are usually of the greatest interest to engineers working on data transmission. These bottom layers define the transmission network, whereas the higher layers define the end user system.


Figure 5.2 The OSI seven-layer model.

You can think of Figure 5.2 as describing the flow of information in a computer or other device, from the application (Web browsing, electronic program guide, etc.) through to the communications port on the device. The information is transported to whatever machine is talking to the first and flows up again. In the middle is the communications network, which involves up to layer 3 or maybe 4. Note that different protocols may exist in the end applications and the communications system. The same protocol is not necessarily used in the end machines as in the communications network. This is fine as long as the devices can interface using a common protocol. Later we describe some of the more common transport protocols you will encounter.

Physical Layer

The lowest layer is the physical layer, which defines the functions required in order to get data from one place to another. Besides specifying such things as the modulation format (to which Chapter 4 was dedicated), the physical layer takes care of such functions as synchronization. Synchronization refers to the process of ensuring that data recovery at the receiver is timed properly with the data being transmitted. The actual transmission system, such as an HFC network, is not considered part of any layer of the protocol, but obviously the protocol must have knowledge of the function below (and above) itself.

Data Link Layer

The data link layer handles such tasks as gathering up sets of bits for transmission as packets and making sure the packets get from one end to the other. In addition, recognizing that physical layer transmission sometimes introduces errors, the data link layer handles error detection (and sometimes correction).

When the OSI model was first introduced, data communication was point to point. With time, data communication has become much more multipoint to multipoint, so the data link layer was divided to recognize multipoint needs. With the split of the data link layer, the traditional functions of the layer went to the upper portion, called the logical link layer. A new sublayer, media access control (MAC), was defined. The MAC layer routes packets from a sender to a receiver along a common path. It makes sure the message arrives at the intended recipient. The MAC layer adds a physical address, defining the intended recipient machine, and controls shared access to a resource. For example, control of TDMA operation (see Section 4.3.1) is a MAC layer function.

Network Layer

The network layer handles routing of packets over a network that may consist of many links. It figures out, for each packet, the best of the available routes over which to send a packet. This is explained in more detail in Section 5.1.4.

Transport Layer

The transport layer traditionally is an end user layer and not a part of the communications network. However, as we shall see, modern communications networks are often cognizant of the layer 4 protocol, at least in order to allow for quality-of-service handling of packets.

End System Layers

The upper layers of the protocol are important, but they are treated lightly here because the emphasis is on the lower layers of the protocol, with which communications engineers tend to interact more frequently. The transport layer combines multiple low-data-rate channels into a higher-data-rate channel and then breaks down the channels at the receive end. It defines the destination for each channel. In a connection-oriented service, the transport layer sets up the connection, delivers error-free messages in the correct order, and ends the connection when it is no longer needed. In a connectionless service, the transport layer delivers messages one by one, possibly with errors and with no guarantee of the correct order.

The session layer supervises the dialog between two computers. It is used, for example, in the transmission of audio and video channels in a video conferencing session. Synchronization points are inserted between large numbers of messages, such as the continuous messages of video and audio files. Synchronization points are packets that divide the sequence of messages into groups.

The presentation layer converts between different representations of data. For example, some computers represent words by placing the most significant bit first, whereas other computers do the opposite. The presentation layer adapts the data to be used on the host machine if necessary. MPEG video encoding may be loosely thought of as a presentation layer function. The MPEG transport layer probably would be better thought of as a combination of the transport layer and some functions from lower layers. (MPEG does not really conform to the seven-layer model.)

The application layer interfaces with end application programs that require communications functions. The application programs, such as Web browsers, don’t reside in the applications layer themselves; they are above all the communications services. The application layer provides file transfer, terminal emulation, remote log-in, directory service, and remote job execution. These services are used by the end application.

5.1.3 MAC Layer Issues of Interest in Cable Modem Applications

Of particular interest to users of cable modems is the MAC sublayer of the data link layer. It falls to the MAC layer to provide an efficient protocol to allow operation of modems in the HFC environment. This physical environment is different from that of many traditional data networks. A significant issue is that each upstream “talker” cannot “hear” other upstream talkers unless the upstream transmission is repeated in the downstream direction. Also, unlike local area networks, the propagation delay on the HFC plant is significant and, if not taken into account, can create inefficiencies in data communications. The following discussion of the use of time slots presupposes a time division multiple access (TDMA) protocol in the upstream direction. It serves as an introduction to the more detailed section 5.2 on cable modems, which follows.

Reservation of Time Slots

In TDMA systems, some method must exist to allow for determination of which of many transmitters gets to transmit in a given time slot. One such method is generally known as reservation. In a reservation protocol, each talker who wants to talk requests, and is then assigned, one of the available time slots. When that time slot arrives, he or she talks and then is quiet while others talk. The management and assignment of the time slots comes from some central authority, which in the case of a cable modem system would be the headend cable modem termination system, CMTS. A reserved time slot allows a modem to transmit a known amount of information in a known time period. However, if a modem does not wish to use its time slot, the time slot is not used by anyone else until the controller decides that the time slot is available and assigns it to someone else. This can result in inefficiencies when there are a lot of modems, each with little to say. On the other hand, when a modem has a lot to say, reservation can be more efficient than the alternatives.

Contention for Time Slots

An alternative is to have the modems contend for time slots: When a modem needs a time slot, it simply speaks up and requests the time slot. In the case of cable modems, where one modem cannot “hear” any other modems, the talking modem will have to wait until the headend can acknowledge that it received the transmission. If another modem tried to talk at the same time — even if only part of the transmissions overlapped — then neither would be heard, so neither would be acknowledged. The transmissions are said to have collided. When that happens, both modems wait for an arbitrary time and then try to transmit again. If they again collide or if one collides with any other modems, they must again back off for a random time and try yet again. With some protocols, such as Ethernet, the talkers can hear each other, so they know when a collision occurs.

When talkers have relatively little to say but need to say it quickly when they do have something, contention works fairly well. In cable systems, though, contention is particularly difficult, because one talker cannot hear other talkers unless the upstream transmission is repeated in the downstream direction. This was done in some early (pre-DOCSIS) cable modem systems, which were adaptations of Ethernet. However, the propagation delay of a round-trip on cable plant can be long compared with the length of a message. Consequently, by the time two modems know that they have collided, a lot of time has been wasted. In addition, the need for upstream data to be repeated in the downstream direction is an inefficient use of the spectrum resource.

Combination Protocols

Contention protocols are sometimes called aloha protocols. Simple aloha protocols do not feature time slots, but they do allow any modems that need to talk to do so at any time. If the protocol follows the discipline of time slots into which any talker’s transmission falls, it is called a slotted aloha protocol. If some time slots are available for reservation while others are available for contention, the protocol might be called a reserved aloha protocol.

The difficulties with contention systems on cable might lead one to prefer some sort of reservation system. It is certainly possible to reserve for each modem on a particular channel a permanent time slot for upstream transmission. However, such a permanent assignment is a problem when each modem is in use for at most a few hours each day and has little to say when it is used. The rest of the time, the time slot cannot be occupied by other users. Some sort of method should be used to assign time slots on an as-needed basis so that if a modem was not using its time slot, that slot could be used by another modem.

If a modem is assigned a time slot only when it needs one, then there must be some way provided to allow a modem to request a time slot. Since the headend can have no a priori knowledge of when a particular modem will need a time slot, it is necessary to allow a modem to request one. This request implies that there should be some mechanism of contention in a cable modem protocol. The mechanism can be one where a time slot is allocated to all modems not presently talking, in which they can request a time slot. They must do this in a contention mode. A modem needing a time slot waits until the contention time slot, and then makes a request to the headend. If it is the only modem doing so, its request will be acknowledged in the return datastream, and a time slot will be assigned if available. If a second modem has also transmitted a request at the same time, then neither will be acknowledged, and they must both back off, waiting for a random time before trying again in the contention time slot.

5.1.4 Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Service

A communication link may be differentiated on the basis of whether it is a connection-oriented service or a connectionless service. Connection-oriented services are better known to the public, as represented by the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Connectionless service is a less familiar concept. Both are described here.

Connection-Oriented Service

Figure 5.3 represents a connection-oriented service, such as telephone service. It shows a section of a switch, which couples one user (users A through H are shown) with any other user. A switch may be thought of as a matrix, with users connected to horizontal lines and vertical lines used to interconnect users as demanded. The circles represent connections between the horizontal and vertical lines. As shown, A is connected to B, C to H, and E to G. D and F are not in communication with any users.


Figure 5.3 Representation of a connection-oriented service.

A connection must be set up whenever communication is desired between any two points and then “torn down” when the communication is completed. Because time is required to set up (and tear down) a communications channel, the user must wait until a channel is set up before he can use it. Resources are dedicated to the communications channel whether or not communication is taking place at the moment. For example, during a voice telephone call, a channel is dedicated to that call even when one party has left the phone to get some information. Resources are tied up for both directions of the call even though each direction is used no more than half the time.

Connectionless Service

By contrast, a connectionless system passes information when information is available; the rest of the time, the resources are available for other users. Each packet, or “chunk”, of information is treated on its own, without relation to anything else. There is no setup or teardown of a connection. Figure 5.4 illustrates the concept of routing, a key component of a connectionless circuit. The concept is used in the Internet backbone and other IP systems. The figure shows communication ports A through H and S through Z, each connected to a temporary storage facility, which accepts a message from the user and stores it for a short time until it can be routed to the next destination. Each interface can be thought of as either a user or another point in a multipoint route between two endpoints (users). All communications routes are two way.


Figure 5.4 Router, representing a connectionless system.

A rotary switch has two commutators, S1 and S2, each of which can independently connect to any interface. Conceptually, S1 connects in turn to each port. If there is data there to be routed further, that data will contain a header that defines the destination. The destination header is read, and a routing lookup table is consulted. The lookup table tells the router which of the ports moves the signal most expeditiously toward its destination. Commutator S2 connects to this port, moving the signal toward the next point on the journey to its destination. (Real routers don’t use switches to make connections, but this is a convenient mechanism with which to illustrate the function.)

If A is talking to B (as in Figure 5.4), then at some time S1 will connect to A, the destination address B will be read, and the routing lookup table will be consulted. In this case, the lookup table would say to connect to B directly, since the destination port is connected to the router.

Figure 5.5 shows a larger view of a network. Each of the circled letters represents a router, as in Figure 5.4, each in a different location. Each router is connected to a number of adjacent routers. The routing table in each must know of every ultimate destination and must know how to efficiently route a packet toward that destination (this concept is modified in the case of some modern protocols, such as MPLS). In several cases, multiple routes are possible, so if one is not available another can be used. For example, to send a packet from Z to X, the most efficient route is 3, which connects the two directly. If route 3 is not available, then the packet could be sent to S via route 2 and then to X via route 4. Route 3 might not be available because it has failed, been taken out of service, or lacks the capacity to handle all of the traffic being fed to it at the moment. The routing table in each router must be aware of the best route and alternates, and must be aware of the present condition of each route.4


Figure 5.5 Multiple point routing.

Differences Between Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Service

In summary, connection-oriented services, an example being the public switched telephone network, dedicate a communications path to two users for the duration of a communications session. The session may last less than a second, or it may last for days. When communication is desired, a circuit must be set up that is dedicated to that communicating pair for the duration. At the end of the session, the circuit is torn down, releasing any common resources for other users. The device at the heart of a connection-oriented service is called a circuit switch.

In contrast, connectionless circuits are established on an ad hoc basis when they are needed for an individual packet of information. As soon as the packet passes, the resources are available for other users. Each packet of information has a destination address. That destination address is read by the router, which then consults a routing table to learn the best route on which to send the packet at that moment.

To the user of a connection-oriented service, it is necessary to establish the circuit (e.g., by placing a phone call), wait for the connection to be established, and then use it. The delay, once the circuit is established, is short and predictable. A user of a connectionless service is not aware of the establishment of a path for each packet, that function being handled automatically in protocol. So far as the user is concerned, the communication path is always available to him. On the other hand, because of route diversity, sequential packets may travel on different paths; and since some routes may be faster than others, it is not guaranteed that packets will arrive on a regular basis or even in the right order. It is the responsibility of the protocol to rearrange packets into the correct order and to present them to the using function correctly. (With reference to the OSI model of Figure 5.2, this function would be handled by the transport layer.)

Connectionless services use system resources more efficiently because no resources are tied up between users who have established a communications path they are not actively using at the moment. On the other hand, the user of a connectionless service “thinks” a communications channel is available at all times, though he or she may experience delays. Of course, many of the delays are small in human terms, and packets received out of order may be properly ordered without user awareness.

5.2 The DOCSIS Protocol for Cable Modems

Early cable modem systems used proprietary protocols, many derived from Ethernet. A group of cable television operators and Cable Television Laboratories (CableLabs) collaborated in the development of a set of purchase specifications to be used by participants and other interested parties as a procurement standard for cable modems. The collaboration initially operated under the name MCNS Holdings, L. P., an acronym for Multimedia Cable Network System. The set of specifications is referred to as DOCSIS, for the formal name of the specification set, data-over-cable service interface specification.5 The DOCSIS standards were later adopted by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE), a recognized standards body. Subsequently they were adopted as national standards by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

DOCSIS was the first opportunity to allow cable TV equipment to be owned by the consumer. Standardization is necessary to ensure that any modem bought by any consumer can connect to the network. Further, the subscriber can assume that if he or she moves to another cable system, the same modem will work in the new system. The standard allows multiple vendors to make competing products. With competition comes innovation and lower costs.

5.2.1 DOCSIS Reference Model

Figure 5.6 illustrates the headend-to-home portion of the DOCSIS reference architecture.6 The architecture is fairly straightforward. In the downstream direction, the data signals, bubble A, are coupled with other downstream signals and supplied to the downstream HFC network (Chapter 9 of this book covers headend RF architectures in more detail). At the cable modem, the signal is supplied to diplex filter D1, which separates the downstream signal (above 54 MHz) from the upstream signal (below 42 MHz).


Figure 5.6 DOCSIS reference architecture, headend to home.

The downstream signal is supplied to the receiver in the cable modem, whose output is the downstream data. In turn, that data is supplied to interface logic, which converts the signal to one of several defined interface protocols. One such interface is the 10baseT protocol, described later in this chapter. This protocol is a particular physical layer implementation of Ethernet, which operates at a data rate of 10 Mb/s using four conductors from a CAT-5 cable and RJ-45 connectors (the interconnecting cable looks like a telephone cable with bigger connectors). It has been selected as a standard interface because of its suitable speed and the availability of 10baseT interfaces in many computers. For computers lacking built-in 10baseT interfaces, suitable add-in cards are available.

Two other interfaces are defined for DOCSIS-compliant modems. One is the universal serial bus (USB).7 The other is the peripheral component interface (PCI).8 USB has gained acceptance as an interface between computers and a number of external devices. The original USB specification is a 12-Mb/s bus that allows many external devices to be connected to the PC via a hub. The more recent USB specification operates at speed of 480 Mb/s. The PCI interface is used with internal modems and other hardware. The original specification has a maximum transfer rate of 132 MB/s, and is backwards compatible with the older ISA bus. A more recent version of the specification enables transfer rates up to 4.26 Gb/s.9

A cable modem transmitter handles return signals bound for the headend. The cable modem acts as an Ethernet bridge at the MAC layer (see later for definition of the MAC layer). This means that it passes traffic from and to the user’s computer but does not pass the remainder of the traffic on the cable. Thus, a user doesn’t see traffic bound to other users on the node.

An optional telephone return interface is shown in Figure 5.6. Some early systems used telephone return, with data cable-delivered to the subscriber. This allowed modem service on cable systems that had not upgraded to two-way capability.

Figure 5.7 illustrates the headend portion of the reference architecture. Bubbles A and B correspond to the same bubbles in the previous figure. The cable modem termination system (CMTS) includes the demodulator and modulator, which interface to the cable system. It also includes the interface to the network. Several options are defined for interfacing with the Internet backbone, either locally or (probably more commonly) by reaching a remote Internet backbone point of presence via a wide area network. The cable modem termination system also interfaces with a security controller and an operational support system (OSS).


Figure 5.7 DOCSIS reference architecture, headend.

5.2.2 DOCSIS RF Characteristics

Table 5.1 illustrates the RF characteristics of the three versions of the DOCSIS specification. Downstream modulation is the same in all three specifications, being either 64- or 256-QAM, with the characteristics shown. Note that the symbol rate in the 256-QAM mode is higher than it is in the 64-QAM mode but that the excess bandwidth is lower (12% vs. 18%), resulting in a similar occupied bandwidth.

Table 5.1 Comparison of Cable Modem RF Features


The upstream specification is identical for both DOCSIS 1.0 and 1.1, but in DOCSIS 1.0 the 16-QAM mode was not required and, in fact, was not implemented very often. Thus, the maximum speed of which a DOCSIS 1.0 modem was capable was twice the symbol rate of 2,560 kbaud (thousand symbols per second), equal to 5.12 Mb/s (two bits per symbol in QPSK). This is wire speed, which includes all overhead. In DOCSIS 1.1 the 16-QAM mode is required, so the maximum upstream data rate is twice what it is in DOCSIS 1.0, even though the specifications read identically on this point.

Early studies of cable modem data indicated a relatively symmetrical data pattern. DOCSIS 2.0 allows a higher bandwidth upstream channel, to approach symmetrical data rates. Two advanced modulation methods were incorporated. One is an advanced TDMA (A-TDMA), with 64-QAM modulation (8-QAM and 32-QAM are optional at the CMTS but required at the modem). Except for the filter excess bandwidth and the use of TDMA, this 64-QAM upstream modulation is identical to 64-QAM downstream modulation. TDMA, you will recall, applies to multiple transmitters, each of which takes some of the upstream transmit time and takes the entire channel; no other modem may transmit at the same time.

The other advanced modulation method is S-CDMA, in which each modem is assigned a spreading code, a pseudorandom sequence used to spread the carrier (see Section 4.3.4). Each modem transmits continuously using its unique spreading code, but at a lower instantaneous speed. Different modems are discriminated by their spreading codes.

A feature introduced in DOCSIS 1.1 and expanded in DOCSIS 2.0 is the use of a preequalizer in the upstream direction. Since the upstream signal is subjected to possible variations in amplitude and group delay as well as microreflections, the CMTS measures impairments and adjusts a tapped filter in the modem to compensate for the impairments. The filter is initially adjusted when the modem is first activated, and is continually updated as the modem responds to the headend. Thus, the filter is termed an adaptive filter. Since each modem communicates to the headend through a different path length, and that path is subject to unique distortions, it is necessary to use a different adaptive filter for each modem.

DOCSIS is backward compatible. DOCSIS 1.0 modems will work with a DOCSIS 1.1 or a DOCSIS 2.0 CMTS. DOCSIS 1.1 modems will work with a DOCSIS 2.0 CMTS.

Additional Downstream Physical Layer Features

The downstream physical layer is divided into two sublayers (see Figure 5.2). The parameters described so far reside in the physical media-dependent (PMD) sublayer. On top of the PMD sublayer resides the downstream transmission convergence (DTC) sublayer, which conforms to MPEG-2 (ITU-T Recommendation H.222.0). The DTC sublayer allows for different types of data, such as digital video streams, to be delivered to modems. Virtually any data service desired can be packaged within MPEG packets. The DOCSIS documentation doesn’t define these services.

The PMD sublayer, the lowest layer, specifies, in addition to the parameters shown earlier, concatenation of Reed-Soloman block code and Trellis code for error detection and correction. Variable-depth interleaving supports both latency-sensitive and -insensitive data. Section 3.6.2 describes error correction.

Additional Upstream Physical Layer Features

The physical layer in the upstream direction includes other PMD features. The access method is time division multiple access (TDMA — explained in Section 4.1.3), in which a number of modems use the same channel at different times. The standard supports both fixed- and variable-length messages, to improve the efficiency of the return path. Modems may be assigned a time slot, or they may contend for an open time slot. Programmable Reed-Soloman block coding allows trade-offs in error correction and overhead. The standard provides means for controlling the frequency of the modem, the time at which it transmits, and the power level with which it transmits. (Section 16.6.2 contains information related to upstream level control.)

5.2.3 Data Link Layer—MAC

The lowest sublayer of the data link layer is the media access control (MAC) sublayer. The MAC protocol includes the following services:

Bandwidth allocation, controlled by the cable modem termination system (CMTS).

A stream of minislots in the upstream direction

Dynamic mix of contention- and reservation-based upstream transmit

Extensions provided for future support of ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) or other data PDUs (packet data units)

Class-of-service support

Extensions for security as well as virtual LANs at the data link layer

Support for a wide range of data rates

Bandwidth allocation refers to the process of determining the data rates and frequencies to use in communications. This is done by the modem headend system, the CMTS, based on programmed parameters and existing conditions.

In order to achieve improved efficiency, and acknowledging that many upstream messages are very short, the protocol permits upstream time slots to be subdivided, allowing access by a larger number of modems. Also, data may be sent in packets of variable length, rather than requiring the same length in all packets regardless of the length of the message contained.

5.2.4 Data Link Layer—LLC and Higher Layers

Above the link layer security sublayer, the DOCSIS standard merges with other standards and so is not specified completely in DOCSIS documentation. The logical link control sublayer (class 1 only) is provided in accordance with ISO/IEC 10039. The network layer is the internet protocol (IP), initially version 4, with an anticipated migration to version 6 as it becomes deployed. Services residing above the network layer use IP as a bearer, and the services are transparent to the cable modem system.

In addition, there are several network management and operation capabilities specified that depend upon the network layer, including the following:

SNMP (simple network management protocol) for network management

TFTP (trivial file transfer protocol), a file transfer protocol for downloading software and configuration information

DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol), a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on a TCP/IP network

A security management protocol as defined by DOCSIS

5.2.5 Quality of Service (QoS) and Security

Table 5.2 compares the quality of service (QoS) features and the security of the modem standards. DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 are identical in these respects, the difference being in upstream modulation and data rates. The major QoS difference between DOCSIS 1.0 and DOCSIS 1.1 is that DOCSIS 1.0 uses service ID (SID) to identify cable modems and the devices behind them, while DOCSIS 1.1 uses service flows. DOCSIS 1.1 also has improved MAC framing features and improved provisioning and authorization, with advanced BPI+ features.

Table 5.2 Comparison of DOCSIS QoS and Security

Parameter DOCSIS 1.0 DOCSIS 1.1 and DOCSIS 2.0
Quality of service Single tier, best effort, 2-way QoS (class of service) profile Multiple static and dynamic unidirectional service flows with service class names; service-level enforcement statistics
Payload header No Yes
Upstream scheduling types No BE, UGS, rtPS, UGS/AD, nrtPS
Dynamic service No Dynamic service add (DSA), change (DSC), delete (DSD)
Classifiers No MAC addr, 802.1Q, P, Ether type, IP addr, IP type, Port #, TOS
Fragmentation No Yes
Security Baseline privacy (BPI) Baseline privacy plus
Authentication MAC address checked X.509 certificate in modem
Key exchange RSA algorithm with ECB mode of DES for key encryption; keys have a limited lifetime, must be renewed before expiration X.509 certificates with triple DES; authorization key generated in CMTS, from which traffic encryption keys are derived; sent to modem encrypted with public key; keys have a limited lifetime, must be renewed before expiration
PDU encryption CBC mode of DES for encrypting PDUs in both directions; keys have limited lifetime Same as DOCSIS 1.0; multiple security associations for different data flows

Quality of Service

Regarding QoS, DOCSIS 1.0 is a best-effort service, meaning that packets are handled when they can be handled. The operator can limit the maximum downstream and upstream data rates and can guarantee a minimum upstream rate. Other than that, there is little the operator can do to control data transmission through a modem. There is no way to tell what the traffic is and no way to limit it or to treat different types of packets differently.

The situation is much different for DOCSIS 1.1/2.0. The concept of service flows is introduced as a key element to the operation of the MAC layer. Service flows provide a mechanism for upstream and downstream QoS management. They are integral to bandwidth allocation. A service flow (SF) is a unidirectional datastream for one or more applications, which are to be treated in a prescribed manner during transport. Service flows are described in more detail in Section 5.2.6.

Payload header suppression (PHS) is a technique introduced in DOCSIS 1.1 for improving transmission efficiency, particularly with small packets, such as those used in voice on Internet Protocol (VoIP). The header on each packet can be quite long — on the order of 40 bytes. Compared with a maximum-length Ethernet packet of 1500 bytes, this is not much. But many if not most applications will not be using 1500-byte packets. A relatively slow application would be delayed unacceptably if the transmission system waited until 1500 bytes of data were available. Thus, most packets are much shorter, as short as 64 bytes. In such a small packet, 40 bytes of header almost doubles the length of what must be sent. In order to lessen the overhead burden, DOCSIS 1.1 and later defines payload header suppression.

The header is identical for all packets related to a particular service flow, so for that service flow, the sender suppresses the header, substituting a payload header suppression index, an 8-bit field that identifies the suppressed header (previously agreed between the sender and the receiver). When the packet reaches the receiver, it looks at the payload suppression index to determine the header that should have been sent and then adds it back to the packet.

Dynamic service will be illustrated in Section 5.2.6. The term refers to the ability of a DOCSIS 1.1 or 2.0 system to provide different services to different classifications of packets. These services may be set up on demand, within the subscriber’s authorization. Dynamic services are service flows which are created, modified, or deleted after the cable modem registers. They do not force the cable modem to reboot. Compare this to static service flows which are defined by a cable modem configuration file installed during registration and after a cable modem reboots. Dynamic service actions include DSA (add), DSC (change), and DSD (delete), which are generically known as DSx.

Upstream scheduling types are also unique to DOCSIS 1.1 or 2.0. These special scheduling types augment the best-effort (BE) scheduling type in DOCSIS 1.0 and are applied to individual upstream service flows by the cable modem under control of the CMTS.

Unsolicited grant services (UGS) allow a modem to transmit or receive packets of data of a fixed size at a regular interval without making a request for each transmission. This is important, for example, in VoIP service, where you cannot tolerate much jitter in the arrival time of packets and the amount of data transmitted at each interval is the same. Real-time polling services (rtPS) allow polling of a single modem to see if it has data to send, permitting much more rapid response to a need to send data.

Unsolicited grant service with activity detection (UGS/AD) is a combination of UGS and rtPS suitable for services that must transmit data quickly when it is available, in an environment in which data may not always be available. This would be used by a VoIP application that performs silence suppression. Non-real-time polling service (nrtPS) is similar to rtPS, but polling occurs at a lower rate. It is used for such tasks as bulk data transfer not requiring real-time transport.10

Classifiers are used to determine the type of packet being handled, for the purpose of assigning it to the correct service flow. Packets may be classified using any combination of header bits. These include the sending and receiving system MAC addresses (a unique permanent address assigned at the time of manufacture of a device) and the IP address (an address unique within at least a network, which may be assigned permanently or on an ad hoc basis). In addition, the DOCSIS system can classify on the universal datagram protocol (UDP) or transmission control protocol (TCP) port number or other characteristics as defined in Table 5.2 and earlier in this chapter.

Fragmentation is useful when handling relatively long packets. A packet may be broken into two or more fragments, which are sent individually, with other data interspersed, and then reassembled at the destination. This allows applications having smaller packets not to have to wait for large packets to be transmitted. This reduces jitter in time-critical applications such as VoIP.


Table 5.2 also shows the security mechanisms built into the modem standards. Security requirements can be broken into several issues. The first issue is authentication. If you are going to send secured data to a modem, you want to know that the receiving device is a genuine modem that will do with the data what you want it to do. You need confidence that it is not a clone (imposter) that may look like a genuine modem but will do nefarious things with the data you send (such as eavesdropping on a neighbor’s traffic). In DOCSIS 1.0, authentication consisted of simply getting the modem’s MAC address and comparing it to known valid MAC addresses. If it is in the list, the modem is assumed to be good. This really offers no assurance, however, that someone has not built a pirate modem by cloning a legitimate modem’s MAC address.

In DOCSIS 1.1, a far stronger authentication mechanism is included, the use of X.509 certificates. These certificates are described in detail in Chapter 22. In brief, the X.509 certificate is a unique electronic certificate stored in each modem and produced by a trusted third party called a certificate authority (CA). The certificate includes information that could have been known only to a legitimate modem, encrypted with the CA’s private key. The CMTS knows the CA’s public key, which it can use to decrypt the information in the certificate; if the information matches, the modem can be assumed to be legitimate.

Key exchange is the process by which the CMTS and the modem agree on a secret key (the data exchange key) to be used in encrypting data. The process used in DOCSIS 1.0 permitted the data exchange key to be transmitted, albeit encrypted using another encryption algorithm. This is not bad, but if someone were to learn the key exchange encryption key, then the key would be discoverable. In DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0, the key exchange key is never sent from one side to the other, reducing the possibility that the key exchange key can be discovered.

Packet data unit (PDU) encryption is the same in all versions of DOCSIS, but in 1.1 and 2.0 each service flow can have its own encryption key.

5.2.6 More on QoS

Here we discuss the QoS mechanisms of DOCSIS 1.1 and 2.0 in additional detail. Unfortunately, space does not permit a full exposition of the features available, so we shall just provide a feel for what is going on.

Service Flows

Figure 5.8 illustrates several service flows to two different modems. Suppose cable modem 1 is handling two sessions: a voice call and streaming audio. The voice call is critical, in terms of both jitter and delay. The streaming audio requires somewhat more bandwidth. Because it is more tolerant of delay, its decoder can buffer a long string if necessary, making jitter less important.


Figure 5.8 Downstream service flows.

Thus, the two services are assigned to different service flows. Cable modem 2 is handling a video conference, which requires more bandwidth and is not very tolerant of delay.

Service flows are set up for both modems. Separate service flows are set up in each direction as required, though we show only the downstream direction here. Note that there must be adequate bandwidth in the downstream channel for all service flows, because their bandwidth requirements add. (Figure 5.8 is more of a logical diagram than a physical diagram. Of course, all packets actually enter each modem, and the modem selects only those packets destined for it.)

There are two kinds of service flows: static and dynamic. Static service flows are set up during initial modem registration (when the modem first communicates with the CMTS). At least one service flow in each direction must be established at registration. This is known as a primary service flow and can be used for housekeeping and also for best-effort data communications (recall that best effort does not imply high-quality communications; quite the contrary, best effort means “if and when I can”). Dynamic service flows are established as needed during communications, as sessions are set up and torn down without rebooting the cable modem.

Service flows are identified by a 32-bit number called a service flow identifier (SFID) assigned by the CMTS. A service flow may exist even when it is not carrying any traffic. A service flow is said to be admitted if the CMTS and possibly the modem are reserving resources. It is said to be active if it is actually carrying data. If the service flow is admitted or active it also has a service identifier (SID) that identifies the traffic in the upstream direction to the CMTS.

Each packet entering the modem is identified by certain characteristics, described later, and assigned to the appropriate service flow by a classifier, a set of criteria used to identify the packet and associate it with a specific service flow. The service flow parameters will determine how to treat the packet. Thus, each service flow is handled in accordance with the policies set up for that service flow. In order to classify the packet, the classifier looks at the header on the packet.

As explained earlier in this chapter, the header comprises a number of bits added to the packet at its beginning. When the packet is placed into (usually) a TCP or UDP (layer 4) packet, a header is added. This header includes source and destination port numbers, which generally identify the program or process using the packet, as explained later in the chapter. When the TCP or UDP packet is placed into an IP packet, a header is added. This header can identify the hardware or portion of hardware using the packet. The link level control (LLC) also adds a header. These headers may be read by the classifier to determine the proper service flow to which the packet should be assigned. The headers can identify the client (end machine or program) sending or receiving the packet as well as identifying the type of packet. From this information, the classifier should have adequate information to identify the service flow, which, in turn, will know how the packet should be handled. If no classification exists for that packet, it is assigned to the primary service flow (the “best-effort” service flow).

An Example Dynamic Service Flow

A dynamic service flow must be set up when needed. To illustrate dynamic service flows, which are set up for one particular session, we use a streaming media example. Suppose the subscriber is downloading a song played in real time or an Internet radio station, something that requires relatively consistent packet delivery. That session is to be assigned its own dynamic service flow. Note in this example that we assume cooperation between the cable operator and the content-on-demand (COD) provider. It also assumes that the client software (on the subscriber’s computer) has been customized for this application (or a Web browser is communicating with a COD application on the Web server). If these criteria are not satisfied, the subscriber can still download the streaming media but will have to do it as a best-effort stream, not in a service flow that guarantees the needed bandwidth and jitter.

Figure 5.9 illustrates setup of the streaming media session in a dynamic service flow. The service flow is dynamic because it is set up for one session and will be deleted (“torn down”) at the end of that session. We are showing here a content server, perhaps owned by the COD vendor, which sends its content upon request to a cache server located in the cable operator’s domain.


Figure 5.9 Streaming media setup.

An optional cache server reduces the number of times the sa me file must be sent if more than one subscriber wants the same material at different times. The cache server will send the requested file to the appropriate CMTS (through the appropriate routers, using IP to deliver the file to the right point). The CMTS in turn sends the file to the subscriber’s cable modem, which in turn delivers it to the computer.

Also shown are two functions considered part of the operational support system (OSS) for modems in the operator’s domain. These are a COD service manager, which contains the relevant policies for offering services such as dynamic service flow, and the cable modem management system (CMMS), which keeps track of what CMTS and modem provide service to which subscriber.

In step 1, the subscriber requests content from the COD service manager, which locates the content on the cache server, if that is where it is, or on the content server. In step 2, the COD service manager requests data from the cache server on behalf of the subscriber (the “client”). In step 3, the COD service manager sends a bandwidth allocation request to the CMMS. In step 4, the CMMS receives the bandwidth allocation request, authorizes it, and identifies the appropriate CMTS and modem. In step 5, the CMMS interprets the bidirectional bandwidth allocation request and sends a pair of upstream and downstream DSA requests to the proper CMTS, which, in step 6, sends the DSA requests to the addressed cable modem. DSA is one of three types of dynamic service commands used, the other two being dynamic service change (DSC) and dynamic service deletion (DSD). Each of these three commands has a request, a response, and an acknowledgment command. Collectively they are known as DSx transactions. The functions of each are obvious from the name. To add a dynamic service flow, a DSA request is sent, which is acknowledged by a DSA response (usually granting the request), followed by a DSA acknowledgment. Similarly, DSC changes a dynamic service flow and DSD deletes it.

In step 7, the CMTS and modem activate the service flows, and the CMTS provides the two (upstream and downstream) service flow identifiers (SFIDs) to the CMMS. In step 8, the CMMS assigns a bandwidth allocation transaction identification and sends it to the COD service manager. At that point (step 9) the COD service manager informs the CPE client (the software being used by the subscriber) that it may begin downloading content from the cache, if that is where the file is located. Finally, in step 10, the CPE client is now ready to contact the cache server and to begin to download the file. Note that the classifiers installed in the CMTS and the modem for these COD flows recognize the download traffic between the COD cache server and the client and then the selected service flows provide the requested QoS to these packets. Meanwhile, other traffic is managed by the other service flows and is not given the special QoS treatment afforded the COD traffic.

At the conclusion of the session, a similar set of processes is used to delete the service flow. When the COD cache server indicates the download has completed, the COD service manager uses the bandwith allocation transaction ID to inform the CMMS which bandwidth resources to release. The CMMS in turn relays a pair of DSD requests to the CMTS to remove the COD service flows from the modem. Note that if a subscriber attempts to download material using download client software that does not support the request for dynamic service flow, the subscriber can still do so. However, he or she will not receive a dynamic service flow and is at the mercy of how busy the system is to set the rate at which material is downloaded.11

5.3 Non-DOCSIS Protocols

This section deals with a number of protocols of importance to cable television technologists. Of necessity, this is no more than a quick-read introduction for those needing basic familiarity with the protocols; it will not make you an expert. Books have been written about each protocol, and we shall reference some of them for those needing more information.

5.3.1 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a connection-oriented layer 2 protocol that originated in the telephone industry to provide transport for multiple voice conversations and other data. It features fixed-length cells (as opposed to variable-length packets — see Section 5.3.2 on Ethernet). As shown in Figure 5.10(a), the cells are 53 bytes long, with the first 5 bytes being the destination header. Note that in ATM we refer to fixed-length “cells” rather than the variable-length “packets” of Ethernet and IP. ATM systems operate continuously, with one cell followed immediately by the next, even when there is no data to transmit. Typically, when a connection is set up, sufficient bandwidth is reserved for that connection, and it is reserved until the connection is torn down, regardless of whether it is carrying traffic.


Figure 5.10 (a) ATM cell stream. (b) Building the ATM cell.

ATM is sometimes used to interconnect hubs serving an HFC plant, but due to cost it is not popular in subscriber service. (Certain concepts of ATM do survive in a number of subscriber-facing services, though.) ATM is known for low jitter (cells arrive at a regular interval) and excellent quality of service. A number of mechanisms are provided to ensure reliable delivery of cells.

As shown in Figure 5.10(b), information delivered to an ATM system interfaces via the ATM adaptation layer (AAL), which has two functions. Since many packets from other protocols, such as Ethernet, can be much longer than the 48 data bytes of ATM, these longer packets must be divided into segments at the transmit end and then reassembled into longer packets at the receiver. This is done by the segmentation and reassembly (SAR) function.

The other AAL function is performed by the convergence sublayer (CS). It provides interface to different types of data packets, called service data units (SDUs). Different SDUs require different types of processing. For example, you might be handling video in constant or variable-bit-rate streams. These need a different interface, as does an IP packet or other types of data. Five types of CS interfaces are specified.

AAL1 is for traffic generated at a constant bit rate, which must be delivered at that same data rate (after a fixed delay). Intended applications are voice and constant-bit-rate video or audio.

AAL2 is for traffic generated at a variable bit rate. A time stamp is used to control delivery of the packets at the receiver. The SAR must segment variable-length packets generated by the CS. The source and destination must agree on how to deal with timing and cell loss, as in AAL1.

AAL3 is suitable for a connection that occupies one or more variable-sized packets. Two options are provided for error quality. In one option, the CS guarantees error-free delivery. If an error occurs, the destination CS requests retransmission. In the other option, no guarantees are made for error-free delivery.

AAL4 is similar to AAL3 except that it emulates connectionless (datagram) service. The CS layer generates a single variable-sized packet, which is segmented into one or more cells by the SAR sublayer.

AAL5 is for IP packets. The IP packet is packaged into a CS packet that contains a length indicator (for the IP packet) and a CRC calculated over the complete CS packet. The ATM cell header indicates whether or not the cell is the last one of the CS packet.12

5.3.2 Ethernet

No layer 2 networking standard is more prevalent today than Ethernet. This connectionless protocol has dominated office networking almost since the beginning of networking, and a large number of homes being built now have wiring in them to enable Ethernet networks. Ethernet was developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, PARC, by Bob Metcalf in the early 1970s. Metcalf’s work built on that of Norman Abramson and his colleagues at the University of Hawaii in the late 1960s. This team developed a network of data communications via radio between various Hawaiian Islands and ships plying the waters around them. Appropriately, the protocol they developed was and is known as Aloha.

The pure Aloha protocol was simple: When a station had something to say, it simply transmitted its information and waited for an acknowledgment by the receiving station. If the acknowledgment didn’t come in a reasonable length of time, the sending station assumed it didn’t get through because another station transmitted at the same time. A collision was said to have occurred. It and the other station (which would not have been acknowledged either) waited different random times and then retransmitted.

In any radio communications channel, you cannot assume that a station wishing to transmit can hear another station that is already transmitting, so this was not required in the Aloha system. Channel utilization is low, because as more stations try to send more data, the probability of a collision increases. Pure Aloha systems can achieve maximum channel utilization of about 18% due to this problem. By coordinating time slots in which stations can transmit, a slotted Aloha system is derived, which has a theoretical utilization of about 37%.

In wired networks such as Ethernet, you can assume that one station can hear another, and this allows improvements. Metcalf added a mechanism that listened to a channel before it tried to transmit (carrier sense). This should resolve most collisions. But it is still possible for two stations to start transmitting at very nearly the same time, so after a station starts transmitting, it listens to its own outgoing signal to see if a collision occurs (collision detection). When a collision is detected, the station stops transmitting and waits a random time before trying to transmit again. Multiple stations can access this network, so we have carrier sense, multiple access with collision detection, or a CSMA/CD system.

The Ethernet standard was published in 1980 by a consortium of three companies, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), Intel, and IBM. This standard has become known as the DIX standard, after the three companies. About the same time, the IEEE13 started to document the standard, and continues today to be the custodian of the Ethernet standard, known as IEEE 802.3.* (There are other communications standards in the 802 family — perhaps one of the best known today is the wireless 802.11 set of standards.) The original DIX standard (which reached version 2.0) and the 802.3 standard are similar, though there are a few differences. We shall describe the IEEE version of Ethernet.

There have been a number of different physical layer implementations of Ethernet; here we discuss only the most commonly encountered implementations. Ethernet physical interfaces are described by a number indicating the speed, followed by the word Base, followed by a designation indicating the medium over which the signal is transmitted. 10BaseT indicates a 10-Mb/s transmission speed over twisted pair cable. 100BaseTX is a 100-Mb/s signal transmitted over the same types of twisted pair cable. These two form the basis for the most common Ethernet interfaces in use today. Much equipment can interoperate between the two speeds; this is known as a 10/100BaseT interface. Other popular forms of Ethernet operate at a date speed of 1 Gb/s: 1000BaseT (twisted pair), 1000BaseSX (short-distance optical using multimode fiber), and 1000BaseLX (long-distance optical using single-mode fiber). 10-GB Ethernet has been standardized.


There is almost zero probability that your office is not using 10/100BaseT for its internal network. The numerals before the word Base represent the signaling speed, either 10 or 100 Mb/s. The T indicates twisted-pair transmission medium. Technically, there should be a dash between Base and T, but we follow the common practice of omitting the dash. There are several variations of 100BaseT communications. The one in common use is really 100BaseTX, but since the others are not used, often the X is omitted.

Many homes built in this century are wired with cable to support 10/100BaseT data transmission. The medium is two twisted pairs, one for each direction of communication. The gage of wire, the insulation, and the twist are selected so that the differential characteristic impedance is 100 ohms. Characteristic impedance has exactly the same definition as in the 75-ohm coaxial cable you are used to, except that the transmission is balanced with respect to ground rather than single-ended.

Most of the cable used today is unshielded twisted pair, designated UTP. You may on rare occasion see shielded twisted pair STP. The standard cable consists of four twisted pairs, of which two are used for one Ethernet connection. There are varieties of Ethernet that use all four pairs, but you are not likely to encounter them until you get to gigabit Ethernet. While emphatically not recommended, sometimes the two other twisted pairs are used for telephone connections. Due to crosstalk potential, it is strongly recommended to use separate cables for voice and data, in both residential and commercial wiring. The connector is the RJ-45, which looks like a larger version of the RJ-11 connector used for telephones. (RJ stands for registered jack, a U. S. telephone industry term.)

Manchester encoding is used to provide a clock signal and to remove any dc component of the data. Manchester encoding is described in Section 4.2.2. The voltage on each pair is balanced, with a minimum amplitude at the transmitter of 900 mV pin to pin (p-p) and a maximum voltage of 2.63 V p-p at the crest of an overshoot. The receiver works with as little as 160 mV p-p. Contrast this with the ringing voltage of a telephone pair, which can be as high as 108 V, and you see why it is not a good idea to run telephone in the same cable as Ethernet. Unfortunately, some home builders are wiring both phone and Ethernet connections in the same cable, despite an abundance of wisdom that says not to do it.14 Laboratory tests done by the writer in 2003 indicated that it will sometimes work, but in no way can we endorse this reckless practice.


Gigabit Ethernet was standardized in 1999. There is one standard for twisted-pair cable and two for optical cable. 1000BaseT is the reference for the twisted pair standard, which uses all four conductors of a Cat5 or better cable (see later). The signal encoding, called 4D-PAM5, consists of four symbols, each of which contains two bits. All four wire pair are used to transmit signals in each direction, so 8 bits are transmitted at a time. A hybrid is used to separate transmission in each direction, similar to what is done in conventional analog telephony. Hybrids may be built with transformers or with operational amplifiers. As with the slower speeds, balanced transmission is used, with a voltage range of ±1V p-p.

1000Base-X (Fiber Optics)

There are two forms of gigabit Ethernet over fiber-optic cable in use. 1000Base-LX is a long-wavelength (usually 1310 or 1550 nm) signal using single-mode fiber just as is used in HFC plant. It is intended for long-distance operation, with commercially available transceivers (often called GBICs) for distances exceeding 70 km. 100Base-SX is a short-wavelength, short-distance transmission standard that uses multimode fiber. Both standards use one fiber for each direction.

The signal uses 8B/10B encoding, in which a 10-bit symbol is substituted for every 8 bits of data. This does create 25% overhead — the actual transmission rate for gigabit Ethernet is 1250 Mb/s. It is used to ensure adequate transitions for clock recovery and no dc component. 8B/10B encoding is explained more fully in Chapter 19.

Twisted-Pair Wiring

The cable commonly used is called category 5, or simply Cat5 cable. There have been several generations of cabling used for voice and data, with the number incremented for cables that exhibit better return loss and radiation characteristics. Besides Cat5, there is a Cat5e (enhanced) cable and a Cat6.

Figure 5.11 illustrates two standard ways to wire RJ-45 plugs. The Telephone Industries Association (TIA) standard T568 lists two wiring sequences, both shown in Figure 5.11. The “preferred” T568A standard was formerly used more often, but today the optional T568B wiring sequence seems to be more popular. The only difference is that wire pairs 2 and 3 are interchanged. Note that the wire pair numbering always stays with the same color of wire pair. Pairs 1 and 4, which are not used in the most common 10/100BaseT wiring, are the same for both options, but wire pairs 2 and 3, which are used for the most common Ethernet wiring, are different in the two options.


Figure 5.11 Common RJ-45 wiring.

The “signal” designations are for transmit data + and — and receive data + and—. For gigabit Ethernet on twisted pair (1000BaseT), different designations (standing for bidirectional) are used, since all pairs are used and signaling is transmitted in both directions simultaneously. Recall that these are balanced transmission lines, so the designation is to allow correct polarization, or phasing. The tip/ring designations go back to the early days of telephony, when 1/4-inch phone jacks, similar to the large jacks used in some audio equipment and for headphone connectors, were used in central offices (COs). The connection on the end of the plug was the “tip” and the other connection was the “ring.” Note that the ring wire is always a solid color, and the tip is always white with a small trace of that same color.15, 16 (For stereo audio connections made on 1/4-inch phone jacks, a third connection is added called a sleeve.)

The important thing is that the two ends must be wired pin to pin on each end, and the twisted pairs must be followed. If you violate the twisted pair, for example, by interchanging the wires on pins 2 and 3 so that you still have pin-to-pin electrical continuity but don’t have the transmit and receive pairs as separate twisted pairs, then the cable will probably not work, because you have upset the 100-ohm characteristic impedance, setting up standing waves (in the baseband data world this will manifest itself as pulse distortion). Furthermore, you will have excessive crosstalk between transmit and receive as a result of not having one signal (transmit or receive) on a twisted pair. A twisted pair driven with a balanced source and load does not radiate or pick up radiation, at least to the extent the system is truly balanced. This is the same as the issue described under Line Balance in Chapter 6.

Interconnecting Ethernet Devices

Figure 5.12 illustrates a basic in-home (or office) network with two computers and a game console. Other devices could be connected. All wiring is home-run from a hub or central device. The specified maximum distance between any endpoint and the hub is 100 meters. The end devices, computers, game consoles, or whatever are known as data terminal equipment (DTE). The central device has a number of names, depending on what it does and who is naming it.


Figure 5.12 In-home network.

Ethernet connections (at least the common ones you are likely to encounter) are never looped through from one device to another. Despite the attempts of some home installers to install loop-through connections, it doesn’t work. Loop-through means that the same wire pairs are run from one outlet to another, after originating at a hub. Suppose you have a loop-through connection as shown on the game console in the figure. If the game console (or computer or whatever) is placed at the end of the loop-through, it will work. But if it is placed at the first point, as shown, the cable from there to the end of the loop-through will act as an unterminated stub and will reflect pulses, disrupting the performance of the link. We have found that in some cases, terminating the end connection point will allow the system to work, but this is only an emergency solution, not a recommendation.

It is true that one Ethernet connection will listen for others transmitting before it transmits, but physically what happens is that there is a central hub that can echo signals entering one port to all other ports. The hub may perform other functions as well. A hub is a common connection point for devices in a network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN, as shown in Figure 5.12. When a packet arrives at one port, it is copied to the other ports so that all segments of the LAN can see all packets.

A switch, or sometimes switching hub, is a bit more intelligent. It filters and forwards packets between LAN segments. Each DTE is assigned a unique identification called a MAC address, described later. A switch learns the MAC address of each DTE connected to it; when it gets a packet with that MAC destination address, it forwards the packet only to the appropriate port. The switch learns the MAC address of each DTE by listening to what comes in on that port. Each transmission includes a destination MAC address and a source MAC address. The switch listens to the source addresses to learn what is on each port. This usually suffices to allow the switch to know how to route any packet it receives.

However, sometimes a packet will arrive with a destination MAC address the switch doesn’t recognize. In that case, the switch will replicate the packet on all ports, just as a hub would do. When the correct port (if any) receives the packet and sends an acknowledgment, the switch will learn the correct port for that MAC address.

A router is a yet more intelligent device that can operate at layer 3 as well as layer 2. It often is placed between two LANs or between a LAN and a WAN. We shall cover their functions in more detail later.

A gateway is a router used to connect two or more networks, as shown in Figure 5.12. It may have a number of higher-layer services, which will be described below.

A bridge is a low-end gateway that interconnects two LANs or two segments of the same LAN.

Ethernet Frames

Figure 5.13 shows the makeup of an Ethernet frame. A frame holds one packet of data. The first 8 bytes are the preamble. Some Ethernet systems don’t transmit continuously, so the preamble is used to synchronize a receive clock before data is transmitted. In other Ethernet systems, data transmission is continuous, but the preamble has been retained to keep the frame structure.


Figure 5.13 Ethernet frame.

The next 6 bytes are the destination address — the MAC address of the intended recipient of the packet. Next is the source address, the MAC address of the sender. This is needed to allow the recipient to respond to the source and also to allow switches to learn the MAC address on each port, for efficient packet routing. Following the address fields is the type/length field, which is used for several purposes. It can identify the higher-layer network protocol carried in the data field, as described next. It also identifies the length of the packet. Unlike ATM cells, Ethernet packets are of variable length, so something must tell the receiver when a packet ends.

Next is the data, the thing we want to transmit. It may have headers for higher-layer protocols embedded in it. The length of the data is between 46 and 1,500 bytes. Following the data is the frame check sequence, a cyclical redundancy code used for error checking but not correction. Error checking is described briefly in Chapter 3.

Ethernet Addressing

Every Ethernet port in every piece of equipment is assigned its own unique address, called the MAC (media access control, a layer 2 feature) address. Each manufacturer applies for and receives a range of MAC addresses, which are assigned individually to each and every piece of hardware manufactured. The MAC address is 48 bits (8 bytes) long, so the total available address space is about 248 = 281.5 × 1012 addresses. The first 24 of those bits are called the organizationally unique identifier (OUI). They identify the organization that builds the interface. The IEEE Standards Association administers this portion of the address field.

This assigned address is a unicast address, meaning that it is used when another device wants to contact that Ethernet port and only that Ethernet port. When a device starts to receive a new packet, it listens to the destination MAC address. If the transmitted address matches its address, it receives the packet. Otherwise, it discards it. However, there are times when you need to communicate with multiple devices. You can use multicast addresses for this. Any number of Ethernet ports may be set to listen to the same multicast address and to receive the data. Finally, there is a broadcast address (all 48 bits are 1s), used to communicate with all devices on the network.17

Ethernet addresses are written in a manner intended to make it easy to deal with a 48-bit binary number. They are written as pairs of hexadecimal numbers, separated by dashes. A hexadecimal number is a base-16 number represented as shown in Table 5.3. Each byte (8 bits) of the MAC address is written as two hexadecimal numbers, separated by a dash. For example, the Ethernet card in the writer’s computer, which interfaces to the in-home network, has the MAC address 00-03-6D-15-C0-97. Note that there are six sets of two hexadecimal numerals, each set representing 8 bits, for a total of 48 bits.

Table 5.3 Hexadecimal Numbering

Base 10 Base 2 Hex
0 0000 0
1 0001 1
2 0010 2
3 0011 3
4 0100 4
5 0101 5
6 0110 6
7 0111 7
8 1000 8
9 1001 9
10 1010 A
11 1011 B
12 1100 C
13 1101 D
14 1110 E
15 1111 F

The card that handles the interface between the computer and the network is called the network interface card (NIC). Even if the network interface is built into the computer or other equipment, it is still called an NIC.

5.3.3 Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet Protocol (IP) is not just the Internet. It is a very important connectionless layer 3 protocol used to move packets around on the Internet as well as on a lot of other networks. IP allows any computer on the Internet (or another IP network) to locate and exchange packets with any other computer. You often see TCP/IP together, where TCP is a layer 4 protocol often used with IP (as in, for instance, UDP). TCP and UDP are discussed later.

IP addresses are expressed in the dotted decimal format. In version 4 of IP, addresses are 32 bits long. Table 5.4 illustrates the dotted decimal address. The top row gives the dotted decimal representation; the second row expresses this as individual decimal numbers, the third row shows the corresponding binary numbers. This IP address was assigned to the WAN port on the writer’s gateway connected to his cable modem at the time of writing. The assignment came from his cable operator. As shown later, the IP address may change from time to time.

Table 5.4 Dotted Decimal Notation for IPv4 Addresses


The contents of an IP packet are called a datagram. Each datagram, as it traverses the Internet, retains the same source and destination IP addresses, even as it traverses different layer 2 networks. For example, a packet may travel part of the distance on a token ring network, partway on ATM, and partway on Ethernet. These are layer 2 protocols, and each will put on its own layer 2 header as the IP datagram enters that network and strip its layer 2 header when it is handed to another network. But the IP header stays with the datagram during the whole process (though it will be modified in each router through which it passes), defining the ultimate destination of the datagram. (An exception is that a firewall between networks or between a network and a computer may substitute its own IP address for that of the ultimate process using the datagram.)

When switching in a network is done by looking at the layer 3 (IP) address, the device doing the switching is usually called a router. Routers technically have hosts built in, because they themselves can be addressed (they have their own IP addresses), for management purposes.

IPv4 Versus IPv6

IP version 4 (IPv4) is in common use today. For years there has been a desire to replace IPv4 with IPv6, but the difficulty of managing such a change has prevented widespread deployment of IPv6. There are several new features in IPv6, the most notable being the expansion from a 32-bit address to a 128-bit address. This will simplify address management, removing the need for assigning temporary private IP addresses to devices. In addition, the header format is streamlined. A flow label is added to denote a stream of traffic with special QoS needs. Support for both authentication and confidentiality are mandatory, and there are a few other changes. Unless otherwise noted, we are describing IPv4 in this book.

IP Embedded in Ethernet

Figure 5.14 illustrates an IP datagram inside an Ethernet frame. This figure is laid out with four bytes (32 bits) in a horizontal row. Each horizontal row follows serially the one above it.


Figure 5.14 IP Datagram Inside Ethernet Frame.

Compare Figure 5.14 with the illustration of an Ethernet frame in Figure 5.13, which identified all the elements of the Ethernet frame consistent with Figure 5.14. The “Data and pad” of Figure 5.13 are expanded in Figure 5.14 to show the elements of the IP datagram. The elements of the IP header are summarized next.

The IP Header

The first four bits, vers, contain the IP version number, currently 4 (0100) and possibly going to 6 (1010) at some point. The next four bits, hlen, counts the number of 32-bit units in the IP header. The basic IP header as shown is 20 bytes, or five units of 32 bits. We show later that some IP headers are longer as a result of options being embedded. IP defines a number of options that may create a longer header. These are covered in the endnotes. Options include, but are not limited to, the ability to record the route taken by the datagram, the ability to force a particular route, and time stamping.

The next field is a 6-bit field labeled diffserv, for differentiated service. The 6 bits contain a so-called diffserv codepoint (DSCP) value, which tells a router how to handle the packet. Special treatment may include expedited forwarding or extra protection from loss. Most values for this field are not defined in IP but rather are used by different networks in accordance with each network’s policies. This field is an important enhancement to IP to bring it closer to parity with the QoS capabilities of ATM or similar protocols. It allows datagrams to be given higher priority if the datagram is something, such as voice, that needs to get through a network quickly. (Note, however, that just because ATM has good QoS features does not mean that they are always used.)

The final two bits in this field, ECN, are the explicit congestion notification field, which provide cooperating routers with a way to improve management of congestion on a link. When a router handling the packet notices that a link is getting congested, it sets these two bits to 11 before forwarding the packet on the congested link. When the packet is ultimately received, the receiving host sees that one of the routes the packet took is congested, so it slows down the sender, using methods shown later in the section on Transmission Control Protocol.

The next two bytes are the payload length, which defines the length of the datagram, not counting the header. IP datagrams can be quite long, though they may well have to be segmented into several packets or cells (depending on the protocol on which it is carried) on any particular transport segment. For example, if the datagram is being carried on Ethernet, as shown in Figure 5.14, the maximum amount of data in the Ethernet frame is 1500 bytes (this includes the IP header and the datagram). If the datagram goes through an ATM network, it will have to be segmented into cells no longer than 48 bytes, as described earlier. If the datagram is too long to fit, it will have to be segmented into several packets. The fragment identifier field is added at the sender, to be used to uniquely identify the packet to which a fragment belongs so that the fragments can be reassembled at the destination. This field is set to a value even if the sender is not fragmenting the packet, because it is possible that a later network will have to fragment it.

The next three bits are flags that instruct routers on segmentation. The first bit is always 0. The next bit, DF, indicates that the packet may not be fragmented. If a router encounters a datagram that is too long and the DF bit is set, then the router has no recourse but to discard the packet. The next bit, MF, indicates that more fragments follow. It is set except on the last segment of a fragmented datagram. Finally, the fragment offset field specifies how far into the datagram the fragment is so that the fragments can be reassembled as one datagram by the time they reach their destination (if not before). It is quite possible that the segments will arrive out of order, so segments received before predecessor segments will have to be held until all segments are received.

The next field is the hop limit. (This was originally called the time to live (TTL) field). The sender sets this field to some value; every time the datagram passes through a router, the field is decremented by 1. If the value reaches 0, the packet is discarded. The hop limit protects the Internet against an undeliverable packet, which would otherwise hop around a network forever if it could not be delivered. This can happen if a routing loop is created; that is, an error in a routing table sends a packet back to the previous router that handled it, which sends it to the router with the errored routing table, which sends it back, etc. If nothing caused the packet to be discarded, it could bounce around forever in the Internet, tying up resources needed by packets that can be delivered.

Next is the next header field, also called the protocol field. This indicates the next higher header, which may be a layer 4 header or may be intimately related to IP. We shall discuss some of these protocols later. Finally, the header checksum provides protection against corruption of the header. Each router that handles the datagram computes the checksum by doing a 16-bit addition of the header, discarding carries. The receiving router does the same computation; if the two disagree, it means that an error was made in the header, so the entire packet is discarded.

Finally, the IP header includes the source and destination IP addresses. These don’t change as the datagram traverses the network. Each router handling the packet reads the destination address to know where to send the packet (controlled by a massive and continuously changing routing table in the router) and reads the source address to update its routing table for that address.

Types of IP Addresses

There are three types of IP addresses: unicast, multicast, and broadcast. Unicast addresses are the most straightforward. They are assigned to identify a single interface (for most practical purposes this equates to a single host, though there is a difference). A unicast message is intended for one and only one interface. Multicast addresses identify a set of interfaces. This allows a message to be generated once and sent to a number of interfaces. A router with receiving hosts attached to two or more ports will replicate the packets on each port. Multicast addressing is useful for video conferencing, in which the same signal is to be sent to several participants. Similarly, it is used in IP distribution of video (IPTV). If one router needs to pass messages to several other routers, it can do so using multicast addresses. Broadcast addresses are a special case of multicast addresses. They identify all interfaces on a network. The use of broadcast addresses is discouraged.

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a layer 3 (network) protocol, but it sends its messages inside IP datagrams. The next header field (see Figure 5.14) identifies ICMP. ICMP coordinates many aspects of the operation of a network, including controlling address assignments, reporting errors, and providing diagnostic support.

Router discovery is one important function it performs. This allows hosts (any device on a network) to discover what routers are connected to the network. Periodically, routers send router advertisement messages to all systems on the network. The router advertisement message includes the address of every router known to the sending router and a relative preference value. When possible, all hosts should select the router with the highest preference value. The message also includes a lifetime field. If a host doesn’t hear from a router within that lifetime (typically 30 minutes), it must assume that the router is no longer available. The router advertisement messages are sent more frequently than this.

Just knowing the addresses of all routers on a network does not ensure that a host will direct a message to the router that is the best path to the destination. It selects a router to which to send the message. If it selects the wrong router, that router redirects the message to the correct router and also sends an ICMP redirect message to the host, saying, in essence, “Next time you want to send a message to this host, send it to this other router, not to me.”

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

Like ICMP, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is a protocol in its own right, but it is an integral part of any IP implementation. Hosts use IGMP to announce (and later renounce) their membership in groups. Routers listen to these messages to track group membership. They then know how to forward datagrams addressed to groups.18

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

IP addresses are assigned to individual hosts, that is, all computers on a network. These IP addresses may be taken from public IP addresses, or, since IPv4 has a limited address space, most machines that don’t have need for a public address are assigned private IP addresses owned by the network to which the host is attached. This allows reusing addresses on the Internet and simplifies the management of the network. IP addresses may be assigned manually to hosts, or they may be assigned automatically. Automatic assignment is usually preferable when possible.

The protocol used to assign IP addresses is the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). When a host, such as your PC, comes up on a network, it asks for an IP address if it has not been assigned a permanent one. The host sends a DHCPDISCOVER packet. Connected somewhere to the network is at least one DHCP server, whose job it is to assign IP addresses to hosts. When a DHCP server receives a DHCPDISCOVER packet, it returns a DHCPOFFER packet containing an IP address and other information. It is possible for more than one DHCP server to be resident on a network, in which case the host receives more than one offer. It selects one and sends a DCHPREQUEST message to that server. Assuming the offer is still valid (for example, the IP address has not been assigned to another host in the meantime), the DHCP server returns a DHCPACK (DHCP acknowledgment) message.

Once the host receives the DHCPACK message, that IP address belongs to it for the duration of the lease, that is, the time for which the DHCP server has said that the address is valid. Before the end of a lease, the host must request another IP address by starting the process again. The lease allows an IP address to be placed back in the pool of available addresses if the host goes away for any reason, such as a power-down.19

5.3.4 Layer 4 Transport Protocols

Most Internet traffic is handled using one of two layer 4 protocols: TCP or UDP. Layer 4 protocols have two primary responsibilities. First, they must distinguish between different applications running on a system. On the same computer, you can download email, stream audio, and open a Web page all at the same time, over the same physical connection. It is the layer 4 protocols that are making sure packets are directed to the correct application.

The second responsibility of layer 4 protocols is reliability. IP is a best-effort service, which does not guarantee delivery of packets and does not guarantee that the packets delivered will be error free. Layer 4 protocols either improve the reliability of delivery slightly (UDP) or they improve it greatly (TCP).


In order to distinguish between applications, the layer 4 protocol uses a port number. Data is transferred between a communications system and an application using a port number. A good way to think of a port is to recognize that every application getting data from a network must somehow transfer that data in the computer, from the program that sends and receives data to the application program. For example, suppose you are streaming audio. IP is running in your computer to receive datagrams bearing the streaming audio. Another application is running to play the audio. The two must exchange data. The application playing the audio asks for a port number when it starts. The operating system assigns a memory address corresponding to that port number. Data from the communications program is placed in that address and then picked up by the streaming audio program. The address performs the function of a mailbox.

When an application requests data, for example, by your clicking a hot key for a streaming audio site, the application sends a request to the server having the data, and in the request messages it includes the port number for the return datagram. The server puts this port number in the return datagram. The communications software was informed by the operating system of the address corresponding to the port number, so when it gets a datagram with that port number, it knows where to store the datagram in memory. The streaming software then reads that address and processes the datagram into audio.

Some port numbers are created on an ad hoc basis as they are needed; others are standardized and predictable. The standardized port numbers are called well-known ports. Table 5.5 lists a few of the well-known ports.

Table 5.5 Examples of Well-Known Ports

Port(s) Transport(s) Application
20, 21 TCP File Transfer Protocol: used to transfer files between computers
25 TCP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: for email transfer
53 TCP, UDP Domain name service: maps a URL to a server’s IP address


Ports identify application protocols, but they don’t identify application programs running in real machines. To do so requires not only a port number but also the address of the machine running the program. This combination of a port number and an address is known as a socket.

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is a layer 4 protocol used to deliver datagrams not requiring or not being able to use some of the features of TCP, discussed shortly. UDP is a simple, connectionless protocol that is the layer 4 protocol of choice for such applications as streaming audio and video and VoIP (voice on Internet Protocol — see Chapter 6) packet delivery. Applications using UDP are frequently characterized by the need for rapid (low-latency) delivery, where it is not feasible to correct for transmission errors. UDP is also used where a transmission is bound for more than one receiver, making acknowledgment moot.

For example, suppose you are handling a VoIP voice transmission. If a packet is received in error, there is not much you can do about it anyway. You could ask for retransmission, but by the time the request goes to the sending machine and it retransmits the packet, it is much too late to use that packet. So you do the best you can with the packet received in error. This might mean that you discard it and replace it with the previously received good packet. Similarly, you don’t have the luxury of reordering packets received out of order, because this will require time, and time is of the essence in handling audio packets. Two other protocols often used with UDP are the Real-Time Protocol (RTP) and Real-Time Control Protocol (RTCP), both described in Chapter 6.

UDP headers and data reside in the datagram payload of Figure 5.14. The UDP header is simple, consisting of just four parts: the source port, destination port, datagram length, and checksum. Following the header is the application data, the desired information to be transmitted.

Transmission Control Protocol

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a more sophisticated, connection-oriented protocol used for reliable delivery of data that is not required to be delivered in real time. TCP can correct errors in transmission. It can detect packets received out of order and put them back in the correct order. It eliminates duplication of packets and requests missing packets.

Figure 5.15 illustrates a TCP message in an IP datagram, in an Ethernet packet. Remember that the Ethernet encapsulation may or may not be present, depending on what layer 2 network is carrying the datagram. The first two elements of the header are the source and destination ports, the purpose of which was explained earlier.


Figure 5.15 TCP in IP in Ethernet.

The sequence number is the field that allows packets received out of order to be put back in the correct order. The sender assigns a sequential number to each byte of the application data. The sequence number is the sequential number of the first byte of the TCP packet. When the receiving application receives a packet, it looks at the sequence number and compares it with the expected sequence number, computed by adding the number of bytes in the previous packet to the sequence number of that previous packet. If the sequence number is the one expected, then the receiver knows that it can simply assemble the data in the two packets to pass it to the next higher layer. If a sequence number is duplicated, it means that a packet has been duplicated, so the extra copies can be discarded. If there is a gap, it means that a packet is missing. It may come later, in which case it is inserted in its rightful place. Or it may not come, in which case the sender must retransmit it. The sequence number also plays a role in flow control, a process whereby the receiver can limit the amount of data sent to it.

Since TCP is a connection-oriented protocol it must acknowledge receipt of data. This is the purpose of the acknowledgment number field, which is used by the receiver to acknowledge the packets received from the sender. It has meaning only when the ACK (acknowledgment) bit in the control field (see next paragraph) is set, which is the usual case when TCP is transferring information.

Next is the offset field, which tells the receiver where in the packet the data starts. Since there can be options in the TCP header, the receiver must know where to start looking for data. The control field consists of 12 single-bit flags, of which the first four have no meaning at present. The remaining flags signal such things as congestion status, use of the acknowledgment and urgent fields, sequence number synchronization, and a flag to indicate that the sender is finished sending.

The next field, the window, indicates how much data the receiving system is capable of accepting. This is a critical flow-control mechanism. It is quite conceivable that a machine receiving data will not be able to process it as fast as the sender can send it. For example, suppose a file server at the headend is downloading audio files to a small device, such as an MP3 player. Over a fast connection, it is quite possible that the server can get data to the MP3 player faster than it can store it in memory. The MP3 player must have some way to say, “Slow down.” It decreases the size of its window when it acknowledges a packet, telling the sending machine to send less data next time. This takes care of end-to-end flow-control issues, but shortly we shall discuss another flow-control issue, that of congestion in the network.

The checksum detects errors in the TCP packet. The last part of the non-optional TCP header is the urgent pointer. It can be used to notify the receiving system that urgent data is coming and that the receiving system needs to act on that data as quickly as it can. The value in the field indicates the end of the urgent data. For example, suppose you are receiving something from a sender and determine that your machine is not reacting properly, so you need to stop the transmission. You send a “stop” command to the server sending the information, and the urgent flag is set to tell the server to act on that packet as quickly as it can.

The TCP options field, if used, can carry certain information that may or may not be needed. These options include a window scale factor, time stamps (for time-critical data), and a message digest of the packet. Application data makes up the rest of the data in the TCP packet.

When a host needs to send TCP data, it must first set up a session with the opposite end (recall that a characteristic of connection-oriented protocols is that a session, or call, must be set up before data can be passed and must be terminated, or torn down, at the end). The process of setting up the session is initiated by the host, which sends a connection request message to the intended receiver. The intended receiver then returns a connection confirm message, after which the sender returns an acknowledgment message. At the completion of this so-called three-way handshake, the connection is set up and data may be passed. Similarly, when the information has been passed, the connection must be closed in each direction.20-22

Congestion Control

Several times we have referred to congestion and control of congestion. Congestion occurs when something in the network gets data faster than it can process it. The receiving host can become congested if it gets data faster than it can handle it, and this situation is accommodated by the window field described earlier in the TCP section. If, on the other hand, a router gets congested, it can, if possible, set the ECN bits in the IP header, which will cause the receiver to slow down data delivery.

Two common techniques for congestion control at the TCP level are called slow-start and multiplicative decrease. Notice the transfer rate while downloading a large file, such as the radio frequency interface (RFI) files from www. You will see that the file transfer rate starts slowly, increases rapidly, possibly backing off, and eventually reaches a more-or-less steady state. You are watching these congestion mitigation techniques at work.

Slow-start avoids swamping the Internet with additional traffic immediately after congestion clears or when a new connection starts. When the file transfer starts, the sender transfers data at a relatively slow rate, starting by transferring a single segment and waiting until that segment is acknowledged. When that first segment is acknowledged, the sender transmits two more segments. When they are acknowledged, it transmits two more, then four more, and so on. Eventually either the receiver’s limit is reached or receipt of acknowledgments slows, indicating congestion somewhere along the route.

If congestion is encountered after the file transfer begins, multiplicative decrease is invoked. The number of segments transmitted is halved, and retransmission delayed, for every acknowledgment not received. This forces the sender to rapidly cut back to remove congestion, hopefully before anyone’s packets are dropped. After the sender determines that no more packets are being dropped, it enters the slow-start sequence again, allowing the flow rate to increase again. In order to further avoid recreating congestion, as soon as the transmission rate reaches half the rate prior to congestion, the rate of increase is slowed.

5.4 Summary

This chapter has attempted to introduce the key points related to data communications on hybrid fiber coaxial networks. It is not intended as a course in data communications, and many important topics in data communications were omitted. Those included were selected because of their particular relevance to data communications as it is being practiced on cable television systems today. One can expect many changes in techniques in the next few years as the technology matures.

The next chapter will deal with one particular system that transmits data on HFC plant, the cable telephone system. Many of the concepts presented in this chapter will be useful there.


* The 802.3 standard does not use the term Ethernet, because the IEEE is properly concerned about being tied to any commercial terms.

1. Larry Peterson et al., Computer Networks. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1996, p. 35ff.

2. Jim Stratigos, ISO/OSI Model Introduction and Ethernet Overview. Preconference tutorial presented at the 1997 Conference on Emerging Technologies, Nashville, TN, by the Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers.

3. Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya, High-Performance Communications Networks. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1996, p. 92ff.

4. An interesting historical perspective on the Internet, which explains the routing concept somewhat incidentally, may be found in Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon, Where Wizards Stay Up Late. New York: Simon & Shuster, 1996.


6. Society of Cable Telecommunication Engineers, Data-Over-Cable Systems Radio Frequency Interface Specification 1.1, SCTE 23-1 2002.



9. See, PCI-X 2.0 Overview.

10. Cisco Systems, Migrating Simple Data over Cable Services to DOCSIS 1.1. Available at

11. Erich Arnold, Content on Demand: How DOCSIS 1.1 Dynamic Service Flows Deliver the Goods. Western Show, 2001.

12. Jean Walrand and Pravin Varaiya, op cit.


14. ANSI/TIA/EIA 570-A, Residential Telecommunications Cabling Standard. Available at See Figure 2 for an example of proper residential wiring. See also Endnote 15.

15. BICSI, Residential Network Cabling. 2002. BICSI is a not-for-profit telecommunications association supporting the design and distribution of telecommunications wiring in buildings. See The book may also be obtained from commercial booksellers.

16. Charles E. Spurgeon, Ethernet: The Definitive Guide. Tampa: O’Reilly & Associates, 2000. Sebastopol, CA.

17. David Cunningham and William Lane, Gigabit Ethernet Networking. New York: Macmillan Technical, 1999.

18. Stephen A. Thomas, IP Switching and Routing Essentials. New York: Wiley, 2002.

19. See also

20. Stephen A. Thomas, op. cit.

21. Douglas I. Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Prentice-Hall, 1995.

22. Floyd Wilder, A Guide to the TCP/IP Protocol Suite, 2nd ed. Boston: Artech House, 1998.

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