The e-mailer – a common problem

E-mailing is something that every company needs to do. We need to communicate with our customers in order to send notifications, bills, or registration e-mails.

In the companies where I've worked before, e-mailing always presented a problem such as e-mails not being delivered, or being delivered twice, with the wrong content to the wrong customer, and so on. It looks terrifying that something as simple as sending an e-mail could be this complicated to manage.

In general, e-mail communication is the first candidate to write a microservice. Think about it:

  • E-mail does one thing
  • E-mail does it well
  • E-mail keeps its own data

It is also a good example of how the Conway's law kicks into our systems without being noticed. We design our systems modeling the existing communication in our company as we are constrained by it.

How to send e-mails

Back to the basics. How do we send e-mails? I am not talking about which network protocol we use for sending the e-mail or what are the minimum acceptable headers?

I am talking about what we need to send an e-mail from the business point of view:

  • A title
  • The content
  • A destination address

That is everything. We could have gone far, talking about acknowledgements, secure e-mail, BCCs, and so on. However, we are following the lean methodology: start with the minimum viable product and build up from it until you achieve the desired result.

I can't remember a project where the e-mail sending wasn't a controversial part. The product chosen to deliver e-mails ends up tightly coupled to the system and it is really hard to replace it seamlessly. However, microservices are here to rescue us.

Defining the interface

As I mentioned before, although it sounds easy, sending corporate e-mails could end up being a mess. Therefore, the first thing we need to clear is our minimum requirements:

  • How do we render the e-mail?
    • Does rendering the email belongs to the bound context of the email manipulation?
    • Do we create another microservice to render e-mails?
    • Do we use a third party to manage the e-mails?
  • Do we store the already sent e-mails for auditing purposes?

For this microservice, we are going to use Mandrill. Mandrill is a company that allows us to send corporate e-mails, track the already sent e-mails, and create e-mail templates that can be edited online.

Our microservice is going to look as shown in the following code:

var plugin = function(options) {
  var seneca = this;
   * Sends an email using a template email.
  seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send", template: "*"}, function(args, done) {
// TODO: More code to come.
   * Sends an email including the content.
  seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send"}, function(args, done) {
// TODO: More code to come.

We have two patterns: one that makes use of templates and the other that sends the content contained in the request.

As you can see, everything that we have defined here is information related to e-mailing. There is no bleeding from the Mandrill terminology into what the other microservices see in our e-mail sending. The only compromise that we are making is the templating. We are delegating the template rendering to the e-mail sender, but it is not a big deal, as even if we walk away from Mandrill, we will need to render the content somehow.

We will come back to the code later.

Setting up Mandrill

Mandrill is fairly easy to use and shouldn't be a problem to set up. However, we are going to use the test mode so that we can assure that the e-mails are not going to be delivered and we can access the API for all our needs.

The first thing we need to do is create an account on Mandrill. Just register with your e-mail at, and you should be able to access to it, as shown in the following screenshot:

Setting up Mandrill

Now we have created an account that we need to enter into the test mode. In order to do it, just click on your e-mail at the top-right corner and select the Turn on the test mode option from the menu. The Mandrill menu on the left will turn orange now.

Next, we need to create an API key. This key is the login information to be used by the Mandrill API. Just click on Settings and SMTP & API Info and add a new key (don't forget the checkbox to mark the key as test key). It should look like the following screenshot now:

Setting up Mandrill

The key is everything you need for now. Let's test the API:

var mandrill = require("mandrill-api/mandrill");
var mandrillClient = new mandrill.Mandrill("<YOUR-KEY-HERE>");{}, function(result){
}, function(e){

With these few lines, we have managed to test that Mandrill is up and running and we have a valid key. The output of this program should be something very similar to the following JSON:

Setting up Mandrill

Hands on – integrating Mandrill in your microservice

Everything is ready now. We have a working key and our interface. The only thing left is to create the code. We are going to use a small part of the Mandrill API, but if you want to make use of other features, you can find a better description here:

Let's take a look at the following code:

   * Sends an email including the content.
  seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send"}, function(args, done) {
    var message = {
      "html": args.content,
      "subject": args.subject,
      "to": [{
        "name": args.toName,
        "type": "to"
      "from_email": "[email protected]",
      "from_name": "Micromerce"
    mandrillClient.messages.send({"message": message}, function(result) {
      done(null, {status: result.status});
    }, function(e) {
      done({code:}, null);

This first method sends messages without using a template. We just get the HTML content (and a few other parameters) from our application and deliver it through Mandrill.

As you can see, we only have two contact points with the outer world: the parameters passed in and the return of our actions. Both of them have a clear contract that has nothing to do with Mandrill, but what about the data?

At the error, we are returning, assuming that it is a code. At some point, someone will end up branching the flow depending on this error code. Here, we have something called data coupling; our software components don't depend on the contract, but they do depend on the content sent across.

Now, the question is: how do we fix it? We can't. At least not in an easy way. We need to assume that our microservice is not perfect, it has a flaw. If we switch provider for e-mailing, we are going to need to revisit the calling code to check potential couplings.

In the world of software, in every single project that I've worked on before, there was always a big push trying to make the code as generic as possible, trying to guess the future, which usually could be as bad as assuming that your microservice won't be perfect. There is something that always attracted my attention: we put a large amount of effort in to perfection, but we pretty much ignore the fact that we are going to fail and we do can nothing about it. Software fails often and we need to be prepared for that.

Later, we will see a pattern to factor human nature into the microservices: the circuit breaker.

Don't be surprised if Mandrill rejects the e-mails due to the unsigned reason. This is due to the fact that they couldn't validate the domain from where we are sending the e-mail (in this case, a dummy domain that does not exist). If we want Mandrill to actually process the e-mails (even though we are in test mode), we just need to verify our domain by adding some configuration to it.


More information can be found in the Mandrill documentation here:

The second method to send e-mails is send an e-mail from a template. In this case, Mandrill provides a flexible API:

  • It provides per-recipient variables in case we send the e-mail to a list of customers
  • It has global variables
  • It allows content replacement (we can replace a full section)

For convenience, we are going to just use global variables as we are limited on space in this book.

Let's take a look at the following code:

   * Sends an email using a template email.
  seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send", template: "*"}, function(args, done) {
    var message = {
      "subject": args.subject,
      "to": [{
        "name": args.toName,
        "type": "to"
      "from_email": "[email protected]",
      "from_name": "Micromerce",
      "global_merge_vars": args.vars,
      {"template_name": args.template, "template_content": {}, "message": message}, 
    function(result) {
      done(null, {status: result.status});
    }, function(e) {
      done({code:}, null);

Now we can create our templates in Mandrill (and let someone else to manage them) and we are able to use them to send e-mails. Again, we are specializing. Our system specializes in sending e-mails and you leave the creation of the e-mails to someone else (maybe someone from the marketing team who knows how to talk to customers).

Let's analyze this microservice:

  • Data is stored locally: Not really (it is stored in Mandrill), but from the design point of view, it is
  • Our microservice is well cohesioned: It sends only e-mails; it does one thing, and does it well
  • The size of the microservice is correct: It can be understood in a few minutes, it does not have unnecessary abstractions and can be rewritten fairly easily

When we talked about the SOLID design principles earlier, we always skipped L, which stands for Liskov Substitution. Basically, this means that the software has to be semantically correct. For example, if we write an object-oriented program that handles one abstract class, the program has to be able to handle all the subclasses.

Coming back to Node.js, if our service is able to handle sending a plain e-mail, it should be easy to extend and add capabilities without modifying the existing ones.

Think about it from the day-to-day production operations point of view; if a new feature is added to your system, the last thing you want to do is retest the existing functionalities or even worse, deliver the feature to production, introducing a bug that no one was aware of.

Let's create a use case. We want to send the same e-mail to two recipients. Although Mandrill API allows the calling code to do it, we haven't factored in a potential CC.

Therefore, we are going to add a new action in Seneca that allows us to do it, as follows:

   * Sends an email including the content.
  seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send", cc: "*"}, function(args, done) {
    var message = {
      "html": args.content,
      "subject": args.subject,
      "to": [{
        "name": args.toName,
        "type": "to"
        "name": args.ccName,
        "type": "cc"
      "from_email": "[email protected]",
      "from_name": "Micromerce"
    mandrillClient.messages.send({"message": message}, function(result) {
      done(null, {status: result.status});
    }, function(e) {
      done({code:}, null);

We have instructed Seneca to take the calls that include cc in the list of parameters and send them using a Mandrill CC in the send API. If we want to use it, the following signature of the calling code will change:

seneca.act({area: "email", action: "send", subject: "The Subject", to: "[email protected]", toName: "Test Testingtong"}, function(err, result){
// More code here

The signature will change to the following code:

seneca.act({area: "email", action: "send", subject: "The Subject", to: "[email protected]", toName: "Test Testingtong", cc: "[email protected]", ccName: "Test 2"}, function(err, result){
// More code here

If you remember correctly, the pattern matching tries to match the most concrete input so that if an action matches with more parameters than another one, the call will be directed to it.

Here is where Seneca shines: We can call it polymorphism of actions, as we can define different versions of the same action with different parameters that end up doing slightly different things and enabling us to reutilize the code if we are 100% sure that this is the right thing to do (remember, microservices enforce the share-nothing approach: repeating the code might not be as bad as coupling two actions).

Here is the package.json for the e-mailer microservice:

  "name": "emailing",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "Emailing sub-system",
  "main": "index.js",
  "keywords": [
  "author": "David Gonzalez",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
  "mandrill-api": "^1.0.45",
  "seneca": "^0.8.0"

The fallback strategy

When you design a system, usually we think about replaceability of the existing components; for example, when using a persistence technology in Java, we tend to lean towards standards (JPA) so that we can replace the underlying implementation without too much effort.

Microservices take the same approach, but they isolate the problem instead of working towards an easy replaceability. If you read the preceding code, inside the Seneca actions, we have done nothing to hide the fact that we are using Mandrill to send the e-mails.

As I mentioned before, e-mailing is something that, although seems simple, always ends up giving problems.

Imagine that we want to replace Mandrill for a plain SMTP server such as Gmail. We don't need to do anything special, we just change the implementation and roll out the new version of our microservice.

The process is as simple as applying the following code:

var nodemailer = require('nodemailer');
var seneca = require("seneca")();
var transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
  service: 'Gmail',
  auth: {
    user: '[email protected]',
    pass: 'verysecurepassword'

 * Sends an email including the content.
seneca.add({area: "email", action: "send"}, function(args, done) {
  var mailOptions = {
    from: 'Micromerce Info <[email protected]>',
    subject: args.subject,
    html: args.body
  transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function(error, info){
      done({code: e}, null);
    done(null, {status: "sent"});

For the outer world, our simplest version of the e-mail sender is now using SMTP through Gmail to deliver our e-mails.

As we will see later in the book, delivering a new version of the same interface in a microservice network is fairly easy; as long as we respect the interface, the implementation should be irrelevant.

We could even roll out one server with this new version and send some traffic to it in order to validate our implementation without affecting all the customers (in other words, contain the failure).

We have seen how to write an e-mail sender in this section. We have worked through a few examples on how our microservice can be adapted quickly for new requirements as soon as the business requires new capabilities or we decide that our vendor is not good enough to cope with our technical requirements.

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