Practice points for microservices development

For a successful microservice delivery, a number of development-to-delivery practices need to be considered, including the DevOps philosophy. In the previous chapters, you learned the different architecture capabilities of microservices. In this section, we will explore the nonarchitectural aspects of microservice developments.

Understanding business motivation and value

Microservices should not be used for the sake of implementing a niche architecture style. It is extremely important to understand the business value and business KPIs before selecting microservices as an architectural solution for a given problem. A good understanding of business motivation and business value will help engineers focus on achieving these goals in a cost-effective way.

Business motivation and value should justify the selection of microservices. Also, using microservices, the business value should be realizable from a business point of view. This will avoid situations where IT invests in microservices but there is no appetite from the business to leverage any of the benefits that microservices can bring to the table. In such cases, a microservices-based development would be an overhead to the enterprise.

Changing the mindset from project to product development

As discussed in Chapter 1, Demystifying Microservices, microservices are more aligned to product development. Business capabilities that are delivered using microservices should be treated as products. This is in line with the DevOps philosophy as well.

The mindset for project development and product development is different. The product team will always have a sense of ownership and take responsibility for what they produce. As a result, product teams always try to improve the quality of the product. The product team is responsible not only for delivering the software but also for production support and maintenance of the product.

Product teams are generally linked directly to a business department for which they are developing the product. In general, product teams have both an IT and a business representative. As a result, product thinking is closely aligned with actual business goals. At every moment, product teams understand the value they are adding to the business to achieve business goals. The success of the product directly lies with the business value being gained out of the product.

Because of the high-velocity release cycles, product teams always get a sense of satisfaction in their delivery, and they always try to improve on it. This brings a lot more positive dynamics within the team.

In many cases, typical product teams are funded for the long term and remain intact. As a result, product teams become more cohesive in nature. As they are small in size, such teams focus on improving their process from their day-to-day learnings.

One common pitfall in product development is that IT people represent the business in the product team. These IT representatives may not fully understand the business vision. Also, they may not be empowered to take decisions on behalf of the business. Such cases can result in a misalignment with the business and lead to failure quite rapidly.

It is also important to consider a collocation of teams where business and IT representatives reside at the same place. Collocation adds more binding between IT and business teams and reduces communication overheads.

Choosing a development philosophy

Different organizations take different approaches to developing microservices, be it a migration or a new development. It is important to choose an approach that suits the organization. There is a wide verity of approaches available, out of which a few are explained in this section.

Design thinking

Design thinking is an approach primarily used for innovation-centric development. It is an approach that explores the system from an end user point of view: what the customers see and how they experience the solution. A story is then built based on observations, patterns, intuition, and interviews.

Design thinking then quickly devises solutions through solution-focused thinking by employing a number of theories, logical reasoning, and assumptions around the problem. The concepts are expanded through brainstorming before arriving at a converged solution.

Once the solution is identified, a quick prototype is built to consider how the customer responds to it, and then the solution is adjusted accordingly. When the team gets satisfactory results, the next step is taken to scale the product. Note that the prototype may or may not be in the form of code.

Design thinking uses human-centric thinking with feelings, empathy, intuition, and imagination at its core. In this approach, solutions will be up for rethinking even for known problems to find innovative and better solutions.

The start-up model

More and more organizations are following the start-up philosophy to deliver solutions. Organizations create internal start-up teams with the mission to deliver specific solutions. Such teams stay away from day-to-day organizational activities and focus on delivering their mission.

Many start-ups kick off with a small, focused team—a highly cohesive unit. The unit is not worried about how they achieve things; rather, the focus is on what they want to achieve. Once they have a product in place, the team thinks about the right way to build and scale it.

This approach addresses quick delivery through production-first thinking. The advantage with this approach is that teams are not disturbed by organizational governance and political challenges. The team is empowered to think out of the box, be innovative, and deliver things. Generally, a higher level of ownership is seen in such teams, which is one of the key catalysts for success. Such teams employ just enough processes and disciplines to take the solution forward. They also follow a fail fast approach and course correct sooner than later.

The Agile practice

The most commonly used approach is the Agile methodology for development. In this approach, software is delivered in an incremental, iterative way using the principles put forth in the Agile manifesto. This type of development uses an Agile method such as Scrum or XP. The Agile manifesto defines four key points that Agile software development teams should focus on:

  • Individuals and interaction over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan


The 12 principles of Agile software development can be found at

Using the concept of Minimum Viable Product

Irrespective of the development philosophy explained earlier, it is essential to identify a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) when developing microservice systems for speed and agility.

Eric Ries, while pioneering the lean start-up movement, defined MVP as:

"A Minimum Viable Product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort."

The objective of the MVP approach is to quickly build a piece of software that showcases the most important aspects of the software. The MVP approach realizes the core concept of an idea and perhaps chooses those features that add maximum value to the business. It helps get early feedback and then course corrects as necessary before building a heavy product.

The MVP may be a full-fledged service addressing limited user groups or partial services addressing wider user groups. Feedback from customers is extremely important in the MVP approach. Therefore, it is important to release the MVP to the real users.

Overcoming the legacy hotspot

It is important to understand the environmental and political challenges in an organization before embarking on microservices development.

It is common in microservices to have dependencies on other legacy applications, directly or indirectly. A common issue with direct legacy integration is the slow development cycle of the legacy application. An example would be an innovative railway reservation system relaying on an age-old transaction processing facility (TPF) for some of the core backend features, such as reservation. This is especially common when migrating legacy monolithic applications to microservices. In many cases, legacy systems continue to undergo development in a non-Agile way with larger release cycles. In such cases, microservices development teams may not be able to move so quickly because of the coupling with legacy systems. Integration points might drag the microservices developments heavily. Organizational political challenges make things even worse.

There is no silver bullet to solve this issue. The cultural and process differences could be an ongoing issue. Many enterprises ring-fence such legacy systems with focused attention and investments to support fast-moving microservices. Targeted C-level interventions on these legacy platforms could reduce the overheads.

Addressing challenges around databases

Automation is key in microservices development. Automating databases is one of the key challenges in many microservice developments.

In many organizations, DBAs play a critical role in database management, and they like to treat the databases under their control differently. Confidentiality and access control on data is also cited as a reason for DBAs to centrally manage all data.

Many automation tools focus on the application logic. As a result, many development teams completely ignore database automation. Ignoring database automation can severely impact the overall benefits and can derail microservices development.

In order to avoid such situations, the database has to be treated in the same way as applications with appropriate source controls and change management. When selecting a database, it is also important to consider automation as one of the key aspects.

Database automation is much easier in the case of NoSQL databases but is hard to manage with traditional RDBMs. Database Lifecycle Management (DLM) as a concept is popular in the DevOps world, particularly to handle database automation. Tools such as DBmaestro, Redgate DLM, Datical DB, and Delphix support database automation.

Establishing self-organizing teams

One of the most important activities in microservices development is to establish the right teams for development. As recommended in many DevOps processes, a small, focused team always delivers the best results.

Establishing self-organizing teams

As microservices are aligned with business capabilities and are fairly loosely coupled products, it is ideal to have a dedicated team per microservice. There could be cases where the same team owns multiple microservices from the same business area representing related capabilities. These are generally decided by the coupling and size of the microservices.

Team size is an important aspect in setting up effective teams for microservices development. The general notion is that the team size should not exceed 10 people. The recommended size for optimal delivery is between 4 and 7. The founder of, Jeff Bezos, coined the theory of two-pizza teams. Jeff's theory says the team will face communication issues if the size gets bigger. Larger teams work with consensus, which results in increased wastage. Large teams also lose ownership and accountability. A yardstick is that the product owner should get enough time to speak to individuals in the team to make them understand the value of what they are delivering.

Teams are expected to take full ownership in ideating for, analyzing, developing, and supporting services. Werner Vogels from calls this you build it and you run it. As per Werner's theory, developers pay more attention to develop quality code to avoid unexpected support calls. The members in the team consist of fullstack developers and operational engineers. Such a team is fully aware of all the areas. Developers understand operations as well as operations teams understand applications. This not only reduces the changes of throwing mud across teams but also improves quality.

Teams should have multidisciplinary skills to satisfy all the capabilities required to deliver a service. Ideally, the team should not rely on external teams to deliver the components of the service. Instead, the team should be self-sufficient. However, in most organizations, the challenge is on specialized skills that are rare. For example, there may not be many experts on a graph database in the organization. One common solution to this problem is to use the concept of consultants. Consultants are SMEs and are engaged to gain expertise on specific problems faced by the team. Some organizations also use shared or platform teams to deliver some common capabilities.

Team members should have a complete understanding of the products, not only from the technical standpoint but also from the business case and the business KPIs. The team should have collective ownership in delivering the product as well as in achieving business goals together.

Agile software development also encourages having self-organizing teams. Self-organizing teams act as a cohesive unit and find ways to achieve their goals as a team. The team automatically align themselves and distribute the responsibilities. The members in the team are self-managed and empowered to make decisions in their day-to-day work. The team's communication and transparency are extremely important in such teams. This emphasizes the need for collocation and collaboration, with a high bandwidth for communication:

Establishing self-organizing teams

In the preceding diagram, both Microservice A and Microservice B represent related business capabilities. Self-organizing teams treat everyone in the team equally, without too many hierarchies and management overheads within the team. The management would be thin in such cases. There won't be many designated vertical skills in the team, such as team lead, UX manager, development manager, testing manager, and so on. In a typical microservice development, a shared product manager, shared architect, and a shared people manager are good enough to manage the different microservice teams. In some organizations, architects also take up responsibility for delivery.

Self-organizing teams have some level of autonomy and are empowered to take decisions in a quick and Agile mode rather than having to wait for long-running bureaucratic decision-making processes that exist in many enterprises. In many of these cases, enterprise architecture and security are seen as an afterthought. However, it is important to have them on board from the beginning. While empowering the teams with maximum freedom for developers in decision-making capabilities, it is equally important to have fully automated QA and compliance so as to ensure that deviations are captured at the earliest.

Communication between teams is important. However, in an ideal world, it should be limited to interfaces between microservices. Integrations between teams ideally has to be handled through consumer-driven contracts in the form of test scripts rather than having large interface documents describing various scenarios. Teams should use mock service implementations when the services are not available.

Building a self-service cloud

One of the key aspects that one should consider before embarking on microservices is to build a cloud environment. When there are only a few services, it is easy to manage them by manually assigning them to a certain predesignated set of virtual machines.

However, what microservice developers need is more than just an IaaS cloud platform. Neither the developers nor the operations engineers in the team should worry about where the application is deployed and how optimally it is deployed. They also should not worry about how the capacity is managed.

This level of sophistication requires a cloud platform with self-service capabilities, such as what we discussed in Chapter 9, Managing Dockerized Microservices with Mesos and Marathon, with the Mesos and Marathon cluster management solutions. Containerized deployment discussed in Chapter 8, Containerizing Microservices with Docker, is also important in managing and end to-end-automation. Building this self-service cloud ecosystem is a prerequisite for microservice development.

Building a microservices ecosystem

As we discussed in the capability model in Chapter 3, Applying Microservices Concepts, microservices require a number of other capabilities. All these capabilities should be in place before implementing microservices at scale.

These capabilities include service registration, discovery, API gateways, and an externalized configuration service. All are provided by the Spring Cloud project. Capabilities such as centralized logging, monitoring, and so on are also required as a prerequisite for microservices development.

Defining a DevOps-style microservice life cycle process

DevOps is the best-suited practice for microservices development. Organizations already practicing DevOps do not need another practice for microservices development.

In this section, we will explore the life cycle of microservices development. Rather than reinventing a process for microservices, we will explore DevOps processes and practices from the microservice perspective.

Before we explore DevOps processes, let's iron out some of the common terminologies used in the DevOps world:

  • Continuous integration (CI): This automates the application build and quality checks continuously in a designated environment, either in a time-triggered manner or on developer commits. CI also publishes code metrics to a central dashboard as well as binary artifacts to a central repository. CI is popular in Agile development practices.
  • Continuous delivery (CD): This automates the end-to-end software delivery practice from idea to production. In a non-DevOps model, this used to be known as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). One of the common interpretations of CD is that it is the next evolution of CI, which adds QA cycles into the integration pipeline and makes the software ready to release to production. A manual action is required to move it to production.
  • Continuous deployment: This is an approach to automating the deployment of application binaries to one or more environments by managing binary movement and associated configuration parameters. Continuous deployment is also considered as the next evolution of CD by integrating automatic release processes into the CD pipeline.
  • Application Release Automation (ARA): ARA tools help monitor and manage end-to-end delivery pipelines. ARA tools use CI and CD tools and manage the additional steps of release management approvals. ARA tools are also capable of rolling out releases to different environments and rolling them back in case of a failed deployment. ARA provides a fully orchestrated workflow pipeline, implementing delivery life cycles by integrating many specialized tools for repository management, quality assurance, deployment, and so on. XL Deploy and Automic are some of the ARA tools.

The following diagram shows the DevOps process for microservices development:

Defining a DevOps-style microservice life cycle process

Let's now further explore these life cycle stages of microservices development.

Value-driven planning

Value-driven planning is a term used in Agile development practices. Value-driven planning is extremely important in microservices development. In value-driven planning, we will identify which microservices to develop. The most important aspect is to identify those requirements that have the highest value to business and those that have the lowest risks. The MVP philosophy is used when developing microservices from the ground up. In the case of monolithic to microservices migration, we will use the guidelines provided in Chapter 3, Applying Microservices Concepts, to identify which services have to be taken first. The selected microservices are expected to precisely deliver the expected value to the business. Business KPIs to measure this value have to be identified as part of value-driven planning.

Agile development

Once the microservices are identified, development must be carried out in an Agile approach following the Agile manifesto principles. The scrum methodology is used by most of the organizations for microservices development.

Continuous integration

The continuous integration steps should be in place to automatically build the source code produced by various team members and generate binaries. It is important to build only once and then move the binary across the subsequent phases. Continuous integration also executes various QAs as part of the build pipeline, such as code coverage, security checks, design guidelines, and unit test cases. CI typically delivers binary artefacts to a binary artefact repository and also deploys the binary artefacts into one or more environments. Part of the functional testing also happens as part of CI.

Continuous testing

Once continuous integration generates the binaries, they are moved to the testing phase. A fully automated testing cycle is kicked off in this phase. It is also important to automate security testing as part of the testing phase. Automated testing helps improve the quality of deliverables. The testing may happen in multiple environments based on the type of testing. This could range from the integration test environment to the production environment to test in production.

Continuous release

Continuous release to production takes care of actual deployment, infrastructure provisioning, and rollout. The binaries are automatically shipped and deployed to production by applying certain rules. Many organizations stop automation with the staging environment and make use of manual approval steps to move to production.

Continuous monitoring and feedback

The continuous monitoring and feedback phase is the most important phase in Agile microservices development. In an MVP scenario, this phase gives feedback on the initial acceptance of the MVP and also evaluates the value of the service developed. In a feature addition scenario, this further gives insight into how this new feature is accepted by users. Based on the feedback, the services are adjusted and the same cycle is then repeated.

Automating the continuous delivery pipeline

In the previous section, we discussed the life cycle of microservices development. The life cycle stages can be altered by organizations based on their organizational needs but also based on the nature of the application. In this section, we will take a look at a sample continuous delivery pipeline as well as toolsets to implement a sample pipeline.

There are many tools available to build end-to-end pipelines, both in the open source and commercial space. Organizations can select the products of their choice to connect pipeline tasks.


Refer to the XebiaLabs periodic table for a tool reference to build continuous delivery pipelines. It is available at

The pipelines may initially be expensive to set up as they require many toolsets and environments. Organizations may not realize an immediate cost benefit in implementing the delivery pipeline. Also, building a pipeline needs high-power resources. Large build pipelines may involve hundreds of machines. It also takes hours to move changes through the pipeline from one end to the other. Hence, it is important to have different pipelines for different microservices. This will also help decoupling between the releases of different microservices.

Within a pipeline, parallelism should be employed to execute tests on different environments. It is also important to parallelize the execution of test cases as much as possible. Hence, designing the pipeline based on the nature of the application is important. There is no one size fits all scenario.

The key focus in the pipeline is on end-to-end automation, from development to production, and on failing fast if something goes wrong.

The following pipeline is an indicative one for microservices and explores the different capabilities that one should consider when developing a microservices pipeline:

Automating the continuous delivery pipeline

The continuous delivery pipeline stages are explained in the following sections.


The development stage has the following activities from a development perspective. This section also indicates some of the tools that can be used in the development stage. These tools are in addition to the planning, tracking, and communication tools such as Agile JIRA, Slack, and others used by Agile development teams. Take a look at the following:

  • Source code: The development team requires an IDE or a development environment to cut source code. In most organizations, developers get the freedom to choose the IDEs they want. Having said this, the IDEs can be integrated with a number of tools to detect violations against guidelines. Generally, Eclipse IDEs have plugins for static code analysis and code matrices. SonarQube is one example that integrates other plugins such as Checkstyle for code conventions, PMD to detect bad practices, FindBugs to detect potential bugs, and Cobertura for code coverage. It is also recommended to use Eclipse plugins such as ESVD, Find Security Bugs, SonarQube Security Rules, and so on to detect security vulnerabilities.
  • Unit test cases: The development team also produces unit test cases using JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, and so on. Unit test cases are written against components, repositories, services, and so on. These unit test cases are integrated with the local Maven builds. The unit test cases targeting the microservice endpoints (service tests) serve as the regression test pack. Web UI, if written in AngularJS, can be tested using Karma.
  • Consumer-driven contracts: Developers also write CDCs to test integration points with other microservices. Contract test cases are generally written as JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, and so on and are added to the service tests pack mentioned in the earlier steps.
  • Mock testing: Developers also write mocks to simulate the integration endpoints to execute unit test cases. Mockito, PowerMock, and others are generally used for mock testing. It is good practice to deploy a mock service based on the contract as soon as the service contract is identified. This acts as a simple mechanism for service virtualization for the subsequent phases.
  • Behavior driven design (BDD): The Agile team also writes BDD scenarios using a BDD tool, such as Cucumber. Typically, these scenarios are targeted against the microservices contract or the user interface that is exposed by a microservice-based web application. Cucumber with JUnit and Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver, respectively, are used in these scenarios. Different scenarios are used for functional testing, user journey testing, as well as acceptance testing.
  • Source code repository: A source control repository is a part and parcel of development. Developers check-in their code to a central repository, mostly with the help of IDE plugins. One microservice per repository is a common pattern used by many organizations. This disallows other microservice developers from modifying other microservices or writing code based on the internal representations of other microservices. Git and Subversion are the popular choices to be used as source code repositories.
  • Build tools: A build tool such as Maven or Gradle is used to manage dependencies and build target artifacts—in this case, Spring Boot services. There are many cases, such as basic quality checks, security checks and unit test cases, code coverage, and so on, that are integrated as part of the build itself. These are similar to the IDE, especially when IDEs are not used by developers. The tools that we examined as part of the IDEs are also available as Maven plugins. The development team does not use containers such as Docker until the CI phase of the project. All the artifacts have to be versioned properly for every change.
  • Artifact repository: The artifact repository plays a pivotal role in the development process. The artifact repository is where all build artifacts are stored. The artifact repository could be Artifactory, Nexus, or any similar product.
  • Database schemas: Liquibase and Flyway are commonly used to manage, track, and apply database changes. Maven plugins allow interaction with the Liquibase or Flyway libraries. The schema changes are versioned and maintained, just like source code.

Continuous integration

Once the code is committed to the repository, the next phase, continuous integration, automatically starts. This is done by configuring a CI pipeline. This phase builds the source code with a repository snapshot and generates deployable artifacts. Different organizations use different events to kickstart the build. A CI start event may be on every developer commit or may be based on a time window, such as daily, weekly, and so on.

The CI workflow is the key aspect of this phase. Continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Bamboo, and others play the central role of orchestrating the build pipeline. The tool is configured with a workflow of activities to be invoked. The workflow automatically executes configured steps such as build, deploy, and QA. On the developer commit or on a set frequency, the CI kickstarts the workflow.

The following activities take place in a continuous integration workflow:

  1. Build and QA: The workflow listens to Git webhooks for commits. Once it detects a change, the first activity is to download the source code from the repository. A build is executed on the downloaded snapshot source code. As part of the build, a number of QA checks are automatically performed, similarly to QA executed in the development environment. These include code quality checks, security checks, and code coverage. Many of the QAs are done with tools such as SonarQube, with the plugins mentioned earlier. It also collects code metrics such as code coverage and more and publishes it to a central database for analysis. Additional security checks are executed using OWASP ZAP Jenkins' plugins. As part of the build, it also executes JUnit or similar tools used to write test cases. If the web application supports Karma for UI testing, Jenkins is also capable of running web tests written in Karma. If the build or QA fails, it sends out alarms as configured in the system.
  2. Packaging: Once build and QA are passed, the CI creates a deployable package. In our microservices case, it generates the Spring Boot standalone JAR. It is recommended to build Docker images as part of the integration build. This is the one and only place where we build binary artifacts. Once the build is complete, it pushes the immutable Docker images to a Docker registry. This could be on Docker Hub or a private Docker registry. It is important to properly version control the containers at this stage itself.
  3. Integration tests: The Docker image is moved to the integration environment where regression tests (service tests) and the like are executed. This environment has other dependent microservices capabilities, such as Spring Cloud, logging, and so on, in place. All dependent microservices are also present in this environment. If an actual dependent service is not yet deployed, service virtualization tools such as MockServer are used. Alternately, a base version of the service is pushed to Git by the respective development teams. Once successfully deployed, Jenkins triggers service tests (JUnits against services), a set of end-to-end sanity tests written in Selenium WebDriver (in the case of web) and security tests with OWASP ZAP.

Automated testing

There are many types of testing to be executed as part of the automated delivery process before declaring the build ready for production. The testing may happen by moving the application across multiple environments. Each environment is designated for a particular kind of testing, such as acceptance testing, performance testing, and so on. These environments are adequately monitored to gather the respective metrics.

In a complex microservices environment, testing should not be seen as a last-minute gate check; rather, testing should be considered as a way to improve software quality as well as to avoid last-minute failures. Shift left testing is an approach of shifting tests as early as possible in the release cycle. Automated testing turns software development to every-day development and every-day testing mode. By automating test cases, we will avoid manual errors as well as the effort required to complete testing.

CI or ARA tools are used to move Docker images across multiple test environments. Once deployed in an environment, test cases are executed based on the purpose of the environment. By default, a set of sanity tests are executed to verify the test environment.

In this section, we will cover all the types of tests that are required in the automated delivery pipeline, irrespective of the environment. We have already considered some types of tests as part of the development and integration environment. Later in this section, we will also map test cases against the environments in which they are executed.

Different candidate tests for automation

In this section, we will explore different types of tests that are candidates for automation when designing an end-to-end delivery pipeline. The key testing types are described as follows.

Automated sanity tests

When moving from one environment to another, it is advisable to run a few sanity tests to make sure that all the basic things are working. This is created as a test pack using JUnit service tests, Selenium WebDriver, or a similar tool. It is important to carefully identify and script all the critical service calls. Especially if the microservices are integrated using synchronous dependencies, it is better to consider these scenarios to ensure that all dependent services are also up and running.

Regression testing

Regression tests ensure that changes in software don't break the system. In a microservices context, the regression tests could be at the service level (Rest API or message endpoints) and written using JUnit or a similar framework, as explained earlier. Service virtualizations are used when dependent services are not available. Karma and Jasmine can be used for web UI testing.

In cases where microservices are used behind web applications, Selenium WebDriver or a similar tool is used to prepare regression test packs, and tests are conducted at the UI level rather than focusing on the service endpoints. Alternatively, BDD tools, such as Cucumber with JUnit or Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver, can also be used to prepare regression test packs. CI tools such as Jenkins or ARA are used to automatically trigger regression test packs. There are other commercial tools, such as TestComplete, that can also be used to build regression test packs.

Automated functional testing

Functional test cases are generally targeted at the UIs that consume the microservices. These are business scenarios based on user stories or features. These functional tests are executed on every build to ensure that the microservice is performing as expected.

BDD is generally used in developing functional test cases. Typically in BDD, business analysts write test cases in a domain-specific language but in plain English. Developers then add scripts to execute these scenarios. Automated web testing tools such as Selenium WebDriver are useful in such scenarios, together with BDD tools such as Cucumber, JBehave, SpecFlow, and so on. JUnit test cases are used in the case of headless microservices. There are pipelines that combine both regression testing and functional testing as one step with the same set of test cases.

Automated acceptance testing

This is much similar to the preceding functional test cases. In many cases, automated acceptance tests generally use the screenplay or journey pattern and are applied at the web application level. The customer perspective is used in building the test cases rather than features or functions. These tests mimic user flows.

BDD tools such as Cucumber, JBehave, and SpecFlow are generally used in these scenarios together with JUnit or Selenium WebDriver, as discussed in the previous scenario. The nature of the test cases is different in functional testing and acceptance testing. Automation of acceptance test packs is achieved by integrating them with Jenkins. There are many other specialized automatic acceptance testing tools available on the market. FitNesse is one such tool.

Performance testing

It is important to automate performance testing as part of the delivery pipeline. This positions performance testing from a gate check model to an integral part of the delivery pipeline. By doing so, bottlenecks can be identified at very early stages of build cycles. In some organizations, performance tests are conducted only for major releases, but in others, performance tests are part of the pipeline. There are multiple options for performance testing. Tools such as JMeter, Gatling, Grinder, and so on can be used for load testing. These tools can be integrated into the Jenkins workflow for automation. Tools such as BlazeMeter can then be used for test reporting.

Application Performance Management tools such as AppDynamics, New Relic, Dynatrace, and so on provide quality metrics as part of the delivery pipeline. This can be done using these tools as part of the performance testing environment. In some pipelines, these are integrated into the functional testing environment to get better coverage. Jenkins has plugins in to fetch measurements.

Real user flow simulation or journey testing

This is another form of test typically used in staging and production environments. These tests continuously run in staging and production environments to ensure that all the critical transactions perform as expected. This is much more useful than a typical URL ping monitoring mechanism. Generally, similar to automated acceptance testing, these test cases simulate user journeys as they happen in the real world. These are also useful to check whether the dependent microservices are up and running. These test cases could be a carved-out subset of acceptance test cases or test packs created using Selenium WebDriver.

Automated security testing

It is extremely important to make sure that the automation does not violate the security policies of the organization. Security is the most important thing, and compromising security for speed is not desirable. Hence, it is important to integrate security testing as part of the delivery pipeline. Some security evaluations are already integrated in the local build environment as well as in the integration environment, such as SonarQube, Find Security Bugs, and so on. Some security aspects are covered as part of the functional test cases. Tools such as BDD-Security, Mittn, and Gauntlt are other security test automation tools following the BDD approach. VAPT can be done using tools such as ImmuniWeb. OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite are other useful tools in security testing.

Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing is a manual testing approach taken by testers or business users to validate the specific scenarios that they think automated tools may not capture. Testers interact with the system in any manner they want without prejudgment. They use their intellect to identify the scenarios that they think some special users may explore. They also do exploratory testing by simulating certain user behavior.

A/B testing, canary testing, and blue-green deployments

When moving applications to production, A/B testing, blue-green deployments, and canary testing are generally applied. A/B testing is primarily used to review the effectiveness of a change and how the market reacts to the change. New features are rolled out to a certain set of users. Canary release is moving a new product or feature to a certain community before fully rolling out to all customers. Blue-green is a deployment strategy from an IT point of view to test the new version of a service. In this model, both blue and green versions are up and running at some point of time and then gracefully migrate from one to the other.

Other nonfunctional tests

High availability and antifragility testing (failure injection tests) are also important to execute before production. This helps developers unearth unknown errors that may occur in a real production scenario. This is generally done by breaking the components of the system to understand their failover behavior. This is also helpful to test circuit breakers and fallback services in the system. Tools such as Simian Army are useful in these scenarios.

Testing in production

Testing in Production (TiP) is as important as all the other environments as we can only simulate to a certain extend. There are two types of tests generally executed against production. The first approach is running real user flows or journey tests in a continuous manner, simulating various user actions. This is automated using one of the Real User Monitoring (RUM) tools, such as AppDynamics. The second approach is to wiretap messages from production, execute them in a staging environment, and then compare the results in production with those in the staging environment.

Antifragility testing

Antifragility testing is generally conducted in a preproduction environment identical to production or even in the production environment by creating chaos in the environment to take a look at how the application responds and recovers from these situations. Over a period of time, the application gains the ability to automatically recover from most of these failures. Simian Army is one such tool from Netflix. Simian Army is a suite of products built for the AWS environment. Simian Army is for disruptive testing using a set of autonomous monkeys that can create chaos in the preproduction or production environments. Chaos Monkey, Janitor Monkey, and Conformity Monkey are some of the components of Simian Army.

Target test environments

The different test environments and the types of tests targeted on these environments for execution are as follows:

  • Development environment: The development environment is used to test the coding style checks, bad practices, potential bugs, unit tests, and basic security scanning.
  • Integration test environment: Integration environment is used for unit testing and regression tests that span across multiple microservices. Some basic security-related tests are also executed in the integration test environment.
  • Performance and diagnostics: Performance tests are executed in the performance test environment. Application performance testing tools are deployed in these environments to collect performance metrics and identify bottlenecks.
  • Functional test environment: The functional test environment is used to execute a sanity test and functional test packs.
  • UAT environment: The UAT environment has sanity tests, automated acceptance test packs, and user journey simulations.
  • Staging: The preproduction environment is used primarily for sanity tests, security, antifragility, network tests, and so on. It is also used for user journey simulations and exploratory testing.
  • Production: User journey simulations and RUM tests are continuously executed in the production environment.

Making proper data available across multiple environments to support test cases is the biggest challenge. Delphix is a useful tool to consider when dealing with test data across multiple environments in an effective way.

Continuous deployment

Continuous deployment is the process of deploying applications to one or more environments and configuring and provisioning these environments accordingly. As discussed in Chapter 9, Managing Dockerized Microservices with Mesos and Marathon, infrastructure provisioning and automation tools facilitate deployment automation.

From the deployment perspective, the released Docker images are moved to production automatically once all the quality checks are successfully completed. The production environment, in this case, has to be cloud based with a cluster management tool such as Mesos or Marathon. A self-service cloud environment with monitoring capabilities is mandatory.

Cluster management and application deployment tools ensure that application dependencies are properly deployed. This automatically deploys all the dependencies that are required in case any are missing. It also ensures that a minimum number of instances are running at any point in time. In case of failure, it automatically rolls back the deployments. It also takes care of rolling back upgrades in a graceful manner.

Ansible, Chef, or Puppet are tools useful in moving configurations and binaries to production. The Ansible playbook concepts can be used to launch a Mesos cluster with Marathon and Docker support.

Monitoring and feedback

Once an application is deployed in production, monitoring tools continuously monitor its services. Monitoring and log management tools collect and analyze information. Based on the feedback and corrective actions needed, information is fed to the development teams to take corrective actions, and the changes are pushed back to production through the pipeline. Tools such as APM, Open Web Analytics, Google Analytics, Webalizer, and so on are useful tools to monitor web applications. Real user monitoring should provide end-to-end monitoring. QuBit, Boxever, Channel Site, MaxTraffic, and so on are also useful in analyzing customer behavior.

Automated configuration management

Configuration management also has to be rethought from a microservices and DevOps perspective. Use new methods for configuration management rather than using a traditional statically configured CMDB. The manual maintenance of CMDB is no longer an option. Statically managed CMDB requires a lot of mundane tasks to maintain entries. At the same time, due to the dynamic nature of the deployment topology, it is extremely hard to maintain data in a consistent way.

The new styles of CMDB automatically create CI configurations based on an operational topology. These should be discovery based to get up-to-date information. The new CMDB should be capable of managing bare metals, virtual machines, and containers.

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