Working with namespaces

If an XML document includes a namespace, then queries for elements within the document are more difficult. Not only must the namespace tag be included, but an XmlNamespaceManager must be defined.

Select-Xml builds a namespace manager based on the content of a hashtable when the Namespace parameter is used:

$xml = @" 
<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<cars xmlns:c="http://example/cars"> 
<car type="Saloon"> 
Select-Xml '//car/c:engine' -Namespace @{c='http://example/cars'} -Xml $xml 

If the SelectNodes method is being used, the XmlNamespaceManager must be built and then passed as an argument:

$namespaceManager = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($xml.NameTable) 
$namespaceManager.AddNamespace('c', 'http://example/cars') 

XML documents, such as group policy reports, are difficult to work with as they often contain many different namespaces. Each of the possible namespaces must be added to a namespace manager.

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