RoundTable Management

This section describes tools and configuration settings for managing Microsoft RoundTable.

Installing the Microsoft RoundTable Management Tool

Before you can configure the RoundTable device, you must install the Microsoft RoundTable Management Tool, RoundTable.msi. You can obtain RoundTable.msi from the Microsoft Download Center (

By default, RoundTable.msi installs the End-User License Agreement (EULA) to the %ProgramFiles%Microsoft RoundTable directory and creates two directories—Device Management and Drivers—under this directory.

RoundTable.msi copies the following files to the Microsoft RoundTableDevice Management directory.

  • Rtmanage.exe. The Microsoft RoundTable Management Tool. The current version of this tool is in English only. For more information about how to use this tool, see the section titled "Using Rtmanage.exe" later in this chapter.

  • DeviceConfig.xsn. The Microsoft Office InfoPath template for RoundTable configuration.

  • DefaultConfig.xml. An example XML file for configuring the device.

RoundTable.msi copies the following files to the Microsoft RoundTableDriver directory.


Windows XP 32-bit edition uses the driver files in the following list. Windows Vista does not require these files.

  • Rtyuv.dll

  • RoundTable.inf


Using Rtmanage.exe

Rtmanage.exe is used with a switch that specifies one of following three modes:

  • Image mode

  • Diagnostic mode

  • Configuration mode

Table 19-13, Table 19-14, and Table 19-15 describe the mode commands and show the syntax for each mode. Image mode commands are used to update the firmware images of the RoundTable device’s operating system or boot loader, or to download a new configuration. Diagnostic mode commands are used to send diagnostic logs to the image update server. Configuration mode commands are used for a variety of purposes, including resetting the password, setting the device time, and uploading a device configuration to the image update server.

Table 19-15. Image Mode Commands



-m:img -help

Shows usage and flags of the image mode

-m:img -i:nk -f:<file path to nk.bin> -s:<file path to>

Performs a Universal Serial Bus (USB) image update of Nk.bin, the operating system of the RoundTable device.

-m:img -i:EBOOT -f:<file path to CPUEBOOT.bin> -s:<file path to>

Performs a USB image update of Cpueboot.bin, the boot loader of the RoundTable device.

-m:img -i:config -f:<file path to rtconfig.xml>

Downloads a new configuration file to the RoundTable device. The device must be rebooted before the new configuration takes effect.

All but two of the following operations will prompt the user for the RoundTable password. The operations that do not require a password are the following:

  • Rtmanage.exe -help

  • Rtmanage.exe -m:diag -l:flush

For clarity, Table 19-15, Table 19-16, and Table 19-17 show only the switches that are used with Rtmanage.exe. A complete command must include Rtmanage or Rtmanage.exe with the applicable switch, as in the following example.

Rtmanage <switch>
Rtmanage.exe <switch>

Table 19-16. Diagnostic Mode Commands



-m:diag -help

Shows usage and flags of the diagnostic mode.

-m:diag -l:flush

Flushes diagnostics to the image update server. The exact location will be referenced in future documentation for the Office Communications Server 2007 Update Service. You will not be prompted for a password for this operation.

Table 19-17. Configuration Mode Commands



-m:cfg -help

Shows usage and flags of the configuration mode.

-m:cfg -t:now

Sets the time of the RoundTable device with the time on the computer.

-m:cfg -r

Reboots the device.

-m:cfg -p

Sets the password for the device. The factory default password is 78491.

-m:cfg -q:cfgparseresult

Queries the parser result after a new configuration is downloaded to the device.

-m:cfg -f:rtconfig.xml

Uploads the RoundTable device configuration file to a server share on the Office Communications Server 2007 Update Service.

After you perform any of the image mode commands, you must reboot the RoundTable device. You can do this by using the Rtmanage boot command, as shown in the following example.

Rtmanage.exe m:cfg -r

Common Configuration Tasks

This section provides information about common tasks that can be performed for configuring RoundTable. For each command, it is assumed that you have the Command Prompt window open and that the current directory is %ProgramFiles%Microsoft RoundTableDevice Management.

Set the Time

The following command uses the computer’s time to reset the time on the RoundTable device:

Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -t:now

Change the Display Language

To change the display language on the RoundTable device, perform the following steps.

  1. Double-click DeviceConfig.xsn to launch the InfoPath form.

  2. In the LCD Display section of the InfoPath form, change the display language setting to the appropriate value.

  3. Save the file (as RTConfig.xml, for example) to the directory that contains Rtmanage. exe.

  4. Open a command prompt and run the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:img -i:config -f:RTConfig.xml
  5. Check for XML parsing errors by using the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -q:cfgparseresult
  6. If there is no error, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, fix the errors and repeat from step 3.

  7. Reboot the device by using the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -r

Change the Time Zone

To change the time zone on the RoundTable device, perform the following steps.

  1. Double-click DeviceConfig.xsn to launch the InfoPath form.

  2. In the Time section of the InfoPath form, change the Time Zone setting to the appropriate time zone.

  3. Save the file (as RTConfig.xml, for example) to the directory that contains Rtmanage. exe.

  4. Open a command prompt and run the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:img -i:config -f:RTConfig.xml
  5. Check for XML parsing errors by using the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -q:cfgparseresult
  6. If there are no errors, proceed to the next step. Otherwise, fix the errors and repeat from step 3.

  7. Reboot the device by using the following command:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -r

Get the Device’s Current Configuration

To see the RoundTable device’s current configuration settings, open a command prompt and run the following command:

Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -f:RTconfig.xml

The device configuration file will be uploaded to a server share on the Office Communications Server 2007 Update Service.

Update the Firmware Images

The fastest way to update the RoundTable device is by means of an automatic image update using the image update server. However, if you must update the device in the absence of the update server, you can use the USB image update function.

To update the device by using the USB image update function, perform the following steps.

  1. Obtain the latest firmware image files from the Microsoft Download Center. Following is the list of firmware image files:

    • Boot loader package: and CPUEBOOT.bin

    • Operating system package: and nk.bin

  2. To update the boot loader, run the following command at a command prompt:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:img -i:EBOOT -f:<file path to CPUEBOOT.bin> -s:<file path to>
  3. To update nk.bin, run the following command at a command prompt:

    Rtmanage.exe -m:img -i:nk -f:<file path to nk.bin> -s:<file path to>

Reset the Device to Factory Settings

A RoundTable device stores two copies of its firmware: a read-only copy that is installed at the factory and an updateable working copy. A RoundTable device ordinarily runs the updateable copy. When a device reset is performed, the working copy is erased. The device then uses the read-only factory firmware. The purpose of the factory firmware copy is to enable the user to update the RoundTable device with current firmware revisions without having to return the device to the factory.

If you forget your device password or the firmware images have become corrupted (due to a power outage, for example), you can undertake a factory reset by performing the following steps.

  1. Press and hold down the On/Off Hook button.

  2. While still holding down the On/Off Hook button, press and then release the Reset button at the back of the device. You will see a screen that prompts you to confirm that you want to continue with the reset or to continue without resetting.

  3. Press the Flash/Conference button if you want to proceed with the reset. Alternatively, press the Mute button to continue without resetting. Hold the Flash/Conference button until the device light-emitting diode (LED) lights start to blink. If you do not hold this button long enough, the factory reset will not occur and the device will restart.

After you perform a factory reset, apply the latest RoundTable firmware to the device to ensure the most secure operation and best performance. After a factory reset, you will need to reapply the configuration for your device.

Reset the Device Password

As a security best practice, change the device password from its default setting by running the following command line:

Rtmanage.exe -m:cfg -p

You will be prompted to enter the existing password, enter the new password, and then re-enter the new password.

The password contains American National Standards Institute (ANSI) characters and must be at least one character, but no more than 15 characters.


Failure to apply the latest RoundTable firmware after a factory reset can result in the device becoming noncompliant with telephony regulations in your country or region. Any liability resulting from failure to apply the latest firmware upgrade is the responsibility of the end user.

Upload the Diagnostics Logs

The following command line flushes diagnostic logs on the RoundTable device and sends them to the image update server.

rtmanage.exe -m:diag -l:flush

Interpreting the Diagnostics Logs

RoundTable writes to the CE log for hardware functional tests and critical system issues. To send the CE log to the Update Service server, open a command prompt and run the following command:

rtmanage.exe -m:diag -l:flush

This command causes the RoundTable CE log to be uploaded to a server share on the Office Communications Server 2007 Update Service. For the location of the file share, see the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 documentation.

The CE log for the device is written to a directory on the share. The directory name is the device’s product ID.

The CE log file name has the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS-CELOGn.clg, where n is 0 or 1. An example CE log file name is 20070501170926-CELOG0.clg.

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