Hidden Process

Not all processes are linked into a list that some commands traverse such as !process 0 0. A process may unlink itself or be in an initialization stage. However, a process structure is allocated from nonpaged pool and such pool can be searched for ”Proc” pool tag (unless a process changes that in memory). For example:

0: kd> !poolfind Proc
Searching NonPaged pool (83c3c000 : 8bc00000) for Tag: Proc
*87b15000 size:  298 previous size:     0  (Free)      Pro.
*87b18370 size:  298 previous size:    98  (Allocated) Proc (Protected)
*8a35e900 size:  298 previous size:    30  (Allocated) Proc (Protected)
*8a484000 size:  298 previous size:     0  (Allocated) Proc (Protected)
*8a4a2d68 size:  298 previous size:    28  (Allocated) Proc (Protected)

One such structure is missing from active process linked list (note that it has a parent PID):

0: kd> !process 8a484000+20
PROCESS 8a484020  SessionId: 0  Cid: 05a0    Peb: 00000000  ParentCid:
DirBase: bffc2200  ObjectTable: e17e6a78  HandleCount:   0.
Image: AppChild.exe
VadRoot 8a574f80 Vads 4 Clone 0 Private 3. Modified 0. Locked 0.
DeviceMap e1002898
Token                             e1a36030
ElapsedTime                       00:00:00.000
UserTime                          00:00:00.000
KernelTime                        419 Days 13:24:16.625
QuotaPoolUsage[PagedPool]         7580
QuotaPoolUsage[NonPagedPool]      160
Working Set Sizes (now,min,max)  (12, 50, 345) (48KB, 200KB, 1380KB)
PeakWorkingSetSize                12
VirtualSize                       1 Mb
PeakVirtualSize                   1 Mb
PageFaultCount                    5
MemoryPriority                    BACKGROUND
BasePriority                      8
CommitCharge                      156

    No active threads

We may think that this process is zombie (note that unlike terminated processes it has a non-zero data such as VAD and object table and zero PEB and elapsed time) but inspection of its parent process thread stacks reveals that it was in the process of creation (note an attached process field):

THREAD 8a35dad8  Cid 0244.0248  Teb: 7ffdd000 Win32Thread: bc3aa688 WAIT:
(Unknown) KernelMode Non-Alertable
ba971608  NotificationEvent
Impersonation token:  e2285030 (Level Impersonation)
DeviceMap                 e1a31a58
Owning Process            8a35e920       Image:         AppParent.exe
Attached Process          8a484020       Image:         AppChild.exe
Wait Start TickCount      2099           Ticks: 1 (0:00:00:00.015)
Context Switch Count      279                 LargeStack
UserTime                  00:00:00.046
KernelTime                00:00:00.046
Win32 Start Address AppParent!mainCRTStartup (0×0100d303)
Start Address kernel32!BaseProcessStartThunk (0×77e617f8)
Stack Init ba972000 Current ba971364 Base ba972000 Limit ba96e000 Call 0
Priority 8 BasePriority 8 PriorityDecrement 0
ChildEBP RetAddr
ba97137c 80833f2d nt!KiSwapContext+0×26
ba9713a8 80829c72 nt!KiSwapThread+0×2e5
ba9713f0 bad3c9db nt!KeWaitForSingleObject+0×346
ba971b94 8094cfc3 nt!MmCreatePeb+0×2cc
ba971ce4 8094d42d nt!PspCreateProcess+0×5a9
ba971d38 8088b4ac nt!NtCreateProcessEx+0×77
ba971d38 7c82845c nt!KiFastCallEntry+0xfc (TrapFrame @ ba971d64)
0006f498 7c826d09 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
0006f49c 77e6cf95 ntdll!ZwCreateProcessEx+0xc
0006fcc0 7d1ec670 kernel32!CreateProcessInternalW+0×15e5
0006fd0c 01008bcf ADVAPI32!CreateProcessAsUserW+0×108
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