Key benefits

In the previous topic, we talked about what a microservices-oriented architecture is. I also exposed the design principles that I have learned from experience, as well as showed a few benefits of this type of architecture.

Now, it is time to outline these key benefits and show how they will help us to improve the quality of our software, as well as be able to quickly accommodate the new business requirements.


Resilience is defined in Wikipedia as the ability of a system to cope with change. I like to think about resilience as the ability of a system to gracefully recover from an exception (transitory hardware failure, unexpectedly high network latency, and so on) or a stress period without affecting the performance of the system once the situation has been resolved.

Although it sounds simple, when building microservices-oriented software, the source of problems broadens due to the distributed nature of the system, sometimes making it hard (or even impossible) to prevent all abnormal situations.

Resilience is the ability to gracefully recover from errors. It also adds another level of complexity: if one microservice is experiencing problems, can we prevent a general failure? Ideally, we should build our system in a way that the service response is degraded instead of resulting in a general failure, although this is not always easy.


Nowadays, one of the common problems in companies is the scalability of the systems. If you have worked on a monolithic software before, I am sure that you have experienced capacity problems at some point, alongside the growth of the company.

Usually, these problems are not across all the layers or subsystems of the application. There is always a subsystem or service that performs significantly slower than the rest, causing the entire application to fail if it is not able to cope with the demand.

The following diagram describes how a microservice can be scaled up (two mailing services) without interfering with the rest of the system:



An example of these weak points in the world of car insurance is the service that calculates the quote for a given list of risk factors. Would it make sense to scale the full application just to satisfy the demand for this particular part? If the answer that you have in mind is no, you are one step closer to embracing microservices. Microservices enable you to scale parts of the system as the demand ramps up for a particular area of it.

If our insurance system was a microservice-oriented software, the only thing needed to resolve the high demand for quote calculations would've been to spawn more instances of the microservice (or microservices) responsible for their calculation. Please bear in mind that scaling up services could add an overhead for operating them.

Technology heterogeneity

The world of software is changing every few months. New languages are coming to the industry as a de facto standard for a certain type of systems. A few years ago, Ruby on Rails appeared at the scene and rose as one of the most used web frameworks for new projects in 2013. Golang (a language created by Google) is becoming a trend nowadays as it combines huge performance with an elegant and simple syntax that can be learned by anyone with some experience in another programming language in a matter of days.

In the past, I have used Python and Java as successful alternatives to write microservices.

Java especially, since Spring Boot was released, is an attractive technology stack to write agile (to write and operate) microservices.

Django, is also a powerful framework on Python to write microservices. Being very similar to Ruby on Rails, it automates database migrations and makes the creation of CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) services an incredibly easy task.

Node.js took the advantage of a well-known language, JavaScript, to create a new server-side stack that is changing the way engineers create new software.

So, what is wrong in combining all of them? In all fairness, it is an advantage: we can choose the right tool for the right job.

Microservices-oriented architectures enable you to do it, as long as the integration technologies are standard. As you learned before, a microservice is a small and independent piece of software that can operate by itself.

The following diagram shows how the microservices hide data storage/gathering, having only the communication points in common—making them a good example of low coupling (one service implementation change won't interfere with any other service):

Technology heterogeneity

We have talked about performance earlier. There are always parts of our systems that are under more pressure than others. With modern multicore CPUs, parallel (concurrent) programming could solve some of these performance issues, however, Node.js is not a good language to parallelize tasks. We could choose to rewrite the microservice under pressure using a more appropriate language, such as Erlang, to manage concurrency in a more elegant way. It should take no more than two weeks to do it.

There is a downside to using multiple technologies on the same system: the developers and system administrators need to know all (or a few) of them. Companies that embraced microservices usually try to stick with one core technology (in this book, we will be using Node.js) and some auxiliary technologies (although we will be using Docker to manage the deployments, we could use Capistrano or Fabricator to manage the releases).


Replaceability is the ability to change one component of a system without interfering with how the system behaves.

When talking about software, replaceability comes along with low coupling. We should be writing our microservices in a way that the internal logic will not be exposed to the calling services so that the clients of a given service do not need to know about how it is implemented, just the interface. Let's take a look at the following example. It is written in Java as we only need to see the interface to identify the pitfalls:

public interface GeoIpService {
   * Checks if an IP is in the country given by an ISO code.
  boolean isIn(String ip, String isoCode) throws SOAPFaultException;

This interface, at first look, is self explanatory. It checks whether a given IP is in a given country and throws a SOAPFaultException, which is a big problem.

If we build the client that consumes this service, factoring into their logic, capture, and processing of the SoapFaultException, we are exposing internal implementation details to the outer world and making it hard to replace the GeoIpService interface. Also, the fact that we are creating a service related to a part of our application logic is an indication of the creation of a bounded context: a highly cohesive service or set of services that work together to achieve one purpose.


No matter how hard we try, the human brain is not designed to solve complex problems. The most efficient mode of functioning for the human brain is one thing at the time so that we break down complex problems into smaller ones. Microservices-oriented architectures should follow this approach: all the services should be independent and interact through the interface up to a point that they can be developed by different groups of engineers without any interaction, aside from agreeing the interfaces. This will enable a company adopting microservices to scale up, or down, the engineering teams, depending on the business needs, making the business agile in responding to peaks of demand or periods of quietness.

Why is replaceability important?

In a previous section, we talked about the right size of a microservice. As a general rule of thumb, a team should be able to rewrite and deploy a microservice in a sprint. The reason behind it is the technical debt.

I would define technical debt as the deviation from the original technical design to deliver the expected functionality within a planned deadline. Some of these sacrifices or wrong assumptions often lead to poorly written software that needs to be completely refactored or rewritten.

In the preceding example, the interface is exposing to the outer world the fact that we are using SOAP to call a web service, but we will need to change the code on the client side as a REST client has certainly nothing to do with SOAP exceptions.

Easy to deploy

Microservices should be easy to deploy.

Being software developers, we are well aware that a lot of things could go wrong, preventing a software from being deployed.

Microservices, as stated before, should be easy to deploy for a number of reasons, as stated in the following list:

  • Small amount of business logic (remember the two weeks re-write from scratch rule of thumb) leading into simpler deployments.
  • Microservices are autonomous units of work, so upgrading a service is a contained problem on a complex system. No need to re-deploy the entire system.
  • Infrastructure and configuration on microservices architectures should be automated as much as possible. Later in the book, we will learn how to use Docker to deploy microservices and what are the benefits over the traditional deployment techniques are.
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