
  1. Action set
  2. Adaptive processors
  3. Advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI)
  4. Aerial–terrestrial hybrid sensor networks
  5. Affinity
  6. Alias
  7. AMD Opteron
  8. Amdahl's law
  9. Analog-to-digital (A/D) converters
  10. Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)
  11. Application decomposition
  12. Application metrics
  13. Application requirements
    1. functional
    2. nonfunctional
  14. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)
  15. Architectural evaluation
  16. ARM Cortex A-9 MPCore
  17. ARM11 MPCore
  18. ASICs
  19. Automotive
  20. B-MAC
  21. Bathtub curve
  22. Bellman's equation
  23. Benchmarks
  24. Blocking
  25. Bridging
  26. Byzantine faults
  27. Cache associativity
  28. Cache coherence
  29. Cache contention
  30. Cache miss rates
  31. Cache partitioning
  32. Cache pressure
  33. Cache thrashing
  34. Caches
  35. Cannon's algorithm
  36. Capacity misses
  37. Carbon nanotubes
  38. Cardinality
  39. Carrier sense multiple access (CSMA)
  40. Chip locality
  41. Chip multiprocessors (CMPs)
  42. Clock gating
  43. Cloud computing
  44. CMOS
  45. Code encapsulation
  46. Code generation
  47. Code integration
  48. Coherence
  49. Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
  50. Communication energy
  51. Comparison-based fault detection
  52. Compiler directives
  53. Composable lightweight processors (CLPs)
  54. Composable multicore architecture
  55. Computational density
  56. Computational density per watt
  57. Conjoined-core CMPs
  58. Controller area network (CAN)
  59. Cooperative caching
  60. Cosimulation
  61. Cost
    1. design cost
    2. lifetime cost
    3. nonrecurring engineering (NRE) cost
    4. per-product cost
    5. total cost
    6. unit cost
  62. Coverage factor
  63. Critical section
  64. Crossbow IRIS mote
  65. Cyber-physical system (CPS)
  66. Data decomposition
  67. Data forwarding
  68. Dataflow
  69. Decision epochs
  70. Decision problem
    1. finite horizon
    2. infinite horizon
  71. Decision rule
  72. Declarative routing protocol (DRP)
  73. Design complexity
  74. Design metrics
  75. Design space
  76. Design time
  77. Deterministic
  78. Deterministic dynamic program (DDP)
  79. Differential equations
  80. Directed diffusion
  81. Discount factor
  82. Distributed fault detection
  83. Distributed fault detection algorithm
  84. Distributed memory programming
  85. Drowsy cache
  86. Duty cycle
  87. Dynamic constitution
  88. Dynamic distributed cache (DDC)
  89. Dynamic optimizations
  90. Dynamic power coordination
  91. Dynamic power management (DPM)
  92. Dynamic profiler
  93. Dynamic profiler module
  94. Dynamic redundancy
  95. Dynamic thermal management (DTM)
  96. Dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)
    1. global
    2. local
  97. Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS)
  98. Effective response time
  99. Efficiency
  100. Electronic control units (ECUs)
  101. Embarrassingly Parallel benchmark
  102. Embedded
  103. Embedded operating system
  104. Embedded sensor nodes
    1. compute-intensive tasks
    2. lifetime
  105. Embedded systems
    1. application characteristics
    2. application domains
    3. characteristics
    4. classification
      1. distributed
      2. interactive
      3. multi-unit
      4. parallel
      5. parallel and distributed
      6. reactive
      7. single-unit
      8. transformational
    5. design challenges
    6. design flow
    7. design goals
  106. Embedded wireless sensor networks (EWSNs)
    1. application domains
    2. applications
    3. cluster
    4. lifetime
    5. multicore
    6. single-core
  107. Encryption
  108. Energy
  109. Energy aware routing (EAR)
  110. Expected total discounted reward
  111. Extensible markup language (XML)
  112. External memory bandwidth
  113. Fairness
  114. False alarm rate
  115. Fast Fourier transform (FFT)
  116. Fault detection
  117. Fault detection accuracy
  118. Fault detection algorithm
  119. Fault diagnosis system
  120. Fault latency
  121. Fault tolerance
    1. metrics
  122. Feedback-based optimizations
  123. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
  124. Fixed heuristic policies
  125. FlexRay
  126. Function inlining
  127. Functional decomposition
  128. Gaussian Elimination
  129. General-purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs)
  130. Global optimizations
  131. GRAdient routing (GRAd)
  132. Graphics processing unit (GPU)
  133. Greedy algorithm
  134. Green computing
  135. Green500
  136. Hardware/software codesign
  137. Hash-for-home
  138. Helper threading
  139. Heterogeneous architecture
  140. Heterogeneous CMPs
  141. High performance
  142. High-performance computing (HPC)
  143. high-performance embedded computing
  144. High-performance embedded computing (HPEC)
  145. High-performance energy-efficient embedded computing (HPEEC)
  146. High-performance energy-efficient parallel embedded computing (HPEPEC)
  147. Home tile
  148. Horizontal data communication
  149. HW/SW partitioning
  150. Hyper-threading
  151. Hypervisor
  152. ILP wall
  153. In-network aggregation
  154. Information fusion
    1. Omnibus model
  155. Instruction-level parallelism (ILP)
  156. Integration
  157. Intel Sandy Bridge
  158. Interconnection networks
    1. direct
    2. dynamic
    3. indirect
    4. packet-switched
    5. photonic
    6. static
    7. wireless
  159. Internal memory bandwidth
  160. International Standards Organization (ISO)
  161. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
  162. Intrusion detection
  163. Invalidation-based fault detection
  164. IRIS mote
  165. Iso-MTTF
  166. Isoreliability
  167. Landmarks
  168. Last-level caches (LLC)
    1. hybrid
    2. Last-level caches (LLC) (continued)
    3. private
    4. shared
  169. Latency
    1. fault latency
  170. Leakage current
  171. Linear
  172. Little's law
  173. Load balancing
  174. Load distribution
  175. Local optimizations
  176. Loop unrolling
  177. Loop-nest optimizations
  178. Low-energy-adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH)
  179. LU decomposition
  180. Majority voting
  181. MANTIS
  182. Manycore
  183. Market window
  184. Markov chains
  185. Markov Decision Process (MDP)
  186. Markov models
  187. Markovian
  188. Massively multicore
  189. Matrix multiplication
  190. MDP-based policy
  191. Mean lifetime
  192. Mean time to failure (MTTF)
  193. Mean value analysis
  194. Medium access control (MAC)
  195. Memory striping
  196. Memory subsystem
  197. Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
  198. Microcontroller
  199. Middleware
  200. Model
  201. Model encapsulation
  202. Model translation
  203. Model-based design
  204. Modeling
    1. discrete event
    2. objectives
      1. multiple objectives
    3. paradigms
    4. stochastic models
  205. MPI
  206. Multi-processor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs)
  207. Multi-programmed workloads
  208. Multi-threaded workloads
  209. Multicore
  210. Multicore embedded architectures
  211. Multicore embedded sensor nodes
    1. architecture
    2. power unit
    3. processing unit
  212. Multicore Embedded Wireless Sensor Networks
    1. application domains
    2. architecture
  213. N-modular redundancy (NMR)
  214. Near-Threshold computing (NTC)
  215. Neighborhood caching
  216. Network coding
  217. Network-on-chip (NoC)
  218. Node degree
  219. Nonmonotonic cores
  220. ns-2
  221. Nyquist sampling theorem
  222. Objective function
  223. Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model
  224. OpenGIS Consortium
  225. OpenMP
  226. Operating state
  227. Operating system (OS)
  228. Optimal reward
  229. Optimality equation
  230. Optimization
    1. dynamic
    2. multiobjective
    3. parallel and distributed
    4. static
  231. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)
  232. Page table
  233. PAMAS
  234. Parallel and distributed
  235. Parallel and distributed embedded systems
    1. application domains
  236. Parallelism
  237. Parameter optimization
  238. Parameter tuning
  239. Pareto optimality
  240. Peak power
  241. Performance
  242. Performance criterion
  243. Performance per unit area
  244. Performance per watt
  245. Periods
  246. Petri net
  247. PicOS
  248. Poisson distribution
  249. Policy
    1. stationary
  250. Policy iteration algorithm
  251. Power
  252. Power gating
  253. Power wall
  254. PowerDial
  255. PowerPack
  256. PowerQUICC III
  257. Proactive checkpoint deallocation
  258. Processing energy
  259. Processing units
  260. Processor operating modes
    1. active mode
    2. idle mode
  261. Processor power states
    1. halt state
    2. operating state
    3. sleep state
    4. stop-clock state
  262. Profiling statistics
  263. Quality
  264. Quality of service (QoS)
  265. Query dissemination
  266. Queueing discipline
    1. first-come-first-served (FCFS)
    2. non-preemptive
    3. preemptive
    4. priority
    5. processor sharing
    6. round robin
  267. Queueing network theory
  268. Queueing networks
    1. closed
    2. jobs
    3. multi-chain
    4. open
    5. product-form
    6. response time
    7. single-chain
    8. throughput
    9. utilization
  269. Radix sort
  270. Random walk algorithm
  271. Raytrace
  272. Real-time
  273. Real-time architecture and protocol (RAP)
  274. Real-time dynamic voltage scaling (RT-DVS)
  275. Reliability
  276. Reward
  277. Reward function
  278. Reward ratio
  279. Run time
    1. serial
    2. parallel
  280. S-MAC
  281. Safety-critical
  282. Satellite-based wireless sensor networks
  283. Scalability
  284. Scheduling
    1. reactive
  285. Scheduling discipline, see Queueing discipline
  286. Security
  287. Sensing energy
  288. Sensitivity analysis
  289. Sensor faults
    1. noisy faults
  290. Sensor faults (continued)
    1. outlier faults
    2. stuck-at faults
  291. Sensor field
  292. Sensor node
    1. actuator unit
    2. communication unit
    3. location finding unit
    4. power unit
    5. processing unit
    6. sensing unit
    7. storage unit
    8. transceiver unit
  293. Sensor nodes, see Embedded sensor nodes
  294. Sensor protocols for information via negotiation (SPIN)
  295. Sensor web
  296. Sensor web enablement (SWE)
  297. Sensors
  298. Service centers
  299. Service-oriented architectures (SoAs)
  300. SESC
  301. Shared memory programming
  302. Shared-default
  303. Sharing processors
  304. SHARPE
  305. Short-circuit current
  306. Simple object access protocol (SOAP)
  307. Simulated annealing algorithm
  308. Simulation
  309. Single-caching
  310. Single-core
  311. Singlets
  312. Sink node
  313. Smart caching
  314. Software pipelining
  315. Software-defined radio (SDR)
  316. Space shuttle sensor networks
  317. Speculative synchronization
  318. Speculative threading
  319. Speedup
  320. SPLASH-2
  321. Split power planes
  322. State
  323. State machines
    1. finite-state machines (FSMs)
  324. State space
  325. State-charts
  326. Static optimizations
  327. Static redundancy
  328. Stochastic processors
  329. Suboptimal reward
  330. Supercomputing
  331. Symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs)
  332. Synchronization
  333. Synthetic workloads
  334. System-wide response time
  335. Systems-on-chip (SoCs)
  336. 3D multicore architecture
  337. T-MAC
  338. Task scheduling
  339. Tasks
  340. Telemedicine
  341. Temperature
  342. Test-based fault detection
  343. Thermal capacitance
  344. Thermal resistance
  345. Thermal-aware
  346. Thermal-constrained
  347. Thread migration
  348. Thread starvation
  349. Thread-level parallelism (TLP)
  350. Throughput
    1. aggregate throughput
  351. Throughput-intensive
  352. Tianhe-2 supercomputer
  353. Tile locality
  354. Tiled manycore architecture (TMA)
  355. Tiled multicore architectures (TMAs)
  356. Time division multiple access (TDMA)
  357. Time-to-market
  358. TinyOS
  359. TLB miss
  360. TRAMA
  361. Transaction
  362. Transactional memory
  363. Transfer function
  364. Transition cost function
  365. Transition probability distribution
  366. Transition probability function
  367. Translation look-aside buffer (TLB)
  368. Tunable parameters
  369. Tunneling
  370. Unified modeling language (UML)
  371. Validation
  372. Verification
  373. Vertical data communication
  374. Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW)
  375. Water-Spatial
  376. Weight factors
  377. Weighted majority voting
  378. Wide dynamic execution
  379. Wireless multimedia sensor networks
  380. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
  381. Wireless video sensor networks
  382. Workload characterization
  383. Worst-case execution time (WCET)
  384. XML
  385. Z-MAC
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