Where-Object command

Filtering the output from commands may be performed using Where-Object. For example, we might filter processes that started after 5 p.m. today:

Get-Process | Where-Object StartTime -gt (Get-Date 17:00:00) 

The syntax shown in help for Where-Object does not quite match the syntax used here. The help text is as follows:

Where-Object [-Property] <String> [[-Value] <Object>] -GT ...

In the preceding example, we see the following:

  • StartTime is the argument for the Property parameter (first argument by position)
  • The comparison is greater than, as signified by the gt switch parameter
  • The date (using the Get-Date command) is the argument for the Value parameter (second argument by position)

Based on that, the example might be written as follows:

Get-Process | Where-Object -Property StartTime -Value (Get-Date 17:00:00) -gt 

However, it is far easier to read StartTime is greater than <some date>, so most examples tend to follow that pattern.

Where-Object will also accept filters using the FilterScript parameter.

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