Chapter 23
Working with Widely Used Objects in Excel

In the previous chapter, you learned to work with some of the main objects in the Excel object model, such as Workbook objects, the ActiveCell object, Range objects, and the Options object. This chapter shows you how to expand your programming facility with VBA in Excel by working with charts, windows, and Find and Replace.

Working with Charts

The following sections show you how to use VBA to create and format charts, either as an entire chart, sheets in a workbook, or as objects on an existing worksheet.

Creating a Chart

VBA uses the Chart object to represent a chart on a chart sheet and a ChartObject object to represent an embedded chart on a worksheet. The ChartObject object contains a Chart object, which you can manipulate by accessing it through the ChartObject object. Confused? Object classification schemes can certainly be a bit bewildering.

When writing a macro, you create a chart or chart object in a different order than when working interactively and doing things by hand within Excel. Here are the steps you take when creating charts programmatically (via macro code rather than interactively via a mouse and keyboard):

  1. Create a Chart object variable.
  2. Instantiate (bring into existence) the Chart object using the Set command.
  3. Specify the source range for its data using the SetSourceData method.
  4. Specify the chart type using the ChartType property.
  5. Specify any other items you need to.


To create a chart on a new chart sheet, use the Add method with the Charts collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Before, After, Count, Type)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Charts collection.
  • Before is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify the sheet before which to add the new chart sheet.
  • After is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify the sheet after which to add the new sheet.

Typically, you'll use either Before or After. If you omit both arguments, VBA adds the new chart sheet before the active sheet.

  • Count is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify how many chart sheets to add. The default is one.
  • Type is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify which kind of chart you want displayed. The choices are xlWorksheet, xlChart, xlExcel4MacroSheet, and xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet. The default value is xlWorksheet, so you have to specify xlChart in the following code example because it adds a chart, not an ordinary worksheet.

The following code declares an object variable named myChartSheet as being of the Chart type (a chart worksheet) and then assigns to myChartSheet a new chart sheet added after the last existing sheet in the active workbook:

Dim myChartSheet As Chart
Set myChartSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add _
    (After:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count), _


To create a chart on an existing worksheet, use the Add method with the ChartObjects collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Left, Top, Width, Height)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a ChartObjects collection.
  • Left is a required Double (variable type) argument that specifies the position of the upper-left corner of the chart in points from the left edge of cell A1.
  • Top is a required Double argument that specifies the position of the upper-left corner of the chart in points from the top edge of cell A1.
  • Width is a required Double argument that specifies the width of the chart in points.
  • Height is a required Double argument that specifies the height of the chart in points.

For example, the following statements declare a new ChartObject object named myChartObject and assign to it a new chart object (chart area) 400 points wide by 300 points deep, positioned 200 points from the left edge and 200 points from the top of the worksheet:

Dim myChartObject As ChartObject
Set myChartObject = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=200, Top:=200, _
    Width:=400, Height:=300)

To work with the chart inside the ChartObject, return the Chart property of the ChartObject object.

Specifying the Source Data for the Chart

So far, the chart (on the chart sheet or in the Chart object) is blank. To give it contents, specify the chart's source data by using the SetSourceData method of the Chart object. For example, the following statement specifies the range A1:E5 on the worksheet named Chart Data in the active workbook as the source data of the Chart object in the ChartObject object named myChartObject:

myChartObject.Chart.SetSourceData Source:= _
    ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Chart Data").Range("A1:E5")

Specifying a Chart Type

To specify a chart type, set the ChartType property of the Chart object. Excel offers too great a variety of charts to list here (73 different types), but you can easily identify the chart types from their enumeration-constant names. For example, the constant xl3DArea represents the 3D Area chart type, xlColumnStacked represents the Stacked Column chart type, and xlDoughnutExploded represents the Exploded Doughnut chart type.

The following statement sets the type of the chart represented by the object variable myChart to the Stacked Column type:

myChart.ChartType = xlColumnStacked

Working with Series in the Chart

To work with series in a chart, you use the SeriesCollection collection, which contains all the series in the specified chart.


To create a new series, use the NewSeries method with the SeriesCollection collection. For example, the following statement adds a new series to the chart represented by the object variable myChart:



To add a new series to a SeriesCollection collection, use the Add method with the appropriate SeriesCollection object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Add(Source, Rowcol, SeriesLabels, CategoryLabels, Replace)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a SeriesCollection collection.
  • Source is a required Variant argument that specifies the source of the data for the new series. You can supply the data either as a range or as an array of data points.
  • Rowcol is an optional argument that you can set to xlRows to specify that the new values are in rows in the specified range, or you can use the default setting, xlColumns, to specify that the new values are in columns. If you omit this argument, Excel uses xlColumns.
  • SeriesLabels is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to specify that the first row or column in the source area contains the series labels, or set to False to specify that the first row or column in the source area contains the first data point for the series.

    If you omit this argument, Excel tries to work out whether the first row or column contains a series label. It's best to specify this argument to avoid confusion. However, if Source is an array, VBA ignores this argument.

  • CategoryLabels is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to specify that the first row or column contains the name for the category labels, or set to False to specify that it does not contain them.

    If you omit this argument, Excel tries to work out whether the first row or column contains a category label. It's best to specify this argument to avoid confusion. Again, if Source is an array, VBA ignores this argument.

  • Replace is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True when CategoryLabels is True to make the categories replace the existing categories for the series, or set to False (the default value) to prevent the existing categories from being replaced.

The following procedure brings together several elements used in the previous code examples in this chapter. It illustrates how to create a complete chart and add a new series to the chart identified by the object variable myChart. The procedure draws the data from the range A4:K4 on the active worksheet in the active workbook, using rows:

Sub test()
Dim myChartObject As ChartObject
Dim MyChart As Chart
Set myChartObject = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=100, Top:=100, _
    Width:=400, Height:=300)
Set MyChart = myChartObject.Chart
MyChart.ChartType = xlConeBarStacked
MyChart.SeriesCollection.Add _
 Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("A4:K4"), Rowcol:=xlRows
End Sub

If you execute this example, you'll see results similar to those shown in Figure 23.1. A chart will be generated based on whatever data lies within the specified range.

Screenshot of a Sales Report chart displayed in Microsoft Excel worksheet generated using the Add method of the SeriesCollection object.

Figure 23.1 This chart was generated in a procedure, using the Add method of the SeriesCollection object.


To extend an existing series, use the Extend method with the appropriate SeriesCollection object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Extend(Source, Rowcol, CategoryLabels)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a SeriesCollection object.
  • Source is a required Variant argument that specifies the source of the data for the new series. You can supply the data either as a range or as an array of data points.
  • Rowcol is an optional argument that you can set to xlRows to specify that the new values are in rows in the specified range, or you can use the default setting, xlColumns, to specify that the new values are in columns. If you omit this argument, Excel uses xlColumns.
  • CategoryLabels is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to specify that the first row or column contains the name for the category labels, or you can set to False to specify that it does not contain them.

    If you omit this argument, Excel tries to work out whether the first row or column contains a category label. It's best to specify this argument to avoid confusion. If Source is an array, VBA ignores this argument.

For example, the following statement extends the series in the chart identified by the object variable myChart using the data in the cells P3:P8 on the worksheet named Chart Data:

myChart.SeriesCollection.Extend _
Source:=Worksheets("Chart Data").Range("P3:P8")

Adding a Legend to the Chart

To add a legend to the chart, set its HasLegend property to True. To manipulate the legend, work with the properties of the Legend object. Key properties include these:

  • The Position property controls where the legend appears:
    • xlLegendPositionBottom
    • xlLegendPositionCorner
    • xlLegendPositionLeft
    • xlLegendPositionRight
    • xlLegendPositionTop.
  • The Height property and the Width property control the height and width of the legend, respectively, in points.
  • The Font property returns the Font object, which has properties you can set to specify the font size, name, and effects.

For example, the following statements add the legend to the chart represented by the object variable myChart and apply 16-point Arial font to it:

With myChart.Legend
    .HasLegend = True
    .Font.Size = 16
    .Font.Name = "Arial"
End With

Adding a Chart Title

To add a title to the chart, set its HasTitle property to True, as in this example:

myChart.HasTitle = True

Excel adds the title with the default text Chart Title. To change the text, set the Text property of the ChartTitle object, which represents the chart title. Here's an example:

myChart.ChartTitle.Text = "Industrial Mixups in North Dakota"

To position the title, set its Top property (specifying the number of points from the top edge of the worksheet) and its Left property (specifying the number of points from the left edge of the worksheet), as in this example:

With myChart.ChartTitle
    .Top = 100
    .Left = 150
End With

To format the text of the title, work with its Font object, as follows:

myChart.ChartTitle.Font.Name = "Arial"

Working with a Chart Axis

To work with an axis of a chart, use the Axes method to access the appropriate axis. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Axes(Type, Group)

Here, expression is a required expression that returns a Chart object. Type is an optional Variant argument that specifies the axis to return. Use

  • xlValue to return the value axis
  • xlCategory to return the category axis
  • xlSeriesAxis to return the series axis (on 3D charts only)

Group is an optional argument that you can set to xlSecondary to specify the second axis group instead of xlPrimary (the default setting), which specifies the first axis group.

For example, the following statements work with the category axis in the primary group of the chart, applying its title, adding text, setting the font and font size, and turning major gridlines on and minor gridlines off. Note that this With structure should be placed within a second, outer With structure representing the chart itself:

With MyChart
   With .Axes(Type:=xlCategory, AxisGroup:=xlPrimary)
.HasTitle = True
      .AxisTitle.Text = "Years"
      .AxisTitle.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
      .AxisTitle.Font.Size = 12
      .HasMajorGridlines = True
      .HasMinorGridlines = False
    End With
End With

Formatting Headers and Footers

You can manipulate headers and footers easily via VBA by using a built-in set of format and content constants. These include format specifications such as &U for underlining and &C for centering. Content constants include &D, which inserts the current date, &P for the page number, and &F for the document's name. The complete list of VBA header and footer constants can be found here:

This next code turns on italics and underlining, and on the right side of the header prints Dr. Dancy Page followed by the current page and the total number of pages: Dr. Dancy Page 2 of 7. If there is no header, one is created.

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = "&U&I Doctor Dancy  Page &P of &N"

Working with Windows Objects

The Windows collection contains a Window object for every open window in the Excel application. Normally, when you open a workbook, Excel opens a window so that you can see it. You can also open further windows as necessary—for example, by clicking the Ribbon's View tab and then clicking the New Window button in the Window area.

In most cases, using Window objects isn't a very useful way to access data via VBA because you can access it more easily using objects such as the ActiveSheet object or the ActiveCell object. However, if you want to display data to the user in a special way, you may want to open, close, activate, or arrange windows programmatically (via a macro rather than having the user do it by hand interactively).

Opening a New Window on a Workbook

To open a new window on a workbook, use the NewWindow method of the appropriate Window object. This method takes no arguments. For example, the following statement opens a new window showing the contents of the first window open on the workbook identified by the object variable myWorkbook:


Closing a Window

To close a window, use the Close method with the appropriate Window object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Close(SaveChanges, Filename, RouteWorkbook)

Here, expression is a required expression that returns a Window object. This syntax is the same as for closing a workbook (see “Closing a Workbook” in the previous chapter). The difference is that if two or more windows are open on the same workbook, closing the second or subsequent window does not close the workbook, so the arguments are not relevant. (If the window you're closing is the workbook's last window, however, you do need to specify the windows—otherwise, Excel prompts the user to save any unsaved changes.) For example, the following statement closes all windows open on the workbook referenced by the object variable myWorkbook except for one window:

Do While myWorkbook.Windows.Count > 1

Activating a Window

Activation means to give a particular window the focus. The one window on the monitor that responds to user typing is said to have the focus. To activate a window, use the Activate method of the appropriate Window object. For example, the following statement activates the first window open on the workbook Planning.xlsx:


Similarly, you can activate the previous window (in the currently available set of windows) by using the ActivatePrevious method or the next window by using the ActivateNext method.

Arranging and Resizing Windows

To arrange windows, use the Arrange method with the appropriate Windows collection. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Arrange(ArrangeStyle, ActiveWorkbook, SyncHorizontal, SyncVertical)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Windows collection.
  • ArrangeStyle is an optional argument that you can set to
    • xlArrangeStyleTiled to tile the windows (the default setting)
    • xlArrangeStyleHorizontal to arrange the windows horizontally
    • xlArrangeStyleVertical to arrange the windows vertically
    • xlArrangeStyleCascade to cascade the windows in an overlapping arrangement that lets you see the title bar of each window but the contents of only the front window
  • ActiveWorkbook is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to make VBA arrange only the windows of the active workbook. The default value is False, which arranges all open windows.
  • SyncHorizontal and SyncVertical are optional Variant arguments that you can set to True when you use ActiveWorkbook:=True to make the windows of the active workbook scroll horizontally or vertically in sync (when you scroll one window, the other windows scroll by the same amount in the same direction). The default is False.

For example, the following statement arranges the windows in the workbook Budget.xlsx vertically and sets synchronized scrolling on them:

Workbooks("Budget.xlsx").Windows.Arrange _
    ArrangeStyle:=xlArrangeStyleVertical, _
    ActiveWorkbook:=True, SyncVertical:=True

You can maximize, minimize, or restore the application window by setting the WindowState property of the Application object to xlMaximized, xlMinimized, or xlNormal. Similarly, within the application window, you can maximize, minimize, or restore a document by setting its WindowState property.

When a window is in a “normal” state (xlNormal; not maximized or minimized), you can position it by using the Top and Left properties to specify the position of the upper-left corner of the window and size it by setting its Height and Width properties. Check the UsableWidth property and the UsableHeight property of the Application object to find the amount of space available in the Application window. (Similarly, you can check the UsableWidth property and the UsableHeight of the Window object to see how much space is available in the window—for example, so that you can size or position an object correctly.)

The following example declares two Window object variables, myWindow1 and myWindow2, and assigns myWindow1 to the active window and myWindow2 to a new window showing the same worksheet as myWindow1. The example then sizes and positions the two windows so that each is the full height available in the application window, with myWindow1 taking one-quarter of the available width and myWindow2 taking the remaining three-quarters of the available width:

Dim myWindow1 As Window, myWindow2 As Window
Set myWindow1 = ActiveWindow
Set myWindow2 = myWindow1.NewWindow
With myWindow1
    .WindowState = xlNormal
    .Top = 0
    .Left = 0
    .Height = Application.UsableHeight
    .Width = Application.UsableWidth * 0.25
End With
With myWindow2
    .WindowState = xlNormal
    .Top = 0
    .Left = (Application.UsableWidth * 0.25) + 1
    .Height = Application.UsableHeight
    .Width = Application.UsableWidth * 0.75
End With

Zooming a Window and Setting Display Options

To change the zoom, set the Zoom property of the appropriate Window object. Zoom in this context means merely to change the size of the window onscreen—it doesn't necessarily imply enlarging it, merely changing it.

For example, the following statement zooms the active window to 150 percent:

ActiveWindow.Zoom = 150

In some procedures, you may need to change the display of the Excel window to ensure that certain features are (or are not) available to the user. Use the Boolean properties DisplayScrollBars, DisplayStatusBar, and DisplayFormulaBar to control whether Excel displays the scroll bars, status bar, and formula bar. Use the DisplayFullScreen property to toggle full-screen view on and off.

For example, the following statements make sure that the scroll bars and status bar are hidden and that the formula bar is displayed:

With Application
    .DisplayScrollBars = False
    .DisplayStatusBar = False
    .DisplayFormulaBar = True
End With

Working with Find and Replace

Excel's Find and Replace features can be useful for locating data in your procedures. In Excel, Find and Replace are implemented through methods rather than (as in Word) through a Find object.

Both the Range object and the WorksheetFunction object have Find methods and Replace methods (but with different syntax). For most find and replace operations, you'll want to use the Range object—for example, to replace the contents of specific cells on a worksheet.

Searching with the Find Method

The syntax for the Range object's Find method is as follows:

expression.Find(What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat)

Here are the components of this syntax:

  • expression is a required expression that returns a Range object.
  • What is a required Variant argument that specifies the data to find. This data can be a string of text or any Excel data type.
  • After is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify the cell after which to begin searching.

    After must be a cell in the range that's being searched. If you omit After, Excel begins the search at the upper-left cell in the range.

  • LookIn is an optional Variant argument that you can use to specify whether to search in formulas (xlFormulas), values (xlValues), or comments (xlComments).
  • LookAt is an optional Variant argument that you can set to xlWhole to search for the entire contents of a cell, or to xlPart to search for the match within the contents of cells.
  • SearchOrder is an optional Variant argument that you can set to xlByRows to search by rows, or to xlByColumns to search by columns.
  • SearchDirection is an optional Variant argument that you can set to xlNext to search downward, or to xlPrevious to search upward.
  • MatchCase is an optional Variant argument that you can set to True to use case-sensitive searching. The default setting is False.
  • MatchByte is an optional Variant argument used only if you've installed double-byte language support.
  • SearchFormat is an optional Variant argument that controls whether Excel searches for specified formatting (True) or not (False).

The following example code searches for 2020 in formulas in cells after the active cell, without searching for formatting:

Cells.Find(What:="2020", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
    :=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
    True, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

Notice that in this code each argument is named. And one, MatchByte, is omitted. Recall that if you leave out an argument in an argument list, you must either insert a comma as a placeholder or use named arguments. Given that Excel's Find arguments are persistent, it is a good idea to use named arguments here to remind yourself that they need to be restored to the user's previous settings.

Continuing a Search with the FindNext and FindPrevious Methods

After you have executed a search using the Find method, you can use the FindNext method to find the next instance of the search item, or the FindPrevious method to find the previous instance. The syntax is as follows:


Here, expression is a required expression that returns a Range object, and After is an optional Variant argument that specifies the cell after which you want to search (for the FindNext method) or before which you want to search (for the FindPrevious method). After must be a single cell.

For example, the following statement finds the next instance of the search item:


Replacing with the Replace Method

To replace using VBA, use the Replace method with the Range object. The syntax is as follows:

expression.Replace(What, Replacement, LookAt, SearchOrder, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat, ReplaceFormat)

The components of the syntax are the same as for the Search method except for the following:

  • Replacement is a required Variant argument that specifies the replacement string for the search.
  • ReplaceFormat is an optional Variant argument that controls whether Excel replaces formatting in the search (True) or not (False).

For example, the following statement replaces the instances of the word Sales in column B of the active worksheet with the words Sales & Marketing, using case-sensitive matching:

ActiveSheet.Columns("B").Replace What:="Sales", _
    Replacement:="Sales & Marketing", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _

Searching for and Replacing Formatting

To search for formatting, use the FindFormat property of the Application object to define the formatting, and then set the SearchFormat argument of the Find method to True. Similarly, use the ReplaceFormat property of the Application object to define the replacement formatting, and then set the ReplaceFormat property of the Replace method to True.

For example, the following statements use a With structure to set the Application.FindFormat.Font properties for which to search, a With structure to set the Application.ReplaceFormat.Font with which to replace them, and the Replace method of the Cells collection to effect the replacement:

    With Application.FindFormat.Font
        .Name = "Arial"
        .Size = "12"
        .Bold = True
    End With
    With Application.ReplaceFormat.Font
        .Name = "Arial Black"
        .Bold = False
    End With
    Cells.Replace What:="5", Replacement:="5", LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder _
        :=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=True, ReplaceFormat:=True

Adding Shapes

It's easy to add shapes to a worksheet. Shapes can be used to draw attention to important points or liven up statistical data for a presentation. Here's an example that adds two explosion graphics to a worksheet:

Sub AutoShapes()
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeExplosion2, 425, 145, 86, 101).Select
    ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeExplosion1, 265, 224, 190, 190).Select
End Sub

The AddShape method takes the following arguments:

AddShape(Type, Left, Top, Width, Height)

The Type argument specifies one of a set of msoShape constants that can be found in Excel's VBA Editor. There are dozens of shapes, including a moon, a heart, and a tear. Press F2 to display the Object Browser. In the list box at the top left of the Object Browser, you'll likely see All Libraries displayed by default. Instead, open this list and select Office. (This list box specifies the library of objects that will be searched.) Now in the search field directly below that, type msoshape and click the binoculars icon next to the field.

The Bottom Line

  • Work with charts. You can create either full chart sheets or embedded charts within an ordinary Excel worksheet.
    • Master It What object is used in a procedure to represent an embedded chart?
  • Work with windows. To open a new window on a workbook, you use the NewWindow method of the appropriate Window object.
    • Master It Does the NewWindow method take any arguments?
  • Work with Find and Replace. When working with the Find and Replace features in Excel, you need to be aware of a phenomenon known as persistence.
    • Master It What is persistence, and why should it concern you?
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