How Base64 works

Base64 has 64 possible values between 0 and 63. Each value (an index) has a character associated with it. The characters, in order, are A to Z, then a to z, then 0 to 9, and finally + and /. The = character is used as a padding character.

The base64 index 9 is the character J, index 56 is the character 4, and so on. We can have PowerShell make this array for us:

[char[]]$base64Characters = [int][char]'A'..[int][char]'Z' + 
                            [int][char]'a'..[int][char]'z' + 
$base64Characters += '+', '/' 

The following process is used to convert the ASCII string He to base64.

Convert the characters to bytes:








PowerShell can convert characters to ASCII values using the following:


To illustrate the process, the two values are converted into bits:

01001000 01100101 

The Convert class can perform this step in PowerShell:

[Convert]::ToString([int][char]'H', 2).PadLeft(8, '0') 
[Convert]::ToString([int][char]'e', 2).PadLeft(8, '0') 

Base64 uses a six-bit boundary (instead of eight), that gives three distinct indexes:

010010 = 2 + 16 = 18 
000110 = 2 + 4  = 6 
010100 = 4 + 16 = 20   # Padded on the right to make 6 bits 

These indexes have base64 characters associated with them, S, G, and U in turn.

The base64 string now needs padding until it fits into a sequence of bytes (is divisible by 8). The entire process, including the padding, is shown following:

The process can be implemented in PowerShell, even if it is slower than Convert.ToBase64String. In this example, the bits are treated as a string:

function ConvertTo-Base64 { 
    # Generate the base64 character set 
    [char[]]$base64Characters = [int][char]'A'..[int][char]'Z' + 
                                [int][char]'a'..[int][char]'z' + 
    $base64Characters += '+', '/' 
    [String]$bits = $string.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {  
        [Convert]::ToString([int][char]$_, 2).PadLeft(8, '0') 
    $bits = $bits -replace ' ' 
    $base64String = '' 
    # Get the 6-bit fragments and convert each to an index 
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $bits.Length; $i += 6) { 
        # Get the bits for the index 
        if ($bits.Length - $i -lt 6) { 
            # If fewer than 6 characters remain, get all of them 
            $indexBits = $bits.Substring($i, $bits.Length - $i) 
        } else { 
            # Get 6 characters 
            $indexBits = $bits.Substring($i, 6) 
        # Pad the right so the 6-bit value is correctly padded 
        # then pad the left so it can be converted to a byte 
        $indexBits = $indexBits.PadRight(6, '0').PadLeft(8, '0') 
        # Convert the bit string to a byte 
        $index = [Convert]::ToByte($indexBits, 2) 
        # Get the base64 character 
        $base64String += $base64Characters[$index] 
    # Pad the base64 string until length is divisible by 6 and 8 
    $length = $bits.Length 
    while ($length % 8 -ne 0 -or $length % 6 -ne 0) { 
        if ($length % 6 -eq 0) { 
            # Add the padding character 
            $base64String += '=' 
    return $base64String 
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