Using splatting with ArgumentList

The ArgumentList parameter of Invoke-Command does not offer a means of passing named arguments to a command.

Splatting allows parameters to be defined using a hashtable. Splatting uses the following format:

$params = @{ 
    ID = $PID 
Get-Process @params 

The at symbol (@) is used to instruct PowerShell that the hashtable contains a set of parameters to a command.

The following example uses splatting to pass parameters. The function is defined on the local system, and the definition of the function is passed to the remote system:

# A function which exists on the current system 
function Get-FreeSpace { 
    param ( 
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] 
    [Math]::Round((Get-PSDrive $Name).Free / 1GB, 2) 
# Define parameters to pass to the function 
$params = @{ 
    Name = 'c' 
# Execute the function with a named set of parameters 
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { 
param ( $definition, $params ) 
& ([ScriptBlock]::Create($definition)) @params  
} -ArgumentList ${function:Get-FreeSpace}, $params -ComputerName $computerName 

In the preceding example, the definition of the Get-FreeSpace function is passed as an argument along with the requested parameters. The script block used with Invoke-Command converts the definition into a ScriptBlock and executes it.

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