0:007> !address

Mapping file section regions...
Mapping parts regions...
Mapping page regions...
Mapping appendix regions...
Mapping WinDbg commands regions...

    BaseAddress     EndAddress+1        RegionSize     Protect
    0`00000000      0`0020B000          0`0020B000     PAGE_EXECUTE_READ

0:007> !address -summary

--- Usage Summary ---------------- RgnCount  %ofTotal
crash dump analysis patterns             66    24.44%
log and trace analysis patterns          48    17.77%
core dump analysis patterns              18     6.66%
malware analysis patterns                10     3.70%
other patterns                            7     2.59%
and more                                120    44.84%

7: kd> !memusage
 loading PFN database
loading (100% complete)
Compiling memory usage data (99% Complete).
        Crash dump analysis patterns:   135
     Trace and log analysis patterns:    75
         Core dump analysis patterns:    38
           Malware analysis patterns:    20
  Software diagnostics and debugging:    90
                Software narratology:    16
                          Philosophy:    20
                                 Art:    45
                                 Fun:    30
                          Transition:    36
                                Zero:    18
                             Unknown:     0
                               TOTAL:   523
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