Abundance mentality, adopting an, 11

Accelerant Curve, 25–29, 185, 213–215

Ad hoc committees, serving on, 94

Advisory boards, 194–195

“Aladdin Factor,” 112

Alan’s Forums, 190

Alan’s Friday Wrap™, 180

Alan’s Monday Morning Memo®, 180, 218

Announcements, rehearsing major, 200

Annuity factor, 41

“Apathetics,” 39

“App” approach, 191

Arbitrary alternatives, 44–46

Arthur Andersen, 173

Asking for referrals, 5, 69–89, 154, 233

and approaching the referral prospect, 82–86

and asking early, 153–157

from existing clients, 6–7

language for, 62–64

and mentality of value, 69–73

from new clients, 6

and not taking no for an answer, 77–81

and overcoming resistance, 63–64

from past clients, 7–8

and raising the issue, 61–62

and rewarding referral sources, 86–89

soft referral requests, 135–140

strategy and tactics for, 73–77

“Aspirants,” 40

Attorneys, 197

Automated lists, creating, 180–181

Avon, 168

Balancing Act® newsletter, 180

Barr, Chad, 126, 230

Best practices:

introducing, 55

ongoing access to, 200

Blogging, 159–160, 181, 223

Blurbs, 156

Boards, serving on, 133, 140–141, 143

Book reviewers, 218

Booklet, testimonial, 170–172

Bower, Gail S., on greatest referral, 119

Breakfasts, 225

“Breakthrough” perceptions, creating, 34

Business referrals, character vs., 156

Business relationships, 1–23

creating high-potential, long-term, 10–14

creating new, 15–16

dos and don’ts in, 14–19

four stages of, 5–10

and positioning with clients, 19–23

as process, 2–5

Buyers (See Economic buyers)

Buyer-to-buyer referrals, 58

Buyer-to-nonbuyer referrals, 58

Calendars, 94, 148, 225

Calgon, 91–92, 97, 199

Casemore Shawn, on greatest referral, 121–123

“Ceiling,” hitting the, 64–65

CEYK (“Call Everyone You Know”), 131–152

and creating soft referral requests, 135–140

and fees for referrals, 148–152

language template for, 144–148

and untapped referral sources around you, 131–135

and using social/civic mechanisms, 140–143

Character referrals, business vs., 156

Charitable events, 94, 133

Chutzpah, 23

Civic involvement, 140–141

Client evangelism, 235

Client potential bell curve, 37–41

Client support teams, 93


abandoning underperforming, 11

creating results that reflect positively on, 101

“current” vs. “past,” 193

high-potential/long-term, 10–14

prestige, 12, 21

recognition factor of, 20, 22

requesting referrals from (See Asking for referrals)

transferring skills to, 15

and value distance, 70–71

value of, 2

Closing skills, 233–234

Clubs, private, 142, 143

Collaboration, collecting referrals via, 160–165

Colleagues, referrals from, 92, 217–221

Collecting referrals, 153–173

and asking early, 153–157

and keeping current, 170–173

language template for, 165–170

using technology for, 157–160

via collaboration, 160–165

“Collector, the,” 31

Commissions, serving on, 133

Committees, standing, 93

Communication, frequent, 180

Communities, online, 187–192

Complimentary services, offering, 67

Concurrent, Multiple-Win principle, 79

Confidential information, 200

Confidentiality agreements, 161

Constant contact, 180

Consultant, roles of, 207


lateral, 99–103

maintaining information on, 175–179

tracking, 179–187


independent, 2

and internal referrals, 50

of referrals, 1

Credit, sharing, 15, 186n.3

Databases, building, 183–187, 223

Deadlines, meeting or beating, 100

“Delayer, the,” 31–32

Diagnostic approach, 14

“Disclaimer, the,” 31

Dogs, 98

Dropbox, 187

Drucker, Peter, 213

Economic buyers, 14, 20, 29–33, 44, 47

Efficacy, self-esteem and, 53, 54

Electronic newsletters, 160, 182

Electronic testimonials, 171

E-mail, 59, 157, 159, 182, 229

Endorsements, 156–157, 218–219

Enron, 173

Errors, handling, 101

“Escape velocity,” 104

Ethical issues, 86, 149–150, 195, 200

Events, inviting past clients to, 194

Existing clients, requesting referrals from, 6–7

Expanded business, 47–68

language template for creating, 60–64

moving around to obtain, 56–59

surpassing the limits of, 64–68

using leverage to obtain, 51–55

Exponential growth, 232

Favored lists, 182

Favors, doing, 134

Federal Reserve, 21


formula for setting, 211

and perceptions of value, 33–37

referral, 86–87, 148–152

(See also Retainers)

Follow-ups, 148

Forrest, Tim, on greatest referral, 114–115

Fortier, Alan, 123–124

Fourth sale, thinking of the, 48

Friends, referrals from, 92

Fund drives, 94

Garland, Judy, 142

General Motors, 213

Gerke, Daryl, on greatest referral, 126–127

Gifts, 4, 88

Ginzberg, Issamar, on greatest referral, 116–117

Godin, Seth, 38

Goldsmith, Marshall, 38, 203, 230

Google Alerts, 218

Gordon, Monica Austin, on greatest referral, 124–126

Great work, doing, 101

“Hang tens,” 40, 41

Help, people seeking, 136

Helping others, 141

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 21, 92, 104

How to Acquire Business (Wiley), 234n.2

HR people, 16–17

HSBC, 215

Impact, project, 19

Improvements, suggested, 139

In Search of Excellence (Peters), 173

Incentives, 4

Independent credibility, 2

Initiatives, rehearsing major, 200

Innocent mentions, 136

“Insider” knowledge, 48

Instantiation, 36

Institutionalizing your presence, 66, 91–110

by creating lateral contacts, 99–103

by demonstrating unique value, 106–110

by joining internal groups, 91–95

by providing extra value, 95–99

by sharing ownership of intellectual property, 103–106

Intellectual property (IP):

creating, 223

providing, 36

sharing ownership of, 103–106

“Interest” clients, 12

Internal buyers, 47

Internal groups, joining, 91–95

Internal referrals, 48, 49


in the media, 222–223

video, 158

Introductions (from referral sources), 82, 83, 157, 229

Irresistible Value principle, 79

Jensen, Michael, 112

“Jurist, the,” 32–33

Key people, tracking, 179–187

Labor intensity, 27

Language template(s):

for CEYK (“Calling Everyone You Know”), 144–148

for collecting referrals, 165–170

for expanding your business, 60–64

Larger organizations, working with, 47–48

Lateral contacts, creating, 99–103

Letters to the editor, 133

Leverage, using, 51–55

Levy, Steven B., on greatest referral, 120–121

Lieberman, Simma, on greatest referral, 128–129

Listservs, 186

Local service providers, 219–221

Luncheons, 225

Lunz, Byron, 186n.3

Macfadyen, Steve, 112

Mailings, 180–181

Mapes, Hal, 13, 69, 169, 230

Marine Midland Bank, 215

Market value bell curve, 37–41, 185

Marketing events, inviting past buyers to, 194

Marx, Groucho, 142

Meals, 95

Media interviews, 222–223

Meetings, 222

Melendez, Joe, 114–115

Mentor Program, 192, 203, 208, 230

Merck, 13–14, 20, 206, 207

Methodologies, 18, 45

Miller, Andrew, on greatest referral, 117–118

Million Dollar Club, 200

Million Dollar Coaching (Weiss), 230

Million Dollar Consulting™, 180, 200

Million Dollar Consulting (Weiss), 208

Moving around (to obtain referrals), 56–59

Mozy, 186


asking for, 13

your, as brand, 37

Needs, unspoken, 136–137

Networking, 138, 222

New clients:

repeat vs., 57–58

requesting referrals from, 6

Newsletters, 160, 182, 223

Newspaper articles, 218

“No,” not accepting, 77–81

Nonbusiness referrals, 76

Nonbuyer-to-buyer referrals, 58

Nonbuyer-to-nonbuyer referrals, 59

Nondisclosure agreements, 161

Nonprofit work, volunteering for, 141

Observed weaknesses, 137

Ongoing relationships, creating/maintaining, 66–67

Online communities, 187–192


identifying, 227

listening for, 18

Options, providing, 148

“Parachute business,” 26

Parcells, Bill, 192

Particulars, asking for, 94

Past clients, 175–195

and creating communities, 187–192

maintaining information on, 175–179

requesting referrals from, 7–8

tracking, 179–187

utilizing, in current promotions, 192–195

Peers, lateral contacts with others’, 99–100

Peripheral benefits, 36

Perseverance, 148

Personal information, obtaining, 182–183

Personal interactions, 158

Personal introductions, 157, 229

Personal meetings, 84–86

Personal visits, 59

Personal-to-person contact, 83

Phone calls, 59, 100

Picasso Rule, 205–209

Pillsbury Bakeries and Food Services, 128–129

Pitching, avoiding, 42

Podcasts, 158–159

Post, Karen, on greatest referral, 123–124

PowerPoint, 42, 43

Press releases, 134

Prestige clients, 12, 21

“Pretenders,” 39–40

“Priming the pump,” 77–81

Private clubs, 142, 143

Professional organizations, 67–68, 225

Profit, identifying potential, 11

Promotions, utilizing past clients in current, 192–195

Prospects, potentially valuable, 176–178

Providing referrals, 101, 226–230

Publicity, 161–165, 173

Quality committees, 93

R&D teams, 93

Reading between the lines, 137

Reciprocal obligations, 138

Reciprocal value, 210


believing in, 101

demonstrating, 148

providing referrals as form of, 133, 226–230

Recognition factor (of clients), 20, 22

Recommendations, spontaneous, 72–73

Reconnaissance principle, 79

Reference potential, 12

References, 2, 154–155, 170

“Referral clubs,” 88

Referral culture, creating a, 234–238

Referral fees, 86–87, 148–152

Referral potential, 12

Referral sources, 4

approaching prospective, 82–86

developing a multitude of, 65–66

introductions from, 82

often overlooked, 134–135

potential, 57

reaching untapped, 131–135

rewarding, 86–89


from buyers who did not accept your proposal, 153

from colleagues, 217–221

defined, 1

exchanging, 87

maximizing your, 236–238

most credible, 1

providing, for reciprocity, 101, 226–230

references vs., 2

“referral,” 230–234

Rehearsing, 200

Repeat business, 2, 57

Requests for referrals (See Asking for referrals)

Resistance Preparatory principle, 80–81

Respect, showing, 101

Responsiveness, 100, 109

Retainers, 197–216

for life, 213–216

and Picasso Rule, 205–209

price guidelines for, 209–213

value of, 197

variables determining amount of, 198–201

when people don’t use your services, 201–205

Revenues, identifying potential, 11

Review committees, 93

Revlon, 155

Richards, Kelli, on greatest referral, 111–112

Rooney, Mickey, 142

Routines, weekly, 221–226

RSS feeds, 223

Russell, Bill, 206

Schmoozing, 138

“Scholarships,” 192

Scope creep, 95

Scope seep, 96

Second Wind (Russell), 206

“See the man,” 222

Self-esteem, 52–54

Serendipity, 139

“Serial developers,” 40

Service providers, 219–221

Setili, Amanda, on greatest referral, 112–114

Signature files, e-mail, 159

60 Minutes, 167

“Skeptic, the,” 30–31

Skills, transferring, 15

Sloan, Alfred P., 213

Sobell, Andrew, 230

Social media, 182, 223n.1

Soft referral requests, creating, 135–140

“Sole source,” 107

Sources of referrals (see Referral sources)

Spam filters, 182

Speed, 15

Sponsorships, 133

Standing committees, 93

Storm, John, 124–126

Strategies (for asking for referrals), 74, 77

Strengths, building on, 55

Success, visibility of, 16

Suggested improvements, 139

“Superficialist, the,” 32

Symchych, Phil, 121–122, 126

Tactics (for asking for referrals), 74–77

Targets, identifying, 227

Task forces, 93


collect referrals using, 157–160

collecting contact information using, 175

online communities and, 191

Teleconference series, 158–159

Testimonials, 2, 155

in e-mail signature files, 159

keeping, 193

older, 170–171

video, 155, 156, 158, 171, 194

Thanking others, 224

Thank-you notes, 87, 88, 148, 224

Third parties, 2, 69, 100

approaching, 82–86

benefit of referrals to, 79

interviews by, 158

Thought Leadership Workshops, 203



managing, 17, 225

in retainer relationships, 202–203

“Time-shifting,” 189

Topic, gaining agreement to discuss a, 61

Tracking key people, 179–187

Trade organizations, 67–68, 225

Training and development programs, 93

Travel expenses, 225

“Triage” technique, 109, 178, 180, 184, 194

Trust, 42

Trust line, 207

Trusting relationships, creating, 43, 48, 50

Twitter, 223n.1

Underpromise and overdeliver, 96

Unique value, demonstrating, 106–110

“Unreachable, the,” 33

Unspoken needs, 136–137

UPS, 188

Vagelos, Roy, 20

“Validator, the,” 30


belief in your own, 79

of clients, 2

demonstrating unique, 106–110

fees and perceptions of, 33–37

focusing on, 8–9

leveraging and, 51–52

maintaining a mentality of, 69–73

and nonbusiness referrals, 76

providing extra, 14–15, 67, 95–99

reciprocal, 210

of retainers, 197

using a blog to create, 181

of your product/service, 4

Value distance, 70–71

“Vault, the,” 26–28, 213–216

Victories, initial, 15

Video interviews, 158

Video testimonials, 155, 156, 158, 171, 194

Visible success, creating, 16

Voice mail, 158

Volunteering, 94, 133, 141


correcting, 55

observed, 137

Weekly routines, 221–226

Weiss, Alan:

Shawn Casemore on, 121–123

Monica Austin Gordon on, 125–126

Karen Post on, 123–124

Weiss, Mark F., on greatest referral, 123

Weiss Advice, 181

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There (Goldsmith), 203

Word of mouth, 4

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