Chapter 22
Understanding the Excel Object Model and Key Objects

This chapter shows you how to start working with the Excel object model, the architecture underlying Excel. It also shows you how to perform common tasks with the most frequently useful Excel objects. These objects include the Workbooks collection and the Workbook object, the ActiveCell object, and Range objects. You'll also see how to set options in Excel.

Getting an Overview of the Excel Object Model

As with the other Office applications, it's not necessary (or even possible for most people) to understand how the entire Excel object model fits together in order to work with VBA in Excel. However, you'll find that knowing a bit about the main objects in the object model is helpful. And as usual, the code examples in the Help system's object-model reference are invaluable—showing you how and where to employ objects in your own programming.

To see the Excel object-model reference, follow these steps:

  1. Launch or activate Excel, and then click Developer ➢ Visual Basic to activate the VBA Editor.

    Unfortunately, Excel 2019 has a rather poor substitute for its previous (and Word's current) help system. Rather than being taken online to MSDN, you're presented with a help section on the Ribbon. You'll find two search tools (one is called Tell me what you want to do…). Alas, neither tool is of much use when working with objects. They can't even find object model.

  2. So just type this URL into your browser's address field:

  3. Please ignore the references to 2016 on that web page. The object model was updated October 2018.

    You now have access (in the left pane of this web page) to the whole collection of syntax specifications, useful descriptions, and code examples, as shown in Figure 22.1.

Screenshot displaying a list of entries in the Excel object model reference that will help the user write their own VBA code.

Figure 22.1 The entries in the Excel object model reference will help you write your own VBA code.

Understanding Excel's Creatable Objects

Excel exposes (makes available for your use in code) various creatable objects, meaning that you can employ most of the important objects in its object model without explicitly going through (mentioning) the Application object. And, for most programming purposes, these creatable objects are the most commonly used objects. Here's a list:

  • The Workbooks collection contains the Workbook objects that represent all the open workbooks.
    • Within a workbook, the Sheets collection contains the Worksheet objects that represent the worksheets and the Chart objects that represent chart sheets.
    • On a sheet, the Range object gives you access to ranges, which can be anything from an individual cell to a complete worksheet.

    Remember that, because the Workbook object is creatable, you need not write Application.Workbooks in your code. You can leave off the Application and merely write Workbooks.

  • The ActiveWorkbook object represents the currently active workbook.
  • The ActiveSheet object represents the active worksheet.
  • The Windows collection contains the Window objects that represent all the open windows.
  • The ActiveWindow object represents the active window. When using this object, be sure to check that the window it represents is the type of window you want to manipulate, because the object returns whatever window currently has the focus.
  • The ActiveCell object represents, you guessed it, the active cell. This object is especially valuable for simple procedures (for example, those that compute values or correct formatting) that work on a cell selected by the user.

Managing Workbooks

In many of your Excel procedures, you'll need to manipulate workbooks: creating new workbooks, saving them in various locations and formats, opening, closing, and printing them. To accomplish these tasks, you employ the Workbooks collection, which contains a Workbook object for each open workbook in Excel.

Creating a Workbook

To create a new workbook, use the Add method with the Workbooks collection. The syntax is as follows:


Here, Template is an optional Variant argument that specifies how to create the workbook. The following subsections discuss the available options.


To create a blank workbook (same as if you'd clicked the File tab on the Ribbon and then clicked the New button), omit the Template argument:


The new workbook receives the number of sheets specified in the Excel Options dialog box. (Click the File tab on the Ribbon, and then choose Options to display the When Creating New Workbooks section of the dialog box—you'll see a field where you can specify the Include This Many Sheets option. The default is one.)

You can get (access) or set (change) this value in VBA by using the SheetsInNewWorkbook property of the Application object. For example, the following macro declares an Integer variable named mySiNW, stores the current SheetsInNewWorkbook property in it, sets the SheetsInNewWorkbook property to 12, creates a new workbook (with those 12 worksheets), and then restores the SheetsInNewWorkbook setting to its previous value:

Sub MVBA_New_Workbook_with_12_Sheets()
    Dim mySiNW As Integer
    mySiNW = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook
    Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 12
    Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = mySiNW
End Sub


To create a workbook based on a template, specify the full path and name of the template file. For example, the following statement creates a new workbook based on the template Balance Sheet.xlt in a network folder \server emplateexcel:

Workbooks.Add Template:= "\server	emplateexcelBalance Sheet.xlt"


To create a workbook based on an existing workbook, specify the full name and path of the workbook file. For example, the following statement creates a new workbook based on the existing workbook named Personnel.xlsx in the C:Business folder:

Workbooks.Add Template:= "C:BusinessPersonnel.xlsx"


You can also create a workbook that contains a single chart, macro sheet, or worksheet by using the constants shown in Table 22.1 with the Template argument.

TABLE 22.1: Constants for creating a chart workbook, macro sheet, or worksheet

xlWBATChart A chart sheet
xlWBATExcel4IntlMacroSheet An international macro sheet
xlWBATExcel4MacroSheet A macro sheet
xlWBATWorksheet A worksheet

For example, the following statement creates a workbook containing a single chart sheet:

Workbooks.Add Template:=xlWBATChart

Saving a Workbook

The first time you save a workbook, you must specify the path and filename to use (this is the SaveAs option). After that, you can save the workbook under the same name and path by default, or you can specify a different path, name, format, or all three (this is the Save option).


To save a workbook for the first time, or to save a workbook using a different path, name, or format, use the SaveAs method. The syntax is as follows:

expression.SaveAs(FileName, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword,
   ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode, ConflictResolution,
   AddToMru, TextCodePage, TextVisualLayout, Local)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Workbook object.

    FileName is an optional Variant argument that specifies the name for the workbook. If you omit FileName, VBA uses the current folder and the default filename of Bookn.xlsx for a workbook, where n is the next available number (for example, Book5.xlsx).

    VBA uses the default file format, which is specified in the Options dialog box's Save page. (Click the File tab on the Ribbon, then click Options to display the Options dialog box, and then click the Save button on the left. You'll see a Save Files In This Format drop-down list.)

    You can get and set the default save format by using the DefaultSaveFormat property of the Application object. For example, the following statement sets the default save format to xlNormal, the “Excel Workbook” format:

    Application.DefaultSaveFormat = xlNormal
  • FileFormat is an optional Variant argument that specifies the format in which to save the workbook. Table 22.2 lists the XlFileFormat constants for specifying commonly used formats.
    TABLE 22.2: XlFileFormat constants for widely used formats
    xlNormal A normal workbook
    xlXMLSpreadsheet An XML spreadsheet
    xlWebArchive A single-file web page
    xlHtml A web page
    xlTemplate A template
    xlExcel9795 An Excel workbook for Excel versions 95 and later
  • Password is an optional Variant argument that you can use to supply the password that is to be required to open the workbook (the “password to open”). Password is case-sensitive. If the user can't provide the password, Excel won't open the workbook.
  • WriteResPassword is an optional Variant argument that you can use to supply the password that is required to open the workbook in a writable form (the “password to modify”). WriteResPassword is case-sensitive. If the user can't provide the password, Excel will open the workbook as read-only.
  • ReadOnlyRecommended is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to have Excel recommend that the user open the document as read-only.

    People can freely ignore this recommendation, so if you want to lock a workbook to prevent others from modifying it, you'd do better to employ a “password to modify.” (See the sidebar “Setting Passwords and Read-Only Recommendations for a Workbook” later in this chapter for details.)

  • CreateBackup is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to make Excel automatically create a backup of the workbook. The default setting is False.
  • AccessMode is an optional argument that you can use to specify whether the workbook is shared or is in Exclusive mode. Specify xlExclusive for Exclusive mode, xlShared for Shared mode, and xlNoChange to leave the access mode unchanged (this is the default setting).
  • ConflictResolution is an optional argument that you can use to specify how to resolve any conflicting changes to the workbook. Use xlLocalSessionChanges to accept the changes in the current Excel session, xlOtherSessionChanges to accept the other user's or users' changes, and xlUserResolution to display the Resolve Conflicts dialog box so that the user can choose how to resolve the conflicts.
  • AddToMru is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to add the workbook to the list of recently used files at the bottom of the File menu. The default setting is False.
  • TextCodePage and TextVisualLayout are optional Variant arguments used in international versions of Excel (not in U.S. English Excel).
  • Local is an optional Variant that controls whether the language used is that of Excel (True) or of VBA (False). (You'll seldom need to use Local.)

For example, the following statement saves the active workbook in the current folder under the name Salaries.xlsx using the default save format:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:="Salaries.xlsx"

The following statement saves the open workbook named Schedule.xlsx under the name Building Schedule.xlsx in the folder named \server2Public using the Microsoft Excel 97–2003 & 5.0/95 format (from Excel 2003):

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\server2PublicBuilding Schedule.xlsx", _

To see a complete list of all the Excel 2019 file formats, visit this web page:


Once a workbook has been saved, you can just save it again with the same name by using the Save method. For a Workbook object, the Save method takes no arguments. For example, the following statement saves the workbook named Data Book.xlsx:

Workbooks("Data Book.xlsx").Save


The Workbooks collection doesn't have a Save method, but you can save all open workbooks by using a loop such as that shown in the following subroutine:

Sub Save_All_Workbooks()
    Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
    For Each myWorkbook In Workbooks
    Next myWorkbook
End Sub

Note that if any of the currently opened workbooks have not been previously saved, and if they include any macros, a security message will be displayed when this procedure executes. Users are told that they must agree to save the potentially dangerous executable content in a macro-enabled file format (.xlsm). However, if the file has already been saved with the .xlsm filename extension, no message is displayed. If you want to suppress such messages, you can insert the following code at the start of this procedure:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

However, be sure to set the DisplayAlerts property back to True as soon as you can in the code. This particular warning message is quite useful as a reminder to the user—so you likely won't want to suppress it.

Accessing Cloud Storage

Having VBA access OneDrive, Dropbox, or one of the other cloud storage systems is fairly easy. Just open from, or save a file to, the OneDrive or Dropbox folder.

The only thing to figure out is the file path, and it will look something like this: “C:UsersRichardOneDriveExcelToCloudTest”, with Richard replaced by your name.

This example saves the current document to OneDrive. Because this is a source of so many errors, I repeat: Change my name, Richard, to your username in the file path in this example code:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("C:UsersRichardOneDriveExcelCloudTest")

To save to Dropbox, it's pretty much the same:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ("C:UsersRichardDropBoxExcelCloudTest")

Opening a Workbook

To open a workbook, use the Open method with the Workbooks collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Open(FileName, UpdateLinks, ReadOnly, Format, Password,
   WriteResPassword, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended, Origin, Delimiter,
   Editable, Notify, Converter, AddToMru, Local, CorruptLoad)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Workbooks collection. Often, you'll want to use the Workbooks collection itself.
  • FileName is a required String argument that supplies the path and name of the workbook to open.
  • UpdateLinks is an optional Variant that controls how Excel updates any links in the workbook. If you leave out this argument, the user is prompted to specify how to update the links.

    Table 22.3 shows the values and their effects. If Microsoft Excel is opening a file in the WKS, WK1, or WK3 format and the UpdateLinks argument is 2, Microsoft Excel generates charts from the graphs attached to the file. If the argument is 0, no charts are created.

    TABLE 22.3: Values for the UpdateLinks argument

    (If you omit this argument) Excel prompts the user to decide how to update links.
    1 User specifies how links are to be updated.
    2 Links are never updated for this workbook when it's opened.
    3 Excel always updates links for this workbook when opening it.
  • ReadOnly is an optional Variant that you can set to True to open the workbook as read-only. The default is False.
  • Format is an optional Variant that you can use to specify the delimiter character when opening a text file. Use 1 for tabs, 2 for commas, 3 for spaces, 4 for semicolons, 5 for no delimiter character, and 6 for a delimiter you specify using the Delimiter argument.
  • Password is an optional Variant argument that you can use to provide the password required to open the workbook (the “password to open”). Password is case-sensitive. If you omit Password and a password is required, Excel prompts the user for it.
  • WriteResPassword is an optional Variant argument that you can use to provide the password required to open the workbook in a writable form (the “password to modify”). WriteResPassword is case-sensitive. If you omit WriteResPassword and a password is required, Excel prompts the user for it.
  • IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to have Excel ignore a read-only recommendation on the workbook.
  • Origin is an optional Variant argument that you can use when opening a text file to specify the operating system used to encode it and, thus, how to treat carriage-return/line-feed characters and character encoding. Use xlWindows to indicate Windows, xlMacintosh to indicate Mac OS, or xlMSDOS to indicate DOS.
  • Delimiter is an optional Variant argument you can use with a Format value of 6 to specify one delimiter character to use when opening a text file.
  • Editable is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True when FileName specifies a template to open the template itself rather than start a workbook based on the template (False). Editable also applies to Excel 4.0 add-ins: True opens the add-in in a visible window, while False opens the add-in hidden. However, you can't employ this option with add-ins created in Excel 5.0 or later.
  • Notify is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to have Excel add the workbook to the notification list when someone else has the workbook open for editing and VBA requests the workbook. Excel then notifies the user when the workbook becomes available. If you specify Notify:=False, opening the workbook fails if someone else has the workbook open.
  • Converter is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify the first file converter to use when opening a file.
  • AddToMru is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to add the workbook to the list of recently used files at the bottom of the File menu. The default setting is False.
  • Local is an optional Variant that controls whether the language used is that of Excel (True) or of VBA (False). (You'll seldom need to use Local.)
  • CorruptLoad is an optional Variant that you can use to control how Excel handles corruption it encounters when opening the workbook. Use xlNormalLoad to use normal behavior—first, opening the workbook as usual; second, repairing the file if there's a problem; and third, recovering the data from the workbook. Use xrRepairFile to go straight to the repair stage or xlExtractData to go straight to the recovery stage.

For example, the following statement opens the workbook named Expenses.xlsx stored in the C:Business folder without updating links:

Workbooks.Open Filename:= "C:BusinessExpenses.xlsx", UpdateLinks:=0

The following statement opens the workbook named Plan.xlsx stored in the D:Planning folder, providing the password for opening the workbook:

Workbooks.Open Filename:="D:PlanningPlan.xlsx", Password:="s@cur1ng!"

The following statement opens the text file named Data13.txt in the folder z: ransfer using an exclamation point (!) as the delimiter character:

Workbooks.Open _
 Filename:="z:	ransferData13.txt", Format:=6,  Delimiter:="!"

Closing a Workbook

To close a workbook, use the Close method with the appropriate Workbook object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Workbook object or the Workbooks collection.
  • SaveChanges is an optional Variant argument that lets you specify whether to save any unsaved changes in the workbook (True) or not (False). If you omit the SaveChanges argument, Excel prompts the user to save any workbook that contains unsaved changes.
  • Filename is an optional Variant that you can use to specify the filename under which to save the workbook if it contains changes. In most cases, it's best to use the SaveAs method to save the workbook under a different name before you use the Close method to close it.
  • RouteWorkbook is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to route the workbook to the next recipient on its routing slip, or False to refrain from routing the workbook. If the workbook has no routing slip attached, RouteWorkbook has no effect.

For example, the following statement closes the active workbook without saving changes:

ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False


To close all open workbooks, use the Close method with the Workbooks collection:


The Close method takes no arguments. Excel prompts you to save any workbook that contains unsaved changes. If such prompts will be inconvenient in a procedure, use a loop (for example, a For Each…Next loop with the Workbooks collection) to close each open workbook individually, using the SaveChanges argument to control whether Excel saves or discards any unsaved changes.

Sharing a Workbook

To determine whether a workbook is shared, check its MultiUserEditing property. This is a read-only Boolean property.

To share a workbook, use the SaveAs method (discussed in “Saving a Workbook for the First Time or as a Different File,” earlier in this chapter) to save the file using the xlShared value for the AccessMode argument.

For example, the following statements share the workbook named Brainstorming.xlsx if it is not already shared:

With Workbooks("Brainstorming.xlsx")
    If MultiUserEditing = False Then
        .SaveAs Filename:=.FullName, AccessMode:=xlShared
    End If
End With

Protecting a Workbook

To protect a workbook, use the Protect method with the appropriate Workbook object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Protect(Password, Structure, Windows)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Workbook object.
  • Password is an optional Variant argument that specifies the password for unprotecting the workbook. Password is case-sensitive. You'll almost always want to supply Password—if you don't, anybody who can open your workbook can unprotect it.
  • Structure is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to protect the workbook's structure (how the worksheets are positioned relative to each other) or leave at its default setting, False.
  • Windows is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to protect the workbook windows or omit to leave the windows unprotected.

For example, the following statement protects the structure and windows of the active workbook with the password 0llsecurd:

ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="0llsecurd", Structure:=True, Windows:=True

Working with the ActiveWorkbook Object

The ActiveWorkbook object returns a Workbook object that represents the active workbook (whichever workbook currently has the focus in the Excel window). The ActiveWorkbook object behaves like a Workbook object and is very useful in macros that users execute after opening the workbook they want to manipulate.

If no workbook is open, there is no ActiveWorkbook object, so any code that tries to use the ActiveWorkbook object returns an error. Therefore, it's a good idea to verify that at least one workbook is open before trying to execute code that assumes there is an active workbook. One option is to check that the ActiveWorkbook object is not Nothing before running the code, as in the following example:

If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "Please open a workbook and click in it before running this macro." _
        & vbCr & vbCr & "This macro will now end.", _
        vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "No Workbook Is Open"
End If

It's also a good idea to check that the workbook your code assumes is the active workbook actually is the active workbook. This problem can easily occur when a macro starts with the active workbook and then creates a new workbook to work in. The new workbook becomes the active workbook, and from this point on, the code may start accessing the wrong workbook.

If there's any doubt about which workbook you're working with, declare a Workbook object variable and use that object variable in your code rather than the ActiveWorkbook object. For example, the following statements declare a Workbook object variable and assign the ActiveWorkbook object to it. Now subsequent code can work with the object variable, which will not change to a different workbook:

Dim myWorkbook As Workbooks
Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
With myWorkbook
    'actions here
End With

Working with Worksheets

Most workbooks you need to manipulate via VBA will contain one or more worksheets. As a result, many macro procedures will need to work with worksheets—inserting them, deleting them, copying or moving them, or simply printing a range from them.

Each worksheet is represented by a Sheet object. The Sheet objects are contained within the Sheets collection.

Inserting a Worksheet

To insert a worksheet into a workbook, use the Add method with the Sheets collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Before, After, Count, Type)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Sheets collection. Often, you'll want to use the Sheets collection itself.
  • Before is an optional Variant argument that specifies the sheet before which to add the new sheet. After is an optional Variant argument that specifies the sheet after which to add the new sheet. Typically, you'll want to specify either Before or After, but not both. You can also omit both arguments to make Excel insert the new sheet before the active worksheet.
  • Count is an optional Variant argument that specifies how many sheets to add. If you omit Count, VBA uses the default value, 1.
  • Type is an optional Variant that specifies the type of sheet to insert. The default is xlWorksheet, a standard worksheet. You can also insert a chart sheet (xlChart), an Excel 4 macro sheet (xlExcel4MacroSheet), or an Excel 4 international macro sheet (xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet).

For example, the following statements declare a Worksheet object variable named mySheet, insert a worksheet before the first sheet in the first open workbook and assign the new sheet to mySheet, and then set the Name property of mySheet to Summary (the Name property controls the text that appears on the worksheet's tab):

Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Set mySheet = Workbooks(1).Sheets.Add(before:=Sheets(1))
mySheet.Name = "Summary"

If you run this macro, look for the new Summary worksheet on the tab at the bottom of your workbook.

The following statements insert two chart sheets after the last worksheet in the active workbook. The chart sheets receive default names, such as Chart1 and Chart2:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add _
After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count), Count:=2, Type:=xlChart

Deleting a Worksheet

To delete a worksheet, use the Delete method of the appropriate Sheet object. The Delete method takes no arguments. For example, the following statement deletes the worksheet named Summary from the workbook referenced by the myWorkbook object variable:

Dim myWorkbook As Workbook
Set myWorkbook = Workbooks(1)

If you delete a worksheet, you lose any data stored on that worksheet. So when in interactive mode (the user is deleting via a keyboard, not a macro), Excel asks the user to confirm the deletion by default (see Figure 22.2).

Screenshot of a warning dialog box displayed by Excel when deleting a worksheet by hand.

Figure 22.2 When deleting a worksheet by hand, Excel displays this warning dialog box.

However, in a macro you may want to avoid displaying this warning message. For example, in a procedure that adds a worksheet without the user's knowledge, uses it to manipulate data, and then deletes it, you simply don't need this alert dialog box. By default, it will not display when a delete is accomplished via a macro. However, if you do need your macro to suppress a dialog box, you can turn off alerts in Excel by setting the DisplayAlerts property of the Application object to False before executing the main macro code, and then turning alerts back on before exiting the macro, like this:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Copying or Moving a Worksheet

To copy a worksheet, use the Copy method of the appropriate Sheet object. To move a worksheet, use the Move method. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Copy(Before, After)
expression.Move(Before, After)

Here, expression is a required expression that returns a Worksheet object. Before is an optional Variant argument that specifies the sheet before which to place the copy or the moved sheet. After is an optional Variant argument that specifies the sheet after which to place it:

  • Typically, you'll want to specify either Before or After, but not both.
  • You can specify another workbook by name to copy or move the worksheet to another workbook.
  • You can also omit both arguments to make Excel create a new workbook containing the copied or moved sheet. The new workbook becomes the active workbook, so you can use the ActiveWorkbook object to start working with it or to assign it to an object variable.

For example, the following statement copies the worksheet named Costs – Materials in the workbook named Building Schedule.xlsx, placing the copy after the last of the current worksheets in the workbook:

Workbooks("Building Schedule.xlsx").Sheets("Costs - Materials").Copy, _

The following line of code moves the worksheet named Homes from the workbook named Planning.xlsx to the workbook named Building Schedule.xlsx, inserting the worksheet before the first existing worksheet in the workbook:

Workbooks("Planning.xlsx").Sheets("Homes").Move , _
   Before:=Workbooks("Building Schedule.xlsx").Sheets(1)

Printing a Worksheet

To print a worksheet, use the PrintOut method with the appropriate Worksheet object.

The syntax for the PrintOut method is as follows:

expression.PrintOut(From, To, Copies, Preview, ActivePrinter,
   PrintToFile, Collate, PrToFileName, IgnorePrintAreas)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns the appropriate Worksheet object or other object to which the PrintOut method applies.
  • From is an optional Variant argument that specifies the number of the page at which to start printing. Omit From to start printing at the beginning of the object. Note that From and To refer to the pages in the printout, not to the overall number of pages that the object would take up.
  • To is an optional Variant argument that specifies the number of the page at which to stop printing. Omit the To argument to print to the end of the object.
  • Copies is an optional Variant argument that specifies the number of copies to print. If you omit Copies, Excel prints one copy.
  • Preview is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to display the object in Print Preview before printing it. Set Preview to False, or simply omit this argument, to print the object without previewing it. Use the PrintPreview method to display an object in Print Preview without printing it.
  • ActivePrinter is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify the printer on which to print.
  • PrintToFile is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to make Excel print to a print file rather than a printer. When printing to a file, you can use the PrToFileName property to specify the filename, or omit it and have Excel prompt the user for the filename.
  • Collate is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to have Excel print multiple copies for collation rather than printing all the copies of one page, all the copies of the next, and so on.
  • PrToFileName is an optional Variant argument that you can use with PrintToFile:=True to specify the filename of the print file.
  • IgnorePrintAreas is an optional Variant argument:
    • Set to False, this argument prints the entire specified print area.
    • When it's True, the entire object is printed and any print area is ignored.

    A print area can be defined in Excel and is useful as a way of printing only a specified range of cells. Once specified, the print area is retained by Excel until you either clear it or specify a new print area. You define a print area by selecting the cells you want to print and then clicking the Ribbon's Page Layout tab. Click the Print Area option in the Page Setup area of the Ribbon.

The following statement prints two copies of each page of the first worksheet in the active workbook, collating the pages:

ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Printout Copies:=2, Collate:=True

The following statement prints the first two pages of the worksheet named Summary in the workbook named Planning.xlsx to a file named Planning Summary.prn in the network folder \server o_print:

Workbooks("Planning.xlsx").Sheets("Summary").PrintOut From:=1, To:=2, _
    PrintToFile:=True, _
    PrToFileName:="\server	o_printPlanning Summary.prn"

Protecting a Worksheet

To protect a worksheet, use the Protect method with the appropriate Worksheet object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Protect(Password, DrawingObjects, Contents, Scenarios,
   UserInterfaceOnly, AllowFormattingCells, AllowFormattingColumns,
   AllowFormattingRows, AllowInsertingColumns, AllowInsertingRows,
   AllowInsertingHyperlinks, AllowDeletingColumns, AllowDeletingRows,
   AllowSorting, AllowFiltering, AllowUsingPivotTables)

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Worksheet object.
  • Password is an optional Variant argument that specifies the password for unprotecting the worksheet. Password is case-sensitive. You'll almost always want to supply Password to prevent unauthorized people from unprotecting the workbook.
  • DrawingObjects is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to protect shapes in the worksheet. The default setting is False.
  • Contents is an optional Variant argument that protects the locked cells when set to True, its default value. Set Contents to False to leave the locked cells unprotected.
  • Scenarios is an optional Variant argument that protects scenarios when set to True, its default value.
  • UserInterfaceOnly is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to leave macros unprotected while protecting the user interface. The default value is False.
  • AllowFormattingCells, AllowFormattingColumns, and AllowFormattingRows are optional Variant arguments that you can set to True to allow the formatting of cells, columns, and rows, respectively. The default value for each argument is False.
  • AllowInsertingColumns, AllowInsertingRows, and AllowInsertingHyperlinks are optional Variant arguments that you can set to True to allow the user to insert columns, rows, and hyperlinks, respectively. The default value for each argument is False.
  • AllowDeletingColumns and AllowDeletingRows are optional Variant arguments that you can set to True to allow the user to delete columns or rows, respectively, where every cell in the column or row is unlocked. The default setting is False.
  • AllowSorting is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to allow the user to sort unlocked cells on the protected worksheet. The default setting is False.
  • AllowFiltering is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to allow the user to set filters or change filter criteria (but not enable or disable an autofilter) on a protected worksheet. The default setting is False.
  • AllowUsingPivotTables is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to allow the user to work with pivot tables on the protected worksheet. The default setting is False.

For example, the following statement protects the worksheet referenced by the object variable myWorksheet using the password no1gets1n:

myWorksheet.Protect Password:="no1gets1n"

The following statement protects the myWorksheet worksheet with the same password but allows the formatting of cells and allows the sorting of unlocked cells:

myWorksheet.Protect Password:="no1gets1n", AllowFormattingCells:=True, _

Working with the ActiveSheet Object

The ActiveSheet object returns the active worksheet. If you specify a workbook, the active worksheet in that specified workbook is returned.

If no sheet is active, ActiveSheet returns Nothing. Before executing code that depends on there being an active sheet, it's a good idea to check, as in this example:

If ActiveSheet Is Nothing Then End

Working with the Active Cell or Selection

In a procedure that manipulates a selection that the user has made, you'll typically work with either the active cell or the selection. The active cell is always a single cell, but the selection can encompass multiple cells or other objects.

Working with the Active Cell

The ActiveCell property of the Application object or the Window object returns a Range object that represents the active cell in the Excel application, or in a specified window. If you use ActiveCell without specifying a window, VBA returns the active cell in the currently active window.

For example, the following statement returns the address of the active cell in the active workbook:

MsgBox (ActiveCell.Address)

This code would return the result shown in Figure 22.3 if the currently selected cell is A1.

Screenshot of the Microsoft Excel dialog box returning a currently active cell via the ActiveCell object.

Figure 22.3 The currently active cell is fetched via the ActiveCell object.

The following statement returns the text in the active cell in the first window open on the workbook named Planning.xlsx:

MsgBox Workbooks("Planning.xlsx").Windows(1).ActiveCell.Text

If no worksheet is active, or if a chart sheet is active, there is no active cell. If you try to access ActiveCell, VBA returns an error. So before using code that assumes there is an active cell, check that ActiveCell is not Nothing:

If ActiveCell Is Nothing Then End


To return the value of the active cell, use the Value property. For example, the following statement sets the value of the active cell to 25:

ActiveCell.Value = 25

And the following statement retrieves the value of the active cell:

MsgBox ActiveCell.Value


The ActiveCell object is often convenient to work with in your code, so sometimes you'll want to make a different cell the active cell in order to work with it via the ActiveCell object. To make a cell the active cell, use the Activate method with the appropriate Range object. For example, the following statement makes cell L7 the active cell in the worksheet identified by the object variable myWorksheet:


Often, you'll need to move the active cell to a different range a specified number of rows or columns away (in other words, to an address relative to the location of the active cell—as opposed to an absolute address, such as C12). To do so, use the Offset property of the active cell object, specifying the number of rows with the RowOffset argument and the number of columns with the ColumnOffset argument. Use a positive offset to move the active cell right or down and a negative offset to move the active cell left or up. For example, the following statement moves the active cell up two rows (RowOffset:=-2) and four columns to the right (ColumnOffset:=4):

    ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset:=-2, ColumnOffset:=4).Activate

In your macros that the user triggers, it's usually a good idea to return the active cell to where it was when the user started the procedure. To do so, you can store the location of the active cell and then return it to the stored location after your procedure is finished with its tasks. Here's an example:

    Set myActiveCell = ActiveCell
    Set myActiveWorksheet = ActiveSheet
    Set myActiveWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook
    'take actions here


You can work with the range of cells around the active cell by using the CurrentRegion property to return the CurrentRegion object. The current region extends from the active cell to the first blank row above and below and to the first blank column to the left and right. In other words, if there are no blank rows or columns in the entire worksheet, then the region is all the cells in the worksheet.

For example, the following statements use the Font property of the CurrentRegion object to set the font of the current region to 12-point Times New Roman with no bold or italic:

With ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Font
    .Name = "Times New Roman"
    .Size = 12
    .Bold = False
    .Italic = False
End With

Working with the User's Selection

In macros designed to be run by a user, you will often need to work with cells that the user has selected. For example, a user might select a range of cells and then run a macro to manipulate the contents of that range.

To work with the range the user has selected, use the RangeSelection property of the appropriate Window object. For example, you might assign the RangeSelection property to a range so that you could work with it in a macro and then select it again at the end of the macro, leaving the user ready to work with their selection again. Here's an example:

Dim myMacroRange As Range
Set myMacroRange = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection
With myMacroRange
    'take actions on the range here
End With

Working with Ranges

Within a worksheet, you'll often need to manipulate ranges of cells. You can work with absolute ranges (ranges for which you specify the absolute addresses of the cells you want to affect, such as C12) or ranges relative to the active cell, where you merely describe an offset.

You can either specify a range by using the Range property or create a named range by using the Names collection. Excel also provides the UsedRange property for working with the used range on a worksheet, and the SpecialCells method of the Range object for working with cells that meet specific criteria.

Working with a Range of Cells

To work with a range of cells, use the Range property of the appropriate Worksheet object to specify the cells. For example, the following statement sets the value of cell C12 on the active worksheet to 44:

ActiveSheet.Range("C12").Value = "44"

Creating a Named Range

To create a named range, use the Add method with the Names collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Name, RefersTo, Visible, MacroType, ShortcutKey,
   Category, NameLocal, RefersToLocal, CategoryLocal, RefersToR1C1,

The components of the syntax are as follows:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Names object.
  • Name is an optional Variant argument that specifies the name to assign to the named range. Name is required if you don't specify the NameLocal argument (later in this list). The name cannot be a cell reference, nor can it contain spaces.
  • RefersTo is an optional Variant argument that specifies the range for the named range. You need to specify RefersTo unless you use the RefersToLocal argument, the RefersToR1C1 argument, or the RefersToR1C1Local argument.
  • Visible is an optional Variant argument that you can omit, set to True to have Excel make the name visible in the user interface (in the Go To dialog box, the Paste Name dialog box, and other locations), or set to False to make the name hidden.
  • MacroType is an optional Variant argument that you can use to assign a macro type to the range: 1 for a user-defined Function procedure, 2 for a Sub procedure, and 3 or omitted for no macro.
  • ShortcutKey is an optional Variant argument that specifies the shortcut key for a command macro assigned to the named range.
  • Category is an optional Variant argument that specifies the category of the macro or function specified by MacroType. You can specify one of the categories used by the Function Wizard, or specify another name to have Excel create a new category with that name.
  • NameLocal is an optional Variant argument that specifies the name for the range in the local language. Use NameLocal when you omit Name.
  • RefersToLocal is an optional Variant argument that specifies the range for the named range. Use RefersToLocal when you omit RefersTo, RefersToR1C1, and RefersToR1C1Local.
  • CategoryLocal is an optional Variant argument that you use to specify the category of the macro or function specified by MacroType. Use CategoryLocal when you omit Category.
  • RefersToR1C1 is an optional Variant argument that specifies the range for the named range using R1C1 notation (R1C1 would mean row 1 column 1). Use RefersToR1C1 when you omit RefersTo, RefersToLocal, and RefersToR1C1Local.
  • RefersToR1C1Local is an optional Variant argument that specifies the range for the named range using R1C1 notation in the local language. Use RefersToR1C1Local when you omit RefersTo, RefersToLocal, and RefersToR1C1.

For example, the following statement defines a range named myRange, which refers to the range A1:G22 on the worksheet named Materials in the workbook named Building Schedule.xlsx:

Workbooks("Building Schedule.xlsx").Names.Add Name:= "myRange", _

Deleting a Named Range

To delete a named range, use the Delete method with the appropriate Name object. For example, the following statement deletes the range named myRange in the workbook named Building Schedule.xlsx:

Workbooks("Building Schedule.xlsx").Names("myRange").Delete

Working with a Named Range

To work with a named range, specify the name with the Range object. For example, the following statements set the row height of the rows in the named range myRange to 20 points and applies 16-point Arial font to the cells:

With Range("myRange")
    .RowHeight = 20
    .Font.Name = "Arial"
    .Font.Size = "16"
End With

Working with the Used Range

If you need to work with all the cells on a worksheet, but not with any unoccupied areas of the worksheet, use the UsedRange property. For example, the following statement autofits all the columns in the used range in the active worksheet:


Working with SpecialCells

If you need to work with only certain types of cells on a worksheet or in a range, use the SpecialCells method of the Range object to return the cells you need. The syntax is as follows:

expression.SpecialCells(Type, Value)

These are the components of the syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Range object.
  • Type is a required argument that specifies which cells you want. Table 22.4 lists the constants you can use.

TABLE 22.4: Constants for the Type argument for the SpecialCells method

xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions All formats
xlCellTypeAllValidation Cells that use validation
xlCellTypeBlanks Empty
xlCellTypeComments Containing notes
xlCellTypeConstants Containing constants
xlCellTypeFormulas Containing formulas
xlCellTypeLastCell The last cell in the used range
xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions Having the same format
xlCellTypeSameValidation Containing the same validation criteria
xlCellTypeVisible All visible
  • Value is an optional Variant argument that you can use when Type is xlCellTypeConstants or xlCellTypeFormulas to control which cells Excel includes. Table 22.5 shows the constants and what they return.

TABLE 22.5: Constants for the Value argument for the SpecialCells method

xlErrors Errors
xlLogical Logical values
xlNumbers Numbers
xlTextValues Text formulas

For example, the following statement activates the last cell in the worksheet referenced by the object variable myWorksheet:


The following statement identifies all the cells that contain formulas resulting in errors in the active worksheet:

ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(Type:=xlCellTypeFormulas, _

Entering a Formula in a Cell

To enter a formula in a cell, set the Formula property of the appropriate Cell object. For example, the following statement enters the formula =SUM($G$12:$G$22) in the active cell:

ActiveCell.Formula = "=SUM($G$12:$G$22)"

Setting Options

With Word, most of the options that you find in the Word Options dialog box (click the File tab and then click Options) are available through Word's Options object. By contrast, most of Excel's options are located in the Application object. And workbook-specific options are accessed through the Workbook object.

Setting Options in the Application Object

The following sections show three examples of setting widely useful options in the Application object.


In complex worksheets that perform many calculations, you may need to turn off automatic calculation so that a procedure can enter data quickly without the calculations taking place.

To do so, set the Calculation property of the Application object to xlCalculationManual, enter the data, and then set the Calculation property back to its previous value:

Dim varAutoCalculation As Variant
varAutoCalculation = Application.Calculation
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'enter the data here
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic


Sometimes you may find it useful to clear all the entries from recently displayed documents (shown when you click the File tab on the Ribbon and then click Recent). Perhaps, for example, your macro creates some temporary files that you want to remove from this list.

You can do this by setting the Maximum property of the RecentFiles object to 0. After doing so, you’ll likely want to restore the user's previous setting, as the following example illustrates:

Dim myMax As Long
With Application.RecentFiles
    myMax = .Maximum 'store the user's preference, currently in effect
    .Maximum = 0
    .Maximum = myMax
End With

After you execute this code and then click the File tab on the Ribbon and click Recent, no files will be displayed in the Recent Documents list.


To set the default location for saving and opening files, use the DefaultFilePath property of the Application object, as in this example:

Application.DefaultFilePath = "\server3usersmjonesfiles"

Setting Options in a Workbook

Workbook-specific options include the following:

  • Security options (such as those shown in the following section and the sidebar “Setting Passwords and Read-Only Recommendations for a Workbook”)
  • Whether to update remote references in the workbook (the Boolean UpdateRemoteReferences property) and whether to save external link values (the Boolean SaveLinkValues property)
  • Whether to use AutoRecover (the Boolean EnableAutoRecover property)
  • Whether to accept labels in formulas (the Boolean AcceptLabelsInFormulas property) and whether to use the 1904 date system (the Boolean Date1904 property)


To make Excel remove personal information from a workbook's properties when you save it, set the RemovePersonalInformation property of the workbook to True:

ActiveWorkbook.RemovePersonalInformation = True

The Bottom Line

  • Work with workbooks. You often need to create a new, blank workbook in a macro (mimicking a user clicking the File tab on the Ribbon and then clicking the New button). And writing code that accomplishes this is not difficult. It requires only two words.
    • Master It What code would you write to create a new, blank notebook?
  • Work with worksheets. Most workbooks you access via VBA will contain one or more worksheets, so most procedures will need to work with worksheets—inserting, deleting, copying, or moving them, or simply printing the appropriate range from them.
    • Master It Name the object you use in VBA code to represent a worksheet.
  • Work with the active cell or selection. In a procedure that manipulates a selection that the user has made, you'll typically work with either the active cell or the current selection.
    • Master It What is the difference between the active cell and a selection?
  • Work with ranges. Within a worksheet, you'll often need to manipulate ranges of cells. Excel includes a special kind of range—represented by the UsedRange property.
    • Master It What is unique about UsedRange?
  • Set options. Word employs an Options object to contain most of the options that you find in the Word Options dialog box (click the File tab on the Ribbon and then click Options). Excel uses a different object to contain its options.
    • Master It From which object do you access most of Excel's options?
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